What can be done with poker chips. Creation of a poker room for earnings. Preflop entry

Is it possible to make poker chips with your own hands?

Today, it is a sin for players to complain about the shortage of poker chips - the inventors of the first tokens would envy such an abundance. The choice is so huge that you can spend hours choosing options, comparing design, quality and prices. Naturally, for good tokens you will have to pay a considerable amount. Sometimes it makes sense to order chips, then the designers will bring to life the most daring ideas, fortunately, modern technologies allow you to do this. True, such pleasure involves an additional fee.

Many will agree that expensive chips, and even more so exclusive or collectible options, are more suitable for professional players or special poker connoisseurs. For home game and just enjoy your leisure time in the company of relatives or friends, any tokens will do, the main thing is that they be, you can’t do without it. No desire to spend money? You can make chips with your own hands, it's quite real. It will take a great desire, a certain perseverance, a little patience, but a minimum of costs. Before getting down to business, it’s better to think about this: about 70 - 100 pieces will happen for one participant, within 500 for a team. If this prospect does not scare you, it's time to get to work.

Option number 1: elementary

The most affordable and fastest method is to pick up the right amount of coins or even plastic subway tokens, these will be the chips. Assign a denomination to each, it can be inscribed with a permanent marker. All is ready! You can’t call the option chic, but it’s fast, cheap and you can play.

Option #2: simple

You will need thick cardboard, colored paper, glue. Cut out chips, stick colored paper (you can use the classic color scheme, as in well-known casinos), sign the denomination. Or use the image you like printed on the printer. Meanwhile, such an arsenal will not last long, after a certain time, especially when active game, paper tokens will look unattractive and the stock will have to be updated.

Option number 3: almost classic

Once upon a time, chips were made exclusively from natural materials and only by hand. You can repeat the feat of predecessors and create clay chips. Gypsum is also suitable, you can buy it without problems. You will need forms, printouts of chips on a color printer and material.

You will have to look for forms for future tokens or also make them yourself. The main thing is that they are perfectly even and of the desired diameter. Gypsum or clay is diluted according to the instructions (it must be included with the purchase), the holes are filled with the mixture and wait for complete drying. As a rule, it takes about a day. After that, the gypsum specimens are almost ready, but it is better to burn the clay for strength, a conventional oven will do. Then it remains to paste the image and cover your creations with varnish. If everything is done with careful care, you will get quite worthy tokens - almost classic specimens.

Poker is very popular all over the world. Many famous people, especially from the world of sports and cinema, are fond of this kind of card games. And in life ordinary person there is a place for poker.

Poker games and tournaments are held both on the global network and in "". People who play poker at home often use homemade chips. Skeptics call this stupidity, because hand-made chips are inferior in beauty to branded ones. Indeed, why do people spend time and energy on making tokens, when in stores you can find poker paraphernalia of dozens of well-known brands and for every taste, at a variety of prices.

There are several reasons why gamers make their own chips. The first of them - high-quality branded products are quite expensive. They cost at least $1 each, and for home competitions you need a hundred chips. In addition, players strive to bring creative ideas to life and stand out from the crowd.

Cardboard chips

The easiest way to make poker chips is using cardboard. To do this, you just need to cut out circles from it, marking one or another denomination on them. With a creative approach to this task, you can create quite beautiful tokens. For example, you can make chips perfect by first designing their layout in Photoshop.

wood chips

Players who are not accustomed to looking for easy ways create chips from wood. They use spade handles for this purpose, cutting them into rounds about 3 mm thick. The denomination and pattern on such chips can be made with a soldering iron or a heated metal stamp. To make the finished chips look perfect, they should be painted with colored or transparent varnish.

Clay, gypsum

Homemade chips can be made of gypsum or clay. To create them, you need to prepare molds, then fill them with a solution and let it harden. If you decide to use clay, fire the clay chips by placing them in the oven for greater durability. After that, the products can be painted in any color or varnished, having previously pasted the images printed on the printer onto the workpieces.

Other options

Poker fans make tokens not only from cardboard, wood or clay. They cut chips from thin tile, using lead as raw material. Alternatively, ordinary coins can be turned into chips.

Poker is the most popular card game worldwide. The number of players is growing rapidly, mainly due to users of poker online games. Having reached a certain level of skill, many people want to play "live" poker, that is, face to face with real opponents. This can be done, for example, by organizing a poker tournament at home, teaming up with friends.


  1. A real game requires real accessories, the main of which are chips and cards. But if, as a rule, there are no problems with cards, then chips not so easy to get. Real chips made of clay, plastic or ceramics. They also differ depending on the denomination in color, diameter, they have a certain thickness and weight.
  2. Do chips on one's own. Take plastic tokens as their basis. Use tokens in several colors or try making denomination stickers. For example, make on a computer using Photoshop, something similar to the original. Or stick the appropriate colored paper on the tokens, and write the denomination with a marker or felt-tip pen.
  3. Also you can cut chips from thick cardboard. Color these chips with paint and write the denomination with a marker or ballpoint pen. However, such chips for playing poker will not last long.
  4. Please note that the approximate number of chips for ten players will be at least five hundred pieces. You will have to make a lot of effort to get the required number of chips from cardboard, or to make and stick stickers on the tokens.
  5. Many players use ordinary coins, trying to divide them depending on their denomination. currently similar chips available for sale. However, if you get down to business wisely, you can get beautiful, original game poker even with homemade chips.

Many players prefer to play poker at home with friends and family. For a home game, you only need a deck of 52 cards and playing chips for betting.

You can purchase these things in one poker set. However, what if there is no way to buy poker chips? How to play poker without chips, is it possible to replace them with something?

Why are poker chips needed?

Chips are required to play poker. They are needed for the most important stage - rates. In the casino, chips are exchanged for money for convenience. After winning, the received chips can be exchanged back for a cash prize.

Why is it convenient to play poker with chips:

  • Each of the chips has the same size and shape. It is convenient to lay out in piles on the table and not get confused when betting.
  • The value is easily determined. Each chip has its own distinctive color, which represents a certain amount of money. Thanks to this, you can find out the exact amount of money in your and someone else's stack. That is why poker without chips is not played in the casino.
  • aesthetic factor. The chips look really nice and convey the real poker atmosphere. They are comfortable to hold in the hands, they are pleasant to the touch.

You can buy a set of chips in any major shopping center or in our online store. If you have 9 people going to play poker for a long period of time, you can invite them to chip in the same amount of money for one set of chips. Then this attribute of poker will be relatively inexpensive and will be used in regular games.

What can replace chips?

If on this moment you did not have time to buy chips, they can be easily replaced with other items. Here are some examples of how to play poker without chips:

  • Banknotes. Many people play poker right away for money, without using chips. For some, this is more convenient, as they clearly see the amount they are playing for. However, if gambling is not customary in your company, you can use other replacement options.
  • Coin. Using coins for poker is the most convenient way. They are similar in size and shape to chips. It is only necessary in poker with friends to agree in advance which coin will be equal to what amount. Certain poker rules without chips are established. Coins are also convenient to lay out in piles and place bets.
  • Plastic chips from another game. If you have a lot board games, you can take small plastic parts from there to replace the chips. Just remember that these items must be the same in shape and color so as not to get confused in denomination.
  • Other handy items. You can play poker without chips and use matches, stamps or colored pieces of paper.

How to make chips yourself?

Poker without chips is quite possible. If you do not want to spend money on buying chips, you can make them yourself. Just cut out identical circles from thick cardboard. It is important to choose 4 colors that will mean a different denomination.

If you have time, you can sign the denomination numbers on each chip. Practice shows that players can determine the denomination of chips by color, regardless of the digital value. Initially, you can laminate the paper and cut chips out of it. Then they will turn out durable and pleasant to the touch.

You can cut a lot of chips from plastic bottles. It is also important to choose a color scheme here so that the chips do not all turn out the same. If you have plastic of the same color, you can cut chips of different sizes.


Now you know how to play poker at home without chips. They can simply be replaced with other items found at home. It is important to note that the cards in this case cannot be replaced by anything. For a full game you need a deck of 52 cards. But to buy chips or not - each player decides individually.

help you understand many game nuances, help you develop one of the most important poker skills - the ability to choose the right size and moment of bet. To be successful in poker, you must understand how to manipulate your opponents with bets to win the biggest pot possible. Online poker training from our coaches, as well as lessons for beginners, will help you figure out how to bet and how to behave in difficult situations before and after the flop.

Preflop bets

You already know which starting hands in Hold'em are good and which are bad, but this information is not enough to win. You need to know how and when to bet with a particular hand. Pre-flop bets are very important in no-limit hold'em because they determine the strategy of play after the flop.

Preflop raise

"Why should I raise? I want to see the flop and then decide what to do," beginners often say. So, why does such a philosophy often lead to a loss.

It is known that aggressive players win more often than passive ones, but it is not enough just to play aggressively, you also need to understand why you are doing it. For example, here are some possible reasons to raise the rate:

  • desire to take control of the game
  • desire to increase the bank
  • the desire to make others fold

In most cases, you shouldn't play postflop with more than two opponents. Even if you have a good starting hand, she may still be vulnerable. You don't want someone to hit a random pair or hit a big straight in poker? The fewer people in the game, the fewer opponents you have who want to take the pot, so you should, if possible, raise the bet to reduce the number of players in the hand.

A good tip for beginners is to raise to three big blinds and add one more blind for each player who limped (called the big blind). If you triple your bet, this will ensure that there are not too many players left in the hand. For example, in a poker tournament with blinds at 25/50, two limpers in front of you, and premium cards in your pocket, raising the blind to around 225-250 (3x50 = 2x50) is the right move. But, of course, you have to take into account the intentions of the opponents and many other factors.

Another big reason to raise is to show your opponents that you have a really good starting hand (even if it doesn't really). If the flop doesn't suit you, you can make a continuation bet and take the pot without a showdown. Since you raised preflop, players will be careful about your next bet. When you raise preflop, be prepared for other players to start watching you. Thus, you will begin to control the game as a whole.

You must raise the stakes in poker so that your possible winnings are maximum. Beginners often make minimum bets even with a pair of aces in their hands, and even if the rest of the players have limped into the game (calling the big blind). “But I want them not to fold, but to support my bet and increase the pot!” you say. Alas, this is unlikely to happen: it is not easy to defeat four with aces. Poker school for beginners is sure of it!

Bluffing is an integral part of poker. You can raise to force others to fold. In poker tournaments, bluffing is a good way to collect the blinds and increase your chip pool. If the goal is to get others to fold, you can't be passive. Bet an amount that your opponent won't dare to call, but be aware that if you decide to go all-in to bluff, there may be someone who won't believe you. You must take into account the individuality of each player.

Call Preflop

In some situations, it is better to call (call) rather than raise. Ideally, if you are going to call, your combination should also be suitable for raising. For example, you have a couple in your hands. In early position, you can call for a set.

Calling a bet in poker after other calls. If three or four players have already supported the bet, then it will be natural for you to do the same, but only with suitable cards. Playing any cards to "be like everyone else" is not worth it. If you find yourself in a difficult situation, remember that it is always better to raise or even fold than to call.

Postflop betting

We've covered a bit about how to bet pre-flop, but now let's look at post-flop poker betting.

How much should you bet? Of course, the size of the bet should depend on the situation, but there is a rule: the bet must be more than half the pot, but less than the pot. If your bet is larger than the pot (this is called an overbet), it is most likely meaningless: it will be supported only by someone who has really good cards, and many may fold, reducing your winnings.

Raise or call? Post-flop, as well as pre-flop, it is better to be aggressive and raise bets (if, of course, your cards allow it).

Different or the same bet sizes? Your bet size says a lot to your opponents, so it's important not to follow the pattern both pre-flop and post-flop. The main rule is obvious - bet more if you have strong cards and don't bet big if you have a weak hand. To make it harder for others to see through you, you can randomly change the amount of your bet or increase your bet by the same amount each time.