Is it hard to make a diamond sword in Minecraft? What is a top sword and how to make it? What does a diamond sword look like in minecraft

Diamond Sword ID: 276 .

NID : diamond_sword .

Diamond sword - English title diamond sword in minecraft.

Damage (Attack damage) -7 ().

Durability - 1562.

Diamond is the coolest sword in Minecraft of this type of weapon available in the game. Not to mention the enchanted options. In terms of its combat characteristics, the diamond sword "left" very far from the gold, wooden and stone counterparts. Surpasses the iron sword in damage per unit, and in durability - more than 6 times. If an iron sword has 6 () damage, then a diamond one has 7 (). And durability: 251 vs 1562. What can I say, a diamond is durable...

Is it hard to make a diamond sword in Minecraft?

Speech is like a sword: it cuts both the right and the guilty (proverb).

Of course, it is possible and often even necessary to make a diamond sword in Minecraft. The problem is that the diamond in the game is one of the rarest materials. And to make a sword, you need two diamonds and one stick. The crafting recipe is essentially no different from creating swords from other materials.

Where and how to get a diamond sword

The crafting recipe is the "standard" and unchanging way to obtain diamond swords. But not the only one. After all, it is possible to find and buy (exchange) from a villager. Where and how? This largely depends on the version of Minecraft.

For example, in the newer Main enchanted the diamond sword has a small chance to drop in Ender City chests. They can also be obtained from the gunsmith villager for 12-15 emeralds as a tier 3 trade.

  • Minecraft 1.3.1 - blacksmiths could sell a diamond sword for 12-13 emeralds.
  • Minecraft 1.8 - unenchanted swords are no longer sold, and blacksmiths sell a sword for 12-15 emeralds.
  • Minecraft 1.9 - enchanted diamond swords can be found in the chests of the Ender ships.

Thus, it is necessary to focus on the version of the Minecraft game.

Characteristics of swords in the game

Even if the sword is needed once in a lifetime, it must always be worn (proverb).

Let's consider and compare several main characteristics of all the swords that exist in Minecraft. And this is wooden, stone, iron, gold and diamond. First of all, we are interested in durability and damage. And also all the damage for the entire time of operation. These data are presented in the table.

Sword Damage
Sword Strength Damage All Damage
golden sword 33 4 () 132
wooden sword 60 4 () 240
stone sword 132 5 () 660
an iron sword 251 6 () 1506
1562 7 () 10934

Speaking about the properties of swords, it must be added that before version 1.9 and in old console editions, you can block a blow with a sword, but in Minecraft 1.9 this is not possible, but shields have been added.

Diamond swords in the hands of the player and at the racks for armor.

Enchanted swords

The razor is sharp, but the sword is not a sister (proverb).

An enchantment table is needed and the diamond sword can become even more powerful. It's about about the following charms:

  • bane of arthropods *;
  • the plot of fire;
  • marauding;
  • heavenly punishment *;
  • sharpness * ;
  • discard;
  • repair;
  • curse of loss**;
  • strength;
  • breaking blade.

* - sharpness, heavenly punishment and the scourge of arthropods - mutually exclusive spells.
** - only with the use of an enchanted book and anvil.

By the way, a diamond sword with the Sharpness 5 enchantment will help you defeat most mobs with one critical hit.

Enchant Weapon
Weapon Name What gives
16 sharpness
Additional damage.
17 heavenly punishment
Additional damage to zombies, zombie pigmen, skeletons, withers, and wither skeletons.
18 bane of arthropods
Death of insects
Bane of Arthropods
Extra damage to spiders, cave spiders and silverfish.
19 recoil
Knocks back mobs and players.
20 The plot of fire
fire aspect
Ignites the target.
21 Mining
Increases loot from mobs, as well as the chance of a rare drop.
22 Slashing Blade
Sweeping edge
Increases damage against mobs near the target.
32 Efficiency
Faster resource extraction.
33 Silk touch
silk touch
Destroying a block (with the right tool) drops that block, even if it should drop something else.
34 Strength
With some degree of probability, the strength will not decrease.
35 Luck
Chance to drop more resources.
48 Strength
Additional damage.
49 reclining
Dropping a target.
50 Burning Arrow
Fires arrows.
51 Infinity
Arrows are not wasted. But you need at least one arrow to shoot.
70 mending
Uses experience to repair an item in hands or in armor slots.

Collect wood blocks. Move the mouse over the tree, hold down the left button. After a while, the tree will disintegrate into wood blocks, which will automatically go into your inventory (if you're standing close enough). Repeat the process several times.

  • The type of wood does not matter.

Open inventory. If you have not changed anything in the settings, then the E key is responsible for this. You will see a 2 x 2 square next to the character image. This is the crafting menu.

Drag the tree blocks to the crafting menu. This is how you create boards. Drag the boards back to inventory. Now you have boards, not just blocks of wood.

Split two boards into sticks. Place one of the created boards in the bottom row of the crafting menu, place the second above it. You will get sticks that you will need to take back to inventory.

Make a workbench. To do this, fill all 4 cells of the menu for creating items with boards. Drag the workbench to the shortcut menu at the bottom of the screen, close your inventory and place the workbench on the ground (select the block and press right click where you want to install the workbench).

  • Do not confuse planks and wood blocks - for this recipe, planks are needed.
  • Open the workbench. To do this, simply right-click on it. You will have access to the item creation menu, which will be larger than the first - already 3 x 3 cells.

    Create a wooden sword. The creation of a sword occupies three cells vertically, while all the ingredients must be in one column (which one is not important).

    • Board from above
    • Plank in the middle (just below the top)
    • Stick from below (right below the sticks)
  • Use the sword. Drag the sword to the shortcut menu and select it to equip. Now left clicking the mouse will activate the sword, not your hands, which is much more effective in killing enemies and animals. However, be careful and do not get carried away - wooden swords are quite fragile and weak. Read on for more powerful swords.

    Wooden Sword (Console, Pocket Edition)

    1. Collect wood blocks. AT Minecraft game wood can be broken even with bare hands. AT Pocket versions Edition, for this, it is enough to hold your finger on the tree until it turns into separate blocks, and on the console versions of the game, you need to press the right trigger.

      Learn to create items. In these versions of the game, everything is quite simple. In the item creation menu there is a list of available recipes, any of which can be clicked on and, if you have the necessary items in your inventory, the final result will immediately appear. Here's what to do to create a sword:

      • Pocket Edition: Click the three dots icon and select Craft.
      • Xbox: Press X.
      • Playstation: click on the square.
      • Xperia Play: Press Select.
    2. Create a workbench. The workbench will give you access to more advanced recipes, including sword recipes. So:

      • Make planks out of blocks of wood.
      • Build a workbench from four boards.
      • Select a workbench and place it on the ground (in console games, this is the left trigger).
    3. Make a wooden sword. For this:

      Use the sword. When the sword is in the hot slot, clicking on the screen or activating the left trigger will activate the sword attack. So you will inflict much more damage to animals and enemies than with your bare hands.

    Better quality swords

      Gather the required materials with a pickaxe. To collect stone or metals, you will need a pickaxe, and you still need to make it ... however, this is a topic for another article, and we will talk about other materials for swords:

      • Stone is the most accessible material and can be found in the mountains or in a few blocks under any surface. You can collect stone with a wooden pick.
      • Iron (its blocks look like stone with beige flecks) is also quite common, found underground and requires a stone pickaxe.
      • Gold and diamonds are extremely rare, found very deep underground.
    1. Create a stone sword. For this you need two stones and one stick. Such a sword deals 6 damage, its durability is 132 hits (for a wooden sword, these are 5 and 60, respectively).

  • When you first appear in the world of Minecraft, you have absolutely nothing. You will have to extract your first resources with your bare hands and with their help create your first devices that will help you survive in the cruel world of this game.

    However, it is worth talking separately about one of the types of weapons that are available in the game. If you are interested in what weapon is better to fight with opponents and mobs, then you should definitely read about swords. This weapon is both easy to manufacture, and undemanding to resources, and quite powerful. There are several types of swords in Minecraft, and they differ greatly in their characteristics. Sometimes you can knock a sword out of a mob, but it's much easier to collect materials and craft this weapon yourself. But first things first. Now you will learn in detail what a sword is, how to use it, how to make it, and also what differences between types can be.

    What is a sword?

    In Minecraft, swords are a type of weapon, they can be used to break objects, but their main purpose is to attack the enemy. Armed with a sword, you will already be able to fight the mobs that would like to destroy you. You can strike with the sword, but each blow takes away two points of durability from the weapon. Naturally, each of the types of swords has its own strength indicator, as well as damage and critical strike. Therefore, be sure to pay attention to this type of weapon, as it is the most common in the game. In Minecraft, swords will bring you as many benefits as, for example, a shovel - you will just use these items to achieve completely different goals.

    sword craft

    Like almost all other items in the Minecraft game, swords need to be crafted from materials that you will mine in the world. In fact, creating this type of weapon is very easy, because it requires only three ingredients, and two of them are the same. In any case, you will need one stick, which will serve as the hilt of the sword. But the blade can be the most diverse.

    The simplest sword is made from planks, and the best one is made from diamonds, you can also create these weapons from stone, iron or gold. You just need to place a stick in the lower center cell of the workbench, and place two other elements above it, which will differ depending on what kind of sword you decide to make. As a result, you will receive your weapon, which you can use immediately. It is enough just to put it in your right hand, and when you click the left mouse button, your character will strike.

    There are also stories that you can also create a sword out of paper in Minecraft, but in fact this is only partially true. The point is that in original version games cannot do this - only with the installation of add-ons or modifications.

    wooden sword

    So, if you don’t have a sword mod installed in Minecraft, then only five basic options will be available to you, but they are quite enough to defend yourself from mobs. The first and simplest sword is made of wood. In order for you to have something to compare with, you must immediately bring the damage that you can inflict with a punch when you are not armed with any weapon in principle. In this case, you will deal one point of damage, but if you are lucky, the critical hit will remove two points from the enemy. Naturally, your fist does not have a margin of safety, that is, you can hit it as much as you like. The wooden sword, on the other hand, has 60 hit points, which means you can only get 30 hits before your weapon breaks. However, note that the damage of such a sword is 4 units, and the critical damage is as many as eight. Thus, the advantage of even the weakest sword over the fist is obvious and undeniable.

    stone sword

    It should be said right away that it is only the simplest and initial option, it is not recommended to stick to it throughout the game. It has very low durability, low damage and low crit, so use such a weapon only at the very beginning, when you don't have the opportunity to do something more impressive - even a stone sword. Of course, it is not that much superior to the wooden model in terms of damage, but it greatly outperforms it in terms of durability. You can deal five points of damage to the enemy with a normal hit and 9 with a critical one. But at the same time, the stone sword has a safety margin of 132 units, which means that it will last for 66 hits, and not 30, as is the case with the wooden version. Thus, the stone sword becomes much more in demand, because getting a stone is not much more difficult than getting a tree - and then only if you do not have tools. When you get a pickaxe, the stones will become your consumable resource, and the stone sword will turn into the simplest weapon.

    an iron sword

    Although the sword is iron, it is a real golden mean. The fact is that it is one of the most effective of its kind, but at the same time it perfectly combines efficiency with affordability. The damage from such a sword is six units, but the critical increases immediately to 11. And at the same time, its safety margin is 251 units, which is very impressive. You can land 125 hits before your sword breaks. Naturally, making it is a little more difficult than the previous two, because its blade is made from iron ingots that need to be smelted in a furnace from the mined material, but the result is worth it.

    golden sword

    The developers perfectly conveyed all the properties of gold, because this game very realistic. Therefore, do not expect a golden sword to be very durable and very powerful. Rather, it is an element of decor and luxury. You can admire it in single player mode or brag to your friends in multiplayer mode, because gold is a rather rare resource, and much more useful things can be made from it. And a sword smelted from this material deals only four normal damage and eight critical damage - just like a wooden sword.

    Moreover, its safety margin is almost half that of a wooden one, and is only 33 units, that is, the sword is designed for only 16 hits. This quite clearly indicates that it is, in fact, not intended for battles, but serves as a bright decoration and a sign of your high level in Game. In Minecraft, you can only make a sword out of paper with the help of mods, but you won’t need it, because the golden sword is a great example of combining weapons and decorations.

    diamond sword

    And here is the most powerful weapon of this type in the game - a diamond sword. Minecraft will give you access to diamonds in a very limited amount, and you will have to seriously think about how exactly you are going to use them. There are a huge number of paths, each item that you craft using these resources will be very useful, powerful and effective. Including the sword - just look at its characteristics. It deals as many as seven points of damage, and critical damage from a successful hit is as much as 12 points. But what's really impressive is its durability. It has 1562 units of this parameter, which means that you can deal 781 hits with it - this is many times more than the most durable of the previously considered swords - iron. So think about what a serious investment this is. Try to find and mine as many diamonds as possible to be able to make many useful items, including a diamond sword. Minecraft does not have more powerful weapons if you play without any add-ons and mods, so judge for yourself - this sword will be a great investment.

    Lock function

    Initially, the player could only use the sword to strike, which made combat rather boring. It is clear that not a variety of combinations during the battle are the main emphasis of this game, but still gamers wanted at least some variety. Therefore, as a result, blocking was added - it is activated with the right mouse button and also takes away units of strength. This made sword fights much more interesting and unpredictable. But what made the swords really impressive was the ability to enchant them. In Minecraft, an enchanted sword gives you certain advantages, so do not neglect this opportunity.

    Enchanted swords

    The first thing you need to know is how to enchant a sword in Minecraft. This is done very simply - you only need the sword itself and the enchanting table. When you have enough experience, you can spend it on crafting enchantments. They are randomly selected in the amount of three, and from them you can choose one that will become active for your sword. That's the whole secret of how to enchant a sword in Minecraft.

    Hello Player! Your main weapon in minecraft is sword and bow, Sword is melee weapon and bow is used for ranged attacks. However, if you are taken by surprise, for example, during harvesting, it is permissible to use any tool that you have in a fight: a pickaxe, an ax or a crowbar. They can deal more damage than bare hands. There are other items in minecraft that can harm the enemy. The most popular are the flint and lava bucket.

    Your first weapon is a wooden sword. If you're lucky, you can quickly get the stone with a wooden pickaxe. One of the first tasks in survival mode is finding resources to create a stone sword. Keep looking for materials to create more powerful weapons until you get a pair of enchanted diamond swords. Click the left mouse button to strike, and the right mouse button to block the opponent's attacks

    Making a sword

    You will need two blocks of the same type for the blade (like planks, cobblestone, iron ingot, gold ingot, go diamond ore) and a stick for the handle. If you are making a wooden sword, you need two blocks of wood of the same type and a stick.

    Recipe: 2 blocks of wood + 1 stick

    You can also get weapons by killing mobs and trading with villagers. Sometimes zombies will appear with a sword in their hands or skeletons with an enchanted bow. In this case, you have a chance by killing the mob. pick up dropped weapon.

    Sword Damage

    The damage from a sword strike depends on the material from which it is made. Wooden swords do the least damage, diamond ones do the most. The table shows what damage swords do different types taking into account that a strike with bare hands gives one point of damage. Remember, the heart on the life bar represents two health points. A golden sword does the same amount of damage as a wooden one, so it makes sense to go straight from an iron sword to a diamond one, skipping the golden one. You can increase the damage of the sword using a critical hit. At the moment of applying such a blow, you need to jump up and strike in the process of falling. Critical hit will increase damage by 50%.

    1. Wooden sword - 4
    2. Stone sword - 5
    3. Iron sword - 6
    4. Golden sword - 4
    5. diamond sword - 7

    sword strength

    Each weapon and tool has a limited lifespan called durability. It is measured by the number of uses. On the this moment the strongest swords are diamond. They can be used over 1500 times. Only your hands are able to work further! The Golden Sword is the weakest and only works 33 times. After you have used the weapon the maximum number of times, it breaks and disappears.

    1. Wooden sword - 60
    2. Stone sword - 132
    3. Iron sword - 251
    4. Golden sword - 33
    5. Diamond sword - 16

    About strength

    Durability determines how long you can use a weapon or tool - how many times it is allowed to be used on a block, mob or other player before it breaks. For example, an iron ax has a durability of 251, which means that it can be used 251 times. When a weapon or tool breaks, it makes a distinctive sound and disappears from inventory. If you use an item for other purposes, such as cutting blocks of earth with a sword, this action counts as two uses, not one. So for each type of activity it is better to choose the appropriate tools, except in emergencies.

    You can quickly find out how many times you have already used a weapon on the indicator scale at the bottom of the screen. At the bottom of the weapon or tool icon is a durability bar. It appears after the first use of the item and is initially completely green. As the weapon/tool ​​is used, the bar shortens and takes on a red tint. And finally it disappears, leaving a gray space. This means that the period of use of the weapon / tool is coming to an end. The number of remaining uses depends on the material of the weapon. For example, for gold it will be 2 times, and for diamond - 61.

    Since ancient times, HiTech server players have been using nano saber and thought that there is nothing more powerful than it. But they were wrong, such a sword really exists and I will tell you how to make it. I present to your attention - Top sword!

    Section 1 - 7 basic enchantments.

    Let's start simple. What is a top sword (definition)?

    The top sword is a diamond sword that contains 7 maximum enchantments, namely: Vorpal IV, Sharpness V, Recoil II , Loot III, Conspiracy of Fire II, Disjunction V and Strength III.

    What do all these enchantments give?

    Vorpal - in version 1.4.7 knocks out heads (the chance of getting a head depends on the level of enchantment), in version 1.6.4 it gives extra. the chance of getting a trophy, and in 1.7.10 is missing.

    Sharpness - gives additional damage.

    Recoil - knocks mobs and players back a certain distance.

    Prey - increases the loot from mobs (in versions 1.6.4 and 1.7.10 it makes it possible to knock out the head of a mob or a player).

    Conspiracy of fire - sets fire to mobs and players.

    Disjunction - deals additional damage to endermen (not available in versions 1.6.4 and 1.7.10).

    Strength - with some chance, the tool breaks more slowly.

    We figured out the characteristics of enchantments, let's move on to creating a top sword.

    Section 2 - How to get the right books?

    First we need to make 4 diamond swords. After you make them, you will need books with the necessary enchantments. But the downside is that they won't be immediately maxed out, such as Sharpness V. You will need to pair them with swords so that the enchantment level increases. There are 2 more downsides. The first is that you must first enchant the sword to Disjunction and Vorpal, because if you connect them at the end, then you simply cannot do it. To begin with, we need a certain number of enchanted books. We will need: , , , , , if you are playing on version 1.4.7, then you will also need Disjunction [you will need 4 books per Disjunction III, or 8 books per Disjunction II], [you will need 2 books for durability II, or 1 book for durability III]. Let's start enchanting!

    Section 3 - Making the Top Sword!

    Let's start combining the sword and enchanted books!

    1.) Connect 4 books on Disjunction III. For this we need 2 diamond swords. Charim each of them on Disjunction IV by connecting on each sword 2 books on Disjunction III.

    After that, we combine 2 of these swords in the anvil and we get a sword that is enchanted for Disjunction V.

    2.) We connect 4 books on Vorpal II. Say "why"? Because Vorpal III books are rarely available in the enchantment table, and Vorpal II is easy to get. We connect according to the same principle as Disjunction V. As a result, we get Vorpal IV.

    3.) We won't need any more diamond swords. We attach to the received sword 2 books for Sharpness IV, or 4 books for Sharpness III.

    4.) We connect 1 book on Recoil II with a sword.

    5.) We connect 1 book on Prey III with a sword.

    6.) We connect 1 book on the Conspiracy of Fire II with the sword.

    7.) And the last enchantment is durability. We connect 1 book for durability III with a sword.