Collection of games for case reflection. Reflective games and Bayesian games Organizational structure of a reflective game

"Post-it therapy"

Target. Create conditions for participants in which they can receive positive feedback from each other.

Materials needed: a large number of Post-it*s - small colored note paper with a sticky layer.

Process. Agree with the guys that they will distribute 10 Post-it*s a day to their friends. The message on the note is a personal recognition, admiration for a friend’s work, his active participation in the life of the class, squad, group, diligence, etc.

  • I missed you when you were sick;
  • Congratulations on scoring a goal at the weekend;
  • I like your sense of humor;
  • You worked very hard. I just want you to know that I noticed this.

These Post-it*s can be attached to a notebook, desk, computer, textbook, etc. These notes are different from notes in a notebook and can be collected.

Methodology for conducting "ORZ"

“ORZ” is a frank conversation between experts, which allows children to get answers to their most intimate questions and freely express their opinions. A group of at least 10 children participates. Everyone sits in a circle. It starts with the “Getting Acquainted” exercise, the next exercise is “Circle Impressions”, where the guys share their impressions of the past week. And then the children are invited to write down on cards their question (without signing), which worries them, and hand it over to the presenter. The candles are lit and the questions are laid out in a circle with the blank side of the card facing up.

The presenter chooses the first question and reads it out loud. Those who wish can answer it and even discuss it. The facilitator should monitor the situation, give everyone the opportunity to speak and move on to the next question. The conversation ends when all questions have been asked and answered. The last questions are asked by the presenter: “Did you like this method of communication or not?”, “Are you satisfied with the answers?”, “What are your wishes for the future?”

“Color painting” (modifications of the M. Luscher test)

Goal: determining the mood and the reasons that influenced the mood through color.


Prepare two posters on sheets of Whatman paper:

a) Color - mood:

  • red – enthusiastic,
  • orange – joyful,
  • yellow – calm,
  • green – balanced,
  • blue - sad,
  • purple - alarming,
  • black - despondency.

b) Reasons:

  1. Very personal.
  2. Group evening.
  3. Creative workshop;
  4. Relationships with adults.
  5. Good luck.
  6. Failures.
  7. There was no freedom of action.
  8. Just tired.
  9. Dissatisfaction with yourself.
  10. I'm interested here.
  11. I learned something new, learned something.
  12. I found a lot of friends.
  13. They were poorly fed.
  14. What else?

(reasons correspond to the topic of the case)

Prepare cards of different colors to write the reasons for your mood.


After a case, evening, or camp shift, you are asked to choose a card of the color that matches your mood and write only the numbers of the reasons.

  • The predominant color of the cards determines the overall mood.
  • The numbers on the cards explain the reasons for this mood.
  • Provides an opportunity to identify individuality in the mood of the participants.

"Hungry or full."

A few sessions before the group ends, it makes sense to ask participants to reflect on how satisfied they are with what they have received in or through the group. As the leader of the group, you will receive specific feedback from each participant and will be able to take into account the wishes of those who are still dissatisfied with the work in the remaining time. This procedure will clearly show the participants how successfully the group has worked so far. The exercise can be carried out in any group.

Instructions: I would like to offer an exercise in which you can understand how satisfied you are with what you have received in the group so far and with what you have achieved here. I want those of you who now feel that they are already “full” to stand near the door, and those who still feel “hungry” to gather at the window. Decide for yourself what suits you best, and stand in accordance with this in one place or another in the room. At the same time, please continue talking until you determine your place...

Now I would like everyone to briefly tell us what influenced their decision. At the same time, you can communicate your attitude to the decision of other group members. I suggest that you start speaking out when you are “full”...

Record for yourself, if possible, all the important needs expressed by the “hungry”, and finally discuss with the group what you can do together to satisfy their “hunger”.

Issues for discussion:

  • Who really surprised me with their choice?
  • How satisfied am I with the results of the group’s work?
  • How much time and effort would I like to devote to being “hungry”?
  • What else could we realistically do?
  • How do I feel now?

In another version of the exercise, group members line up in a row: the participant who feels the most “hungry” is at the beginning of the line, and the one who feels the most “full” is at the end of it.

"List of events."

At the end of any team program, it is very important that the team determines exactly what activities it intends to implement after completion of the work.

Instructions: Announce the topic of the session: “What do we, as a team, want to do after the workshop? What do we want to do differently?”

Participants break into groups of four and make a list of specific activities, for example, monthly discuss the state of affairs with all employees, etc. Give them 30 minutes to do this. During the general discussion, a list of events with four subheadings is compiled and written down on a large sheet of Whatman paper: “What?”, “Who?”, “Starting with...”, “Until...”

Each of the proposed activities is discussed and recorded only if everyone agrees with it. After the workshop, the list of activities is copied and distributed to all team members.

"I like you"

Objectives: This is a great activity to help develop good relationships between children. Some children can easily express their emotions, for others it is a problem. This game gives all participants a real opportunity to develop this important skill. "The Web" is a great metaphor for the interconnectedness of all the children in the troop. Material: Ball of colored wool.

Instructions: Please all sit in one common circle. I want to invite you to take part in one very interesting game. We all together will make one big flowery web that connects us to each other. In addition, each of us can express our good thoughts and feelings that we have for our comrades. Now I will show you how this game should proceed.

Wrap the loose end of the wool thread around your palm a couple of times and roll the ball towards one of the children. Try to choose a member who is not the most popular in the group.

You see what I just did. I chose a student who should be next in the "web". After we have given the ball to someone, we tell that student a phrase starting with the same words; "Kolya (Masha, Petya)! I like you because..." For example, I say: "Kolya! I like you because today before the start of class you politely opened the door to the class for me." Having listened to the words addressed to him, Kolya wraps a thread around his palm so that the “web” is more or less stretched. After this, Kolya must think and decide who to pass the ball to next. When the next student has the ball, Kolya addresses him with a phrase that begins with the same words as mine. For example: “Yana, I like you because yesterday you helped me solve a difficult problem in mathematics.” At the same time, you can talk about what this person has pleased you with, what you like about him, what you would like to thank him for. And so our whole game continues further and further... Try to remember well what they will tell you when they hand over the ball. Make sure that all children receive a ball during the game. Explain to children that we love not only our own; closest friends, but also every member in the group. After all, everyone has something that is worthy of respect and love. These thoughts are very important to constantly repeat and emphasize in modern society, filled with competition for a place in the sun. Not a single family, not a single team will be able to be full-fledged and effective as long as there remain “scapegoats” and “outsiders” in them. If some children have difficulty saying the initial phrase, “I like you because...”, allow them to replace it with “I liked the way you...”.

Gradually the “web” will grow and fill up. The child who received the ball last begins to wind it in the opposite direction. At the same time, each child smears his part of the thread onto the ball and pronounces the words he said and the name of the one who said it, giving the ball back to him.

Exercise Analysis:

  • Is it easy for you to say nice things to other children?
  • Who has already told you something nice before this game?
  • Is our squad friendly enough?
  • Why is every child worthy of love?
  • Did anything surprise you about this game?

"Heart of the Group"

Goals: This game, thanks to the symbolism used in it, is perfect for Valentine's Day or March 8th. But, of course, you can do it on other days. Something positive is written on a large cardboard heart about each participant, so that everyone feels respected and worthy of love and understanding.

Materials: Paper, pencils, markers and a large heart cut out of red cardboard.

Instructions: Did you know that our group has its own heart? I want you to do something nice for each other now. Write your name on a piece of paper and fold it so that each of you can then draw lots with someone else's name. Be sure to check if you have taken out your own name, in which case you can change the piece of paper.

And now I will tell you what you will do now. I brought with me a big heart, which will become the heart of our class. Come up with a friendly and pleasant phrase addressed to the person whose name you drew by lot. Take a piece of paper and write down what you come up with on it. Maybe you will write: “I like the fact that Petya is so cheerful,” “Yulia always has very interesting thoughts,” “Zhenya is always ready to help.” If the phrase you composed is to your liking, take a felt-tip pen and write it down on red class heart.

Place the red heart on the table so that children can approach it from all sides. Once you have analyzed the exercise, the heart of the classroom can become a wonderful decorative addition to the room.

Exercise Analysis:

  • Did you like this game?
  • What do you like about atom heart?
  • Was it easy to say something nice about another child?
  • Do you like what is written on your heart about you?

"What I almost forgot..."

Instructions: Before we all leave, I would like to give you the opportunity to say what you did not have time to say or discuss during the group work. Close your eyes for a minute and sit comfortably...

Imagine that you are returning home and on the way you remember the group... The faces of the participants and the situations you experienced flash through your head, and suddenly you realize that for some reason you did not do or did not express something... You regret about this... What was left unspoken or undone? (1 minute.)

Now open your eyes... Now you have the opportunity to express what you did not have time to do before.

"Letter to the presenter."

This exercise will always be useful to you as a presenter. It will provide an opportunity to obtain important information about the group, maintain personal relationships with participants even in large groups, and show each group member that you are interested in and their opinion is important. It is important that the group receives feedback from you after completing this exercise. Directly or indirectly comment on the messages received at the next lesson and let the participants know that you are taking them into account. It makes sense to use this exercise only when you really want it.

Instructions: I would like to ask you to write me a short letter. I often think about our group and about each of you. It may turn out that in these reflections I am not entirely right in some way. Help me correct my perception of the group. Write about what you think I should know...

"My life".

Everyone sits around a chair on which there is a burning candle. The light is out.

Any of you can go out now and take this candle. You sit down and raise it to your eye level. You will only look at the candle, and not at those who ask you questions. And they will ask you questions – about you. Anyone can sit on this chair - anyone who takes upon themselves the obligation to answer any question frankly. If you are afraid of any questions and are not sure that you will answer any sincerely, you do not need to come out and sit on this chair.

It is very important for a teacher to create a thoughtful, slightly mysterious atmosphere where empty entertainment is inappropriate.

It is worth telling the group that they should not ask random questions, but a little confessional ones. For example, “What time do you get up in the morning?” or “What’s your favorite color?” - empty questions, they say little about a person and can be asked under other circumstances. It’s more interesting and difficult when questions like: When was the last time you cried with happiness? If you had a magic wand, what would you want to change in the outside world or in yourself? Mind? Soul? Body? What are you angry about? Who do you like here? What are your hopes and dreams? Under what circumstances can you not be happy? As a rule, everyone’s confession should end with the question: “What don’t we know about you? What is the secret of your life?

Fire "Tell me about me"

This is a fairly well-known form and always new, unpredictable content. It’s good to hold such a fire during the main period of camp change, since by this time the guys and the counselors have gotten to know each other well enough.

To hold the fire, you can use a closed, darkened room in the center of which one or several candles are burning; the romantic atmosphere of a fading day in nature around a small fire can also create comfort and coziness.

Instructions. Probably no one knows you better than yourself. And yet, everyone has traits and abilities that you cannot see in the mirror, but they are easily revealed to the people around us. Let's try to look into the eyes of our comrades like in a mirror. Each of you can choose 3 people from those sitting here and ask them one single question - a request: “Tell me about me?!” You can’t refuse a request, but you shouldn’t be disingenuous either: be sincere and still try to take care of each other.

Light "Bouquet of Flowers"

To hold the fire, the teacher should prepare colorfully decorated paper flowers or petals in advance, in which questions about the most memorable things and events are written. For example, “What is your most vivid childhood impression?”, “Remember the most touching moment of your life?”, “What book are you ready to re-read endlessly?” etc. and so on. This type of question was not chosen by chance, as it allows us to identify the level of value orientations and life incentives of the participants.

In order to create the right atmosphere, the presenter tells a parable about this. What if not entirely attentive and mature people gather around a candle fire, then the candle quickly melts as if crying from misunderstanding and resentment. And if everything is in order and kind and attentive people have gathered around it, then the candle burns brightly and slowly, trying to warm everyone. After this legend, everyone can choose their own flower and answer the question stored in it.



A tree is drawn on a piece of whatman paper - each branch is a separate day. In the evening, the child can draw a leaf of one of three colors on today’s branch. green means that the child is in an excellent mood, yellow means good, red means so-so. By the end of the shift, you will have a complete picture of how it went for your children.


Children are told that when stars fall, you can make a wish, and many people, having seen a falling star, make their most cherished wish and it will certainly come true. The guys write on their star (cut out of cardboard) what they expect from this shift. The counselor collects all the stars and hangs them on the wall. At the end of the shift they are removed, the wishes are read and together they discuss what came true and what did not.


You can put anything in a magic suitcase and it will remain unchanged. Everyone chooses three things that they would like to take away from class: a good mood, a friend, the chair on which they are sitting.


Today is:

My mood today:

I would like tomorrow:

Based on the children’s statements, the counselor sums up the day.

Let's say goodbye as on the Adaman Islands in the Pacific Ocean.

Place your right palm under the palm of the neighbor on your right; and the left one - on the palm of the neighbor on the left. And with the kindest and brightest wishes, with the most positive energy, we blow on the palm of the neighbor on the right.

Envelope of Revelations”

The counselor prepares an envelope with a large number of questions in advance. It is desirable that the questions be of a moral and ethical nature, such as:

What do you value most in people?

what is your biggest goal in life?

What character traits of a person are especially unpleasant to you?

Which famous hero of the past (film, book) would you like to be like and why? etc.

"You meet people by their clothes..."

This stage of work arouses interest and slight excitement among group members. In the process of searching for their “portrait,” they have to read not one, but several pieces of paper, “argue” with one of the applicants for the same characteristic, and be able to defend their right to it. During the discussion, the facilitator suggests answering several questions:

Are you satisfied with what is written on the piece of paper you received?

What caused surprise, did “discoveries” occur?

What aroused the greatest interest in the process of work?

What difficulties did you experience while doing the exercise?


2-3 day shift.

Children are divided into groups - zodiac signs. Before the statement - a brief description of the sign. An unusual characteristic of children, a form of memorizing personality through highlighting unusual qualities. You can compare by seasons of the year, eye color, etc.

The squad level is low.


(Electric chair)

One participant has his back to the audience, everyone writes notes with a brief description of this person, which are then read out by the presenter (who corrects the text if it is incorrect in relation to the person).

It makes it possible to evaluate the behavior of a particular child to members of the squad without ambition, resentment, or insults to his personal dignity.

A candle is a day gone by.

The guys sit in a circle and, passing the candle to each other, take turns telling how the day went for them and their assessment of it.

Candle - desire.

By passing the candle around, you can add your wishes for tomorrow to your usual assessment of the day. You can start with the words: “I would like that tomorrow...”


Everyone sits in a circle. The counselor takes a ball of thread, winds the thread around his finger and passes this ball to any child in the circle (“I would like to give this ball to Katya because...”). Next, the second participant winds his thread around his finger and passes the ball to the next one, explaining his choice. And so on until everyone is connected by one thread. You can see the connections that have arisen between the guys in the squad. Everyone can cut off a thread wound around their finger as a keepsake.

"Five Minutes of Revelation"

Throughout the day, the entire squad puts notes in a mailbox-shaped box with questions that they would like to ask their counselors at the final “light.” At the “light” the counselors answer these questions.


Envelopes and small notes are made. The number of envelopes is equal to the number of children in the squad. On the notes, each child writes wishes, words of gratitude, impressions of each person from the squad. These notes are placed in envelopes that are creatively designed and signed. These envelopes are then presented in creative ways to their owners. But only the next day you are allowed to open the envelopes and read the notes.

To find a solution to a bimatrix game, a game model can be used in the form of the so-called reflective game , i.e. a game in which the player simulates the behavior of an opponent.

Let's consider a reflexive game using the example of the above game “competing firms” (see Table 4.3) under the assumption that the player A models the behavior (choice) of the player IN. Corresponding Game Matrix G(24) is presented in table. 4.5.

Table 4.22


A i

IN 4 –

The player has IN(unlike Table 4.3) two more “alleged” strategies were added - IN 3 + – respond with the same strategy number that the player chose A, And IN 4 – respond with the opposite strategy.

It has been proven that in a reflexive game the player whose reflexion rank is one higher than his opponent wins. If the reflection rank differs by more than one, then the outcome of the game is unclear.

    1. Case Study

Let there be a company consisting of two departments - production (P), whose task is to produce a certain product, and transport (T), which must deliver the produced product to the consumer. It is known that the income of department P from the production of products in the volume of one machine is equal to a monetary units, the cost of department T for sending one car with cargo to the consumer is equal to c monetary units, and the cost of storing unexported products in a warehouse in the volume of one car is b monetary units and are divided equally between departments P and T.

Let it also be known that during the period of interest (for example, during a working day), department P can produce products in the amount of 5 or 10 cars, and department T can allocate a small convoy (4 cars), a large convoy (7 cars), two small ones for its transportation. convoys (8 vehicles) or one large and one small convoy (11 vehicles).

A model of the described situation can be a bimatrix game, presented in Table. 4.6.

Table 4.23

T 1 (4)

T 2 (7)

T 3 (8)

T 4 (11)

P 1 (5 cars)

(4a–b / 2; 4c–b / 2)

( 5a; 7c)

(5a; 8c)

(5a; 11c)

P 2 (10 cars)

(4a – 3b; 4c – 3b)

(7a – 1,5b; 7c – 1,5b)

(8a–b; 8c–b)

(10a; 11c)

It is necessary to give recommendations to the head of department P on the most profitable volume of production for him (i.e., on the choice of strategy P 1 or P 2), given that department P is interested in maximizing its income, and department T is interested in minimizing its costs.

To obtain numerical results we take a= 10,b= 6,c= 2. Then table. 4.6 will take the form of table 4.7.

Table 4.24

T 1 (4)

T 2 (7)

T 3 (8)

T 4 (11)

P 1 (5 cars)

P 2 (10 cars)

Let us first use the maximin method, which directs the head of department P towards the most cautious behavior. In this case, the optimal strategy is P 1, which guarantees department P an income of 37 monetary units (see the last column of Table 4.7). Taking into account the interests of department T (as can be seen from Table 4.7, the minimum costs for T will be when choosing strategy T 1), it is this income that will be received by department P.

Let us note, however, that the choice of strategy P 1 is unlikely to be the best for department P. So, if he chooses strategy P 2 and reports his choice to the head of department T, then he, guided by the interests of his department, will have to choose strategies T 3 or T 4, which guarantees department P's income of 74 or 100 monetary units. Moreover, you can “stimulate” department T to choose strategy T 4 by sharing with it in this case part of the income, for example, 10 monetary units (in this case, the income of department P will be 90 monetary units, and the costs of department T will be only 12 units). This is exactly how department head P is recommended to act in a cooperative manner.

Let's change the initial situation somewhat by increasing the cost of storing non-exported products: a= 10,b= 10,c= 2. We obtain the corresponding table table. 4.8.

Table 4.25

T 1 (4)

T 2 (7)

T 3 (8)

T 4 (11)

P 1 (5 cars)

P 2 (10 cars)

Although in this case the minimum possible income for department P when choosing strategy P 1 is 3.5 times greater than when choosing strategy P 2 (35 and 10, respectively), however, in this case it is better to choose strategy P 2, informing about your decision the head of department T. He, guided by the interests of his department, will have to choose strategy T 4 (corresponding to the minimum costs of department T), which guarantees an income for department P of 100 monetary units. Note that in this situation there is no need to “stimulate” the T department.

"I through the eyes of others"

Target: Create conditions for the idea of ​​individuality, uniqueness of each of them, develop self-confidence, and develop the ability to accept a point of view different from your own.

Material: pebbles, rugs.

With words:

Bottom line: With the help of a pebble you said a lot of good things.

« The secret of my “I”» .

Target: Create a trusting environment in the group that allows children to express their feelings and talk about them, develop empathic communication skills, the ability to accept and listen to another person; develop the ability to understand yourself.

Material: candlestick, mirror, classical music.

The queen took out a magic mirror and ordered to him: “My little mirror, tell me and tell me the whole truth. Am I the sweetest, the most rosy and the whitest in the world?” The teacher shows the children "magic mirror" And speaks: I also have a magic mirror, with the help of which we can also learn a lot of interesting things about each other and answer questions question: "Who am I?". Let's look at the candlestick. It will help us remember our feelings – successes and failures.” The music plays and the teacher talks about himself, then the children speak. So we talked about our advantages and disadvantages and can correct them. Let's be more attentive to each other. Children join hands.

"Me and my emotions" .

Target: Create conditions for children talk about your feelings, develop the ability to identify emotions using schematic images, enrich your vocabulary children.

Material: pictogram, rug, music.

Content: Children sit in circle on the mats. In the center are cards depicting various shades of mood. The teacher suggests taking cards that best suit your mood. After the children take a card that suits them. The teacher concludes what mood he is in children - sad, cheerful, thoughtful. What does it take to improve your mood? Let's laugh and forget about the bad mood.

"Me and others" .

Target: Form a friendly attitude towards each other,

To develop in children the ability to express their attitude towards others,

Material: a ball of thread, calm music.

Educator: You have been friends for many years and you all know each other. You are all different, you know each other's strengths and weaknesses. What could you wish for each other to become better? Music plays, children say wishes to each other. The teacher says a wish to a child sitting next to him. (example Then the adult passes the ball to the child etc., then the ball returns to the teacher. Children close their eyes and imagine that they are one.

"The world of my fantasies" .

Target: Develop imagination, looseness, communication skills, develop a friendly attitude towards each other.

Material: a chair for each child, a flower - a seven-flowered one.

Fly, fly, petal,

Through west to east,

Through the north, through the south,

Come back after doing circle,

As soon as you touch the ground,

To be in my opinion led!

Educator: Imagine that there is a wizard who will fulfill any desire. To do this, you need to tear off one petal and make a wish and tell about your dream. .

Educator: Children, which wish did you like best?

Everyone had different desires, some about themselves, others connected with friends, with parents. But all your wishes will definitely come true.

Target: Develop children's imagination, the ability to listen to the opinion of another, to accept a different point of view, different from one’s own, to form group cohesion.

Material: "Magical" glasses.

Content: children sit in circle. The teacher shows "Magical" glasses: “Whoever wears them will see only the good in other people, even what is not always immediately noticeable. Each of you will try on the glasses and look at the others.” Children take turns putting on glasses and naming each other's strengths. Educator: “And now we’ll put on our glasses again and look at the world with different eyes. What would you like to change in the world to make it a better place? (Children answer) This all helps us see something good in others.

“What is joy?”

Target: Develop the ability to adequately express one’s emotional state, to understand the emotional state of another person.

Material: Photos of joyful faces children, pictogram "joy", sunshine, red felt-tip pen.


What feeling is depicted in them? (Smile)

What needs to be done for this? (Smile)

Say hello to each other. Each child turns to the friend on the right, calls him by name and says that he is glad to see him.

Educator: Now tell me what joy is? Finish offer: “I rejoice when...”. . The teacher writes down wishes on pieces of paper and attaches them to the rays. Everyone has their own joy, but it is passed on to each other.

Which "I"

Target: Creating conditions for a positive emotional mood, forms a group and increases personal self-esteem.

Material: mirror.

What color are your eyes?

What are they like (large, small);

What color is your hair?

What are they like ;

What shape is the face (round, oval).

"My name"

Target: Creating conditions for children to develop while playing to remember the names of their comrades evokes positive emotions and creates a sense of group unity.

Content: children sit in circle. The presenter chooses one child, the rest come up with endearing derivatives of his name. Then the child says which name he was most pleased to hear. This is how they come up with names for each child. Next, the presenter talks about how names grow with children. “When you grow up, your name will also grow and become complete, you will be called by your first name and patronymic. Word "surname" came from the word "father", it is given by the name of the father. Children say their first and middle names.

"Do as I do"


"Understand me"

Target: Creating conditions for the development of imagination, expressive movements, and group cohesion.

"I'm in the future »

Target: Creating conditions for the development of group cohesion and imagination.

"We are different"

Target: the game makes you feel important, evokes positive emotions, and increases self-esteem.

Which of us is the tallest?

Which of us is the shortest?

Which one of us has the darkest (light) hair?

Who has a bow, etc.

The presenter sums up that we are all different, but we are all very good, interesting and most importantly - we are together!



Games for the reflective circle.

"I through the eyes of others"

Target : Create conditions for the idea of ​​individuality, uniqueness of each of them, develop self-confidence, and develop the ability to accept a point of view different from your own.

Material : pebbles, rugs.

With words : “I’m giving you a pebble because you...”

Bottom line : With the help of a pebble you said a lot of good things.

« The secret of my “I”» .

Target : Create a trusting environment in the group that allows children to express their feelings and talk about them, develop empathic communication skills, the ability to accept and listen to another person; develop the ability to understand yourself.

Material : candlestick, mirror, classical music.

The queen took out a magic mirror and ordered to him : “My little mirror, tell me and tell me the whole truth. Am I the sweetest, the most rosy and the whitest in the world?” The teacher shows the children"magic mirror" and says : I also have a magic mirror, with the help of which we can also learn a lot of interesting things about each other and answer questions question: “Who am I?” . Let's look at the candlestick. It will help us remember our feelings – successes and failures.” The music plays and the teacher talks about himself, then the children speak. So we talked about our advantages and disadvantages and can correct them. Let's be more attentive to each other. Children join hands.

"Me and my emotions".

Target : Create conditions for children talk about your feelings, develop the ability to identify emotions using schematic images, enrich your vocabulary children

Material : pictogram, rug, music.

Contents: Children sitting in circle on the mats. In the center are cards depicting various shades of mood. The teacher suggests taking cards that best suit your mood. After the children take a card that suits them. The teacher concludes what mood he is in children - sad , cheerful, thoughtful. What does it take to improve your mood? Let's laugh and forget about the bad mood.

"Me and others".

Target : Form a friendly attitude towards each other,

To develop in children the ability to express their attitude towards others,(if necessary critically, but tactfully.)

Material : a ball of thread, calm music.

Educator : You have been friends for many years and you all know each other. You are all different, you know each other's strengths and weaknesses. What could you wish for each other to become better? Music plays, children say wishes to each other. The teacher says a wish to a child sitting next to him.(example : so that he cries less and plays more with the children.)Then the adult passes the ball to the child(the child says a wish to the person sitting next to him)etc., then the ball returns to the teacher. Children close their eyes and imagine that they are one.

"The world of my fantasies".

Target : Develop imagination, looseness, communication skills, develop a friendly attitude towards each other.

Material : a chair for each child, a flower - a seven-flowered one.

Fly, fly, petal,

Through west to east,

Through the north, through the south,

Come back after doing circle ,

As soon as you touch the ground,

To be in my opinion led!

Educator : Imagine that there is a wizard who will fulfill any desire. To do this, you need to tear off one petal and make a wish and tell about your dream.“The children take turns tearing off the petals and telling them what they would like.”.

Educator : Children, which wish did you like best?

Everyone had different desires, some about themselves, others connected with friends, with parents. But all your wishes will definitely come true.

“How can I change the world for the better?”

Goal: To develop children's imagination, the ability to listen to the opinion of another, to accept a different point of view, different from one’s own, to form group cohesion.

Material: “Magic” glasses.

The teacher shows"Magic" glasses : “Whoever wears them will see only the good in other people, even what is not always immediately noticeable. Each of you will try on the glasses and look at the others.” Children take turns putting on glasses and naming each other's strengths. Educator : “And now we’ll put on our glasses again and look at the world with different eyes. What would you like to change in the world to make it a better place?(Children answer) This all helps us see something good in others.

“What is joy?”

Target : Develop the ability to adequately express one’s emotional state, to understand the emotional state of another person.

Material : Photos of joyful faces children, pictogram "joy" , sunshine, red felt-tip pen.


What feeling is depicted in them?(Smile)

What needs to be done for this?(Smile)

Say hello to each other. Each child turns to the friend on the right, calls him by name and says that he is glad to see him.

Educator : Now tell me what joy is? Finish offer : “I rejoice when...”. (Children finish the sentences). The teacher writes down wishes on pieces of paper and attaches them to the rays. Everyone has their own joy, but it is passed on to each other.

Which "I"

Target : Creating conditions for a positive emotional mood, forms a group and increases personal self-esteem.

Material: mirror.

What color are your eyes?

What are they like (large, small);

What color is your hair?

What are they like (long, short, straight, wavy);

What shape is the face(round, oval).

"My name"

Target : Creating conditions for children to develop while playing to remember the names of their comrades evokes positive emotions and creates a sense of group unity.

Content: children sit in a circle . The presenter chooses one child, the rest come up with endearing derivatives of his name. Then the child says which name he was most pleased to hear. This is how they come up with names for each child. Next, the presenter talks about how names grow with children. “When you grow up, your name will also grow and become complete, you will be called by your first name and patronymic. Word"surname" came from the word"father" , it is given by the name of the father. Children say their first and middle names.

"Do as I do"


"Understand me"

Target : Creating conditions for the development of imagination, expressive movements, and group cohesion.

Content : each child is given the task to show this or that action or state with the help of expressive movements, and the rest must guess what they are talking about. The following are given tasks: “Guess it!” ; “I won’t show you”, “I don’t know”, “It’s mine!” .

"Me in the future"

Target : Creating conditions for the development of group cohesion and imagination.

"We are different"

Target : the game makes you feel important, evokes positive emotions, and increases self-esteem.

Which of us is the tallest?

Which of us is the shortest?

Which one of us has the darkest(blonde hair?

Who has a bow, etc.

The presenter sums up that we are all different, but we are all very good, interesting and most importantly - we are together!

MAOU "Beloyarsk Secondary School No. 1"

A game

« Magic key"

MAOU "Beloyarsk Secondary School No. 1"

A game

"Talk or act"

MAOU "Beloyarsk Secondary School No. 1"

A game

"Clean slate"

Game "Magic Key"


    team building.

The target audience: students of grades 7-11, teachers, parents.

Formed UUD:


You need to take a regular key and tie it to the end of a very long rope. Children stand in a circle and take turns passing a key with a rope through the top of their clothes (launched through the neck of the jacket and pulled out through the bottom). Thus, they are all tied together. The presenter gives instructions that everyone must simultaneously follow - jump, squat, stomp, etc. After the mood of the participants has noticeably improved, it is necessary to unwind one by one. Then you can hang the key in a visible place in the classroom, with the inscription “the key that opened us to each other.”

It is better to play the game before a break or after monotonous work, as the game causes an emotional uplift.

Game "Bluff Club"


    shapelyrovinggeneral intellectual skills;

    increasing children's creative and exploratory activity.

The target audience: students of grades 1-11.

Formed UUD: subject, personal.


Can be carried out at different stages of the lesson or extracurricular activities. For the game you need to prepare questions that begin with the words “Do you believe...?”
Examples of history questions:
1. Do you believe that the Slavs, when they cut down a tree, asked for its forgiveness and “fed” it, leaving food on the stumps? +
2. Do you believe that in ancient times the Slavs had a custom: enemies cook and eat porridge together to make peace, without this the peace treaty would be invalid? +
3. Do you believe that Vladimir Monomakh was the grandson of the Kyiv prince and the Spanish queen? -
The teacher prepares the questions himself or instructs the students to do so.

Game "Blank Board"


    creating a comfortable environment for children to develop their mental abilities;

    organization of mental activity, formation of creative thinking;

    ability to communicate and interact in a team, respect the opinions of others.

The target audience: students of grades 1-11.

Formed UUD: cognitive, personal, communicative.


Based on the material of the topic being studied, the teacher composes and posts questions on the board that can be expressed either in the usual form or in a drawing, diagram, fragment of a map, and so on. When studying new material (teacher's story, presentation, watching a video clip, student's message, etc.), students participate in the game, answering the questions posed. If students answer a question correctly, it is removed from the board. The goal of this game is to have a clean board by the end of the lesson.

Assignments and questions should be written taking into account age characteristics.

Game "Talk or Act"

(variation of “bottle”)


    relieving emotional tension;

    formation and development of communication skills: the ability to communicate and interact in a team, respect the opinions of others;

    team building.

The target audience: 7-11 students, teachers, parents.

Formed UUD: personal, communicative.


Children sit in a circle, a bottle is placed in the middle. The first participant to spin the bottle is selected by drawing lots. He asks any question to whomever the neck of the bottle points to. He must answer the question truthfully or complete the task given by the first participant. The interesting thing is that the participant does not know either the question or the task. First you need to say: “talk or act.” If a participant, having heard a question, does not want to answer it, then he is given two tasks or he drops out (not recommended).

Assignments and questions should be written taking into account age characteristics and the objectives of the lesson.

MAOU "Beloyarsk Secondary School No. 1"

A game


MAOU "Beloyarsk Secondary School No. 1"

A game


MAOU "Beloyarsk Secondary School No. 1"

A game

Box of Experiences"

MAOU "Beloyarsk Secondary School No. 1"

A game

Pass it around"

Game "Secret"


    develop a desire to communicate with peers;

    overcome shyness;

    find different ways to achieve your goal.

The target audience: junior school age.

Formed UUD: personal, communicative.

The presenter distributes small objects to all participants: a button, a brooch, a small toy, etc. It's a secret. Participants pair up. They must persuade each other to reveal their “secret”. Children must come up with as many ways of persuasion as possible (guessing; giving compliments; promising a treat; not believing that there is something in the fist, etc.).

If difficulties arise, the presenter can help him come up with ways to persuade.

Game "Wave"


    learn to concentrate;

    manage your behavior.

Target audience: m junior school age.

Formed UUD: personal, communicative.

Children are invited to depict the sea, which, depending on the weather, can be very different. The presenter gives the command “Calm!” All the children freeze. At the command “Wave!” children line up and join hands. The presenter indicates the strength of the wave, and the children squat down and stand up at intervals of 1-2 seconds, without letting go of their hands. The game ends with the command “Calm!”

To enhance the emotional impact, you can first talk about marine painters and show reproductions of Aivazovsky’s paintings.

Game "Pass it in a circle"


    contribute to the formation of a friendly team;

    learn to act in concert;

    develop coordination of movements and imagination.

The target audience: junior school age.

Formed UUD: personal,

Children sit in a circle. The teacher passes an imaginary object in a circle: a hot potato, a piece of ice, a frog, a grain of sand, etc. The object must go through the entire circle and return to the driver unchanged (a potato must not cool down, a piece of ice must not melt, a grain of sand must not get lost, a frog must not jump away). Participants in the game emotionally take and pass the named object.

With older children you can play without naming the object.


How I felt when receiving an imaginary object?

Game "Box of Experiences"


    relieving psychological stress;

    developing the ability to recognize and formulate one’s problems.

The target audience: junior school age.

Formed UUD: personal, regulatory.

The presenter shows a small box and says: “In this box today we will collect all the troubles, grievances and disappointments. If something bothers you, you can whisper it directly into the box. I'll let her go in circles. Then I will seal it and take it away, and with it, let your worries disappear.”. The box is passed around.


Have you experienced any difficulties when you whispered your grievances and disappointments into a box? Which?

MAOU "Beloyarsk Secondary School No. 1"

A game

"Point of view"

MAOU "Beloyarsk Secondary School No. 1"

A game

« Compliments"

MAOU "Beloyarsk Secondary School No. 1"

A game


MAOU "Beloyarsk Secondary School No. 1"

A game


Game "Compliments"


    increased sense of confidence;

    emotional release.

The target audience: students in grades 5–6.

Formable UUD: l personal, communicative.

The children stand in a circle, throw a ball to each other and take turns saying something nice to one of the group members. They pronounce the neighbor’s name in an affectionate manner and say what they like about him (For example, “Lenochka has beautiful long hair,” “Nadyusha draws beautifully,” “Dimochka is a good friend, he is very kind”).


1. How did you feel when giving compliments?

2. How did you feel when people complimented you?

3. Have you experienced any difficulties in coming up with compliments? Which?

Game "Point of View"

(business game)



The target audience:

Formed UUD:

Participants: opponents - groups of students defending one or another point of view; observers - a teacher with several assistants. Before the game, the teacher announces the topic of the dispute in advance and provides students with the necessary knowledge and facts. Groups discuss their arguments, possible counterarguments of opponents; enter into a dispute. The observer group evaluates:

    Who was more logical?

    Who is more emotionally convincing?

    Who made mistakes (according to the rules of dispute)?

Research laboratory -

"NILE",(business game)


    development of logical thinking;

    maintaining interest in the subject.

The target audience:

Formed UUD: communicative,

The leader is a teacher or a specially trained student; researchers - groups of students; the admissions committee is a teacher with 2-3 students. Groups discuss the proposed task, prepare a report, mini-play or poster in the form of a solution to the task, choose a speaker who will present the result. The speaker makes a presentation to the class. The selection committee analyzes and makes (or not) decisions. If there is a ready-made solution, the teacher can tell it to the class.


Which solution did you like? Was it the most successful?

(A. Gin. “Techniques of pedagogical techniques”)

Game "Competence"

(business game)



    developing the ability to work in a group;

The target audience: middle and high school students.

Formed UUD:

The competitors are two teams of students. Employers are a group of students who determine the winner (who is, as it were, hired for a job). An arbitrator is a teacher who resolves controversial issues. The teacher sets a topic, the teams come up with 5 tasks for each other on this topic (the type of tasks is regulated by the teacher). The opponents answer; if they fail, the owners of the question answer it themselves. Employers evaluate each task using a 5-point system, and each answer using a 10-point system. At the end, the employers confer and make a decision on who is hired.

(A. Gin. “Techniques of pedagogical techniques”)

MAOU "Beloyarsk Secondary School No. 1"

A game


MAOU "Beloyarsk Secondary School No. 1"

A game

"Competence - 2"

MAOU "Beloyarsk Secondary School No. 1"

A game

"Vice versa"

MAOU "Beloyarsk Secondary School No. 1"

A game


Game "Competence - 2"

(business game)



    developing the ability to work in a group;


    development of logical thinking.

The target audience: middle and high school students.

Formed UUD: communicative, cognitive, regulatory.

The theme of the game is known in advance. Groups prepare a package of 5 tasks and exchange them with opponents at the game. Teams complete tasks within the allotted time. The questions posed are answered by the one from the team who is chosen by the opponents. The jury consists of 3 students who evaluate the asked question using a 5-point system and the team’s answers using a 10-point system. The teacher acts as an arbiter and monitors the correctness of the game.

(A. Gin. “Techniques of pedagogical techniques”)

Game "Cinquain"



    development of attention;

    development of logical thinking.

The target audience: students.

Formed UUD:

You can play both in a team and in pairs. Sinkwine is made up of five lines. The topic is set. On the first line the noun (key) to the topic being studied is written, on the second line - 2 adjectives that are either associated with this word or are suitable for it; third - three verbs, also suitable for the keyword, reflecting the meaning of the topic; the fourth line is the main idea or phrase, a sentence about the keyword, the fifth is a synonym word or association to the keyword. The team with the most successful syncwine wins.

Game "Generator-Critics"


    development of communication skills, ability to work in a group;

    development of confident behavior skills;


    maintaining interest in the topic being studied.

The target audience: students, parents, teachers.

Formed UUD: personal, communicative, cognitive.

The audience is divided into 2 groups – generators and critics. On the proposed topic (problem), generators put forward ideas to solve the problem, critics find errors and “weak points”. The jury is the teacher or 2-3 students. During the game, generators and critics switch roles.


Which ideas turned out to be the most successful? Which ones are unusual?

Game "On the contrary"


Development of attention;

The target audience: students.

Formed UUD: To


The teacher gives the children various commands, the children must carry out the opposite of them. For example, on the command “Sit down!” you have to stand up at the command “Speak!” - remain silent, etc.


What commands did you like to perform? Which ones were difficult?

(S. Gin “The World of Logic”)

MAOU "Beloyarsk Secondary School No. 1"

A game


MAOU "Beloyarsk Secondary School No. 1"

A game


MAOU "Beloyarsk Secondary School No. 1"

A game

"What is the difference?"

MAOU "Beloyarsk Secondary School No. 1"

A game

"Bird, fish"

Game "Chain"


Development of attention;

Reducing emotional stress;

The target audience: students.

Formed UUD:


The class is divided into groups (possibly pairs). The teacher names a series of words: “Orange - rhinoceros - gnome - ice cream - raccoon ...” - and invites the children to discover the pattern of constructing the next series (each subsequent word begins with the last letter of the previous one) and continue it further. The team that continues the chain without mistakes or pauses wins.

(S. Gin “The World of Logic”)

Game "Question"


Development of attention;

Reducing emotional stress;

Speech development;

Developing the ability to work in a group.

The target audience: primary school students.

Formed UUD:

The class is divided into groups. Assignment: come up with as many questions as possible about the plot picture (the same for all groups - the picture on the board). After counting the number of questions in groups and summing up the results, they are asked to come up with answers to the most interesting, unusual questions.


What questions turned out to be the most interesting and unusual? Which answers are the most original (fun, unusual)?

(S. Gin “The World of Logic”)

Game "Bird, fish"


Development of attention;

Reducing emotional stress;

Speech development;

Development of logical thinking.

The target audience: primary school students.

Formed UUD: cognitive, regulatory, personal.

Children in a chain take turns calling one word at a time: the first is the name of the bird, the second is the fish, the third is the bird again, etc. The game can be an elimination game: a student who repeats a previously spoken word or confuses the topic of the answer is eliminated from the game. The game can be played as a competition between teams.


By what characteristics do we distinguish these groups of animals? What rare birds (fish) were you named?

(S. Gin “The World of Logic”)

Game "What's different?"

(discussion game)


Development of attention;

Development of logical thinking;

Speech development;

Developing the ability to work in groups.

The target audience: students.

Formed UUD: communicative, regulatory, personal, cognitive.

You can play in pairs, groups or frontally. The game follows the following scheme: children propose a sign of difference, the teacher (in high school - the opposite team) gives an argument against this sign. For example, the topic “What is the difference between an ostrich and a human?” Discussion option: Ostrich doesn't talk. - So the dumb man is an ostrich? Man has no wings. - So, an ostrich with its wings cut off is a person?

(S. Gin “The World of Logic”)

MAOU "Beloyarsk Secondary School No. 1"

A game

"The whole is a part"

MAOU "Beloyarsk Secondary School No. 1"

A game

"Pass the item"

MAOU "Beloyarsk Secondary School No. 1"

A game

"Yes and no"

MAOU "Beloyarsk Secondary School No. 1"

A game


Game "Pass the object"


Development of attention;

Reducing emotional stress;

Speech development;

Development of logical thinking.

The target audience: primary school students.

Formed UUD: p regulatory, personal, cognitive.

Children stand up and quickly pass an object from hand to hand along a chain, while naming one of its characteristics. Those who could not answer or repeated themselves sit down. The game continues until the signs “run out”.


Have all possible features of the object been named?

(S. Gin “The World of Logic”)

Game "Whole - Part"


Development of attention;

Development of thinking speed;

Development of logical thinking.

Target audience: primary school students.

Formed UUD: n cognitive, regulatory, personal.

The teacher names the object (concept, phenomenon - depending on the age of the students), the children name its part. For example, a book is a page, a chair is a leg, a tree is a root, a thunderstorm is rain, etc. You can also play in groups, when one group names an object, the other - its part, and vice versa.


Which pair was the hardest to make? Easiest?

Game "Storyteller"


Development of attention;

Speech development;

Development of logical thinking.

Target audience: primary school students.

Formed UUD: cognitive, regulatory, personal.

The teacher offers to recite some famous poem in a “chain”: each student pronounces one word. At the same time, you need to try to tell the story together and at the same pace (as if there was only one narrator). The game is played as a competition between the rows.


Which team was most successful in completing the task?

Game "Yes" and "No"


Development of attention;

Reducing emotional stress;

Development of self-regulation.

Target audience: primary school students.

Formed UUD: cognitive, regulatory, personal.

The teacher asks the children questions that can be answered “yes” or “no.” In this case, agreement must be expressed with a nod, disagreement with a voice (then vice versa). The questions should be fairly simple and of a detached nature. For example, “Is it Wednesday today?”, “Is the sun shining now?” and so on. You can play for elimination.


What questions were the most interesting?

MAOU "Beloyarsk Secondary School No. 1"

A game

“What kind of cat will I be?”

MAOU "Beloyarsk Secondary School No. 1"

A game


MAOU "Beloyarsk Secondary School No. 1"

A game

"Earth, water, air"

MAOU "Beloyarsk Secondary School No. 1"

A game

Guess what you have in mind"

A game "Clew"


    development of communication skills;

    relieving emotional stress;

    team building.

The target audience:

Formed UUD:


You need to compliment someone sitting in the circle and give him the ball. Part of the thread remains in your hands. Look how bright and durable the web we have turned out to be. And now we will unravel it. Starting with the last participant in the game, we wind up a ball and at the same time say words of gratitude to the one who complimented you.


What is more pleasant (more difficult) - giving compliments, receiving them or thanking them?

Game “What kind of cat will I be”

Target :

    formation of creative activity, empathy and sensitivity.

The target audience: students in grades 5-11.

Formed UUD: personal, communicative.


During the game, children get acquainted with the various components of their personality and character in the safest way, and personal self-analysis occurs. Instructions for students: “Imagine that you have become a cat. What kind of cat are you? Next, you need to conduct an analysis with the children: Are there any similarities between your character and the description of the animal? What did you like most about what the cat said about herself? Does your cat have any negative aspects?


Whose stories were the most interesting for you?

Game “Guess the idea”

Target: development of thinking: the ability to generalize, highlight the essential, analyze the properties of objects.

The target audience: students, teachers, parents.

Formed UUD: communicative, personal.


The presenter thinks of a word. Participants ask questions to guess the hidden word. The presenter can only say “yes” and “no”. Note: at the first stage, words denoting objects are guessed, then you can gradually move on to abstract concepts.

Questions should be written taking into account age characteristics and the objectives of the lesson.

Game "Earth, water, air"

Target: development of reflection and creative activity.

The target audience: students of grades 1-5.

Formed UUD: personal, communicative.


It is best to place participants in the shape of a circle.

Option I.

The playful meaning of the four elements is explained to the children. If the presenter says the word “earth,” then the guys must quickly name the animals or plants that live or grow on the earth. If he says the word “water,” then students name representatives of the animal and plant world that live under water. If the word “wind” is spoken, then the students spin. If he says the word “air,” then the guys name those living creatures that can live in the air. The one who is pointed out by the presenter or who is given the toy answers. You should answer quickly - within 5 seconds. Answers should not be repeated.

Option II.

For each element, a directive is given - to complete one or another task. For example, if the word “air” is called, students should flap their hands like a bird’s wings; if the word is “earth” - move like a frog (hare, elephant, bear, etc.); if the word is “water” - depict the various movements of a swimmer; if the word is “wind” - blow like the wind, spin, sway like trees.

MAOU "Beloyarsk Secondary School No. 1"

A game

« Firefighters in training"

MAOU "Beloyarsk Secondary School No. 1"

A game

« Thread and needle"

MAOU "Beloyarsk Secondary School No. 1"

A game


MAOU "Beloyarsk Secondary School No. 1"

A game

"The Cook and the Kittens"

Game "Thread and Needle".


Forming group cohesion, the ability to coordinate one’s actions with the actions of other participants, achieve group success through coordinated individual efforts;

Develop and form in yourself such qualities as contact, organization and composure, logic and intelligence, and speed of reaction.

Formed UUD : communicative, personal.

The target audience: students in grades 1-8.


The whole class takes part in the game. The best place to hold it is a sports ground or gym. First, at the teacher’s command, “needles” are selected. It is desirable that these are less active guys. Then they will be able to play the role of presenter, leader and understand, at least in the game, that something depends on them. Then “threads” are attached to the “needles”. It is desirable that the number of children in the “thread” of each “needle” be the same. At the leader's command, movement begins. The participants’ task is not to become detached from each other, otherwise the “thread” will break. The task of the “needles” is not to intersect with other “needles”. The direction of movement is arbitrary, and there may be obstacles along the way.


Select a stronger “thread” and the most reflective “needle”.

Game "Firefighters in training"


Develop a sense of collectivism in children;

Ability to perform movements on cue;

Practice climbing and forming a column.

Target audience: increasingly frequent.

Formed UUD: To communicative, regulatory, personal.


Children players line up facing the gymnastic wall at a distance of 5–6 steps in 3–4 columns. A bell is suspended against each column at the same height. At the signal “1, 2, 3 - run,” the children standing first run to the wall, climb in and ring the bell. Then they descend and stand at the end of their column. Repeat the game 6-8 times.

Monitoring compliance with safety regulations during the game.

Game "Cook and kittens"


Exercise children in various types of walking or running;

Development of reaction speed and dexterity;

- ability to focus on words.

The target audience: students in grades 1-5.

Formed UUD: k communicative, regulatory, personal.


Players, using a counting rhyme, choose a cook who guards the objects lying in the hoop - “sausages”. The cook walks inside a hoop, a cord - the “kitchen”. Children - kittens walk in a circle, performing various types of walking, running, saying the text:

Pussies are crying in the corridor,

Kittens have great grief:

Tricky cook for poor pussies

Doesn't let you grab the sausages.

With the last word, the “kittens” run into the “kitchen”, trying to grab the sausage. The cook is trying to stop the players running in. The affected players are eliminated from the game.

The game continues until all the sausages are stolen from the cook.


You can’t run into a circle too early. The cook is not allowed to grab the kittens, only salt them, he is not allowed to go outside the circle. It is prohibited to take 2 or more items at the same time.

Game "Governor"


- exercise children in rolling, throwing and catching a ball;

- the ability to coordinate movement with words;

- develop attention and dexterity.

Target audience: students in grades 1-5.

Formed UUD: Tocommunicative, regulatory, personal.


Players roll the ball from one to another in a circle, saying:

- The apple rolls into the round dance circle,

- Whoever raised him is the governor...

The child who has the ball at this moment is the governor. He says:

- Today I am the governor.

- I'm running from the round dance.

Runs around the circle, puts the ball on the floor between two players. The children say in chorus:

One, two, don't be a crow

And run like fire!

Players run in a circle in opposite directions, trying to grab the ball before their partner. The one who ran first and grabbed the ball rolls it in a circle. Game continues.


Roll or throw the ball only to the player standing next to you. You cannot interfere with a player running behind a circle. The first one to touch the ball wins.

MAOU "Beloyarsk Secondary School No. 1"

A game

"Find and keep silent"

MAOU "Beloyarsk Secondary School No. 1"

A game


where is it hidden"

MAOU "Beloyarsk Secondary School No. 1"

A game

"Magic Chair"

MAOU "Beloyarsk Secondary School No. 1"

A game


Game "Find Where It's Hidden"


- learn to navigate a room or area;

- perform actions on a signal.

The target audience:

Formed UUD: communicative, regulatory.


Players stand along the wall. The presenter shows them the object and says that he will hide it. The presenter invites the players to turn to the wall. After making sure that none of the children is looking, he hides the object, and then says: “It’s time!” Children begin to look for the object.

Game "Find and keep silent"


- learn to navigate in space;

- cultivate endurance and ingenuity.

The target audience: preschool and primary school age.

Formed UUD: communicative, regulatory.


The presenter shows the object to the players, and after they have closed their eyes, he hides it. Then he offers to look, but not to take it, but to tell him in his ear where it is hidden. Whoever finds it first is the leader in the next game.

Game "Professions"

Goals :

    development of imagination;

    development of observation, empathy, expressiveness of movements.

The target audience: atstudents in grades 1-5.

Formed UUD: communicative, regulatory.


Children, divided into pairs, show expressive movements to each other, according to the instructions of the presenter, cheerful and sad artist, dancer, conductor, teacher, janitor, builder, imitating movements characteristic of people of this profession.


One child in a pair shows a sad person, the other a cheerful one, and each time the roles change, the children change in emotional presentation.

Game "Magic Chair"

Goals :

    help improve the child’s self-esteem;

    help improve relationships between children.

The target audience: atstudents in grades 1-5.

Formed UUD: Tocommunicative, personal.


This game can be played with a group of children for a long time. First, an adult must find out the “history” of each child’s name - its origin, what it means. In addition, you need to make a crown and a “Magic Chair” - it must be high. The adult has a short introductory conversation about the origin of names, and then says that he will talk about the names of all the children in the group (the group should not be more than 5-6 people), and it is better to name the names of anxious children in the middle of the game. The one whose name is told becomes the king. Throughout the entire story about his name, he sits on a throne wearing a crown.


INAt the end of the game, you can invite the children to come up with different versions of his name (gentle, affectionate). You can also take turns saying something good about the king.

MAOU "Beloyarsk Secondary School No. 1"

A game


MAOU "Beloyarsk Secondary School No. 1"

A game

"Continue the tale"

MAOU "Beloyarsk Secondary School No. 1"

A game

"Best astronaut"

MAOU "Beloyarsk Secondary School No. 1"

A game

"Guess who am I?"

A game "Continue the tale"

Goals :

    promotes the formation of a culture of behavior and friendly collective relationships;

    encourages children to imagine;

    develops speech.

The target audience: junior school age.

Formed UUD: Tocommunicative, personal.


We write a fairy tale, and then make a film - a continuation of the fairy tale. We distribute the roles of screenwriters, director, actors, etc. among the children in advance. In the process of composing a fairy tale, students can propose new characters, so the development of the plot in most cases depends directly on the actions taken by the participants in the game.

Everyone is free to choose their own strategy of behavior, which only initially had certain restrictions that determined the image of the character to be played and the rules of the game.

A game "Journalists"

Goals :

    formation of adequate self-esteem;

    development of creative activity;

    unity of group members.

The target audience: students of grades 5-11.

Formed UUD: Tocommunicative, personal.


We choose the editor-in-chief of the magazine, the class is divided into “departments” in which journalists work on a specific topic.

We name the magazine according to the topic of the lesson or lesson, for example, “The Red Book of Russia.”

The task of the student journalists is to select interesting material on the topic, discuss it in groups, analyze it, and then “present the material in the issue.” At the last stage - a discussion of the resulting magazine, everyone conducts a self-assessment and introspection of their activities.

Initially, students need to be introduced to the rules necessary for the success of business communication among members of each group into which the class is divided;

so that each group includes students with different levels of training, and everyone has something to do that suits their interests.

A game "Guess who am I?"

Goals :

    development of reflection and self-awareness;

    creativity, empathy and sensitivity.

The target audience: atstudents in grades 1-5.

Formed UUD: Tocommunicative, personal.


Children receive the task: to imagine themselves in the role of some fairy-tale hero, writer, artist, animal and, when they come to class for a lesson, move and express themselves on his behalf. You can use group roles (for example, Little Red Riding Hood and Gray Wolf). The rest of the students must guess who their classmate has turned into.Whose stories were the most interesting for you? Did you like the task?


It is necessary to agree in advance whether it is possible to use elements of the costume and scenery. After the end of the game, analyzing the results of its implementation, it is necessary to note the successful performance of one or another role, but in no case should you make direct evaluative comments, otherwise next time the child simply will not want to play and will refuse to participate.

A game "Best astronaut"

Target: The game helps children learn to evaluate and appreciate the work of their comrades, and supports the child’s desire to learn something new.

The target audience: atstudents in grades 1-5.

Formed UUD: educational, tocommunicative, personal.


The teacher/presenter draws 10 rockets with different numbers on the board. 11 students are called at once. Around the table, where cards with examples are laid out, children walk holding hands and recite:

“Fast rockets for walking around the planets are waiting for us. We’ll fly whichever one we want! But there is one secret in the game: there is no place for latecomers.”

As soon as the last word is said, the teacher gives each student cards with examples encoding the number of the rocket on which the astronaut will fly. Children solve examples by identifying their rocket number and write the example under the corresponding rocket number.


Can be used in different lessons and activities by changing the examples to other types of tasks.

MAOU "Beloyarsk Secondary School No. 1"

TO art library of games

MAOU "Beloyarsk Secondary School No. 1"

A game

"Target Shooting"

MAOU "Beloyarsk Secondary School No. 1"

A game

"Zoological Domino"

MAOU "Beloyarsk Secondary School No. 1"

A game

"Who am I?"

A game "Target Shooting"

Target : the game helps children learn to evaluate and appreciate the work of their comrades, supports the child’s desire to learn something new, and develops accuracy.

The target audience: students of grades 2-6.

Formed UUD: Tocommunicative, personal, regulatory.


Work in pairs (mutual assessment). Each child receives a form to work on, writes their name on the back and draws three lines for evaluation. The rules of the game are shown by the teacher with one of the students on the board. The child shooter takes the chalk and places it at the “pistol” point. The teacher-commander commands: “Get ready – aim – fire!” When the word “pli” is said, the shooter draws a line to the target. The teacher evaluates the result this way: if you shoot accurately, the bullet should fly straight and fast at the target. 2nd try. The pairs had to agree on who would shoot first.Recommendations

The game begins and ends at the bell. The commander evaluates the “shooting” according to the criteria of “accuracy”, “speed”, and whether the bullet flew straight. The commander puts a rating on the shooter's piece of paper. Anyone who wants to thank their commander for justice shakes his hand.

Compiled by

    Brovkina L.A.,

    Grigorieva E.A., Physics teacher, MAOU "Beloyarsk Secondary School No. 1"

    Ezhova N.A.,

    Kryukova E.M., teacher-organizer of MAOU "Beloyarsk Secondary School No. 1"

    Filimonova M.I., mathematics teacher of MAOU "Beloyarsk Secondary School No. 1"

    Khamitova A.G., primary school teacher of MAOU "Beloyarsk Secondary School No. 1"

    Schneider A.V., primary school teacher of MAOU "Beloyarsk Secondary School No. 1"

    Yurina L.N., teacher of history and social studies MAOU "Beloyarsk Secondary School No. 1"

Game "Who Am I?"

Target: formation and assessment of the level of formation of personal reflection aimed at adolescents’ awareness of their motives, needs, aspirations, and the use of adjectives.

The target audience: atstudents in grades 5-8.

Formed UUD: personal.


1. Setting up for the lesson. Each student receives pictures with a symbolic image of his mood - a joyful person, a neutral person, a sad person. Everyone puts a little man in a pre-prepared box with the mood that corresponds to him at the beginning of the lesson. The teacher opens the box and tells what mood most of the children came in with. If the mood is sad, find out what happened. Puts you in a positive mood.2. Give compliments. Each student compliments his neighbor - he looks good, has a nice blouse, etc.3. Self-analysis. Who am I? Everyone writes down (based on a pre-prepared list of words that may be useful to students - cheerful, brave, timid, witty, cocky, fair, etc.). Each student, without showing his piece of paper, goes to the board, sits on a chair and listens to the opinions of his classmates about himself. How many matches - so many points.

Game "Zoological Domino"

Target: consolidation of schoolchildren’s knowledge about wild and domestic animals; nurturing intelligence and attention. The target audience: atstudents in grades 1-5.

Formed UUD: educational, communicative.

Content Game rule is that whoever puts all his cards down first is considered the winner. Game actions combine attentiveness, the ability not to miss a move, and to place your card on time.Progress of the game . The cards depict wild and domestic animals. The subjects are divided into micro-teams (4 people each). The cards are laid out face down. Younger schoolchildren were asked to count out 6 cards. Then the teacher reminds the rules of the game: you can only put the same picture next to each other.Recommendations

If the required picture is not available, then the child skips a turn. If one of the players is left without cards, he is considered the winner of the game. The game is repeated, but at the same time the cards are moved and other canvas cards are dealt.