The best roguelikes on pc. The best Roguelike games on PC. Game in Russian

Such as Dungeons of Dredmor, Spelunky, The Binding of Isaac and FTL, in recent times have become very popular, and various combinations of elements of this genre now add depth and replayability to many games.

Warfarer 3D roguelike

By following this tutorial, you will create a traditional roguelike using the Phaser JS+HTML5 game engine. By the way, we recently published such engines. The result is a fully functional roguelike game that runs in the browser. (By roguelike, we mean a single-life randomized turn-based dungeon-crawler with one life.)

Click to play.

Note: While this tutorial uses JavaScript, HTML, and Phaser, you can use these principles to implement in any other language and engine.


You will need a text editor and a browser. I am using Notepad++ and Google Chrome, but this is not essential.


Now let's deal with the characters: our player and his enemies. Each character will be an object with three fields: x and y coordinates and hp hitpoints.

We will store all the characters in the actorList array (its first element is the player). We will also store an associative array of character positions as keys for quick lookups; this will help us when we deal with movement and combat.

// a list of all actors; 0 is the player var player; var actorList; var living Enemies; // points to each actor in its position, for quick searching var actorMap;

We create all the characters and randomly place them on the free cells of the map:

Function randomInt(max) ( return Math.floor(Math.random() * max); ) function initActors() ( // create actors at random locations actorList = ; actorMap = (); for (var e=0; e

It's time to show the characters! We will represent all enemies with the letter e , and the player with the number of his hit points:

Function drawActors() ( for (var a in actorList) ( if (actorList[a].hp > 0) asciidisplay.y].x].content = a == 0?""+player.hp:"e"; ) )

Let's take the functions we just wrote and pass them to create() :

Function create() ( ... // initialize actors initActors(); ... drawActors(); )

Now we can see the opponents placed on the field and the player!

Click to view the result.

Blocking and non-blocking cells

We need to make sure the characters don't go out of the level or walk through walls, so we'll add a simple check:

Function canGo(actor,dir) ( return actor.x+dir.x >= 0 && actor.x+dir.x<= COLS - 1 && actor.y+dir.y >= 0 && actor.y+dir.y<= ROWS - 1 && map == "."; }

Moving and fighting

Finally, we have reached the movement! Since in classic roguelikes characters attack each other when they collide, we'll handle this in the moveTo() function, which takes a character and a direction (the direction is given by the difference between the x and y coordinates of the current cell and the desired cell):

Function moveTo(actor, dir) ( // check if actor can move in the given direction if (!canGo(actor,dir)) return false; // moves actor to the new location var newKey = (actor.y + dir. y) +"_" + (actor.x + dir.x); // if the destination tile has an actor in it if (actorMap != null) ( //decrement hitpoints of the actor at the destination tile var victim = actorMap; victim.hp--; // if it"s dead remove its reference if (victim.hp == 0) ( actorMap= null; actorList=null; if(victim!=player) ( livingEnemies--; if ( livingEnemies == 0) ( // victory message var victory = game.add.text(,, "Victory!\nCtrl+r to restart", ( fill: "#2e2", align: "center" )); victory.anchor.setTo(0.5,0.5); ) ) ) ) else ( // remove reference to the actor"s old position actorMap= null; // update position actor.y+=dir. y; actor.x+=dir.x; // add reference to the actor"s new position actorMap=actor; ) return true; )

  1. We make sure that the character can move to this cell.
  2. If there is another character in it, we attack him (and kill him if his hitpoint counter reaches zero).
  3. If the cell is empty, we move to it.

Note also that we print a simple victory message after the last enemy dies and return false or true depending on whether the desired move is valid.

Now let's go back to the onKeyUp() function and modify it so that each time the key is pressed, we erase the previous character positions (drawing the map over them), move the player, and draw the characters again:

Function onKeyUp(event) ( // draw map to overwrite previous actors positions drawMap(); // act on player input var acted = false; switch (event.keyCode) ( case Phaser.Keyboard.LEFT: acted = moveTo(player, (x:-1, y:0)); break; case Phaser.Keyboard.RIGHT: acted = moveTo(player,(x:1, y:0)); break; case Phaser.Keyboard.UP: acted = moveTo (player, (x:0, y:-1)); break; case Phaser.Keyboard.DOWN: acted = moveTo(player, (x:0, y:1)); break; ) // draw actors in new positions drawActors(); )

We'll be introducing acted shortly to see if enemies should act after the player moves.

Click to view the result.

Simple AI

After we're done with the player implementation, let's move on to the enemies. Let's write a simple algorithm for finding a path along which the enemy will move towards the player if the distance between them does not exceed six steps, and otherwise it will move randomly. About various search algorithms we have already briefly in our recent article.

Note that it doesn't matter to the opponent who to attack: thus, with the right placement, the opponents will destroy each other, trying to catch up with the player. Just like in classic Doom!

Function aiAct(actor) ( var directions = [ ( x: -1, y:0 ), ( x:1, y:0 ), ( x:0, y: -1 ), ( x:0, y:1 ) ]; var dx = player.x - actor.x; var dy = player.y - actor.y; // if player is far away, walk randomly if (Math.abs(dx) + Math.abs(dy) > 6) // try to walk in random directions until you succeed once while (!moveTo(actor, directions)) ( ); // otherwise walk towards player if (Math.abs(dx) > Math.abs(dy)) ( if (dx< 0) { // left moveTo(actor, directions); } else { // right moveTo(actor, directions); } } else { if (dy < 0) { // up moveTo(actor, directions); } else { // down moveTo(actor, directions); } } if (player.hp < 1) { // game over message var gameOver = game.add.text(,, "Game Over\nCtrl+r to restart", { fill: "#e22", align: "center" }); gameOver.anchor.setTo(0.5,0.5); } }

Now we need to make sure that the enemies move with each player's turn. Let's add the onKeyUp() function:

Function onKeyUp(event) ( ... // enemies act every time the player does if (acted) for (var enemy in actorList) ( // skip the player if(enemy==0) continue; var e = actorList; if (e != null) aiAct(e); ) // draw actors in new positions drawActors(); )

Click to view the result.

Bonus: Haxe version

I originally wrote this tutorial in Haxe, a cross-platform language that compiles to JavaScript (and more). We can find this version in the haxe folder in the sources.

First you need to install the haxe compiler, then compile the code written in any text editor by calling haxe build.hxml and double-clicking on the build.hxml file. I've also added a FlashDevelop project if you'd rather use a handy IDE: just open rl.hxproj and press F5 to run.


That's all! We have finished building a simple roguelike game with random map generation, movement, combat, AI and win/lose conditions.

Here are some features you could add:

  • several levels;
  • bonuses;
  • inventory;
  • first aid kits;
  • equipment.


Hint for programmers: if you register for the Huawei Honor Cup competition, you will get access to the online school for participants for free. You can level up in different skills and win prizes in the competition itself. .

Roguelike (roguelike or simply bagel) - subgenre RPG with randomly generated levels and irreversible death for the character. There are often no save points in this kind of role-playing games, so be patient, because the levels will have to be completed again and again (but they will all be different, as they are randomly generated)! Another characteristic feature of the genre is turn-based battles. Early bagels had minimalistic graphics: game characters, levels and various items were made in the form of ASCII characters. Modern Roguelike RPG most of the time they meet only some of the requirements, so the variety of games is impressive.

Updated to latest apk versions (Updated 31/01/2016)

Quadropus Rampage 2.0.42

Instead of dungeons with all sorts of monsters and demons, you get to the bottom of the sea, and to the usual roguelike features mixed with a solid share of action. Randomly generated levels, enemies and weapons are perfectly combined with modern graphics. Separately, it is worth noting the presence of bosses. There are five in total in the game. AT Quadropus Rampage the achievement system is very well implemented (there are already 23 of them), and the pace of the game is many times faster than most bagels. All in all, this is a great example of a good freebie. Roguelike RPG for Android.

WazHack 1.3.2

wazhack- a game that is rooted in nethack. Turn-based gameplay and permanent death, over 300 different items and at least a hundred monsters, randomly generated dungeons and a choice of several characters - these are the classic features of the game that make wazhack worthy representative Roguelike RPG in the ecosystem Android. The essence of this bagel is not the ultimate goal, but the journey to it. As soon as you can overcome a certain distance in the dungeon, the application will ask you for 3 bucks to purchase the full version. As for various objects, completely unpredictable things can happen when interacting with them. You can drink the liquid from the bottle and be healed, poisoned, or nothing happens. The nature of the character directly affects the things that will arise on his way.

Legends of Yore

Legends of Yore- this is the cutest 8-bit roguelike RPG made according to all the canons. You choose one of the characters (warrior, archer or magician) and embark on an endless journey through the dungeons, kill monsters and earn experience. The first 20 levels are free, for further passage you need to upgrade to the full version. The developer is asking $2 for it. As for reference bagel- this is quite a normal price, well, or you can download apk.

Pixel Dungeon

Classic pixel bagel with turn-based battles! You can explore the dungeons as a warrior, rogue or mage. Each character has its own unique features. In the dungeons, you will face 16 types of monsters and 4 bosses. The main task is to find the artifact. Treasures, useful items and traps are scattered in underground prisons, sewers and caves, and there may be secret doors between different rooms. Sometimes they are simply closed and you have to find a suitable key. Pixel Dungeon- free roguelike a game that does not contain ads and will appeal to all fans of the genre.

Cyber ​​Knights RPG Elite

Cyber ​​Knights RPG Elite- this is bagel, made in the style cyberpunk. The events of the game unfold in the distant year 2217. You are the leader of a small group of mercenaries Cyberknights and must seize power in each of the cities. The game has 5 types of characters and 8 skills. Events in Cyber ​​Knights RPG Elite unfold very rapidly, so be prepared to plunge into the heart of the action from the first minutes.

Mobile Dungeons Roguelike RPG

Another great style game Roguelike RPG. Gameplay Mobile Dungeons full of various role-playing chips, and unlike the classic 3 classes of characters in this roguelike, there are already 7 of them: Viking, Black Mage, Warrior, Pirate, Paladin, Barbarian and Slave. All events Mobile Dungeons take place in 3 different types of locations: in ruins, forest and towers. True, there are not enough monsters in the game - only 9 types, but they can regenerate. And so everything is standard: we gain experience, download a character, raise the level of attack and develop other abilities, do not forget to monitor the level of health and mana. To normalize the last two indicators in Mobile Dungeons there are special potions. There are 3 spells available to characters: healing, lightning and poison.

Delver- this is an action game made according to the canons Roguelike RPG. The lack of saves and randomly generated levels are perfectly combined with 8-bit graphics and a first-person view. Gloomy dungeons, abandoned dungeons, bloodthirsty monsters - everything that will be on your way. primary goal Delver- Artifact search Yithidian, which is hidden in the far depths of the dungeon.

Choose one of 12 characters and go on an exciting journey through unknown dungeons. A lot of monsters and items are waiting for you. The way back to the surface is through a boss fight that guards the exit. Roguelike RPG in the best traditions!

Dungeon Crawl:SS (ASCII)

Dungeon Crawl:SS is an unofficial port of the legendary roguelike RPG Dungeon Crawl: stone soup for Android. The game consists entirely of ASCII characters and is a reference for the initial stages of the development of this genre. The purpose of underground wanderings is a certain artifact Orb of Zot on which the fate of the world depends.

Another reference port bagel. In you must find the amulet Yendora(it is located already on the 26th floor of the dungeon), and go back. Pixel frenzy is guaranteed!

Heroes of Loot

Animated skulls, imps, cyclops, minotaurs, traps and hiding places, as well as treasures and various useful items - all this and much more awaits you in Heroes of Loot. By choosing one of four characters (Elf, Warrior, Wizard, Valkyrie), you embark on an exciting journey through randomly generated levels - all in the best traditions of the genre.

- a mini bagel for those in a hurry. serious roguelike RPG require a lot of time and take a lot of attention. is built on a slightly different principle. Instead of endless cards, you travel across a 5 by 6 field. Behind each closed cell there may be a bonus, a hostile monster, a mini-game, or some other interesting tweaks. Each level has one goal - to find the key to the door to the next room. For him, you will have to fight bloodthirsty monsters. There are 17 of them in the game. As for the available heroes, there are 5 of them.


Excellent walker in the spirit of old games. The toy provides a sufficiently large number of characters that can satisfy any player. The ultimate goal of the game is to become the greatest warrior. Like any other RPG, this game achieves this by collecting gold (which is not very gentle in this game), various potions, weapons and armor. There is no inventory as such, the items found simply add points to certain skills. Opponents are represented by a huge number of enemies - eyes, skeletons, giant spiders, and others. The gameplay is quite simple. The character appears on a map consisting of squares containing treasures and enemies. There is also a chest on the map, which contains a key that opens the room with the boss of the level. The player can leave the battle at any time, refresh himself with potions and return to finish off the enemy.


A turn-based tactical adventure that is designed to keep you on your toes all the time! A mixture of tactical strategy and turn-based RPG! Explore the world as the last surviving Sheriff with your cannon, sword and magic! No identical maps, only randomly generated locations - this alone will provide endless hours of gameplay. If the character dies, then he dies forever. Limited resources, variety and strength of opponents make you think for a long time before making a decision. The character can be upgraded - he has 15 skills that you need to discover and develop in order to survive in this world, and the strongest of them will drive the Sheriff crazy! If you want to survive in this crazy world, look for allies with unique talents and abilities in battle! Epic and exhausting boss battles and equally exciting mini-boss fights! Don't miss this game!

How long will you last? Get inside the ancient caves and dungeons, explore them, find valuable artifacts, weapons, armor, potions, upgrade your character. Management in the game is easy! The game is just perfect for taking a short break, because the passage of one level will take only 5-10 minutes of time. The gameplay is simply endless - for the entire time of passing you will not meet a single similar level, because they are randomly generated for each character. The game mechanics are very simple - look at the RPG from a different angle! Show the bosses where the crayfish hibernate - shine them right between the eyes, and then clean out their treasuries! Show how great your willpower and stamina is - avoid traps, hide from enemies, use your upgraded skills and spells just to stay alive!

Red Wizard

This adventure game has a great future, as it combines all the classic elements of turn-based RPGs! Huge and mysterious dungeons, tons of monsters to kill, and riches, riches! The game is currently in open alpha testing, so feel free to download, play and report any lags and bugs to the developers!

Dragon's Dungeon

Are you ready to gather all your willpower into a fist, show your valor and desperately fight for life and untold wealth? If yes, then this game is for you! Destroy hordes of bloodthirsty monsters, explore the most hidden corners of underground labyrinths, delve into the essence of an unusual system of pumping and distributing skill points, find priceless artifacts, weapons and armor that will help you with your main task - to destroy the dragon and take his treasure for yourself! Find blueprints and recipes to create your own unique equipment, randomly enchanted items and generated levels will impress any RPG or roguelike fan! In the game you will find more than five hundred types of weapons and armor; three enemy lairs of 25 levels in each dungeon; 6 unique characters with their own special moves and skills; unique crafting system.

Touch Dungeon

Enter the dungeon with a simple finger press! How far can you go down? What untold treasures can you pull out of this deadly labyrinth? Compete with your friends and see who gets the furthest into the dungeon!

Several game modes and control styles available from the very beginning of the game, plus a lot of characters in danger that need to be rescued!

Tales of an Adventure Company

Join a team of adventurers on their journey to fame and fortune! Fight vile liches, vicious slugs, and challenge the gods! In this game you will find a unique blend of puzzle and RPG; battles with the most dangerous monsters and tasks to help the heroes over 5 long chapters; more than 25 types of monsters with their own unique attacks and skills; more than 10 characters, which allows you to create your own unique group of heroes, which is most suitable for the style of the game; leaderboard for each episode and chapter; a crazy amount of achievements and heroes that you can open during the walkthrough. The game is well optimized for passing it with just one hand - you no longer have to turn your smartphone or tablet in different directions. The game is not a trial version, there is no time limit - just download and play, like in the good old days.

Best Roguelike RPG for Android (apk):
rating 80 out of 80 based on 80 ratings.
There are 80 reviews in total.

Wargroove is a chic turn-based strategy RPG in which, as the young queen of Mercia, you have to go on a long journey to find friends and reclaim the kingdom that was taken from you!

The game has been updated from version 1.2.6 to 1.3.0.

COLLAPSE- a spectacular action-platformer with roguelike elements and randomly generated levels, where you will find yourself in a post-apocalyptic world filled with insidious enemies, rich loot and powerful bosses!

Jupiter Hell is a sci-fi turn-based RPG roguelike that puts you in the role of a marine named Shepard, who has to go to explore a monster-filled station in orbit around Jupiter!

The game has been updated from Demo to Beta! You can see the list of changes.

Oxygen Not Included- a great space colony survival simulator from the company Klei Entertainment, the creators of the hit !

Manage your colonists and help them dig, build and maintain an underground asteroid base. In order for your colonists not to die, you will need not only water, heat, food and oxygen, but also much more.

wild woods- cooperative action game with roguelike elements. One to four players take on the roles of brave little cats protecting their wooden wagons as they make their way through the dangerous forest. Smart collaboration is a key ingredient to success as their path is full of obstacles. While the daylight hours are resource gathering, the night is a dangerous time. As the sun goes down, bandit bunnies and badgers are about to attack! Cat friends must protect their wagon and not allow enemies to put out their fire.

The game has been updated to v0.012a.

stay safe is a challenging roguelike in which you have to make your way through 35 difficult levels of a dungeon, a dungeon designed for hardened criminals and get to the top where you have to fight a champion to reach a safe place. And you will either come out alive and a proud winner, or you will be dead and drooling, due to the lack of checkpoints, saves after death, or an easier mode.

The game has been updated to v0.57.1.1. Changelog not found.

To the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War. Adrian- a visual novel about the First World War and the people who took part in it. Meet the characters sitting in the dirty and cold trenches, and find out their personal stories that are hidden behind the blue army uniform. This is a game about war, but it's not about combat. You won't find waves of attacking enemies, only waves of heartbreaking text.

The game has been updated to v1.4. List of changes inside the news.

Wayward Souls- PC version of an exciting action-RPG roguelike with randomly generated levels, where you choose one of seven unique characters and have to fight your way through countless hordes of various monsters!

The game has been updated from version 0.1.164 to 0.1.176. You can see the list of changes.

Legend of Keepers- a game in the genres of Dungeon Defender and Roguelite from the developers Dungeon Rushers, in which you will manage your own dungeon filled with various monsters, which more and more new heroes want to "loot".

The game has been updated to v0.5.1. Changelog not found.

archtower- old school action/rpg with bagel elements. There is a big Tower in the game world. She has always been there. A primitive community of people, organized into family clans, is trying to penetrate it. You play as one of these families. Who knows what the next offspring of your clan will find there, glory, some treasure, or just a painful death?

Game in Russian.

The game has been updated to v0.2.1. List of changes inside the news.

bad North- tactical action-strategy with roguelike elements where you have to protect your peaceful island kingdom from the invasions of bloodthirsty Vikings!

GOG version of the game up to version 1.06.

The game has been updated to version v26.07.2019. You can see the list of changes.

Moonlighter- a wonderful adventure action-RPG with roguelike elements, in which you will see the familiar genre from a new side!

According to the plot of the game, you will find yourself in the role of a brave merchant named Will, who secretly dreams of becoming a hero.

The GOG version of the game has been updated to v1.8.10.1.

The game has been updated from version to + All DLCs (Between Dimensions DLC). You can see the list of changes.

Hero Soul- pixel 2D ARPG with roguelike elements and collecting your own deck of cards. Long ago, the continent of Terra was destroyed by a great catastrophe, which resulted in the emergence of 4 powerful island kingdoms of different races: The Kavic Dominion, The Gestalt Republic, The Valakan Federation, and, finally, The Kingdom of Alteria. You are a citizen of Alteria, a prosperous kingdom rich in Fiery Essence. Although Alteria is currently at peace, there are growing diplomatic tensions between Alteria and The Kavic Dominion. On the other hand, dark clouds are gathering as an ancient evil returns to Alteria. More than ever, the kingdom needs a hero, but who will it be? Follow Cecilia's story and watch as she learns and gains all the necessary skills to become that very hero!

The game has been updated to v1.2. List of changes inside the news.

Demon is a roguelike in which you play as the Summoner, a person who uses the power of a mysterious relic to recruit, summon and wield the powers of demons. After you used the relic, it forced you to enter a mysterious tower from which there seems to be no way out. You will start the game with meager strength and a weak demon ally, but as you climb the tower you will summon stronger demons and become stronger through battles.

The game version has been updated to the version of 7.21.2019. List of changes inside the news.

Gourmet Legacy- Roguelite / Hack-n-Slash RPG with mini-games where you get ingredients from monsters, cook dishes from them and manage your own restaurant in 3D.

Adventure role-playing game with elements of a roguelike and a space simulator, where the player has an entire universe at his disposal, randomly generated. RymdResa pleases with pleasant pixel graphics (very clear and detailed, it should be noted), the widest possibilities for customizing your own ship, atmospheric space music that perfectly emphasizes the fragility and loneliness of a person in boundless space, and “survival” elements skillfully squeezed into the gameplay.

Admirers of the work of the great Stanislav Lem will surely like RymdResa the most, because it perfectly recreates the feelings and experiences of a space pilot, cut off from his native Earth for unthinkably long light years, so well described by the writer in the works “Solaris”, “Return from the Stars” and the cycle “Stories about pilot Pirx.

18. Crawl

Another role-playing game with pixel graphics, made in the entourage of dark fantasy. The main feature of Crawl is the presence of an asymmetric cooperative for four people, where one player takes control of a brave hero exploring the dungeons, and the other three take control of disembodied spirits that can be embodied by various monsters and even traps and seek to destroy the explorer by any available means.

After death, the players switch roles. In general, the concept of Crawl is quite simple, but at the same time, the gameplay is addictive from the very first minutes and for a long time.

17 Sunless Sea

A dark role-playing game from independent developers Failbetter Games, which successfully combines elements of several different genres, including roguelike, and therefore made it to our list.

The game takes place in the setting of the popular browser RPG Fallen London, which incorporates the characteristics of dark fantasy and novels about sea adventures, and also has some obvious borrowings from the work of Howard Phillips Lovecraft. The player will have the opportunity to travel on his own ship through a huge open world, most of which is covered by the dark waters of the Underground, complete various tasks (there are text quests in the game), fight, improve your ship, recruit and train crew members, participate in various random events and do many other, often dirty and dark things.

16. Dungeon of the Endless

An unusual game at the intersection of such genres as RPG, Tower Defense and Strategy, in the gameplay of which roguelike elements also noticeably show through.

15. Roguelands

14. Darkest Dungeon

But the main feature of DD is the need to constantly fight against such negative phenomena as hunger, illness, phobias, stress and much more that affect the characters. Even the brightness of the lantern plays a huge role here, influencing the psychological state of the squad and determining the behavior of its members when meeting with enemies.

One of the most complex party-based RPGs on the PC, with several DLCs available for download, expanding the already very rich and rich gameplay.

13. The Fall of the Dungeon Guardians

A first-person role-playing game where players can create their own adventurer squad and explore a vast dungeon of twisted corridors, eerie crypts, and even abandoned underground palaces. In addition to unforgettable tactical battles with enemies in The Fall of the Dungeon Guardians, players will find well-camouflaged traps, carefully hidden caches and unusual puzzles.

According to the developers, The Fall of the Dungeon Guardians was inspired by such classic projects as Dungeon Master and Might & Magic.

12. The Binding of Isaac

11. Don't Starve

10 Pixel Dungeon

Pixel Dungeon is one of the simpler yet incredibly popular roguelike games on PC. It offers a completely standard set - exploring random locations, collecting useful items from defeated enemies and chests, fighting various monsters and overcoming traps. At the same time, the game has an intuitive interface and simple mechanics, which, apparently, was one of the main factors for its high popularity compared to other incredibly complex and intricate roguelikes.

9 Risk Of Rain

Risk of Rain is the golden mean between a platformer and a roguelike, each launch of which will be completely different from the previous one, because almost everything here is randomly generated. Of the amenities, I would like to note good pixel graphics, a lot of enemies, bosses, game items, an ever-increasing level of difficulty, several gradually unlocked game characters, an extensive system of achievements and permanent death.


A parody game, the plot of which is a funny banter over many features and phenomena in the life of fans of hardcore role-playing games. Which at the same time is not without well-constructed and interesting gameplay, in which there was a place for a lot of intricate rules and tactical nuances that are important, but far from always obvious.

The main feature of UnEpic, in addition to an unusual concept and old-school 2D graphics, is an impressive amount of game content and an element of randomness present in literally everything. What makes every passage of UnEpic unpredictable and unique.

7Dungeons of Dredmor

A roguelike game that comes very close to the traditional principles of the genre in terms of game mechanics. At the same time, it contains, although not of the best quality, but still a full-fledged graphic picture, as well as a completely understandable interface, inventory, a menu with character characteristics and skills, as well as other elements typical for RPG, which makes Dungeons of Dredmor accessible not only to experienced roguelike fans, but also to all other players, perhaps just starting to get acquainted with the genre.

6. Rogue Legacy

A two-dimensional platformer with roguelike elements, the gameplay of which is based on two features: random map generation and the obligatory death of the main character, after which the passage will begin with a new character, a descendant of the deceased hero, who inherited from him certain external features and wealth collected during campaigns.

5. Slay the Spire

A wonderful game from independent developers Mega Crit Games, which combines elements of roguelike, card game and tactical RPG in equal proportions. For this reason, the gameplay of Slay the Spire turned out to be unique in many ways, tactically diverse, interesting and non-repetitive.

4. Caves of Qud

A hardcore project that tries to revive the genre in its original form, therefore, it can be recommended only to the most seasoned and incorrigible roguelike lovers.

Set in a post-apocalyptic setting, Caves of Qud offers a vast in-game experience built around interacting with a deeply developed interactive world and its inhabitants, as well as a very rich character creation editor.

Our top graphic roguelike concludes with an incredibly large selection of races and classes, procedurally generated worlds and tactical combat. Despite seemingly (and completely untrue) simplicity compared to other similar games, Tales of Maj'Eyal initially focused on such classic projects as ADOM. Therefore, along with the ubiquitous element of randomness, it also contains a lot of mandatory for review (otherwise it will simply be impossible to play) stats, modifiers, resists, effects and other nuances that are interesting for many hours of study only by hardened role players. Without knowledge, all these battles will turn into a continuous series of deaths.

Reading this selection, you probably noticed that, in addition to a few exceptions, it mainly presents fairly casual projects, or even crossover games, where the roguelike element is just one of several components. This choice is by no means accidental.

It was determined by the following goal: to lower the entry threshold and introduce the maximum number of players to the genre. After all, you see, among other games, roguelikes are incredibly complex, intricate and intolerant of even the slightest mistakes. And visually, such games are very far from the limits of the dreams of a modern gamer.

But if you feel the strength and determination in yourself to try out truly orthodox roguelikes that correspond to the principles of the Berlin Interpretation, then here is a mini-selection of the “best” for you: ADOM (Ancient Domains of Mystery), NetHack, Moria, Angband, Dwarf Fortress.