How to play on the highway map. Map Highway WOT tactics. Highway Map - North America

Hello, hello, Phoenix is ​​with you again, and this is another guide about cards in game world of Tanks, I wanted to cover today's material on the Sacred Valley map introduced just yesterday, but, alas, I haven't even played the map yet… and even that would still not be enough for a full-fledged guide. But I can assure you that very soon the material will be written and published. Well, today, as you already understood from the title, we will analyze the Highway map - I personally like the pre-release name Kansas more - it is more suitable for it ... but as they called it, they called it! So let's get started! And, well, yes, I chose it the same way as Khimki - though already from the fourth time))))

Description of the Highway map

So, the map turned out to be quite beautiful, for those who do not know, the state of Kansas is the center of the USA ... well, it is located right in the middle. I have not been there ... but judging by the films, the map is quite consistent with the views there. Such ... typical America ... with farms, industrial area, rivulet ... what can I say "American Dream" - the capitalists are unfortunate)))
Okay, this is all a lyrical digression, let's move on to tactics.

As you can see on the screenshot, I divided the map into 9 conditional areas, I generally wanted to divide it into ... it turns out 12 ... but I thought what the hell, and so on in more than detail.

  1. Let's call this area "Western Field" - battles of medium tanks should take place here by default ... well, like an open area, there is where to accelerate, and at the same time, thanks to the terrain, you can hide from shelling from the "Upper Base". Be careful, the terrain is terrain, and the artillery fire will still get you ... - do not stand in one place.
  2. “Under the base” - I didn’t want to single out this territory separately, but I had to, because it’s impossible to take it somewhere else, and leaving it unmarked is also not an option - so, the main difference from the “Western Field” is the ability to hide from shelling from the Base, in theory, art should not get there ... although not a fact, because artillery can also move around the map, in general, if there is a rush through the western field - do not stop in the field, move "under the" base "
  3. "Upper Base" - first of all, I would like to note that there is a very advantageous position for artillery, in the corner of the map, almost four squares are much lower than the entire nearest space, and with proper skill, gunners will be able to quite effectively fight in close combat with enemy tanks . As I said above, from the "Upper Base" you can conduct effective fire on the "Western Field", as well as on the "village", well, there are positions from which you can attack those who are in the "Center".
  4. "Center" - a spacious area, which is shot through from both bases, "forest" and "village". The easiest route for fireflies passes through the Center.
  5. “Forest” - this area could also not be singled out, but I decided that it wouldn’t be superfluous, the main feature is that tank destroyers often sit in the forest ... don’t think that they won’t hit you, because besides birds, there are there are also other fans of the bush game, and therefore, if you already do not have the proper speed and maneuverability, you should not go to the "Center" - yes, you should also be afraid of a sudden loss of half of your hit points on the approach to the city, moving along the "Southern Way" - don't forget about it.
  6. "City" - most of the houses are indestructible, however, there are also small village-type houses that are unlikely to save you. There are several parallels in the city that PTs like to sit on - think twice before you go around the corner, the railway and the extreme road, in this regard, are the most dangerous places.
  7. "Southern Way" - the path from the "Lower Base" to the "city", there is nothing to say about it, except that this direction happens, they light up in the first minutes of the battle. And the effect of surprise will no longer be for sure ...
  8. “Lower base” - almost everything has already been said about it, from it you can fire at the “city” and “center” - it also has access to the Village, and the ability to ambush if enemies go along the “Southern path”, there is nothing it remains how to choose a bush, and wait for victory / defeat, firing along the way.
  9. The "Village" is a rather significant area, given that a convenient asphalt road leads from it, along which it is much easier for fireflies to get to the "Upper Base". You can also conduct auxiliary fire if there are enemies "Under the base".



There seems to be nothing more to say, it all depends on the specific situation, but the fastest way is probably in the center. Or through the "Village". I don’t advise you to go to the city, if the path is blocked there, you won’t be able to escape.


The developers assumed that all medium tanks would play on the "Western field" - however, personally, I go to the city almost all the time, I don't like open places.


Definitely a city or a village, and please stay out of range of artillery.


Try to take a defensive position and wait for the flank to break, for the top team, it is still more convenient, you can stand on the parallels in the city.


About you, I have already said everything - in the corners of the map, and fight. Always your K.O.


That's all for me, I wish you good luck on this map, I hope now you have fewer questions regarding this map, bye everyone!

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The map has an open landscape with gentle hills. In the southeast there is a city with a small forest, where there are interesting bushes.

On the western part of the map there is a small village with a water tower and tactical positions for LT, and in the center a small river flows from north to south.

Above is an image split by symbols and with the main positions of the LT on the Highway map.

Let's analyze the key positions from the upper (northern) respawn:

D4 and D5(bushes near the village)

— excellent positions of this respawn for spotting tanks advancing along the first line into square A 1;
- we remain unnoticed in the position of passive light during the defense of our base, where the enemy breaks through along the A line.

E4(bush near the water tower)

- the position of the passive light of the tanks retracting into the square A1, the hill on D1, as well as the detection of camouflaged anti-tank F1;
best position on the map for implementation of LBZ LT-9 "Vigilant eye".
- a very risky position, where enemy LT and ST, when moving into squares E3-E4, can easily detect you;
- it is extremely difficult to change position without taking damage.


- passive light, to detect opponents along the first line, especially in square A1;
- possible lack of adequate allies for cover on the balcony near the base;
- it is extremely difficult to change position without taking damage.

G8(bush in the forest near the city)
- passive light, to detect opponents rising into the city along the J and K lines;
- detection of enemy anti-aircraft guns on the balcony near the enemy base.
- it is necessary to take a position at the very beginning of the battle;
- it is extremely difficult to change position without taking damage.

Video with LT positions - Rybatskaya Bay

Let's analyze the key position of the lower (southern) spawn:

E3(bushes in the village)

— excellent positional bushes of this respawn for illuminating tanks moving into square A1;
- a defensive position of passive light, when the enemy occupies square A1 and tries to break through to our base.
- very popular bushes where enemy LT and ST are trying to illuminate these points;
- very frequent Blind shots in these positions;
- it is extremely difficult to change position without taking damage.

General purpose position for any respawn depending on the situation:


- positional bushes for passive or active light to detect opponents along the first line or line A, respectively;
- it is extremely difficult to change position without taking damage.

). The size of the map is 1000 by 1000 meters, the level of battles is from 4 to 11. The same cute little houses and an abundance of various vegetation.

The diversity of the landscape opens up a lot of space for different routes of movement and allows you to come up with many tactics. The presence of a large open area can be used for flanking attacks, and a small town in the right corner of the map suggests intense close combat.

It is important to immediately note that artillery feels very good on the map, as it is almost completely shot through, and most buildings are destructible.

Approximate siding routes for all types of vehicles.

Light tanks (LT):

On the Highway, light tanks have complete freedom of action. They can choose any route. It is recommended to shine along the river or make circles in the central area.

Medium tanks (ST):

For medium tanks, a hilly area is preferred ( Western part cards). Maneuvering in the folds of the terrain, STs are able to inflict great damage on the enemy both independently and by highlighting targets for artillery. Also, medium tanks can go along the riverbed.

Heavy tanks (TT):

Heavy tanks feel most comfortable in the city. Due to their lack of speed, they are an easy target in open areas. But do not forget that the city is not a key position. From a tactical point of view, the capture of the city does not provide any advantages. In addition to the city, a village, bridges and a high bank above the river can provide some protection.

Anti-tank self-propelled Artillery Installations(PT ACS):

The main task of tank destroyers is to protect the base. First of all, the flanks, where a ST breakthrough is likely. Bushes and small houses are quite common on the map, so finding a comfortable position should not be difficult.

Self-propelled Artillery Mounts (SAU):

The map is very good for SPG actions. Artillery keeps most of the map under fire. The main danger is a sudden breakthrough of medium tanks along the flank or a lone light tank that has found a gap in the defensive formations.


Several local war zones can be distinguished on the map (marked with white ovals in the figure): this is a field (B2: D3), a farm (E1: E4), a city (H0: K0). The arrows mark the routes of movement of the tanks.

The Highway map is open, which complicates the life of TT and PT, but ST and LT feel quite good. The main shelters are various irregularities in the landscape and buildings, you can also use the river, it does not serve as an obstacle to travel.

How to shine on the Highway.

On this map, LT feel free and unlimited, you can go wherever your heart desires. At the beginning of the battle, you can light up enemy tanks moving into the city by making a circle in the center of the map (marked with a yellow oval in the picture). If you want to safely reach the enemy base - your path is along the river.

There are several options for CT: drive in a place with TT to the city or attack on the left side of the map, using the numerous hills and lowlands. Using the terrain of the map, you can deal a lot of damage to the enemy, not only by dealing damage with your guns, but also highlighting enemy tanks for artillery. It is also possible to ride along the river bed, but this option rarely leads to victory.

TT's life is dangerous and difficult, and there is only one choice - to go to the city. Due to their limited speed and maneuverability, they make easy targets on open area. But you should not stand in the city, this is not a key position. Since most buildings are destructible, it only serves as a temporary shelter from artillery. You need to systematically move in the directions of attack and take the base. In addition to the city, the village, bridges and the high bank of the river can provide some protection.

The main task of the PT is to protect the base on the Highway map. We choose the bush we like not far from the respawn and occupy it. First of all, it is worth covering the directions where a ST breakthrough is likely. More details about protected and useful places will be described below, in the section "Hooks and buildings".

Lots of open space to work. As a rule, art does not leave the base far and occupies J1:K1 for the bottom respawn, and A9:A0 for the top respawn. You should not focus all the fire on the field, because even in the city there are many places where you can cover enemy tanks. The main danger for us is a breakthrough of medium tanks or a lone LT that slipped through at the most inopportune moment.

Nychki and buildings on the Highway map

Let's start with the bottom of the map - up. Along the houses in the J1 square there are excellent bushes that will allow you to shoot at targets coming from the city, and the buildings will save the artillery from the wrath.

In the city, in J0, most of the buildings are indestructible and you can safely conduct a firefight, but you should not get carried away and look so that you do not go to the rear.

Forest plantations on the 8th vertical will allow you to shoot with impunity at the tanks illuminated near the highway or slip into the CT behind enemy lines.

In the village you can also find various bushes for shooting through the field, especially the indestructible two-story house in F1.

If you manage to get to A1, then, having driven 15m from the bushes, you will be able to fire at enemy tanks on the field. American STs with large gun depressions will feel especially comfortable there.

Dear guests and guests of the portal website, today we continue to disassemble for you world maps Of Tanks and present to you guide to wot map Highway. From our guide you will learn about the history of this map, key positions and directions on it, as well as possible tactics for various classes of vehicles. However, hello! We begin.

General information.

Picture 1. Minimap.

Although the wot highway map was added to the game later than most other maps, it doesn’t turn out to be a new language, because Highway is almost four years old (introduced in patch 0.7.5, July 26, 2012). During its history, it has undergone a large number of gameplay changes, as for a long time it embodied an imbalance in respawns in our game (the very problem when one of the teams had an advantage over the other due to its position on the map). After all these changes, Highway really got rid of the old problem, but to this day, players are wary of this map and do not feel much love. Today we will try to figure out what is wrong with this card.

The developers conjured us very regular card in terms of dimensions - 1000 * 1000 meters in summer version (uses summer type of camouflage), and it is a kind of track (highway itself) in the middle of empty North American lands. The highway has a rather complex and diverse landscape: a town, strong elevation changes, a river, a dense forest. I would even call the Highway a two-tier map, since its central part is so much lowered compared to the flanks that it even causes certain inconveniences.

In addition to all this, it is worth noting that there is only one random battle mode available here - a standard battle for battle levels from 4 to 11.

I suggest you look at the key components of the Highway map and mentally always keep in mind its schematic representation:

Picture 2. Symbols.

  1. Upper base. By and large, both bases are fairly similarly located in terms of terrain: on the one hand, there are hills, and on the other, a steep climb that makes it difficult to get to the base, as well as several buildings (both destructible and non-destructible) in the circle of the base location.
  2. Upper hills. Used by artillery or tank destroyers. In addition, through these hills there is an attack on the upper base (when breaking through the city) or the defense of the upper base (when breaking through from the lowlands).
  3. Town. Or rather, even a certain plant with many workshops and outbuildings. As a rule, this is the main place of clashes between heavily armored tanks, and often the whole team at all (due to the fact that there is reliable protection from artillery in the form of high walls). The first of two main directions. It is difficult to single out the main direction on the Highway map, but none of them should be abandoned. It is worth noting that the ascent to the city from the lower base is covered from shooting by an elevated road - it is marked with a narrow red stripe . So the path to this part of the map is relatively safe for the bottom base team. Both teams fight in the city under the same conditions, however, further advancement from this part of the map for the top respawn team will be difficult because the path passes through an open, shootable field, and you will also have to climb uphill.
  4. Bottom base. In my subjective opinion, this base is a little more difficult to defend and easier to attack due to very inconvenient hills. But maybe, I just think. Be that as it may, the lower base is fundamentally no different from the upper one.
  5. Lower hills. Not as cozy and comfortable as the upper ones, but saturated with a certain amount of dense vegetation, which will be comfortable for gunners. But still, attacking opponents in these hills is easier than the upper hills, since here you have to stick out too much and immediately get into the light, and the attackers have more variability.
  6. Village. Several buildings (both destructible and non-destructible) located at a sufficiently far distance from each other. The gameplay component here is at a minimum, since it is easy to get into the light, and it is quite difficult to hide. Can be used by light tanks for illumination.
  7. Field. It represents a lot of hills, as well as several houses, behind which you can hide from enemy fire and, most importantly, from artillery. The second main direction, which cannot be abandoned. Fast and maneuverable medium tanks will feel best here, since there are very few shelters from artillery (slow, heavy tanks there is nothing to do here, but not to be confused with fast heavy tanks, which can also be used here). On the field itself, both teams have equal opportunities, but it will be much more difficult to develop an attack from the field for the team of the lower respawn, since they will have to overcome an open plain, translucent and shot through by tank destroyers from several positions at once. For a successful attack in this case, you will have to spend a few more strength and durability points. However, I repeat - none of the teams can throw this direction!
  8. Lowland. Almost the entire central part of the Highway map is well below its edges. In addition, this whole lowland is open, without any shelters or at least terrain folds, which means that it does not represent any value for the gameplay. It's not worth going here. However, through the lowland lies the most short cut between two bases - this can be used at the end of the battle, when you urgently need to return to defend the base or stand up for capture.
  9. Bridge. A very dangerous, but also a very significant position on the map is Highway. It is worth occupying with light tanks (you must keep in mind that here you will probably have to face an enemy firefly). This position allows you to shine through enemies in several directions. Medium tanks will not feel so comfortable here, but sometimes they can be found under the bridge.

How to play Highway? Let's look at the siding scheme and some positions:

  1. Fast and maneuverable tanks (indicated in yellow) drive onto the field and fight with the enemy (the approximate location of the collision is indicated by the red area), and if successful, they move further to the enemy base (as I already wrote, it is much easier for the top base team to develop an offensive here ) and get up to capture or go behind enemy lines in the city. If medium tanks have cleared the field and enemy hills, embarked on a capture, then it will be extremely difficult for the enemy to return and knock down the capture. This is one of the most simple ways win on this map.
  2. Light tanks split up and drive in three directions, indicated by blue arrows:
    • under the bridge, where they may have to face enemy fireflies, but after that you can shine through both enemy anti-tank positions and impudent ST-shek (the second, if they are substituted, you can even shoot at the soft sides and stern from invis); extremely important position.
    • on the outskirts of the town, hiding in dense vegetation, provide the allies with illumination of enemies traveling to the city or, if you're lucky, shine through the positions of tank destroyers.
    • in extreme cases, if the team has an overabundance of fireflies, then light tanks that are not involved in their main functions can support ST-nis on the field.
  3. Heavily armored tanks are advancing into the city and, under the shelter of high buildings, measure the thickness of their armor with the enemy. This direction is very standard and understandable, it differs little from the city parts of other maps. A further attack on the enemy base is much more difficult for the top respawn team, since you will have to drive through an open lowland and then climb up a hill (as mentioned above).
  4. Purple areas indicate standard positions for tank destroyers. I can only add that all of them, by and large, are intended for defense and it will not be possible to actively shoot here. Therefore, if you want to take an active part in the battle, then you should support allies in one of the directions at close range. However, it is not worth completely exposing the base and leaving it unprotected and, perhaps, in some cases it is better to remain in these positions. Keep this in mind.
  5. Artillery on this map shoots through almost everywhere, with the exception of the city and a few places where there are buildings (the most critical when you need to shoot down the capture, and the enemy is hiding behind the buildings located in the capture circle). Positions for gunners are marked with brown areas. However, on the Highway map, one of the flanks is very often broken through, and therefore you should always be on the alert, analyze the current situation, look at the minimap and, at the right time, move to the flank that your team does not merge.

And now I suggest you look at picture 4 in order to understand clearly how difficult it is to storm across an open field and uphill (those two unfavorable options for the development of an attack that I described several times above):

Picture 4. Inconvenient directions for attack.

  1. The lower respawn team rushes across the field (yellow arrows), clears it, but in order to move on they are forced to go down to the lowland in the center of the map, where they can be easily seen through and shot by tank destroyers (from areas marked in purple). As you can see on the map, it is unlikely that you will be able to slip through here without losses, since, being on the field itself, you are protected from backache (the drawing circle simply does not reach here), but in the lowland you will already be on a saucer.
  2. A mirror variant for the top respawn team with one difference: the top team attacks the city (along the red arrows), and then they face the same problem, since in order to further attack they need to go down to the same lowland, and then climb up the hill to the enemy base. In this case, just as in the previous one, it is unlikely that it will be possible to do without losses.

In custody.

What can be said about Highway in summary? The map turned out to be quite ambiguous and complex. Playing from different spawns on different classes of vehicles, you will face certain problems. But I think that one of the main problems of the map is that it is quite difficult to return to your own base if it is captured due to the size of the map and the steep, long climb from the lowland, and at the end, opponents hidden behind the houses await you. According to my own feelings, the battles on this map relatively often end with capture. Therefore, I advise you to especially closely monitor the situation developing in battle in order to respond in time to ongoing events.

This completes the overview of the Highway map, try to look at the map correctly and understand it. And with that, I say goodbye to you, see you soon.

). The size of the map is 1000 by 1000 meters, the level of battles is from 4 to 11. The same cute little houses and an abundance of various vegetation.

The diversity of the landscape opens up a lot of space for different routes of movement and allows you to come up with many tactics. The presence of a large open area can be used for flanking attacks, and a small town in the right corner of the map suggests intense close combat.

It is important to immediately note that artillery feels very good on the map, as it is almost completely shot through, and most buildings are destructible.

Approximate siding routes for all types of vehicles.

Light tanks (LT):

On the Highway, light tanks have complete freedom of action. They can choose any route. It is recommended to shine along the river or make circles in the central area.

Medium tanks (ST):

For medium tanks, the hilly area (western part of the map) is preferable. Maneuvering in the folds of the terrain, STs are able to inflict great damage on the enemy both independently and by highlighting targets for artillery. Also, medium tanks can go along the riverbed.

Heavy tanks (TT):

Heavy tanks feel most comfortable in the city. Due to their lack of speed, they are an easy target in open areas. But do not forget that the city is not a key position. From a tactical point of view, the capture of the city does not provide any advantages. In addition to the city, a village, bridges and a high bank above the river can provide some protection.

Anti-tank self-propelled artillery installations (PT SAU):

The main task of tank destroyers is to protect the base. First of all, the flanks, where a ST breakthrough is likely. Bushes and small houses are quite common on the map, so finding a comfortable position should not be difficult.

Self-propelled Artillery Mounts (SAU):

The map is very good for SPG actions. Artillery keeps most of the map under fire. The main danger is a sudden breakthrough of medium tanks along the flank or a lone light tank that has found a gap in the defensive formations.


Several local war zones can be distinguished on the map (marked with white ovals in the figure): this is a field (B2: D3), a farm (E1: E4), a city (H0: K0). The arrows mark the routes of movement of the tanks.

The Highway map is open, which complicates the life of TT and PT, but ST and LT feel quite good. The main shelters are various irregularities in the landscape and buildings, you can also use the river, it does not serve as an obstacle to travel.

How to shine on the Highway.

On this map, LT feel free and unlimited, you can go wherever your heart desires. At the beginning of the battle, you can light up enemy tanks moving into the city by making a circle in the center of the map (marked with a yellow oval in the picture). If you want to safely reach the enemy base - your path is along the river.

There are several options for CT: drive in a place with TT to the city or attack on the left side of the map, using the numerous hills and lowlands. Using the terrain of the map, you can deal a lot of damage to the enemy, not only by dealing damage with your guns, but also highlighting enemy tanks for artillery. It is also possible to ride along the river bed, but this option rarely leads to victory.

TT's life is dangerous and difficult, and there is only one choice - to go to the city. Their limited speed and maneuverability make them easy targets in open areas. But you should not stand in the city, this is not a key position. Since most buildings are destructible, it only serves as a temporary shelter from artillery. You need to systematically move in the directions of attack and take the base. In addition to the city, the village, bridges and the high bank of the river can provide some protection.

The main task of the PT is to protect the base on the Highway map. We choose the bush we like not far from the respawn and occupy it. First of all, it is worth covering the directions where a ST breakthrough is likely. More details about protected and useful places will be described below, in the section "Hooks and buildings".

Lots of open space to work. As a rule, art does not leave the base far and occupies J1:K1 for the bottom respawn, and A9:A0 for the top respawn. You should not focus all the fire on the field, because even in the city there are many places where you can cover enemy tanks. The main danger for us is a breakthrough of medium tanks or a lone LT that slipped through at the most inopportune moment.

Nychki and buildings on the Highway map

Let's start with the bottom of the map - up. Along the houses in the J1 square there are excellent bushes that will allow you to shoot at targets coming from the city, and the buildings will save the artillery from the wrath.

In the city, in J0, most of the buildings are indestructible and you can safely conduct a firefight, but you should not get carried away and look so that you do not go to the rear.

Forest plantations on the 8th vertical will allow you to shoot with impunity at the tanks illuminated near the highway or slip into the CT behind enemy lines.

In the village you can also find various bushes for shooting through the field, especially the indestructible two-story house in F1.