Stronghold 1 10 mission how to get a blessing. Stronghold Crusader - tips for beginners. Chapter II. Strengthening positions

The initial missions in Stronghold Crusader HD are easy to complete. However, if you started getting acquainted with the series with Stronghold Crusaders, then even they can cause certain difficulties. But on this page we will tell you how to overcome these difficulties. If the description of the passage is completely unclear (there are not enough details), then there is a video where I go through this matter live.

1. Arrival

Let's go! First task. We have 4000, and the Sultan is against us since 2000. Well, there’s no point in “shaggy grandma.” We put a tower on the enemy side of the river, buy 15-20 archers and put them on the tower, shooting the slow enemy. Then we buy assassins for change and take out whatever else is left alive.

2. Going on a hike

The Caliph is against us. The money is the same - 2000 each. It’s more complicated here, but the tactics are similar. We buy archers and take out every living thing that can be shot that this Caliph bought there. The main thing is to be in time before he builds high towers. We take out all the buildings around. You can even bring your lord. And then we buy assassins and take out the lord. Enemy! It should not be confused with yours.

3. Sand Country

We have Richard as our allies, and 2 Caliphs against us. Everyone has 10,000 gold. Here it will no longer be possible to carry enemies with a rush; we will have to develop the economy. We have a huge amount of resources around us - there will be no problems with this. We supply 3-4 grains of wheat and set up bread production. There is metal and stone. There is a forest. Everything is.

The main task is to build towers in the north and west so that the Caliph's arsonists do not reach our buildings. You can also build vats of water from sin. We are setting up bow production. If you wish, you can help our unfortunate ally, but he must cope on his own. My Caliph actively used hired swordsmen, so it would not be a sin to train several crossbowmen.

As soon as we accumulate archers and engineers, we go to calm the first enemy. The enemy has no ballistas, so we build catapults and demolish high towers. We are not in a hurry to attack - there will definitely be a ditch with oil. It’s better to let Richard attack so that he can clear the whole thing. Well, or use hired horsemen with bows. And then we traditionally attack with killers.

We gather our eagles into a group and go to deal with the second Caliph - everything is the same.

4. Old friend

A reference to the previous part of the series. Boar is against us with 4000, but we only have 2000. Well, okay! We build a wide tower and send archers there right at the start. Just not like me in the video, closer to my castle. I made a mistake there and the crossbowmen punished me greatly.

We have the resources - we are developing them. There is also room for wheat. You can send pikemen or assassins to the northern and southern fields to demolish the Boar's buildings. It is worth taking care of the Lord at the initial stage. The boar loves rushing with pins, so it can accidentally kill the Lord.

Well, let’s block Boar’s approaches to food, while we ourselves develop and establish production. You can place trebuchets on the towers and demolish buildings. After which we bring in the archers and complete the attack with the killers.

5. Adventure in Arabia

There are 3 Snakes against us. Each Snake has 2000 gold, and we have 4000.

We place a couple of towers with archers in the north. In the south we have fields for wheat - we are establishing bread production. There is metal in the north, but it will require security, otherwise the buildings will be burned. We are not climbing to the stone in the west yet. You can drive the pikemen to demolish the buildings there, but there is no point in building up the fields yourself - they will burn them. For safety, it’s worth building a couple of vats of water.

We fight back and accumulate troops. Archers are our everything. Once we arrange the supply of metal, the economy will start working. Now you can go west to the stone. We place 2-3 towers with archers there. Now we also have a stone! Beauty! We gradually take out enemy farms and install our own.

Well, there’s no need to delay - let’s go on the attack. The snake usually doesn’t snap at anything other than archers and spearmen. So a couple of shields - we bring our archers, then the assassins. So the first Snake is no longer there. Same with the remaining two.

6. Endless Desert

We have Richard as our allies, and the Wolf is against us. Everyone has 10,000 gold. I tested these guys - it’s far from a fact that the Wolf will push through and defeat Richard, so we just need a little help.

There are a lot of resources. There is only no food. Well, I didn’t really want to. Forest, metal and stone in the north and east. We don’t let the Wolf settle there. We send the resource to Richard when he asks.

We build ballistas and demolish towers. Richard must help. Or maybe it won’t help, that’s how he is, Richard... But even in the worst case, nothing complicated - we bring the archers under the shields and then kill the Wolf with the assassins.

7. Greek fire

We are with 2000 against 2 Caliphs with 4000.

We place a wide tower with archers next to the stone and block the nearest Caliph. In the west we block off, just in case, with a wall or a ditch. We are establishing bread production, not forgetting about stone. As soon as the opportunity arises, we place a catapult on the tower and begin bombarding Caliph number one.

If desired, the far north is full of metal, stone and wood. But even without him we should be fine.

Have you accumulated troops? Well then, attack! After our bombardment, the first Caliph shouldn't have anything special there. You just have to be more careful with the traditional oil ditch.

Well, the second Caliph. Here you will have to use ballistas to raise the towers. There is still a rise - it is not convenient to attack. It would be best to send brave shield bearers in the first ranks, and only then archers and ballistas. As soon as we demolish the towers, we check the moat and go into the final attack with the assassins.

8. Sands of time

As many as 4 rats since 2000. And we have 4000.

4 Rats are too many, we need to reduce them. To do this, we build a mercenary camp in the south and send about 15-20 killers to the early rush. While the first enemy is being kicked, we build a wide tower in the center and fields of wheat with apple trees.

If you don’t waste time, you can also grab a second rat in the west across the river. However, we shouldn’t forget about the economy either - we organize the supply of bread for sale. There is metal and stone in the center, so if we went on the attack, then why not build everything there?

9. Oasis

We are against Saladin. Both are given 2000 gold.

Well, since the chances are equal, then we start putting pressure from the start - we place a wide tower as close to the enemy as possible. We have vast fields and a lot of metal and stone. So we build what we need there and quickly get rich. Slave raids can be carried out to disrupt the enemy's economy.

And then we sell metal and stone, hire archers and bring them under the walls of the enemy castle. After shooting the enemies, we take out the lord with infantry.

10. Country of Palm Trees

We are given a Rat ally. Saladin and the Sultan are listed against us. All participants in this conflict have 10,000 gold.

From the start we place 2 wide towers next to the stone in the center. One for the safety of the Rat, because he is a so-so defender. We are building many sawmills to clear space for arable land. There is plenty of money to set up production. Plus you can also sell oil. We withstand the onslaught of enemies. We place hired archers on the towers and place ballistas there.

We begin to accumulate troops for an attack on the Sultan. You can mess around with bows and crossbows, or you can hire a contingent. Then we demolish the towers, bring in an archer and take out the hired knights. We kill Lord Sultan.

Afterwards we accumulate resources, money and troops. Saladin will not give up so easily. We use engineers to build catapults and begin to carefully demolish the towers until the enemy’s resources run out. Then we check for oil traps and organize a tour of the ruins of former greatness with archers and assassins.

11. Rocky Valley

3 Boars with 2000 against us with 4000.

The boar does not develop quickly. And we have more money. Let's take advantage of this and take one of them out! Assassins with archers will do this easily and quickly.

Next, we are surrounded by a moat with water and archers on the towers. We have a huge amount of resources - they just need to be protected from rare raids. It would be highly desirable to build about 10 crossbowmen. And as soon as the supply of metal is safe, we begin to advance against the remaining enemies - we can no longer be stopped.

A siege under such conditions is a simple matter. We use catapults to demolish the towers with crossbowmen and bring in the archers. Afterwards we end the suffering with assassins. Repeat all this 2 times.

12. Stream

It's us versus Richard. Both have 10,000 gold.

Richard is on high ground. It's not very good. There is not enough space. This is also not very good. And everything is quite simple. We build a couple of wide towers on the road to the castle and send mercenary archers there. You can also insert trebuchets. They will greatly amuse Richard by constantly bombarding his buildings and troops. That's it. We accumulate melee troops and attack the Lord. Nothing complicated.

13. Heart of the Desert

We have 4000 in our Motherland’s bins, and against us are 2 Caliphs, each of whom has 2000.

We take advantage of the advantage in money - we place a tower in the center of fertile lands. We bring archers there. Be careful with lions! They can devour all our archers along the way.

I couldn’t rush in the video - the trap killed everyone. But we are blocking the economy of both Caliphs. Victory is a matter of time. In the north we have Stone and metal. In the center of the field. The enemies have nothing like that.

14. Country of Arabs

Our ally is Boar. The Sultan, Saladin and Caliph are against us. Everyone has 2000 gold.

Just in case, I advise you to block the passage from the center to our castle with a moat. We place a wide tower next to the Caliph and begin to take him out with archers.

We have wood, grub, metal and stone. So we develop the economy. You can periodically help the Pig. But he must cope without us. Problems may only arise with the mercenary swordsmen who will be sent by the Sultan. But for this we have pikemen, they should be enough. A little later, Saladin will also begin to attack. Swordsmen and archers. However, a couple of towers with ballistas will calm him down too.

As soon as we accumulate striking force, we take out the dehydrated Caliph. We are deploying troops towards Sultan. As usual - catapults, shields and archers, followed by assassins.

Now it’s worth saving some money - Saladin has built up half the map, the siege will be long. We demolish the towers and the economy. Then we bring the troops under the shields. Don't count too much on Pig. He, of course, will send his pinners to slaughter, but they won’t be of much use.

15. Lion's Mane

We have 2000. Against us is Richard with 4000.

You won’t be able to rush, you’ll have to endure it economically. And so we set up a tower with archers and fight off a wave of lions at the very beginning of the game. We have plenty of stone and wood. There is not much space for arable land initially, but after deforestation there is more than enough space.

This Richard climbed the hill. On ascents, do not shoot from catapults - they will fly in on their own. It will be a shame. Both to the soldiers and to us. First, we send the archers under the shields to check the area a little west of Richard’s walls. And only then we build catapults. That's it, Richard is doomed.

16. Hunters of the Desert

They generously gave us 2000, but they put against us as many as 2 Saladins with 4000. But that’s okay!

On one side we place a tower covering the extraction of metal and stone. We cover the other side with a ditch. We begin mining, cutting down trees and gradually building up the liberated territory with wheat.

You should immediately place a ballista and mercenary archers on the tower. Saladin can ride up on horseback and spoil a lot of blood. As soon as we improve the economy, we’ll put up another tower and fatten ourselves up. We organize the production of onions and bread. We save money and stone. You will need a lot of both.

The sieges will be long - Saladin will not give up so easily. Catapults or trebuchets. Then we bring archers under the shields and cut out all living things with assassins.

Repeat with a second friend until complete readiness...

17. Kingdom of Camels

We have 2000, against us the Sultan has 3 copies. All enemies have 8000 gold. Moreover, we are in the center and there is not much space.

But no problem! We immediately set up a couple of wide towers with archers. We begin metal mining. Metal is our everything here! We supply wheat and organize bakeries. There isn't much forest, but it's worth cutting down. But I would advise for the production of archers and crossbowmen - there is not enough space.

As soon as we begin to more or less fight back, we build a couple of towers on the road to our castle. So, to reach the Sultan with arrows. We take out everything from him that has the audacity to shoot back and bring in an embassy of assassins. Agree on the demolition of the castle... Now we have more space for arable land, and more metal, and more stone. Let's take advantage of the opportunity.

The scheme is similar with the other two Sultans. Here you can even do without catapults - archers and assassins.

18. Barren Land

We have 4000 gold. They put 5 Snakes against us with 2000 each.

I tried to rush, but I couldn’t get there quickly. So you'll have to rebuild.

In the east, where there is metal, we block off the metal and the snake with a moat of water (be careful there with the lions). We also block the stone. We build towers in the north on fertile lands, leaving a narrow passage. A little later, the arable land should be fenced off with a high wall from arrows. Two towers are enough.

After some time, we will run out of forest. It is possible to build a barbican with a bridge across the river, but our lumberjacks will not often return with their loot - Snake patrols periodically hang out there. So our only wealth is bread. That's how we live. A little later we begin to produce bows using purchased wood.

Firstly, it is necessary to remove unnecessary cuttings in a timely manner, and secondly, do not poke beyond the ditch towards stone or metal. They won’t let us settle there - they’ll set us on fire or carry us off with spears. In the video I tried to do this - it was no use. Vats of water won't help. I also recommend putting shields on the tower for the archers, but this is no longer critical.

Once we more or less recover from constant attacks, we go east with archers and build trebuchets there. We demolish anything that shoots dangerously. We take out Snake number one. Now the metal can be built up, but for this we will have to keep an impressive garrison there, otherwise all our efforts will quickly be destroyed or burned.

Let's go to Snake number two. The scheme is the same. Only this time I replaced the trebuchets with catapults. We demolish towers, shoot with archers what is still breathing and show with assassins how to fight in the desert.

Walkthrough of Stronghold Crusader HD for the Crusaders

Stronghold Crusader HD. Walkthrough 1-18. was last modified: June 27, 2019 by admin

Creating your own castle is easy. Especially at the beginning, when the construction rules are simple, there is a lot of space, and there are few restrictions. But then! However, the campaign for the “peaceful” builder is one scenario, divided into 12 chapters. During this scenario, you will have to wander around the various estates of the map that was originally given to us. In fact, this mission is training for a military campaign. Well, let's go ahead?

1. A simple start. You just need to collect 30 baskets of apples and restore the lighthouse. The first one is simple - we build apple orchards around your barn. 3-4 pieces are enough. It's no more difficult with a lighthouse. To restore it you need a tree. So we build several (2-3) sawmills, and they will bring us a sufficient amount of wood. Although you need to start with sawmills - wood will also be needed for gardens.

2. Your knight somehow quickly finished the tournament season and returned to the castle. The strangest thing is that he wants to eat. And he doesn’t want to eat like the peasants at all - he wants pork and vegetables. These strange serfs can easily eat game (read - all kinds of pigeons) and snack on it with apples. Fulfill the knight's wish and build a couple of pigsties and vegetable gardens. In this quantity, they will quickly accumulate the 10 hams and 10 baskets of vegetables you need. Be sure to build a kitchen for the lord - otherwise there will be nowhere to collect supplies. Honor will be gained on its own - it is enough to feed the peasants with apples and meat. Well, your lord will throw in some of it.

3. The time has come to get a second estate and a real castle. In the meantime, this castle needs to be restored. In this mission you will be taught fire safety, hauling resources from estate to estate, and stone mining. So let's start with fires. Very soon you will be cauterized with the destruction of many buildings. Clearly there is a nasty terrorist in our villages - otherwise it is impossible to explain how hot our houses are burning. If you have enough wood, then build a well for every 5-6 houses, otherwise during this mission you will get tired of watching your houses burn. Next, build a quarry and place a bull camp near it. They are the ones who have to drag the mined stone to the warehouse. You can even have a couple of such stops - things will go faster. Next, build a transportation station closer to the border and send the stone to the warehouse near the castle ruins. In total, 80 stone blocks will have to be sent - but the castle will finally be repaired. By the way, immediately after its repair is completed, a huge fire awaits us. Don't worry, that's how it should be.

4. And here are the first military operations. Our neighbor, Sir William, went on a crusade, leaving one of his estates in our care. During this time, wolves multiplied there, which terribly interfere with the lives of local peasants, for which the gray creatures must be killed. So, we are in new territory where we need to rebuild everything from scratch. Create apple orchards and hunters' huts closer to the barn, and 2-3 sawmills near the forest. We are supposed to build several bow makers' houses and make bows by hand. However, the mission can be significantly shortened. It is enough to go to the market and buy the number of bows we need. Then build the necessary military buildings and, armed with archers, go to beat the wolves. The impudent wolves managed to get into the farthest possessions of Sir William, so they will have to go to the end. In addition to wolves, local robbers will try to annoy us. However, this is not a problem - place a dozen of your soldiers on the roof of our tower, and they will easily shoot through the far end of the bridge. By the way, the estate next to you is a draw, and you can purchase it by paying only 100 honor. For this, local residents will supply resin to your warehouses. There is only one problem here - the robbers are not only attacking your castle, they are ruining everything they can get their hands on. Including this unfortunate estate. Therefore, it is advisable to create about 40 archers and place them on the path along which the robbers leave their camp. You still won't be able to destroy it.

5. Sir William deigned to return to his possessions. However, the servants who arrived with him immediately gobbled up (there’s no other word for it) all the supplies and risked dying of hunger. Therefore, this slacker needs to send several convoys with supplies. If we wisely built several food-producing houses in our distant domain, then we will have enough food on this mission. Then sending 2-3 convoys of 50 apples or meat to William will not be difficult. And he doesn’t need any more - he only has 24 months left to hold out.

6. But our estate was visited by rats. And the residents forgot about neatness, polluting the entire area with the waste of their life. And again you need to hold out for 24 months, while clearing your native places of both rats and manure. Give yourself as wide a view as possible and install appropriate houses where red masks of a bad mood appear - this is where crowds of rats scurry around or piles of manure lie.

7. Now the time has come to kill the robbers. For this, Sir William did not spare five swordsmen. They will destroy the enemy camp. Well, for our part, we will add a detachment of archers of 50-60 people. First, let's shoot the enemy archers and crossbowmen on the walls, and then we'll take care of those inside. The swordsmen will dismantle the enemy settlement.

8. But we were temporarily moved to manage Sir William's castle. And the main task here is to get 500 honor points in a limited time. Nevertheless, there is enough time. What should be done? Firstly, demolish the castle walls (they are not needed here at all and are located in very useful places) and quickly rebuild all food production. Here's your first source of honor - peasants who eat all types of food constantly earn several honor points. Next, create as many types of “advanced nutrition” for the knight as possible. After all, the richer the table, the greater the influx of honor points after the feast. Well, the last point is to create a bedroom for the lady and buy fabrics. If she sews enough dresses, then after the feast there will be dancing, from which there will be even more honor than from the feast. Another very useful thing is to build a wall along the road that runs between William's estate and Sir Gray's estate. It will come in handy later.

9. And here we are again in our native estate. A certain Sir Edwin is preparing for war and forging swords in batches. We must produce a sufficient number of swords (namely 100) first. Very soon they will make a joke on us by giving Edwin about 20 swords, but this will be his only breakthrough, there is no second such thing in sight. In the meantime, we are setting up production. Sir William will provide us with the metal. It is possible to build on his estate, so it is best to create another mine and set it to constant delivery of 20 units of iron. Build 4-5 forges in your domain and let them make swords. At this time, produce archers and send them to the wall that you built in William's domain. Take your five swordsmen there too.

10. Sir Edwin made up his mind - he really likes the lands of Sir Gray, and he decided to take them for himself. Nevertheless, he is ready to fight with your troops if they suddenly stand in his way. And in your lands he will create an assault camp, where he will make a bunch of siege equipment. However, even before he gets there, he should be seriously beaten by your archers from the walls. Moreover, these very walls are not of interest to him and your archers will shoot his troops passing by with almost impunity. Place your swordsmen on the walls, where they will have to push away the ladders and beat those who break into the castle. If everything is done correctly, then only a few very sick warriors will reach Gray, whom he will easily beat. It will be very good in the last mission if in this mission you buy 80-100 baskets of grapes.

11. Edwin was imprisoned, but during his reign he managed to significantly ruin his own castle. And in 40 months you need to gain 100 honor points (most likely, it’s already enough) and accumulate 80 settlers. The problem is that you have almost nothing, and the morale of the citizens is such that they are about to start running away. Therefore, the first task is to raise the morale of the residents. First of all, we reduce taxes - because of them, morale drops very much, and our other estates will bring us money. The second thing to do is to buy food for people (for which a market is needed) and give them double rations. What we have (only 50 coins) is enough for us to buy only a dozen apples, but this is enough to hold out until the first cash receipts. Then, when we have money, we buy more food to quickly cheer up the people. We also purchase wood - we need to build cesspools and falconers in order to remove heaps of manure and exterminate rats. For both of them extremely spoil the mood of the people. After this, you can deal with the problems of crime. Tear down all the walls of the castle that he needs, like a dog’s fifth leg. This will allow you to place a prison, a court, a scaffold nearby (as the cheapest and most effective tool), and then place several guard booths in different places. Very soon all the criminals will be caught and brought to justice. When people begin to actively arrive in your possessions, build more industries. The fact is that the number of places around the fire is limited and people will come to you only when this very place is still available. So give them this place by creating new jobs.

12. The last and most difficult mission. You are given only 5 months to get 500 honor points and 70 units of each type of “advanced nutrition”. Otherwise, our lords decided to throw a big party, but there are no supplies for it. Immediately prohibit them from eating any of these supplies - otherwise you will never win this mission. And then we begin to reshape your possessions. In each of your estates, build a kitchen (this is where the lord’s food is collected), and then specialize each of the estates in one or another type of food. So, the coastal estate is excellent at raising pigs (8-10 pigsties can be built there), in your castle we demolish all the military buildings and create a wine-making center there (plus a few more buildings, as many as fit). The swampy estate perfectly accommodates 10-12 ponds for breeding geese and fish. Finally, the estate in which there were robbers, in addition to supplying bread to our castle, is also well developed with vegetable gardens. All this needs to be built from the very beginning - a little delay, and you will not have enough moments to win. We will gain honor not by feasts, but by knightly tournaments - just one lists will bring you enough honor. This is how the peace campaign will end.

Stronghold Crusader is an exciting and educational computer game. It represents and is dedicated to the Crusades that took place in the Middle East.

For many years, the original game has been popular among PC users. It is not complicated, but is distinguished by the variety of strategies and tactics used.

Features of the game Stronghold Crusader

The Stronghold Crusader player completes fifty missions. As a rule, they are arranged in order of increasing difficulty. However, sometimes in the initial missions there are extremely difficult ones, after which it is much easier to go through the next stages.

In Stronghold Crusader you can change the speed. It is much easier to play at a lower speed, since your computer opponent will slowly develop at the same speed. If you play at speed 100, then while you only destroy the market and additional warehouses, your enemy can restore the entire castle.

Characters of the game Stronghold Crusader

There are a large number of different characters in the game. They help the main character fight numerous trials: hunger, plague, fire. The main danger is an attack by powerful and fairly strong opponents. The main figure of the game is the lord, who must be constantly protected. The death of the main character means the end of the game.

The peasants provide their master-lord with food. The workers present in Stronghold Crusader must mine iron, stones and wood. Warriors play an important role in the game. For the passage to be successful, it is necessary to constantly increase the ranks of troops. They must be hired from among unemployed peasants, pinners, swordsmen, spearmen and archers.

You can be a good lord in Stronghold Crusader. He takes care of his people: he feeds them well, builds taverns for them, exempts them from taxes, and so on. All these actions increase his popularity, but his people begin to become lazy and there is a significant decrease in productivity. Due to this, an insufficient amount of weapons, food and industrial products is created. As a result, this leads to problems in protecting the castle.

The tyrant lord imposes exorbitant taxes on the people and, if necessary, uses executioners. Then his people begin to work at full capacity and labor productivity increases. However, there is also a minus - the lord’s popularity is steadily declining, as a result of which people may leave the castle forever. This can lead to disastrous results, and the main character will have no one to protect and feed.

The best option is to find a “golden mean”. The peasants must be taxed as much as possible. Taxation can be successfully compensated for inns or churches, which will balance the tax revenue and will not lead to a decrease in the lord's popularity.

A barracks should be built for the troops. The construction of the barracks requires stones, which can be obtained by workers. In a strategy game, you can also use the services of hired warriors. With their help, you can overcome a potential enemy much faster.

To build a camp for Arab mercenaries or a barn in which peasants live, you need to get wood. Everything that is grown and mined by peasants can be successfully sold or bought in a special mobile shop, which is also built of wood. Surplus weapons produced by artisans can also be sold.

The most interesting thing about Stronghold Crusader is the confrontation between teams that use various strategic and tactical techniques. Moreover, each participant has a specific task. The game should take into account the location of the lord's castle, the location of iron mines and quarries. It is necessary to be the first to capture the field, preventing the enemy from doing so. The most important thing is to make important decisions independently and boldly, then victory will be yours.

Well, by this time we had already encountered certain difficulties, but we were able to successfully overcome them. There's only about 15 missions left before the campaign ends.

36 The Path from the Heights

We are given 2000 gold and a Boar. Against us are 2 Snakes and 2 Richards with 4000. An interesting mission. And complex.

One of the Snakes separates us from the Boar. I got the wrong side, apparently. Well, never mind, let's build a tower where the metal is and get some archers. We begin shooting enemies. At the same time, we block off the south with a moat with water and a wall. There is a forest in the north, we are starting active clearing. Let’s not forget about the Lord - he can also demolish buildings.

After taking out the enemy, we rebuild the metal and engage in defense. A moat with water, ballistas, a couple more towers, etc. In the center of Vryatli it will be possible to build something for a long time - there is always someone running around and doing strange things. But we have expensive metal! You can buy anything with it. In the west, you can also stick a tower and protect the extraction of wood and stone.

Don't forget about the enemy's catapults. Ballistas on the towers will be very useful. Updating the perimeter fence wouldn't hurt. We are also repairing the towers, otherwise they will be demolished and it will be a shame. We use lumberjacks as a shield - let them be cut down better than troops. If we find funds in this meat grinder, then a dozen crossbowmen will make life a lot easier. You can put a couple more towers with just ballistas a little behind - they will come in handy.

As soon as the defense begins to cope without constant adjustments, we build a detachment of 20-30 archers, 10-15 crossbowmen. We begin the siege of the Snake in the southeast. We're walking along the edge. There, hordes of attacking enemies should not interfere with our daring foray. We act as standard - we demolish the towers with catapults, bring the shooters under the shields and complete the attack with assassins. But after the victory you shouldn’t relax - Richard is very close. From its walls, archers can shoot up to our positions.

Speaking of Richard. Now it's his turn! If there are catapults left, we begin the siege. If you need to restore your strength, then now it is quite possible to build several arable lands on the edge of the map. Catapults and gentle assassins should be protected from crossbowmen, which Richard can counterattack with. You will have to suffer. Not like with Saladin, of course, but you can’t take Richard at once. And after all the torment, we have one more Richard for dessert. We already know what to do with him, and he can guess, so he shouldn’t resist too much.

The boar, by the way, is great. He survived all the attacks with me. He even helped at the end. Show off.

37 Underworld

We are against 3 Caliphs. Everyone has 10,000 gold. 2 Caliphs on our side and one Caliph, so to speak, a bonus on the other side.

Well, if there are only Caliphs, then they will have a blast, I decided. So I built apple trees at the start - it was cheaper, but there was no time for complex infrastructure. In parallel with the construction, I decided to rush the nearest Califchik. Horsemen and spearmen. He took out the mercenary camp and massacred the population. In general, the first friend flew out of the game, leaving the winner, that is, me, with money and resources.

What's next? Well, don’t give a damn about fighting back from both sides. And I blocked the passage to the east with a ditch. I did the same in the west. There is a passage left in the north where the farms are. But there were already 2 of my towers with well-aimed archers.

The caliph in the north did not wait for weather by the sea - the burning of my apple trees began. Well, hell with them, they're cheap. But the archers were gradually removed from the nearest tower. Well, nothing! I have plenty of money, I hired more. Sold oil and metal. He added ballistas and began firing at the annoying scoundrel. There is forest and there is food. Started producing bows. Gradually, only one Lord remained to guard Kalifa's castle in the north. The Assassins said hello to him. Now I have stone, metal and endless fields.

The last Caliph behaved strangely - very passively, perhaps he had a bug. For which he paid.

38. Assassins

We are with 7000 gold against 3 Saladins with 10000. A difficult and long battle. I just don’t understand why the map is called assassins.

Right at the start, he stuck a wide tower next to the nearest Saladin and began exchanging pleasantries. There is very little space, but there is everything for happiness, namely: metal, stone and wood. There's just no grub.

In one passage there is an intense firefight. He tried to barricade the remaining two passages with a ditch, but did not have time - horse archers galloped up. In parallel with this, there was a significant counterattack by hired swordsmen from nearby Saladin. I had to fight back in my own little circle. He led the archers straight into the castle. We managed to fight back, plus we caulked one of the passages with a ditch, in time between attacks.

He also built a tower with archers and ballistae on each side. Things have gone well - the attacks are repulsed with minimal damage. He began shelling the nearest Saladin with trebuchets from the towers. Well, as soon as the opportunity arose to attack through a hole in the wall, the killers ended the poor fellow’s suffering.

Very strong attacks came from the remaining enemies. Sometimes the hordes stopped near the ditch and raked without my losses, and sometimes they were killed by their fallen comrade. We almost reached the castle. On top of everything else, the tree is gone. The loggers went to the center, where patrols dissatisfied with such resistance were waiting for them. We had to slightly increase the passage path to the goal - a ditch. He added crossbowmen, plus all the same lumberjacks slowed down a lot. The enemy stopped coming.

Well, a little later he took out the last Saladin. Again, not immediately. They have saved up a lot of money.

39. Crimson Skies

We have 3000 gold. There are as many as 2 Richards and a Wolf with 10,000 against us. A difficult mission, although simpler than the previous one.

Metal, stone and wood. I stuck 3 towers right next to the castle. Archers and ballistas there. He fenced himself off a little with a fence and started producing bows.

The economy started working. Of course, I had to constantly buy food, but where could I get it? He built several more towers around the perimeter. Just for ballistas. Hired several crossbowmen. The enemies attack with very powerful forces of heavy infantry, crossbowmen and sometimes catapults. So armor-piercing weapons should also be present.

After some time I became confident in my defense. He began to accumulate troops and went to Southern Richard. It was hard to fight there. Trebuchets do not reach as far as we would like, and catapults are not convenient to reach. But after the demolition of the towers and a rather tense siege, Richard fell.

Now I have grub... Plus metal and stone. He went to the second Richard and began a siege. This was easier, even despite the proximity of the Wolf. He sold it on the economy.

But the Wolf built something completely unimaginable. I had to bury what he dug there. Although there was nothing more complicated - he also fell quickly.

40. Dunes

We have 4000 and an ally Richard. A group of 4 Boars has been against us since 2000.

Be careful with lions at the beginning of the game! It’s better to deal with them right away before they chew up the archers. We begin deforestation. We place a tower near a stone just south of Richard, so at the same time we will begin to fire at Boar. In the north, you can also master stone and metal, but security is needed there, otherwise the buildings will quickly be demolished.

There is no grub, but no one has it, and this is more a plus than a minus - the enemies do not develop as quickly as they could. As soon as we have at least a little money, we buy assassins and take out the first Hog - only the walls should remain there.

The second Boar is not far away, and is also weakened by Richard. Why wait? Let's take it out too. During this whole process, do not forget about defense - the rest of the Boars will begin to send quite weighty troops. The danger is not so much because there are many of them, they are also fast and hit hard. The Lord will be carried out in no time. So at our base there should be at least one tower with 15-20 archers. And it’s even better to place at least a couple of hired swordsmen next to the Lord.

We take out the remaining Boars as usual. We demolish the towers, then kill the crossbowmen with archers and lead the infantry. The enemy there must be already battered - Richard was actively firing at them with catapults from the towers.

41. Thunder Mountain

They give us 3000. Against us are 2 Kalifa and Richard with 40,000. A nightmare mission. I passed it only after completing the entire company.

It seems that everything is not so bad at the start - stone, metal, wood, plenty of arable land. But it was not there. Richard somehow goes completely crazy and starts sending just wild hordes with catapults. And the Caliphs cut out all living things in uncovered places. It’s worth building at least a couple of vats of water - they won’t be superfluous.

We immediately place 3-4 towers with ballistas next to the castle and hire archers. The most important thing is to install shields on the towers; without them we simply cannot survive. We put apple trees instead of wheat - we don’t have time to set up a production branch. We put houses, lumberjacks and other unnecessary things in the corner of the map - there is plenty of space there and it’s safe.

We are surrounded by a fence. At this stage, catapults from Richard should already arrive. We demolish them with ballistas and repair the destroyed walls, repairing the towers. We are trying to continue to survive in this hell. We are gradually building wheat and bakeries. A tower on the edge of the northern hill with a ballista can be a big help. We need crossbowmen, otherwise they will push through. As always, a medal for courage is given to lumberjacks who will do a great job of holding back the enemy - we build sawmills right next to the walls.

We are setting up the production of archers. We build churches and continue to increase the number of bakeries. We are trying to dig a ditch along the walls. Where there is shelling with catapults, we build multi-layer walls.

As soon as there is time between attacks, we withdraw a detachment of archers and catapults along the edge of the map to Calif and begin to demolish the towers. We act carefully and retreat to the walls if the Caliph decides to counterattack. We press without stopping. In the end, the Caliph will go bankrupt and we will take revenge on him. Now you can breathe a little more freely. We restore the army and go to the second Caliph - there is no longer any need to fear such powerful counterattacks - it will be easier. We endure the reptile, but we are afraid of oil traps.

If desired, you can expand the base, now Richard is doomed. However, besieging him will be very problematic - he is on a hill and will resist fiercely. On the other hand, it's good that this is not Saladin. So it’s a matter of time to endure it after so much suffering.

42. Valley of Hope

We have 2000 coins and an ally, Saladin. There are 3 Richards against us with 8000. A simple mission. Two Richards are on the other side of the river and will fight with Saladin, and as we know, Saladin cannot be taken so easily. So in fact we only have 1 opponent.

We place the tower from the start next to Richard. We begin shelling before he comes to his senses. There is metal between us - we fence it off. Lord we demolish the buildings. You can also destroy other Richards in the center of the farm with spearmen. As soon as money appears for at least a dozen assassins, we’ll take out the poor fellow.

Now we have huge reserves of metal in the north, but it’s better to keep guard there. Of course, they will attack us, but the enemy’s main direction of attack is Saladin. You can help him - stick a tower next to him with troops, but for the best he can handle it himself. In my version, he actually killed the second Richard himself.

Well, together we finish off the last enemy.

43. Desert Warriors

7 Rats with 10,000. True, we also have 10,000. Fun mission.

We start and immediately purchase archers and assassins. We take out the Rat in the north. At the same time, we place a couple of towers closer to the other two enemies. We begin shelling, simultaneously fencing ourselves with a fence so as not to fight back from all directions. At this moment, the spearmen from the remaining opponents should already go on the attack. But we have assassins who can easily knock out these guests. In principle, if you do everything successfully and quickly, then you can take out another enemy, but I didn’t take the risk.

There is a stone next to us - we mine it and accumulate troops. We have plenty of space, so we can gradually establish the production of archers. In the north you can build farms and quarries, but it is advisable to protect them. We are starting bread production.

Well, once we establish industry, we choose the time between attacks and take out first one neighbor, and then the second. In the south we now also have fields for food.

44. Torture by Sand

We are given 4000 gold, as well as 6 enemies. 2 Boars, 2 Snakes and 2 Rats. Enemies have 2000 each.

We have already fought on this map - we are repeating the scheme. We fence ourselves with a ditch in the east, where there is metal, in the west, where there is stone, and in the north, leaving a passage and a place for arable land, as well as a fence from arrows. We put up a couple of towers in the north, get archers there and start setting up production. They won’t attack us right away, but there’s no point in us going for an early rush - the opponents are very far away.

3 towers, equipped with ballistas and archers, will cope with everything. I would also advise hiring about 10 crossbowmen and adding shields to the towers - then everything will be completely fine. We don’t bother with metal and stone; bread and bows are our business.

As soon as we accumulate troops, we will go to recapture metal in the east. There is a lot of it, and the enemy is easy - the Rat. We take it out for the heap and the neighboring Boar. We occupy the mines. Well, then everything is simple.

45. Sandstorm

There are 4 Sultans against us with 40,000. We only have 3,000 in our pocket.

I didn’t understand the difficulty of this mission - it’s very easy. We have metal, stone, wood and arable land. There's plenty of space. And the enemy is far away. Develop - I don’t want to. The only thing is that on the towers, in addition to archers, I also had crossbowmen and ballistas. They simply did not notice the attack of the hired swordsmen.

Well, once we gather the troops, we go along the edge of the map and take out the last enemy. The biggest danger there is the climb, because... catapults have the imprudence to shoot at their own kind. And it’s also better to use crossbowmen instead of the usual archers - they will take out swords faster.

46. ​​Nightmare

6 enemies. Boar, Sultan, Saladin, Snake, Rat and Richard. We and they have 2000 gold each. The task is difficult, really a nightmare, but for me it was a daytime nightmare.

We place a couple of towers with ballistas next to the metal for defense against catapults. Thanks to metal, we are developing, accumulating strength, and establishing the production of bows. Let's go extinguish Richard in the east. After the demolition of Richard, we can still establish bread production.

Well, then we take out everyone else. The only problem here can be that you will have to walk through a swamp - the speed of the troops is low.

47. Forgotten Sea

We are in a team with Richard and 3000 gold. Against us are 2 Sultans and 2 Saladins with 40,000. A simple mission.

We have plenty of resources: stone, metal, wood and land for arable land. They won’t trample on us from the center - Richard is protecting us on the right. So we fence ourselves off with a fence just in case (Saladin can still ride in on horseback) and build a couple of towers next to the Sultan. Of course, we won’t be able to cover the entire base, but it will be enough to undermine the economy. We are saving money, organizing the supply of bread and the production of archers. Everything as usual.

You can, of course, help Richard by building your own tower next to its walls, but he must cope on his own. Once we have accumulated about 20 assassins, we choose the time between Saladin’s attacks and go to take out the Sultan from the left. Next we give Saladin a header. And then to everyone else.

48. Underworld

Caliph, Boar and 2 Richards are against us. Everyone has 10,000. The task is difficult.

There is not enough space. Catastrophically few. In addition, not all buildings allow construction. We immediately set up towers with trebuchets and archers. We begin Richard's reign of terror in the north. We have space for arable land, but no space for other infrastructure. So apple trees. The Caliph will sometimes send his eagles - vats of water will come in handy. In the west there is stone and metal. However, not much can be built there.

There is a ford in the east and enemies will constantly push through it. The walls will only help for a short time - they will be demolished very quickly. We shouldn’t get carried away with lumberjacks either - we need to replenish the army with normal troops. You will have to constantly repair the towers and hire reinforcements (we don’t have a ballista in this mission)

We are trying to ruin Richard in the north. Catapults and a tall tower will be very useful in this matter. Well, upon completion of the killing of the first enemy, we will finally have living space and fields in the north. Now you can start producing bread.

Well, since we have lived to such a state, then everything is simple - the Caliph has already gone bankrupt due to the shelling of our catapults. Next up is Richard's hefty but stupid castle. And the Boar with his crossbowmen for dessert. Nothing serious.

49. The Greatest of Wars

They give us as many as 2 allies. Caliph and Sultan. There will be 3 Richards and 2 Boars against us. We have 3000, the enemies have 40,000.

The task is not difficult. Around us are vast fields, forest, metal and stone. We put 2-3 towers on both sides at once and enclose ourselves with a fence. We are not in a hurry - we are accumulating resources and troops. We help the Sultan on the right as much as we can, otherwise they can easily carry him out. You don’t have to help the Caliph - he fought off me quite calmly on his own. He just swore often.

We begin attacks and put pressure on Boar on the right. The Sultan will periodically attack with powerful forces. It’s stupid, it’s true, he will dispose of them, but still. You can set him on someone in time. The caliph ignores us.

It will not be easy to take down the first Boar - there is a constant attack from our other enemies. However, these attacks are not endless and the moment between them can be found. Next we go to Richard. He has accumulated a lot of resources - he will have to suffer a little. Afterwards it will become easier and easier, with each defeated enemy.

50. Last victory

On this map we have to fight all the enemies we know at once. Rat, Snake, Boar, Wolf, Sultan, Saladin, Richard and Caliph. Everyone has 10,000 gold. It’s clear that it won’t be easy...

We don't have much space. There are fields in the north and forest in the north and southwest. There is some stone in the east and south. Some more metal in the south.

What are we doing? Rashim Kabana. If we succeed in pushing through, we begin to develop. If not, then we can start again - we will be crushed.

We occupy the central metal and stone, place several wide towers with ballistas and archers. Ballistas can fire from the east, but after the walls are built, the shelling should stop. The towers must reach Saladin. Metal and stone will be constantly set on fire. Vats of water are unlikely to help, but it’s still worth building them. Crossbowmen will help a lot, but where can I get them? We are trying to find a moment for a decisive attack and take out Saladin.

After this everything will become much easier. We move the towers further, finally securing the extraction of stone and metal, and amassing troops. Houses can now be built on the site of Saladin's destroyed castle - they will be under cover. In the east there are vast areas for food.

The Caliph and the Sultan will have to be carried out at the same time - their castles are too close. However, they will have to constantly monitor the movements of the armies of their ally. We are retreating to our walls in time, there is no point in losing troops just like that.

Wolf. You can't take a wolf so easily. But we have nowhere to rush - there are plenty of resources, the defense is reliable. Then we turn to Richard - it will be easier with him. Well, the Rat will be the last to fall.

Congratulations on passing!

Walkthrough of Stronghold Crusader HD for the Crusaders

Stronghold Crusader HD. Passage 36-50. was last modified: June 27, 2019 by admin

The computer game Stronghold was created in 2001 by the British company Firefly Studios. Its genre is real-time strategy. The game, whose name translated from English sounds like “Citadel,” invites its participants to build, storm, defend a medieval castle or develop the economy of a settlement.

Passing the Stronghold quests is a large-scale military and economic campaign consisting of 21 missions. All tasks offered to players are plot-related, which allows you to sequentially go through each stage of the castle’s development, starting from the construction of its main building and ending with the use of troops for the assault.

The plot of the game takes us to Medieval England. All actions begin in 1066. However, tasks do not always have time limits. This is why some missions last for tens or even hundreds of “game” years.

At the time of the game's release, the main aspects of its rules were an innovation in the genre. Because of this, Stronghold was highly praised by many for its uniqueness. It is worth noting that the number of fans of this game was so large that it was the reason for the creation of a large community. Its members began creating various amateur modifications and game cards.

Somewhat later, Stronghold was replenished with five sequels and two spin-offs. This is Stronghold Crusader, which appeared in 2002, as well as Stronghold 2 in 2005. In addition, the spin-off Stronghold Legends (2006), Stronghold Crusader Extreme, released in 2008, Stronghold 3 (2011), spin-off Stronghold Kingdoms (2012). The developers released the last sequel in 2014 under the name Stronghold Crusader 2.

During the implementation of the game, more than five million copies were sold.

Graphic arts

The first thing that catches the eye of each player when playing Stronghold is the stunning beauty of nature. Already from the beginning of the training missions, landscapes worthy of paintings by Lucas Cranach the Elder appear on the screen. This is, for example, the blue surf, which mesmerizingly breaks up at the very foot of the rocky cliffs. Not far from it you can see a herd of deer resting in a green clearing of the forest. Sunbeams also jump here, created by the tree crowns fluttering in the wind. However, the player will simply have no time to admire this splendor. After all, all his attention will be captured by the gameplay.

The fruits of civilization appear no less picturesque to our eyes. The fact is that when creating the castles, the authors used medieval engravings. This made it possible to thoroughly reproduce all the features and details of 12 types of structures that existed in reality.

Players also look with pleasure at other buildings - military and economic. They are also worked out to the smallest detail.

When passing through Stronghold, you can click on the image of a bakery or workshop. After this, what is happening inside them appears on the screen.

Farms are also pleasing to the eye. Their fields sprout very beautifully, then turn green and spike.

System requirements

Passage of "Stronghold 1" is possible if you have:

  • 4 MB video memory;
  • 750 MB hard disk;
  • 64 MB RAM;
  • Pentium II 300 MHz.

The game is controlled by keyboard and mouse.

Stronghold modes

There are two of them in the game. This is a military path and a peaceful one. These modes represent the path of battles and economic development. What do the authors provide here?

The battles feature a military campaign. It includes online play, siege and invasion. In the economic mode there are missions that develop the settlement, as well as free construction.

The game has its own map editor. With it you can create siege, construction, invasion, and economic maps for siege missions and for online play. There is also a multiplayer mode. It allows you to play over the Internet or using a local network.


When completing Stronghold missions, the player becomes a lord, ruling a medieval castle along with its inhabitants, as well as the commander of his troops. The main character's responsibilities include:

  • providing the castle with raw materials and food;
  • training troops for a siege and for striking the enemy;
  • establishing a graying economy.

For the castle to prosper, the player will need to maintain popularity at a certain level. This indicator is estimated in points ranging from 0 to 100. With values ​​below 50, its inhabitants will begin to leave the castle. And if popularity exceeds this threshold, then new people will appear in the settlement.

How to achieve the desired level? To do this, it is necessary to have an optimal amount of food reserves and set an adequate level of taxes. In addition, the number of residents will increase due to the construction of houses. But it is worth keeping in mind that in this case large supplies of food will be required.

When completing the game “Stronghold”, any task can be completed almost instantly. Soldiers are also trained here without delay. But only for this the player will need weapons produced in special workshops, and financial resources.

The lord himself can participate in the military campaign in Stronghold. Together with other soldiers, he is able to fight on the battlefield. However, it is worth keeping in mind that the death of this hero will mean the end of the mission.

Construction and economics

When completing Stronghold, the player is offered six types of tasks. With their help you can build:

  • castle buildings (barracks, gates, towers, walls, etc.);
  • buildings used for resource extraction (mines, quarries, sawmills, etc.);
  • city ​​buildings (churches, wells, houses, etc.);
  • workshops for the manufacture of weapons and armor;
  • buildings in which products will be processed (barns, etc.);
  • agricultural buildings (farms, etc.).

All construction is carried out instantly. At the player's request, buildings can be demolished.

There are four types of resources in the castle. Among them are oil, iron, as well as stone and wood. They are extracted from wells and mines, quarries and sawmills.

The player needs wood to build almost all buildings. To do this you will need to use the labor of lumberjacks. They will fell the tree, saw it, and then deliver the finished boards to the warehouse.

To build a castle, the player will need a stone. It is mined in quarries. To transport this material, oxen must be used.

Iron in the game is needed to make weapons and armor. It will also be needed for boilers in which oil will boil. Iron is mined in mines.

The inhabitants of the castle need oil for oil, which will be brought to a boil and poured onto the heads of their opponents. You can also use it to fill ditches and then set them on fire. This will destroy the enemies that are in these ditches. Oil is extracted from wells.

In order to provide the castle residents with food, the player needs to build dairy farms, hunters' huts, wheat fields and apple orchards. All this will allow you to get bread, apples, cheese and meat.

But it's not that simple. The extracted oil will need to be turned into flour, first of all. Only after this will it be possible to bake bread from it. The player needs to manually configure the products allowed by the lord for consumption in the system, as well as the speed of their use. This or that volume can seriously affect the level of popularity.

The player is given the right to build hop fields. Raw materials for ale will be grown in them. This hop drink is consumed in taverns and also brings additional popularity points.

How effectively any building will function will depend in part on the player's deference. He can erect a large number of maypoles, monuments and gardens, increasing his popularity. However, workers will spend most of their time not on work, but on walks.

On the other hand, the player can start building instruments of intimidation and torture. This will lead to a loss of some popularity. However, in this case, employees will work longer hours.

Popularity is also controlled through the construction of cathedrals, churches and chapels. You can also get gold in the game. This is done in two ways - through trade and taxes. However, it is worth keeping in mind that the market in the game is not always available, and purchases on it are only made in groups of five units. Sales are carried out based on the quantity of goods available in warehouses. In the future, the gold obtained must be used to build siege weapons, as well as to train soldiers and city buildings.

The main dilemma for the player when completing missions is maintaining a balance between popularity and economic gain.


There are no separate nations or races in the Stronghold game. Each side has the same set of soldiers to hire. In order to reproduce units, the player will need to build a barracks and armory, filling it with swords and armor. You also cannot do without gold and free peasants. Soldiers are trained in the game instantly. Among them there are units designed for distance combat. These are crossbowmen and archers. Such soldiers attack the enemy automatically, already at his first appearance. There are also melee units. They are represented by knights and swordsmen, pikemen, mace-wielding foot soldiers and spearmen. All of them will remain inactive until they receive an order to attack a specific enemy.

The main emphasis of the game is on the defense and siege of the castle. That is why many of the ideas that the developers used are considered innovative. The player can allow troops to take up positions on the towers and move along the castle walls, while firing at the enemy below.

The player can also storm the enemy's city, breaking the walls of his fortress or capturing them using ladders and is also given the opportunity to organize an epidemic or fire.


There are two guilds in the game - sappers and engineers. The barracks house combat units, as well as knights. The latter represent the only type of cavalry. There are also monks in the game. However, you cannot hire them. The developers corrected this gap a little later. So, when completing the Stronghold Crusader missions, monks can be hired in the cathedral.

Representatives of the Engineers' Guild include both engineers themselves and siege workers. The first of them do not have any weapons. However, the player can attach them to a vat of oil, to defensive weapons or to siege engines. They can also pour boiling oil on their enemies' heads.

The sapper guild is allowed to hire sapper diggers. They are able to dig under the stone fortifications of enemies. Thanks to this, the walls of the fortress collapse.

Among the soldiers in the barracks, there are those who have special skills. The player can hire them to set fire to oil pits, climb siege ladders, or dig ditches.

According to the plot of the game, the king, who led Medieval England, was captured by barbarians. The country was captured by greedy barons. The player is asked to lead the troops remaining loyal to the king, and gradually reconquer England, captured by four villains - the Duke di Volpe (Wolf), the Duke of Beauregard (the Snake), the Duke of Truffe (the Boar) and the Duke of Puce (the Rat).

Stronghold Crusader modes

This computer game is an independent addition to the basic strategy. There are four historical campaigns available in it. Among them:

  1. "To arms." This campaign is the simplest. It is dedicated to the First Crusade, which took place in 1094-1099. During the passage of Stronghold Crusader, the player needs to master the management of the castle, as well as the principles of siege and defense.
  2. "The Conquests of Saladin". During this campaign, Arab troops come under the player's control. All missions in this case are siege missions. This campaign is dedicated to the campaigns of Saladin, which he undertook in 1187.
  3. "Royal Crusade". This campaign was an attempt to liberate Jerusalem. It was undertaken by the King of England, Richard the Lionheart, the King of France, Philip II, as well as the Emperor of Germany, Frederick I Barbarossa. All missions in this campaign are defensive.
  4. "Wars of the Crusaders". This campaign does not purport to be based on actual events. However, it well reflects the spirit of the wars waged by the Crusaders in the Middle East.

There is also a special campaign in the game. It is called “The Way of the Crusader.” It includes 50 cards that are not connected to each other by a specific plot. In order to get closer to the goal, the player will need to complete fifty missions. Each of them has its own allies and enemies.

To defeat the enemy, you can play in separate map mode. In this case, it is possible to set the desired number of computer enemies, which can be from 1 to 7, as well as the initial conditions of the fight and alliances.

In "Stronghold Crusader" it is proposed to build a castle, villages, etc. This mode is known from the first part of the game. Construction can be carried out without any restrictions on the site. In this case, the F1 key can open the event editor.

War in Stronghold Crusader

This system remains virtually unchanged from the base game. Only Arab units have been added. They partially duplicate standard soldiers. Their list includes: an Arab archer and swordsman, a slave and a slinger, a flamethrower and a horse archer, as well as an assassin. All these units must be hired for gold. To complete the game “Stronghold Crusader”, in addition to siege weapons, the authors also added fire ballistas. With them the player can set fire to enemy buildings or destroy units from the enemy army.

This game also has a unique innovation. They are assassins who, using cats, deftly climb the walls of the fortress. They kill the guards and open the gate. Otherwise, the combat system remains the same.


In this part, the passage of Stronghold Crusader remains the same. The authors decided to change only some prices for goods and buildings.

Castle construction

The player will need to build this structure, using such lines of defense as towers, walls and barbicans. Auxiliary buildings will also be needed. Among them are a mercenary camp and a barracks, guilds of engineers and sappers.

Barbicans are needed so that the player can pass his troops through the defensive system. Using these structures, the army can climb the walls. Drawbridges can be attached to barbicans, allowing units to cross moats.

As for the extraction of resources and the creation of weapons workshops, no changes were provided for in the new version. A significant difference in the agricultural sector was the location of the farms. Now they can only be placed in oases. Compared to the basic Stronghold, major changes have occurred in urban buildings. Now you will need gold to build temples. The construction of a cathedral or church automatically adds a bonus to the ruler’s popularity level.

"Stronghold 2"

This game, like the base one, is a real-time strategy game. Its system is more similar to the Stronghold Crusader.

  • processor 1.4 Hz;
  • 32 MB video memory;
  • RAM 256 MB;
  • 2.5 GB hard drive.

Gameplay "Stronghold 2"

As in the base version, the player acts as a lord ruling over a medieval castle. When playing the Stronghold 2 games, you also need to build military buildings and housing, buildings in which resources will be extracted, as well as workshops. There are peasants here who, if there are free places (buildings), will choose their own work. In this direction, player intervention is minimal. He should pay attention to military buildings.

The army also consists of hired peasants (recruits). In this case, military units can be controlled both in a group and individually. This will be especially useful when completing the military campaign “Stronghold 2”. Sometimes battles take place here. More than one hundred warriors take part in them on each side. However, during the passage of the Stronghold 2 military campaign, the authors slightly changed the rules. The player can now buy certain units. But he has the right to do this only if he has a certain level of “honor”. This is a game resource that is given for holding balls, feasts and tournaments.

A new thing that can be seen during the passage of the Stronghold 2 mission is the estates. These are semi-autonomous villages without protective walls or a castle. They are controlled by the player, as well as artificial intelligence. The estates produce goods that can be sent by cart to the castle or to the allies.

There are various modes in the game. Among them:

  • military and economic missions;
  • "Siege";
  • "Fight for the Crown";
  • "Free construction";
  • "The Conqueror's Path"

It is possible to complete Stronghold 2 in the company of players. This allows you to do multiplayer.

Two advisors guide players through all missions. Tom Simkins teaches economics. Constable Briggs guides players through combat battles.

"Stronghold of Legends"

The main system requirements for this game are:

  • 1.6 GHz - processor;
  • RAM - 512 MB;
  • 64 MB video memory;
  • hard drive - 2.5 GB.

To complete Stronghold Legends, the authors noticeably changed the gameplay. They removed some types of units and added new ones. There are also three game types in this version. Among them are single-player, which is divided into scenarios, as well as network and map editor.

The passage of almost every new mission begins with the construction of your castle. Next, you need to fine-tune the extraction of the necessary resources and production, as well as build defensive structures that are necessary to repel enemy attacks. After this, the player creates an army. He will need it to capture enemy castles located in another part of the map. Attacks on other people's fortifications occur gradually. The main tactical advantages in this part of the game are magic spells, as well as strong heroes who have additional capabilities.

"Stronghold Crusader Extreme"

This addition to the game is the only one of all that was released by the official developer. It can be used as a separate modification or installed on the standard version of the Stronghold Crusader. This game has some additions, namely:

  • magic;
  • additional computer opponents - 8 units;
  • new cards;
  • additional campaign consisting of 20 missions;
  • endless troops.

The passage of "Stronghold Extreme" is designed for experienced players. It's not so easy to manage an unlimited number of units. When completing Stronghold Crusader Extreme, armies can reach tens of thousands of warriors. The game also began to feature a new structure and tactical capabilities.

To successfully use the version, players will need to have a personal computer with the following:

  • processor "Pentium III" 1 GHz;
  • 256 MB memory;
  • 4 MB video memory;
  • 1.1 GB of hard disk space;
  • OS Windows 2000/Vista/XP.

"Stronghold 3"

This version of the game has its own innovations. They consist of an improved castle construction system, which allows you to get as close to reality as possible, delving into the subtleties of craftsmanship. In addition, the passage of “Stronghold 3” can please you with its updated graphics. Several modes have also been added to the game, including night sieges. New opportunities also appear during the assault on fortress walls.

The world that the player will admire during the passage of Stronghold 3 is more similar to that present in the basic version. Interesting changes affected the buildings. They will look different depending on their distance from the castle. The smaller it is, the richer the structures.

To play the game "Stronghold 3" you will need a computer that has:

  • 2.8 GHz processor;
  • 1 GB RAM;
  • 128 MB video memory;
  • 2 GB of free hard disk space.

The new version of the game announces high quality 3D graphics, day and night cycle. The opportunity has arisen to destroy natural objects. A different, compared to the basic, system for the location of buildings has been developed. Many game processes are now controlled by artificial intelligence.

As before, during the development of the settlement, they adhere to two directions - economics and military affairs. Which path will be chosen depends on the player.

The plot of the game was a continuation of the story of the basic version. All the action takes place in the same area, but only seven years later. The wolf managed to survive after falling from the tower and being seriously wounded in a battle with the protagonist. He fled to the East, where he regained his strength. After 7 years, the Wolf returned to England again, accompanied by his new ally, the Jackal. In addition, he was also joined by the sons of his henchmen, who were killed during the liberation of the country, the Rat - the Duke de Puce, and the Boar - the Duke de Truff.

"Stronghold Crusader 2"

The gameplay of this game, just like previous versions, is very much tied to the construction of castles, the maintenance of settlements, as well as battles. The face of war has changed very seriously. At first glance, the differences are difficult to notice. However, when the battles begin, an experienced player will no longer recognize the familiar plot. So, when passing the game “Stronghold Crusader 2” you can see a larger number of units. Now there are already 20 units. Those who switched from older versions of the game “learned” new tricks. In addition, the authors changed their protection and damage indicators. There are also units that give bonuses to allies and restore their health. Players now have access to an archer, who can stand up for themselves in close combat.

There were also losses. When playing through Stronghold Crusader 2, you no longer encounter miners, engineers, and slaves with ladders. The authors also removed siege towers from the game. In return, players were given two types of catapults.

Castle sieges have become noticeably more effective and simpler. This became possible due to the reduction of devices for defense and assault. Now the player can no longer direct a person carrying a ladder to a wall and transport a dozen units across it. You will need to either break the wall or capture the gate through the efforts of the Assanites.

The passage of “Stronghold Crusader 2” begins with a training mission. To complete it, you will need to build gardens, provide the population with food and conserve the necessary resources. After this, the player will have to build a barn and warehouse, several sawmills, as well as apple orchards. The next step is the destruction of the lions. To do this, you need to take several warriors and go with them to the lair of the beast. The lord is a very strong man. Dealing with lions is not a problem for him.

After eliminating the lions, you can move on to the economy. For its prosperity, it is worth building 10 sawmills, 3-4 farms, and 5-6 apple orchards. After providing the residents of the settlement with resources, an arsenal should be built, as well as workshops in which they will make swords and bows. Mining iron ore will allow the player to complete the main quests. The mission will be considered successfully completed.