Skyrim 5 mzark tower quest. Passage of the quest ancient knowledge in Skyrim. How to write a dictionary in Skyrim

Mzark Tower- an abandoned Dwemer tower located in Blackreach, in its southwestern part. You can get here for the first time only from the Black Limit, since the upper exit to Skyrim is locked from the inside. The tower stands on a rock among the waterfalls, and a stone bridge leads to the entrance.

Near the entrance is a small square hall. There are work stations in the corners of the hall. In the north corner are three rows of shelves containing long-decayed books, a pair of Dwarven gyroscopes, and the occasional heavy helmet. There is also a Dwemer chest, locked with a beginner-level lock.

There is a single shelf in the east corner, and a single empty soul gem is stored on it.

There are three stone seats in the west corner, and a few more ruined books on the shelves. But one still survived: this is the blacksmithing textbook "Gunsmith Competition". There are also a few potion vials left here.

The southern corner is the brightest, it is lit by an ever-burning Dwemer lamp. On the shelves are a couple of spell scrolls (Candlelight and Silence Footsteps) and several rolls of paper, as well as Dwarven gears, an alchemist's bag, and a leveled strength potion.

An inactive bowler hat hangs in the center of the hall over an extinct hearth. A sleeping bag is spread out closer to the eastern edge, next to it is a shoulder bag.

The exit from this hall is located at its far end, directly opposite the entrance. On either side of the door are low Dwemer shelves with chests and ingredients.

In the southern part of the tower is the main hall. In the center is a machine for reading information from the Elder Scrolls and writing it into Dwemer dictionaries. The machine is controlled by a special device located in the eastern part of the hall on a hill. The control device includes several buttons that adjust the position of the focusing lenses, and a container for an empty dictionary. Behind the control room, a pair of Dwarven shelving stands against the wall; among other things, they store Dwemer gears.

Directly below the control center is the exit to the lift, where you can go to Skyrim. After opening the gate from the inside, a location marker will appear on the Skyrim map, and the tower becomes available for travel to the Black Reach.

There is an abandoned camp near the ground entrance to the location (apparently, it once belonged to Drokt). The camp consists of two tents, one of which contains a chest with leveled items. On one side of the stairs leading to the lift, there is a shoulder bag, on the other side there is a hearth, but the pot is not active.


List of items
ancient scroll 1 In a Dwemer car
"Gunsmith Competition"1 On a shelf in the west corner
Drokt's Diary1 In the main hall, next to his skeleton
Dwemer chest small3 In the small hall
Alchemist's bag1 On a shelf in the south corner
shoulder bag1 In the center of the small hall
thistle branch1
Spriggan resin1 On a shelf at the entrance to the main hall
glowing mushroom1 in a bowler hat
Roasted Sleat Skin2 in a bowler hat
Pine Thrush Egg2 On a shelf at the entrance to the main hall
Heavy helmet1 On a shelf in the north corner
Forces1 On a shelf in the south corner
Attribute recovery1 On a shelf in the west corner
Dwarven Parts
Dwemer gear8 5 - at the control panel, 3 - on racks at the entrance to the main hall
Dwemer gyroscope2 On a shelf in the north corner
Dwemer utensils
Dwemer bowl1 On a shelf in the north corner
Dwemer frying pan1 On the rack at the control panel
Dwarven glass1 In the main hall
Dwarven glass on a stand2 In the main hall
Dwemer cup1 In the main hall
Dwemer plate5 In the small hall
Feather1 On a shelf in the north corner
Paper roll4 On a shelf in the north corner
Inkwell3 On a shelf in the north corner
ruined book85 Everywhere
Soul Stone1 On a shelf in the east corner

ancient knowledge is a task of the main plot of the game Skyrim, in which you will search for the Elder Scroll. During a long quest, you must find out where the ancient scroll is and, most importantly, find it in the Dwemer ruins. In this article, we will tell you the whole process of passing the ancient knowledge of Skyrim, starting from a conversation with the College of Winterhold and ending with a complex study of the ruins of Alftand.

Obtaining information about an ancient scroll

During the passage of the previous task called "The Throat of the World" you met with the dragon Paarthurnax, who will tell you that in order to defeat Alduin you need to find an ancient scroll. Unfortunately, Paarthurnax does not know where this scroll is located, but suggests asking Esbern or Arngeir about it. After the end of this task, you need to go to one of these people, it does not matter which one. After talking with one of them, they will tell you that the magicians from the College of Winterhold know about the location of the ancient scroll, in particular the librarian Urag gro-Shuba, to whom you need to go.

If you have not yet passed the line of the College of Winterhold, then the task will be longer. At the entrance to the college, you will be stopped by Faralda, who will say that no one is allowed into this place. To go further, tell Faralda that you are Dragonborn and demonstrate the most common cry near her. Next, go to the library of the college, there will be an orc Urag gro-Shuba, with whom you need to talk. Tell Urag that you are looking for an ancient scroll, after which he will give you two books with the necessary information. After reading both books, you will notice a few sentences talking about the notes of a madman, to learn more about them, go back to the librarian and talk to him. During the conversation, Urag will tell you that Septimius Setonius, who is on post north of the College of Winterhold, may know about the scroll.

Having reached the post and met with Septimius, he will tell you that the ancient scroll is in the ruins of Alftand and in order to get it he will give you a tuning sphere and an empty dictionary.

Entrance to the Dwemer ruins of Alftand

Go to the Dwemer ruins of Alftand, you can enter there through the ruined entrance at the bottom of the cliff. Entering Alftand, you will run into a passage closed by a grate that cannot be opened. Ignore him, just turn back and go to the narrow passage leading deep into the Dwemer tunnels. Next, you just need to go and destroy all the Dwemer spiders and spheres until you reach the large door leading to the Alftand Animatorium.

Almost at the very beginning of the Animatorium there is a trap that is activated using pressure plates. If you step on one of these slabs, spinning blades will emerge from the floor that can kill with one blow. In order not to activate the trap, go along the left side of the stairs, as there pressure plates missing. After that, turning the lever, lower the grate and go into a huge and deep room. Going down, you will have to fight with a large number of Falmer, ranging from archers to mages. At the end of the Animatorium, a Dwemer centurion will attack you, and an unusual mechanism will stand behind him. To go further, activate the mechanism and go down the resulting stairs to the door to the Black Limit.

Black Limit

Once in the black limit, you will see a whole underworld with dwemer buildings, lakes, waterfalls, and gigantic luminous mushrooms. To get to the goal you need, just follow the stone path, destroying all the Falmer and Centurions along the way. At the end of the cave there will be a Mzark tower, and in order to go up to the top floor, you need to turn the lever of the Dwemer elevator.

Climbing the elevator, you will find yourself in the location where the ancient scroll is located. To pick it up, climb onto the top of the Dwemer apparatus, put the dictionary in the desired cell and press all the buttons. After that, a crystal will appear in the middle of the Dwemer apparatus, in which the ancient scroll will lie. Next, you just need to take the scroll and the task "ancient knowledge" will be completed.

Summing up

Now you know everything skyrim ancient lore walkthrough. To get out of the Dwemer ruins, return to the elevator and turn the lever. This time the elevator will take you outside, right next to the entrance to Alftand. It is worth noting that the next task is automatically activated for you, in which you need to read this ancient scroll in the Throat of the World. Well, then you will have to wait for the battle with Alduin, in which you must emerge victorious. Good luck!

The Mzark Tower in Skyrim is an ancient ruin. This structure, once built by the Dwemer, was abandoned after the disappearance of this race, so only a select few know about its location. Dovakin will have to visit the Mzark tower during several quests, and what secrets it holds will be discussed in this article.

How to find?

Before you activate the Mzark Tower, you will first need to get to the Blackreach location. It is in the south of this ancient underground city that the entrance to the Dwemer building you need is located. The Black Limit, in turn, opens only in the process of completing the task "Beyond the ordinary". Simply put, you, one way or another, will have to do this quest in order to get to the desired location.

Once in the Black Limit, follow to the southern part of the city. It will take a long time to walk, but in the end you will get to the entrance to the Mzark tower. By the way, if you are afraid of getting lost, you can focus on the Caretaker's House, next to which the building you need is located.


Of course, all the most interesting things are hidden inside the tower, but you can also find a lot of useful or just curious things near it. So, for example, the building itself is located right on the rock, and an impressive stone bridge leads to it, indicating how skillful builders the Dwemer were.

Once inside the tower, you can open the exit to the surface. Next to it is an abandoned camp, which, apparently, once belonged to Droktu. If you search one of the tents here, you will also find a chest with items, the value of which depends on the level of the main character. It is noteworthy that the Mzark tower in Skyrim appears on the map only after activating the exit to the surface. In general, do not forget to do this if you want to use the ability to fast travel in the future.

Inner part

Entering the tower, you will find yourself in a small rectangular hall. Here you can find a book that increases the Blacksmithing skill, a heavy helmet, a locked chest and a soul stone. In addition, this room contains scrolls with spells and an alchemist's bag, which contains potions corresponding to the level of the hero.

From the hall you can get into the main hall, in the center of which is a machine for reading information - a mechanism that allows you to copy data from Dwemer scrolls into Dwemer dictionaries. You will need to complete this procedure during the quest "Beyond the Ordinary".

And finally, in the eastern part of the main hall there is a corridor leading to the lift. This elevator will take you to the surface.

There are hundreds of quests in the Skyrim game, and many of them cause a lot of difficulties for gamers. Indeed, in some tasks you will have to not only fight, but also use ingenuity and logic. In this short guide, you will learn how to write down a dictionary in Skyrim. And this task will have to be completed during the quest "Beyond the ordinary."

Quest start

The task "Beyond the ordinary" will be given to your hero by Septimius Segonius. This hermit mage lives in a small cave located north of the College of Mages of Winterhold. And you will get to it during the main task. storyline"Ancient Knowledge"

After talking and talking about the Dragon Scroll, Septimius will give your hero a tuning sphere, he will ask you to fill it with knowledge. This will begin the quest "Beyond the ordinary", during which you will need to write down a dictionary in Skyrim

Passage of the task

Your path lies in the ancient Dwemer ruins - Alftand. Before you go to this location, stock up on potions and good weapons, because there will be many opponents inside. In addition, you should not take companions who can resurrect the dead to Alftand. Otherwise, they will damage the bodies, and you will still need them in the further passage.

Before you write down the dictionary in Skyrim, you will have to get to the Black Limit. And for this you have to completely go through the corridors of Alftand, teeming with Falmer and other creations of the Dwemer, for example, centurions. Yes, and Blackreach is an unsafe place. But there are many useful and valuable things here. For example, you can find not only weapons, potions, armor and gems, but also deposits of minerals, from which you can farm a lot of soul stones. So don't forget to look around.

Before writing a dictionary in Skyrim, you will have to get to the Mzark tower. And this fortress stands at the farthest end of the Black Limit. Well, at least getting into it is not difficult, because there are no secret mechanisms at the entrance.

How to write a dictionary in Skyrim?

Inside the Mzark tower you will find an oculatory. And this strange mechanism, with the right interaction, will help to get the Dragon Scroll (a valuable Skyrim artifact) and write down the dictionary. The oculatory buttons must be pressed in a specific order. But before interacting with the mechanism, put the dictionary on a special stand. To do this, just interact with her.

How to write a dictionary in Skyrim:

  1. Four times interact with the second right click, maintaining small pauses between clicks.
  2. Activate the third key that opens up twice.
  3. Click once on the leftmost button that opens.

After that, the oculatory will come into action and open access to the Elder Scroll. But, before leaving the location, do not forget to pick up the completed dictionary from the stand. Otherwise, you will have to return for it, because without this item it is impossible to continue the passage of the quest "Beyond the ordinary".

Completion of the task

Return to Septimius and return the completed dictionary. The mage will now ask you to collect blood samples from the Bosmer, Altmer, Dunmer, Orsimer, and Falmer. To do this, simply return to Alftand and collect all the necessary materials from the missing expedition of Sulla Trebetius.

Go back to Septimius' post and return the extractor to him. The magician will open the Dwemer puzzle, but inside, instead of the "heart of the god", he will find the book Ogma Infinium. Septimius will disappear, and Hermaeus Mora will speak to you at the exit. The Daedric Prince will offer you a reward for completing a quest, thanks to which you can upgrade five skills to choose from.

Giver: Septimius Segonius
Location: Septimius Segonius Post, Alftand, Blackreach
Related Quest: Ancient Knowledge
Reward: Oghma Infinium (+5 to all warrior/thief/mage skills), Elder Scroll (required to complete the main storyline).
ID: DA04

We go to the location "Post Septimius Segonius":

We go down, we speak with Septimius:

Learn about the Ancient Scroll. He asks us to fill in the Dwemer dictionary, in return for which he will tell us the location of the scroll.

he directs us to Alftand.

At first, it may be difficult to find the entrance to the dungeon.

The entrance is below, under the snow. It is marked with a marker. There is a bridge leading to the entrance, I think you should notice it.

Alftand itself is divided into three main locations.

Toward the end of the dungeon, a Dwemer Centurion will be waiting for you.

Don't forget to take the key from him.

After the centurion, we will see a scene in which the two cannot get out of the ruins in any way, for fear of being stabbed in the back.

We help them figure it out (We kill so as not to interfere).

Interestingly, both have unique things:

At least, I have not seen such things anywhere. If you find Bloodthirst Tarch elsewhere, write about it in the comments.

We activate the Dwemer mechanism that serves as a lock.

We go down the stairs that have appeared to the Black Limit.

In the house opposite the entrance, you can take the Scarlet Nirn Root, which activates the "Return to the Roots" quest

Follow the marker to the Mzrak Tower. Unfortunately Blackreach is too big and I can't show you the way.

We go into the Mzrak Tower, go in a straight line, we get into a room similar to the Oculatorium.

We rise to the "control panel"

Now we need to complete the dictionary.

First, put the Dictionary on the stand:

We have two right buttons.

Click on them until the dictionary starts glowing:

Then the third button opens:

We press it all the way. The same goes for the next button.

After this procedure, the dictionary will be filled and will turn blue:


Because this moment causes many difficulties, we decided to record a video:

Don't forget to take it out of the stand.

Also, do not forget the Ancient Scroll, which we need in the main storyline.

The exit from the tower is directly under the "control panel".

After we have risen to the surface, do not forget to activate the lever that opens the door to the elevator.

We go back to Septimius, we give him a dictionary.

He asks us to collect the blood of the elves.

We need blood: Orc, Bosmer, Dunmer, Altmer and Falmer.

At the exit from Septimius' lair, the Daedra prince will be waiting for us.

It doesn't matter what you answer him, so don't bother.

So, an orc can be found in any orc village, but there they are quest and strong.

The Riverwood Archer is a Bosmer. There are a lot of Dunmer in Winterhold, but each of them can get a huge fine.

Therefore, we go to the location "Camp of Pure Springs".

There we will find high elf. It is located at the end of the dungeon, on spikes.

In the dungeon itself, we will most likely meet Orcs and Bosmers, and with some probability also Dunmers. In my case, there were representatives of all these species.

To collect blood, you need to press E and select "Collect blood"

(If you didn't find them there, you can always kill someone from the city)

Falmer can be found in the "Liar's Refuge" location:

As soon as we have collected the blood of all creatures, we go back to Septimius.

We speak with him, after which he opens the door to the cube.

Attention! After Septimius ran inside the cube and approached the pedestal, he must die (the Daedric Prince must kill Septimius). But for some reason, he remains standing. Don't be afraid and kill him.

Be careful not to take quest items from the corpse of Septimius, which then cannot be thrown away.

After the death of Septimius, we pick up the book and go to the exit.

The Daedra will meet us again, but he will not tell us anything sensible.


They say you can go back to Alftand, where there are the corpses of Orc, Bosmer, Dunmer, Almer and Falmer, lying in order, and if you return there immediately, then there will be no enemies there.

Oghma Infinium is used when reading. You can choose one of three paths, or you can postpone "for later." Here are the three ways:

  • Path of Power +5 to all skills (Blacksmith, Block, Archer, One-Handed, Two-Handed, Heavy Armor)
  • Path of the Shadow +5 to all skills (Hacking, Light armor, Stealth, Theft, Speech, Alchemy)
  • Path of Magic +5 to all skills (Illusion, Sorcery, Destruction, Restoration, Enchantment, Alteration)