World of tanks players who left the clans. Separation of clans and new features of the clan portal. Separation of the clan portal for WoT and WoWP

In almost any modern MMO, players tend to form close associations for various purposes. World of Tanks is no exception to the rule - for this there are clans.

What is nice, Wargaming fully supports the clan system, giving players the opportunity to officially join clans or create their own and invite people there using a separate service

What is a clan in WoT?

In general, a clan in World of Tanks is an association of players with the goal of joint game and communication. In addition, there are separate game modes for them - Fortified Areas and the Global Map. Joining a clan gives the player several benefits:

  • The ability to easily find a teammate - if there are a lot of active players in the community, then just write a request to the clan chat, and someone will definitely respond to you;
  • The opportunity to take part in sorties, the battles in which are already real teamwork - a good team, as a rule, has proven schemes, tactics, as well as competent field commanders. Thus, the level of coordination of the game exceeds that in the company and team fights not to mention random.
  • A consequence of the previous paragraph are pleasant bonuses to experience and credits - if the clan has a developed fortified area with a financial part and other buildings, the commander will periodically turn on payments.
  • Access to the Global Map - if the community holds several provinces, this means that there is in-game gold in the treasury, which you can also get if you take an active part in sorties. It is also an opportunity to participate in events and receive unique tanks as a reward. Actually, it is the game on the global map that is the ultimate goal of any clan, at least according to the developers' idea.

How to enter?

To join any clan, you must, of course, find a suitable one. Keep in mind that not every commander will accept you - many communities select players according to several criteria, and you need to make sure that you meet these criteria. As a rule, this is your game rating, the presence of a certain technique, as well as the time of activity. To find out exactly what requirements the command imposes on recruits, click on the "Description" button on the clan's main page:

Or the "Summon Conditions" button, located a little lower:

If everything suits you and you meet the requirements, click the "Submit Application" button. In the window that opens, you can write a small comment to the commander and regular officers - say that you are an active player and will take a full part in clan life.

If you cannot find a team that suits you, you can fill out the Personal File and the system will give you everything possible options according to the questionnaire.

Entry is completely free.

How to get out?

If the community you have joined does not suit you, you can leave it at any time. To leave the clan, go to the main community page on the World of Tanks website, and in the upper left corner click the "Expand Menu" button:

After that, a menu will pop up on the left, at the bottom you will find the item "Leave the clan":

How to find out who left?

If you are a commander, then most likely you have encountered a situation where the number of people in the clan has decreased, and it is not clear who exactly left your team. If you add all your fighters as friends, then the easiest way is to see which of them no longer have a clan tag next to their name. However, this method is inconvenient if there are a lot of friends and clan members in your contact list.

Therefore, for this purpose, there is a special tool on the Ivanerr website - Player Ownership History It is enough to enter a tag in the field, and you will be able to see all the information about who entered and left the community, starting from its very foundation. You can also see where a player joined by specifying his nickname.

How to earn gold in a clan?

As mentioned above, joining a large, active and well-playing community can become a source of game gold in the long run. The main thing is that it controls at least one province on the Global Map (and the more, the better, of course). However, do not expect that you will ride in random, and the gold itself will drip into your account. The fact is that the income from the provinces is not distributed equally to all players, but goes to the clan treasury, and there the commander and his deputies decide who and how much to pay. It goes without saying that inactive players will not get a penny, so everything here depends on your initiative. Participate in GC sorties as often as possible, play well, pull fights, and then the commander will not leave you without a reward. And yet, you should not think that this will provide you mountains of gold - in addition to you, the team will probably include many more active players, and not so much gold goes to the treasury. However, you will definitely have enough to remove equipment and buy camouflages and slots.

It is worth noting that there is another way to earn gold in the clan - if the clan Stronghold has a level 9-10 "Chancery" building, and the commander periodically activates random tasks from it, then the reward for completing such a task can be gold in the amount of 500 or 1000 Naturally, to complete this combat mission, you will have to sweat a lot.

Thus, in game world of Tanks, there is a highly developed clan system, which makes it as easy as possible for players to join communities. If you are socially active and like to play in a community of like-minded people, feel free to join a clan, and new opportunities will open up for you that are inaccessible to single players.

Many multiplayer online games provide the ability to create clans (guilds). Voluntary associations carry a social function and contribute to the solution of purely gaming tasks. Clan statistics allow you to compare them with each other, find the best ways of development and / or decide on the choice of a particular community.

Clan statistics in World of Tanks: tasks

In this online game, clan statistics are of great importance. She accompanies the gamer every moment spent in the hangar or battles. Clan activity is built on the basis of statistical data collected as a result of:

  • fighting in the Stronghold (in sorties, offensives, military games);
  • victories on the global map;
  • Blitz rating battles.

Clan statistics also make up their general game ratings. Thanks to this, new members can choose the right community for themselves. However, there is no need to hurry with the introduction. Most major associations have very strict requirements for candidates.

One of them is participation in evening battles 4 to 5 days a week. It also requires a large number top tanks, efficiency rating from 1000 units and the fulfillment of a number of other conditions. There is no point in joining a regular clan. It's better to ride alone.

Third Party Clan Statistics Resources

Most of the portals were created to display general game statistics of clans in World of Tanks. On them you can find out the number of types of battles conducted by the community of players, their results and indicators of RE, WN6, WN7 and WN8.

The website is very informative. It is difficult to say what information on the game is not on it. All sorts of calculators, analyzers and rating tables can provide comprehensive information about a particular association. Users also have access to the statistics of the clan's players for the entire period of their participation in battles.

Presented on the site The laconic style of the resource does not affect the amount of information provided. You can insert a clan name or your own nickname into the table:

View clan statistics in WoT battles Blitz is available on the following sites - or

On the first resource, achievements are sorted by leagues. There are five of them - bronze, silver, gold, platinum and diamond. Also, data is available by divisions - lower, middle and higher. Clan Blitz is located in the "Hall of Fame" section.

On the website, users can get acquainted with World of Tanks clan statistics. The portal supports two languages ​​- Russian and English. Here are the best session ratings W.O.T Blitz for all servers. Separately maintained rating tables TOP 5 and TOP 10 for RE, WN6 and WN7, and with player statistics clans WoT. The portal provides game information on all four servers - Russian, North American, European and Asian.

For the PlayStation and Xbox consoles, there are much fewer sites with WoT clan statistics. The data is available on the official portal

To obtain the necessary information, you need to register on the site and select the type of set-top box by clicking on the green or blue rectangle in the center.

Statistics of World of Tank players and clans is also available on foreign sites - or The same schemes are used here as elsewhere, but with slight differences in design.

In games from the developers of World of Warships and World of Warplanes, the presentation of information is based on the same principle as in tanks. On the site or, statistics of clans and players is available for all three games at once.

Other online games

Guilds in online games solve different problems. Therefore, clan statistics are also different. For example, in Warface game members earn "clan points" in inter-clan and other battles. Therefore, Warface clan statistics displays the corresponding indicators. Additionally, the results of the monthly race are recorded. Clan statistics in WF are available in the corresponding section:

In the Neverlands game, clans have 6 perk branches (development names). Points are awarded for progress and participation in inter-clan battles. They serve as the basis for rankings. Neverlands clan statistics are available on several websites. One of them is Users have access to data on the name and head of the clan, level and overall rating:

Clan statistics are kept not only for PC games with operating system Windows, but also for popular developments on Android and iOS platforms. A bright representative of the family in the RTS genre - a game Clash Royale.

In Clash Royale, clan statistics take into account the number of trophies and cups that its members donate to the common piggy bank. The number of cups allowed for delivery depends on the place occupied by the gamer. Whereas donations are limited by a limit of 60 cards per day. Clan statistics in Clash Royale are presented on the portal.

In the game "Heroes of War and Money" participants are interested in detailed. The best statistics are considered to be from the Templar clan. It contains the results of 439763 games. Users can keep track of the number of non-drops of any number, how many times it has been repeated, or make a graph of the drop.

The development team has prepared an update to the clan portal.

What's new?

  • Separation of clans and clan portals for World of Tanks and World of Warplanes.
  • Update of the Military Commissariat: automatic admission to the clan and statistics of candidates in applications.
  • Simplification of creating a clan and loading clan emblems.

Separation of the clan portal for WoT and WoWP

Until this day, clans in Tanks and Airplanes had the same personnel, tag, name and other attributes, and any change to a clan in one game affected the clan in another game. Now they are different communities. Clans for World of Warplanes are available on a separate portal, and players do not need to spend extra gold to create a clan if it already exists. When transferred to the "airplane" clan portal, all clan attributes are preserved. Clans that were previously created in WoWP will remain unchanged.

Now each player can be in different clans in World of Tanks and World of Warplanes and look for comrades in arms for a particular game. All main combat statistics are available separately - you see only the information you need.

The WoWP clan portal displays personal combat statistics of players and summary combat statistics for the clan as a whole. Information about the statistics of Strongholds and global map available only on the WoT clan portal. The treasury can be viewed on the WoWP clan portal, however, all the in-game clan gold remains in the World of Tanks treasury.

You can go to the WoWP clan portal and back to the WoT clan portal from the toolbar, where a special button is located.

Improvement of the Military Commissariat

A new feature is available in the update - automatic admission to the clan according to the specified parameters. Now, in order for players to join your clan, it is enough to activate automatic acceptance by specifying the selection criteria: the number of battles and the percentage of victories. Fighters who meet the specified requirements will be able to join the clan without additional approval from the officers.

Also, when considering submitted applications, summary statistics for each candidate are available. Its activity and combat performance can be viewed using filters by battle types and time periods.

In the applications section, in separate blocks, both players who have already applied for membership and potential candidates who fit the clan according to the set parameters are available for viewing, which will allow you to easily select the necessary comrade or find a suitable clan.

Creating a clan and processing emblems

After updating the clan portal, creating new clans takes a minimum of time. If you have the required amount of gold, you only need to enter the full name and tag on the clan creation page. The rest of the data can be filled in later, at any convenient time.

Another small but handy change: from now on, the clan emblem will only need to be loaded in resolution with m the minimum size of one of the sides of the image is 195 dots and size up to 10 MB, and all other formats will be generated automatically.