Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev and Nicholas 2. Why impostors of the descendants of Emperor Nicholas II began to appear around the world. The staging of the execution of the royal family

The Russian poet Yevgeny Gusev explains this striking similarity between the current Prime Minister of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev and Tsar Nicholas II by the phenomenon of reincarnation.

Evgeny Gusev cites their external similarity as the first evidence: “People have long noticed the external similarity of Tsar Nicholas II and Dmitry Medvedev.”

Argument two: when reincarnation takes place, a person in his new life shows very similar qualities, which he discovered the last time.

Regarding the similarity of the qualities and deeds of Tsar Nicholas II and Dmitry Medvedev, it is already possible to compile a whole table:

1. leaders of the country with the same name - Russia.

2. Both were accompanied by the police.

3. With both, the filling of prisons grows.

4. both break the commandments of Christ.

5. With both, valuables flow abroad.

6. The army under Nicholas II was divided into red and white, typhus raged - health was at an extremely low level; under Medvedev, the army was divided into the remaining and the dismissed, and 60% of the conscripts are unfit for service for health reasons (US annual almanac on the state of the world " The World Factbook - 2011").

7. under Nicholas II, the army and the royal secret police were well paid; under Medvedev, the army and the police begin to receive salaries several orders of magnitude higher than all other professions.

8. under Nicholas II, Russia lost Port Arthur, half of the territory of Sakhalin and the Kuriles; and at the end of Medvedev's presidency, our country gave Norway a shelf in the Barents Sea.

9. With both, there is an increase in the growth of vices: theft, drug addiction, drunkenness, prostitution ...

10. both issued yellow coins of 10 ruble denominations and with a double-headed eagle.

The last royal gold chervonets of Nicholas 2 (a coin with a face value of 10 rubles) was minted and put into circulation in 1911.

The last non-gold "chervonets" D.A. Medvedev was released in 2011. It is noteworthy that the release of modern Russian coins It was produced with the double-headed eagle of the PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT, which ruled Russia from March 2 (15) to October 25 (November 7), 1917.

11. The people did not like the Tsar, and the people have the same feeling towards Medvedev.

Evgeny Gusev: “What can such a clear resemblance say? Will there be any options? Are they possible? And such a case is not one, not two ..., there are many of them .... "

Napoleon Bonaparte - Adolf Hitler

Napoleon was born in 1760.
Hitler was born in 1889 (129 years difference).

Napoleon came to power in 1804.
Hitler came to power in 1933 (a difference of 129 years).

Napoleon entered Vienna in 1812.
Hitler entered Vienna in 1941 (129 years difference).

Napoleon lost the war in 1816.
Hitler lost the war in 1945 (129 years difference).

Both came to power when they were 44 years old.
Both attacked Russia when they were 52 years old.
Both lost the war when they were 56 years old.

Abraham Lincoln - John Kennedy

Lincoln was born in 1818.
Kennedy was born in 1918 (100 years difference).

Lincoln became President of the United States in 1860.
Kennedy became President of the United States in 1960 (a difference of 100 years).

Both southerners. Both Democrats. Both were killed on Friday. Both in the presence of their wives. Both are headshots.

Before becoming presidents, both were US Senators.
Lincoln was assassinated at the Kennedy Theatre. Kennedy was killed in a Lincoln.

John Wilkis Booth, who shot Lincoln, was born in 1839.
Lee Harvey Oswald, who shot Kennedy, was born in 1939 (100 years difference)

Both names in English spelling (John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald) consist of 15 letters.

Booth fled the theater and was captured in the attic.
Oswald escaped from the attic, he was arrested in the theater.

Lincoln's successor after the assassination is Johnson.
Kennedy's successor after the assassination is Johnson.

The first, Andrew Johnson, was born in 1808.
The second, Lyndon Johnson, was born in 1908 (100 years difference).

Opinions of the great about reincarnation

Heinrich Heine(German poet 1797-1856):


“Who knows in the body of which tailor is now the soul of Plato, in the body of which school teacher is the soul of Caesar? Who knows!"

George Sand(French writer, 1804-1876):


“... after we forget about our previous existence, we are again thrown into this life ...”.

Charles Dickens(English writer, 1812-1870):

Voltaire(French writer, 1694-1778):


“To be born twice is no more surprising than once: everything in nature is subject to the law of rebirth.”

Victor Hugo(French writer, 1802-1885):


"...Souls move from one sphere to another without losing their individuality"

Arthur Conan Doyle(English writer, 1859-1930):


“When the question is asked: where were we before we were born? - the answer is - in a system of slow development on the path of reincarnation with long rest intervals between them "

Mikhailo Lomonosov- the great poet and scientist - deduced the Law of conservation of energy:


“If something has gone somewhere, it means that something has arrived somewhere.”

According to this formula, if human energy left this world, then it arrived in another world.

Cicero(Roman orator 106-43 BC) publicly said:


“The evidence that people knew a lot of things before they were born is the fact that as young children they grasp any information very quickly. Apparently, this is not the first time they perceive all this, but they remember from their past.

After this, you will believe in reincarnation

A three-year-old boy living near Syria in the Golan Heights region suddenly found himself in the spotlight after his sensational statement: in his past life he was killed with an ax.

A boy from the Druze ethno-confessional group was born with a large birthmark on his head. Druzes believe that birthmarks are directly related to the fact of death in a past life. When the boy began to talk, he told his family that he had died from a blow to the head with an axe.

The boy pointed out to the elders the house where he supposedly lived in a past life. He not only recognized the village where he was from, but also remembered the name given to him at birth in a past life.

Local residents said that the man the boy is talking about really went missing four years ago. The boy also managed to remember the name and surname of his killer. When confronted by the man, the alleged killer turned pale but did not confess to the murder.

The boy then led the elders to the place where his body was buried. Indeed, the skeleton of a man with a head wound was found in the same place, which was located in the same place where the boy had a birthmark. On top of that, they found the murder weapon - an axe.

Under the burden of all the evidence presented, the killer confessed to the crime.

The full story of this unique boy is reflected in the book of the German doctor Trutz Hardo " Children Who Lived Before: Reincarnation Today».

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10 creepiest alien abductions Intercontinental underground tunnels and underground secrets Soul and life after death in philosophical concepts Roswell alien is no longer an alien

So that's where, goat horns.

The ancestor of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev was the executioner of the family of the last tsar, Nikolai Romanov. Yurovsky and Mikhail Medvedev - it was they who led the execution of the royal family. The authority of Dmitry Medvedev is much higher than the authority of Vladimir Putin, whose ancestor was only a cook for Lenin and Stalin.

For the past 500 years, the rulers of Russia have been searching for great biographies for themselves. The “Tsar” (Grand Duke) Ivan the Terrible was proud that his ancestors were the Austrian emperors and the Temnik Mamai. The last Romanovs, as you know, "Russian blood" was about 1%. Lenin was just a German intellectual, Khrushchev was a small local crest: no romance.

Finally, “dear Russians” got heroes for their presidency: Boris Yeltsin was an Old Believer gravedigger of the “evil empire”, “Vladimir Putin” (the second version of his surname “Platov”) is a descendant of a dynasty of cooks of general secretaries. Dmitry Medvedev hid under the guise of a "hipster" for a long time, trying to present himself as a worthless person.

But it's not. President Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev is a descendant of the regicide Mikhail Medvedev, Yurovsky's deputy and organizer of the execution of the Romanov family.

The Interpreter's blog received notes from a Tver genealogist. Of course, we cannot disclose his name for obvious reasons. This man spent several years in the archives, trying to find out the details of the execution of the royal family. The Tver genealogist provided us with a small part of his research.

Ironically, the second most important regicide of the royal family bore the surname "Kudrin". Our informant has not yet been able to find out whether Alexei Kudrin, the current Deputy Prime Minister, Treasury Secretary and caretaker of Russian money on the part of the US Federal Reserve, is a relative of that person. Our genealogist believes that Kudrin is only 75% likely to be a relative of President (and at the same time regicide) Dmitry Medvedev.

So, let's start deciphering the notes of our informant. Mikhail Medvedev (underground nicknamed Lom) was the head of the royal family's guards. According to his version, Yurovsky only finished off the members of the royal family and retinue with control shots. And the execution itself was organized by Medvedev, 7 Latvians of his team, 2 Hungarians and 2 Old Believers-anarchists - Nikulin and Ermakov.

Unlike Yurovsky, Medvedev died peacefully. Moreover, he was favored by Stalin and his henchmen. With the transition of Stalin to the “Russian nationalists” in the mid-1930s, Medvedev went into the shadows, and only occasionally went to provincial universities with a story about how he finished off Nicholas the Bloody. But with the accession of Khrushchev, the regicide found a second life: in addition to the fact that he received a pension of 4,500 rubles, Medvedev was also attracted to the propaganda of the “thaw” - stories with physiological details about the murder of the royal family. For example, in 1959, at a meeting with students of the law faculty of Moscow State University, Medvedev boasted how the anarchist Old Believers Nikulin and Ermakov decided to save cartridges, and therefore finish off the enemies of the workers with bayonets.

The fame of the Medvedev-Bolshevik family began with the elder brother of the future regicide, Alexander. He joined the underground RSDLP back in 1910, and in 1918 he headed the Bryansk Cheka. Mikhail was at first a Left SR. From 1909 to 1912, i.e. from the age of 18 to 21, he controlled the "roof" in the Baku fields. In the same place, he was paid tribute by a certain director of the Nobel oil office by the name of Yurgens, the great-grandfather of the current adviser to President Medvedev, Igor Yurgens.

According to official data, Medvedev joined the RSDLP in 1911, according to unofficial data, only in 1914. But President Medvedev's great-great-grandfather did not lose the profile of his activity: going over to the Bolsheviks, he was still engaged in protecting business in Baku, as well as in the Black Sea region (in particular, he took the cash desk of one bank in Yalta in 1915; production amounted to 43 thousand rubles) . In good months, Medvedev's battle group extorted 12-15 thousand rubles of tribute from commerce. 2/3 of the money went up, the rest were commissions from the opposition.

After 1918, the fate of Medvedev-Kudrin was successful. His son Mikhail wrote to the Central Committee of the CPSU in 1964 (the year of his father's death):

“Comrade M. M. Medvedev addressed a letter to the Central Committee of the CPSU. - the son of a member of the CPSU since 1911, M.A., who died in January 1964. Medvedev.

First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU comrade. N.S. Khrushchev from Mikhail Mikhailovich Medvedev, editor of the Nauka publishing house of the USSR Academy of Sciences, son of a personal pensioner of allied significance, a member of the CPSU since 1911, Colonel Mikhail Alexandrovich Medvedev (1891-1964).

Dear Nikita Sergeevich! Having somewhat recovered from the grief that befell our family, I am now in a position to express my sincere gratitude to you for your attention to the memory of my father, who, on your orders, was buried with military honors at the Novodevichy Cemetery on January 15, 1964.

I am authorized by my father to fulfill his three dying wishes:

1. Dying, dad asked me to congratulate you on April 17, 1964, on your 70th birthday, wish you good health and personally give you on his behalf as a gift a historical relic of our family - a Browning system pistol No. 389965, from which father on the night of July 17, 1918, he shot in Yekaterinburg the last Russian Tsar "Nicholas the Second" (citizen Romanov N.A.) and his family; and also to convey to you the memories of the pope about the liquidation of the Romanov dynasty, which reigned in Russia for more than 300 years.

All documents confirming the participation of the father in the destruction of the Romanovs are stored in his personal file of a personal pensioner of union significance - book No. 28017-s - in the Ministry of Social Security of the RSFSR in Moscow.

I am writing to you in advance in the hope that comrades from your Secretariat at the Central Committee of the CPSU will help me make a suitable wooden box of the required dimensions for the joint storage of a historical pistol, two clips, 70 rounds of ammunition for it and a text of memoirs about last days Romanovs in Yekaterinburg (now Sverdlovsk).

My father expressed the wish that his party card No. 00213416 (which I handed over through the party organization Elektropromremont to the Sverdlovsk United Committee of the CPSU in Moscow) would be kept in one box along with a pistol and memories. In addition, I will print photographic portraits of my father, taken by him in 1918, 1921, 1933 and 1954.

2. Dying, dad asked me to give (with your consent) as a gift to the leader of the Cuban people, comrade Fidel Castro Rus, his partisan military weapon 1919 - an American-made Colt pistol, with which my father went at the head of a partisan detachment to the rear of Kolchak in the Northern Urals. The guerrillas were armed with captured American weapons (Lewis machine guns, Colt pistols, as well as grenades, Winchesters) and at halts in the marshy swamps, when they were cleaning weapons around the fire, they dreamed of the time when the Revolution would spread to the American continent and, perhaps, , their weapons will still serve those brave guys who will establish socialism in America.

My father was lucky enough to live to see the birth of the first socialist country on the American continent. He always spoke with enthusiasm about Fidel and his young bearded men - they reminded him of his fighting youth, when the Russian guys, who also had no time to shave, after another battle, cut off by a ring of enemies from the whole world, dreamed of a World Revolution.

The Pope died in the early morning of January 13, 1964 - the morning of the day when Fidel Castro flew to rest in Moscow. Their names were found only on the page of Pravda dated January 15 (I enclose the number), where an obituary of my father, Mikhail Aleksandrovich Medvedev (Kudrin), was placed, signed by the wife of Felix Dzerzhinsky, the son of Stepan Shaumyan, an old Chekist from V.I. Lenin - Sergei Uralov and other associates of the Pope in the Revolution and the Civil War. After the funeral, my mother fell seriously ill, in addition, worries about obtaining a pension for my father and many other formalities fell on me - I could not fulfill my father's wish while Fidel Castro was visiting the Soviet Union. But I think that you will advise me how best to do it in practice.

3. Dying, dad advised me to turn to you and ask you to save my mother - Medvedeva Zinaida Mikhailovna, along with half of my father's pension - half of the food ration from Branch No. 2 of the Canteen of Clinical Nutrition (which is in Bolshoy Komsomolsky Lane).

So that your father's last request does not seem strange and inappropriate to you, I will try to understand the essence of the matter. To begin with, my father, as a prisoner of tsarism, a political exile, a revolutionary with underground experience (a member of the CPSU since 1911) and the head of the illegal Bolshevik Union of Sailors of the Caspian Merchant Fleet (1913-1914) in Baku, had the opportunity back in 1953 year to go on a personal pension and receive food rations. But the father, as a true soldier of the Leninist guard, considered it unacceptable to sit out in the country without participating in socialist construction. Despite his health being undermined by the tsarist prison and the Civil War, he remained in the ranks and worked until his retirement in the fall of 1962. He spoke with contempt of the tricksters who, while working, did not hesitate to receive a personal pension and food rations from the canteen of medical nutrition. Even when he retired, he considered it unacceptable, according to normal standards, to demand rations for himself, although he, as an old revolutionary, had every right to this. We managed to persuade my father - a man of harsh convictions - only when my mother's illnesses made medical nutrition necessary for the continuation of life.

In April 1963, the Pope sent a request for food rations to the Administrator of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR (with all required documents and certificates from the 2nd polyclinic of the Fourth Main Directorate of the USSR Ministry of Health), and at the end of December we were told by phone (my father was already in the Country Hospital with a second cerebral hemorrhage) that from December 26, 1963, dad was attached to Branch No. 2 of the Canteen of the medical catering on Bolshoy Komsomolsky Lane.

Father died 18 days later. Mom was again left without medical nutrition. So far, she was saved by the fact that for almost two months she was kept on medical nutrition at the Country Hospital in Kuntsevo. It's hard to guess what will happen next.

Faithful to the precepts of my father, I do not ask for any benefits and discounts for my mother. But, perhaps, it is in your power - if this does not contradict the basic state regulations - to save half the ration for the mother for the full state price of food in order to prolong the life of the mother, who steadfastly endured all the hardships of her father's far from easy life path (they were married since January 1917 years after the death of the Pope).

4. Finally, I must consult with you about the remaining honorary weapons of the pope, about which the father did not have time to make any orders: the agony began, speech was lost, and he could no longer tell me anything.

We are talking about two pistols - "Nagant" and "Mauser". Judging by the certificates of honor preserved in the papers of the pope, the father was awarded the Nagan pistol No. 12030 on December 18, 1927 by the Crimean Central Executive Committee of workers, peasants, Red Army and Red Navy deputies. On the handle of the "Nagant" there is a silver plate with the inscription: "Comrade. M.A. Medvedev for the fight against counter-revolution from the Crimean Central Executive Committee on the 10th anniversary of the Cheka - OGPU.

Father was awarded the Mauser pistol No. 173410 by order of the OGPU No. 1180 of December 20, 1932, also for the fight against counter-revolution. Since during these years the father, as can be seen from the manuscript of his memoirs, especially distinguished himself in the fight against smugglers, counterfeiters, bandits in the Crimea, Siberia and the Far East, then perhaps it would be logical to transfer these weapons to the Museum of Border Troops for storage?

I ask for your decision on all the issues raised by me, as well as on the day and hour of our meeting with you, when I can personally convey to you my father's memories and congratulate you on your 70th birthday - notify me by letter or by phone numbers indicated on the first page of my letters.

With good wishes for your health and vigor, sincerely yours (Mikhail Medvedev), editor of the historical editorial office of the Nauka Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.

P.S. I am enclosing Pravda No. 15 (16601) dated January 15, 1964, a peripheral issue, where an obituary about my father with a summary of his life path. M.

Then, in 1964, the son of Chekist Mikhail Medvedev persuaded another son of a Bolshevik (anarchist Old Believer) - Nikulin to record his testimony on the radio. At the same time, it was believed that Nikulin allegedly was only a witness to the post-mortem identification of the bodies of the Romanov family:

“Here, I remember, in 1936, I was still small, and Yakov Mikhailovich Yurovsky came to us and wrote something ... I remember that they clarified something with dad, sometimes, as I remember, they argued ... He fired the first shot at Nikolai ... my father said that he shot, and Yurovsky said that he shot ... "

Mikhail Mikhailovich Medvedev persuaded in the same 1964 to record his memoirs of another regicide, Radzinsky, on a tape recorder.

“One man went down into the water with ropes and dragged the corpses out of the water. Nikolai was taken out first. The water was so cold that the faces of the corpses were red-cheeked, as if alive ... A truck got stuck in a quagmire, and we barely pulled the car out ... And then an idea flashed through us, which we realized ... We decided that better places not to be found... We immediately dug up this quagmire... filled the corpses with sulfuric acid... disfigured... Nearby was Railway... They brought rotten sleepers to mask the grave. Only a part of those who were shot were buried in the quagmire, the rest were burned ... Here they definitely burned Nikolai - I remember ... And Botkin ... and, in my opinion, Alexei ... "

These audio tapes are still in the archives of the KGB. Our informant says that these notes were deciphered in the 1970s by Associate Professor of the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University Duvakin. In the early 1980s, KGB chief Andropov liked to listen to confessions of the regicides in the evenings.

A researcher of the genealogy of the Medvedev family told us that the current President Dmitry Medvedev is the cousin of the regicide Mikhail Medvedev-Kudrin: the president's grandfather Afanasy Fedorovich was the nephew of the regicide.

The Interpreter's blog is not completely sure, but from the stories of our informants it follows that Dmitry Anatolyevich became the heir to THE SAME "Browning" and "Mauser". Rumor has it that from Andropov he also got films of stories of regicides, as well as the skull of the last Tsar Nikolai Romanov, who had already been buried several times by the last patriarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church.

The Interpreter's blog predicts that Tandem plans to appoint a descendant of Georgy Malenkov, his grandson Vyacheslav Volodin, the current head of the apparatus of the government of the Russian Federation, as the next president of Russia. At the inauguration, he will be given the attributes of the Russian government: audio recordings of the regicides Medvedev, Nikulin, Radzinsky and Ermakov, as well as pistols and the skull of Nikolai Romanov.


The other day Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree on the burial of the remains of Tsarevich Alexei and Princess Maria. "Komsomolskaya Pravda" understands why this is done only now

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The Bolsheviks killed the royal family 97 years ago. Moreover, the traces were so carefully covered that archaeologists found the burial place only at the end of the 20th century. And the impostors for several decades pretended to be the miraculously saved children of Nicholas II ...


When the people of Yekaterinburg on April 17, 1918, learned about the arrival of the abdicated tsar, they immediately ran to the station, demanding royal blood. To contain the angry crowd, the commissar who accompanied Nicholas II posted soldiers on the platform, and prepared machine guns for warning. The royal family was put into a car and taken to the house of the engineer Ipatiev.

To prevent the tsar from escaping, the Bolsheviks built a high fence around the makeshift prison and posted guards inside and outside. There was no plumbing in the house itself, and there were power outages. The windows in the rooms were painted over with lime, and walking was allowed no more than an hour a day.

The Romanovs were shot on the night of July 16-17. Before doing so, the Bolsheviks selected 12 men with revolvers and prepared a car to take away the bodies. After that, Nicholas II with his relatives, a family doctor, a footman, two cooks and a maid of honor were asked to go down to the basement.

« The explanation was given as follows: “In view of the fact that the city is restless, it is necessary to transfer the Romanov family from the upper floor to the lower one., - recalled Yakov Yurovsky, who led the execution. - The team was at the ready in the next room. Nikolay carried Alexei in his arms, the rest carried pillows and various small things with them. Entering an empty room, Alexandra Fedorovna (wife of Nicholas II. - Ed.) asked: “Well, is there no chair? Can't you just sit down?" The commandant ordered two chairs to be brought in. Nikolay put Alexei on one, Alexandra Fedorovna sat on the other ...»

After that, members of the royal family with servants were put in a row. The firing squad entered, and the decision of the Ural Executive Committee was announced to the Romanovs.


When it was all over, the bodies of the dead were taken out into the street and put into a car.

« Here it turned out that Tatyana, Olga and Anastasia were wearing some kind of special corsets. It was decided to strip the corpses naked, but not here, but at the burial place Yurovsky wrote. - But it turned out that no one knows where the mine planned for this ... nothing was prepared at all, there were no shovels, etc. Since the car was stuck between 2 trees by that time, they abandoned it and moved by train on spans, covering the corpses cloth».

Finding an abandoned mining mine, the killers lowered the bodies into it. True, a couple of days later, the Bolsheviks, just in case, so that no one would surely find the burial place, moved the remains of the Romanovs to another place.

After the execution, the Bolsheviks carefully examined those very “special corsets” and found jewelry in them.

« Alexandra Fedorovna was wearing a whole pearl belt made of several necklaces sewn into the canvas Yurovsky recalled. - The diamonds immediately evaporated. They accumulated about ½ pood ( about 8 kilograms - Ed.)".

During the execution, the bullets bounced off the jewelry, which is why a version appeared that supposedly the Bolsheviks had to finish off Anastasia with rifle butts. From this, in turn, a rumor was born: "Anastasia Romanova survived and escaped!" As a result, about 30 women in different years pretended to be the miraculously saved Grand Duchess.

The most famous of them was Anna Anderson, a native of the German Empire. In early 1920, after an unsuccessful suicide attempt (Anna jumped from the Bandler Bridge in Berlin), the impostor told the police that she had come to meet her aunt, Princess Irene, but she was driven away. The police considered the girl crazy and sent her to a psychiatric clinic. Soon, rumors about the miraculously surviving daughter of the Russian Tsar began to disperse throughout Europe, and Russian emigrants reached out to the impostor. When asked how she managed to escape, the girl replied that after the execution, one of the soldiers allegedly noticed that she was still alive and managed to carry her out of the Ipatiev house. A little later, other "eyewitnesses" appeared, who assured that the wounded princess was sheltered by a certain Yekaterinburger in love.

- The cynicism of the situation is that many relatives of the Romanovs, who personally knew Anastasia, were still alive at that time! And they personally came to see the impostor and just laughed when they saw her. But, nevertheless, even now there are people who are sure that Anna Anderson was Anastasia, and that her relatives simply abandoned her, ”Nikolai Neuimin, head of the department of the history of the Romanov dynasty of the Sverdlovsk regional museum of local lore, told Komsomolskaya Pravda. - In general, there were enough people who pretended to be certain surviving children of Nicholas II. And there were no more false Anastasius than, for example, false Alekseev, the number of which exceeded 40 people. They detained one of them on the street and asked: “Why are you pretending to be the king’s son?” The guy answered honestly: “More alms are given this way.”


Archaeologists found the burial place of the royal family in 1991 on the Old Koptyakovskaya road. During the excavations, the remains of all family members were taken out of the ground, with the exception of Tsarevich Alexei and Princess Maria.

“It was only in 2007 that a group of searchers discovered their remains next to the first burial, when it was decided to resume the search,” says Nikolai Neuimin. - It turned out that the Bolsheviks buried Alexei and Maria Romanovs separately, so that by the number of bodies in the common grave it was impossible to say for sure that the royal family was lying there.

In addition to the bones of the emperor's heirs, it contained bullets, nails and fragments of vessels in which the murderers brought sulfuric acid to disfigure the bodies. Note that the remains of Nicholas II and members of his family, found in 1991, were buried in the Peter and Paul Cathedral in St. Petersburg in 1998. But the bones of Tsarevich Alexei and Princess Maria are still stored in ... The State Archives Russian Federation, next to Hitler's skull.

However, it looks like things will change soon. After a working trip to Yekaterinburg, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev ordered the creation of a working group to investigate and reburial Tsarevich Alexei and Grand Duchess Maria Romanov.

: God, how wonderful! how to write a conspiracy thesis

Original taken from navigator011 V

Original taken from ermalex76 to the Crown Prince of the USSR: Putin was brought to power by the great-grandson of Nicholas II

Sometimes you can look into secret correspondence, which in principle cannot be looked into. For example, Putin - how did he come to power? Unclear. However, it is possible to look into the mystery. But ... let's start from the other side.

1. The prosecutor of one of the Crimean regions, who in Ukraine without a twinge of conscience imprisoned adherents of the "Russian world", suddenly fell in love with Tsar Nikolashka. Why all of a sudden? Prosecutorial workers are absolute cynics, and then all of a sudden such romanticism, which blossomed not earlier than the summer-autumn of 2014, i.e. not even immediately after the "Russian spring".

Poklonskaya is a smart cynic and a talented actress. Look closely at that sly expression in the eyes.

Does she look like a fool? The girl left a remote Tatar village and became a member of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, propaganda made her the idol of all Russians. Poklonskaya is not a fool, Poklonskaya is a smart-ass woman. The young lady took the icon for a reason, it's called ass-licking. Who is this bullshit directed at?

2. In the summer of 2014, the head of the House of Romanovs, Maria Vladimirovna, visited Crimea (she wanted to take over the Vorontsov Palace). After meeting with her, Natulka suddenly began periodically signaling with portraits of Tsar Nicholas. Poklonskaya something learned from Princess Masha and on the go adjusted to something. And this new knowledge elevated Natusya to the chair of a deputy of the State Duma, and, presumably, her career will go even higher.

3. Why was Boris Nemtsov, heir to the first president of the Russian Federation Yeltsin, killed? Not for the fact that he called Putin fucked up. The decision to liquidate Nemtsov was made in the Kremlin in the fall of 2011. For what? Nemtsov pushed through the illegal decision to recognize the royal remains in Yekaterinburg, despite the DNA examination. This fact. A fact that blocked some people's path to royal power. To whom?

4. It's not a secret that the dear Raseyans are being prepared for the return of the monarchy. Some say that under Putin, others - under the British prince. This is wrong. These are stuffing for the preparation of public opinion. It is prepared for another person. Under whom?

5. After death in 1980 In the year of Tsarevich Alexei - the son of Nicholas II and the legitimate heir to the throne - several contenders are fighting for the throne of the Russian Empire, and Nemtsov is killed on the orders of those whom he greatly interfered with. To whom?

6. Everyone knows that Putin has risen as Sobchak's deputy. But who brought Putin and Sobchak together? The connection with this man made Putin the all-powerful head of the St. Petersburg mafia, raised him above Sobchak, and elevated Yeltsin to the chair. Even the resonant murder of Galina Starovoitova got away with it. Whose invisible will made Putin the President of the Russian Federation?

7. Who gave the command to dissolve international THE USSR? Let's remember the lamentation for Tsarist Russia in 1990: Govorukhin's "Russia that we lost", Malinin's "Lieutenant Golitsyn", Talkov's songs? There is no point in regretting the scoop, but who pours out in this way personal hate for him?

8. What is the invisible force behind Putin's mafia boss? Who is behind Russia's war against Ukraine? Why did Putin launch a suicidal attack on Ukraine, dooming himself to The Hague and Russia to total annihilation?

9. Why are Russians periodically checked with a Mannerheim board, a monument to Kolchak, or St. Isaac's Cathedral? Why were feudal clans formed in democratic Russia, as in Tsarist Russia?

This and other questions are answered in Starcraft game, which for some is just a toy, and for others - a veiled platform for transmitting the news feed to the world elite.

"Red Menace"

Here she is, Tanya Adams, but on a new, hidden, platform of messages. Sarah's thermal imager is different from the others: it is stylized as an Eagle Owl - a symbol of the Bohemian Grove and the Military Intelligence of Ukraine.

Preved, Bear!

Red Alert accurately and unmistakably captures the key moments of Medvedev's career (I remind you that red alert means the highest degree of threat).

Red Alert-1 comes out in 1996. Exactly at 1996 Medvedev sends his commissar to the Kremlin (Putin), infiltrating Yeltsin's entourage. The authors of the Command & Conquer project point to a greater threat to the United States in the territory of their vassal.

Red Alert - 2 comes out in 2000. Exactly at 2000 Medvedev heads Gazprom and puts his man in the place of the president of the Russian Federation (it was again Putin). Another threat!

Red Alert - 3 comes out in 2008. Medvedev in 2008 year becomes President of the Russian Federation. When the official West applauded the formal change of power, someone points out that Medvedev is a threat to the USA! Not Putin's third term, for which official Washington criticized, namely, Medvedev's presidency. The Ultimate Threat!

Indeed, Gazprom's Medvedev invades Georgia, blocking Nabucco. The very wording "peace enforcement" was invented by the lawyer Medvedev. The capture of the Ukrainian Crimea was also planned for the fall of 2008, but NATO sanctions and hope for Tymoshenko cooled Moscow, postponing the operation for 2 years, and then for another 4.

Moreover, 2008 is just a phenomenal explosion of Command & Conquer. This is a multiple red alert. When it was already decided in the Kremlin to make Medvedev the third president, they come out:

May 2007 announcement of StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty (completely released in 2010) with a video about Prisoner 626. A message about the imminent war between Russia and the West. In Europe, the Kremlin begins funding the Black International (communist-fascist). The Kremlin has already decided on Medvedev, but has not yet been made public.

September 2007 World in Conflict, a message about the Russian attack on the United States. After 3 months, Putin publicly voices Medvedev as the heir.

February 2008 Frontlines: Fuel of War. Report on the attack of the Russian-Chinese Union of the Red Star on the United States. China is starting a big campaign to financially take over Africa, and Russia is preparing an invasion of the Transcaucasus.

February 2008 Red Alert 3. Report on Russia's invasion of Western Europe. In 2008, Berlusconi comes to power in Italy, Gaddafi finances Sarkozy's victory in France, and Gazprom surrounds Europe with tentacles, merging with the Sicilian mafia. Second gas war against Ukraine and Europe.

March 2009 World in Conflict: Soviet Assault. Main character- lieutenant of the Soviet army Romanov - waging a terrorist war against the United States. This, of course, is a reference to Dmitry Romanov, the President of Russia.

At the same time, this video about the Red Bear comes out with a song from Red Alert. "Red Bear" indicates Soviet Russia, but there is also a second, unadvertised, meaning - "Romanov, a communist of the royal family." Red monster spotted in a video about Sarah Kerigan? And here it is below, but in clear text.

As you can see, it is Medvedev who is the hawk of Moscow, and it is obvious why: Medvedev is a representative of the Romanov family and empire, and Ukraine and Georgia are his patrimony.

Who is behind Medvedev?

They say that the name of the first king of the last dynasty was Romanov. It's a lie. His real name is Nikitin. The tradition of giving a surname after the grandfather's name really existed in Moscow (if there was no generic one), so Peter took a surname in Holland Mikhailov. But the grandfather of Michael himself was Nikita, and Roman is the name of an earlier ancestor, which does not affect the surname, but Misha had a family surname - Zakharyina. Surname Romanov Misha Zakharyin stuck artificially. Why? He was a usurper (the legitimate contenders were Pozharsky and Trubetskoy). To sacralize his power, the following fraud was made.

On the left is the coat of arms of the Sacrum Imperium Romanum Nationis Germanica, on the right is the coat of arms of the Holy Empire Romanovs German nation. Read aloud, hear the consonance. The Romanov Empire was indeed Germanic.

A few words about the House of Oldenburg. In 1810, Napoleon confiscated the Principality of Oldenburg in Germany. In response, the Romanovs began to prepare an attack on Napoleon and the "liberation" of Germany, intriguing in all German states. Napoleon occupied Prussia in the autumn of 2011 and gathered the Grand Army in Poland. The Romanovs cooled down to attack, then Napoleon sent troops to Raska to deal with the quilted jackets once and for all. So it happened in 1812 and World War 1813-1815. And it all started because of the Oldenburgs.

It is also worth remembering that the Oldenburgs at one time ruled in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, they owned Finland, Greenland and ... New Foundland with colonies in North America. And their main estate is the city of Oldenburg (" Old city") - comes from Stargorod, the capital of the Wagr tribe, the mythical center of the Rurikovichs and the Romanov-Mares.

1912 - Balkan war for the capture of the Straits by Russia.
1912 - the death of the Titanic, on whose board sailed 600 American businessmen-opponents of the FRS.
1913 - creation of the FRS.
1914 - The beginning of the First World War, the arsonist of which was the Romanovs.

And if you remember that, along with other names, the Romanovs are Fed shareholders and what is the fate of Kennedy ...

As you can see, the United States is facing a very dangerous adversary. In the face of the roof of Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev, who was not afraid to personally give the order to violate Minsk-1. And the writers of Red Alert and StarCraft know all this and put it into their messages.

What are Red Alert and StasCraft talking about? About the attack of the feudal German-Soviet Reich on America.

Russian poet Evgeny Gusev explains it striking resemblance current prime minister D.A. Medvedeva and king Nicholas II phenomenon reincarnation!

Evgeny Gusev cites their external similarity as the first evidence:"People have long noticed the outward resemblance of Tsar Nicholas II and Dmitry Medvedev."

Argument two: when reincarnation takes place, a person in his new life shows very similar qualities, which he discovered the last time.

Regarding the similarity of the qualities and deeds of Tsar Nicholas II and Dmitry Medvedev, it is already possible to compile a whole table:

1. leaders of the country with the same name - Russia.

2. Both were accompanied by the police.

3. With both, the filling of prisons grows.

4. both break the commandments of Christ.

5. With both, valuables flow abroad.

6. The army under Nicholas II was divided into red and white, typhus raged - health was at an extremely low level; under Medvedev, the army was divided into those who remained and those who were dismissed, and 60% of conscripts were unfit for service for health reasons (the annual US almanac on the state of the world "The World Factbook - 2011").

7. under Nicholas II, the army and the royal secret police were well paid; under Medvedev, the army and the police begin to receive salaries several orders of magnitude higher than all other professions.

8. under Nicholas II, Russia lost Port Arthur, half of the territory of Sakhalin and the Kuriles; and at the end of Medvedev's presidency, our country gave Norway a shelf in the Barents Sea.

9. With both, there is an increase in the growth of vices: theft, drug addiction, drunkenness, prostitution ...

10. both issued yellow coins of 10 ruble denominations and with a double-headed eagle.

The last royal gold chervonets Nicholas 2 (a coin with a face value of 10 rubles) was minted and put into circulation in 1911.

Last not gold "chervonets"YES. Medvedev was released in 2011. It is noteworthy that the issue of modern Russian coins was made withdouble-headed eaglePROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT, which ruled Russia from March 2 (15) to October 25 (November 7), 1917.

11. The people did not like the Tsar, and the people have the same feeling towards Medvedev.

Evgeny Gusev: "What can such a clear similarity say? Will there be any options? Are they possible? And such a case is not one, not two ..., there are many of them ...."