Ritual to attract money with cards. Rituals to attract money: an effective way to conduct. Rituals to attract money: a spell on tarot cards

Ritual with cards

The ceremony is held on the last Friday of the calendar month. To do this, you need to purchase a deck of cards. In this case, it is necessary to fulfill the condition: do not bargain for the price and do not take change. Then from this deck you need to take the red and black jokers (Fig. 116).

The rite then leads to the desired result when performed with faith in its power. If you are not confident in yourself, in your desire to get rich, you cannot clearly imagine what will happen after the ceremony, then you are not yet ready for changes in your life.

Put the first card in one of the empty wallet pockets. Burn the second card somewhere far away from your home. Hide the rest of the cards in a secluded place and do not use them for anything.

The red joker will be a talisman for you that will attract money. If this card from your wallet is accidentally lost, then burn the remaining deck of cards at a young month.

Figure 116. Joker

This text is an introductory piece.

Appendix 3 Possible correspondences between Tarot cards and English letters

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Conspiracies are ancient magic, which was used by our distant ancestors. Conspiracy rituals were used to help themselves in life, people often asked for help from the forces of nature. Rituals to attract money help many people, because this is magic that has been tested for centuries.

Rituals to attract money: on cards

On the first Friday after the new moon, you need to go and buy a deck of ordinary playing cards. It is impossible to take change and bargain.

Take the red joker from the deck and put it in your wallet. Always carry it with you - it will attract money and wealth. But the second black joker, which symbolizes poverty, needs to be burned. And you need to do this as far away from home as possible.

The rest of the cards cannot be used for the game. They cannot be used at all. They need to be wrapped in a white scarf and hidden in a secluded place.

If the joker from the wallet is lost somewhere, then the entire deck will also need to be burned on the next full moon.

The red joker is a very powerful magnet for wealth and money.

Rituals to attract money: a spell on tarot cards

This is a powerful spell that powerfully attracts money.

For him you will need a green candle, tarot cards and cinnamon essential oil.

On the new moon, smear the candle with oil - it attracts monetary energy. Light the candle. Put it on the table. Behind the candles, place the Ace of Pentacles face up from the Tarot deck.

Look at the Ace in the light of a candle and imagine money, feel like a rich person. Feel how money energy flows into your hands. Then rub your hands over the flame of the candle, imagining how you kindle the energy of money.

Leave the candle to burn out, and Ace to lie like this for another 6 days in a row. Then put the Ace in the deck, and hide the deck in a secluded place and don’t get it anymore. No one should see this deck, let alone touch it.

In magical rituals, all rituals for money and good luck are performed with the growing moon. Be sure to consider this fact, as failure to comply can drive luck and finances away from you.

In order for the banknotes to go to you, keep coins and banknotes at home, those that are in use at this time. Rites are performed surrounded by jewelry and ornaments that you possess. This will help you focus on what you want and increase magical energy.

Rituals that attract money at home

In general, constancy is one of the most important properties of magic. So that the spell does not dispel, they must be constantly reinforced, that is, conspiracies should be carried out periodically.

Rituals for Christmas to attract money

Magic rituals to attract big money

There is a rite called "Money of Morpheus", where Morpheus is the lord of the kingdom of dreams. Many opinions and hypotheses have been created about the origin of dreams, but the most probable is the following definition: "Sleep is a sublimation of subconscious information that can change a person's behavior and his qualities in reality." Magicians call dreams a journey to another reality, but the subconscious is for many a different world.

If you saw in a dream that you have wealth, and this can happen if you think about them a lot, then try to pull them into our reality. This does not mean that when you wake up you will find a stack of dollars under your pillow. Visualize how you withdraw them from the account or just find them on the street. Then, within a few days, you will be given back an old forgotten debt, offered a promotion or rewarded with a bonus.

Be careful what you wish for, because the legacy left is also income, but at what cost.

Rituals for lunar fundraising

The moon patronizes women, so the representative of the weaker sex will be better able to perform this ceremony. Analyze the time of the full moon before the new growing month according to the lunar calendar. The period of lunar standing is three days. It is at this time that you need to throw your wallet into the yard (if you are a villager) or simply hang it out of the window so that rays from the Earth's satellite fall on it. The wallet must be completely empty - no change, no credit cards, no business cards.

When three days have passed and the new moon begins to rise, repeat the procedure, but now the wallet should be with money. And the more you beg, the larger banknotes you need to put. This rite symbolizes the end of the period of poverty and the growth of finances, just as the moon grows.

The appearance of money in your life can happen different ways, some use it for this, while others rely on their own strength. Money magic to attract money, its rituals and rituals, will be more effective on a full moon or a waxing moon. In no case should you use it in order to get rich quicker. It's about about the manifestation of prosperity in your life and the financial well-being of yourself and those close to you. If you need a specific amount of money to make your life financially stable, you can perform money spells and thus improve your financial condition.

In order for the magical mysteries to attract Money work, you should know and follow some rules:

Each rite used to improve the financial situation must be performed in a growing;

The room in which you will perform the ritual must be perfectly clean. Throw out everything unnecessary, sort out all the trash and throw out what you do not need;

· Before performing a magical sacrament, you must adhere to a fasting diet for three days. Thus, you can clear your thoughts of extraneous factors and fully concentrate on the conduct.

On the first Friday of the month, go to any store and purchase a deck of 54 cards.

Prepare a red and green candle. Look for the joker in the deck (if there are several of them in the deck, choose the one that is red) and put it right on the center of the table. Put a red candle on the top edge of the card, and a green one on the bottom edge, then light them.

After the candles have burned down to the center, extinguish them. Take the rest of the deck of cards and hide it in secret place, after taking out a black joker from there. The remaining deck should never be played or guessed at.

Put the red joker in your wallet and carry it with you at all times. Burn the black joker on the street, and scatter the ashes in the wind. This card is not able to attract like a magnet.

If the red joker is lost, burn the entire deck and repeat the ritual again. If this is not done, you can completely lose your luck financially.

Money magic to attract money is strong, but you need to perform rituals and rituals only if you really need it. The Joker will constantly contribute to the flow of funds, the main thing is not to lose it.

The strongest spell for money

Are you in dire need of money? If this is the case, then only this one can help you - this is the most powerful money magic of all. You do not need expensive paraphernalia to complete, but the following will be enough:

Oil of ginger or cinnamon.

Wait until the moon enters the new moon phase. Lubricate the green candle with previously prepared oil, and remove the Ace of Pentacles from the deck of cards and place it behind the candle with the picture up. The choice of the card is not accidental, it symbolizes the success and wealth that comes to you along a magical path.

Light a candle and sit opposite it. Start imagining money until you literally start to feel its presence in your hands. After that, blow out the candle and rub your palms over the smoke. At this time, imagine that you are rubbing a gold coin.

Then, remove the card and light the candle again. Wait until it burns out almost to the very base, then start casting the spell:

« Money and luck will come to me! The Universe will give me opportunities and sources of wealth. I send a spell so that higher powers fulfill my order!».

After that, remove all the accessories that were used for the performance and go to bed. The most powerful magic for money will begin to bring results the very next day after execution. After you receive wealth, dispose of it correctly, because in case of abuse of the received power, the Higher powers can punish for it. In this case, it is better to know initially or not at all.

money box

It is a set of different love spells (for example,), rituals and conspiracies that can completely change the fate of a person, both in a positive and negative direction.

In order to use one of them, you will need any box the size of a banknote. It should become for you a place where you will store all your finances. It should cause you to associate with the accumulation and increase of money. That is, it should become something special for you.

Install the box in a place that is accessible only to you. Then, constantly put your money into it with thoughts of their reproduction. Try to have the bills have different denominations, so that some play the role of "adults" and others "children" who will grow up over time and also produce offspring.

The ritual looks rather strange, but the most interesting thing is that it works. Constantly put new bills there and think about multiplying them. If you need to take a certain amount from your box, visualize that they will quickly return back. Money magic and rituals

There are many such rituals. Below are some tips for doing them right.
  • If you do not want to work to fulfill your dream of becoming richer, then it is better not to start: there will be no sense anyway. Rites should be performed only by diligent people seeking to increase their income. After money magic, luck will not keep you waiting.
  • One of the main conditions is to firmly believe in the power of magic. If you doubt the rite, it may not bring results.
  • Rites to attract money should be performed without the presence of strangers. It is better not to even talk about your intention to commit it. Until the dream comes true, she is very fragile, and an envious look can destroy her.
  • Follow the conditions of the ceremony exactly, otherwise it will not work.
  • It is best to carry out rituals to attract money on the growing moon.
  • Perform a ritual for profit after cleaning the room. Get rid of old things that contribute to the stagnation of energy.
  • Before conducting the rites, it is worth observing a fast, clearing thoughts of negativity.
  • Rites are not performed during illness.
So, these are all the rules that are recommended to be followed when performing magical rites for profit.

Let's hit the magic on the wallet

An important element of rituals for money is a wallet. The wallet that you need to purchase should not be cheap, otherwise you will become the owner of the energy of poverty. The color of the wallet is also important. It is better to choose a wallet in black, brown, yellow. It is recommended to put cinnamon, heather or horseradish in the wallet to attract profit.

Ritual with cards

On a waxing moon Friday, buy a deck of 54 cards. Important! Do not take change when buying and do not bargain. You need to choose a red joker from the cards and put it in your wallet, and burn the black joker away from home. All other cards should be kept at home in a secluded place. They will never be used. The joker in your wallet will attract money to you.

Ritual with a coin

You need to take any paper bill or coin and visualize how they attract money to you. Such money should always be carried with you.

Container for money

Keep money in a certain container that you will associate with wealth. Putting money in it, imagine how they multiply. This rite works very effectively.

dream money

It is believed that dreams are another reality, and we can take any objects from it. If you have a dream in which you make a big profit, then as soon as you wake up, transfer money from dream to reality. You need to take an image of money and transfer it. After such a ceremony, an unexpected cash receipt awaits you. It can come in the form of an award or a gift.

Ritual with a purse and the moon

Before it is carried out, it will be necessary to follow lunar calendar. Three nights, when there is a full moon outside the window, you need to put an open empty wallet on the window. Then the same rite, only with a full wallet, must be carried out at three nights at the new moon.

Horseshoe over the door

Since ancient times, the horseshoe has been considered a symbol of wealth and good luck. Hang a horseshoe upside down inside the house.