Probability of dropping cards in hearthstone. The probability of a legendary card in Clash Royale. Common Cards from Hearthstone Boosters

Legendary cards are the rarest and most coveted class of cards in Clash Royale. Due to the excellent characteristics of their characters, these cards are highly regarded by almost all players! Considering their extremely high rarity, in “regular” chests (Silver and Gold chests) they almost never come across ... and if they do, it’s very rare! In this post, I will share information about what chances a player has to get a legendary card by opening different chests.

Note: information on chests for Arena 12 (max chest size) ... Although I don’t think that for other arenas the probability is significantly different.

So let's go:

Chests that can be obtained as a reward for victories and a free chest from quests:

Free chest (wooden) 0.23%
Super Magic Chest 88%

Chests that can be bought in the shop:

Box The probability of having a "legendary"

Note: As you can see, the probability of getting a legendary card in fortune chest only 10% (or in other words, the card is only in one of the 10 chests!). In the same time lking's legendary chest guarantees the presence of one card and there is no chance of getting a second one in it!

Chests with a choice of cards (given to league players at the end of each season):

Seeker I League - 33.667%
League "Seeker II" - 50.333%
League "Seeker III" - 67%
League "Master I" - 83.667%
Master II League - One legendary card guaranteed and 0.333% chance of getting another
Master III League - One legendary card guaranteed and 17% chance of getting another
Champion League - One legendary card guaranteed and 33.67% chance of getting another
Grand Champion League - One legendary card guaranteed and 50.333% chance of getting another
Ultimate Champion League - One legendary card guaranteed and 67% chance of getting another

1/10 – 0,6%
2/10 – 1,267%
3/10 – 2%
4/10 – 2,8%
5/10 – 3,667%
6/10 – 4,6%
7/10 – 5,6%
8/10 – 6,667%
9/10 – 7,8%
10/10 – 9%

Chests for winning challenges (in case of 12 wins):

Classic Challenge - 3.333%
The Big Challenge - 36.667%

As you can see, the highest probability of having legendary card in a super magic chest, as well as chests with a choice of cards! That's all. If you have other information about the probability of getting a legendary card in Clash Royale, please share it with me.


Good day, friends. Today's article will not be long, but very informative. I haven't been getting legendary cards for a long time and I thought I'd write why.
The so-called "experiment" involved 4 people. Subjects were given free rein regarding HS. They did what they wanted: arena, adventures, packs. The fate of four was tracked and remembered. Experiment results:
Player 1: 4 legendary cards for 3 months of play;
Player 2: 2 legendary cards for 3 months of play;
Player 3: 2 legendary cards for 3 months of play;
Player 4: 0 legendary cards in a month and a half of play.
I’ll make a reservation right away: of course, we didn’t take into account the legendary cards falling from the dungeon.
There was practically no donation in the packs themselves, sets of 3 players were bought completely on game currency or won in the arena. Given that the quests vary (40 60 100 and a pack of cards), the average result is 60 gold + 10 every three wins. Almost all the time, the players went to the arena, so the players received gold from there as well. It turns out that a trip to the arena, and, accordingly, a pack of experimental subjects received once every 1.75 days. From these figures we will build on.
30/1.75=17 packs. This is the number of packs received by players per month.
Results: One legendary card accounts for an average of 17-25 card sets. This means that the drop rate of the legendary is 4.9%.
Now that there is a brawl with a free four boosters a month, you can get even more legendary ones. However, it happened and this (make the sound quieter).

Don't think the cards Clash Royale allow you to turn into a fool in the reserved seat or help in a fight with Daredevil - in the game this is just a way to call units. But you still need a small encyclopedia, where everything will be in one place.

How to download cards? How do you even get them? The only answer is to open chests.

A few words about pumping. For example, you want to increase the level of the Witch. Then pray that it is she who falls out of the boxes for you. The more cards you collect with one character, the higher her level.

By the way, here - find out what will collapse on your head after the next round.

  • Gray - normal;
  • Orange - rare;
  • Purple - epic;
  • Legendary - moved to a separate list;
  • Opposite new cards with latest update worth the mark;





Who are they?

So far, this information is regarded as rumors, but the rumors are more or less reliable. Supercell are developing a new kind of cards - Heroes in Clash Royale.

This will be a separate class.. Note that it's not uncommon. Heroes will be legendary, epic, common and so on. Maybe.

Features of these characters:

  • Slow down enemies;
  • Summon friendly units;
  • Shock;
  • Clone friends;
  • Increase the movement speed of your allies.

Not all at once, of course. According to such criteria, the Ice Sorcerer, the Thunderer, the Witch and others fall under the "Heroes".

Release date is unknown.

Legendary - list

On February 29, when the game became available in all countries, two new units appeared. It is hard to get them, but the benefits from them are great. It's time to find out how to get the legendary Clash Royale cards and what are their advantages. A small spoiler - read on and in 5 minutes you will learn how to be guaranteed to get one card per week.

Now there are already eight such cards - they are listed in a separate list above. In fact, these are the rarest cards in the game. Why do they stand out so much?

The Wizard, like Sub-Zero, not only deals damage to opponents, but also slows down their movement and attack speed. Imagine what scope for action! You can pause the enemy horde, freeze units and get a huge advantage.

The Princess is somewhat reminiscent of the Archer, only there is one difference. The girl shoots at opponents without crossing the river. It also deals area damage. With good skill, you can knock out enemy reinforcements or towers.

For a detailed description of each character and statistics, see the links.

New Legendaries

From now on, all the details about will be in a separate article - for convenience.

In the spring of 2017, we will be pleased with two cards at once: one that can literally jump towards enemies, and the lady of Bats.

They added four cards in total, but two of them are legendary - the Woodcutter and the Log. The first is a real alcoholic. Drinks even on the battlefield. But he drinks Rage. When the Woodcutter dies, he drops this very Fury, which speeds up nearby allies. The log, in turn, rolls on the ground and knocks down everyone in its path.

The first is a tank that only attacks buildings. After death, the character breaks up into six lava boys, who also cheerfully attack opponents. The second one is suitable for covering your troops. She hits with electricity, and it hurts a lot. True, this design needs 5 seconds to recharge.

The third card - Miner - will allow you to inflict unexpected blows on the enemy. The guy respawns anywhere on the map. In general, for any. Point your finger and he will dig a tunnel there. Considering the price of only 3 elixir points, this is not bad.

Algorithm and drop rate

Knowing about the new Legendaries in Clash Royale is great, but I want to know when we can get them. To do this, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the scheme for the loss of these cards. Or rather, not with the scheme, but with an approximate percentage.

Prior to the May 3rd update, the chance to get a diamond character from a super magic chest was about 13%. We know thanks to streamers on YouTube. Now this percentage has increased.

  • BenTim1 got 8 legendary cards when he opened 22 chests - 36.4% chance
  • Chief Pat took 10 cards out of 25 boxes chance - 40%
  • MOLT grabbed 33 cards out of 100 boxes - 34% chance

If we take the average, then the chance of a legendary card falling out in Clash Royale is now 37%!

But you know what? How about 100%? And for free? Read on.

Get 1 card per week via chest

To pump more money out of us, the developers added . You buy it for 500 gems - you get 1 card from any arena. Seems like a fair deal. If you have a money printing machine.

But wait. Why do we need a machine when we can? Do you get my point?

Here is a step by step recipe for you:

  1. Go to ;
  2. Fulfill all the requirements and get from 1700 to 2000 green stones per week;
  3. Wait for the legendary chest to appear in the store;
  4. Buy it and get 1 card;
  5. Go to the arena and win;


Highlighted in purple in the tables.

These are not imba characters. If you make a deck of them, no one guarantees you victory. Even if you insert legendary Clash Royale cards. Each unit has its pros and cons.

The status of the card affects the rarity of its drop in chests.

But among the epic Clash cards Royale has much more useful units. For example, Prince. It falls into the Epic category. Very useful even in the last arenas.

There is one small feature. If epic characters rarely come across to you, you can buy them in the store for free gold. Read on for the method.

Donat and prices

Now you can donate epic characters. This can only be done on one day of the week. Read about the link. For such a generosity give 500 units of gold and 10 XP.

Also, the prices for these cards are now halved: you can purchase one character for 1000 coins. For each subsequent purchase, you will need to add an additional thousand.

Help the clan and buy cards for free

In the game, you can give part of your units to the clan. This will earn you XP and some gold. Someone will say that this is stupidity - why sell cards in Clash Royale to some unknown people. But let's just count.

You can give away 60 cards per day. For a common one you will get 5 gold coins, for a rare one - 50. If you give away sixty ordinary coins, you will earn 300 coins per day. That's 2100 gold per week. This money can be spent on one or two epic cards in the store.

So don't be greedy. Your entire inventory is full of buildings and spells that you don’t even pump. Sell ​​those cards that you didn’t give up at all, save up precious metals and upgrade your deck.

Good day, dear readers website! An add-on was released earlier this month. Evil city Gadgetzan, which means that many players spent their accumulated gold on new card sets. Someone even pre-ordered to get extra 50 boosters.

These events are historically Hearthstone in the community are associated with a large number of emotions, both positive, when golden legendary and epic cards come across in one set, and negative, when a player is haunted by a series of bad luck, and most of his sets contain only 40 Arcane Dust . But one thing that every player should remember is that in the long run, all humans get the same amount of Arcane Dust from boosters. According to calculations, on average for one set of cards you will receive 99.64 Arcane Dust. This does not mean that each open booster will have a number close to this, very often there will be only the classic 40 arcane dust in the sets - but it happens to everyone, but sooner or later you will get legendary cards, epic cards and golden cards, which will equalize value up to 99.64. This is the principle of the average: all players are equal and no one has an advantage, no one is more fortunate or less fortunate when it comes to the long term.

It's also worth mentioning how long-term the perspective needs to be so that luck doesn't affect your results when opening card packs. Actually, it's quite long-term. Total in The hot city of Gadgetzan 132 cards, so that you can create each of them, you will need approximately 295 boosters. You probably won't get every card out of them, but by disenchanting duplicates and golden cards, you'll have enough Arcane Dust to finish building your full collection of cards. Evil city Gadgetzan. But there is good news: statistically, you will get one epic card for every 5 boosters you open, and one legendary card for every 20 boosters.

This time the release of the new addition was not without drama. New card packs first became available on the US server, many players immediately rushed to open them, but quickly noticed a problem: cards intended for three classes (for example, Jade Spirit and others) were contained in boosters much more often than others. Blizzard quickly reported that this was a mistake, and after a few hours they solved it.

However, many were dissatisfied with the fact that they received too many cards for three classes, so players on American server received as a gift 1/3 open card sets, open during the bug, as compensation.

Total number of cards in Hearthstone boosters

regular cardsfrom Hearthstone boosters

Gold Cards from Hearthstone Boosters

Thank you for your attention, good impressions of the game!

We express huge thanks to all who sent statistics on Hearthstone boosters for their help in publishing the article.

What did you get from Hearthstone boosters new addition" Evil city Gadgetzan"? Share the screenshot in the comments with your successful and funny finds!

Article prepared redsnapper and Hemlock .

My friend already has 3 legendary cards, and I have none. It's not fair!

Yes, everything is based on luck, so you can say that it's not fair. But all these rules and calculations apply to everyone without exception, so in a general sense everything is fair.

I only have one legendary card, so I can't climb the trophies.

There are many decks with one legendary card. Or without them at all. Browse the decks section and pick a deck to your liking. Yes, the legendary cards are strong, but it can be fun without them. Best Clash Royale decks

When will the legendary cards appear in the store?

When you reach 2000 trophies.

Should I buy certain legendary cards from the shop?

Looking for what. If you have the gold and want that particular card, then yes. But spending 40k gold to get the second Sparky of the required four is not worth it.

Are legendary cards better than regular or epic cards?

You can't say so. Each card has its place in a well-composed deck. It is necessary to look at the cards from the perspective of their work in the deck - this is the most important thing.

Which legendary card is better: fiery dragon or log?

Next question?

From which arena can I get a legendary chest in battle or a legendary card from a regular chest?

What is the minimum arena where I can get a special offer with a legendary chest?

Can a legendary chest from a low arena contain any legendary card?

Yes, there may be legendary cards even from high arenas that you have not yet reached.

Can I get a legendary card from an epic chest?

No. (Seriously. Just no.)