Retexture of the armor of the manticore the witcher 3. Grandmaster armor of the manticore school. Silver Sword of the School of Manticore

In Beauclair, we find a local armored master, Lazarus Lafargue. I must say that this is not a simple master armorer, but a blacksmith grandmaster, who will do it for us grandmaster armor. We can find it ourselves, or we can find it by reading the ad. In any case, he will be very pleased with our appearance.

He has long been looking for someone who will help him find blueprints for witcher armor of incredible strength. The legendary elven blacksmith Tien "sael once lived in Toussaint. He died a long time ago, but once witchers from all over the world came to him to order armor. Unfortunately, all the witchers who came died, but the blacksmith knows where. Lazarus Lafargue himself was a student at Tien "sael. And he knows all the stories about the dead witchers first hand. In general, this knowledge discouraged him from wanting to find these drawings himself. So he is looking for someone who can do it.

He will offer us to find and examine the places where the life of witchers from five different schools supposedly ended. And if we provide him with the drawings that were with them, then he will be able to fulfill the order according to them, thereby proving that he is a worthy student, his teacher. After talking with the master armorer, we activate a task to search for drawings of witchers from different schools: Wolf, Griffin, Cat, Bear and Manticore. As you noticed, the snakes bypassed the school again. As you find the blueprints, you can return to the armor and, if you have the appropriate components in your inventory, create one or another armor.

Grandmaster Armor of the Manticore School

Lazarus Lafargue's story: “The teacher said that the Manticore School stronghold was far to the east. About a hundred years ago, a witcher came from there - a certain Merten. It stank like a dwarven distillery and got into a fight all the time. Tien "sael slammed the door in his face and advised him to return when he sobered up. He did not deal with drunks. But the witcher never returned. People said that he had a fight with the prince's guard. He was arrested and immediately executed. Bastoy prison, where he was kept has been destroyed for a long time, but maybe it’s worth starting the search from there?”

Bastoy Prison

It's clear that things are dark here. We leave for Bastoy Prison. The closest point to this prison, where we can portage, is the Rio Cannes Sawmill. From it on foot or on horseback. If you make a complete sweep in these ruins, you can find a lot of interesting things, well, except for the bruxa, which you have to meet. And as part of the search for drawings, we are interested in a dilapidated turret.

You can climb there along the preserved boardwalks. There, immediately at the entrance to the left, at the level of the elbow, we notice a stone, behind which there is a cache. From the cache we will get the drawing and notes of the witcher's cellmate. From these notes we learn that the witcher Merten was not executed, but after almost two years he was released. Moreover, he believed in the prophet Lebed and went on a pilgrimage.

The cave where Lebed stayed

And so, we go to the cave in which Lebeda gained enlightenment and on the walls of which he inscribed four of his Great Truths. Not far from this cave, there are two points at once where we can go. "The economy of the Gelensers" and "The ruins of the palace of Termes". Having run along a country road, we turn onto a path, on this path, a couple of wild cats will frolic, it seems Cougars. We go into the cave, I must say this is not quite a cave, because it has both walls and a floor, and of course, a ceiling.

We turn on the witcher's instinct and see on the walls the very Great Truths inscribed by Lebed, and besides, there are a lot of leaves on the walls. These are the prayers of those who pray to the prophet. You can just re-read everything, it won’t get worse, but on the wall, the one on the left, we will find the prayer of the witcher Merten. Apparently he had problems with paper, so he wrote directly on the precious blueprint. We pick up the drawing, do not forget to read the prayer itself. From it we learn where our witcher went from this cave.

Sanctuary of the Swan

And this time he went to the sanctuary of the Swan, in order to meet there with the Great Beggar - a man who penetrated the essence of the teachings of the Swan. So we are on our way there. We look at the map, and there we see that the sanctuary is very close to the “Statue of the Prophet Swan”. We port to the statue, well, or whatever you like. And there is literally a stone's throw from the sanctuary. We go. There are a couple of tombs in the room, one of them is empty, we also see a bricked-up entrance. That's where we need to go.

Here we will meet that same Great Beggar, or rather his restless spirit. Since at one time they walled him up here alive. We fight with the spirit, and then, using the empty sarcophagus, we will rest his mortal bones. We search his dwelling and, among other things, find a draftsman and a diary of the Great Beggar. Be sure to read. From the diary we learn that the witcher Merten has repented, and in order to carry out the cleansing, he must get to the Secret Chapel. Carved into the rock and inhabited by dangerous creatures, it is a test in itself. Whoever Lebeda allows to enter the chapel, he will forgive sins and crimes. And Merten went. And that means it's time for us to hit the road.

secret chapel

The cave is located very close to Beauclair. Starting point Old Amphitheatre. By the way, if you read the ads on the boards, you can find an order that will be associated specifically with this amphitheater. The cave is opposite the sign, you just need to run around a few puddles. We swim into the cave, yes, we swim, because there is water above the belt ...

We get out to a dry place and ... mushrooms, mushrooms ... in general, these are some kind of hallucinogens. Everything swam a little in the eyes, but everything is basically in order. What awaits us there? A couple of Brooks, three cockroaches, well, maybe something else, it won't be boring. But everything seems to be an illusion, although you have to fight for real. And the poor need to distribute money, also not illusory. In the end, we get into the hall, where it seems like an illusion of Lebeda himself. There we pick up a drawing and a note from our witcher. We read the note. Now it is clear where to go next. And then we are waiting for the Lake of Purification.

Lake of Cleansing

We look on the map that Bazan Farm is nearby. By the way, an abandoned settlement, but there is only one wolfman there, powdering his brains. It's still close, why not do a good deed to people. Well, this is so by the way, but we need to go to the lake. The lake will also come across uncultured people. They will immediately get into a fight, you have to beat them.

Then from the bridge we take deep air into the lungs, and also dive deep. Let's not forget about the witcher's flair. We find the last drawing. Uff... You can take a break. Now, if we have the appropriate materials and ingredients in our inventory, we can go to Beauclair to Lazarus. As for me grandmaster manticore equipment perfectly suited to the weather of Toussaint. Personally, I repaint it in White color, and really like it. Of course, she does not become white, but she resembles an army gerbil. Well, it's already a lyric. And with the grandmaster set of Manticore, that's it.

The "Turned Every Stone" achievement in The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine is unlocked by finding the grandmaster blueprints for the Witcher Schools of the Cat, Griffin, Bear, Wolf, and Manticore hidden in various parts Toussaint. There is no grandmaster set of the School of the Snake in the add-on, so you don’t have to look for blueprints. The Grandmaster level is the last stage of item improvement that was introduced in the Blood and Wine expansion; the first three levels are found in original game. The drawings are designed for character level 40.

Master blacksmith Lazar Lafargue is engaged in the manufacture of grandmaster armor in Toussaint in his own workshop, located between the Main Market and the Metinne Gate in the central part of Beauclair, he also issues tasks “More than a Master” and “Witcher Antiquities” to search for drawings. Grandmaster blueprints are guarded by strong opponents, so before the campaign you should stock up on elixirs, bombs and oils. Full sets of Grandmaster Armor provide special bonuses: fast energy and health regeneration, increased range of Signs, no delay between bomb throws, and many other useful effects.

Grandmaster armor of the School of the Cat

Drawings are collected during the passage of the task "Witcher's Antiquities: Grandmaster's Armor of the Cat School". Set Bonuses: 3 Parts - Power Attack increases the damage of your quick attacks for 5 seconds. 10% for each element of the set; 6 parts - attacks in the back deal 50% more damage, stun the enemy and spend 1 adrenaline point.

Drawing titleDrawing locationCrafting IngredientsArmor characteristics
Blueprint: Cat School Grandmaster's Armor Northern part of Toussaint. Estate of Bartolomeo de Lone(north of the merchant trading post). The drawing is hidden in a portrait on the wall in a one-story house opposite the merchant.Cat School Master Armor (x1), Hardened Draconid Hide (x2), Enriched Dimerite Plate (x2), Monster Liver (x2), Monster Heart (x2).armor - 240, + 22% attack power, + 12% resistance to piercing blows, + 17% resistance to slashing blows and damage from monsters, + 46% resistance to elements.
Blueprint: Cat School Grandmaster Pants Northern part of Toussaint. Ruins of the Gallion Palace(to the northwest of the merchant trading post). The blueprint lies in a chest in front of the signal fire. The ruins are under the protection of Hanse Antoine "Starling" Straggen.Cat School Master Pants (x1), Hardened Draconid Hide (x1), Enriched Dimerite Plate (x1), Beast's Tongue (x2), Beast's Blood (x2).armor - 91, + 11% attack power, + 5% resistance to piercing blows, + 7% resistance to slashing blows and damage from monsters, + 16% resistance to elements.
Blueprint: Cat School Grandmaster's Boots Cat School Master Boots (x1), Hardened Draconid Hide (x1), Enriched Dimerite Plate (x1), Beast Bone (x2), Beast Claw (x4).armor - 91, + 11% attack power, + 6% resistance to piercing blows, + 6% resistance to slashing blows, damage from monsters and elements.
Blueprint: Cat School Grandmaster's Gloves Northern part of Toussaint. Stuffy Pits(between the Merchant Trading Post and the Ruins of the Gallion Palace). The blueprint is stored in a box by the fire at the end of the archespore cave.Cat School Master Gloves (x1), Hardened Draconid Hide (x1), Enriched Dimerite Ingot (x1), Beast Bone (x2), Crushed Beast Flesh (x1).armor - 87, + 11% attack power, + 5% resistance to damage from monsters, piercing and slashing blows, + 6% elemental resistance.
Blueprint: Cat School Grandmaster Steel Sword Cat School Master Steel Sword (x1), Leather Scraps (x2), Enriched Dimerite Ingot (x2), Sapphire (x1), Monster Blood (x1).damage - 335-409, + 15% of Aard's power and a chance to cause bleeding, + 10% chance of a critical hit and a chance modifier to chop off a limb, + 5% extra. experience for a fatal blow to a person.
Blueprint: Cat School Grandmaster's Silver Sword Cat School Master Silver Sword (x1), Leather Scraps (x2), Enriched Dimerite Ingot (x2), Sapphire (x1), Monster Tooth (x1).damage - 472-576, + 15% Aard's power and chance to cause bleeding, + 10% critical hit chance and chance modifier to chop off a limb, + 20% extra. experience for killing a monster.

Grandmaster Armor of the Griffin School

Drawings are collected during the passage of the task "Witcher's Antiquities: Grandmaster's Armor of the Griffin School". Set bonuses: 3 parts - all subsequent Signs created in standard mode within 3 seconds after the first Sign, do not consume energy; 6 parts - the size of Yrden's traps is increased by 40% while Geralt remains inside the circle, energy is restored 5 seconds faster, the power of Signs is increased by 100%, and damage taken is reduced by 20%.

Drawing titleDrawing locationCrafting IngredientsArmor characteristics
Plans: Griffin School Grandmaster's Boots Eastern part of Toussaint. Ruins of Fort Ussar(southeast of Ardaiso Quarry). The drawings are hidden in a chest under the stairs to the second floor. The ruins are guarded by two donkeys.Griffin School Master Boots (x1), Hardened Draconid Hide (x1), Enriched Dimerite Plate (x1), Crushed Monster Flesh (x2), Monster Claw (x4).armor - 91, + 11% power of Signs, + 5% resistance to piercing blows and shock damage, + 6% resistance to slashing blows and damage from monsters.
Blueprint: Griffin School Grandmaster's Steel Sword Griffin School Master Steel Sword (x1), Leather Scraps (x2), Enriched Dimerite Ingot (x2), Monster Heart (x1), Monster Essence (x1).damage 335-409, +21% power of Signs, +25% additional. damage on a critical hit, +10% chance modifier to cut off a limb, +5% chance of a critical hit and additional. experience for a fatal blow to a person.
Blueprint: Gryphon School Grandmaster's Gloves Griffin School Master Gloves (x1), Reinforced Draconid Hide (x1), Enriched Dimerite Ingot (x1), Monster Heart (x1), Monster Blood (x2).
Blueprint: Griffin School Grandmaster's Armor Eastern part of Toussaint. Montcran Castle(Northeast of Ardaiso Quarry). The drawings are in a bag on a chair, on a table by the distiller and in a box on a shelf opposite the portal to Jerome's dungeon in Moro's hideout. The entrance to the dungeon is located in the castle courtyard, to the right of the catapult, behind an illusory wall that is removed by the Eye of Nehalena. The amplifying crystal lies on the table not far from the portal. After activating the portal with the Sign of Aard, the witcher will be in Jerome's dungeon. Montcran Castle is guarded by the Hansa Philibert the Four-legged.Griffin School Master Armor (x1), Reinforced Draconid Hide (x2), Enriched Dimerite Plate (x2), Monster Heart (x2), Monster Essence (x1).armor - 240, + 22% power of the Signs, + 19% resistance to piercing blows, + 17% resistance to impact damage, + 24% resistance to slashing blows, + 31% resistance to damage from monsters.
Blueprint: Griffin School Grandmaster Pants Griffin School Workshop Pants (x1), Reinforced Draconid Hide (x1), Enriched Dimerite Plate (x1), Monster Blood (x2), Monster Brain (x2).armor - 91, + 11% power of Signs, + 6% resistance to piercing blows, + 9% resistance to slashing blows, + 11% resistance to damage from monsters, + 33% resistance to elements.
Blueprint: Griffin School Grandmaster's Silver Sword Griffin School Master Silver Sword (x1), Leather Scraps (x2), Enriched Dimerite Ingot (x2), Monster Heart (x1), Monster Essence (x1).damage 472-576, +21% power of Signs, +25% additional. Critical Hit Damage, +5% Critical Hit Chance, +10% Limb Chance Modifier, +20% Extra experience for killing a monster.

Grandmaster Armor of the Bear School

Drawings are collected during the passage of the task "Witcher's Antiquities: Grandmaster's Armor of the Bear School". Set bonuses: 3 parts - increased chance to apply a new Quen shield without spending energy; 6 parts - damage from abilities related to the Quen Sign is increased by 200%.

Drawing titleDrawing locationCrafting IngredientsArmor characteristics
Blueprint: Bear School Grandmaster's Silver Sword Central part of Toussaint. Floviv village(southwest of Ardaiso Quarry). The drawing is hidden in a chest under the rubble of a house on the territory of the Tufo winery. The rubble is cleared by Aard.Bear School Master Silver Sword (x1), Leather Scraps (x2), Enriched Dimerite Ingot (x2), Beast's Saliva (x1), Beast's Tongue (x1).damage 472-576, +21% adrenaline gain, +75% extra. Critical Hit Damage, +5% Critical Hit Chance, +14% Limb Chance Modifier, +20% Extra experience for killing a monster.
Blueprint: Bear School Grandmaster's Armor Bear School Master Armor (x1), Hardened Draconid Hide (x2), Enriched Dimerite Plate (x2), Monster Essence (x1), Monster Heart (x1).armor - 240, + 22% adrenaline, + 26% resistance to piercing blows, + 25% resistance to impact damage, + 32% resistance to slashing blows, + 46% resistance to damage from monsters.
Blueprint: Bear School Grandmaster's Gloves Bear School Master Gloves (x1), Hardened Draconid Hide (x1), Enriched Dimerite Ingot (x1), Monster Claw (x2), Crushed Monster Flesh (x1).armor - 87, + 11% adrenaline, + 6% resistance to stabbing and slashing, damage from monsters and elements.
Blueprint: Bear School Grandmaster Pants Central part of Toussaint. Owl Grottoes(northwest of Floviv Village). The blueprints rest on the remains of the witcher on the lower level of the cave.Bear School Master Pants (x1), Hardened Draconid Hide (x1), Enriched Dimerite Plate (x1), Monster Hair (x2), Monster Essence (x2).armor - 91, + 11% adrenaline, + 6% resistance to piercing blows, + 11% resistance to slashing blows, + 16% resistance to damage from monsters, + 25% resistance to elements.
Blueprint: Bear School Grandmaster Steel Sword Bear School Master Steel Sword (x1), Leather Scraps (x2), Enriched Dimerite Ingot (x2), Monster Blood (x1), Monster Brain (x1).damage 335-409, +21% adrenaline gain, +75% extra. Critical Hit Damage, +5% Critical Hit Chance, +14% Limb Chance Modifier, +5% Extra experience for a fatal blow to a person.
Plans: Bear School Grandmaster's Boots Bear School Master Boots (x1), Hardened Draconid Hide (x1), Enriched Dimerite Plate (x1), Beast's Saliva (x3), Beast's Tooth (x3).armor - 91, + 11% adrenaline, + 5% resistance to shock damage, + 6% resistance to damage from monsters, piercing and slashing.

Grandmaster Armor of the School of the Wolf

Drawings are collected during the passage of the task "Witcher's Antiquities: Grandmaster's Armor of the School of the Wolf." Set bonuses: 3 parts - up to three different oils can be applied to the sword at a time; 6 parts - bombs can be thrown without delay.

Drawing titleDrawing locationCrafting IngredientsArmor characteristics
Blueprint: Wolf School Grandmaster's Steel Sword Ruins of the Termes Palace(east of Mer Lachaise Cemetery). The drawings lie on the remains of the witcher, crushed stone slab, on the lower level of the palace ruins. The diary of Isabelle Duchamp lies in a box under a bench in the archaeologists' camp. The barrier is removed using the purple ruby ​​on the body of the archaeologist at the entrance to the ruins.Leather Scraps (x2), Enriched Dimerite Ingot (x2), Ruby (x1), Monster Essence (x1).damage 335-409, + 11% power of Signs, adrenaline gain, critical strike and bleeding chance, + 5% additional. experience for a fatal blow to a person.
Blueprint: Wolf School Grandmaster's Silver Sword Leather Scraps (x2), Enriched Dimerite Ingot (x2), Ruby (x1), Crushed Monster Flesh (x1).damage 472-576, + 11% power of Signs, adrenaline gain, critical hit and bleeding chance, + 20% additional. experience for killing a monster.
Blueprint: Wolf School Grandmaster's Gloves Hardened Draconid Hide (x1), Enriched Dimerite Bar (x1), Crushed Monster Flesh (x2), Monster Heart (x1).armor - 87, + 11% power of Signs, + 5% resistance to piercing blows, + 6% resistance to slashing blows and damage from monsters, + 12% resistance to elements.
Blueprint: Wolf School Grandmaster's Armor Southeastern part of Toussaint. Ruins of the Termes Palace(east of Mer Lachaise Cemetery). The drawings are hidden in the witcher's bag in the next room from his remains on the lower level of the palace ruins.Reinforced Draconid Hide (x2), Enriched Dimerite Plate (x2), Monster Heart (x1), Monster Belly (x1).armor - 240, + 22% adrenaline, + 17% resistance to shock damage, + 19% resistance to piercing blows, + 24% resistance to slashing blows, + 31% resistance to damage from monsters.
Blueprint: Wolf School Grandmaster Pants Fortified Draconid Hide (x1), Enriched Dimerite Plate (x1), Monster Blood (x2), Monster Heart (x2).armor - 91, + 11% attack power, the power of Signs and resistance to damage from monsters, + 9% resistance to slashing blows, + 33% elemental resistance.
Plans: Wolf School Grandmaster's Boots Fortified Draconid Hide (x1), Enriched Dimerite Plate (x1), Monster Blood (x4), Monster Heart (x2).armor - 91, + 11% attack power, + 5% resistance to piercing blows and shock damage, + 6% resistance to slashing blows and damage from monsters.

Grandmaster Armor of the Manticore School

Drawings are collected during the passage of the task "Witcher's Antiquities: Grandmaster's Armor of the Manticore School". Set bonuses: 3 parts - the chance of a critical hit and critical damage is extended to bombs; 6 parts - the number of charges for all alchemical items is increased by 1.

Drawing titleDrawing locationCrafting IngredientsArmor characteristics
Blueprint: Manticore School Steel Sword Western part of Toussaint. Ruins of Bastoy prison(between Astre Fortress Ruins and Riou Cannes Sawmill). The drawing is located in a wall cache on the second tier of the destroyed tower.Leather Scraps (x2), Dimerite Bar (x2), Ruby Dust (x1), Beast's Saliva (x1).damage - 335-409, +250 armor penetration, + 50% additional. damage on a critical hit, +10% chance to inflict bleeding, +5% chance of a critical hit, and additional. experience for a fatal blow to a person.
Plans: Silver Sword of the School of Manticore Southwestern part of Toussaint. Cave of Trials(northwest of the Old Amphitheatre). The blueprint is in a box at the end of a cave in Sid Lligad Lake.Leather Scraps (x2), Dimerite Ingot (x2), Ruby (x1), Monster Brain (x1).damage - 472-576, +250 armor penetration, +50% extra. critical hit damage, +5% critical hit chance and additional. experience for killing a monster, +10% chance to inflict bleeding.
Plans: Manticore School Armor Southeastern part of Toussaint. Cave of the Prophet Lebeda(southwest of the Termes Palace Ruins). The drawing is drawn on one of the seven leaves pasted in the cave.Draconid Hide (x2), Dimerite Plate (x2), Monster Ear (x2), Monster Eye (x2).armor - 240, 10 toxicity, + 19% resistance to piercing blows, + 24% resistance to slashing blows, + 25% additional. damage on a critical hit.
Blueprint: Manticore School Gloves Eastern part of Toussaint. Lake of Cleansing(to the northeast of the Bazan Farm). The drawing lies in a cache at the bottom of the lake.Draconid Hide (x1), Meteoritic Silver Plate (x1), Monster Hair (x1), Monster Blood (x1).armor - 87, 5 toxicity, + 5% resistance to piercing blows and the chance of a critical strike, + 6% resistance to slashing blows, + 12% elemental resistance.
Plans: Pants of the School of Manticore Northwestern part of Toussaint. Abandoned Temple of the Prophet Lebeda(near the Plegmund Bridge). The blueprint is stored in a box on a table in the sanctuary behind the stone door that Aard breaks.Draconid Hide (x1), Dimerite Ingot (x1), Monster Claw (x1), Monster Blood (x2).armor - 91, 10 toxicity, + 9% resistance to slashing blows, + 11% resistance to damage from monsters, + 33% elemental resistance, + 5% chance of a critical hit.
Blueprint: Manticore School Boots Draconid Hide (x1), Dimerite Plate (x1), Monster Claw (x4), Monster Blood (x2).armor - 91, 5 toxicity, + 5% resistance to piercing blows, + 6% resistance to slashing blows and damage from monsters, + 25% additional. damage on a critical hit.

Manticore School Set Lazar Lafargue in his own workshop, located between the Main Market and the Metinn Gate Manticore School Set is a unique level 40 medium armor set from the latest Blood and Wine download. Unlike the armor of other Schools, the set initially belongs to the level of a great master and cannot be improved. Manticore armor, like most of the best items in The Witcher 3, is created from blueprints hidden in different parts of sunny Toussaint. When exploring locations, witcher's vision (the [LMB] key) helps to find caches with hidden blueprints, which highlights hidden places in red. He is engaged in the manufacture of armor and swords in Toussaint Lazar Lafargue in his own workshop, located between the Main Market and the Metinne Gate in the central part of the city of Beauclair. At the first meeting, the master blacksmith will tell a story about his teacher, the legendary elf Tien "sael, and offer to go in search of his lost drawings that disappeared during the pogrom. If you agree with the terms of the contract, the journal will appear task "More than a master"

  1. (required level - 40): in a box on a table in the sanctuary behind the stone door broken by Aard, in the Abandoned Temple of the Prophet Swan near Plegmund's Bridge in the northwestern part of Toussaint.
ami in the central part of the city of Beauclair. At the first meeting, the master blacksmith will tell a story about his teacher, the legendary elf Tien "sael, and offer to go in search of his lost drawings that disappeared during the pogrom. If you agree with the terms of the contract, the journal will appear task "More than a master", and on the map marks indicating the places where you should start searching. After returning at least one complete set of grandmaster drawings, the blacksmith will complete his training in the guild, pass the final exam and become a great master. From this moment, Geralt will have full access to the manufacture of the Manticore School set and. appear in The Witcher 3 only after installing the free add-on New Quest: Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear. You can complete Witcher Antiquities quests at any time during the Blood and Wine expansion.
for the manufacture of armor and swords, they are sold from merchants, obtained from monsters in secondary tasks, or collected when clearing the wild territories of the Kingdom. With a shortage of materials, you can disassemble any item from the inventory into its component parts with the help of blacksmiths, and then use the resulting components in work.

The location of the drawings for the manufacture of weapons and medium armor of the School of Manticore in The Witcher 3:

Treasure maps with the location of blueprints are no longer sold by merchants, so the quest "Witcher's Antiquities: Manticore School Grandmaster Armor" appears in the journal after talking with the grandmaster blacksmith in the workshop on the main square of Toussaint. Bonuses for the Manticore witcher equipment: 3 parts - the chance of a critical hit and critical damage extends to bombs; 6 parts - the number of charges for all alchemical items is increased by 1.
  1. Blueprint: Manticore School Steel Sword(required level - 40): in a wall cache on the second tier of the ruined tower in the ruins of Bastoy prison, between the Ruins of the Astre fortress and the Riou Cannes sawmill, in the western part of Toussaint.
    • Required ingredients: leather scraps - 2, dimerite ingot - 2, ruby ​​dust - 1, monster saliva - 1.
    • Characteristics: damage - 335-409, +250 armor penetration, + 50% additional. damage on a critical hit, +10% chance to inflict bleeding, +5% chance of a critical hit, and additional. experience for a fatal blow to a person.
  2. Plans: Silver Sword of the School of Manticore(required level - 40): in a box at the end of the Cave of Trials on Lake Cid Lligad, north of the Old Amphitheater, in the southwestern part of Toussaint.
    • Required ingredients: leather scraps - 2, dimerite ingot - 2, ruby ​​- 1, monster brain - 1.
    • Characteristics: damage - 472-576, +250 armor penetration, + 50% additional. critical hit damage, +5% critical hit chance and additional. experience for killing a monster, +10% chance to inflict bleeding.
  3. Plans: Manticore School Armor(required level - 40): on one of the seven leaves pasted in the cave where the prophet Lebed stopped, southwest of the Ruins of the Termes Palace in the eastern part of Toussaint.
    • Required ingredients: draconid skin - 2, dimerite plate - 2, monster's ear - 2, monster's eye - 2.
    • Characteristics: armor - 240, 10 toxicity, + 19% resistance to piercing blows, + 24% resistance to slashing blows, + 25% additional. damage on a critical hit.
  4. Blueprint: Manticore School Gloves(required level - 40): in a cache at the bottom of the Lake of Purification, northeast of the Bazan Farm, in the eastern part of Toussaint.
    • Required Ingredients: Draconid Hide - 1, Meteoritic Silver Plate - 1, Monster Hair - 1, Monster Blood - 1.
    • Characteristics: armor - 87, 5 toxicity, + 5% resistance to piercing blows and the chance of a critical strike, + 6% resistance to slashing blows, + 12% elemental resistance.
  5. Plans: Pants of the School of Manticore(required level - 40): in a box on a table in the sanctuary behind the stone door broken by Aard, in the Abandoned Temple of the Prophet Swan near Plegmund's Bridge in the northwestern part of Toussaint.
    • Required ingredients: dragonkin hide - 1, dimerite ingot - 1, monster claw - 1, monster blood - 2.
    • Characteristics: armor - 91, 10 toxicity, + 9% resistance to slashing blows, + 11% resistance to damage from monsters, + 33% elemental resistance, + 5% chance of a critical hit.
  6. Blueprint: Manticore School Boots(required level - 40): in a box on a table in the sanctuary behind the stone door broken by Aard, in the Abandoned Temple of the Prophet Swan near Plegmund's Bridge in the northwestern part of Toussaint.
    • Required ingredients: drakonid skin - 1, dimerite plate - 1, monster claw - 4, monster blood - 2.
    • Characteristics: armor - 91, 5 toxicity, + 5% resistance to piercing blows, + 6% resistance to slashing blows and damage from monsters, + 25% additional. damage on a critical hit.

A guide to finding all the drawings for creating a set of equipment for the witchers of the Manticore School.

We ask about the witcher from the Manticore school. The master will tell you that Merten was imprisoned by Bastoy, the gallows were waiting for him. However, the prison is long gone, only ruins remain.

The witcher's dungeon is located on the 2nd level, in the tower. You can get there - either by jumping onto a wooden platform, or by walking along the edge of the wall from the opposite direction.

In the hiding place, behind the stone you will find blueprint for the Steel Sword of the Manticore School, as well as the notes of cellmate Merten, which will say that the witcher fell into the teachings of Lebeda, escaped from prison and went on a pilgrimage.

After reading the entries, a marker will appear on the map leading to a lonely cave in the south of Toussaint, the place where Lebeda stops.

Believers leave their prayers on the walls of the sanctuary. One of the notes will belong to Merten and will be written in blueprint for the Manticore school bib, this note will indicate the next point of pilgrimage - the dwelling of the Great Beggar.

Go to the Temple of the Great Beggar.

However, keep in mind the entrance to the temple is located at the side of the hill, not on the hill. Enter the temple.

Behind the coffins, it is necessary to break the walled-up door to the cell with Aard. Geralt will be attacked by the ghost of the Great Beggar, who has very peculiar tricks. It won't be hard to beat him.

After killing the ghost will start side quest- Bones of the Great Beggar. It is necessary to put the bones of the ghosts to rest so that he can go to better world. We collect the trophy.

And we put it in the sarcophagus, in the previous room.

Search the cell of the Great Beggar, on the table in the box you will find his notes on merten and two drawings: drawing pants Manticore School and drawing of the boots of the School of Manticore.

The hermit's notes will point to an underwater cave located south of the Palace Gardens.

We dive into the grotto and swim to the dry part of the cave. The air will be filled with purple gas, after inhaling which Geralt will begin to hallucinate.

You have to fight with two brooks, otherwise you will not see the beasts. The fight is going to be great.

The next test will be beggars - you need to pick up coins from the floor (if you don’t have your own) and distribute to each beggar who will beg on both sides of the path.

Then you will find a scene with a kikimore attacking a random traveler. Defeat the monsters and follow further along the corridor.

At the end of the corridor, you will meet a ghost that is extremely similar to the Swan.

And I’ll also put Merten’s notes, in particular drawing of the silver sword of the School of Manticore.

The latter will aptly point to the lake, in the east of Toussaint. In which pilgrims throw things that connect them with a past life.

At the pier, Geralt will be attacked by bandits who are catching these abandoned things.

We dive into the water, carefully search the bottom. We find Merten's discarded bag with drawing of the gloves of the School of Manticore and the last letter of the former witcher of the Manticore school who believed in the teachings of Lebeda.

In this way, you can forge the Manticore School Grandmaster Armor, which is visually similar to the witcher's jacket from The Witcher. Equipment specifications are listed below.

Breastplate of the Manticore School
+19% Penetration Resistance
+24% slash resistance
+31% Monster Attack Defense
+25% Critical Damage
240 armor
10 toxicity

Boots of the School of Manticore

+6% Monster Attack Defense
+25% Critical Damage
91 armor
5 toxicity

Gloves of the School of Manticore
+5% Penetration Resistance
+6% slash resistance
+12% Elemental Defense

87 armor
5 toxicity

Manticore School Pants
+9% slash resistance
+11% Monster Attack Defense
+33% Elemental Defense
+5% Critical Hit Chance
91 armor
10 toxicity

Manticore School Steel Sword
+250 Armor Penetration
+50% Critical Damage
+5% Critical Hit Chance

+5% experience for killing humans and nonhumans
335-409 damage

silver sword Schools of Manticore
+250 Armor Penetration
+50% Critical Damage
+5% Critical Hit Chance
+10% Chance to inflict Bleeding
+5% experience for killing monsters
472-576 damage

To be honest, the set isn't all that new. Avid players and fans of the series may recall a similar set from the very first part of the game. This is a typical medium armor that gives an advantage to users who prefer to use alchemy. Thus, in The Witcher 3, the armor of the Manticore school is a kind of Easter egg for experienced gamers, since such fighting styles are very rarely used by beginners.

the easy way

In order to create the armor of the Manticore school in The Witcher 3, you will need a great master blacksmith (armor). To find him, go to Beauclair. You will find the corresponding leaflet on the bulletin board there. Then you can find it by a new marker on the map. Remember that you will also need it in order to make Grandmaster armor of old sets in The Witcher 3.

The master armorer will give you a quest to find witcher antiquities. Now you can easily search The Witcher 3. Armor of the Manticore school will be located on the markers of the quests. Unlike the tasks in the previous sets, here you don't have to look everywhere for notes and cards mentioning items, but simply go around the markers in the right order.

However, travelers can try to find the kit schemes on their own. It is for such players that we have compiled the following tips.

silver sword

The blueprint for this weapon is stored southwest of Beauclair. Move to the sign "Palace Gardens" and move south from it. Pass by a small peninsula, but if you pass the pier, you can go back. There is a chapel in a cave by the lake. Pass the various tests that fate throws at you, and at the end you will be rewarded with a drawing of the sword.

steel sword

To get his schematic, you need to find Bastoy Prison. It is very easy to do this. Move from the gardens to the north and come to the Palace. Drive straight northwest from this sign. Check the map. See a small lake with an island in the middle? If you go straight west from it, you will also get to the prison. After drawing two lines, you will see approximately the place where the tower will stand. Go up. Now you need to find a cache in the wall. There you will find a note with a diagram. After that, you can go to look for the armor of the Manticore school in The Witcher 3. Where can I find the remaining items of equipment?

Pants and boots

The diagrams for these two parts of the kit are in one place. In the game The Witcher 3, the armor of the Manticore school is nothing of value. So think carefully about whether you need them. If swords can still be used in various situations, then you will most likely wear armor only once, just to try it on and take a screenshot.

The drawings are hidden in the sanctuary of the Swan. If you have already opened the map, then you need Plegmund's bridge. From it you have to swim across the river to the northwest. To make it easier to navigate, find a boat standing nearby. If you don't have a waypoint yet, exit Beauclair to the north and follow the river. Past the tournament fields, the Kurolisk tavern and the Dulcinea windmill. And from the bridge to the northwest across the river.

Inside the sanctuary, you will need to break the wall with Aard. The chest will be guarded by a ghost. After the victory, do not forget to pick up a well-deserved reward.


To find them you will have to get to the Lake of Purification. After the previous set item, return to Dulcinea's Windmill. From it, move east, and soon you will come out to the reservoir. Get on the boat and continue sailing north. When you get to a small bridge, swim under it and turn east at the fork. AT certain moment you will reach another long bridge. Land on the southern coast and move strictly to the south. When you reach a small lake, dive under the water. There at the bottom you will find a drawing.


The last set item you need in The Witcher 3 is the armor of the Manticore school. With chain mail, as with all previous schemes, there should be no problems. True, it is hidden a little away from other drawings.

Head south out of Beauclair. When you reach the Wall Cemetery sign, turn to face east and go straight. There should be no mountains on your way, so you must come exactly to the goal - a cave in the forest. The nearest landmark will be the Gelenser Farm sign a little northwest. You definitely won't pass by. On the opposite wall from the entrance, the player can find many notes. One of them will be the desired armor scheme.

This completes the search for the kit. It does not include a crossbow, so one less problem. Unfortunately, the parameters of the "Manticoran" set leave much to be desired, so it's much more profitable for you to look in the game "The Witcher 3" for grandmaster armor at level 40, added with latest update. They are an order of magnitude better, and it's not a "pig in a poke" because you know in advance what to expect from the characteristics.