How to win fast at backgammon. Secrets of the game of long backgammon. General principles and strategy of the game

How to play backgammon is written in many manuals and manuals, both in paper form and on various sites on the Internet. Everyone who knows at least a little the rules of this game already considers himself entitled to teach this to other people. And it's good if the rules he knows correspond to the actual rules of backgammon. But, applying knowledge in practice, any player begins to understand that he lacks something to win. He knows the rules, he plays strictly according to these rules, the values ​​on the game dice are also good, but for some reason the opponent always wins.

And this happens because the opponent has been playing backgammon for several days. He has already developed a certain strategy for himself and uses it against an unlucky player who does not even know about it. The beginner is sure that the outcome of the game depends solely on the player's dice values, that is, on the luck of this player. If the values ​​are good, then the player will definitely win.

But it's not. Of course, the values ​​​​of game dice also affect the outcome of the game, but you should not discount tactics more experienced player. There are no certain rules, the implementation of which will unconditionally lead to victory in the game of backgammon. Each player himself eventually understands how it is more profitable to act in a given situation, and determines his own tactics of the game. Therefore, it is simply impossible to teach luck and good luck.

But there are some subtleties of the game that can help a novice player to defeat an opponent when playing backgammon. For example, in long backgammon, at the very beginning of the game, it is recommended to cover as many cells as possible on your initial quarter of the game board, that is, on the upper right side. Then the opponent will not be able to bring his checkers to the other side so quickly. But the rules of the game forbid completely blocking all the checkers of the opponent with a barrier of six occupied cells. This is allowed only if he has at least one checker already managed to go beyond this barrier.

It is also recommended at this time to move your checkers to their destination as quickly as possible. According to the rules of long backgammon, this is the lower right part of the board for each player. But, since at the same time it is necessary to delay the opponent's checkers, blocking most of the free cells on his way, it is advisable to place your own checkers one at a time in the cell, and then other checkers to lead them from the starting point. If possible, it is recommended not to touch the checkers that overlap the free cells until all checkers have been removed from the initial cell on the game board. Then you can start displaying others, but in order, starting with the farthest checker.

If one adheres to such tactics of playing in long backgammon, then it is more likely to get a victory over an opponent, provided that this opponent is not a very experienced player. But sometimes even in a duel with an experienced player, simple knowledge of how to win at backgammon leads to victory over an opponent.

Long backgammon belong to the category of games in which the moves must be calculated at the very beginning. Otherwise, you can get into a rather unpleasant situation, which will ultimately lead to the loss of an advantage over your opponent. To know the secrets of playing long backgammon means to increase the probability of your victory in advance.

Attentiveness and composure from the first minutes - that's the guarantee of your success. Special attention you need to turn to the first move of the enemy, because only in this case you can somehow calculate the options for future moves. It seems to many that the initial movements of the checkers do not carry a strategic load. But those who are fans of this game will say something else: basically they determine the subsequent alignment of forces.

The unwritten rule of long backgammon says that one checker must go forward, and the second remains " in my head". In this way, you can capture a position and gain an advantage on the playing field. The faster the player takes advantage of the advantageous positions in the house, the easier it will be for him to overcome obstacles on the way to victory in the future.

Here are some backgammon secrets, or principles to follow:

1 ) Do not let the enemy capture more than three positions at your head, otherwise you will lose your advantage. And vice versa, try to do the same yourself
2 ) Put the checkers beyond the sixth position. Otherwise, it will be almost impossible to get to the desired third quarter
3 ) Prepare in advance for the fact that a double (jackpot) may fall out. If at the same time you have nothing to go, you, again, will lose the advantage. With a successful arrangement, the jackpot can turn the course of the whole game
4 ) It is desirable to transfer checkers from the second quarter to the third in one move - this will ensure a rapid offensive
5 ) Try to block the moves of the opponent immediately after his checkers approached the first quarter.

However, it should be remembered that the opponent probably knows the secrets of playing backgammon and will definitely use them. Therefore, to capture the necessary territories, try to guess what is on his mind, and carefully think over the defense.

If a beginner does not pay due attention to predicting positions, it will be almost impossible for him to win long backgammon. This is one of the most important things to learn. Knowing the basics of tactics will allow the player to get the most advantageous position on the playing field both at the current moment and in the future.

It is the knowledge of the secrets of playing backgammon, the ability to use them, to find a way out of even the most impasse that distinguishes an experienced player from a “loser”. If you got a real professional as an opponent, watch how he plays, analyze his actions, and you will soon start to win even against the strongest “Nards”.

Thousands of people on our planet are fond of backgammon, which in English-speaking countries are called backgammon. This ancient oriental fun takes the top places in the ratings desktop entertainment. It seems to beginners that victory or defeat depends on the roll of special dice - zar. Drops a lot of points - you win, few - you lose. Not everyone who has played at least once in their life knows: there are secrets of playing backgammon, and if you master them, then you will wear the laurels of the winner without taking them off.

Backgammon tactics

Surely everyone knows the basics of backgammon, and if not, then here are the key points. Each participant has 15 checkers on his part of the board (in the house). The main task is to make a circle around playing field and remove chips from the field faster than the enemy. The number of holes for which the checker is moved is determined by throwing charges.

You can hardly call cunning a thorough knowledge of the rules. It is rather an undeniable truth. Therefore, if you still have gaps in knowledge, fill in the lack of knowledge immediately. You can do this on our website, where the rules are written in an accessible and understandable language. After all, without knowledge of the theory of mastery you will not achieve.

Backgammon Secrets

In a nutshell, the secrets of known types of backgammon are as follows: think carefully about each move, otherwise it is unlikely to be successful. The development of events depends on the initial movements of the pieces, even in long, even in short backgammon. Although the outcome of the duel also depends on whether the dice roll is successful, it is tactically correct to calculate the movements and predict the behavior of the opponent.

The backgammon game tactics is as follows: we move with one checker from our own head, we take the second one from another hole and, thus, without haste, we move to the opponent's head. Some experienced players advise choosing one of the possible strategies:

  • try to move forward in any way;
  • keep the defense to the last.

There is no mystery here, everything is explained logically: if more dungeons with more points fall out, move forward. If with a small one, defend yourself. During the game of backgammon, tactics will differ depending on the situation, all combinations cannot be predicted in advance, there are no win-win games.

If you think logically, when two opponents of the same skill level sit down at the board, they have the same chances of winning. Then, to win, follow this tactic of playing long backgammon: don't let your opponent score points and don't lose points yourself. To prevent your opponent from scoring points, create positions in which he will not be able to walk and will be forced to skip moves. At the same time, correctly start the checkers into the house and think over the combinations in advance so as not to lose points.

Long backgammon tactics

The main secret of the right tactics is to anticipate the situation, and not just see what is happening on the playing field in front of your eyes. In other words, consider the possible consequences of the movements. Adherents of backgammon with a mathematical mindset made some calculations and found out that to get to the right hole, try to stand 5-6 holes before it. Most often, the same number of points falls out in total. This little trick will help even a beginner win.

What other secrets of playing long backgammon are known? Close the holes to the enemy, in which he can get, because we already know that usually zary give 5-6 points when throwing. Use this tactical device against an opponent.

The secrets in long backgammon also include building a fence. A fence is called a battle participant's chips placed in three to six cells in a row. Having correctly built the fence, create winning combination. The point is that the opponent has a deficit of moves, but you will have the opportunity to make a well-thought-out move. If you don’t scare your opponent with a fence of 3 chips, then when there are 4, 5 or 6 chips in a row, this is almost a winning combination.

Long backgammon tactics game with computer

During the game with the robot in long backgammon, the tactics remain the same. We defend or attack depending on the situation on the field and how lucky you are today. Online backgammon also requires logical thinking and at least the simplest mathematical abilities from the player. Play hundreds of games to win. Here, as in sports - the more you train, the closer the victory.

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Backgammon - very ancient oriental game and is still very popular today. At first glance, it seems that learning to play backgammon is quite simple, and no special strategy is required to win at backgammon. It is enough to simply roll the dice and move the chips according to the points received, and the winnings depend entirely on random luck.

In fact, this is absolutely not the case, you can play backgammon and win even with fewer points. You can win a brilliant victory if you act thoughtfully and know some backgammon tricks.

  • From the very beginning of the game, remember that the essence of the game is to remove all your chips from the board before your opponent. To do this, you roll a random number of points on the dice and move your chips in accordance with them.
  • However, before making each new move, you need to determine whether it will be useful for your situation. Keep in mind that it is necessary to gain strategic superiority from the very first moves of the backgammon game.
  • To achieve greatest success, stick to the old backgammon game rule: with one chip they go forward, and the second is taken from the “head”, that is, from the initial position, when all the chips are located on the same first line. This technique will allow you to quickly put all the chips into the game and take the most advantageous positions.
  • At the beginning of the game, do not allow the enemy to occupy more than three adjacent positions at your "head". Otherwise, this will create more advantages for him and make it much more difficult for you to withdraw your own chips from the starting field. Accordingly, if the number of dropped points and game situation, try to take similar positions on the side of the enemy.
  • Do not try to take your 6th position from the "head", as it does not provide any tactical advantages. From it it is impossible to move to such an important 3rd quarter of the board (to the side of the opponent) and it is extremely inconvenient to advance your checkers. Better try to get up either a little earlier (on the 4th-5th position of the first quarter of the board), or already in the middle of the 2nd quarter, so that from this position you can immediately step onto the opponent's half of the board.

  • From the very beginning of the backgammon game, pay special attention to the rolled jackpot (duplicate points on game dice - 2x2, 4x4, 6x6, etc.). Kush allows, if necessary, to make four moves instead of two, and this is a very important point. Therefore, initially try to arrange your chips, taking into account the possibility of a double. A successful arrangement and a well-timed jackpot can radically change the entire result of the game.
  • If you see an opponent approaching your 1st and 2nd quarters, try to create obstacles for his chips by consistently taking 3 to 5 positions in a row. Six points does not drop out so often and a solid line of 5 checkers can significantly slow down the opponent's progress.
  • When you are close to the “home” (the last quarter of the board where you can start dropping checkers), try to occupy it in a heap from the middle, taking the most advantageous positions that are easy to push your checkers to.
  • While moving, try to protect all your checkers so that none of them is blocked by the opponent's pieces. Otherwise, due to the unfortunate position of one checker, you can get stuck in place for a long time and lose the whole game of backgammon.

Let these seemingly simple tips and little tricks help you gain experience in this logic game backgammon and win. Good game backgammon!

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Long backgammon belongs to the category of games in which the moves must be calculated at the very beginning. Otherwise, you can get into a rather unpleasant situation, which will ultimately lead to the loss of an advantage over your opponent. To know the secrets of playing long backgammon means to increase the probability of your victory in advance.

Attentiveness and composure from the first minutes is the guarantee of your success. Particular attention should be paid to the first move of the opponent, because only in this case it is possible to somehow calculate the options for future moves.

It seems to many that the initial movements of the checkers do not carry a strategic load. But those who are fans of this game will say something else: basically they determine the subsequent alignment of forces.

The unwritten rule of long backgammon says that one checker must go forward, while the second remains “in the head”. In this way, you can capture a position and gain an advantage on the playing field. The faster the player takes advantage of the advantageous positions in the house, the easier it will be for him to overcome obstacles on the way to victory in the future.

Here are some backgammon secrets, or principles to follow:

1) Don't let the enemy capture more than three positions at your head, otherwise you will lose your advantage. And vice versa, try to do the same yourself
2) Place checkers beyond the sixth position. Otherwise, it will be almost impossible to get to the desired third quarter
3) Prepare in advance for the fact that a double (jackpot) may fall out. If at the same time you have nothing to go, you, again, will lose the advantage. With a successful arrangement, the jackpot can turn the course of the whole game
4) It is advisable to transfer checkers from the second quarter to the third in one move - this will ensure a rapid offensive
5) Try to block the moves of the opponent immediately after his checkers approached the first quarter.

However, it should be remembered that the opponent probably knows the secrets of playing backgammon and will definitely use them. Therefore, to capture the necessary territories, try to guess what is on his mind, and carefully think over the defense.

If a beginner does not pay due attention to predicting positions, it will be almost impossible for him to win long backgammon. This is one of the most important things to learn. Knowing the basics of tactics will allow the player to get the most advantageous position on the playing field both at the current moment and in the future.

It is the knowledge of the secrets of playing backgammon, the ability to use them, to find a way out of even the most impasse that distinguishes an experienced player from a “loser”. If you got a real professional as an opponent, watch how he plays, analyze his actions, and you will soon start to win even against the strongest “Nards”.