Tests for the ability to play a chess game. Test “Chess at school. GAMBITER is a world of online intellectual games

Party, which figure would suit you best?

Answer a few simple questions and find out which chess piece matches your personality.

5. Can you play chess blindfolded?

Blindfold chess is a real tournament with its own world records. Players make all their moves blindfolded. As a rule, there is an intermediary who listens and makes the move that the opponent called. Truly strong chess players can play this way. An outstanding result was shown in 1960 by the Hungarian Janos Flesch, who played blindfolded with 52 opponents in a row and won 31 games.

4. Limitlesspossibilities

After each player has made the first 3 moves, the number of possible moves in the game increases to over 9 million. If you like math, you might want to take a look at Shannon's Number, which is the minimum number of non-repeating chess games. For comparison, it will be interesting to mention that the number of atoms in the observable Universe is less than the Shannon number.

3. Chess and the brain

You can often hear from psychologists that chess is an effective way to improve memory. They help a person better solve complex problems and come up with interesting ideas. It is not surprising that this game is recommended by experts as a tool in the fight against Alzheimer's disease. In addition, more and more schools are opening chess classes, as this game has been proven to improve children's performance in school.

2. Turka - the first chess machine

In the 18th century, a chess machine was invented that could “think independently” and play with anyone. It was a wooden box on which sat a life-size wax figure, dressed in Turkish attire, and in front of it was a chessboard.

Before the start of the game, the doors of the box were opened, and spectators could see a very complex mechanism located inside the machine. After this, the doors were closed and the machine was started with the key. Both Napoleon Bonaparte and Benjamin Franklin lost to this machine.

In fact, inside the box sat a powerful chess player, hidden behind a system of mirrors. He was the one who beat everyone.

This game consisted of 269 moves, lasted 20 hours and 15 minutes and ended in a draw. Theoretically, more than 5,000 moves can be made in one chess game, it all depends on the special rules (the 50-move rule and the position being repeated three times), as well as on the poor play of the chess players.

50 move rule - a player can demand a draw if not a single piece has been captured in the last 50 moves, and not a single pawn move has been made.

Repeating a position three times – the same moves are repeated. In this case, the player can offer a draw.

Good day, dear friend!

In chess, it is important to “get better.” Play more and solve problems. The tactics tests for beginning chess players presented in today's book are made using a method that the authors consider to be the most effective.

Title: Tactics tests for beginner chess players

Published: 2005

Volume 152 pages

What is this book about?

This book is a problem book for beginning chess players. According to the authors, similar materials already published at different times most of them have a significant drawback.

Namely, they contain explicit and implicit clues. For example, the same standard “ ” or even cleaner - “Checkmate in 2 moves, the knight mates.”

One can understand the authors of such problem books. They strive to make the material more accessible to beginners. However, there are also significant drawbacks to this approach. And the main one is the discrepancy with the practical situation.

In a real game, no one will come up and say: “Vasya, here’s checkmate in two moves.”

Strong chess players say:

If you know what needs to be done in a task, its complexity is reduced by at least half. Because there is a gap between theory and practice

That is, the more obvious the “hints” in the task, the less effective. Although it is probably unreasonable to avoid them completely, the child may be lost if he cannot solve anything at all.

However, the number of such “hints” should be minimal and decrease as training progresses.

There are almost no such tips in this book. The authors set themselves the task of teaching people to think for themselves.

about the author

Konotop Sergey Valentinovich - highest category, Honored Worker of Physical Culture and Sports of the Moscow Region, Honored Worker of Education of the Moscow Region.

As mentioned above, the form of presentation of the material in this book is fundamentally different from similar problem books.

There are 50 tests of 12 positions each. Time to complete the test is 1 hour. The topics of the examples are extensive, the order is random. There is only one way left: to study the position, analyze, highlight the main thing and draw conclusions, propose a solution.

A certain number of points are awarded for the solution. The sum of points scored will allow you to judge the level of your preparation.

Download a book in djvu format

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What are mind games to you? Rest? Entertainment? Excitement and thirst for victory?

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They used to play well, but now you want to remember? Or maybe there is no opportunity to travel to real tournaments, or there are no worthy opponents nearby?

GAMBITER is a world of online intellectual games

Play at home or in the office, day or night, choose partners for matches, participate in tournaments, and all this is absolutely free. The gaming area is at your service: an intuitive interface, chat for communication, and everything you need to play. All you need to do is challenge your opponent!

Start with matches, practice and prepare for tournaments - they are held regularly. Increase your rating and become the best Gambiter player.

What can you play?

Do you like certainty in everything and are used to relying on your own mind? Play deterministic games - chess, checkers. For your choice: checkers– international and simple, giveaways – regular and 10*10, chess– traditional, cresihaus, Swedish, giveaway. Blitz tournaments are held for high-level players.

Are you interested in oriental games? Play th*, Renju*, Othello And anti-Othello, corners. Want something simpler to unwind without stress? Play domino*! You will be surprised, but in this game there is something to think about. Are you a gambler and believe that even in the most logical game there should be risk and the influence of chance? Play short and long backgammon.

Do you prefer cards? Preference, Deberts*, thousand* or fool- the choice is yours. You can play online poker, which is popular today, and earn money in tournaments or at cash tables.

Don't know how to play, but want to learn?

Or do you know how, but are unhappy with the level of your game? Read the articles on the site, and you will learn everything about the rules of intellectual games, study tactics and strategy perfectly, practice solving problems, and learn the subtleties and secrets of the masters. And perhaps you will discover new exciting games.

History and current problems, biographies of great masters, non-standard variants of the rules, classical theory of openings and endgames - all this can also be found in our articles. .http://www.site.

Play with real people, chat. Meet like-minded people, join: tournament results, current ratings, rules and pressing issues of intellectual games. Participate in discussions, comment on your own and other people's games. You learn from mistakes – not necessarily from your own. Get to know your future opponents better.

Not ready to participate online right away? Download free programs to play against the computer and hone your skills before a real fight. But don’t forget – combat with a live opponent is always more emotional and exciting.

What is needed for this?

You will need a plugin to work with the game client (). The requirements for communication speed are minimal, except for playing blitz - in this case you will need a high-speed Internet channel, since communication delays are taken into account in the players' time.

And the most important thing is your passion!

Connect! Good luck in the game!

*Note: not all of the games listed are available in the gaming room, please check for details upon entry.

"Test tasks in physical culture."

"Chess at school"

Instructions for completing theoretical tasks

3rd grade “Chess at school”

You are offered 15 questions that meet the minimum knowledge requirements of students in the 3rd grade of basic school in the subject “Physical Education” Chess school

For each question there are 4 possible answers. They contain both correct and incorrect answers, as well as those that partially correspond to the meaning of the questions. Only one can be correct - the one that most fully corresponds to the meaning of the question.

Read the questions and suggested answer options carefully. Your task is to choose one of four answer options that, in your opinion, is correct. Try not to guess, but to logically justify your choice.

Mark the answers you have chosen in the appropriate boxes of the answer form with any sign that allows you to get an unambiguous idea of ​​​​the choice you have made.

Be careful to mark the correct answers on the form. Corrections and erasures are scored as an incorrect answer.

Fill out the questionnaire in the answer form: write your last name, first name, patronymic, school number and class in which you study.

We wish you success!

Maximum score - 15

Answer form

Question no.

Possible answer

The test is used to update previously acquired knowledge, create problem situations, determine the level of understanding and assimilation of new material.

1.How is the word “chess” translated?

a) The ruler died

b) Save the king

c) The king died

d) Take care of the king

2.How many fields does the big white diagonal pass through in the center?

3.Which chess piece does not exist?

a) King

4. Do you agree that every chess field is square?

c) probably

d) round

5. How many fields are there in the center?

6.How many white fields are there in any black diagonal?

7.How many horizontal lines are there on a chessboard?

8. How many pieces and pawns does each player have at the beginning of the game?

9.How many squares are there on the chessboard?

10.Which chess piece moves in the letter “G”?

c) king

11.Which piece is the strongest in chess?

b) king

12.Which of these sports terms refers to chess?

a) rasp

b) gambit

d) endgame

13.Which of these names for cutlery items is also a chess term?

a) shoulder blade

14.What is the middle of a chess game called?

a) middlegame

b) gambit

c) zugzwang

d) med-time

15.How many white fields are there horizontally?


Question no.

Possible answer

Chess test

    There are 64 squares on the chessboard, of which how many are white and black___________________________________________

    Accordingly, a chessboard is a square _____ by ____ cells

    A prerequisite for the location of the board: the first cell to the left of the player must be what? _______________________________

    How many types of pieces take part in a chess game?? ____

    How many pieces does each side have at the start of the game?

    Pawns can only move _____________________________________________.

    After its first move, the pawn moves only _____ square forward in one move.

    A pawn can capture the opponent’s pieces one square forward diagonally _______________ and ____________________________

    One of the most interesting rules in chess is associated with the pawn - the rules of ______________. It consists in the following. If the pawn reaches the last rank (8th for white pawns and 1st for black pawns), it is promoted to any other piece (except the king). This is clearly visible in the positions below.

Before the move

After the move

    What kind of figurewalks and hits in a straight line at any distance and in all directions (forward, backward, right and left). Cannot jump over other figures.

    Below are some easy problems to remember how a rook and bishop move.

White to move
What move can the white bishop simultaneously attack the black rook and knight?

Black to move
The rook can hit the white bishop. Is such a blow beneficial for Black? Justify your answer

    What a figure walks in all directions vertically and diagonally to any distance. __________________________________________

That is, he has the capabilities of a rook and a bishop at the same time. Shown schematically in the diagram below.

    ________________ - the most important figure.

It has no face value. It cannot be exchanged or kept under attack by the opponent’s pieces. It requires constant protection. But this is not because he is too weak as a piece, but because if he dies, then the game is lost for the player.

    The king, like the queen,walks and strikes in all directions vertically and diagonally, but only on the _____________ square.

    That is, being in the middle of the board, the king breaks through ________ squares.