Announcement of the new update Lineage II Classic: Goddard. Announcement of a new update Lineage II Classic: Goddard Changes in l2 ruoff

The developers got acquainted with the feedback from Korean players and took into account how positive reviews, as well as negative ones. As before, they will continue to listen to the opinion of Korean players.

Lineage II Classic: Goddard | Server aggregation

The biggest server integration in the history of Lineage II Classic is coming soon.

Although the developers plan to develop Lineage content II Classic in a way that will appeal to more players, the Korean servers Gludio, Aden and Giran will be merged into 1 server in order to minimize the inconvenience of using the introduced game content. Enjoy a more lively game of Lineage II Classic on a shared server.

Lineage II Classic: Goddard | Hunting zones in the lands of Goddard

In the May update, Catacombs and Necropolises were added to prepare players for taking 3 professions. This time, zones have been added to the game that are focused on leveling after taking 3 professions.

The Lands of Goddard are opened, not far from the lands of Aden. Several hunting zones will be available for different playstyles.

Players will be able to spend their time in them both solo and in groups. Also, in these zones, it will be possible to obtain an elemental improvement in the characteristics of characters, which is new feature Lineage II Classic.

Lineage II Classic: Goddard | Elemental system

An elemental system will be added to the game, which will increase the power of the characters for those who seek it and want it. Now a few words about the changes in the combat system in connection with the introduction of elemental character attributes.

The game will have the opportunity to hunt special elemental monsters to gain special experience for pumping a particular element.

The developers decided not to go the hard way to get a way to develop a character by adding elemental characteristics. It is the hunt for monsters that is the motivating factor in increasing the character's elemental abilities.

The level of the elements is increased by obtaining the so-called elemental experience. 4 characteristics are available for improvement:

  • combat parameter that increases additional elemental damage
  • combat parameter that increases elemental defense
  • combat parameter that determines the chance of a critical value of elemental damage
  • combat parameter that determines the strength of critical elemental damage

Lineage II Classic: Goddard | Elemental hunting zones

Elemental monsters with which you can get elemental experience appear in special elemental hunting zones. The Elemental System is available after obtaining 3 professions, respectively, all elemental monsters of level 76 and above. Elemental hunting zones are the following hunting zones:

  • Eve's Underwater Gardens (water element)
  • Forge of the Gods (fire element)
  • Land of Wind (wind element)
  • Wall of Argos (earth element).

Zones are available for solo players and for groups.

Lineage II Classic: Goddard | Skill Changes

After the May update, the developers continued to work on improving the introduced skills. Work on class balance will continue based on feedback from Korean players.

Eva Templar

  • the class will get a new Shield Bash skill to be able to stun the target
  • to improve the effectiveness of group buffs, the radius of Eva's Protection skill will be increased

Phoenix Knight

  • to improve the effectiveness of group buffs, the Shield of Sacrifice skill will be improved


  • Increased the dodge value of Light Armor Proficiency


  • the chance of successfully triggering the effects of the Shadow Step skill has been increased

Priest Shilen

  • Added the Mass Recharge skill to make it more efficient to use in a group
  • Improved the effectiveness of the Prophecy of the Wind skill when using it during the battle with raid bosses

Priest of Shilen/Priest of Eva

  • to make it easier to use buffs, the cooldown time of Mana Growth has been reduced


  • Increased MP absorption value in Weapon Mastery


  • To improve the efficiency of summoner abilities, the Summon Friend skill has been added.

Bounty Hunter

  • Added a new skill, Thorn, which increases P. Atk. when using clubs


  • Added a new skill Temper, which increases P. Def. when wearing heavy armor

Lineage II Classic: Goddard | Changing the rules of the World Olympiad (relevant for Korean servers)

The Olympiad is a system that allows you to select heroes through competition. However, during the fight at the Olympiad, it is possible to use the weapons of the heroes, as well as the cape of the hero, which gives an unreasonable advantage to those who were able to get the title of hero in the past season.

Accordingly, starting from the August update, it is no longer possible to use the above items during the battle at the Olympiad.

At the end of 2007, Lineage 2 The 1st Throne: The Kamael was officially launched on American and European servers. The key change that players were looking forward to was the introduction of a new race. According to the history of Lineage 2, it existed even before the Elves were divided into dark and light. And now Kamael appeared in the expanses of Elmoreden. Outwardly, they differed at least in that each representative of this race had one wing. They were also limited in obtaining subclasses and professions.

Representatives of the Kamael race used weapons that were different from those familiar to us. Each Kamael, after receiving the first profession, acquired a skill that turns a sword, two-handed sword or bow into, respectively, a rapier, an ancient sword or a crossbow. Such weapons had parameters slightly different from the original ones, and could not be used by characters of another race.

In the version of Lineage 2 The 1st Throne: The Kamael, of course, it was not without new territories. In addition to the native village of Kamael - the Isle of Souls - fortresses appeared throughout the game world, which clans could capture in the same way as castles.

The developers have taken care of the beginners, adding some bonuses that reduce the time spent on pumping.

Another element has been added to the character stat system: elemental protection. It was possible to insert special elemental stones and stones of holiness / darkness into armor of S Rank and above. Weapons that, when attacked, acquired one or another attribute, depending on the installed stones, could also be strengthened. For example, inserting darkness stones into a sword would give the weapon additional darkness damage. In the case of armor, the effect was reversed, stones of the same attribute reduced damage from attacks with the opposite element:

  • darkness - holiness
  • fire water
  • wind - earth

Naturally, the question arises of what, besides S-Rank armor, could be improved in new version. Previously unavailable armor and weapon rank - S80. Entire sets of equipment were introduced for all races and classes, including Kamael.

In this version of Lineage 2 The 1st Throne: The Kamael, graphics have been improved: detail, shadow rendering, lighting effects. Now the beautiful landscapes of the world of Lineage 2 have become even more colorful, juicier and more pleasing to the eye.

Since the very beginning of the development of the game, its interface has hardly changed. On the one hand, it was convenient, since the players did not have to relearn with the advent of new versions, but on the other hand, amendments and improvements were needed. In Lineage 2 The 1st Throne: The Kamael, such work was carried out, and the interface has changed a lot, of course, for the better, it has become more convenient and intuitive.

It was only First stage development of Saga II, which was loved by players all over the world, but the work done could not but rejoice, and everyone understood that the interesting novelties in Lineage 2 did not end there.

Lineage 2 The 1st Throne: Hellbound

On April 23, 2008, all servers switched to the new version of Lineage 2 The 1st Throne: Hellbound. NCSoft has done a serious job, and the players got another batch of "delicious" new products:

  • small changes in the interface. For example, in the character's skills window (call with the Alt+K key combination), passive skills were placed not in a separate tab, as in the old versions of Lineage 2, but in a convenient subsection that collapsed and unfolded;
  • now a character who terminated an existing alliance could create it again not after 10 days, as before, but after 24 hours;
  • work on skills in this version was mainly aimed not at adding new ones, but at correcting those that were previously available. These amendments took into account the previously introduced system of attributes;
  • a lot of new quests have appeared, and for characters of various levels;
  • in Lineage 2, transformations were still a novelty, players were just starting to understand them, but with the transition to the Lineage 2 Hellbound version, new appearances of reincarnations and quests for them appeared;
  • new pet Fenrir. They could become a wolf, pumped up to level 70.

One of the most significant “fixes” in monster hunting was a change in the mechanics of pumping a character with a spear. If earlier it was possible to collect dozens of monsters “under the lance” and a character of the corresponding profession could kill them without experiencing difficulties, thereby pumping weaker characters, now this scheme has become much more complicated.

Instead, the conditions for leveling a group on single monsters were changed, a striking example is the Island of Hell.

  • new items, the most famous of which is undoubtedly the weapon of Icarus Grade S80;
  • new location Underground Colosseum. Characters could register with a special NPC and get into this territory, where fights without rules take place.

Fundamentally new hunting zones appeared in the game - instances. The players who got into them, singly or in a group, depending on the initial conditions, had to complete the task in a certain time. Together with them, no one else could get into the same zone, and after a set time, the players forcibly left this territory. In addition to the already existing Rift, the following have been added:

  • instanced zones in castles and forts;
  • kamaloka and laboratories.

Naturally, these are not all the changes that the Lineage 2 version of The 1st Throne: Hellbound brought, for example, a parade of monsters appeared on the Isle of Dreams and many other little things that are less noticeable, but no less important in the gameplay.

Lineage 2 The 2nd Throne: Gracia

The Lineage 2 Gracia update consists of several full-fledged parts that were installed in turn on the official servers: Part 1, Part 2, Final and Plus (Epilogue).

In the first part, launched in Korea on August 12, 2008, as usual, enough changes were made:

  • Simplification of life for beginners: now it took only a few hours to get the first profession, and not a day or two, as in previous versions.
  • the conditions for obtaining a second profession have also changed. Of course, it was possible to complete the quest as before, spending days in the game, but in Gracia Part 1, the opportunity to buy special stamps for the desired profession became available. Now the player only had to decide: to spend 3 million adena or a long time to complete many tasks. Most users liked the innovation, because the quest, according to many, is too tricky and stretched.
  • With the update of Lineage 2 to Gracia Part 1, the Energy system appeared in the game. It is designed for the fact that the user will at least sometimes move away from the computer. Energy affects the gain of experience and SP for killing monsters. In total, the character has three levels of energy and, accordingly, 3 different coefficients. The more monsters the player defeats, the more the level drops. Along with it, the coefficient of gaining experience and SP falls. Energy is replenished when the player is out of the game (offline). On average, it takes about 9 hours to replenish 1 energy level.

Lineage 2 Gracia Part 2 launched in Korea in October 2008. This is perhaps the smallest update that has made the fewest changes to the game. The main things that have been added are new instance zones: Cube of Kratea, Labyrinths of the Abyss and Pailaka. There were, of course, some minor improvements and changes, but so minor that they are not even worthy of mention.

But already in April 2009, part 3 was released, in which much was revised and added - Lineage 2 Gracia Final.

There was also new equipment. Firstly, these are special cloaks for high-level characters, which rather show the status of the player, fluttering beautifully in the wind, rather than increase performance. Secondly, belts. They are not displayed on the players, but they are much more useful, in addition, their system will be further developed.

In terms of territories, Lineage 2 Gracia Final introduced a large-scale system of battles for territories with many features. As a reward for victory, players could receive new skills that increase performance and useful items (weapons, armor, scrolls, talismans).

More than 30 quests have been introduced, both for low-level characters (15-50) and for higher levels (60-78).

Adding skills. A special system has appeared for characters belonging to the class of healers. After level 76, they could now acquire new skills. In addition, all skills are now improved not for experience points, but exclusively for Adena plus a certain amount of SP. Added transformation skills. The power value of some skills has also changed.

The Seven Seals questline has grown. Many of the previous quests have also changed.

Part 1 (The 2nd Throne Gracia)

On August 12, 2008, the Gracia Part 1 add-on was launched on all official servers. It brought quite a lot of changes, but the key ones were: special magical support, as well as equipment), changes in obtaining a second profession.

In more detail, even the quest for obtaining a second profession was so changed for all races that its passage began to take not several days, but 1-2 hours. And this made it possible for players to quickly get on the path of high-level characters.

The Energy system was also something of a highlight of the Gracia Part 1 expansion. In order to make leveling a hero easier, energy increased the value of experience and (CP), although it was consumed and it took time to restore it. Recovery occurred when the player left the world of Lineage 2.

This system has been fairly well received, although some players who spend a lot of time in the game complained that the energy simply does not have time to recover, and the experience coefficient is low. But this issue was also resolved in subsequent additions to Lineage 2. And the next was Gracia Part 2.

Part 2 (The 2nd Throne Gracia)

With the release of Gracia Part 2, and it happened on October 27, 2008, there was a lot of indignation from the gaming communities different servers. The whole point of the problem was that the add-on came out in a truncated form. Nothing really new has been added. Except for the new instanced zones: Pailaku, the labyrinth of the Abyss and the Cube of Kratei.

But even this did not affect the players so much. And the fact that in Korea, the so-called Vitamin Managers have been introduced on the official servers. Sets of tariff plans have been installed. Depending on the tariff plan, a different number of new support items were available to players. Naturally, many were unhappy. Especially when you consider that almost all servers are paid anyway. And most of all the dissatisfaction was shown by the players of the North American and European servers, because they did not have this either.

In general, the Gracia Part 2 update served as the next step in the development of Lineage 2. One way or another, this addition was and to some extent it still had a positive effect. At least the fact that in the future the creators did not make any introductions like Vitamin Managers.

And after some time, the upset players completely forgot about the grievances - because the time has come for the next addition, which no longer disappoints.

Lineage 2 The 2nd Throne: Gracia Final

In this version, the world has significantly expanded, the game mechanics for high-level characters have changed, and the plot has become even more intriguing and dynamic.

The continent of Gracia is located to the West of Elmoreden. Using the ship, players will be able to enter the harbor of the new continent. In Gracia Final, flying ships are only available as vehicles, but air combat systems are planned to be introduced in future updates.

There was also new equipment. Firstly, these are special cloaks for high-level characters, which rather show the status of the player, fluttering beautifully in the wind, rather than increase performance. Secondly, belts. They are not displayed on the players, but they are much more useful, in addition, their system will be further developed. Belts are obtained by quest during the Battle for the Lands (we will discuss them below) and are enhanced with special decorations. Reinforced belts increase the owner of one of the parameters:

  • attack power and attacking skills;
  • defense against simple attacks and skills;
  • MP and HP regeneration;
  • the number of inventory slots or the carrying capacity of the character.

The clan system has changed in Gracia Final. New passive skills became available to their members. The maximum level of clans has been increased to 11, but you can get it only if you own the territory.

In terms of territories, Lineage 2 Gracia Final introduced a large-scale system of battles for territories with many features. As a reward for victory, players could receive new skills that increase performance and useful items (weapons, armor, scrolls, talismans. By participating in the Battles for a certain city, a character could receive special jewelry with unique properties. Each city had its own set of properties The wearer of such jewelry defended himself from enemy attacks and strengthened his skills:

  • paralyzing;
  • soporific;
  • deafening;
  • immobilizing, etc.

Territorial jewelry was similar to dynastic jewelry, it could be enchanted, destroyed, broken into crystals. However, it was impossible to throw it away, sell it, transfer it to anyone, as well as enhance its properties with the Stones of Life.

The changes also affected Olympic Games. A new battle type has been introduced in Gracia Final: 3 vs. 3. A 3-player game must be registered by its leader with the Olympiad Manager. When 9 groups are recruited, battles begin.

Also in Lineage 2 Gracia Final there are many new skills. For the most part - for characters of 81+ levels. Skill modification has also changed a bit. Experience costs for sharpening have been reduced by 10 times, and new types of sharpening have been added for some skills.

More than 30 quests have been introduced, both for low-level characters (15-50) and for higher levels (60-78).

Many new items have been introduced, such as S-84 grade weapons and armor.

As usual, the developers have made weapons more accessible than armor. S-84 rank weapons were obtained in instanced zones, accessible to almost everyone. At the same time, the S-84 armor (Venus armor) was obtained exclusively by killing the most powerful epic Raid Bosses - Antharas and Valakas. The cost of such equipment was comparable to the cost of epic jewelry, and it went exclusively to the strongest players of the leading alliances. For clarity, it can be clarified that the first heavy set of Venus was assembled on the Cadmus server even before a worthy character of a suitable level appeared in the alliance.

Changes have also been made to the mechanics of Gracia Final - now a magic attack could be reflected by the shield of the knights, which significantly increased the role of the latter in the group. The power of magical critical hits has also been reduced (to *2.5).

Lineage 2: Gracia Plus (Epiloque)

Lineage 2 Gracia Plus (Epiloque) was launched on the official Russian server on November 3, 2009. As in previous updates, the new version has a lot of interesting things.

New location: Edge of Reality. It is aimed at players above level 80. In addition, there have been many changes in the old locations.

Introduced in-game mail system. Now it became possible to send letters to other players with attachments (items, money, just messages) and cash on delivery. This addition was one of the most anticipated by the players.

Adding items. In Gracia Epiloque, the system of dividing cloaks into character classes (heavy, light, magic) was abolished. New A and S rank belts have been added. Apella armor descriptions have been changed slightly.

Adding skills. A special system has appeared for characters belonging to the class of healers. After level 76, they could now acquire new skills. In addition, all skills are now improved not for experience points, but exclusively for adena plus a certain amount of SP. Added transformation skills. The power of some skills has also changed.

The Seven Seals questline has grown. Many previous quests have also become different.

Changes also affected the energy system. Now at levels 3 and 4 (for characters 76+ - at any level), it was spent more slowly than in previous chronicles.

Lineage 2 The 2nd Throne: Freya

In the update Lineage 2 The 2nd Throne: Freya, installed on the official Russian server on July 6, 2010, players will be able to challenge the Snow Queen Freya, the one that is colder than the North Pole! She is waiting for a meeting with brave warriors in her realm, bound by ice. Those who can defeat this Raid Boss in Enhanced Mode and document it will be inducted into the Russian Lineage 2 Hall of Fame.

Naturally, this is not the only innovation. This version of the game added previously inaccessible hunting grounds, group (raid) missions, high-level weapons and three types of armor. Also, the rules for conducting sieges were supplemented, a system for classifying objects was introduced, additions and changes in the clan halls and temporary zones.

In general, the changes in this version were of a wide-ranging nature: everything was affected - from the addition of previously inaccessible social actions to the introduction of new pets and servants and increasing the level of some monsters.

In the PvP mechanics, one of the most significant changes was the ability to enhance each piece of armor with three attributes at the same time. Thus, giving each player the opportunity to significantly strengthen their attribute protection. Naturally, this possibility has some limitations:

  • one thing cannot be strengthened by the same attribute more than once;
  • one thing cannot be strengthened by the attributes of the opposite element.

In combination with new armor, this innovation has significantly affected the course of both single and mass battles. Allowed players to experiment more freely with attack and defense attributes, as well as review the sharpening of some skills.

New locations also deserve close attention:

  • Valley of the Lizards;
  • Skyshadow Meadows;
  • Monastery of Silence;
  • Seed of Destruction.

If the first three have some novelty, but generally do not differ much from the standard hunting grounds, then the Seed of Destruction is the hit of this update. This location contains, perhaps, the most powerful group monsters, which not all high-level groups can kill. However, the reward for them is unusual and generous.

The story of the development of the game does not end there: there are still many new versions ahead, which means new skills, tasks, adventures and opportunities.

A new update of the Lineage 2 New Project client is coming - Goddess of Destruction.

For some, this update is like a breath of fresh air, but for someone it is a stab.

And yet this is to be, therefore we must be ready, we read :)

In the update we will see:

- Full NPC auction (NPC Consigment)
- Entering weapons that can be thrown
- Subclass up to 85 lvl
- 2 epic quest 7 seals
- 3 epic quest 7 seals
- 370 new weapons
- 70 new armor
- Updated the skill level system
- Awakening system (awareness system)
- New type of raincoats
- Changing the structure of the world
- Changing the sharpening system

Changing the quest system

Max character level - 90

New RB

New monsters

New awakening system :
- Strengthens the abilities of the characters, makes it possible to develop unique skills.
Combat Changes :
- New dynamic skills.
- Improved engine (more naturalistic visual environment)
Game changes :
- 34 new hunting zones.
- Over 60 new raid bosses.
- Over 400 new weapons and armor.
- New player interaction options (social actions)
- A new way for characters to move between zones.

New, more attractive graphics - that's good! It may seem to many that lineage 2 will become similar to Aion and WoW, yes, it will seem right to you ... Indeed, everything is going towards this, but we will keep hope in our hearts until the last;) that this will not happen.

That's the fact that there will be many interesting quests - a huge plus. It will become even easier to swing, although much easier?) Our Asian guys presented us with a video, which just shows the passage of one of the quests (Rebirth system. Obtaining the power of giants). Everything would be fine, but the fact that the enchantment gets during the MegaEpikShmot quest, and kills mobs with almost one hit, is not particularly encouraging... See for yourself:

As you can see in the video, the graphics and visualization of the combat effects have done quite well, but have become more aion-like. Well, maybe that's for the best (if only the European version of the client didn't have those horrible overhead damage numbers after each hit)..

As mentioned above, we will be provided new terrain- new locations. There will be somewhere to sit and watch the sunset under a tree;) New locations, judging by the screenshots, do not inspire much optimism - pink-yellow trees, a purple river, a paradise for lovers of all sorts of cute pink things, but alas, not for us gamers with a harsh hardening c4-interlude! .

Now let's talk about the classes themselves! Yes, they have changed! In the first video clip of this article, these same classes are briefly presented. On the this moment there is detailed information about all classes, below it is fully stated:

- have good protection high level health and basically play the role of tanks.
- Effectively defend against enemy attacks. They carry heavy armor, one-handed weapons and shields.

They keep the aggressiveness of enemies on themselves, they can attract them to themselves and not let go.
-can use 2 skills: pull the target to his target and the "Golden Lion" (assistant in battle).

- are famous for their strong body and wear heavy armor. There are bloody battles on the front line.
- can increase their combat abilities using internal energy, and also skillfully wield any type of weapon.
- by shouting

nor can it become much stronger. And also become invulnerable in critical situations.
- uses heavy armor, moves quickly, is able to strike quickly.


- Since it has low indicators of physical attack and defense, it is forced to use various skills to keep the enemy at a long distance. Able to instantly restore mana.

Its main role is to deal more damage. Using the magic of all four elements - fire, wind, earth, water.

Possesses lightning-fast movement. Unfortunately, it is very vulnerable from a long distance.

Instantly teleports behind an enemy and deals a killing blow. Backstab is the rogue's strong point, but head-to-head combat is his weak point.

Able to summon doppelgangers. The main purpose is to deal physical damage.

Perfectly owns the technique of weakening the enemy - a variety of poisons. As well as an indispensable skill Disappearance.


Has a strong attack from a distance. Easily stuns and weakens the enemy, leaving the tank less work.

Designed to deal damage from afar. Using the hawk attacks or stuns the enemy. Has a high survival rate.

Fast skill cooldown, summoned hawk, the ability to bounce back from the enemy. As well as fast use stance, gives the archer great advantages in battle!


Great knowledge of magic allowed Venyu to call on assistants, thanks to which he becomes almost invulnerable.

Summons 3 types of helpers: grim ripper, smart bear, saber-toothed cougar.

Can turn into his servant. Indispensable in group battles. Its purpose is to attack the enemy.

Is Enchanter:

Owns songs and dances, as well as auras similar to the auras of the Knight Sigel.

Able to turn the enemy into a butterfly or a pig. At a critical moment, it can hide opponents.

The main purpose is to improve the combat abilities of other players. As well as restoring their CP. Has a small number of attacking skills.

Healer Algiz (Eolh Healer):

Can instantly increase the speed of magic to the maximum. Can block healing for other players.

With the help of the Tree of Life, it can prevent the weakening of allies. The main goal is to restore HP, MP and strengthen the members of the group using special spells.

Can summon a Servant that is quite effective at killing monsters.

What a miracle awaits us in the near future! Let's see what it will be, maybe the Koreans will do something new and incredibly interesting, but alas, you should not put high hopes on this. 400 new weapons are certainly fun, but a bit too much even for a freeshard.

We are waiting for new information gentlemen players! And we hope for the best!

07/18/2011 - started updating the post, added new information.

UPD: (information about the new gameplay)

There is new information about the gameplay that awaits us in Goddess of Destruction. Apparently there will be no jumps!But something similar will be implemented in instance zones. Normal control using the ASDW keys is almost implemented. The video will give us the opportunity to fully understand what awaits us. Watch and enjoy!

In the new update Lineage II Classic Saviors 2.0: Antharas, the first dragon of classic, the developers have added catacombs and necropolises to the game.

Catacombs and necropolises are open hunting areas where the goddess of death, Shilen, absorbed the life energy of various creatures. This led to the fact that for some time no one lived in them, the catacombs and necropolises were closed. In the past, these zones were the scene of a struggle between the revolutionary army of the sunrise and the monarchs of the sunset, now they have turned into hunting zones where you can get experience and various rewards.

The official start of the new Antaras global update on all classic servers is scheduled for November 14, 2017!!!

- Epic boss - land dragon Antharas.
- New high-level location "Forgotten Island".
- Newly printed Catacombs and Necropolises.
- Clan Arena.
- New and changed skills for some classes.

More detailed description innovations you can read in the new article -

And this is just a small part of the exciting content! On the day of the release of the update, look for information on the official forum

Lineage II Saviors 2.0 - Antharas | Characteristics of hunting zones

Catacombs and necropolises are open dungeon-type hunting zones that can be accessed by going through an underground passage and teleporting inside through a special Ziggurat NPC. Inside, the zone is a complex structure, where small and large rooms are connected by various passages. Each room contains a large number of monsters.

In these hunting zones, you can be both solo and as part of a group. However, the monsters' aggression radius is not very large, so it will not work to collect large groups of monsters.

Lineage II Saviors 2.0 - Antharas | Updated catacombs

Catacombs are open hunting grounds near the Hunter's Village. Depending on the level of the monsters living there, they are classified for late 60s - early 70s level players. Most of the monsters living there are not social, which allows both solo and group hunting.

Zones are designed to get a lot of experience.

Catacombs of the Forbidden Path

Witch Catacombs

Lineage II Saviors 2.0 - Antharas | Updated necropolises

Necropolises are open dungeon-type hunting grounds located at the Ceremonial Altar Dark Elves. Depending on the level of the monsters living there, they are classified for late 60s - early 70s level players. Most of the monsters living there are not social, which allows both solo and group hunting.

Zones are designed to receive a large amount of adena.

The following hunting zones are available:

Rebel Necropolis

Prayer Necropolis

In open catacombs and necropolises, the event of the Seven Seals does not take place, and there are also no mammons.

Today, the shelves of our Game Store will be updated with seasonal Freya Boxes, which traditionally, for the fourth year, precede new year holidays in Elmoreden. And this year for the first time she will visit us The Snow Queen Freya, who will offer to purchase various useful and cosmetic items, including brand new rare costumes!

For the duration of the promotion, special bundles with Rag Shopping Bags for Freya . The choice is presented 4 sets with different number of bags.

When buying a set of 10 bags you get a bonus - 1 Ice Crystal freya !

When buying a set of 50 bags you get a bonus - 10 Freya's Ice Crystals !

When buying a set of 200 bags you get a bonus - 50 Freya's Ice Crystals + 1 Frey's Agathion Chest !

Detailed description of Agathion Freya

When opening Freya's Rag Shopping Bag you can get the following items:

If you're lucky, you'll get Winter Snowman Card , Sirra or freya. The cards contain a wide variety of items. The rarest of them Winter Card Freya, harbors the most valuable rewards!

When you open the box, you will receive one of the following items:

When you open the box, you will receive one of the following items:

For the duration of the promotion in Schuttgart will appear Snow Queen Freya , which will exchange your Ice Crystals obtained from cloth bags.

1. Contact Freya and select the dialogue item "I want to receive a gift of fate" to try your luck and get a rare reward with a certain probability. In return, Freya will ask 10 Scrolls of Freya's Wind + 1 Freya's Ice Crystal .
2. Contact Freya and select the dialogue item "I want to exchange Freya's Ice Crystal" to exchange crystals with a 100% chance.

Freya will stay in Schuttgartup to 16 January 2018 of the year . hurry up get rare costumes and other useful items while there is a unique opportunity! All items received by exchanging from Freya will remain with the players even after the end of the promotion.

From Freya you can purchase absolutely new items , which were not in the game before the action! In addition to new products, Freya will also offer other items that are already familiar to many. Below is a description of most of the goods from Freya's shop (a description of winter cards is available above).

Under the spoiler below are a few screenshots teddy bear , which the character transforms into when using Freya's Potion of Charisma :

When completing any quest for any faction, the NPC's final dialogue will show the item Give with Friendship Token to a Faction, choosing which you will receive more experience, SP and faction trust points than if you completed the quest without the Friendship Token. Below the spoiler is a screenshot of the final dialogue of the NPC Master Githon on the quest "Memory of the Wind" (Aliens from Another Dimension faction).

Known Bugs

1. In the item description of Sirra's Winter Map, the item "Freya's Stone: Enchant Weapon (R)" is mentioned twice among the contents. In fact, you cannot get more than one gem per weapon.
2. In the description of the item "T-shirt Magic Reflection +7 (1 day)" the wrong bonus is indicated: received physical. Crete. damage -12%. The actual bonus is the magician received. Crete. damage -12%.
3. There is a typo in the description of the Freya's Winter Card item: Saiha's Talsiman Chest Lv. 7.