Pirates at the end of the world walkthrough. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End Walkthrough. Conclusions and assessments

So here he is Jack Sparrow, himself. Alive, healthy and unharmed. Well, let's just say he's still alive. He lies to himself, spitting at the ceiling. Wait a minute... What's that gloomy room? Some kind of bars ... Oh yes, Jack, he ended up in jail! I recognize, I recognize such a rogue! Again, I suppose he did not share anything with the head of the port, or even worse - he took his wife away from him! I'm sorry, what? How to execute? When?! In one hour?!

Alas. The game meets us with such "joyful" news. No, what doubts will not let Jack fall, fail me in this place! And indeed, salvation came in the person of Captain Teague, who reminded Jack that, they say, there was nothing left before the execution - an hour! Well, slipped Jack a sword, of course. Follow, says for me, but hurry up! The sword, of course, is not so hot, but on the way we will find something better, it does not matter! First, we’ll just get out of this prison island, and then we’ll fly like a free wind!

But first I would like to understand the management. Fans of games on console consoles are unlikely to notice anything too unusual, but those who spend more time on a personal computer will feel uncomfortable at first. The problem is hidden not so much in the control as in the kinematics of the camera. Its position is not static, as is usually done in games with a third-person view, but dynamic. Moreover, the dynamics, as it seemed, either simply defies logic, or is tied to surrounding objects, rather than to the character. Therefore, at first, until the eye, hands and vestibular apparatus get used to the tricks of the prefixed vision of the world, some discomfort may be observed. Well, okay. Are we pirates, after all, or not? Should we get used to tame our vestibular apparatus!

Key map

Since the game came to desktop computers through porting from the console, you should not expect more function keys than on the gamepad. There are nine of them, not counting the movement keys.

It is very important to remember which graphic represents which key. In the future, this will save a certain amount of nerve cells. The default key layout turned out to be quite convenient, so here are the correspondences of the icons to the keys exactly in the version in which the creators presented it.

Combinations of punches

Combinations of strikes are a specific combination of keys "weak strike", "strong strike", "grab / combo" and "parry". In principle, after the first combo strike, an almost chaotic keystroke has every chance to continue the series of strikes. Main hits:

X+X+C- breaks through almost any defense, very powerful.
Z+X+C- scatters enemies around, but does not deal much damage
X+Z+C- knocks the enemy down, can throw the enemy down.
Z+Z+C- a powerful blow in a straight line, not very strong, but fast.

prison island

So, the bars are open, a faithful saber is in my hand, and a sea turtle will swallow me, if it is not the wind of freedom that walks around the corners of this damn stone box! Forward! The boxes blocking the path at the beginning, in the future, will simply stand on the sides. It is in them that the main treasures of this game are hidden: money, additional weapons, amulets and, of course, food, an integral part of the success of a pirate life. However, most of these items will periodically drop from defeated enemies. Without food that restores health, there is nowhere. Constant fights of health do not add anything! Therefore, you can’t forget about the boxes in any case, cut mercilessly!

On a note: in "Pirates" caribbean”, Unlike the same “Prince of Persia”, the developers ruled out the possibility of falling somewhere. Therefore, approaching the edge of a cliff, you can not be afraid to break loose, they simply will not allow you to do this, the hero will stumble upon an invisible wall. For which special thanks to the developer. With such management, it can be considered a boon.

prison entertainment

In the first episode, in addition to the main task - to get out of the stone trap to freedom - you also have to complete several mini-tasks, most of which we will meet in missions in the future:

Collect 4 amulets.
Defeat 10 enemies.
Free 4 prisoners.
Defeat 4 enemies with a fake move.
Collect 850 gold coins.
Carry out a series of fifteen blows.
Earn 1500 local fame points.

The list of tasks, as well as the progress of their implementation, can be viewed at any time in the statistics menu by pressing the Tab key.

amulets- silver medallions, which can be found only in boxes (or vessels, if this is a mission for savages). Their number is strictly limited by the mini-task, so it is very important not to miss no one box, even if the battle is in full swing around.

Release of the captives- to release people who are imprisoned (often strongly resembling either twins or clones).

Defeat enemies with a feint- to put it simply, to drop the enemy into the abyss. To do this, you need to stand with your back to the cliff, holding the block, wait for the moment when the enemy attacks you, and take a step to the side. They fly beautifully, I must say! Unfortunately, it does not work with strong opponents, only with extras.

Collect a certain number of coins - gold coins are either in boxes or knocked out of enemies.

It is important: sometimes, especially at the initial levels, in order to gain the required amount of gold or experience, it is not enough just to collect it in boxes and get it from enemies. In such cases, completing additional mini-tasks helps, as some of them give money, and some - experience.

Carry out a series of a certain number of hits- perhaps this is the most difficult task in the game, and it is present in all missions except one. The series of blows must be continuous; if you cannot hit anyone within one and a half to two seconds, or someone hits you, the series is reset to zero. This usually requires the presence of three or four opponents at the same time. With each mission, the number of given strikes increases. If in the first task it was fifteen, then in the last it reaches twenty-six.

Earn a certain amount of Local Fame Points- points for local glory are given depending on how the current episode is completed as a whole. The more enemies are defeated, the more combination blows are made - the better for glory.

Main game items

All game items that you can carry with you have three levels. With each new level acquired, additional weapons increase their damage, and food increases the number of restored health units. The second level of items is obtained after completing the episode "Battle with the Dutchman", the third and last - after completing the episode "Singapore".

Bomb. It deals powerful damage, it is convenient to use it against several opponents at the same time, but you need to take into account the fact that throwing a bomb takes quite a lot of time, and you don’t really leave it in the heat of a fight. Virtually useless in close combat.

Pistol. One shot. As a rule, one shot is equal to one corpse of the weakest opponent present in this episode. It takes a very long time, but when life is short, and opponents are farther than the impact distance, it makes sense.

Knife. Throwing weapon. It gets out very quickly, but does almost no damage.

Chicken. At the first level, it restores 30 health points, at the second level - 40, at the third - 50 points.

After going down the stairs, you need to talk to one of the prisoners. With whom exactly we can talk, the exclamation mark above his head will tell. You can start a conversation by coming close to it: when the sign corresponding to the "action" key lights up at the bottom of the screen, we start talking by pressing this very button.

Well, it's time for the first fight! Opponents come across different, but those that attack two or more, as a rule, are the weakest. They prefer to take by number, not skill. Land rats!

Now you need to go back to the prisoner and release him. They are honest guys, they will share their experience, and they can suggest something interesting ... If they know, of course!

Now is the time to climb up the rope, for which you need to approach the flickering target on the floor, and as soon as the action icon appears - go ahead! That is, in this case, of course, up.

After releasing the next prisoner, we jump over to the bridge. This is where the first meeting with a strong opponent awaits us. This can be understood by the amount of his life that appeared in the upper right corner of the screen. Be careful! This guard knows how to defend and how to attack! Do not forget about the lock key, here it is very handy.

It is important: in a fight with a serious opponent (they are always one on one), you can not use any items other than food. Also, no tricks will work.

After talking with another prisoner, you can find out that the head of the prison hides the gold that the jailers took from them in the upper room. But there is no such thing as too much gold! We go down, run forward along the cliff and climb the stairs to the very top, to the guard. We get rid of it, open the door, approaching the target on the floor, drop the cannon on the gun carriage, strike a spark with a saber, and here we are in the room leading to the stairs. Having climbed the stairs, we break all the boxes, collect money and, having approached the gap in the wall, we move down, using the saber down the stretched rope. Do not forget to pick up the amulet from the box behind you, open the gate.

It is important: if you forgot to break any box or complete any mini-task, and you have no way to go back - do not despair. Once you've completed a mission and saved, you'll be able to replay it without losing any trophies you've already earned or re-completing mini-missions you've already completed.

It is necessary to go forward a little to the bridge, as the gates slam behind us, cutting off the path to retreat. Trap in its purest form. And again they promise to make a kebab, barbecue and other goodies out of us, but already as many as four soldiers, led by the chief! Well, four of them won't attack. The elder will first release three, weaker ones, forward, and if they fail, he will take up the matter himself. By the way, on three opponents you can practice to perform combined attacks.

Having defeated the enemies, we collect the items that have fallen out of them and continue on our way. Having broken all the boxes over the cliff, we slide down the rope, but we don’t immediately go into the hall, but first we climb up the stairs to the next room, where the head of the prison keeps the gold taken from the unfortunate prisoners. We take it from the boxes, and go down to the hall. In the hall begins "jacket".

Jack, as always, in his unique cynical repertoire - even here he can effortlessly deal with a lot of enemies, so much so that they themselves do not understand what happened to them! Basically, no weapons, dexterity of hands, feet - yes, pirate ingenuity! Well, we just need to help him by successively pressing the keys that light up in the lower left corner of the screen. It is important to remember which key means what. An example of matching the pattern for each key for the standard layout is shown below.

It is important: Jackotnya does not give the right to make a mistake. It is enough to hesitate only for a fraction of a second - and the jackpot failed. And failure can often prevent us from getting important prizes - such as magic cards for playing poker and dice.

We turn on in turn (no matter in what order) the three drives of the suspension bridge, running along it to the other side of the abyss, where we release the last, fourth prisoner. Having received a hint from him, we go down, where we take the last amulet from the box. Next, we have to fight with the head of the prison himself, who speaks with a strong Uzbek accent. Be careful, he has 200 health, and on this moment- This is the strongest of the opponents we have met. During the fight, try to lure him into the space in front of the cannon and fire it at that moment. For one shot, our fan of hiding other people's money in attics loses 100 units of life. You can, of course, defeat him in direct combat - but they will give you less experience, and you will have to spend more strength. Everyone, further in a straight line, to the exit! Those idiots that get under our feet should not cause any problems. No one will stop the sea wolf that has sensed the salty wind!

On a note: the passage of all missions is not the final point of the game. All items and characters that you receive as a reward for completing mini-missions will be placed in the hall of fame, and after completing the main part of the game, they can be fully enjoyed.

Captain Teague will meet us on the pier, who will give parting words to meet in Port Royal with a fortune teller named Tia Dalma, who should help restore the pirate brotherhood.

After that, he will insidiously push us into the water in a coffin, and we will go to our ship, to the "Pearl". Bill Turner, who, in theory, should be on the Dutchman, who has made his way to the ship, will warn us that Davy Jones, the captain of a creepy ghost ship, is already on his way and is looking for retribution. But Jack is not going to give up! Raise the sails!

That, in fact, is the whole first mission. In it, we learned the basics of sword fighting, learned how to use objects, climb over cliffs, and collect gold. In further episodes, everything is the same, you just need to move forward, it will practically not be possible to deviate from the plot. Next, I'll go over each mission, omitting the details of the direction of travel, but focusing where necessary on the new types of tasks and the intricacies of the plot.

So, here he is, Jack Sparrow, in person. Alive, healthy and unharmed. Well, let's just say he's still alive. He lies to himself, spitting at the ceiling. Wait a minute... What's that gloomy room? Some kind of bars ... Oh yes, Jack, he ended up in jail! I recognize, I recognize such a rogue! Again, I suppose he did not share anything with the head of the port, or even worse - he took his wife away from him! I'm sorry, what? How to execute? When?! In one hour?!

Alas. The game meets us with such "joyful" news. No, what doubts will not let Jack fall, fail me in this place! And indeed, salvation came in the person of Captain Teague, who reminded Jack that, they say, there was nothing left before the execution - an hour! Well, slipped Jack a sword, of course. Follow, says for me, but hurry up! The sword, of course, is not so hot, but on the way we will find something better, it does not matter! First, we’ll just get out of this prison island, and then we’ll fly like a free wind!

But first I would like to understand the management. Fans of games on console consoles are unlikely to notice anything too unusual, but those who spend more time on a personal computer will feel uncomfortable at first. The problem is hidden not so much in the control as in the kinematics of the camera. Its position is not static, as is usually done in games with a third-person view, but dynamic. Moreover, the dynamics, as it seemed, either simply defies logic, or is tied to surrounding objects, rather than to the character. Therefore, at first, until the eye, hands and vestibular apparatus get used to the tricks of the prefixed vision of the world, some discomfort may be observed. Well, okay. Are we pirates, after all, or not? Should we get used to tame our vestibular apparatus!

Key map

Since the game came to desktop computers through porting from the console, you should not expect more function keys than on the gamepad. There are nine of them, not counting the movement keys.

It is very important to remember which graphic represents which key. In the future, this will save a certain amount of nerve cells. The default key layout turned out to be quite convenient, so here are the correspondences of the icons to the keys exactly in the version in which the creators presented it.

Combinations of punches

Combinations of strikes are a specific combination of keys "weak strike", "strong strike", "grab / combo" and "parry". In principle, after the first combo strike, an almost chaotic keystroke has every chance to continue the series of strikes. Main hits:

X+X+C breaks through almost any defense, very powerful.

Z+X+C scatters enemies around, but does not deal much damage

X+Z+C knocks the enemy down, can throw the enemy down.

Z+Z+C a powerful blow in a straight line, not very strong, but fast.

prison island

So, the bars are open, a faithful saber is in my hand, and a sea turtle will swallow me, if it is not the wind of freedom that walks around the corners of this damn stone box! Forward! The boxes blocking the path at the beginning, in the future, will simply stand on the sides. It is in them that the main treasures of this game are hidden: money, additional weapons, amulets and, of course, food, an integral part of the success of a pirate life. However, most of these items will periodically drop from defeated enemies. Without food that restores health, there is nowhere. Constant fights of health do not add anything! Therefore, you can’t forget about the boxes in any case, cut mercilessly!

On a note: in "Pirates of the Caribbean", unlike the same "Prince of Persia", the developers ruled out the possibility of falling somewhere. Therefore, approaching the edge of a cliff, you can not be afraid to break loose, they simply will not allow you to do this, the hero will stumble upon an invisible wall. For which special thanks to the developer. With such management, it can be considered a boon.

prison entertainment

In the first episode, in addition to the main task - to get out of the stone trap to freedom - you also have to complete several mini-tasks, most of which we will meet in missions in the future:

Collect 4 amulets.

Defeat 10 enemies.

Free 4 prisoners.

Defeat 4 enemies with a fake move.

Collect 850 gold coins.

Carry out a series of fifteen blows.

Earn 1500 local fame points.

The list of tasks, as well as the progress of their implementation, can be viewed at any time in the statistics menu by pressing the Tab key.

amulets- silver medallions, which can be found only in boxes (or vessels, if this is a mission for savages). Their number is strictly limited by the mini-task, so it is very important not to miss no one box, even if the battle is in full swing around.

Release of the captives- to release people who are imprisoned (often strongly resembling either twins or clones).

Defeat enemies with a feint- to put it simply, to drop the enemy into the abyss. To do this, you need to stand with your back to the cliff, holding the block, wait for the moment when the enemy attacks you, and take a step to the side. They fly beautifully, I must say! Unfortunately, it does not work with strong opponents, only with extras.

Collect a certain number of coins - gold coins are either in boxes or knocked out of enemies.

It is important: sometimes, especially at the initial levels, in order to gain the required amount of gold or experience, it is not enough just to collect it in boxes and get it from enemies. In such cases, completing additional mini-tasks helps, as some of them give money, and some - experience.

Carry out a series of a certain number of hits- perhaps this is the most difficult task in the game, and it is present in all missions except one. The series of blows must be continuous; if you cannot hit anyone within one and a half to two seconds, or someone hits you, the series is reset to zero. This usually requires the presence of three or four opponents at the same time. With each mission, the number of given strikes increases. If in the first task it was fifteen, then in the last it reaches twenty-six.

Earn a certain amount of Local Fame Points- points for local glory are given depending on how the current episode is completed as a whole. The more enemies are defeated, the more combination blows are made - the better for glory.

Basic game items

All game items that you can carry with you have three levels. With each new level acquired, additional weapons increase their damage, and food increases the number of restored health units. The second level of items is obtained after completing the episode "Battle with the Dutchman", the third and last - after completing the episode "Singapore".

Bomb. It deals powerful damage, it is convenient to use it against several opponents at the same time, but you need to take into account the fact that throwing a bomb takes quite a lot of time, and you don’t really leave it in the heat of a fight. Virtually useless in close combat.

Pistol. One shot. As a rule, one shot is equal to one corpse of the weakest opponent present in this episode. It takes a very long time, but when life is short, and opponents are farther than the impact distance, it makes sense.

Knife. Throwing weapon. It gets out very quickly, but does almost no damage.

Chicken. At the first level, it restores 30 health points, at the second level - 40, at the third - 50 points.

After going down the stairs, you need to talk to one of the prisoners. With whom exactly we can talk, the exclamation mark above his head will tell. You can start a conversation by coming close to it: when the sign corresponding to the "action" key lights up at the bottom of the screen, we start talking by pressing this very button.

Well, it's time for the first fight! Opponents come across different, but those that attack two or more, as a rule, are the weakest. They prefer to take by number, not skill. Land rats!

Now you need to go back to the prisoner and release him. They are honest guys, they will share their experience, and they can suggest something interesting ... If they know, of course!

Now is the time to climb up the rope, for which you need to approach the flickering target on the floor, and as soon as the action icon appears - go ahead! That is, in this case, of course, up.

After releasing the next prisoner, we jump over to the bridge. This is where the first meeting with a strong opponent awaits us. This can be understood by the amount of his life that appeared in the upper right corner of the screen. Be careful! This guard knows how to defend and how to attack! Do not forget about the lock key, here it is very handy.

And why do they speak with a clear Uzbek accent?

It is important: in a fight with a serious opponent (they are always one on one), you can not use any items other than food. Also, no tricks will work.

After talking with another prisoner, you can find out that the head of the prison hides the gold that the jailers took from them in the upper room. But there is no such thing as too much gold! We go down, run forward along the cliff and climb the stairs to the very top, to the guard. We get rid of it, open the door, approaching the target on the floor, drop the cannon on the gun carriage, strike a spark with a saber, and here we are in the room leading to the stairs. Having climbed the stairs, we break all the boxes, collect money and, having approached the gap in the wall, we move down, using the saber down the stretched rope. Do not forget to pick up the amulet from the box behind you, open the gate.

It is important: if you forgot to break any box or complete any mini-task, and you have no way to go back - do not despair. Once you've completed a mission and saved, you'll be able to replay it without losing any trophies you've already earned or re-completing mini-missions you've already completed.

It is necessary to go forward a little to the bridge, as the gates slam behind us, cutting off the path to retreat. Trap in its purest form. And again they promise to make a kebab, barbecue and other goodies out of us, but already as many as four soldiers, led by the chief! Well, four of them won't attack. The elder will first release three, weaker ones, forward, and if they fail, he will take up the matter himself. By the way, on three opponents you can practice to perform combined attacks.

Having defeated the enemies, we collect the items that have fallen out of them and continue on our way. Having broken all the boxes over the cliff, we slide down the rope, but we don’t immediately go into the hall, but first we climb up the stairs to the next room, where the head of the prison keeps the gold taken from the unfortunate prisoners. We take it from the boxes, and go down to the hall. In the hall begins "jacket".

Jack, as always, in his unique cynical repertoire - even here he can effortlessly deal with a lot of enemies, so much so that they themselves do not understand what happened to them! Basically, no weapons, dexterity of hands, feet - yes, pirate ingenuity! Well, we just need to help him by successively pressing the keys that light up in the lower left corner of the screen. It is important to remember which key means what. An example of matching the pattern for each key for the standard layout is shown below.

It is important: Jackotnya does not give the right to make a mistake. It is enough to hesitate only for a fraction of a second - and the jackpot failed. And failure can often prevent us from getting important prizes - such as magic cards for playing poker and dice.

We turn on in turn (no matter in what order) the three drives of the suspension bridge, running along it to the other side of the abyss, where we release the last, fourth prisoner. Having received a hint from him, we go down, where we take the last amulet from the box. Next, we have to fight with the head of the prison himself, who speaks with a strong Uzbek accent. Be careful, he has 200 health, and at the moment he is the strongest of the opponents we have met. During the fight, try to lure him into the space in front of the cannon and fire it at that moment. For one shot, our fan of hiding other people's money in attics loses 100 units of life. You can, of course, defeat him in direct combat - but they will give you less experience, and you will have to spend more strength. Everyone, further in a straight line, to the exit! Those idiots that get under our feet should not cause any problems. No one will stop the sea wolf that has sensed the salty wind!

On a note: the passage of all missions is not the final point of the game. All items and characters that you receive as a reward for completing mini-missions will be placed in the hall of fame, and after completing the main part of the game, they can be fully enjoyed.

Captain Teague will meet us on the pier, who will give parting words to meet in Port Royal with a fortune teller named Tia Dalma, who should help restore the pirate brotherhood.

After that, he will insidiously push us into the water in a coffin, and we will go to our ship, to the "Pearl". Bill Turner, who, in theory, should be on the Dutchman, who has made his way to the ship, will warn us that Davy Jones, the captain of a creepy ghost ship, is already on his way and is looking for retribution. But Jack is not going to give up! Raise the sails!

That, in fact, is the whole first mission. In it, we learned the basics of sword fighting, learned how to use objects, climb over cliffs, and collect gold. In further episodes, everything is the same, you just need to move forward, it will practically not be possible to deviate from the plot. Next, I'll go over each mission, omitting the details of the direction of travel, but focusing where necessary on the new types of tasks and the intricacies of the plot.

cannibal island


Collect 4 amulets.

Collect 1000 gold coins.

Free 9 captured sailors.

Perform a 15 hit combo.

Here, unlike the first mission, the items are hidden in vessels, not in boxes. And we go through the episode itself not by Jack, but by Will Turner, a friend of Sparrow.

After freeing seven sailors, do not save the first one you meet. First, go between the dwellings of the cannibals and, going down, help out the sailor, who is just below the slope. Rescuing a prisoner hanging near houses will automatically start the next story mission and you won't be able to help the last sailor.

Port Royal


Collect 4 amulets.

Tear off 3 flyers that promise a bounty on Jack, Will and Elizabeth's heads.

Collect 500 gold coins.

Deal with four soldiers without making a fuss.

Win at craps.

Perform a combination of 17 hits.

Help steal rum from the tavern.

Help the lady find the unfaithful husband.

Infiltrate the city? Easily! Like a shadow!

Troubled times have come for the pirate brotherhood. Chapter West India Company Lord Cutler Beckett intends to eradicate piracy in the bud. Only a meeting of eight pirate leaders can prevent this, but how can they be brought together if someone is in prison, and someone has a familiar warm place and does not want to lift a finger for the common good? And where do you even look for them? The same fortune-teller, Tia Dalma, whom Captain Teague ordered us to find, will help to understand this issue.

Finding her is easy, and after a long conversation, she will ask you to release one of the leaders, who is about to be executed on the square here in Port Royal. A start!

On a note: this is the main task of the episode, so until you finish with the rest of the mini-missions, do not start it. Once you complete it, the rest of the tasks will not be available for completion.

Talking to the innkeeper's teeth while accomplices are rolling out barrels of rum behind him is an easy task for Jack. Well, if someone has a tongue with bones, then it’s definitely not him.

You can find leaflets while exploring the streets of Port Royal, which, by the way, are not so many. But what does the old man mean by offering to play dice with him ?! Really really? .. Yes, yes, these are real dice, a favorite game of pirates of all seas!

Well, everyone has been rescued and found, and the rivals in the game of dice scratch their heads in bewilderment. It remains to run to the "Pearl", that's all, since our swords are sharp, and our legs are fast! But it was not there. At the pier, Jack is caught by Governor Swan and asked to find his daughter Elizabeth, who was declared a pirate by the treacherous Lord Beckett because of her acquaintance with Jack. She says that she is somewhere in Tortuga. Sure, we'll find it! Yes, and there are countless pirates, you see, we will find some more of the leaders. Let's just deal with these crowds of soldiers - and go to the ship. We must hurry, there is very little time! And do not forget to pick up the last amulet, it is just upstairs, from where you will need to jump onto the ship. Forward to Tortuga!

Battle on the "Dutch"


Collect 4 amulets.

Defeat 10 enemies.

Collect 600 gold coins.

Make your way across the deck of the Dutchman without anyone noticing.

Perform a combination of 20 hits.

Free 4 sailors.

On a note: no matter how your obedient servant tried to sneak across the deck unnoticed, nothing came of it. If someone does it, I will be very glad to know how it turns out. Luckily, completing this quest does not produce any vital outcomes that affect the progress of the game.

- Jack, look, what is this, "Dutchman"?

- What are you, Will, can this one-mast sunken vessel be a "Dutchman"? "Dutch", he's all so big, slimy, formidable ... Yes, in fact, here he is!

Davy Jones nevertheless intercepted Jack on the way to Tortuga. But we have something to do on the Flying Dutchman! After all, the fortune teller said that the key to the chest with the heart of Davy Jones is hidden somewhere here! While repelling the attack of the sailors from the Dutchman, you need to stay close to Will, who is waiting for the right moment to slip inside the sinister ship as soon as everyone is distracted by Jack. At some point, he is noticed, and if you don’t arrive in time, Will may die.

After we helped him, Will goes into the bowels of the ship in search of the heart of Davy Jones. Of course, we will release the sailors we met on the lower deck, sitting locked up, and they, you see, will share their experience with us. It's time to get upstairs, we have the key, and let curses be heard from the Dutchman, let Davy promise to get Jack even from under the ground ... We have to go to Tortuga!



Collect 5 amulets.

Get 10 slaps from abandoned mistresses.

Collect 1500 gold coins.

Win poker.

Perform a 21 hit combo.

Protect the cargo of rum.

Let me remind you that we sailed to Tortuga in order to find Elizabeth, who had fled from Port Royal, and the next leader of the pirates, in order to convince him of the need to appear at the council of leaders. On the way to the main tasks, we will have to humbly endure assault from the female half of the population more than once. That's because the memory of these ladies!

In front of the tavern, his owner will offer us, instead of messing with the thugs from Port Royal, who are trying to sell him the very barrels that Jack helped to steal shortly before, just get rid of these strange personalities, and the profit from the sale of rum share. The main thing is not to break the barrels in the heat of a fight.

Inside a nondescript tavern, a peasant invites everyone to play pirate poker. Why not? After all, you can not only earn extra money, but also complete a mini-mission. And the rules aren't hard at all.

The next leader on the list lives in a mansion in the far part of Tortuga. To gain access to the body, you first have to break through the ranks of bodyguards, and when their number is reduced to zero, catch up with the leader of the pirates in a hurry somewhere. Really scared? Ah, that's it! It turns out that there is not one, but two leaders. We were chasing Eduardo Villanuevo, and we also met Mrs. Chin! Well, two leaders instead of one is even better, less running around! The only pity is that Mrs. Chin is not in the mood for communication, and, apparently, the thought of advice does not inspire her with optimism. It is clear that, as a true gentleman, Eduardo cannot refuse the lady and gladly volunteers to wind Jack's insides around his sword in order to save her from the "annoying boy." Well, let. Let him blame himself. And we will pina ... that is, to convince him that he is wrong and that it would be nice for him to come to the council himself.

It is important: Eduardo Villanuevo is a very serious opponent. 500 hit points and excellent parrying skills make him almost invincible in a simple sword fight. Therefore, it is very important to use objects that fall under the arms and legs. When you get close enough to such an item to use an action, you will see an action key icon on the screen. This will allow you to gradually achieve victory.

Oh, these women, how changeable they are when men lie at their feet! Even if the point of the sword is attached to the throat of this very lying man. Peace, friendship, piastres! Two more pirate leaders are preparing to arrive at the council!

And we can find Elizabeth in a tavern nearby. The girl has fun with men. On sabers. Many men for one Elizabeth. Somehow unfair, it would be necessary to help! After the battle, we will take with us to the ship the wounded Norrington, who so kindly provided us with his help in saving Elizabeth.

So, here he is, Jack Sparrow, in person. Alive, healthy and unharmed. Well, let's just say he's still alive. He lies to himself, spitting at the ceiling. Wait a minute... What's that gloomy room? Some kind of bars ... Oh yes, Jack, he ended up in jail! I recognize, I recognize such a rogue! Again, I suppose he didn’t share anything with the head of the port, or even worse, he took his wife away from him! I'm sorry, what? How to execute? When?! In one hour?!

Alas. The game meets us with such #joyful# news. No, what doubts will not let Jack fall, fail me in this place! And indeed, salvation came in the person of Captain Teague, who reminded Jack that, they say, there was nothing left before the execution # hour! Well, slipped Jack a sword, of course. Follow, says for me, but hurry up! The sword, of course, is not so hot, but on the way we will find something better, it does not matter! First, we’ll just get out of this prison island, and then we’ll fly like a free wind!

But first I would like to understand the management. Fans of games on console consoles are unlikely to notice anything too unusual, but those who spend more time on a personal computer will feel uncomfortable at first. The problem is hidden not so much in the control as in the kinematics of the camera. Its position is not static, as is usually done in games with a third-person view, but dynamic. Moreover, the dynamics, as it seemed, either simply defies logic, or is tied to surrounding objects, rather than to the character. Therefore, at first, until the eye, hands and vestibular apparatus get used to the tricks of the prefixed vision of the world, some discomfort may be observed. Well, okay. Are we pirates, after all, or not? Should we get used to tame our vestibular apparatus!

Key map

Since the game came to desktop computers through porting from the console, you should not expect more function keys than on the gamepad. There are nine of them, not counting the movement keys.

It is very important to remember which graphic represents which key. In the future, this will save a certain amount of nerve cells. The default key layout turned out to be quite convenient, so here are the correspondences of the icons to the keys exactly in the version in which the creators presented it.

Combinations of punches

Combinations of hits # is a specific combination of keys #weak hit#, #strong hit#, #grab/combo# and #parry#. In principle, after the first combo strike, an almost chaotic keystroke has every chance to continue the series of strikes. Main hits:

X + X + C - breaks through almost any defense, very powerful.
Z + X + C - scatters enemies around, but does not deal much damage
X + Z + C - knocks the enemy down, can throw the enemy down.
Z + Z + C - a powerful blow in a straight line, not very strong, but fast.

prison island

So, the bars are open, a faithful saber is in my hand, and a sea turtle will swallow me, if it is not the wind of freedom that walks around the corners of this damn stone box! Forward! The boxes blocking the path at the beginning, in the future, will simply stand on the sides. It is in them that the main treasures of this game are hidden: money, additional weapons, amulets and, of course, food, an integral part of the success of a pirate life. However, most of these items will periodically drop from defeated enemies. Without food that restores health, there is nowhere. Constant fights of health do not add anything! Therefore, you can’t forget about the boxes in any case, cut mercilessly!

Note: in #Pirates of the Caribbean#, unlike the same #Prince of Persia#, the developers have ruled out the possibility of falling somewhere. Therefore, approaching the edge of a cliff, you can not be afraid to break loose, they simply will not allow you to do this, the hero will stumble upon an invisible wall. For which special thanks to the developer. With such management, it can be considered a boon.

prison entertainment

In the first episode, in addition to the main task # to get out of the stone trap to freedom # you also have to complete several mini-tasks, most of which we will meet in missions in the future:

Collect 4 amulets.
Defeat 10 enemies.
Free 4 prisoners.
Defeat 4 enemies with a fake move.
Collect 850 gold coins.
Carry out a series of fifteen blows.
Earn 1500 local fame points.

The list of tasks, as well as the progress of their implementation, can be viewed at any time in the statistics menu by pressing the Tab key.

Amulets # Silver medallions that can only be found in chests (or jars if this is a savage mission). Their number is strictly limited by the mini-task, so it is very important not to miss a single box, even if the battle is in full swing around.

Freeing the Captives # to release the imprisoned people (often strongly resembling either twins or clones).

Defeat enemies with a feint # in simple terms, drop the enemy into the abyss. To do this, you need to stand with your back to the cliff, holding the block, wait for the moment when the enemy attacks you, and take a step to the side. They fly beautifully, I must say! Unfortunately, it does not work with strong opponents, only with extras.

Collect a certain amount of coins # gold coins are either found in boxes or are knocked out of enemies.

This is important: sometimes, especially at the initial levels, in order to gain the required amount of gold or experience, it is not enough just to collect it in boxes and get it from enemies. In such cases, completing additional mini-tasks helps, as some of them give money, and for some # experience.

Perform a series of a certain number of hits # perhaps the most difficult task in the game, and it is present in all missions except one. The series of blows must be continuous; if you can't hit anyone within one and a half to two seconds or someone hits you # the series is reset. This usually requires the presence of three or four opponents at the same time. With each mission, the number of given strikes increases. If in the first task it was fifteen, then in the last it reaches twenty-six.

Earn a certain amount of Local Fame Points # Points for local glory are given depending on how the current episode is completed as a whole. The more enemies are defeated, the more combination blows are made # the better for glory.

Basic game items

All game items that you can carry with you have three levels. With each new level acquired, additional weapons increase their damage, and food has # the number of restored health units. The second level of items is obtained after completing the episode #Battle with the Dutchman#, the third and last # after completing the episode #Singapore#.

Bomb. It deals powerful damage, it is convenient to use it against several opponents at the same time, but you need to take into account the fact that throwing a bomb takes quite a lot of time, and you don’t really leave it in the heat of a fight. Virtually useless in close combat.

Pistol. One shot. As a rule, one shot is equal to one corpse of the weakest opponent present in this episode. It takes a very long time, but when life is short, and opponents are beyond the impact distance # is not meaningless.

Knife. Throwing weapon. It gets out very quickly, but does almost no damage.

Chicken. On the first level, restores 30 health units, on the second level # 40, on the third # 50 units.

After going down the stairs, you need to talk to one of the prisoners. With whom exactly we can talk, the exclamation mark above his head will tell. You can start a conversation by coming close to him: when the sign corresponding to the #action# key lights up at the bottom of the screen, we start talking by pressing this very button.

Well, it's time for the first fight! Opponents come across different, but those that attack two or more, as a rule, are the weakest. They prefer to take by number, not skill. Land rats!

Now you need to go back to the prisoner and release him. They are honest guys, they will share their experience, and they can suggest something interesting ... If they know, of course!

Now is the time to climb up the rope, for which you need to approach the flickering target on the floor, and as soon as the action icon # appears, go ahead! That is, in this case, of course, up.

After releasing the next prisoner, we jump over to the bridge. This is where the first meeting with a strong opponent awaits us. This can be understood by the amount of his life that appeared in the upper right corner of the screen. Be careful! This guard knows how to defend and how to attack! Do not forget about the lock key, here it is very handy.

This is important: in a fight with a serious opponent (they are always one on one), you cannot use any items other than food. Also, no tricks will work.

After talking with another prisoner, you can find out that the head of the prison hides the gold that the jailers took from them in the upper room. But there is no such thing as too much gold! We go down, run forward along the cliff and climb the stairs to the very top, to the guard. We get rid of him, open the door, approaching the target on the floor, drop the cannon on the carriage, strike a spark with a saber, and here we are in the room leading to the stairs. Having climbed the stairs, we break all the boxes, collect money and, having approached the gap in the wall, we move down, using the saber down the stretched rope. Do not forget to pick up the amulet from the box behind you, open the gate.

This is important: if you forgot to break a box or complete a mini-task, and you have no way to go back # don't despair. Once you've completed a mission and saved, you'll be able to replay it without losing any trophies you've already earned or re-completing mini-missions you've already completed.

It is necessary to go forward a little to the bridge, as the gates slam behind us, cutting off the path to retreat. Trap in its purest form. And again they promise to make a kebab, barbecue and other goodies out of us, but already as many as four soldiers, led by the chief! Well, four of them won't attack. The elder will first release three, weaker ones, forward, and if they fail, he will take up the matter himself. By the way, on three opponents you can practice to perform combined attacks.

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So, here he is, Jack Sparrow, in person. Alive, healthy and unharmed. Well, let's just say he's still alive. He lies to himself, spitting at the ceiling. Wait a minute... What's that gloomy room? Some kind of bars ... Oh yes, Jack, he ended up in jail! I recognize, I recognize such a rogue! Again, I suppose he did not share anything with the head of the port, or even worse - he stole his wife from him! I'm sorry, what? How to execute? When?! In one hour?!

Alas. The game meets us with such "joyful" news. No, what doubts will not let Jack fall, fail me in this place! And indeed, salvation came in the person of Captain Teague, who reminded Jack that, they say, there was nothing left before the execution - an hour! Well, slipped Jack a sword, of course. Follow, says for me, but hurry up! The sword, of course, is not so hot, but on the way we will find something better, it does not matter! First, we’ll just get out of this prison island, and then we’ll fly like a free wind!

But first I would like to understand the management. Fans of games on console consoles are unlikely to notice anything too unusual, but those who spend more time on a personal computer will feel uncomfortable at first. The problem is hidden not so much in the control as in the kinematics of the camera. Its position is not static, as is usually done in games with a third-person view, but dynamic. Moreover, the dynamics, as it seemed, either simply defies logic, or is tied to surrounding objects, rather than to the character. Therefore, at first, until the eye, hands and vestibular apparatus get used to the tricks of the prefixed vision of the world, some discomfort may be observed. Well, okay. Are we pirates, after all, or not? Should we get used to tame our vestibular apparatus!

Key map

Since the game came to desktop computers through porting from the console, you should not expect more function keys than on the gamepad. There are nine of them, not counting the movement keys.

It is very important to remember which graphic represents which key. In the future, this will save a certain amount of nerve cells. The default key layout turned out to be quite convenient, so here are the correspondences of the icons to the keys exactly in the version in which the creators presented it.

Combinations of punches

Combinations of strikes are a specific combination of keys "weak strike", "strong strike", "grab / combo" and "parry". In principle, after the first combo strike, an almost chaotic keystroke has every chance to continue the series of strikes. Main hits:

X+X+C breaks through almost any defense, very powerful.

Z+X+C scatters enemies around, but does not deal much damage

X+Z+C knocks the enemy down, can throw the enemy down.

Z+Z+C a powerful blow in a straight line, not very strong, but fast.

prison island

So, the bars are open, a faithful saber is in my hand, and a sea turtle will swallow me, if it is not the wind of freedom that walks around the corners of this damn stone box! Forward! The boxes blocking the path at the beginning, in the future, will simply stand on the sides. It is in them that the main treasures of this game are hidden: money, additional weapons, amulets and, of course, food, an integral part of the success of a pirate life. However, most of these items will periodically drop from defeated enemies. Without food that restores health, there is nowhere. Constant fights of health do not add anything! Therefore, you can’t forget about the boxes in any case, cut mercilessly!

On a note: in "Pirates of the Caribbean", unlike the same "Prince of Persia", the developers ruled out the possibility of falling somewhere. Therefore, approaching the edge of a cliff, you can not be afraid to break loose, they simply will not allow you to do this, the hero will stumble upon an invisible wall. For which special thanks to the developer. With such management, it can be considered a boon.

prison entertainment

In the first episode, in addition to the main task - to get out of the stone trap into the wild - you also have to complete several mini-tasks, most of which we will meet in missions in the future:

Collect 4 amulets.

Defeat 10 enemies.

Free 4 prisoners.

Defeat 4 enemies with a fake move.

Collect 850 gold coins.

Carry out a series of fifteen blows.

Earn 1500 local fame points.

The list of tasks, as well as the progress of their implementation, can be viewed at any time in the statistics menu by pressing the Tab key.

amulets- silver medallions, which can be found only in boxes (or vessels, if this is a mission for savages). Their number is strictly limited by the mini-task, so it is very important not to miss no one box, even if the battle is in full swing around.

Release of the captives- to release the imprisoned people (often strongly resembling either twins or clones).

Defeat enemies with a feint- to put it simply, to drop the enemy into the abyss. To do this, you need to stand with your back to the cliff, holding the block, wait for the moment when the enemy attacks you, and take a step to the side. They fly beautifully, I must say! Unfortunately, it does not work with strong opponents, only with extras.

Collect a certain number of coins - gold coins are either in boxes or knocked out of enemies.

It is important: sometimes, especially at the initial levels, in order to gain the required amount of gold or experience, it is not enough just to collect it in boxes and get it from enemies. In such cases, completing additional mini-tasks helps, as some of them give money, and some - experience.

Carry out a series of a certain number of hits- this is perhaps the most difficult task in the game, and it is present in all missions except one. The series of blows must be continuous; if you cannot hit anyone within one and a half to two seconds, or someone hits you, the series is reset to zero. This usually requires the presence of three or four opponents at the same time. With each mission, the number of given strikes increases. If in the first task it was fifteen, then in the last it reaches twenty-six.

Earn a certain amount of Local Fame Points- points for local fame are given depending on how the current episode as a whole is completed. The more enemies are defeated, the more combination blows are made - the better for glory.

Basic game items

All game items that you can carry with you have three levels. With each new level acquired, additional weapons increase their damage, and food increases the number of restored health points. The second level of items is obtained after completing the episode "Battle with the Dutchman", the third and last - after completing the episode "Singapore".

Bomb. It deals powerful damage, it is convenient to use it against several opponents at the same time, but you need to take into account the fact that throwing a bomb takes quite a lot of time, and you don’t really leave it in the heat of a fight. Virtually useless in close combat.

Pistol. One shot. As a rule, one shot is equal to one corpse of the weakest opponent present in this episode. It takes a very long time, but when life is short, and opponents are further than the impact distance, it makes sense.

Knife. Throwing weapon. It gets out very quickly, but does almost no damage.

Chicken. Restores 30 health at level 1, 40 at level 2, and 50 at level 3.

After going down the stairs, you need to talk to one of the prisoners. With whom exactly we can talk, the exclamation mark above his head will tell. You can start a conversation by coming close to it: when the sign corresponding to the "action" key lights up at the bottom of the screen, we start talking by pressing this very button.

Well, it's time for the first fight! Opponents come across different, but those that attack two or more, as a rule, are the weakest. They prefer to take by number, not skill. Land rats!

Now you need to go back to the prisoner and release him. They are honest guys, they will share their experience, and they can suggest something interesting ... If they know, of course!

Now is the time to climb up the rope, for which you need to approach the flickering target on the floor, and as soon as the action icon appears, go ahead! That is, in this case, of course, up.

After releasing the next prisoner, we jump over to the bridge. This is where the first meeting with a strong opponent awaits us. This can be understood by the amount of his life that appeared in the upper right corner of the screen. Be careful! This guard knows how to defend and how to attack! Do not forget about the lock key, here it is very handy.

And why do they speak with a clear Uzbek accent?

It is important: in a fight with a serious opponent (they are always one on one), you can not use any items other than food. Also, no tricks will work.

After talking with another prisoner, you can find out that the head of the prison hides the gold that the jailers took from them in the upper room. But there is no such thing as too much gold! We go down, run forward along the cliff and climb the stairs to the very top, to the guard. We get rid of him, open the door, approaching the target on the floor - we drop the cannon on the carriage, cut a spark with a saber, and here we are in the room leading to the stairs. Having climbed the stairs, we break all the boxes, collect money and, having approached the gap in the wall, we move down, using the saber down the stretched rope. Do not forget to pick up the amulet from the box behind you, open the gate.

It is important: if you forgot to break a box or complete a mini-task, and you have no way to go back, don't despair. Once you've completed a mission and saved, you'll be able to replay it without losing any trophies you've already earned or re-completing mini-missions you've already completed.

It is necessary to go forward a little to the bridge, as the gates slam behind us, cutting off the path to retreat. Trap in its purest form. And again they promise to make a kebab, barbecue and other goodies out of us, but already as many as four soldiers, led by the chief! Well, four of them won't attack. The elder will first release three, weaker ones, forward, and if they fail, he will take up the matter himself. By the way, on three opponents you can practice to perform combined attacks.

Having defeated the enemies, we collect the items that have fallen out of them and continue on our way. Having broken all the boxes over the cliff, we slide down the rope, but we don’t immediately go into the hall, but first we climb up the stairs to the next room, where the head of the prison keeps the gold taken from the unfortunate prisoners. We take it from the boxes, and go down to the hall. In the hall begins "jacket".

Jack, as always, in his unique cynical repertoire - even here he can effortlessly deal with a lot of enemies, so much so that they themselves do not understand what happened to them! Basically no weapons, dexterity of hands, feet - yes, pirate ingenuity! Well, we just need to help him by successively pressing the keys that light up in the lower left corner of the screen. It is important to remember which key means what. An example of matching the pattern for each key for the standard layout is shown below.

It is important: Jackotnya does not give the right to make a mistake. It is enough to hesitate only for a fraction of a second - and the jackpot is failed. And failure can often prevent us from receiving important prizes, such as magic poker cards and dice.

We turn on in turn (no matter in what order) the three drives of the suspension bridge, running along it to the other side of the abyss, where we release the last, fourth prisoner. Having received a hint from him, we go down, where we take the last amulet from the box. Next, we have to fight with the head of the prison himself, who speaks with a strong Uzbek accent. Be careful, he has 200 health and is currently the strongest enemy we've encountered. During the fight, try to lure him into the space in front of the cannon and fire it at that moment. For one shot, our fan of hiding other people's money in attics loses 100 units of life. You can, of course, defeat him in direct combat - but they will give you less experience, and you will have to spend more strength. Everyone, further in a straight line, to the exit! Those idiots that get under our feet should not cause any problems. No one will stop the sea wolf that has sensed the salty wind!

On a note: the passage of all missions is not the final point of the game. All items and characters that you receive as a reward for completing mini-missions will be placed in the hall of fame, and after completing the main part of the game, they can be fully enjoyed.

Captain Teague will meet us on the pier, who will give parting words to meet in Port Royal with a fortune teller named Tia Dalma, who should help restore the pirate brotherhood.

After that, he will insidiously push us into the water in a coffin, and we will go to our ship, to the "Pearl". Bill Turner, who, in theory, should be on the Dutchman, who has made his way to the ship, will warn us that Davy Jones, the captain of a creepy ghost ship, is already on his way and is looking for retribution. But Jack is not going to give up! Raise the sails!

That, in fact, is the whole first mission. In it, we learned the basics of sword fighting, learned how to use objects, climb over cliffs, and collect gold. In further episodes, everything is the same, you just need to move forward, it will practically not be possible to deviate from the plot. Next, I'll go over each mission, omitting the details of the direction of travel, but focusing where necessary on the new types of tasks and the intricacies of the plot.

cannibal island


Collect 4 amulets.

Collect 1000 gold coins.

Free 9 captured sailors.

Perform a 15 hit combo.

Here, unlike the first mission, the items are hidden in vessels, not in boxes. And we go through the episode itself not by Jack, but by Will Turner, a friend of Sparrow.

After freeing seven sailors, do not save the first one you meet. First, go between the dwellings of the cannibals and, going down, help out the sailor, who is just below the slope. Rescuing a prisoner hanging near the houses will automatically start the next story mission, and you will not be able to help the last sailor.

Port Royal


Collect 4 amulets.

Tear off 3 flyers that promise a bounty on Jack, Will and Elizabeth's heads.

Collect 500 gold coins.

Deal with four soldiers without making a fuss.

Win at craps.

Perform a combination of 17 hits.

Help steal rum from the tavern.

Help the lady find the unfaithful husband.

Infiltrate the city? Easily! Like a shadow!

Troubled times have come for the pirate brotherhood. The head of the West India Company, Lord Cutler Beckett, intends to eradicate piracy in the bud. Only a meeting of eight pirate leaders can prevent this, but how can they be brought together if someone is in prison, and someone has a familiar warm place and does not want to lift a finger for the common good? And where do you even look for them? The same fortune-teller, Tia Dalma, whom Captain Teague ordered us to find, will help to understand this issue.

Finding her is easy, and after a long conversation, she will ask you to release one of the leaders, who is about to be executed on the square here in Port Royal. A start!

On a note: this is the main task of the episode, so until you finish with the rest of the mini-missions, do not start it. Once you complete it, the rest of the tasks will not be available for completion.

Talking to the innkeeper's teeth while accomplices are rolling out barrels of rum behind him is an easy task for Jack. Well, if someone has a tongue with bones, then it’s definitely not him.

You can find leaflets while exploring the streets of Port Royal, which, by the way, are not so many. But what does the old man mean by offering to play dice with him ?! Really really? .. Yes, yes, these are real dice, a favorite game of pirates of all seas!

Well, everyone has been rescued and found, and the rivals in the game of dice scratch their heads in bewilderment. It remains to run to the "Pearl", that's all, since our swords are sharp, and our legs are fast! But it was not there. At the pier, Jack is caught by Governor Swan and asked to find his daughter Elizabeth, who was declared a pirate by the treacherous Lord Beckett because of her acquaintance with Jack. She says that she is somewhere in Tortuga. Sure, we'll find it! Yes, and there are countless pirates, you see, we will find some more of the leaders. Let's just deal with these crowds of soldiers - and go to the ship. We must hurry, there is very little time! And do not forget to pick up the last amulet, it is just upstairs, from where you will need to jump onto the ship. Forward to Tortuga!

Battle on the "Dutch"


Collect 4 amulets.

Defeat 10 enemies.

Collect 600 gold coins.

Make your way across the deck of the Dutchman without anyone noticing.

Perform a combination of 20 hits.

Free 4 sailors.

On a note: no matter how your obedient servant tried to sneak across the deck unnoticed, nothing came of it. If someone does it, I will be very glad to know how it turns out. Luckily, completing this quest does not produce any vital outcomes that affect the progress of the game.

Jack, look, what is this, "Dutchman"?

- What are you, Will, can this one-mast sunken vessel be a "Dutchman"? "Dutch", he's all so big, slimy, formidable ... Yes, in fact, here he is!

Davy Jones nevertheless intercepted Jack on the way to Tortuga. But we have something to do on the Flying Dutchman! After all, the fortune teller said that the key to the chest with the heart of Davy Jones is hidden somewhere here! While repelling the attack of the sailors from the Dutchman, you need to stay close to Will, who is waiting for the right moment to slip inside the sinister ship as soon as everyone is distracted by Jack. At some point, he is noticed, and if you don’t arrive in time, Will may die.

After we helped him, Will goes into the bowels of the ship in search of the heart of Davy Jones. Of course, we will release the sailors we met on the lower deck, sitting locked up, and they, you see, will share their experience with us. It's time to get upstairs, we have the key, and let curses be heard from the Dutchman, let Davy promise to get Jack even from under the ground ... We have to go to Tortuga!



Collect 5 amulets.

Get 10 slaps from abandoned mistresses.

Collect 1500 gold coins.

Win poker.

Perform a 21 hit combo.

Protect the cargo of rum.

Let me remind you that we sailed to Tortuga in order to find Elizabeth, who had fled from Port Royal, and the next leader of the pirates, in order to convince him of the need to appear at the council of leaders. On the way to the main tasks, we will have to humbly endure assault from the female half of the population more than once. That's because the memory of these ladies!

In front of the tavern, his owner will offer us, instead of messing with the thugs from Port Royal, who are trying to sell him the very barrels that Jack helped to steal shortly before, just get rid of these strange personalities, and the profit from the sale of rum share. The main thing is not to break the barrels in the heat of a fight.

Inside a nondescript tavern, a peasant invites everyone to play pirate poker. Why not? After all, you can not only earn extra money, but also complete a mini-mission. And the rules aren't hard at all.

The next leader on the list lives in a mansion in the far part of Tortuga. To gain access to the body, you first have to break through the ranks of bodyguards, and when their number is reduced to zero, catch up with the leader of the pirates in a hurry somewhere. Really scared? Ah, that's it! It turns out that there is not one, but two leaders. We were chasing Eduardo Villanuevo, and we also met Mrs. Chin! Well, two leaders instead of one is even better, less running around! The only pity is that Mrs. Chin is not in the mood for communication, and, apparently, the thought of advice does not inspire her with optimism. It is clear that, as a true gentleman, Eduardo cannot refuse the lady and gladly volunteers to wind Jack's insides around his sword in order to save her from the "annoying boy." Well, let. Let him blame himself. And we will pina ... that is, to convince him that he is wrong and that it would be nice for him to come to the council himself.

It is important: Eduardo Villanuevo is a very serious opponent. 500 hit points and excellent parrying skills make him almost invincible in a simple sword fight. Therefore, it is very important to use objects that fall under the arms and legs. When you get close enough to such an item to use an action, you will see an action key icon on the screen. This will allow you to gradually achieve victory.

Oh, these women, how changeable they are when men lie at their feet! Even if the point of the sword is attached to the throat of this very lying man. Peace, friendship, piastres! Two more pirate leaders are preparing to arrive at the council!

And we can find Elizabeth in a tavern nearby. The girl has fun with men. On sabers. Many men for one Elizabeth. Somehow unfair, it would be necessary to help! After the battle, we will take with us to the ship the wounded Norrington, who so kindly provided us with his help in saving Elizabeth.

Cross Island


Collect 4 amulets.

Protect the chest from enemies for 50 seconds.

Find the legendary golden idol.

Perform a combo of 20 hits in a row.

On the island of the Cross, our main goal is to find the chest with the heart of Davy Jones. The task is not easy, but we are not muslin ladies either! Immediately, I note that with food to restore life on the island is a little tight, so try to save precious pieces of chicken.

From the very beginning, go along the path near which you landed, exactly until you see two boxes on the sides of the road. After examining their contents, go back and collect all the boxes along the water line. Walk along the shore to the right until it stops and climb up the vines. Be careful not to fall under the stones falling from above, they kill from the first touch.

And on the right side of the picture you see the prototype of the American bazooka.

During the fight in the waterfall, beware of enemies with a cannon instead of a hand - they aim slowly, but the damage from such a shot is by no means small, and it can even knock you down.

It is important: The Golden Idol is in a room disguised by a waterfall. The entrance to it is exactly under the stone lying on the upper level of the waterfall.

When you are asked to protect the chest from enemies within fifty seconds, your task is to prevent the enemy from throwing a bomb into the pit. Once this happens, the mini-mission ends in failure. In this case, it is better to immediately get up at the rear right corner of the pit, since it is from this position that the enemies make throws.

Advice: if you want to complete this mini-mission by all means, then, having missed a bomb thrown into the pit (this can also be understood by the disappearance of the countdown timer at the top of the screen), it is better to let yourself be killed on the same field. In this case, the replay will begin from this moment, and not from the moment of landing on the island.

As soon as the chest appeared on the surface, Jack and Will began to measure swords and vigorously find out who would get it. Norrington did not fail to take advantage of this, pulling the chest right from under the noses of Will and Jack, who were angrily staring at each other. Naturally, they could not endure such humiliation and rushed in pursuit.

After that, Elizabeth Swan, forgotten by everyone in the heat of the showdown, comes into play. We will have the opportunity to participate in several fights with this heroine, while the male part of the expedition enthusiastically chases each other.

Finally, Jack catches up with Norrington, and they begin to sort things out with each other through swords. It is completely incomprehensible who won in an unequal battle, but Jack has a vessel with a heart, which means that nothing else keeps us on this island.

Battle with the Kraken


Collect 4 amulets.

Defeat 5 enemies with fake moves.

Prevent the crew of the Pearl from being killed by the Kraken's tentacles.

Perform a combo of 7 hits in a row.

We again have to meet with the "Dutch". Davy Jones cannot come to terms with the loss of his heart and is now literally chasing the Pearl, attacking at the most unexpected moments. And Jack, meanwhile, discovers that Norrington still managed to steal the heart of Davy Jones, and slipped Jack a pacifier in return. This time the ship of our heroes fell into a calm and still cannot break away from the "Dutchman". It remains only to hold out, repelling the attacks of the sailors from the Jones ship, until the wind fills the sails again.

Well, the long-awaited wind blew, and the "Pearl" cheerfully began to break away. But it seems that this time the captain of the "Dutchman" got angry in earnest. He summons the Kraken, a creepy giant-sized predatory octopus. The only way to escape from him is to fire cannons.

First we have to clean upper deck from the tentacles that constantly appear on it, striving to break or drag everything into their mouths, whatever they get. A special delicacy for the Kraken are, of course, human beings.

Reference: the mini-mission is considered completed if you manage to hold out for 90 seconds on the deck, and at the same time the Kraken does not drag off a single sailor.

Then we run into the hold, where we have to fight off the Kraken, while the sailors will load the guns. To do this, it is best to stand to the left of the cannon, turning to face it, and as soon as the Kraken sticks its limb inside, chop it with an interval of two seconds. After a shot from three guns, he will have practically no life left.

In anger, the Kraken is scary! Before it's too late, you need to escape from the ship. For some reason, Elizabeth fastens Jack to the mast, and the sailors sailing with her on the boat say that Jack is behind. M-yes. And why, you ask?


Everybody was kong-fu fighting!


Collect 4 amulets.

Deal with 5 old enemies.

Find 3 debtors and shake money out of them.

Win a game of dice.

Perform a combo of 15 hits in a row.

Norrington turned out to be a spy for Lord Beckett and delivered the stolen heart straight to his table. As a result, Beckett gained power over Davy Jones and the "Dutchman". The threat from the West India Company began to take on a catastrophic character...

Meanwhile, Elizabeth, repenting of her deed, decides to go in search of Jack, straight to the seabed. Somewhere in Singapore, a pirate leader named Xiao Feng has detailed map bottom. Captain Barbossa decides to help her and goes to Singapore full of dangers.

The dream of sushi bars...

Immediately going ashore, we take the money from the debtor (you need to talk as rudely as possible); also near the port you can play dice, and on the way inland you can deal with old enemies.

Xiao Feng directly says that, they say, he wanted to sneeze at this bunch of pirates and is generally very happy with the fact that Jack Sparrow died. Why on earth give him a map of the bottom? And no talking!

Well, without talking, then without talking. Is the sword considered a valid argument? Well, that's weird, let's stop there.

After the main forces of Xiao Feng are destroyed, he will release two twins against Barbossa, each of which has 300 life units. True, they will attack in turn, but they have very fast attacks and very high-quality defense. For each of your hits, they will respond with at least two.

Advice: in a fight with strong opponents who have good defense, you can use one very simple, but at the same time effective trick: keep the lock key pressed all the time, and at the moment when the enemy makes a lunge, press a weak blow simultaneously with the block. This will be a counterattack lunge that is guaranteed to break through any blockage. True, this blow does little harm.

After defeating the twins, Will and Elizabeth enter into an agreement with Xiao Feng, from which it follows that for the map of the seabed and the provided ship, he gets Jack. Whatever that means. Well, Xiao Feng should also come to the advice.

Sea bottom


Collect 4 amulets.

Collect 750 gold coins.

Perform a combination of 26 hits in a row.

The trip to the seabed was without any special incidents. Already at the bottom, Captain Barbossa volunteers to go and find Jack alone, despite the fortune teller's warnings about terrible creatures living in the sand.

Indeed, you can only move along the seabed along a road lined with something. If you try to walk on the sand, half-rotted hands immediately stick out of it and begin to grab you, and quite painfully. It is impossible to pass such a hand on the sand.

Some strange crabs are found here!

At the end of the huge skeleton, where the road breaks off, you need to cut down the far end bone with a sword, which will lie down just so as to form a kind of bridge. This is the way to get around here. If there is no further road, then you need to look for something that can be dropped.

If the object that should become a bridge is on the other side, throw a stone there, and the local wonderful bugs will instantly file what they need. It is enough just to aim well; when the icon is in the upper position of the throw force, throw.

After Jack is found, we have to recapture the ship from the dead, who are climbing aboard in three rows, and Jack's task, tacking along the side of the ship, is to knock them down.

Advice: the maximum number of dead that can get on the ship is five. If you shoot down two out of three, their number does not have time to dial critical mass. So it's much easier to stand in the middle between two crawlers and, turning left and right, throw them down.

Finally, the fortuneteller will ask Jack to release the next leader of the pirates. Making your way up the road, beware of periodically rolling boulders; in order to dodge them, you need to be ready to quickly press the buttons, the icons of which are displayed at the bottom of the screen. Almost like a jackpot.

naval battle


Collect 4 amulets.

Collect 850 gold coins.

Perform a combination of 22 hits in a row.

Don't get a single scratch in a duel with Xiao Feng.

Xiao Feng, on his best flagship, the Empress, catches up with Jack's ship and demands that the terms of the treaty be fulfilled. Elizabeth, in turn, offers him an alternative option: she challenges Xiao Feng to a duel, and if he wins, he will have to let the crew of the Pearl go. If he wins, the girl instead of Jack will remain on the Empress. Xiao Feng agrees to these terms with only one addition: Elizabeth remains on the Empress no matter what the outcome. On this they agreed.

The duel between Elizabeth and Xiao Feng is not particularly difficult. Xiao Feng, like other pirate heads, is mobile and defends very well. But if you use the tactics that I described above, with a constant block and a counterattack, you can defeat him without losing a single health point, and since this is a mini-mission, we will be rewarded with 600 points of notoriety.

Losing, Xiao Feng releases the crew of the Pearl and sails away with Elizabeth on board. True, he could not sail far - out of nowhere, the “Dutchman” who came from nowhere attacked Xiao Feng’s ship, as a result of which the leader of the pirates dies, but before his death he manages to transfer all his powers to Elizabeth. Now she is the leader of the pirates and will take the place of the deceased on the council.

Crash City


Collect 4 amulets.

Collect 650 gold coins.

Win at craps.

Win poker.

So, Jack and Barbossa arrived in the city of Crash. Barbossa sets off to prepare a meeting of the pirate leaders, and Jack will have to run around the city in search of the remaining two leaders, simultaneously fighting off Beckett's people who have flooded the city. No other than Beckett found out about the upcoming meeting!

The first person Jack finds is Captain Ammand. But since he is dead drunk, we will have to practically pave the way for him so that he still gets there. And the assassins sent by Beckett, too, will not calmly accompany the captain to the council.

The next - and last - chapter is on the deck of an abandoned ship; You can get there by entering the door near the mermaid. Beckett's mercenaries were preparing a diversion by tying up the leader of the pirates and intending to blow up the premises. First, Jack needs to throw the barrels of gunpowder overboard, and then free the prisoner. All. The leaders are assembled, the council can begin.

We get to the meeting place. After a brief discussion, the Pirate King chooses... Elizabeth Swan.



Collect 4 amulets.

Defeat 8 enemies using bad weather conditions.

Destroy 6 units of cargo using Calypso's weather conditions.

Perform a combo of 21 hits in a row.

Lord Beckett decided to get rid of all the pirates at once by attaching the Dutchman to his ships, and Captain Barbossa unleashes the goddess of the seas, Calypso, who had previously been imprisoned in the body of the fortune teller Tia Dalma...

Periodically, lightning strikes where Elizabeth stood on the deck. A glowing circle appears where she hits a few seconds later, giving Elizabeth time to move to a safe distance. If lightning strikes next to the boxes with cargo, they will be destroyed. It is enough to stand next to them for a while, wait for the “sight” for the lightning to appear, and immediately move away.

As for defeating eight enemies using weather conditions, it can be either a lightning strike on enemies or a hit on a slippery board along which the sailors from the Dutchman move to the Pearl.

It is important: tornadoes sometimes rush over the lower deck, which also need to destroy boxes with cargo. But so that you can fearlessly fall under this tornado, always keep your health at maximum, then after meeting you with it, you will have about 25 percent of your health.

Well, Will and Jack will have to fight Davy Jones himself. He's not that good on defense, but his punches are by no means weak. A mortally wounded Will stabs Davy Jones through the heart and takes his place on the Dutchman.

And while Lord Beckett, blinded by glory, makes triumphant speeches, the “Dutchman” quietly emerges from behind, but already under the guidance of Will, and ... what kind of Lord Beckett is he? We do not know this, we have not met!

That, in fact, is the whole story ... Jack, as always, at the very end was left without his beloved "Black Pearl", landed on a boat in the sea - swim for yourself, where the wave will beat you, you will beat it there ... ship. Will there be something? Waiting for the next "Pirates"?

Conclusions and assessments

I remember when I saw the promotional video for the game, I was first of all struck by the realism of the graphics; in some places it was even hard to believe that these were graphics and not video footage of the actors. At the same time, I remember, I was surprised and a little alarmed by the fact that, in addition to this commercial about the game nowhere and nothing could not be found. Just a few words about the console version of the new generation, and that's it. Secrets of the Madrid court!

I recall the revelations of the developers who told us that the PC version was ported from the PlayStation 2. When asked why not from the PlayStation 3, they replied that it was technologically very difficult to transfer games to desktop computers from PS3, but with PS2 - easily, all you need to do is just increase the resolution greatly, and that's all! ..

So now I seem to understand why the version for home computers was so carefully hidden. After all, if they showed this game with the graphics it has now, they would instantly lose a bunch of customers! Maximum screen resolution of 1024x768 is not going into any gates. Now the cheapest 17" TFT monitors work at 1280x1024. And what can we say if you have 19 "or all 21", or even, God forbid, widescreen? It's a shame. It's a shame not because the pixels crawl out on the screen, but because the game is good! Adjusting to management, I, however, scolded a sinful thing, but then I got used to it and now I feel quite comfortable with myself.

In principle, there is nothing bad to say about the game itself. Complaints mainly concern the interface, which, apparently, they did not even try to change after the prefix. Oh yes, I remember. Why does the game only have three save slots?! It would seem that such trifles, but spoil the impression. If the game was playing at a resolution of at least 1280x1024x32, and the settings would be added to meet the needs of modern video cards - yes, I would personally petition for the order. And so - alas, a medal.


Bones- game for four people. Each player has five dice (dice); you can only see your own bones, just like your opponents, only their own. After everyone has made a move and looked at the numbers that fell to them on the sides, bets are made.

The main task is to guess how many dice of the same value fell out on the table as a whole, including the dice of your opponents. A unit counts as any value. That is, if you have two numbers 6 and two numbers 1 in your hands, then you already know for sure that when you order four sixes, you are not in danger. And there are fifteen more bones on the table for your opponents! And how many of these ones and sixes can they have there?

Bid- you must bet more dice than the previous player, or the same number, but of greater value. For example, if the previous player bet five 3s, you can bet either six of any dice, or five 4s, 5s, or 6s.

I do not believe- if you have any doubts that the player in front of you correctly estimated the number of ordered dice on the table, then you express your disagreement, and all players are required to reveal their cards ... sorry, dice. If it turns out that there were less than the values ​​ordered by the player on the table, you win the bet. If it is equal to the ordered quantity or more, you lose.

I believe- makes sense to say if you think the player is in front of you exactly guessed the quantity. Deviation in any direction threatens you with a loss.

After a couple of laps, the game is addictive, and it is very difficult to break away from it. And all why? Yes, because we have magic cards with which you can help your rivals part with their money faster. What scam?! Magic! For more information about cards, see the list of "magic dice cards".

Magic dice cards

Units- shows the number of units on the table.

Changeling- allows you to change the layout of the bones for five juggling.

quiet bones— units will not be considered as any value.

Raise- forces the opponent to raise the bid.

invisible bones- makes the edges of the opponent's bones invisible.

fiat coin- If you lose, you do not lose money.

reroll- allows you to roll the dice.

double con The loser pays double the stake.

Eagle Eye- shows the bones of one player.

frozen bones- the bone chosen by the player does not change position during two circles.


Theft- allows you to get a random magic card from a randomly selected player.


Pirate Poker- game for four people. Its essence is to collect a combination of cards that are valued higher than those of your opponents.

In the first round, two players who sit to the left of the dealer make bets, the so-called "blinds". The first player posts the small blind, the next, respectively, the big blind. The big blind is twice the small blind. For example, if the first player posted a small blind of 5 gold, then the big blind should be 10 gold.

After that, the dealer deals two cards to all players, after which the player to the right of the dealer must also make a bet. After all bets have been made, the so-called flop is laid out from the deck. These are the three cards that are on the table. Bets are again placed, starting with the player to the left of the dealer. When all players have made bets, the fourth card (turn) is laid out in the buy-in.

Bets are placed by the person sitting to the left of the dealer. When all bets are made, the fifth card (river) is laid out on the table.

Bets begin to be made by the person sitting to the right of the dealer. As soon as all the bets in the circle are made, the players put their cards on the table. Whoever has a combination of cards in his hand, along with a buy-in, is more valuable, he wins the pot (the total amount of the bet).

Glossary of terms

I bet- put money on the line for your turn.

I miss- if the other players have not made a bet, the money is not paid.

I answer- bet the amount of money equal to the bet.

I raise- increase the cost of the move.

Pass- throw the cards on the table, refusing further bidding. In this case, all the money wagered on the pot is lost.

magic card- see the list of "Magic Poker Cards".

Card combinations in descending order

Five identical cards five cards of the same denomination. Such a combination can only be collected using magic cards.

Royal Flush- ace, king, queen, jack, ten of the same suit.

straight flush- five cards of the same suit, following each other at face value (for example, 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 of spades or 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + B of hearts).

Kare- four cards of the same value.

Full house- two and three cards of the same suit (for example, 5 + 5 and 8 + 8 + 8).

Flash- five cards of the same suit.

Straight- five cards of different suits, following one after another at face value.

Troika- three cards of the same denomination.

Two pairs- two pairs of cards of the same denomination (for example, 2 + 2 and 9 + 9).

One pair- one pair of cards of the same denomination.

senior card- if none of the above combinations is on the hand, then it is considered according to the highest card.

Magic cards for poker

Card exchange- allows you to exchange cards with the enemy.

Cards on the table- forces the opponent to throw cards on the table.

Transparency- allows you to see the cards of one of the opponents.

Climb- forces one of the opponents to raise the bet.

Invisibility- makes the cards of one of the opponents invisible.

Missing community cards- makes common cards invisible to one of the players.

Change of dignity- allows you to change the value of any of the community cards for five juggling. The color cannot be changed.

Suit change- allows you to change the suit of one common card.

fiat coin- in case of loss, you do not lose money.

Knowledge is power- allows you to find out the first three community cards before they are dealt.

Protection- Protects against the effects of other magic cards for one circle. Removes all effects of already active magic cards.