Black Desert - Description of the interface. Black Desert in the CIS goes under the direct control of Pearl Abyss How to change the control panel in black desert

Main interface elements:

  • a- cursor;
  • b- guild, clan, last name (account name), character nickname;
  • c- hints for combinations;
  • 1 - level, skill points, energy (fatigue points), contribution points (reputation points);
  • 2 - your property is displayed here (houses, animals, mounts, etc.);
  • 3 - notifications about new knowledge, new studied NPCs, available for learning abilities;
  • 4 - this or that thing is displayed here, which has this moment little strength left. When the icon appears, you can click on the "red arrow", which will show the nearest blacksmith;
  • 5 - a notification about the critical weight of the character will appear here;
  • 6 - information about the weather, the current location of the character, game time, channel and server is displayed here;
  • 7 - minimap;
  • 8 - if in your inventory there is a thing that is better in terms of characteristics than the one that is dressed on your character, here you will see a corresponding notification indicating which item is better at the moment;
  • 9 - quest window;
  • 10 - the first button - indicates the path to those quests that can currently be completed (most likely if the level matches); the second button - opens a window with a list of all quests;
  • 11 - Achievement award notification;
  • 12 - notification that the "Black Spirit" has quests for your character;
  • 13 - the main menu of the game;
  • 14 - PvP mode control icon;
  • 15 - panel of health (HP), mana (MP) and energy (EP);
  • 16 - icon with a buff from the "Black Spirit";
  • 17 - a panel on which you can take out some skills;
  • 18 - chat window.

Moving UI elements

In order to enter the mode of moving interface elements, you need to press ESC and click on the button circled in the screenshot with a yellow frame.

You will have the following "picture".

The "eye" next to each element is responsible for its visibility. When you turn on the invisibility of an element, it will become transparent in the navigation interface. You can move only those elements that are colored white in the move mode of the interface.

In this window, which appears with the inclusion of the move interface, you can adjust the size of the elements. By pressing the left button you will save all changes; right button means to cancel all actions.


In order to call the window with emotions, you need to press the "Enter" key and in the panel that appears, press the button with the letter "S". You can play this or that emotion by right-clicking on it.

You can make macros with the appropriate commands or emotions. To do this, open the input panel for the chat ("Enter" key) and press the button with the letter "M". Macros can be used using the key combination "Alt + Shift + number".



  • ESC - main menu
  • Ctrl - Using the mouse cursor
  • F1 - Help
  • F2 - Production Assistance
  • F3 - Play Store
  • F4 - Change Appearance
  • P- general information about the character
  • H - Book of Knowledge
  • I - Inventory
  • J - Coloring things
  • K - Skills
  • M - World Map
  • L - Handling
  • G - Guild
  • B - Mail
  • N - Friends
  • O - Quest window
  • / - Summon the Black Spirit
  • Enter - a window for entering a message in the chat

Camera mode

  • Ctrl + U - Turn on/off camera mode
  • Ctrl + , ↓ - Camera focus
  • Shift + , ↓ - Adjust the field of view (FOV).
  • Shift + ←, → - Camera tilt
  • Ctrl + Shift + , ↓ - Apply color filter (doesn't work)*
  • Ctrl + Shift + ←, → - Apply Film Noise (doesn't work)*

* Not working at the time of writing the guide.

General actions

  • Ctrl + Right mouse button - Move character
  • W + Shift (twice left mouse button) - Acceleration
  • W + Space - Climb over the fence
  • T - Auto Run
  • Mark on the map + T - Auto-path (you need to set a mark on the map (M key + right button on the destination), then press T)
  • Space - Jump
  • Space + Q - Crawl
  • Q - Kneel / Sit on the edge of the railing
  • R - Interaction
  • Tab (or left mouse button) - switch to combat mode
  • R or S - Lean on a stack or sit on furniture


  • Tab - Activate combat mode
  • W, A, S, D - Character movement
  • Shift - Run
  • V - Switch to Black Spirit Mode
  • F - Strike (depending on class)
  • Right Mouse Button - Secondary Attack
  • Z - the ability to "Shake Wave"
  • X - ability "Calm Wave"

In this article, we will give detailed guide by such location in Black Desert like trading nodes. How to search for them, bind them, level them up, hire workers - this and much more will be discussed below.

The concept of nodes in Black Desert

In Black Desert, nodes are understood as special points connected to each other on the map and to at least one of the cities. These are trade and transport interchanges, for the organization of which you need to invest influence points - for them you will receive resources (collection is carried out by workers).

The nodes will not be available from the very beginning of the game. To find them, you will have to look around the location and communicate with other characters, namely, those who manage this or that node. On the map, such objects can be marked with completely different markers. At the top left of the world map, you can see a list of nodes that you were able to open. Nodes are divided into different types. For example, the first category is called "Regular nodes" and includes simple points that do not have additional bonuses. Cities, which should not be confused with villages, are connected automatically and are also called nodes. No investments are required to use them, while the rest require influence points to open. In the nodes menu on the world map, you will see a search, with which you can find other objects by name.

When should I spend influence points on nodes in Black Desert?

Spending influence points on acquiring nodes does not make sense until you get to your first city called Velia. After all, to organize paths, you need a node in at least one of the cities! When you're in Velia, take a look at your character's menu and take a look at how many influence points you have available to you at the moment. You can see their supply at the top left of the map. By the time I visited Velia, for example, I had 12 influence points out of 48 available, but in your particular case it could be either less or more.

You can get influence points only for completing special quests. They will be required so that you can manage nodes or houses. In general, any deposits containing which you receive resources or money. You cannot lose accumulated influence points. The fact is that after you invest them in any house, after a while you can pick up in full.

The first node, located near Velia, look south of the city at Bartelia's farm. It will allow you to get potatoes to be harvested by the workers. At the beginning of the game, this is, in principle, one of the best resources with which you can reduce the cost of producing beer. Beer is a valuable item needed to bring back workers who are tired of collecting anything.

Node example in Black Desert

How to activate a node in Black Desert

Click on the icon of a node on the map - any - and you will see the area it covers. The upper left shows the number of influence points needed to activate the node. In addition, you will learn that you need to talk to some character who is the manager of the selected node. To activate it, open the world map and click on the RMB node. So you will automatically go to the manager. Use either auto run or manually follow the path.

Having arrived at the desired point, click on the R key and during the dialogue select "Node Management". And the map will appear again, where you can use the "Invest in a node" function. The number of influence points needed will also be indicated here. Everything - the node is activated. Now or a day, a month, a year later, you can deactivate the node and take away the influence points that were invested in it. You can turn it off in several ways - chat with the manager or open the world map from anywhere. If you have a whole route built, then to disable a certain node, you will need to deactivate other points that are extreme. If you want to activate the disabled node again, then doing it remotely will not work - you will have to talk to the manager again.

How to Level Up and Link Nodes in Black Desert

You can level up any node in the game, which will require you to spend energy. The maximum node level is 10. You must understand that for each new level you have to pay more energy. The higher the level of the node, the more valuable the drop-down loot from monsters in its area of ​​effect will become. If you increase the level of the node intended for the extraction of resources, then the amount of useful materials that your workers can collect in one run will increase.

You can also upgrade cities and villages. If this is done thoroughly (not 1-3 levels), then merchants will have valuable goods at low prices. It will also be possible to receive significant profits on the stock exchange, etc.

The nodes will not work separately from each other - you must connect them together and, most importantly, connect them to one of the cities. Moreover, all these procedures need to be done from the node that is located near the city. After that, connect the next node to the previous one, etc. If the nodes are not located near the city (i.e., you cannot connect them to it), then you can use the search function for the nearest nodes through the world map. She will point you to the locations where the managers of neighboring territories are located, even if you have not had time to open them yet. This will make exploring the map much easier.

Nodes in Black Desert - types and purpose

Trade route between Velia and Olivia

As an example of the connection of trade and transport nodes, we will give paths consisting of nodes connecting two cities - Velia and Olivia. First you need to activate the node in the coastal cave, located on the left side of Velia, if you look at the world map. If you can't meet the node manager, then open the map and right-click on its icon. The chain of nodes that you must connect is as follows: Velia, coastal cave, coastal cliffs, mouth of the Balenos river, wolf hill, Casto farm, Olivia.

You won't need to spend Influence points to level up Olivia and Velia's Nodes, since we're talking about cities. It is possible to build another, alternative route, using the nodes at Loggia's farm, in the cave of demons, the western camp, at the western gate.

Note that the node image in the western guard camp is similar to that of cities, but at the same time, this node is not a city. You will have to invest energy into it in order to increase efficiency.

What are the main advantages of nodes in Black Desert

If you manage to activate the nodes in the right order, linking them to each other and cities, then you will have a great opportunity to trade at lower prices, extract resources with the help of workers, etc. Using any node, you will be able to purchase goods from vendors located in cities. You can also sell unwanted items! The longer the distance from one node to another, the more money you will earn - we are talking about a bonus for the distance when selling things. Remember that every time before selling it is recommended to examine the market prices and understand where it is best to sell the goods.

The more gamers using the same route and the same products as you, the lower their cost will be. To increase the profit from trading, it is better to create more non-standard chains of nodes. Do not forget that at some points the manager can also be a merchant.

How to hire workers

If you used the information above, then you should have the first node located on the Bartali farm at your disposal. Now you can connect it to the nearest city and hire the first worker. By doing this, you will start getting potatoes and be able to produce beer. To hire, you need to find a character who is a foreman. In Velia, the foreman's name is Santo Manzi. To find foremen in other cities, use the NPC search function near the minimap and select the “workers” image in the window that appears.

Click on the "Hire Worker" command to see a random character that you can use by spending 5 energy. It can be anyone - a giant, a human, a goblin. In most cases, a worker will have standard stats, but with a bit of luck, you may see a specialist, expert, and craftsman. If you do not like the worker that the game offered you, for an additional 5 units of energy you can try your luck again.

In addition, in order to hire a new worker, you must have one free place to live. From the very beginning, in any city you will have only one such place available. To get more, you have to buy houses. But that's not all, because you will still need silver. A worker of standard parameters will cost you 2500-3000 silver, so it's not worth spending energy to hire him until you check that you have enough of this resource and there is free space.

Workers can be bought from other gamers. You can sell them and your specialists using the "Worker Auction" feature. Do not forget that when buying workers, each of them is already assigned to a particular city. Therefore, be careful not to buy a worker in a city you do not need.

AT Black Desert to knots you can send named workers with the rank of master and any special skills. To hire them, you will have to collect 500 reputation points and spend about 15,000 silver. You need to give these resources to a certain character located somewhere in the capital. On the map, such NPCs are marked with markers in the form of a “food cart”.

If you try to spend a lot of time in the game, then the best option will be the hiring of goblins who work very quickly, consuming their stamina at the same speed. They will need to be constantly monitored. Therefore, you need to be in the game a large amount of time. If you spend little time in the game, then you will need giants. They have high stamina, but they will work slowly. As you understand, people have average parameters between goblins and giants. But there is one feature - their luck is higher, so they will be the best option if you are going to do work for which you can get an improved result. An example is the manufacture of weapons or armor.

Today our Chimera-Syber will show you:

Interface elements.
- Moving interface elements.
- Emotions.
- Hotkeys.

Interface elements

Main interface elements:

a - cursor;

b - guild, clan, last name (account name), character nickname;

c - hints for combinations;

1 - level, skill points, energy (fatigue points), contribution points (reputation points);

2 - your property is displayed here (houses, animals, mounts, etc.);

3 - notifications about new knowledge, new studied NPCs, available for learning abilities;

4 - this or that thing is displayed here, which currently has little durability left. When the icon appears, you can click on the "red arrow", which will show the nearest blacksmith;

5 - a notification about the character's critical weight will appear here;

6 - information about the weather, the current location of the character, game time, channel and server is displayed here;

7 - mini-map;

8 - if in your inventory there is a thing that is better in terms of characteristics than the one that is dressed on your character, here you will see a corresponding notification indicating which item is better at the moment;

9 - quest window;

10 - the first button - indicates the path to those quests that can currently be completed (most likely if the level matches); the second button - opens a window with a list of all quests;

11 - achievement award notification;

12 - notification that the "Black Spirit" has quests for your character;

13 - the main menu of the game;

14 - PvP mode control icon;

15 - panel of health (HP), mana (MP) and energy (EP);

16 - icon with a buff from the "Black Spirit";

17 - a panel on which you can take out some skills;

18 - chat window.

Moving UI elements

In order to enter the mode of moving interface elements, you need to press ESC and click on the button circled in the screenshot with a yellow frame.

You will have the following "picture".

The "eye" next to each element is responsible for its visibility. When you turn on the invisibility of an element, it will become transparent in the navigation interface. You can move only those elements that are colored white in the move mode of the interface.

In this window, which appears with the inclusion of the move interface, you can adjust the size of the elements. By pressing the left button you will save all changes; the right button means cancel all actions.

In order to call the window with emotions, you need to press the "Enter" key and in the panel that appears, press the button with the letter "S". You can play this or that emotion by right-clicking on it.

You can make macros with the appropriate commands or emotions. To do this, open the input panel for the chat ("Enter" key) and press the button with the letter "M". Macros can be used using the key combination "Alt + Shift + number".



ESC - main menu

Ctrl - Using the mouse cursor

F1 - Help

F2 - Production Assistance

F3 - Play Store

F4 - Change Appearance

P - General information about the character

H - Book of Knowledge

I - Inventory

J - Coloring things

K - Skills

M - World Map

L - Handling

G - Guild

N - Friends

O - Quest window

/ - Summon the Black Spirit

Enter - a window for entering a message in the chat

Camera mode

Ctrl + U - Turn on/off camera mode

Ctrl + , - Camera focus

Shift + , - Adjust the field of view (FOV).

Shift + , - Camera tilt

Ctrl + Shift + , - Apply color filter (doesn't work)*

Ctrl + Shift + , - Apply Film Noise (doesn't work)*

* Not working at the time of writing the guide.

General actions

Ctrl + Right mouse button - Move character

W + Shift (twice left mouse button) - Acceleration

W + Space - Climb over the fence

T - Auto Run

Mark on the map + T - Auto-path (you need to set a mark on the map (M key + right button on the destination), then press T)

Space - Jump

Space + Q - Crawl

Q - Kneel / Sit on the edge of the railing

R - Interaction

Tab (or left mouse button) - switch to combat mode

R or S - Lean on a stack or sit on furniture


Tab - Activate combat mode

W, A, S, D - Character movement

V - Switch to Black Spirit Mode

F - Strike (depending on class)

Right Mouse Button - Secondary Attack

Z - the ability to "Shake Wave"

X - ability "Calm Wave"

Hired workers - or slaves - are needed by absolutely every player in Black Desert. They perform a lot of useful work that the player himself cannot do - workers extract resources in large quantities, create goods and equipment. Therefore, whatever you decide to do, you will always need at least a couple of working hands.

How to buy a slave in Black Desert

First, we need to provide workers with housing - buy in the city of Baraki. The purchased house for workers will be displayed with a bed icon on the city map. In addition, in any major city, you always have one place available for a worker - you do not need to buy a house for him.

So, having bought housing for slaves, go to the mercenary merchant. Its location is marked on the map with a pickaxe icon. You can buy "new" slaves from him, and slaves of other players that they put up for sale (Worker Auction button). To hire each "new" worker, you will need 5 interaction points. At the NPC, click on the Hire workers button, confirm the spending of interaction points and you will be offered a worker - a window will appear with his image and characteristics, as well as the price. Appearance we are not particularly interested in the worker, but the rest is important for us.

1. The speed of work.

2. Movement speed. The worker still needs to walk to the place of work.

3. Luck - affects the chance that a worker will bring an additional rare resource when harvested.

4. Max. stock of work points. Restored value.

5. Skills. Initially, a worker receives one random skill after being hired, then they open as they level up.

6. Cost of hiring, one-time fee.

7. Take your money with you.

8. Your money is in stock.

9. The button to select another worker (if you don't like the proposed worker in terms of stats and price), consumes another 5 interaction points.

10. Button to hire a worker.

The price of a worker will depend on its quality and type, of which there are only three - a giant, a goblin and a man. The giant has the most job points, the goblin is the fastest to complete tasks, and the human has average stats and the best luck. Workers also differ in quality - there are green, blue, yellow and red slaves. Do not forget to check the box where the money for hiring will be withdrawn from, from the warehouse or from the character's pocket. In addition, there is also a special category of workers - nominal. They can only be obtained in a certain way - there are NPCs in the game that look like workers but you can talk to them and increase your reputation. After increasing reputation with them to 500, they will open a store where you can purchase a contract for a worker in a certain city. After purchasing a contract, reputation with this NPC decreases. The purchased contract can be used, and a worker with a name and an additional skill will appear in your city. In addition, they have good features. Each such worker is initially tied to a specific city and will appear in it, in which one it is written on his contract.

Additional skills of named workers:

Descendant of the Troll - 30% chance to restore 1/2/3 energy on completion of a quest

Incredible Luck - 100% chance to return one type of material after production (TBA)

The worker gains experience for each completed assignment and can level up to 30. As he levels up, his characteristics increase and every 5 levels he gains 1 passive skill. Skills are different - for the speed of work, movement, luck, saving resources, and so on. Some skills have several ranks (in descending order) - A, B, C. One slave can have the same skill of different ranks. Some skills have a higher chance of appearing, others less. Your workers can try to upgrade their skills every 10 levels, i.e. a green worker can be trained to become a blue worker, and so on. Upon successful training, the worker will become level 1 and will lose all the skills that he had, only one random one will remain (but not necessarily from those that were). It will also increase its max. stock of work points. That is, each employee can try to pass the exam three times (because the maximum level is 30) at each quality level. If the slave was green and then upgraded to blue, he has 3 attempts to upgrade again. If all three times he was unlucky, then you can fire him or try to sell him.

Information about all your slaves can be seen by clicking on the image of a pick in the upper left of the screen. A window will appear with a list of all your workers, which displays what work each worker is doing or not doing anything, how much time is left until the current action is completed and how many times he will repeat it. The same window can be called up by opening the world map and clicking on the pickaxe icon in the lower right corner of the screen. If you first open a city on the world map, and then the list of workers, then only the slaves bought in this city will be listed in this window. More detailed information you can see about the slaves if you hover over the line of the worker in the list. The yellow scale on the portrait of a slave displays the level of his experience. On the right are its current characteristics.

Opposite each worker there are a number of buttons - rest, repeat, test and change skill. The Rest button allows you to feed the slave and restore his work points, Repeat sends the worker to perform the same task and the same number of times that he was given before, Test starts an attempt to improve the quality of the worker (it takes 1 day, only one worker can take the test at a time). A skill change is available once at worker level 30, while he must have another 50% experience on top. You can also feed, re-send or fire several workers at once - to do this, you need to tick the necessary workers on the left and click the appropriate button at the bottom of the list.

How to send a slave to work in Black Desert

To send a worker to extract resources, you must have an open point with this same resource (for influence points). By clicking on the point where the worker will be sent, a window will open. Here you can choose which worker will be sent and how many walkers in a row (change button). You will not be able to send a worker if the warehouse of the city to which he is attached is not free space. For each task, the worker spends 1 work point. You can restore them by feeding a slave (see below).

After you send the slave to the collection, a window will immediately appear with information about the progress of work: how many more times he has left to complete the task, how much time is left before the completion of the current action (in time and percentage terms). The yellow scale also visually displays the degree of completion of the task. There is also a Job Cancel button (red button). If you click cancel the task, the worker will continue to complete the task to the end, but will no longer go to the point again if several walkers were specified.

Similarly, workers are sent to production various items in the houses of the city. However, if you send a worker to make more items than there are free slots in the warehouse, he will put them in the locked slots of the warehouse. Things from such cells can be freely picked up.

When mining resources, a worker can bring an additional rare resource (if this is possible on this node), the chance depends on the worker's luck characteristic. At each point, various extras are additionally mined. materials. Those. at two points of extraction of the same ore additional. resources may vary. Nodes with vegetables\fruits\honey do not have additional. resources.

For any completed work, the slave can additionally bring one or more, which can be exchanged for various rewards from Santo Manzi in Velia.

How to feed slaves in Black Desert

Workers can recover work points by feeding them food. You can buy it at the auction house or cook it yourself using the cooking table in the Sim's home. There are only three feeding options - (restores 2 points), (5 points), (5 points), (5 points) and (7 points).

Beer= x1 + x2 + x6 + x5

Oatmeal= x3 + x3 + x9 + x2

Cheese Pie= x3 + x3 +

Localization of Black Desert in the CIS is handled by GameNet. You can download Black Desert only after installing the launcher. It also launches game client. It is also possible to launch Black Desert from the game directory using the appropriate shortcut, however, in this case, the user is not authorized, since the program cannot determine which server to connect to.
It is worth noting that when authorizing using the launcher, the user will play on the Russian server - F2P or Premium, depending on the acquisition of access rights. In order to play on the servers of other regions, you will need to use a VPN and other “dancing with a tambourine”. Pirate Black servers Desert, which have appeared recently, basically require you to install your own launcher.

Launcher issues

The Black Desert update is usually performed on Wednesdays from 8 to 12 Moscow time. The game is not available at this time. In the case of a regular patch that fixes minor bugs, the size of the update "weighs" from 200 to 500 MB. When installing a major update that adds, for example, new or territories, the update can take several gigabytes. As a rule, most users have no problems downloading updates.
The exception is subscribers of some providers that provide Internet access using ADSL technology.

Sometimes when downloading an update, the launcher “loses” the network, and only rebooting the modem or router helps. A similar problem can be observed when using new versions of the uTorrent program. In this case, you can download the update using this program or any other torrent client. It is recommended to use older versions of uTorrent - no newer than 2.0. The required torrent file is located in the game directory (BlackDesert\live) and is called 30000000000.torrent. For correct operation games to download should specify the same directory.

It may happen that after the update, and sometimes for completely incomprehensible reasons, the game client does not start, giving an error. To fix the problem, you need to check the game files using the launcher. To do this, in the Black Desert section, click on the "settings" button, and in the window that appears, select "Restore". The launcher will check all the files of the game client and restore the missing ones if they are damaged. As a rule, after that the game starts correctly.

Blue screen

Known issue - crash operating system in BSOD. It is observed on all versions of Windows that support the launch of the game - 7, 8 or 10. The problem is due to a security conflict with modified OS files. Simply put, most pirated builds of Windows that do not require hacking after installation crash into a blue screen when launch Black Desert. To fix the problem, it is recommended to install a “clean” version of the OS, which can be downloaded from the Microsoft website, as well as from well-known torrent trackers. This version of the OS usually has a 30-day trial period. If you do not want to pay for a license, authentication can be hacked - for example, using a special activator. It should also be borne in mind that Service Pack 1 is required to run the game on the "seven".

Travel without lags

Although the world of Black Desert is vast and seamless, random access memory contains only an insignificant part of it - the location in which the character resides. When transitioning between such “pieces” of the map, lags can be observed - the hero freezes and does not move while the contents of the game world are being loaded. There is no problem when traveling on foot or mobs, but it is often present when driving fast with acceleration activated.

The download time depends on the PC settings: large files that are stored on the hard drive are processed by the video card. To avoid this kind of lag, it is recommended to use an SSD drive and a powerful video card. Please note that when using graphics accelerators that meet the minimum system requirements(GTX 650 / GTX 550 Ti / Radeon HD 7770 / Radeon HD 6770), there will be lags. You should also be prepared for the fact that even minimum settings graphics when using such video cards, the FPS will rarely be more than 30. It helps to run the game in optimization mode, but the picture leaves much to be desired.
As for the lag caused by large crowds of players - for example, during sieges, the appearance of raid bosses or in major cities, then even using the most powerful computer will not help to eliminate them. The problems in this case are on the server side, so it remains only to wait for the appropriate fix.

Game client settings

The game has a lot of settings, which are often difficult for beginners to deal with. The correct settings will help remove all unnecessary elements that are present by default, making the game more comfortable. You can find the settings icon by calling the main game menu by pressing the Esc button. The following points deserve special mention:


Allows you to disable the display of "unnecessary" windows - for example, the keystroke indicator, which is activated by default. As you can see in the picture below, only those elements are displayed, the button with the image of the eye on which is pressed.


The All Effects slider controls camera shake. If you don't like this effect, you can set the parameter to 0.


Staring at other people's pets is sometimes interesting, but their rendering consumes computer resources. By checking the appropriate box, you can disable both the display of other people's pets and your own. Similarly, you can hide your own and other people's workers.

Video Contrast

Changing this setting helps at night when you can't see anything without using a flashlight, especially at high graphics settings. It is enough to set this parameter to -20 to perfectly distinguish the elements of the game world.


You may not be interested in knowing which player successfully buffed equipment and which one, or which guild declared war on the other. Such messages pop up regularly, which eventually becomes annoying. You can turn off uninteresting moments by unchecking the appropriate checkboxes in the settings.
Interfaces-UI. Allows you to override the default control key actions.

Of course, there are many more settings in the game. However, the elements mentioned above will help to remove all unnecessary, annoying beginners at the very start and spoiling the impression from the beginning of the adventure.