Zoo Fury: An overview of the Zoo deck. Guide to the budget Zoolock deck. Knights of the Frozen Throne

Here, as you may not know, I will introduce the creation of Reynaddecks: Zoo Warlock deck, which is the cheapest warlock deck and is great for those who are just starting to play this character. And this is not only due to the extreme ease with which beginners can play with a set of these cards, but also because it will take you the least time to collect them. Only 1480 dust is separated from this creation.

Tactics and improvement

The main tactic of playing as Zu Loka is to spam cheap creatures, not forgetting for the entire duration of the game about the need to replenish cards with life taps.

After your transition from the free Zoo Warlock deck I suggested, you may feel some discomfort - there are no more creatures that restore your health, so at first there may be losses due to the abuse of life tap, in an unacceptable situation. And there is nothing to do with it, except to add to your arsenal.

As before, the main problem remains rivals with the potential to clear the battlefield. Actually, each class has such spells, but some have more of them than others (mage). In addition, you would do well to know the features and cost of such cards. Buffers will help you escape from them in most cases. In this case, the ability to clear the field remains only with the magician. But, there is one “But”: they are in basic set there are only one cards - .

In terms of improving this deck, I've had the opportunity to try it out and I think it's great for a life tap-heavy game. True, I only tested one copy of this card, with two of these - discomfort is possible, especially if you decide to take the Elidan lord into your arsenal.

Well, in the end I will show you an example of a battle with our worst enemy - a magician, already fully composed deck.


Hearthstone is a computer game of a card game, as it takes its root from a coil under the name Warcraft. One of the game tactics, victorious with graves, took away the name of the zoologist deck. About ce and pide mova in the article.

Zoologist Warlock. Deck and troch guides

There is only one warlock in the world - the orcish shaman Gul "Dan. So, so, the very one who invaded Azeroth, sacrificing the foul souls of the draenei. The essence of the tactic is how you can quickly fill the battlefield with cheap resources, simultaneously finishing off the enemy, strangle the kilkistyu and take the upper hand before, yak dide gra up to 10 mani crystals.

Gul "Dan the zoologist, Hearthstone deck

Particularly effective against leitic gravel - they are strong until the end of the grey, but nastyly protected. Until then, the newcomers, having missed all the most important updates, allowed them to take away the bad maps, if they were the best zoologist. The budget deck will look like this:
  • Cursing sergeant;
  • Demon of the Abyss;
  • Fire Demon;
  • Mitsya rephrased;
  • Face of Tlinu;
  • All cards cost 1 crystal of mani, which can be played on the first turn. Dali - varistyu 2 crystals:
  • Nerubian Egg;
  • Ironbeak;
  • Vatazok Lyutikh Volkov;
  • Dagger Juggler;
  • Possessed Pozun;
  • Do not start varto play these cards already on another move. Start is a good way to win over. Therefore, it’s better to draw two cards with a variety of 1 crystal.

    Dali go more expensive:

  • Terrible abyss;
  • Cotton bandy bіsіv;
  • Cі cards allow you to win an initiative, zbіlshivshi kіlkіst іstot (Vatazhok bandi bіsіv) or increase the card, sacrificing two іtsіtami (Horror of Bezodnі). These are the reasons to stand behind 4 crystals:
  • Dwarf of the black bay;
  • Zahisnik of Argus;
  • Caller of the Abyss;
  • Bis-merciful Vibukh;
  • І remaining card for 5 crystals - Guard Jahu. Putting the cards into the deck does not take away a lot of gold and a saw, so the beginners do not have a warehouse. As you can imagine, the cards can be replaced by alternative options.

    Zoological strategy

    It is recommended to trim in the hands of the Burial Ground, the Possessed Povzun and the Fire Bis. You can get rid of the Leprognome or the Demon of the Bezodnі, as there is no bazhannya rizikuvati vityagnuti no more than a good card. At the same time, it’s true, you can play it in a second, rather choose the Laying Sergeant. Juggler Daggers are recommended to be taken until the moment of obvious overwhelm comes. In another way, the enemy is the name of the Juggler, the map of the loss of darma. How far away do yoga, become an additional damage dealer on the battlefield. If you are in the hands of the Burial Ground and the Sergeant, it is recommended to play the Nerubsky Egg.

    Raztashuvannya cards on the field

    Graє far from leaving the role. If a zoologist's deck is being formed, it is necessary to restore the presence of cards without a death rattle and some kind of additional death. Їх slid vykladati first - do not spend Skoda. If there is a larger picture about a numerical transfer (if you want it on 1 card), you can place the Lyutih Volkov Vatazka in the middle, so that the sides would take away the bonus before the attack.
    As it grows more difficult, you should think in advance about whom to donate in the first black. It is also necessary when victorious Vatazhka Lyutih Vovkiv, call one of the sides in front of the victorious incantation Bis-merciful vibukh, having spent on the playing field entrusted with Vatak and took away the bonus. These are the main recommendations to the base game "Zoologist" - a deck, the standard mode is to transfer the primary base cards. About non-standard - mova dali.

    Lok "tar ogar!

    "Peremoga or death!" to say orochi devіz. Far from skin engraving, one dares to strangle with a deck of a zoo. Especially, fight against Jaina, who casts one spell of all health, whose health is lower than 4 or one. , Jainas play the Fire of Fire and the health of the "pits below 9 (or the other numbers) burn. Looking back at what has been said, it is recommended to take one or two cards in the form of an “ace in the sleeve”, as a good idea for 1 run of the initiative. One of the examples of such cards is the dragon Onyxia. So, the very donka Deathokrila. When playing cards, the whole field will be filled with dragons. I am a dragon herself. The spammer's budget option is the Morouz card (you can take it when passing Vechirka in Karazhan). The card can be masked, it costs three crystals of mani, spam of the leather hide of the Butler 1/1. Zavdyaki masquerading, Morouz can be driven in with more than a mass spell, to rob him with a right rolling pin in the enemy’s m “any place”, and also you can pop up a zoologist’s deck in the distance.

    Koziri high vartosti

    With a similar effect, the card of the ancient god Ta Sharaja - in the skin course, wins a card from the deck and treasure on the field. Effektivnyy, as if on the field, an irresistible provocateur, who would take on shkodi until he reached the numerical superiority.
    Gul "Dan may be able to take the card Lord Jaraxus. Cost 9 crystals of mani. When playing, replace the orc itself with a guessed demon, hand it to Krivava Violence 3/8. Great alternative to flood the battlefield with strong stats for only 2 crystals of mani (variety of the hero's hero).

    Off-budget deck

    For folding such a need, either to create a picture with an auxiliary saw, or to go through an expedition. In this moment - the League of Doslidnikov. The zoologist's deck is pointed lower, the varity of the victorious is indicated in the temples.

    2x Overburden Ritual (0) 2x Face of the Dead (1) 2x Mitzvah (1) 2x Cursing Sergeant (1) 2x Demon of the Abyss (1) 2x Fiery Bis (1)

    Possessed Peasant (1) 2x Evil Cry (2) 2x Black Archaeologist (2) Brann Bronzebeard (3) 2x Bandy Bisiv's Gauntlet (2) 2x K'Thun Champion (2)

    2x Member for Darkwood's Sake (3) 2x Argus' Protector (4) 2x K'Thun's Appeal (4) Gatekeeper of Souls (5) Emperor Vek'Lor (7) K'Thun (10)

    Brann Bronzebeard goes from the League of Doslidnikov. Such cards, like Kliche Evil, Advocate K "Tun, Obraznitsa K" Tun, Emperor Vek "Lor and K" Tun himself, can be found in the Awakening of the Ancient Gods set.


    In HS, the zoologist deck (or zoo-loka) has impersonal variations. It is important to comprehend the very essence and fold decks, either for guides, or independently, with victorious cards. In the process of grising, it is possible to spread it in an uncommon way, in order to create more strong istots. You can take a rich saw by splattering gold cards at the end of the season. Have grі peredbachenі templates for the creation of decks from the actual cards. One of the strongest decks can be created, playing for Jaina (although none of them are defending victorious tsyu variation among other classes), the Half-Lum "I of the Dragon" will ring out:

    2x Chatty Book (1) 2x Manasmey (1) 2x Charivnitsky strіli (1) 2х Historian of the Wrath of Porozhnechi (2) 2х Krizhan Strіla (2) 2х Skarbіv's Graveyard (2)

    2x Intellect Arcane (3) 2x Dark Creel Technique (3) Flame Cool (4) Transformation (4) Day Dragon (4) 2x Day Guardian (4)

    2x Creel's Destroyer Temryavi (5) 2x Blakithny Drake (5) 2x Whirl of Fire (7) Krizana Pasture (7) Alexstrasza (9) Nefarian (9)

    With the release of such goodies, like Chorna Gora, more cards with dragons have become available. To that, it is recommended to form a deck not only from dragons, but also from istot, as a bonus, as a rule, a dragon.

    It is recommended to replace Zbiracha Skarbiv with one more spell of Vognenne Kul, remove offending cards of Intellect Enchantment and one Day Dragon and supplement the deck with such cards, like Draconid Beggars (for a number of two reconciliators) and Rand Blackhand. Stop to look for a map of legendary quality, like a dragon in your hand. In the case of the "Evening in Karazhan" the Booksnake card is not bad - you drive in a cost with an attack of 3 or less. Away gri! Lok "Narosh! For Black Mountain!

    Right now in Hearthstone for beginners is especially not easy. There are a huge number of players with decks full of legendary cards, which may well upset a novice player with his budget account. Blizzard has recently gotten a little more generous with giving away card packs in the game, but let's be honest - it's still a very long way to play, say, Control Warrior. Luckily for these players, there are plenty of cheap decks out there that will allow you to play at a fairly competitive level so you don't have to grind the arena for eternity. In this article, I would like to show you another version of the very popular Zoo Warlock. This is Trumpa's version, which costs next to nothing and still gives you a decent chance to rank up on the ladder.

    Creatures ()

    Spells ()

    Abyss Demon 2

    Fire Imp 2

    Imp Gang Leader 2

    Abyssal Horror 1

    Doomguard 2

    Voidcaller 2

    Cursing Sergeant 2

    Dire Wolf Leader 2

    Ironbeak 1

    Possessed Creeper 2

    Juggler with daggers 2

    Nerubian Egg 2

    Dark Iron Dwarf 1

    Defender of Argus 2

    Face of Decay 1

    Overwhelming Power 2

    Merciless Explosion 2

    Main strategy

    As you can see, this is a pretty cheap deck in terms of both gold and arcane dust, especially when compared to the most popular competitive decks. Zoo Warlock's main goal is to maintain board control by using his effective creatures and buffs. But do not think that if this deck has a large number of cheap creatures, then you need to quickly take down the enemy’s HP and always focus on his face. One of the best things about ZooLock is that depending on the opponent he can use both an aggro deck and a more control deck. When you encounter something that wants to kill you as quickly as possible, then try to keep control of the table more. On the other hand, if you encounter a heavy control deck, try to kill your opponent as quickly as possible, as you don't need to drag out the game to the point where all of his legendaries fall on the table. Now for a more detailed analysis, you can take a look at how Trump himself plays this deck.

    Gameplay video of budget ZooLock

    If you're on the lookout for the new archetypes and Standard mode decks brought to you by the release of the new Hearthstone expansion, Whispers of the Old Gods, I've got good news for you. In this article, you will find two versions of the Zoolock deck for standard mode that have kept all best qualities The old Warlock Zoo + archetype has been buffed with new cards from The Old Gods Wake. Both versions of Zulok are competitive in the realities of the current May Hearthstone meta.

    In this guide, we will go through all the stages of understanding the game for the Zoo for the standard format, starting from overall strategy, continuing with an effective mulligan and finally we get to the key combinations that this Warlock deck has.

    We believe this should give you a foundation of knowledge for this archetype. Well, if you are not going to play this deck of the new Zoo-Lok, then after reading this article you will be able to effectively counter this deck, and know what to expect from the Zoo-Lok from the "Wakes of the Old Gods".

    The Zoo archetype appeared almost from the very start of Hearthstone, the deck was called ZooLock (Zoo means Zoo in English), since the principle of the deck is similar to a zoo, strong creatures were stuffed into the deck and sent to fight. In the new addition, Zoo-looks are also relevant, the current options, I'm sure, have not yet been fully honed and the deck will quite possibly find its ideal state in the near future. If stronger versions of Zoolock decks appear, we will definitely update the article.

    Standard Zoo Deck - May 2016:

    Zoolock Strategy for Standard Mode - May 2016:

    On the one hand, Zoolok is an undeniably aggressive deck, but on the other hand, most wins will be achieved by taking the board early and effectively trading with the opponent before you put your strong minions in. Of course, if you compare Zoolock, for example, with Face Hunter, then Warlock will be almost a control deck.

    At the start, you should make the most of cards such as, and. These maps will be a great starting base for further development success in the game. In the middle of the game, they will fit in perfectly and, which will help you gain a stronger foothold on the table or strengthen existing creatures. It is very important for this Zoo to have a lot of creatures on the table, as it gives early access to the draw and . If you play quickly and your opponent doesn't have a response to it, then most of the time you win.

    To play this deck effectively, you need to have a clear understanding of how you will be playing at every stage of the match. For this reason, you should study all possible combinations and synergies of your cards in advance. Be sure to look at the end of the article for all the key combinations and synergies of the Zoo cards.

    Mulligan Zoo for Standard Mode - May 2016:

    While we wait for the Old Gods meta to stabilize, it's quite difficult to mulligan against every class as decks change all the time.

    Against Aggro decks:

    Perfect option - , . If you already have good creatures in your hand that fit the curve and/or you have , then you should keep , in your hand. You should always keep in mind and prepare to play combinations like + any first drop or very sticky cards - . If you are playing against Zoolock and you have in your hand, know that you win games, be sure to keep it in your hand.

    Against Control decks:

    If you are against Freeze Mage, Control Warrior, Control Priest, know that these matches are unfavorable for you, however, this does not mean giving up immediately, play thoughtfully and calmly. In such matches, you need very dangerous starting creatures - (he has a large attack and this imp can start to put pressure on the enemy from the very first turn), (to get more options for the third turn), (to gain a foothold on the table and keep him under his control ). are also very important in these games, because the faster you play him, the more chances you have to win, the more nerfed and he is now a rather rare guest in player decks. Also, the faster you can cast and buff , the more chances you have to deal extra damage to your opponent's face.

    Always keep in mind:

    Playing around , + , and other AoEs, REMEMBER- never put a lot of creatures on the table unless you have the opportunity to instantly capture the table again. If you already have a good enough board and have a few unimportant creatures in your hand, then don't put them on the table just to put them out. Since in the case of AoE, you will not only lose all the creatures, but also merge the game.

    Possible replacements for Standard Mode - May 2016:

    Above you saw two versions of the new Zoo and make replacements based on the cards you have. If you have only one copy of , then buff the mid game, for example: take , he plays quite effectively in the current meta. If you don't have it, you can replace it.

    Zoolock combos and synergies for Standard Mode - May 2016:

    Everyone knows that Zoolok is a very old archetype, however, some new cards from the Whispers of the Old Gods have made their own changes to the combinations and synergy of the deck.


    With the release of the Whispers of the Old Gods expansion and the introduction of Standard Play, many players are wondering how well Zoolok will perform in the new meta. After all, the previous variation lost many good cards- such as Possessed Creeper, Nerubian Egg and Loathiba. Will this deck be playable in Standard without these hard-to-kill creatures?

    As practice shows, the answer to this question is YES! And this assembly has become even stronger.

    New Zooloka maps:

    Awakening of the Gods has brought many new cards for this archetype. Three of them instantly entered almost every Zoo deck - Forbidden Ritual, Possessed Peasant and Darkwood Councilman, two more - Vicious Breaker and Spawn of N'Zoth are being gradually tested by players for playability in the current metagame.

    Let's take a closer look at the new cards and analyze their mechanics.

    forbidden ritual

    Since most Deathrattle creatures were removed from the meta, Forbidden Ritual quickly became a key support card for Zoo decks. This card spends all your mana and summons 1/1 Tentacles equal to the number of Mana Crystals spent. In this case, you fill the table at any time during the game.

    However, the players had some doubts about the effectiveness of this card: you will not be able to effectively use the full table in the same turn, since you have already spent all your mana. This means that you will not be able to lay out either Gormok or a cheap Sea Giant in addition (unless the opponent also has enough creatures on the board and the cost of the giant is zero). In addition, there is also the risk that the opponent will quickly clear the table and ruin all your plans.

    Practice has shown that although there are certain risks of using the Forbidden Ritual, the card in most cases turns out to be extremely effective. Even in the worst-case scenario, if the opponent clears the board on their turn, Zoolok still has plenty of cheap minions in his deck and hand to retake control.

    More often, the enemy fails to immediately destroy all your creatures, and on the next turn, Zoolok boldly plays Gormok, Sea Giant, or just the good old Dire Wolf Leader, after which he sacrifices his cheap wolf-buffed creatures to remove the opponent’s strong creatures.

    It is worth noting that this card is very flexible in use. You can play Forbidden Ritual even on your second or third turn if you need to, but it's generally best to do it in the mid game in combination with Dagger Juggler. It's sort of a great replacement for Implacable Blast, which was dropped from Standard Game Mode.

    Possessed Peasant

    Vicious breakwater

    To replace the Nerubian egg, which was removed in standard mode, a new creature has arrived - Corrupted Tidebreaker . This is a 2-mana cost 2/1 creature that summons another 1/1 creature with Taunt (!). Ooze 1/1 helps to further protect more valuable creatures. Among other things, the Vicious Breaker has good synergy with Dagger Juggler, Darkwood Councilman and Sea Giant.

    However, this card has a side effect, because both summoned creatures have only one health point. They are vulnerable to almost any AoE spell, even Rogue's Fan of Knives. The main competitor of this card in the Zoo build is Flame Juggler. It is much harder to destroy due to its 3 health and it trades well against the same Vicious Tidecatcher.

    Especially if the first one is played immediately after it, since the flames are very likely to kill the murloc or its slug friend. On the other hand, the Corrupted Breakwater is a great buff for the Councilman of Darkshire, and the 1/1 taunt gives additional protection to valuable creatures.

    Spawn of N'Zoth

    The last card from the new experimental build of Zoolock is Spawn of N'Zoth. This is a 3 mana 2/2 minion with Deathrattle that buffs all your other minions by +1/+1. Spawn of N'Zoth fits perfectly into the Zoo deck: the more creatures you have on the board, the more powerful the buff you will get.

    However, this creature has weak characteristics, but if your table is already full of other creatures, then the enemy will be afraid to kill him first, so as not to give you a valuable buff. You can exchange it in the next turn by pre-playing, for example, Forbidden Ritual, thereby filling the table with 2/2 tentacles.

    WARNING: There is no Silence or Hard Removal in this deck. This is due to the fact that the developers decided to make Silence and other types of removals more expensive so that there is a greater variety of builds and players think whether to include them or not. expensive cards into the deck. In such an aggressive build as Zoolok, there is no place for removals now. It's easier to trade your cheap creatures for the opponent's big creatures.
    Below is one of the most popular Zoolock builds in the current meta.

    This build contains 2 Sea Giants - one of the most powerful creatures due to the fact that most players do not have hard removals. Also noteworthy is the presence of the Corrupted Tidecatcher for additional protection of valuable creatures, such as the Darkwood Councilman and the Dagger Juggler.

    Unusual can only be called the appearance of the Silver Rider in the Zoo deck. This is a fairly rare card, but here it comes in handy as a great finisher when used in conjunction with Overwhelming Power and Abusive Sergeant.


    Zoolock remains one of the strongest decks in the current meta. Even though he lost a lot good creatures with Deathrattle, the developers breathed a second life into it thanks to the new expansion cards. Sea Giant has become one of the most powerful cards due to the lack of hard removal in most other decks.

    In the world of C'Thun and N'Zoth, this deck is aggressive enough to keep the game going until turn 10. However, you need to remember that this is not a Face deck and its main goal should be to gain board control and gradually destroy the enemy in the middle stage of the game.

    Try the new Zoolock in action and you won't be disappointed!