Witcher 1 sword upgrade. Rune swords. Silver rune swords in The Witcher

Comment from Thalsayder

The most beautiful katana I've ever seen, besides, it looks like a two-handed one, but is worn in one hand, Rogi has one and can't wait 4.3. to make it as his weapon).

Comment from FerzRRN

More samurai-themed swords:

Of course, the Hunts were lucky with the A9 set - truly samurai :) - Furious Gladiator's Robe

Comment from Suicide777

hmm, I recently sold it at an auk for 500 g, but judging by the chance of a drop and the rarity of samurai swords in general in Vova, I understand that I sold cheap :(

Comment from Megauguugu

I sold it at auction for 250g (my second blade), bought it up almost instantly, made the campaign much cheaper, the first one was leaked to the vendor, because. didn't know the cost...
Clumsiness - Black Scar

Comment from orest

According to legend, the first samurai sword was forged by the blacksmith Amakuni in Yamato around 700 AD, and although there is no exact historical confirmation of it, it seems logical, since the history of the earliest swords in existence in modern times can be traced back to the blacksmith Yasutsuna of Hoki circa 900 AD Amakuni was the leader of a group of blacksmiths who forged swords for the imperial army. One day, Amakuni and his son Amakura stood at the door of their forge and watched the soldiers returning from battle. The emperor passed by, but did not even look in the direction of Amakuni, as he usually did, and the blacksmith always regarded this look of the emperor as a sign of gratitude for his efforts. Amakuni then noticed that nearly half of the returning soldiers had their swords broken.
Broken Blade of Heroes.
Amakuni and his son collected the fragments of the swords and began to examine them: it turned out that the swords were poorly forged and broke from strong blows. The smith's eyes filled with tears, and he whispered, "I will make swords that will not fail even in the fiercest battle." Having taken such an oath, Amakuni and his son locked themselves in the forge and prayed for seven days and nights to the Shinto deities.
Blade of Heroes Reforged
Slowly but surely they worked on this difficult task, and thirty days later, exhausted, exhausted, but joyful, the blacksmiths brought to light a slightly curved sword with one-sided sharpening. Of course, the other blacksmiths thought they were out of their minds,
but Amakuni and son carefully sharpened and polished the new Reforged Blade of Heroes. Father and son continued the work they had begun and produced many such improved swords. And when the next spring the soldiers returned from the war, the blacksmith stood by the road and counted his swords: 27, 28, 29, 30 ... 31! All the swords of his work, even after the battle, were in excellent condition! The emperor rode up to him and said, “You are an excellent blacksmith. None of your swords failed in the cut.” Amakuni rejoiced and felt that his life had regained fullness and meaning.
Characteristics of the katana.
The length of the handle is from 25 to 30 cm, and the length of the working area (between the tsuba and the tip) is no more than 75 cm. The decoration of the katana differs from slightly barbaric luxury tati(tati is another type of longer samurai sword used mainly by mounted warriors, the length of its working area was 100-110 cm). Its decor can be conveyed by the words "modesty", "elegance", in extreme cases - "restrained chic", but no more. It was in the mount of the katana that the traditional features of the Japanese understanding of beauty were most clearly manifested, formulated by the four formulas of the "measurement of beauty" - wabi, sabi, shibui and yugen. The first three are rooted in the ancient religion of Shinto, while "yugen" is a Buddhist category.

"Wabi" is the absence of anything deliberate, pretentious, catchy, that is, in the view of the Japanese, vulgar. This is wise restraint, the beauty of simplicity.

"Sabi" - literally "rust". This concept conveys the charm of attrition, a certain touch of time, patina, traces of the touch of many hands. It is believed that time helps to reveal the essence of things. Therefore, the Japanese see a special charm in evidence of age. They are attracted by the dark color of an old tree, mossy stone in the garden, etc. The category "sabi" expresses the connection of art with nature.

But "wabi" and "sabi" are old words, and gradually they began to be used together, together, as one concept. This is how the popular word "shibui" was born. If you ask a Japanese what this means, he will answer: "Shibui is what a person with good taste calls beautiful." Thus, "shibui" is the final verdict in the evaluation of a subject. Over the centuries, the Japanese have developed an almost mystical, intuitive ability to recognize the qualities defined by the shibui category. This is the beauty of naturalness plus the beauty of simplicity. This is the beauty inherent in the purpose of this item, as well as the material from which it is made. A sword or knife is beautiful not because it is adorned with dragons. First of all, it should feel the sharpness of the blade and the strength of the hardening. That is why all Japanese blades inspire unconscious fear mixed with admiration. M


The legendary swords used by the Hessars during Andraste's wars with magicians were enchanted by her personal retinue and were given out only to the best warriors as a sign of respect and reverence for military skills... Even despite the age of these swords, they are still very strong and the runes on them are not extinguished so far.

The modification comes with six retextures of glowing runes: yellow, green, red, orange, blue and purple.


2). Run DAUpdater in the root folder of the game.
3). Use it to install the dazip files from the archive.
4). Launch the game and activate the modifications in the downloadable content.
five). Load any save and look in your inventory.

Installing retextures:

one). Download the archive I posted with dazip files and retextures.
2). Extract the retextures from the archive somewhere and view the screenshots.
3). Select the desired retexture and drop it into the "override" folder.


one). Delete from "...Documents\BioWare\ dragon age\AddIns" folders:
- 13_Rune_Swords_ORG - Starter version.
- 13_Rune_Swords_AWK - Version for awakening.
- 13_Rune_Swords_GLM - Version for Amgarrak golems.
- 13_Rune_Swords_WTCH - Witch hunt version.
- 13_Rune_Swords_LLN - Version for Leliana's song.
2). Remove from "...Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\data" files:
- 13_Rune_Swords_ORG_package.erf - Starter version.
- 13_Rune_Swords_AWK_package.erf - Version for awakening.
- 13_Rune_Swords_GLM_package.erf - Version for Amgarrak golems.
- 13_Rune_Swords_WTCH_package.erf - Witch hunt version.
- 13_Rune_Swords_LLN_package.erf - Version for Leliana's song.
3). Remove from "...Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override":
- File "13_Rune_Swords_ORG.cif".


one). To get swords in the original campaign, you just need to load any save and the swords will go to your inventory. In add-ons, in order to get swords, you need to either transfer the character from the beginning in addition to having these swords in your inventory, or install the weapon set modification and buy these swords from the Banaka merchant, or call the swords into inventory using console commands: runscript atonement_glow - get rune swords; and runscript atonement - get magic steel swords.

My rune sword: one of many, but only mine.
Monograph of Lady Blome.

Greetings, rookie. Chances are, Instructor Razuvius has already given you your first lesson in what it means to be a death knight. Let me introduce you to the greatest treasure of your new life: the rune sword.

Without you, this blade is just a piece of iron. Individually, you are weak, helpless, and pose no threat. If you find yourself in a situation where your Rune Sword is not available, your first task is to find a replacement for it, and as soon as possible.

For a death knight, the rune sword is the embodiment of the will of the Lich King himself. It is with his help that you will bring down the wrath of your master on the heads of the infidels, and therefore the possession of such a weapon is not only the highest privilege, but also a huge responsibility. Therefore, it is imperative for you to learn the following things:

  • 1) This blade is an extension of your body. And your body belongs to the Lich King.
  • 2) The runeblade in your hand is the physical embodiment of your will. And your will is one with the will of the Lich King.
  • 3) The runeblade is the conductor of death that fills your soul. And your soul is the embodiment of the will of the Lich King.

In the process of learning, you will have to absorb many of the knowledge available to our understanding. Treat your learning with due diligence, without neglecting a single subject, for such carelessness is characteristic only of foolish pride, which has killed more than one death knight on the battlefield.

Perhaps many of you will soon feel the power of the rune sword fueling your rage. However, this is not enough. Don't think of your blade as just a point of strength. The most powerful death knights are able to control the blade with a single effort of the mind. Together they are able to fight as one, as a center of will that no mortal creature can resist.

Others may note that the blade works more effectively when charged with the energy of an icy cold. Even the sharpest weapon cannot match the power of a rune sword imbued with the power of ice. Know, death knight, that you are subject to the magic that permeates the very great citadel - Icecrown. If you wish to improve in the art of controlling this element, your enemies will not even have a chance to approach you within striking distance, for cold and ice bind their movements.

However, many of you will feel called to bring death and destruction with disease and plague infiltrating your blades. This specialization is reserved for only the most skilled death knights. At times you will feel like you are facing a defense that cannot be overcome. But any defense is designed to hide weakness, and any armor has vulnerabilities. Remember, death knight, it was not a great army that destroyed Lordaeron, but a simple plague.

For a short-term increase in the effectiveness of swords in The Witcher, whetstones and grinding stones are used, which increase damage by two dozen percent, as well as diamond dust, lubricants and stone runes (silver swords). Unlike ordinary weapons, they are custom-forged and have additional permanent bonuses, but in order to get them, you have to work hard, crushing more than a dozen enemy heads. The first good steel sword in the game is issued by Vesemir before leaving Kaer Morhen, the witcher has a silver sword in the second chapter.

Blacksmiths are engaged in the creation of weapons. Each major region has its own master, ready for certain fee get to work and forge a sword. To strengthen steel swords during forging, the following is used: blue(SMR) - critical pain + 10%; red(KMR) - damage + 15%; yellow(ZHMR) - damage + 20%, pain, stun, accurate strike + 30%. Silver swords intensify runes of the sun(RS) - ignition and blinding + 25%; runes of the moon(RL) - susceptibility to silver + 10%; runes of the earth(RZ) - damage + 10%, knockdown + 25%. Blacksmiths work with runes, as well as with ore. Using two or more pieces of the same type gives additional improvements.

The interface for creating weapons looks like a regular purchase, that is, swords appear in the blacksmith's assortment, which he can forge from the ones available to the witcher on this moment ores or runes. After forging, the sword will replace the one in the inventory; old weapons are thrown away. To prevent this from happening, you need to sell the thing in advance to any merchant located somewhere near the forge, thus earning some money.

Steel meteor swords in The Witcher:

  • Meteor Sword(CMP + CMP + CMP) - damage depends on the style; critical pain +45%, disarmament +20%.
  • Meteor Sword(SMP + SMP + CMP) - damage + 5%; pain +10%.
  • Meteor Sword(SMP + SMP + FMP) - damage + 8%; Pain +35%, Disarm and Precise Strike +10%.
  • Meteor Sword(KMR + KMR + KMR) - damage + 40%; bleeding +30%.
  • Meteor Sword(KMR + KMR + SMR) - damage + 20%; pain +10%.
  • Meteor Sword(CMR + CMR + FMR) - damage + 28%; Pain, Stun and Precise Strike +10%.
  • Meteor Sword(FMR + FMR + FMR) - damage + 24%; Pain, Stun, Bleeding and Accurate Strike +30%.
  • Meteor Sword(FMR + FMR + SMR) - damage + 16%; Pain +30%, Disarm and Precise Strike +20%.
  • Meteor Sword(FMR + FMR + CMR) - damage + 21%; Pain, Stun and Precise Strike +20%.
  • Meteor Sword(SMR + FMR + CMR) - damage + 13%; Pain +20%, Stun and Precise Strike +10%.

Silver rune swords in The Witcher:

  • Rune Sword(RS + RS + RS) - damage depends on the style; blind and ignite +75%, susceptibility to silver +15%.
  • Rune Sword(RS + RS + RZ) - damage + 15%; blind +25%, knockdown and accurate hit +50%.
  • Rune Sword(RS + RS + RL) - damage depends on the style; blind and ignite +50%, susceptibility to silver +15%.
  • Rune Sword(RL+RL+RL) - damage depends on the style; susceptibility to silver + 45%.
  • Rune Sword(RL+RL+RZ) - damage depends on the style; knockdown +75%, susceptibility to silver +30%.
  • Rune Sword(RL+RL+RS) - damage depends on the style; blind and ignite +25%, susceptibility to silver +30%.
  • Rune Sword(RZ + RZ + RZ) - damage + 45%; knockdown +75%.
  • Rune Sword(RZ + RZ + RL) - damage + 30%; knockdown +75%, susceptibility to silver +15%.
  • Rune Sword(RZ + RZ + RS) - damage + 30%; blind +50%, knockdown and accurate hit +25%.
  • Rune Sword(RS + RL + RZ) - damage + 15%; knockdown, blind and ignite +25%, susceptibility to silver +15%.

Blacksmiths ready to forge from ore and runes:

  • Dwarf Smith- Outskirts of Vizima, near the village tavern in the first chapter. It’s better not to ask about the Skoya "taels, otherwise you will be offended.
  • Malcolm Stein- Vizima's Temple Quarter, a forge north of Detective Raymond's house.
  • Gunsmith of the Order- Vizima's Temple Quarter, a forge south of Detective Raymond's house.
  • Blacksmith(bring amber, ruby, sapphire or diamond) - Vizima's merchant quarter, south of Triss' house.
  • Blacksmith- Dark water, village.
  • Gunsmith of the Order- temporary forge on the opposite side south of the clinic in Stara Vizima, after killing Azar Javed in the laboratory.

Steel Swords

The Witcher's Steel Sword
The Witcher will receive this sword in the prologue, after the Salamanders attack on Kaer Morhen. This is a regular steel sword, so its damage determines the style of combat, and there are no bonuses at all.

Elven Raven Armor

This powerful armor can be obtained by completing the Armor quest in Chapter 5. If the Witcher Geralt decides to join the Squirrels in their fight against the Order of the Flaming Rose, the blacksmith of the non-humans will agree to forge this armor for the White Wolf, provided, of course, that all the components are assembled. This version of Raven's armor features an elven hand design, with slightly odd shoulder pads and classic pointy-eared bracers. Among other joys, this armor now has three slots for the results of the Witcher's alchemical activities.
Damage -20%
Sign Power: +10%
Energy +25
Energy regeneration: +10%

Raven Order Armor

We get this armor as soon as we complete the Armor quest in chapter 5. If the Witcher took the side of the Burning Rose and decided to end the non-human offspring, the blacksmith of the order will be able to forge this armor for Geralt when all the components are assembled. This version differs, in addition to its set of bonuses, with an abundance of spikes on the shoulder pads and bracers, which gives the Witcher an extremely menacing look. In addition, there are three slots for potions.
Damage -30%
Health +150
Damage +10%
Health Regeneration +10%

Neutral Raven Armor

This armor is the objective of the Chapter 5 quest Armor. If Geralt decided to give a damn about political intrigues, Squirrels and crazy priests and act like a real Witcher, while maintaining neutrality, our good friend, the alchemist Kalkstein, will be able to make this armor for the White Wolf when he brings him all the ingredients (which is taught to these alchemists if they also know how to forge armor ?!). This version is distinguished by the lattice construction of the bracers and pauldrons. There are also three slots for elixirs and a set of bonuses.
Damage -20%
Health +75
Energy +15
Health and energy regeneration +5%
Knockdown Resistance +25%

And here you will find out where the components are: