Subtraction and addition of numbers with passing through ten. Subtraction and addition of numbers with passing through ten Online trainer for addition within 20

The very first examples that a child gets acquainted with even before school are addition and subtraction. It is not so difficult to count the animals in the picture and, crossing out the extra ones, count the remaining ones. Or move the counting sticks and then count them. But for a child it is somewhat more difficult to operate with bare numbers. That is why practice and more practice are needed. Don’t stop working with your child in the summer, because over the summer the school curriculum simply disappears from your little head and it takes a long time to make up for lost knowledge.

If your child is a first-grader or is just starting first grade, start by repeating the composition of the number by house. And now we can take on examples. In fact, addition and subtraction within ten is the child’s first practical use of knowledge of the composition of a number.

Click on the pictures and open the simulator at maximum magnification, then you can download the image to your computer and print it in good quality.

It is possible to cut A4 in half and get 2 sheets of tasks if you want to reduce the load on the child, or let them solve a column a day if you decide to study in the summer.

We solve the column and celebrate our successes: cloud - not solved very well, smiley - good, sunshine - great!

Addition and subtraction within 10

And now randomly!

And with passes (windows):

Examples for addition and subtraction within 20

By the time a child begins to study this topic of mathematics, he should know very well, by heart, the composition of the numbers of the first ten. If a child has not mastered the composition of numbers, he will have difficulty in further calculations. Therefore, constantly return to the topic of composition of numbers within 10 until the first grader masters it to the point of automaticity. Also, a first-grader should know what the decimal (place value) composition of numbers means. In mathematics lessons, the teacher says that 10 is, in other words, 1 ten, so the number 12 consists of 1 ten and 2 ones. In addition, units are added to ones. It is on knowledge of the decimal composition of numbers that the techniques of addition and subtraction within 20 are based. without going through ten.

Examples for printing without going through the tens mixed up:

Addition and subtraction within 20 with a transition through ten are based on techniques for adding to 10 or subtracting to 10, respectively, that is, on the topic “composition of the number 10,” so take a responsible approach to studying this topic with your child.

Examples with passing through tens (half a sheet of addition, half a subtraction, the sheet can also be printed in A4 format and cut in half into 2 tasks):

Preparing for the game - settings

  1. Any parameters and settings can be changed at any time, even during the game.
  2. Initially the game is set up like this:
    • Computation type - Addition up to 10
    • Prize 1- chocolate, bonus 2- cookie
    • In a gaming session 10 calculations (arithmetic examples)
    • Percentage of examples that must be solved correctly to receive Prize 1 - 90%
    • Percentage of examples that must be solved correctly to receive Prize 2 - 70%
  3. You can choose any other type of calculation - depending on what the child knows and what is being taught at school at the moment. Types of calculations in the game:
    • Addition, subtraction, addition and subtraction (mixed):
      • To 10
      • Up to 20 (with transition through ten)
      • Up to 20 (with and without passing through ten)
      • Up to 30
      • Up to 100
    • Multiplication, division or any combination - by 1, - by 2, - by 3.......etc. up to 10
    • Comparison of numbers
  4. Set how many examples there will be in a game session. It is better to start with a small number of attempts - 5 or 10, so as not to discourage the child from continuing the game. When the child increases milk yield:) improves performance, you can move on to a serious game with 100-200 examples.
  5. Enter the percentage of correctly solved examples for which 1st and 2nd prizes are awarded. To begin with, it is better to lower the percentage. For example, choose 70 and 50 percent for 1 and 2 premiums, respectively. Later, the rates can be increased to 90 - 70. Or even to 98% - 95% for very terribly smart children :). Enter only numbers, without the % sign!
  6. Write down the bonuses your child will receive for 1st and 2nd place.
  7. The settings will be saved using a cookie (a small script) and restored the next time you open the game page in your browser.

Now you can start the game!

  1. To start the game, press the START button
  2. When an example appears on the screen, the child must enter the answer after the "=" sign.
  3. If we play “comparisons”, we need to enter the appropriate sign: . To do this, it is most convenient to use the buttons that will appear next to the NEXT button
  4. After entering the result, you need to press the OK button (or ENTER on the keyboard) to check whether the example was solved correctly.
  5. If the example was solved correctly, "Correct" will appear on the screen. If no, "Wrong" is the correct answer. At the same time, the game will calculate the percentage of correctly solved examples
  6. To move on to the next example, you need to click the NEXT button
  7. When the session ends, the prize that the child won (or “didn’t win anything”) and the percentage of correctly solved examples during the session will appear on the screen.
  8. To start a new session, click the START OVER button.

Big hopes:)

What can you expect from this game? Great help in completing the school curriculum! As a rule, within 5-7 days, in which the child plays for 30-40 minutes, he firmly masters the next type of calculation (for example, adding to 20 and passing through ten). And he practically stops making mistakes in class.

In this lesson you will remember how to add and subtract numbers beyond ten. While solving interesting problems, you will repeat the algorithm for adding and subtracting numbers by passing through ten. You will have the opportunity to practice previously learned material together with funny bees.


Lesson: Subtraction and addition of numbers by passing through ten

Look at the number line. (Fig. 1)

Rice. 1

How are pairs of numbers related to each other? They add up to 10.

Remember these pairs. (Fig. 2)

Rice. 2

This property of numbers will be useful to us when solving problems.

Let's perform the addition by parts; to do this, we divide the second term 6 into two parts so that the first part complements the number 9 to ten. (Fig. 3)

Rice. 3

The first part is the number 1, the second part is all that remains - 5. (Fig. 4)

Rice. 4

So 9 + 6 = 15.

1. Reading an example

The first term...

The second term...

2. I find a number that will complete the first term to 10. This number...

3. I split the second term into 2 parts... and...

4. I add the first term to 10 and add the remaining ones. 10+...

5. Reading the answer...

Let's practice counting.

Solve the examples and find out from which flower the bees will collect sweet nectar. (Fig. 5)

Rice. 5

The solution is shown in the figure. (Fig. 6)

Rice. 6

If you have any difficulties, repeat the composition of the numbers, this will definitely help you.

Now let's look at an example of subtraction.

We find the number of units in the minuend - the number 11 consists of 1 ten and 1 unit. We divide the subtracted 6 into two parts: the first is equal to the number of units being reduced - 1, the second - the remaining units - 5. (Fig. 7)

Rice. 8

So 11 - 6 = 5

1. Reading an example



2. In the place of units of the minuend, the number ...

3. I break the subtrahend into two parts... and...

4. I subtract the first part..., I get 10, I subtract the second part from 10...

5. I read the answer.

Let's consolidate new knowledge.

We have three cats: red, white and black. (Fig. 9)

Rice. 9

They had kittens. Want to know how much? Then solve the examples correctly and name the color of the cat that has the most kittens. (Fig. 10)

Rice. 10

Consequently, the ginger cat has the most kittens.

In this lesson, you remembered the algorithm for adding and subtracting numbers by passing through ten. You've reinforced what you've learned so far by solving fun problems, which will help you further in your math studies.


  1. Alexandrova L.A., Mordkovich A.G. Mathematics 1st grade. - M: Mnemosyne, 2012.
  2. Bashmakov M.I., Nefedova M.G. Mathematics. 1 class. - M: Astrel, 2012.
  3. Bedenko M.V. Mathematics. 1 class. - M7: Russian Word, 2012.
  1. Manuals for primary school ().
  2. Social network of educators ().
  3. ().


1. Remember the algorithm for adding and subtracting numbers by passing through ten.

2. Solve the examples and find out from which flower the bees will collect sweet nectar.

3. Solve examples:

Mental arithmetic trainer— easily and significantly increases a person’s intellectual potential.

The result of acquiring skills and achieving normative qualifications will be the assignment of a sports category (I category, II category, III category, candidate master of sports, master of sports and grandmaster).

  1. People from the group are distinguished both by their ability to speak beautifully and correctly, and by their ability to quickly count in their heads, and they are usually classified as smart. For a student, the ability to quickly count in his head allows him to study more successfully, and for an engineer and scientist, he can reduce the time it takes to obtain the result of his work.
  2. CS is needed not only by schoolchildren, but also by engineers, teachers, medical workers, scientists and managers at various levels. Those who count quickly find it easier to study and work. The US is not a toy, although it is entertaining. It allows the student to return to those “rails” from which he once fell; increases the speed and quality of information perception; disciplines and produces precision in everything; teaches you to notice details and little things; teaches you to save; creates images of objects and phenomena; allows you to foresee the future and develops human intelligence.
  3. “European-quality renovation” in your head needs to start with simple arithmetic operations that allow you to structure your brain.
  4. The ability to quickly count in your head gives the student self-confidence. As a rule, those who do well at school or university do the fastest math in their heads. If a lagging student is taught to quickly count in his head, this will certainly have a beneficial effect on his performance, and not only in natural sciences, but also in all other subjects. This has been proven by practice.
  5. Voluntary attention and interest during oral counting changes the wandering gaze of a lagging student to a fixed one, and the concentration of attention reaches several levels of depth in the subject or process that is being studied.
  6. “The study of mathematics disciplines thinking, accustoms one to the correct verbal expression of thoughts, accuracy, conciseness and clarity of speech, fosters perseverance, the ability to achieve the intended goal, develops efficiency, and promotes correct self-esteem of mastery of the subject being studied.” (Kudryavtsev L.D. – Corresponding Member of the RAS. 2006.).
  7. A student who has learned to quickly count in his head, as a rule, begins to think faster.
  8. The one who by nature counts well will naturally discover intelligence in any other science, and the one who counts slowly, learning this art and mastering it, will be able to improve his mind, make it sharper (Plato).
  9. The acquired mental arithmetic skills will last for some people 5-10 years, and for others for a lifetime.
  10. It will be easier for our descendants to learn and gain knowledge. However, the culture of mental calculation will always be an integral part of universal human culture.
  11. Those who count quickly in their heads tend to think clearly, perceive quickly, and see more deeply.
  12. Mastering CS develops figurative, diagrammatic and systemic thinking, expands working memory, range of perception, accustoms one to thinking several moves ahead, improves the quality of thinking in terms of the quantitative characteristics of objects.
  13. CS increases clarity of thinking, self-confidence, as well as strong-willed qualities (patience, perseverance, endurance, hard work). Teaches deep and sustained concentration of attention, conjecture and finishing of begun phrases (especially in preschoolers and primary school students).