FPS sags sharply in tanks. Increasing FPS in World of Tanks (WoT). Increase the paging file if there is not enough RAM for World of Tanks

One of the most important parameters that affect the playability of online games is FPS.

FPS stands for Frame per Second (the number of displayed frames per second).

Why is this needed? Proper graphics settings in World of Tanks, like in any other Online game significantly increases the chances of winning. FPS drops interfere with movement, are difficult to aim at, and usually end up with "shots to nowhere", long reloads and victory for the enemy.

FPS depends on the configuration of your computer. A good FPS starts at 35fps and up. The optimal result is 50 frames per second and above.

To achieve a good FPS, you must either have a high-performance gaming computer with a top-end graphics card, plenty of RAM and a powerful processor, or try to customize the game to your configuration as much as possible. Weak spots in the system can be compensated for by competent graphics settings in World of Tanks, which we will talk about now.

For convenience, we divided the settings according to the degree of impact on graphics and FPS, using a color scheme.

These settings can be twisted "as your heart desires." Doesn't affect FPS.

We recommend correcting first. True for mid-level systems, when you want to see and beautiful graphics and stable FPS, but resources do not allow setting "everything to the maximum". These settings do not greatly affect the gameplay.

Graphics settings that don't affect FPS

You can customize these settings as you wish without worrying about performance loss.

Graphics settings affecting FPS

3D render resolution. Changes the resolution of 3D objects in the scene. Affects the depth of the 3D scene. Reducing the setting improves the performance of weak computers.

You can adjust the 3D rendering right during the game. If during the battle your FPS "dipped", use "right Shift -" to decrease the depth of the scene drawing and "right Shift +" to increase it. Decreasing depth will increase FPS on the fly.

Screen resolution. The higher the resolution, the higher the load on the video card. It is recommended to select the value corresponding to the monitor, otherwise the image will be "blurred". On very old video cards, you have to lower the resolution to get "playable" fps. We recommend lowering the resolution below the screen resolution as a last resort, if other methods no longer help.

Vertical Sync and triple buffering. Vertical sync is the synchronization of the frame rate in the game with the vertical refresh rate of the monitor. Triple buffering avoids the appearance of artifacts in the picture. If your system produces less than 60 FPS, the developers recommend disabling both options (note: on modern monitors it does not really affect the picture).

Smoothing Removes jagged edges of 3d objects (staircase effect), making the picture more natural. It is not recommended to enable at FPS below 50.

Go to the advanced graphics settings: menu "Graphics", tab "Advanced" graphics options.

"Graphic arts" Maximally affects the number of FPS given by your video card.
Switching the graphics mode to "Standard" switches the engine to the old render with outdated effects and lighting. With standard rendering, most of the advanced graphics settings become unavailable. It is recommended to enable on weak computers.

Texture quality. The higher the quality of the textures, the more detailed and sharper the picture in the game looks. The higher this parameter, the more dedicated video memory is needed. If your video card has a limited amount of video memory, the texture quality should be set to the minimum. (Maximum texture quality is available only when "improved rendering" is enabled and on a 64-bit operating system.)

Lighting quality. Unlocks a range of dynamic effects in the game: sun rays, optical effects, shadows from physical sources (trees, buildings and tanks). This setting greatly affects the performance of the video card. If you have a weak video card, set the lighting quality from medium values ​​​​and below.

Shadow quality. Affects the rendering of shadows from objects. Reducing the quality of the shadows does not greatly affect game process. If you have an old video card, the first thing to do is to set the quality of the shadows to a minimum.

Grass in sniper mode. It affects not only performance, but also gameplay. If your FPS in sniper mode "sags" below 40 - you need to disable it.

Extra quality effects. Affects the "special effects" in the game: smoke, dust, explosions, flames. By decreasing this parameter, you can reduce the number of particles in the frame and limit the distance at which they will be displayed. It is recommended to leave at least "low" otherwise explosions and other elements necessary for orientation in battle will not be visible.

Add. effects in sniper mode. Regulate the same thing, but in sniper mode. If during the sniper mode your FPS sags, which undoubtedly affects accuracy, it is recommended to reduce the parameter (not below the "low" level).

amount of vegetation. Adjusts the density and distance of vegetation rendering in the game. At low FPS, it is recommended to set it to the minimum. Thus, you can free up precious megabytes of video memory.

post-processing. Affects the effects in the afterlife - shading and the effect of hot air from wrecked cars and burning objects. If you are hiding behind a destroyed tank and your FPS starts to drop, it is recommended to disable this option.

Effects from under the tracks. They saturate the picture with the effects of scattered soil, splashes of water and snow. The setting does not affect performance much. Disabling can achieve a small release of video memory.

landscape quality. The parameter determines at what distance the quality of the terrain begins to be simplified. This setting is very CPU intensive. Attention! At the minimum setting, there is a strong distortion of the landscape, so you may not see any ledge behind which the enemy is hiding, and after the shot the projectile will hit the edge of the obstacle, and not where you were aiming. It is recommended to set the setting value not lower than "medium".

Water quality. The parameter adds the effects of waves, water vibrations when moving, reflections from objects. If you have a weak video card, it is recommended to reduce the setting.

Decals quality. Affects the rendering distance and detail of decals - detail textures that improve image quality (fallen leaves, traces of dirt, paving slabs and other well-aimed objects scattered across the map). When set to "off", even craters from projectiles disappear. The more decals, the more video memory is required to load them. If you are not bothered by the simplification of the landscape, it is recommended to set it to "minimum", at low FPS.

Detailing of objects. In the game, all objects have several models of different quality. At the moment, buildings have 3 types of objects, tanks from five. The quality of drawing objects greatly affects performance, and at large distances small objects will still not be visible. With the removal of the object, its model changes to a coarser one. The parameter affects the distance at which a better model will be drawn. The lower the parameter is set, the shorter the draw distance for quality models will be.

foliage transparency. Turns off the rendering of foliage at close range. It is recommended to enable on weak systems.

Tree detail. The setting works on the same principle as "Detailing objects", but only for trees. If you experience FPS drops when trees appear, it is best to set this parameter to the minimum (along with it, it is recommended to turn on "Foliage Transparency").

World of Tanks is a multiplayer computer toy that, over the course of several years of its existence, has conquered many hearts of people who are not indifferent to military tank battles. It is at least stupid to talk about what this project is, as you yourself know, since you are interested in answering the question regarding how to increase FPS in World of Tanks! This is what will be discussed, down with senseless ranting ...

  1. Install WOT is better just on the same disk where the software is installed, this will allow in-game processes to interact with each other faster, as a result of which there will be less lags.
  2. Before starting the game, be sure to switch your antivirus software to game mode, if it is supported, otherwise it is better to disable it altogether for a while.
  3. The first step is to take care of turning off all third-party programs that are running at the time the game starts - be it Skype or a browser. Thus, a certain amount of RAM will be released, due to which the FPS will increase (how much depends on the memory absorbed by the disabled programs).
  4. If you plan to play from a laptop, do not forget that most of these units have two video cards installed, and therefore, before starting the game, you need to make sure that World of Tanks has a high performance priority (you can do this in the corresponding section "Control Panel").
  5. It's no secret that tankers everywhere use various kinds of modifications. So, it will be better if there are fewer such installed mods. Their complete utilization will significantly increase FPS in WoT.

Additional methods to increase FPS in WOT

If the above tips did not help you, or you want to increase your playability even more, then it is recommended to do the following:
  1. Update video adapter drivers. This can be done using a specific section in the "PC / laptop control panel".
  2. Lower game graphical interpretation settings. You can perform this action directly in the game menu.
  3. Clean up PC. If a lot of unnecessary programs and files have accumulated on the computer, they need to be cleaned. The desired is carried out using the CCleaner utility, which must first be installed.
  4. Disable unnecessary features. Shadows, grass, tracks from caterpillars - all this, of course, is good, but at the same time it negatively affects the number of displayed frames per second. So it's better to cut them off.
  5. Upgrade your computer. This option is most reasonable if you want to maximize increase FPS in World of Tanks. First of all, you should pay attention to the expansion of RAM and video memory.

Taking into account the above tips and methods, you can easily increase the FPS in the game to the desired level. Well, if the desired result is not achieved, then the only way fix the situation - buy a new (more powerful) PC / laptop, and it’s better to take it so that its parameters go with a margin, since updates are constantly coming out under WOT, and thus the game becomes more demanding on the system!

The FPS value (Frames Per Second) means the number of frames that your computer displays per second. The higher this indicator, the smoother your gameplay will look - there will be no lags and slowdowns.

You can normally play Wot starting with an FPS value of 30 frames per second.

1. Go to the graphics settings in the game and try to reduce everything to the maximum.
Yes, the graphics quality will decrease, some effects will disappear, it will be a little unusual to look at a clumsy and poorly drawn world, but your tank will deal with opponents without brakes and glitches.

3. Enter in the line that appears
"bcdedit /set increaseuserva*" (instead of an asterisk, specify the amount of RAM that will be used for applications.
It is recommended to use 75% from all your RAM on your computer.
For example, if you have 4 GB of RAM on your PC, then enter 3072 instead of an asterisk, for 2 GB - enter 1792).

Here we have 4GB of RAM on the PC.
We registered the value in 3072 MB. This will improve the performance of the game.

4. Restart your computer and run WoT - World of Tanks .

5. When you want to reset the values ​​​​of RAM usage - write in the cmd-term " bcdedit/deletevalue increaseuserva" (without quotes) and click Input.

Millions play, and every year their number increases. Not everyone has a powerful computer for a comfortable game at maximum graphics settings. What to do? How to raise FPS in World of Tanks? There is a solution.

If low FPS on a weak PC or laptop forces you to play with wild lags, then this article is for you. Our detailed instructions will help remove lags and raise the FPS in tanks to optimal values. But first, the materiel.

What is FPS

FPS- English abbreviation, which stands for Frames Per Second. It stands for number of frames per second. The more, the smoother and more realistic the picture on the screen looks. Modern computers are capable of delivering hundreds and thousands of FPS even at maximum settings. But the owners of older PC models are doomed to a constant struggle with lags.

What determines FPS WOT

The performance of games, including World of Tanks, directly depends on the power of the computer. Each detail is responsible for the performance of its range of tasks. To understand how to increase FPS in World of Tanks, it is worth finding out what resources the system lacks for normal operation.

RAM (Random Access Memory)

RAM stores the data of all running programs, including the operating system. Its volume indicates how much information the device can work with simultaneously. For example, a weak laptop usually has 2 GB of RAM. Part is reserved for system needs, so only 1.7 GB is actually available. At the same time, about 1 GB is taken by Windows 10 processes. 700 MB remains. You need at least 2 GB to play World of Tanks with a normal frame rate on minimum settings. free random access memory. This is due to the fact that the game huge maps and a lot of 3D objects that need to be stored somewhere.

CPU (processor)

The processor is responsible for processing information right now, in real time. It transports data between RAM and the motherboard - the main part of the computer. How fast he does it is called processor frequency and measured in gigahertz (GHz or GHz). For example, the Inter Core i5 processor has 4 cores, each of which has a frequency of 3.2 GHz. This is enough for a comfortable game in WOT with 30-60 FPS.

The problem of a weak processor is most relevant when dynamics begin on the screen: shots, explosions, destruction of objects, fast movement, and the like. At such moments, you can notice a serious drop in FPS due to the inability of a weak CPU to cope with a colossal amount of data overnight. Minimum parameters processors with which World of Tanks can be launched - 2 cores at 2 GHz each .

GPU (video card)

The video card is responsible for everything related to graphics: 3D rendering of the scene (maps), detailing of game models, particle system (effects of explosions and shots), rendering of water and shadows, lighting, rendering of vegetation (in particular, trees, bushes and their foliage), transparency of objects, etc. The video card has its own GPU , cooler (fan for cooling) and video memory . It works in the same way as a CPU with RAM: the processor transfers data between the video memory and the motherboard, and the cooler monitors the temperature so that the GPU does not burn out from overheating.

The greatest load on the video card is created by:

  • Shadows, especially dynamic (moving),
  • mirror surfaces,
  • Glare and lighting effects,
  • high resolution textures,
  • Shaders (grass movement, water physics, footprints in the sand, etc.),
  • V-sync and triple buffering (stabilizes but reduces frame rate).

Having already disabled all this in the settings, you can make the PC give out 30-50 FPS more, unless, of course, the problem is in the video card. The minimum amount of video memory to play WOT is 512 MB.

Important! When choosing a video card for WOT, you should give preference to Nvidia models. For the most part, they are more productive than AMD products, as well as more flexible in configuration and more affordable financially.

What FPS should be in WOT

Normal FPS in WOT is 30 and above. With this number of frames per second, you can play quite normally. At high FPS (60-120 and more), tank battles become especially enjoyable, but not everyone can enjoy such pleasure. If the FPS drops below 30, you should get ready for periodic freezes, freezes, twitching of the picture and other annoying consequences. Familiar?

Why FPS sags in World of Tanks

First of all, FPS depends on the power of the device on which the game is running. We have already found out what influences it:

  • The number of processor cores and their frequency,
  • The amount of RAM and the speed of working with it,
  • The amount of video memory and the speed of the video card,
  • Hard drive speed and amount of space used,
  • component temperature,
  • The general state of the system,
  • Much more.

Based on this, the first step is to check if your PC meets the World of Tanks system requirements.

Minimum (~30 FPS)

  • Processor: 2 cores at 2 GHz or better
  • RAM: 1.5 GB
  • Video card: 256 MB
  • Free disk space: ~25 GB
  • Processor: 4 cores at 3 GHz
  • RAM: from 4 GB
  • Video card: 2 GB or more
  • Free disk space: ~36 GB

If a computer or laptop is so weak that it does not even reach the minimum, then it is unlikely that you will be able to squeeze more than 10-20 FPS out of it. Better not force your calculator and pay attention to others, including. Minimum Requirements met, and FPS - the bottom? Move on.

Setting up World of Tanks to increase FPS

First of all, with low FPS, you need to lower the graphics settings in the game itself. The lion's share of system resources is taken away by unnecessary special effects, shadows, ultra-realistic textures and more. If you are here, then all this is clearly not for your bucket. Feel free to turn it off!

Open the window World settings of tanks.

  • Turn on full screen mode. AT windowed mode in WOT, FPS often jumps.
  • Reduce your screen resolution. The smaller it is, the easier it will be for the computer to display information. The resolution of 1366x768 is quite enough for a comfortable game, but this is not the limit.
  • Turn off shadows. Shadows heavily load the video card. If you have a weak PC, you will get almost a 2x performance boost just by disabling them.
  • Disable vertical sync. Vertical sync makes the picture smooth, saving you from friezes and twitches, but reduces FPS. Disable it and get +5-10 fps.
  • Turn off triple buffering. This setting is only meaningful when vertical sync is enabled. Make sure it is disabled in the game settings.
  • Turn off anti-aliasing. Anti-aliasing improves the visual component of the World of Tanks, but it really hurts the FPS on weak devices.
  • Turn off all special effects. Get rid of all particle effects (steam, smoke, fire, etc.) that can affect FPS.
  • Reduce the quality of terrain and vegetation. All this is a waste of system resources, which is only possible on powerful PCs.
  • Disable grass in sniper mode. It affects not only the FPS, but also the gameplay, from time to time creating interference when shooting.
  • Lower graphics settings to minimum. Set texture resolution to minimum. This will reduce the load on the video card.
  • Lower the resolution of the 3D render. The parameter affects the depth of the 3D scene and changes the resolution of its objects. The smaller it is, the more performance you will get.
  • Decrease the draw distance. The smaller the field of view, the faster the computer will process the data, which means that the FPS will be significantly higher.

Turn off everything you can and check the frame rate. Of course, after performing all these actions, the picture on the screen will still be the same ... But what can you do? That's the price of performance. Move on.

How to raise FPS in World of Tanks: setting up and cleaning your computer

A small performance boost in World of Tanks can be obtained by optimizing your computer. Let's see what can be done to raise or stabilize the FPS a little.

Clean your PC of junk files

This is a basic measure that you need to perform regularly, whether you play games or not. A special CCleaner utility will help you with this, which can be downloaded for free on the official website at the link.

  1. Launch CCleaner
  2. Go to the "Cleanup" section
  3. Click the "Analyze" button and wait for the scan to complete
  4. Click "Clean" to remove junk files

Registry Fix

The registry stores data that allows the system to work correctly with applications. Registry errors almost always result in performance degradation. The same CCleaner program will help to eliminate them.

  1. Launch CCleaner
  2. Go to the "Registry" section
  3. Click Scan for Issues and wait for the scan to complete
  4. Click "Fix Selected..."
  5. In the window that appears, indicate whether you need a backup copy
  6. In the next window, click "Fix checked"

Transfer game from drive C:/

If your World of Tanks is installed on the local drive C:/ (on the same virtual drive as the PC operating system), move it to a file virtual drive (for example, D:/ or E:/). Try not to install anything extra and bulky on the C:/ drive, as this will make the computer run slower than usual.

  1. Remove World of Tanks
  2. Reinstall World of Tanks on a different local drive

Just moving the folder with the game will not work. This will cause registry errors and performance will get even worse.

Defragment your hard drive

If you do not take care of the railway for a long time and install a lot different games and programs, files of one application may be scattered across different sectors of the hard drive, which makes it more difficult for the computer to process them. Defragmentation moves this data closer together. Hence the increase in performance.

  1. Open "My Computer"
  2. Click right click mouse on the local drive with the game
  3. Go to the "Service" tab
  4. In the "Optimization and defragmentation" subsection, select "Optimize"
  5. Select the desired local disk from the list and click "Analyze"
  6. Wait for the analysis to complete and click "Optimize" if necessary

The instruction is relevant for Windows 10. For other operating systems, the procedure may differ.

Update your video card drivers

You can find and download the latest drivers on the official website of your video card manufacturer - AMD or Nvidia. Newer versions of drivers optimize the operation of the video accelerator. The FPS will be a little higher and the graphics a little better.

Disable all unnecessary background programs

Close all unnecessary programs: Skype, Telegram, web browsers, Steam, etc. If you have Windows 10, in the task manager, go to the "Autostart" tab and disable all unnecessary applications that start with the OS there.

Increase process priority

In the list of processes in the task manager, find World of Tanks, right-click and set the priority to "High". From now on, the system will give the game as many available resources as possible, sacrificing the performance of other running programs (for example, explorer).

Disable Windows Visual Effects

If things are really bad, do the following.

  1. Right-click on the "My Computer" icon and select "Properties".
  2. In the window that opens, click "Advanced system settings"
  3. In the window that appears, go to the "Advanced" tab
  4. In the "Performance" subsection, click the "Settings" button
  5. Next, select "Ensure the best performance" and save the changes.

Now your Windows will run a little faster, but look a little worse, and the window animations will disappear altogether.

What else can be done

  1. Remove all unnecessary programs and files. The less data on the disk, the faster it works.
  2. Install WOT on SSD. When you run the game from an external hard drive, it will run much faster, which will lead to an increase in FPS.
  3. Hardware overclocking of components. The processor, RAM and video card can be "overclocked". The indicators of "iron" will improve, but the amount of heat generated will also increase. This should be done by a person who clearly understands all the risks and has practical experience.

Programs and mods

FPS in WOT can also be raised with the help of special programs and game modifications. Below is the most popular software on this topic.

  1. CCleaner. We have already met with this utility above. The program can clean the PC from garbage, fix registry errors and remove unnecessary applications.
  2. Razer Cortex (updated Razer Game Booster). The program was created specifically for gamers. When running games, Razer Cortex will free up the maximum amount of system resources for them. Performance increase on weak PCs - from +10 to +30 FPS. Also, the program can take screenshots, record videos, stream, perform defragmentation and much more. More details on the developer's website.
  3. WOT Tweaker. This small program is designed specifically for the World of Tanks. With its help, you can change the game beyond recognition by turning off all unnecessary special effects - clouds, explosions, smoke, fire, and more. The increase in FPS on weak PCs will be noticeable. Read more on the developer forum.

In addition to programs, there are compressed texture mods World of Tanks. This reduces the load on the graphics card and improves performance.

What to do if nothing helped

I was once in your shoes trying to play WOT on a dual core laptop. I didn’t succeed, but I wasn’t particularly upset - there are still a lot of different ones on the network tank games. So, if you failed to increase the FPS in World of Tanks, I suggest the following options.

  1. Try to play. On the minimum settings lags are much less here. In addition, the game offers atypical mechanics and a variety of military equipment, including aircraft and ships. Read more in our review.
  2. Rating: 4.8 - 12 votes


Consider an urgent issue for many gamers - optimization of the world of tanks and raise FPS for weak computers.
Many people know that World of tanks uses only a fraction of the power of your computer. Almost everything depends on the power of the processor. But what should owners of weak computers and laptops do? That's right, optimize the game with mods and programs. In this article we will consider the work of all mods and programs, we will install them. If you have a weak computer, then thanks to this instruction, you can significantly increase the number of frames per second (FPS) and you will be quite comfortable playing. Optimization consists of several stages.

To start install. This is a very useful program for turning off unnecessary effects. To install the program, move it to the folder with the game. Then run the WOT RES UNPACK file.

After it finishes its work, run the file.

This program is the most important part of optimization WOT client. It is these textures that are the most difficult to count. We recommend disabling all effects except for the movement of trees and the reflection of clouds, because they do not greatly affect the FPS and do not give any extra load.

It's time to install compressed textures, which are ideal for players who do not have powerful graphics cards. will make the game less beautiful, but you need to understand that beauty requires sacrifice. In our case, this is a sacrifice in the form of good graphics. We recommend installing the 25 percent version. It has the best ratio of quality reduction and FPS increase. Installation may take some time, sometimes quite long.
After textures install mod that. As a result of the work of this mod, the fog will disappear in the game and, when aiming at long distances, you will see the enemy more clearly. And when switching to sniper mode, the freezes that most players complain about will disappear.
The next step is the installation, which is done with only one goal - to maximize the optimization of the game. It's not very pretty, but it's very optimized.
Let's move on to the settings of the game itself. We leave only the visibility range at the maximum. The rest of the parameters are set to a minimum or turned off altogether.

After all these steps, it is recommended to defragment the hard drive.

The computer game World of Tanks requires fairly average performance from your computer, however, older PCs and laptops may not be able to handle the game and show fps below 30 frames per second. In this case, it is better to take action, since complex programs and games on your computer can significantly reduce the life of its components, in extreme cases, completely disable them. To optimize the performance of World of Tanks and make it easier for the video card, as well as increase the fps in the game, you can take the following steps: update all drivers on your computer, especially video card drivers; adjust the graphics card settings, as well as lower the graphics settings in the game itself. This will give you 10-20 fps. Detailed instructions you will find in this article.

How to increase fps in World of Tanks: update your drivers

Every manufacturer of discrete graphics cards releases free software for them. The most popular graphics cards are NVIDIA and AMD. If your PC does not have a discrete graphics card and only an integrated one is installed, then you should consider buying a discrete one, since integrated graphics cards are not at all designed for complex tasks, games.

  • Open the software for your graphics card. For Nvidia, this is GeForce Experience, the program is distributed free of charge on the company's official website.
  • The utility icon is always located in the computer tray, by clicking on it with the right mouse button, you will find the desired tab.
  • Go to the "Drivers" section in this program. It will automatically determine which drivers on the device need to be updated and which do not. Download all that will be displayed on this page.
    This will take some time, so please be patient.
  • As soon as the program notifies you that all installations are completed, you can close it. Be sure to restart your computer.

How to increase fps in World of Tanks: adjust video card settings

  • In addition to special software for the video card, your computer has a separate control panel for it. Find it in the system tray by right-clicking on the graphics card icon.

  • First, go to the "Adjust Image Settings" section. Here you can set the priority of the video card: performance or quality.
  • By choosing quality, your textures in games will be realistic, believable and smooth. By choosing performance, the characters and textures will become angular, a little hazy, but the computer will be much easier to work with.
  • Drag the slider towards performance.

  • Now go to another section called "Manage 3D Settings". Open the item "Program settings".

  • In the very top line, select the game World of Tanks from the list presented.

  • In the second line, set the value to "High Performance NVIDIA Processor".
  • Now all processes of this game will access the discrete video card, and not the built-in one, which is not designed for this.

How to increase fps in World of Tanks: graphics settings

A very important stage that must be completed in any new game. You customize the graphics for your computer and its capabilities.

  • Log in to your game account through the client.

  • In the top left corner you will see a gear icon. Click on it to expand the options.

  • In the menu, click "Settings".

In the window that opens, go to the "Graphics" tab. Here you have to do the following:

  • Set all parameters to "Low" or "Minimum".
  • Set all shadows, reliefs, fog and other effects to Off.

  • Then go to advanced settings and follow exactly the same steps: set the minimum values.

  • At the very bottom of the window, uncheck the "Dynamic change in the quality of effects" checkbox.

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Instructions - How to raise FPS in the game?

Not everyone has the opportunity to have a powerful computer, and those who suffer from low FPS in the game constantly wonder if How to raise FPS in World of Tanks? This article answers this question.

So how do you raise FPS in World of Tanks?

There are several options and we will consider them in detail.

1. Video card drivers

2. Game settings

3. Wot Installation Tweaker

4. Install compressed textures from Animeh

Video card drivers

A short introduction about the video card and drivers, for those who are in the tank. The video card is the board responsible for the performance of the graphics on your computer, the stronger it is, the higher your FPS (Frames per second). For the operation of the video card, there is special software called drivers.

So you need to download latest version drivers. You can find out what video card you have in the computer documentation or in the list of components that are issued upon purchase, or, if the driver for the video card is not installed, by installing the program from the official CPU-Z website (in the block on the right, select the version you need, on English language, under your operating system 32 or 64bit, you can find out by right-clicking on my computer in properties). After installing and running the program, select the “Graphics” tab in it, in it, in the upper field in the “Display Device Selection” or in the “GPU - Name” field, the full name of your video card (video adapter) is written. After finding out what video card you have, download drivers for it from official sites, the links are presented below. After installing the drivers, restart your computer (mandatory).

Video card drivers:

Game settings

For the most comfortable fps games the game should not fall below 24 frames per second. Therefore, if you are below this indicator, be sure to lower the settings in the game. We recommend for you to lower the settings in this sequence (the article is written under 0.8.3, perhaps the items in the settings have changed, but the principle has not changed). add. effects in sniper mode, grass density, anti-aliasing, caterpillar effects, rendering distance, post-processing, additional. post-processing, shadow quality, improved shadows, water quality, additional quality. effects, tree quality, object detail, texture filtering, texture compression, texture quality, vertical sync. Why in that order? Everything is very simple, first we turn off the least necessary settings and settings that greatly reduce FPS, at the end we turn off the most “vital”, i.e. I'd rather play without grass, but at the same time with well-rendered terrain, if the computer allows me. Be sure to remove anti-aliasing, it loads the system at times, and be sure to play in full screen mode, the FPS in it is Higher. your system is not distracted by third party programs and everything gives all its resources to the game! I think it’s not worth explaining the rest of the parameters, I can only say that it’s better to turn them off in this sequence, believe my rich experience (more than 10 years).

It is also worth noting that if you have little RAM (RAM), turn off all windows except the game, including sometimes programs such as skype (if you do not play through it), because. it uses about 80.000kb of your RAM, you can disable everything in the windows task manager by pressing CTRL + ALT + DELETE (DEL) or by right clicking on the windows bar at the bottom of the screen (usually) on the desktop. In the manager, in the processes tab, you can see what and how much RAM on your computer consumes in kilobytes (kb, 1,000,000 kb = 1 GB).

Installing WoT Tweaker

By installing this program, remove all effects, or almost all, if you do not want to lose some. This software will increase WoT by a few more frames per second (FPS). How to download and install the latest WoT version Tweaker for latest update(patch), you can read on our website at this link.

Installation of compressed textures from Animeh

Texture data, this is already one of the extremes of lowering FPS, suitable for those who want to maximize their efficiency while weak computer. The article is in the process of being finalized, links will come later.

In custody. If All these points did not bring your FPS to the desired level, then you need to look for additional solutions to the problem, which are often discussed on the game forum or near-game software, such as Game Booster, perhaps even reinstall the OS. And I advise you to gather your strength and your means and strengthen your PC with a new video card or RAM, if a laptop, you will have to purchase a new one, do not save on your health, do not spoil your eyesight and do not waste your nerves simply.

Tell friends:

If you have a laptop with two graphics adapters

Many modern laptops have two video adapters on board - an integrated one and a discrete one. By default, graphics are always processed on a low-performance integrated graphics core, so by correctly switching processing to a discrete adapter, you can significantly increase fps and even image quality.

If you have an NVidia graphics card

1. Open the NVIdia Control Panel. This can be done by right-clicking on the desktop and selecting the appropriate item from the drop-down menu.

2. Select "Manage 3D Settings"
3. Go to the "Program settings" tab
4. In step 1 "Select a program to configure" add your browser and / or Standalone Flash Player

Note: For Firefox, you need to add plugin_container.exe instead of firefox.exe. It is located in the Firefox installation folder (by default "c:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\")

5. In step 2 "Select the preferred graphics processor for this program" in the drop-down list, select "High-performance NVidia processor"
6. Click the Apply button and close the Control Panel.

If you have an AMD graphics card

1. Open the Catalyst Control Center. You can do this by right-clicking on the desktop and selecting one of the items in the drop-down menu

2. On the Power tab, select Global Switchable Graphics Options
3. From the drop-down list under the selected power method, select "Maximum performance"

If you use Chrome, Yandex.Browser, "Amigo" from Mail.ru, Rambler-Browser

1. Turn off the excess

Try playing in full screen mode by pressing the F11 key. Turn off everything you don't need:

2) Disable everything background programs(even Winamp, AIMP audio players), especially those using the Internet (ICQ/QIP instant messengers, Skype, Mail-agent), file downloaders (for example, uTorrent, Download Manager). You can also disable antivirus programs.

2. I turned off everything superfluous, but the FPS did not rise or image jerks appeared

Install the Mozilla Firefox browser and play through it.

3. I installed Mozilla Firefox, but the FPS is still low.

1) Open (gear icon on the top right):

2) Turn off all these settings, try enabling "Adaptive FPS":

3) Reduce the game window directly in the battle with the "-" (minus / dash) button. It will turn out something like this (you can enlarge the game window back with the “+” key, which is located a little to the right):

4. If all else fails

3) Update video card drivers:

a) If you are a desktop computer user, download the drivers from the video card manufacturer's website.

b) If you are a laptop user, download the drivers from the laptop manufacturer's website.

If you are using Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari and other browsers

1. Turn off the excess

1) Close all tabs in the browser, except for the tab with Tanki Online. This also applies to all social networks (VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and others).
2). Disable all background programs (even Winamp, AIMP audio players), especially those using the Internet (ICQ/QIP instant messengers, Skype, Mail-agent), file downloaders (for example, uTorrent, Download Manager). You can also disable antivirus programs.
3) Open

The question of how to increase the FPS in World of Tanks most often arises in the hangar after a disgusting battle, when your nerves are tense with anger, and the mouse flies into the wall. We will try to help you set up WoT and PC in such a way as to make the picture smooth, and, as a result, shots are always on target.

A comfortable value is at least 30 frames per second. The higher the FPS value in World of Tanks, the smoother the picture will be, which means you will see someone else's tank in time, shoot at it, and not “into milk”, and you yourself will have time to hide before the enemy attack. Keep in mind that during explosions and skirmishes involving a large number of tanks, the FPS will sag, which means that at moments of inactivity, the figure should be even higher - 50-60 frames per second.

If you are faced with the problem of low FPS, this does not mean that you have no other choice but to throw your old man into the trash and run to buy a newly released fancy iron in order to play World of Tanks comfortably. There are several ways to optimize Tanks and the computer itself in order to enjoy the game without being distracted by different kind interference.

Correct settings are the key to success

An effective method to increase FPS in world of tanks is to properly adjust the graphics in the game, which will help compensate weak spots your system. All these settings are very dependent on the specific configuration of your computer, so you need to approach them experimentally.

For some players, turning off the music gives an increase in FPS, and indeed all the sounds in the game. True, this damages the atmosphere of the battle.

Let's consider each menu item separately:

  • Texture quality - reduce cost only if you have little video memory
  • Lighting quality - the strongest impact on FPS, reduce first
  • Shadow quality is the strongest influence on FPS, lower it first
  • Grass in sniper mode - affects FPS, should be turned off
  • Terrain quality - does not matter in the game, should be reduced to a minimum
  • Water quality - well “eats” resources on world maps of tanks with reservoirs
  • Decals quality - little effect
  • Detailing of objects is also not the most important parameter.
  • Foliage transparency - although it has an impact, it also has enough benefits
  • Extra quality effects - it's better to turn it off so that you don't get a slideshow in the batch
  • Add. effects in sniper mode - even more so
  • The amount of vegetation is generally unnecessary “beauty” that reduces FPS
  • Post-processing - immediately turn off
  • Effects from under the tracks - turn off first
  • Tree detail is optional, but has little effect on FPS
  • Draw distance - look for the “golden mean”
  • Motion blur quality - turn off immediately
  • Dynamic change in the quality of effects - if the game is difficult to go on medium or high settings, you can enable graphics for the victim only during difficult moments
  • Track tracks - not much effect
  • Resolution of 3D rendering - the lower, the better the performance, but it is better not to touch this parameter (the difference in graphics will be very noticeable)
  • Dynamic rendering change is the best solution if FPS sags during firefights
  • Triple buffering - disabling usually helps, but the effect can vary
  • V-sync - turning it off usually helps, but the effect can vary
  • Anti-aliasing - a strong effect on FPS, it is better to turn it off or reduce it
Don't Overdo Mods

Many gamers install modpacks for World of Tanks. The main point here is not to overdo it. Install only those mods that you really use and that are really necessary, since many of them are very gluttonous in terms of FPS. Try turning them off one at a time, checking each time for the effect on framerate.

If the resulting effect does not suit you, you can use special compressed textures for World of Tanks. It will help only those who have a small amount of video memory.

Of course, you can forget about a good picture after such settings, but for the sake of performance, you will have to sacrifice something.

Don't Forget About Prevention

This may not have a fundamental impact on FPS, but it can improve overall performance and stability.

  • Defragment the disk
  • Check your computer with an antivirus,
  • Clean up the registry
  • Close all unnecessary applications (browser, torrent) before playing.

Update your video card drivers regularly. The quality of its work directly depends on their relevance, because with each update, productivity increases.

You can download drivers for video cards on the official websites of their manufacturers:

Also, don't forget to clean your computer from dust at least once every 3-4 months, which will help reduce the heat of your equipment.

Upgrade as an inevitability

And finally, the most effective way, which sooner or later you still have to resort to, is to upgrade your computer. At a minimum, you will have to choose a more powerful processor and a more powerful graphics card. This is not the cheapest way to increase FPS, but with the right hardware, you can play Tanks for many years. Recall that you can always find out the system requirements of World of Tanks by looking at the official website of Wargaming.

We hope that with these tips you will be able to optimize the system and increase the performance of Tanks. Experiment wisely, follow the recommendations of the developers, listen to the advice of other players and then a positive result in FPS growth will not be long in coming.

How many FPS do you have in the game? Share your opinion in the comments!