Duke nukem forever dlc walkthrough. Duke Nukem Forever Walkthrough "Heartbreaker" and "Ruins of Las Vegas"

What should we do first? Of course, "lighten up"! By holding the left mouse button, we satisfy the natural need.

At the time when you get tired of doing this, press "E" and leave the toilet. We get out into the hall and paint the board according to our own taste. Now it's time to go to extinguish the monsters. We follow the fighters and learn a little about the wisdom of management.

Having reached the elevator, we select the first weapon - the Destroyer, go upstairs and shoot at the huge Cycloid. We run in circles sideways and at one moment we shoot. At the time when the shells run out, we wait until they are delivered. The less health Cycloid has, the closer we get to him and the more actively he tries to ram us. Based on this, you can not let him out of sight. Having knocked him down, we soon run up to him and press the appropriate button.

After that, besides this, we soon press the "Space" and tear off part of the body, after which the Cycloid dies. We make a crown reception by pressing "E". Being in the apartment, having completed with the twins, we leave the apartment and head to the elevator.

Why are we not napping?

Going downstairs, we head straight for the performance. We listen to breaking news in the corridor. We sign the book for the boy and get out to the studio. Here there were problems, on the basis of this we set off to find out what really happened. We go through the second passage and teach the starry dude a lesson.

We move along the corridors and get out to the elevator. Having got stuck on the penultimate floor, we use the illuminated emergency button and climb the ladder that appears to the last floor. In the museum we come to touch and try to drive the boy away. Use the terminal on the right to take a picture of it.

We sit down on a chair and go down.

Duke Cave.

After talking with the General and the President, we move forward. An opponent tries to break through the door. We beat him with our fists, open the door and select the highlighted object. We throw it at another. We enter the door on the left and kill two more. We select a weight and pump up a little, this gives an increase to health.

We tear off the illuminated hatch from the wall, crouch and crawl. Having got out, we drink beer by pressing "6". It makes us more resilient and opponents' attacks cause less damage to health. In the dark it is possible to use special glasses, the "F" button. Open the door, turn left and go down the pipes.

Enemies also do not see in the dark, this is a good chance to kill them without harm to health. In the last room we deal with two and knock out the bars on the wall. We jump down, where we crawl a little more, we deal with rivals.

Now we remove the containers supporting the pipe. We rise to another finish line and, soon sprinting, we jump to another pipe. In the room with the generator, we collect power sources from the boxes. Here we select the first weapon - the Laser Rifle. We place the sources in the appropriate connectors.

Having thrust the second, the door will open, from where the rivals will appear. We go through this door and, after killing a few more, we get into a room with a control panel from a typewriter. The third power source is located in the room with the controlled machine. The domestic task is to drag him to the hole on the wall. It is very easy to do this, it is enough to carefully manage the machine, throwing the source down - ram it through the hole. We select the power source and, returning to the generator, insert it into the connector.

We expect and take the resulting product - steroids. We accept them by pressing "5" and, running in a circle, split the opponents in hand-to-hand combat. New creatures will crawl through the opened door. We kill them with weapons and pass on. We acquire a new weapon - a branded M1911 pistol with a laser sight.

We open the door and move along the corridor, cracking down on enemies. Only if we wipe everyone off the face of the earth, we will be able to use a huge weapon in the central room.

Carrier ship.

Having got out to the surface, we wait until the weapon of the alien ship begins to destroy the city. We shoot at it until it is completely destroyed. Do not forget to watch the temperature and the enemy aircraft flying over us. Then, one of the downed fighters pushes us away, and we again fall down.

After regaining consciousness, after four hours, we break out the grate on the wall and crawl along the ventilation shaft.


Having passed to the end, we find ourselves at the elevator that is about to be prepared to fall. There is a lever next to the cable. Activate it by holding LMB. On the opposite wall are the numbers indicating the floors. We squeeze the lever to the full, at a time when 10-12 floors remain.

We jump down and open the elevator door. Stepping on the liquid that reduced us! Noticing the boy, we move the cart away, ramming it.

We sit in the car and, using afterburner, we fly over the springboard. Then, we move along the only road. Having reached the first floor, we carefully drive along the edge of the destroyed fountain. Having bypassed it, we accelerate, how to go and fly over.

After that, we must not only skillfully go around obstacles, but also evade rivals so as not to become their target.

Heartbreaker: part 2.

We pass through the hall, dodging enemies. Do not go through the next door. We leave the car and crawl under it. We climb onto the billiard table through the suitcases. Getting to the tumbler will not be difficult.

Just do not forget to kill the rats, otherwise they will do it to us before we activate the toggle switch. We return to the car and jump over the springboard. The danger increases with the appearance of pig-like creatures. We are constantly on the move and are looking for new ski jumps soon. We meet a SOZ warrior that can expand us if we open the gate.

We move the cart to the toggle switch and through the beds we get directly to it. We go to the magnifying platform on the contrary of the exhibit, between the sisters. We break the glass and select the shotgun.

We destroy the emerging enemies, both on the ground and attacking from a helicopter. At a time when the sisters fall through the ground, open the illuminated grate and return to the gaming halls. In this way we withstand the waves of rivals.

In the hall with the car on the podium, both from the front and from the back, there are steroids. We pass along the corridor, jumping over the abyss on the right side.

Heartbreaker: part 3.

We move forward, killing enemies. Having reached our own statue, by means of the console we move the right hand to the highest building on the right. We press the right mouse button and soon we climb up. We kill the pig-nosed and through the room we get into the ventilation shaft. After passing through it, we jump down. We move away and shoot at the source of the laser.

We crawl through the next crouching, after that we jump over the boxes. And again we shoot at the grounds located on the ceiling. On the second floor, in addition, we blow up lasers, and extinguish the flame that appears by shooting at fire extinguishers.

We select mines and break out the door. We retreat back and scatter mines against the oncoming creatures. We replenish ammunition by using a box of shells.

In the hall we will be attacked by a flying grenade launcher. We move constantly, we need to in one direction, and we attack as close as possible with a shotgun. Having dealt with the aliens, we see the general.

Ruins of Las Vegas.

After finding out how Dylan is happy to work with us, we head to the truck and pick up a new weapon - the Ripper. We go along the street until we find ourselves at the barricade. Using the turret, we destroy a couple of waves of aliens. Through the vacant passage we move on. Having mined the blockage, we wait until the explosives detonate, and follow the bridge. Unfortunately assistants are killed.

We jump down and deal with aliens. If possible, take your time and use the turret to save ammo. On the box we find a new weapon - RPG.

We see the soldier and the captain of the SOZ. Having beaten off the attack of the enemies, a huge Commander appears. Only RPGs, or explosives, work against him. No way, we do not rise in front of him, so as not to appear under massive fire.

We shoot from corners and keep our distance. It is possible to replenish ammunition from the box, next to the fallen fighter. Having knocked down the thug, we run to him and use crown finishing moves twice.

After a while, Dylan appears. He is fully alive and well, despite the fact that it seemed that he would no longer return, after disappearing on the bridge.

Duke dome.

We move through the sewer tunnels. Electricity is blocking the way, therefore we expect it to calm down for a while and soon we will cross the water on wooden boards. We extinguish the flame by shooting at the fire extinguisher on the hanging corpse. We climb up, where we see the builders. Soon the container is lowered, and we climb into it. The appeared monster kills all people.

As long as we move through the air, we deal with enemies in sight. Do not forget that there is a box with shells nearby. Having flown out of the container, we turn around, jump over the boxes and shoot at the lock on the door.

We move along the site, killing pigs. We pass through the container at the second finish line and jump down. Bypassing the trailer, we climb onto the roof. Having shot through the glass, we get inside. Activate the toggle switch next to the door.

On the table is a new weapon - the Railgun. Very wonderful sniper rifle, talented to "flash" several opponents at once in sequence. We fight off the offensive, being in the trailer. After a couple of waves, the enemies will overturn the trailer, and we can get out of it. We finish off the rest and press the button next to the lattice door.

She jammed, based on this, we open it to the end on our own.

Duke Dome: part 2.

We move forward and at the end we find a swinging container in which a couple of barrels. We have to supplement it with barrels. One is on top of the other container, and in it, you need wood boxes. And two more in a nearby container. So that they fall, we shoot at the red barrels. Having placed all of them in the last container, it is outweighed, and we can climb onto it, through the adjacent container.

We get to the crane that does not work without a battery. We climb onto the crane and move along its forklift. We get to the site through the container, shooting at the barrels in it. We climb up the red stairs and pick up the battery from the room. From RPG we destroy aircraft of aliens. We return to the crane and insert the battery.

Pound the wall of the building on the left until a hole is formed. On the forklift we penetrate into the structure and break out the door.

If you go down, then at the end you can find the Ripper machine gun. And the necessary path is on the right, for this we jump onto the stones. We destroy obstacles, crawl through the tunnel and roll the ball into the appropriate slot to open the door. All we do next is move forward, killing different creatures.

Having found the twins, we speak with them and soon they will mutate into small creatures. The next room requires a ball to open the door. We go along the other passage to the end.

We shoot at the larva and, at the time when it turns into a ball, we roll it to the closed door.

Hive: part 2.

We shoot at the hanging corpses, from which both shells and weapons appear. We kill the seen enemies and clear the path from all kinds of obstacles. We jump to high places by means of special repulsors. Having reached the repulsor on the wall, in front of which there is an abyss, we throw explosives at it. At the time when it flies off, we detonate it and roll the resulting ball to the door.

At the bottom left we use the repulsor.

Queen bitch mother.

We find out in the building in front of the closed door. We hit the pear to increase the health bar. In the right room we select explosives and throw it into the passage to the left of the door, as possible at a huge angle. At the time she falls from reverse side- detonate. We go out into the hall with the Queen.

From the illuminated boxes we extract explosives and throw them at the nearest repulsor. At the time when she lands next to the Queen, we detonate. Soon we will attack the opened uterus from RPGs or explosives. We repeat these steps until it is completely destroyed.

In addition, do not forget to dodge her attacks and kill small creatures. Having hit the Queen, we run up to her mouth and finish it off.

Boobs City by Duke Nukem.

After talking with a stripper, we go in search of popcorn, a condom and a vibrator. We pass inside and turn right, go through the door with the inscription "Exit". We climb the stairs and get into the room.

We take the condom from the table. Open the microwave, pick up the package of popcorn lying on it and put it inside. We close and wait for the time when it is ready.

It is now possible to eat food lying on the microwave, thereby increasing the health bar. Then, we go into the room next to the DJ console, near the podium. In one of the lockers we find a vibrator. We return to the stripper in the room for drinking champagne.

We follow her, sit on a chair and notice the show.

Crash course.

Having regained consciousness in a helicopter, we speak with a SOZ warrior. We are hit, and we crash, crashing into a building. We jump over the fence, if there is no weapon for close range, then we select a pistol. We pass forward, jump down and move along the tentacles. One wrong move and death awaits us, based on this, we kill the enemies from a distance. Having reached a stable surface, we deal with flying aliens.

On the fallen piece of concrete, we continue moving along the tentacles. By means of repulsors we find out at the stairs. We climb it to the fallen helicopter, in which we use the turret. Without fail, use the aimed flame, right-click.

At a time when the helicopter staggers, we soon turn around and jump out of it. We continue to move and soon the wonderful weapon Destroyer will fall into the domestic disposal. We destroy the alien fighter through it. After that, we kill several rivals, and one of them tries to kidnap us.

Soon we press the appropriate buttons, so as not to fall down.

Burger Duke.

We make our way through the tentacles and enter the eatery. We rise to the reducer and head to the booths. Next to the first we penetrate into the back room through the hole. We grow and cut down the light by moving the shield. We destroy the boards supporting the door and leave the utility room.

Activate night vision. We decrease again and, having jumped onto the bench, we go through the shells until we get into the vacuum between the walls. We climb up the pipe.

Burger Duke: part 2.

We fall down and rise to the increasing platform. We kill small pigs. We pass to the other side and decrease again. Now we are on an equal footing with the enemies. We climb onto the rack by boxes at the end.

We go straight and head to the closed window through the tray. Climb up the pipe and jump onto the tentacle. On it we get to the game room. We jump to the floor and kill the rats. Approaching the door, we hear how it is broken.

Soon we run back, lure the aliens to the reducer and destroy them. In the room with products we run to the door. We climb up the boxes on the left.

In addition, we kill the enemies that appear from the opposite shelf. From the last and largest box we jump to the other side. We climb up the pipe to the highest shelf.

After going to the end, remove the ventilation hatch. The woman is in danger and must be saved by turning off the electricity. We climb onto the cart and then everything is as in most cases.

We jump from one place to another. The spatulas act as repellents. After passing through the dishwasher, we push the mop and go through it to the next shelf. We select the RPG, first of all we shoot at the top shelf on the opposite side, so that it falls apart, and after that we deal with the enemies. We move to the other side and climb onto the surface, which, having shaken, how to go, we jump forward. We jump down and carefully pass through the mousetraps.

We kill the opponent on the top shelf and on the fallen box, we jump over to the other side. We climb up, we select the moment in order to slip through the gas stove, moreover, soon jumping onto a sandwich. We jump down, we pass on the corpse further. Having reached the toaster, we activate it and climb on it. We shoot at the pans and use the cable. We jump from sandwich to sandwich.

Finally, we turn off the electricity. The woman opens the door for us, we pass into the room and climb through the boxes to the ventilation.

Duke's Burger: part 3.

We shoot through the hatch and jump down. We rise to the magnifier and climb the stairs to the roof. We select a new weapon - Reducer. The POP soldier informs that they will come for us in five minutes.. In this, of course, we will deal with the destruction of aliens. When reducing enemies, they must be killed immediately, otherwise they will return to their previous form.

There are still few shells for this weapon on high ground. After some time, rivals with a new weapon will appear - Shredder. Effective against groups of ground enemies, but completely useless against flying ones. In the fight against them we use a shotgun.

We climb onto the arriving shuttle.

Desert Rally.

We fly over the desert, clearing the bridge from aliens. After that, we free the landing area from pig snouts. In addition, we destroy the source of the appearance of enemies - the court.

Having landed, we sit down in the bigfoot and, guided by the arrows, we go along the road.

Desert Rally: Part 2.

We continue to move through the desert. Enemies appear or crush, or ignore. When crossing the gorge, we use a large acceleration by holding the right mouse button. Gasoline runs out on the bridge at the most inopportune moment. We deal with the appearing aliens. At a time when the path is free, we move forward to the booth on the right.

We break out the lock and, according to the data in the corner, we jump onto the roof. In we take away a canister of gasoline and a new device - Golodyuk, which allows us to create a domestic correct copy, moreover, that we become invisible. We break out the boards at the door and return to the bigfoot.

We fill up with gasoline and continue moving. We do not accelerate too much so as not to fall down.

Walkthrough Duke Nukem Forever - #1

Prologue. At the end of the introductory video, we proceed to the study of the game itself. We look around, use binoculars. Zooming in and out of view. We run forward to the destroyed building and ...

Welcome to walkthrough DUKE NUKEM FOREVER.

Mission 1: "Duke Lives"

Immediately we are offered to take a piss. You can run around the restroom, draw on the board. We do need to run. We run out to the Emperor, but we are thrown back. We go down the stairs. holding Shift, we run through the tunnel and grab the destroyer - we rise.
We start shooting at the Cycloid. Soon we will be thrown off ammunition, but for now we are running around so as not to die.
Getting Cycloid.
We go to the elevator.

Mission 2: "Why don't we sleep?"

Let's go watch the news. The boy asks to sign the album (book) - we draw whatever our heart desires. We move to the elevator. We leave, we rise to the throne.

Mission 3: Duke's Cave

We listen to the president and go out, repel the attack of the first strangers. Open the hatch and go through. We drink beer and fight. We turn on special vision and go down the pipes. We knock out the hatch and get rid of the enemies. We remove everything from under the pipe and climb in, we pass - we pick up weapons from the aliens.
We take the first source on the boxes - we activate it. The second - we will be opposite the 2nd tray. For the latter we go to the next room. We use the machine to get the last battery. Activate. We take steroids and urinate in hand-to-hand combat everyone who is on the way.
We take a pistol and go to the "scuffle". We sit down for a gun.

Mission 4: "Carrier ship"

We fire at a huge ship above the city. It will be most effective to shoot at the cannon itself. We destroy small ships.
4 hours later...we go through the ventilation, destroying the bars to get through.

Mission 5: "Heartbreaker (1,2,3 part)"

1 part.
We go out to the elevator - we begin to pull the lever, not bringing it to the end.
We push the cart and get into the car. We go around all the obstacles. To fly over the abyss - use afterburner. We go down the floors.
2 part.

We pass the gallery and stop at the gate. We leave and go inside. There will be boxes in front of you. We climb in and go along the gaming tables to the button - then we get into the car again and drive on. We jump over the abyss and dodge the aliens.
Use the cart to open the gate. We stand on the particle stretcher, break the display case and take the shotgun. We fight back in close combat.
We go where we came from. We reach the casino and hide - we need to kill the crowd. Let's raise the gate and take a position in the corner, because they will teleport behind your back.
Let's move!
3 part.

We immediately turn on special vision, because there is darkness ahead. But don't forget to shoot. We leave to the hall, where there will be a huge Duke. We approach the switch and make Duke stand with his back to you, his left hand was at the top. We jump on the lifts and rise to the 2nd floor.
We go in the door, then into the ventilation. We jump down, replenish supplies from behind, go around all the mines. To put out the fire - shoot fire extinguishers. We take mines, open the door. We stock up on ammo and hide. We shoot at the flying fat man.
We go to the General.

Mission 6: "Ruins of Las Vegas"

I'm going with Dylan. We stand behind the machine gun and shoot the pigs. We follow the squad. We take a partner "for 5 minutes" and forward along the bridge.
We take a more powerful weapon, for example, "Captain's Laser", than we make life easier for ourselves. On the way you will meet an RPG - we take it and go down into the ditch, fight back.
The Warlord will appear - so huge, and also with a machine gun ... without departing from the ammunition, pour a hail of rockets from RPGs on him. We finish it and go into the newly opened hatch.

Mission 7: "Duke Dome (part 1.2)"

1 part.

We pass through the ruins, get out through the well. Let's get into the container. There will be enemies at the construction site, and you have ammunition at your side. We pass to the gate and break the castle. We kill the aliens, through the container we pass to the construction site. We go around the house and get inside through the roof. We use the knife switch, press the button at the gate.
2 part.

We pass through the ruins. Dead end ahead. We climb onto the container and blow up the red barrels in the other - it will fall. Blue ones will roll out from there - drag them into a container near the scaffolding. He will bend down - now we climb on him and pass. We go along the crane, jump to the construction site, blow up the barrels and go upstairs. We take the battery. With the help of RPGs, we shoot down the ship and go to the crane. We insert the battery and destroy the building on the left, then we raise the crane and go there.

Mission 8: "Beehive (part 1.2)"

1 part.

Turn on special vision. We move along the edge to the right. We break the mucus and into the cave. We pass through all the doors. Soon you will hear the voices of the girls, we pass - there will be a "trampoline" on the right below - we jump. We find girls - they will "give birth".
You will eventually reach a dead end. We shoot at the caterpillar - and we begin to roll it into the room to the girls, we pass through the door.
2 part.

We collect items from the corpses and go along the edge of the cliff. We jump up and go through the scraps of stones. We reach the room with capsules and explosives. In front of you is a trampoline - we throw explosives on it on the "3" key. We roll the ball back to where we came from. We fight off flying octopuses on the road.
We pass forward using the trampoline ... now the cockroaches are climbing out of the flowers. We bring down everyone in our path and complete the stage.

Mission 9: "Queen Bitch Mother"

We immediately open the door and stock up. To the left of the door there is a cave - we throw a grenade there. We go and go up to the uterus.
Trampolines left and right. We throw grenades at them and wait for them to fall behind the shields of the uterus - we blow it up ... then we take RPGs to help. She will call for help, a shotgun will help.
After all - we achieve it.

Mission 10: Duke Nukem's Boobs City

Well, everything is clear here.
Find 3 things:
Vibrator and condom in the room with the code (near the bar). Code 4768.
Popcorn will be after the toilet, upstairs. It needs to be cooked. We go straight to the champagne drinking room. The girl will take you.
We sit down and enjoy.

We go along the tentacles, clearing the way. We jump on trampolines, climb up behind the machine gun... try not to miss a single ship. Start shooting.
Carefully exit and continue walking along the giant tentacles. We select the destroyer and destroy the alien ship. We shoot the flying paratroopers ... deal with the latter.

Mission 12: "Burger Duke (1,2,3 part)"

1 part.

We pass through the tentacles and shrink. Now into the hatch, become normal and cut down the electricity.
We decrease again, turn on special vision and jump onto the bench, from there to the sink and into the hole where the current came from. We climb up the pipe and move forward in cramped quarters.
2 part.

We fall and become normal. We enter into battle with small bulls. Through the hole we crawl into another part of the hall. There will be boxes on the right - we climb in, then along the checkout and up. We jump on the tentacles and walk along it. Huge enemies will attack you, we lure them into a diminutive liquid and deal with them on an equal footing. We go into the back room and climb up the boxes. we break the ventilation and pass.
You need to turn off the electricity. We jump down, then onto the cart, therefore onto the refrigerator and onto the trampolines. We jump to the dishwasher and activate it. We drop the mop and move on. We jump on the boxes, climb the shelves. We jump over to the other side, we go along the bottom. We rise to the stove, jump on hamburgers. We jump on the cart, then on the corpse. We rise through the boxes, turn on the toaster and fly up. We use the hook, jump on the rolls and cut down the current. We go through the door, climb up and into the ventilation.
3 part.

We knock out the grate, increase and go out to the roof of Burger Duke. We take a reducer and wait for the evacuation... isn't it too easy?!

Mission 13: "Desert Rally (Part 1.2)"

1 part.

We clear the bridge. Cleaning up the landing site. We get into the car. We are heading following the signs.
If the car turned over - we approach it and press "E".
To go faster, use afterburner ( right button mice).
To sharply wrap - space.
2 part.

Now there will be enemies on the way - you need to crush them.
Following the signs, you will get onto the road. We use the afterburner to fly over the abyss. Gasoline will soon run out, we get out and into battle!
We reach the booth, break the lock and in the old fashioned way ... we penetrate inside from above. We take the canister and the golodyuk ... we return to the car and hit the road!

Mission 14: "Ghost Town"

With the help of a shield, we jump over the cliff and straight ahead there will be an area with buildings and, of course, the “civilian” population, who just want to hospitably welcome you. After a skirmish with the inhabitants, we jump over another blockage. Soon you will see a wooden bridge, do not break, but go around the turn and run over it. Here's another town - to fight!
A fat flyer will jump out of the hangar, the best tactic is to throw a golodyuk and beat him from behind properly. We go inside the hangar, first we move the platform in front of us, we rise to the upper level and lower the stairs. Now we put the platform in its initial position and take the canister through the other side.
We run to the car, fill it up and forward through the hangar!

Mission 15: "Battle on the highway (part 1.2)"

Mission 16: "The Top of the Dam"

We go to the dam, in front - well, oh, a lot of enemies. We crush who gets under the wheels, but in general it is better to go around obstacles. Let's jump on the ship.
We go up the stairs and see the crazy president. We go around it and meet with the detachment. We take weapons and fight off the attack on the road. Here the Warlord will crawl out again. The principle of operation is the same: shoot with an RPG while standing near the ammo box. This time you will have to tear off 2 horns, instead of one.
We go down the rope. We go into the tunnel.

Mission 17: "The boy is the middle finger (part 1.2)"

1 part.

We go to the workers and take the "Freezer". We go in and for a long time and stubbornly beat off all the waves of opponents. We return to the door, from where the workers came and will come - they will open the way for you further ...
We go down the stairs.
2 part.

We go in the door, to the left of the barrier screw - twist. We put the pipes in such a position that there are no pipes in front of you.
So there are 3 rows:
- near the wall - 1
- in the middle - 2
- in front of you - 3
It is necessary that the 1st and 2nd rows be parallel to each other, then we turn the screw and go further.
We deal with enemies, break the board - we rise. We decrease, unscrew the bolts at the grate and jump down. We break the mop and take off. We unscrew the screw and climb the gears. We cut down the fan and forward. We go out and jump onto the wheel, now through the whole mechanism. We got up, we break the ventilation to turn off the main fan. "1:0 - in favor of the Duke."
We climb the suitcases into another room. We call the elevator - a thug will appear, we kill. On the handrails we get to the button.

Mission 18: "Storekeeper (part 1.2)"

1 part.

We go to the magnifier. In the main room, activate the switch. We open the gate and go up. Here you can run along the ledges. We pass into the hole in the fence. We break boxes and destroy all enemies. Octoboss will appear soon - we sit down at the machine gun.
Raise the gate and go inside.
2 part.

We sit down at the lift and forward.
We jump over the grid, turn on special vision, go up to the control room and turn on the light. We leave, we interrupt the crowd of enemies, with the help of the lift we climb up. We sit down in the elevator.

Mission 19: "Engine Hall"

We leave the elevator and go down the stairs to the detachment.
We go into the hall and jump down. We pass through the current. We climb up the stairs and move the pipes. On the tentacles we move from one generator to another. We go upstairs and stock up. While the platform will move - we fight off the Octoboss. We take the "Destroyer" and bombard it with missiles.
Soon he will fall and start to attract you - shoot until we kill.
We jump down to the worker and exit. We jump into the elevator shaft, and from there - into the water.

Mission 20: "Underground (part 1.2)"

1 part.

We extinguish the fire with a fire extinguisher and descend. We pass the hall with screws and rise. We drop the red locker into the mechanism and 2 more, which are at the bottom. We get down and out. We climb into the ventilation.
Part 2: Diver.

We dive and swim down the door. Do not forget to increase the level of oxygen. We turn the valve to open the hatch - we swim through the round room. We destroy cockroaches. We get out along the stairs and jump down ... turn on special vision and go down again. We kill enemies and go down into the tunnels.

Mission 21: "Illuminator (part 1.2)"

1 part.

We clear our way, destroy the aliens. We use scaffolding to climb up. We go down to the platform. A crane will come out, use it to get the blue barrels and load them onto the platform.
1 barrel - near the platform.
2 barrels - above the door where the crane came from.
3 barrels - on the scaffolding where we came from.
We load all the barrels on the crane. Strangers will come out of hangar #2 and #3 one by one - we'll deal with it. Another barrel will be in hangar 3.
2 fat ones will fly out - we kill. We climb onto the crane and go down.
2 part.

We exit carefully. If there is a golodyuk, we use it, if not, then we quickly break through to the stairs on the left. We jump down, climb onto the scaffolding on the right. From there, along the tentacles, we go into the hole above the door.
We jump down, then along the black islands. We go upstairs, there through the pipes to a friend.
We get down and deploy the bridge to the door. We cut electricity. We jump into the water, open the hatch and swim.

Mission 22: "Dam explosion (part 1.2)"

1 part.

We swim, turn the crane, now we swim out. We install on the grate - the first bomb. Turning all the valves, floating along the yellow pipe.
We take the RPG, we kill the energy leech. You can replenish supplies at the containers. At the end, we put a bomb in her head and swim into this pipe.
2 part.

We jump into the water and swim to the left. Be careful, the floor can collapse at any moment.
We run up the long stairs, hiding from the red barrels... you can't hide too long - there's water behind you. Ignoring the enemies - we run. There is an abyss ahead, but there is a ladder to the left. Ahead is another - we rise and run through the tunnel.

Mission 23: "Final Battle"

We kill ordinary aliens with a pistol to take possession of the RPG. We begin to fire at the emperor, after the cartridges run out - we kill ordinary pigs with a pistol, and always do so. We take away all the health from the emperor, climb on it.
His life will almost be restored - we continue to besiege him with fire. Let's go for the second time.
You will be informed that they will drop ammo - but there will also be a "Destroyer", oh ... FINISH HIM!
Let's go by helicopter!

If you are having problems with passing the game Duke Nukem: Forever, you can always use our advice and information for action. We detail the steps you need to follow to complete the game. Duke Nukem: Forever. In the most difficult places, we add pictures that can help you. Walkthrough Duke Nukem: Forever read on our website.

Mission 1: "Duke Lives"

The game starts with our hero having to urinate in the toilet. If you wish, you can wander around the room, play with the drawing board. After that, you will need to run upstairs. We need to run to the Emperor, but we will be thrown back. Use the ladder to go down. Hold Shift, run through the tunnel and grab the destroyer - climb up. Start shooting at the Cycloid. Then we will begin to drop ammunition, but for now we need to dodge so that we are not shot down. Finish off this Cycloid already, view the scene from classic game and follow the elevator.

Mission 2 "Why don't we sleep?"

Go and watch the news, walking through the corridors, you will meet a little fan, he will ask you for an autograph, it is not necessary to put a signature, you can draw, anything. We go to the elevator. Come out and sit on the throne.

Mission 3 "Duc's Cave"

We listen to the president and go out, repel the attack of the first outsiders. Open the hatch and go through. We drink beer and fight. We turn on special vision and go down the pipes. We knock out the hatch and get rid of the opponents. We remove everything from under the pipe and climb in, we pass - we pick up weapons from the intruders.

We take the 1st source on the boxes - we activate it. 2nd - we will be opposite the 2nd tray. For the final we go to the next room. We use the machine to get the final battery. Activate. We take steroids and weep in hand-to-hand combat everyone who will climb to us. We take a gun and go to the "scuffle". We sit down for a gun.

Mission 4 "Carrier ship"

We fire at a hefty ship over the metropolis. The best thing to do would be to shoot the cannon itself. Eliminate small ships.

4 hours later...we go through the ventilation, destroying the bars to get through.

Mission 5 "Heartbreaker"

We go out to the elevator - we begin to drag the lever, not bringing it to the end.

We push the cart and get into the car. We move around all obstacles. To fly over the abyss - use afterburner. We go down the floors.

We pass the gallery and stop at the gate. We leave and go inside. There will be boxes in front of you, we climb and go along the gaming tables to the button - then again we sit down in the machine and move on. We jump over the abyss and dodge the intruders. We use the cart to open the gate. We stand on the particle stretcher, break the display case and take the shotgun. We fight back in close combat. We go back to where we came from. We reach the casino and hide - it is necessary to kill the crowd. Let's raise the gate and take a position in the corner, because they will teleport behind your back.

Let's move!

We immediately turn on special vision, since there is darkness in front. But don't forget to shoot. We leave to the hall where there will be a big Duke. We approach the switch and make Duke stand with his back to you, his left hand was at the top. We jump on the lifts and go up to the 2nd floor.

We go in the door, then into the ventilation. We jump down, replenish supplies behind, go around all the mines. To put out the fire - shoot fire extinguishers. We take mines, open the door. We stock up on ammo and hide. We shoot at the flying fat man.

We go to the general.

Mission 6 "Ruins of Las Vegas"

I'm going with Dylan. We stand behind the machine gun and shoot the pigs. We follow the squad. We take a partner "for 5 minutes." and forward across the bridge.

We take the most powerful weapon, for example "Captain's Laser", than we make life easier for ourselves. On the way you will meet an RPG - we take it and go down into the ditch, fight back.

The Warlord will appear - so big, and also with a machine gun ... without stepping back from the ammunition, pour a hail of rockets from RPGs on him. We finish it off and go into the newly opened hatch.

Mission 7 "Duke Dome"

We pass through the ruins, get out through the well. Let's get into the container. There will be enemies at the construction site, and you have ammunition at your side. We pass to the gate and break the castle. We kill the intruders, through the container we pass to the construction site. We go around the house and get inside through the roof. We use the knife switch, we press the button at the gate.

We pass through the ruins. Dead end in front. We climb onto the container and blow up the reddish barrels in a different one - it will fall down. Blue ones will roll out from there - drag them into a container near the scaffolding. He will bend down - now we climb on him and pass. We go along the crane, jump to the construction site, blow up the barrels and go upstairs. We take the battery. With the help of RPGs, we shoot down the ship and go to the crane. We insert the battery and destroy the room on the left, then we raise the crane and run across there.

Mission 8 "Beehive"

Turn on special vision. We move along the edge to the right. We break the mucus and into the cave. We pass through all the doors. Soon you will hear the voices of women, we pass - there will be a "trampoline" on the right below - we jump. We find women - they will "give birth".

You will eventually reach a dead end. We shoot at the caterpillar - and we begin to roll it into the building to the girls, we pass through the door.

We collect things from the dead and go along the edge of the cliff. We jump up and go through the scraps of pebbles. We reach the building with capsules and explosives. In front of you is a trampoline - we throw explosives at the "3" button on it. We roll the ball back to where we came from. We fight off flying octopuses on the road. We pass forward using the trampoline ... now the cockroaches are climbing out of the flowers. We bring down everyone on our own path and finish the stage.

Mission 9 "Queen Bitch Mother"

Immediately open the door and stock up. To the left of the door there is a cave - we throw a grenade there. We go and go up to the uterus.

Trampolines left and right. We throw grenades at them and wait until they fill the shields of the uterus - we explode ... then we take them to support the RPG. She will call for help, a shotgun will help.
After all - we achieve it.

Mission 10 Duke Nukem's Boobs City »

Well, everything is clear here.
Find 3 things:
Vibrator and condom in the room with the code (within the bar). Code 4768.
Popcorn will be after the toilet, upstairs. It needs to be cooked. We go straight to the champagne drinking room. The woman will take you.
We sit down and enjoy.

Mission 11 "Crash Course"

We go along the tentacles, clearing the way. We jump on trampolines, we rise behind the machine gun ... try not to miss a single ship. Start shooting.
We carefully exit and continue to walk along the huge tentacles. We select the destroyer and eliminate the intruder ship. We shoot the flying paratroopers ... deal with the final.

Mission 12 "Burger Duke"

We pass through the tentacles and shrink. Now in the hatch, we become ordinary and cut down the electricity.
We decrease again, turn on special vision and jump onto the bench, from there to the sink and into the hole where the current came from. We climb up the pipe and move forward in cramped quarters.

We fall and become ordinary. We enter into a duel with small bulls. Through the hole we crawl into another part of the hall. There will be boxes on the right - we climb in, then at the checkout and upstairs. We jump on the tentacles and walk along it. Big enemies will head for you, we lure them into a diminutive liquid and deal with them on an equal footing. We go into the back room and climb up the boxes. break open the ventilation and pass. You need to turn off the power. We jump down, then to the cart, so to the freezer and trampolines.

We jump to the dishwasher and activate it. We throw off the mop and run across. We jump on the boxes, climb the shelves. We jump over to the other side, we go along the bottom. We rise to the stove, we jump on hamburgers. We jump on the cart, then on the corpse. We rise through the boxes, turn on the toaster and fly up. Let's adopt a hook, jump on the rolls and cut down the current. We go through the door, climb up and into the ventilation.
We knock out the grid, increase and go out to the roof of Burger Duke. We take a reducer and expect evacuation ... isn't it very simple ?!

Mission 13 "Desert Rally"

We clear the bridge. Cleaning up the landing site. We get into the car. We are heading following the signs.
If the car turned over - we approach it and press "E".
To move faster, use afterburner (right mouse button). To quickly wrap - space.
Now there will be enemies on the way - you need to press them. Following the signs, you will climb out onto the road. Let's adopt the afterburner to fly over the abyss. Soon the fuel will run out, we get out and into a duel!
We reach the booth, break open the lock and in the old fashioned way ... we penetrate inside from above. We take a canister and a golodyuk ... we return to the car and hit the road!

Mission 14 "Ghost Town"

With the help of a shield, we jump over the cliff and straight ahead there will be an area with buildings and of course a "peaceful" population, which, however, also want to meet you kindly. After a skirmish with the residents, we jump over another blockage. Soon you will see a tree bridge, do not hack, but go around the turn and move it. Here is another town - in a duel!

A fat flyer will jump out of the hangar, best strategy- throw a golodyuk and beat him back as it should. We go inside the hangar, at first we move the platform in front of us, we rise to the upper level and lower the stairs. Now we put the platform in its original position and take the canister through the other side.
We run to the car, fill it up and forward through the hangar!

Mission 15 "Battle on the Highway"

We drive within the water to the right and to the hillock. We break the advertising zit and jump through it to the highway. There will be enemies on the trucks who will throw reddish barrels at you. With the help of the afterburner we overtake them and break out into the ditch. There we maneuver from light and other obstacles. We crush opponents.
Soon we'll run out of fuel again.

We leave the car, take the "Relston" and kill all the opponents within the machine gun, well, those who will run at you. Then we take a golodyuk on the left in the car and go around there, after all, cracking down on enemies ... we reach the ammunition and stand behind the machine gun. A ship will arrive - it's time to use a "distracting maneuver". We take the RPG and firing into the ship.

We go into the cave and find the cart. We throw out all the barrels and push it to the hillock to fix it on the brake. We climb in and start a short trip. We take a canister. There will be scaffolding on the left...we go up. Another cart - again we roll it on the brake - we sit down and go!
Pour gasoline and into the cave!

Mission 16 "Top of the dam"

We move to the dam, in front - well, oh, a very large number of opponents. We crush who gets under the wheels, in short - it is better to go around obstacles. Let's jump on the ship.

We climb the stairs and see the crazy president. We go around it and meet with the unit. We take a gun and fight off the attack on the road. Here the Commander will crawl out again. The principle of operation is the same: shoot with an RPG while standing within the ammo box. This time you need to tear off 2 horns, instead of the 1st.
We go down the rope. We go into the tunnel.

Mission 17 "The boy is the middle finger »

We go to the workers and take the "Refrigerator". We go in and for a long time and stubbornly beat off all the waves of enemies. We return to the door from where the workers came and will come - they will open the way for you further ... We go down the stairs. We go in the door, to the left of the obstacle the screw is twisted. We put the pipes in this position so that they are not in front of you. In other words, there are 3 rows: - within the wall - 1 - in the center - 2 - in front of you - 3 It is necessary that the 1st and 2nd rows be parallel to each other, in those cases turn the screw and go further. We deal with enemies, break the board - we rise. We decrease, unscrew the bolts at the grid and jump down. We break the mop and take off. We unscrew the screw and climb the gears. We cut down the fan and forward. We leave and jump on the wheel, now through the whole mechanism. We got up, break open the ventilation to turn off the largest fan. "1: 0 - in favor of the Duke." We climb the suitcases into another room. We call the elevator - a thug will appear, we kill. On the handrails we get to the button.

Mission 18 "Storekeeper"

We go to the magnifier. In the main room, activate the switch. We open the gate and go up. Here you can run along the ledges. We pass into the hole in the fence. We break boxes and suppress all opponents. Quickly show up Octoboss - we sit down at the machine gun. Raise the gate and go inside.
We sit down at the lift and forward. We jump over the grid, turn on the special vision, go up to the control room and turn on the light. We leave, we interrupt a lot of opponents, with the help of a lift we climb up. We sit down in the elevator.

Mission 19 "Engine Room"

We leave the elevator and go down the stairs to the detachment. We go into the hall and jump down. We pass through the current. We climb up the stairs and move the pipes. We run along the tentacles from the 1st generator to another. We go upstairs and stock up. As long as the platform begins to move, we fight off the Octoboss. We take the "Destroyer" and bombard it with missiles. Soon he will fall down and begin to attract you - we shoot until we kill him. We jump down to the worker and leave. We jump into the elevator shaft, and from there - into the water.

Mission 20 "Underground »

We extinguish the fire with a fire extinguisher and descend. We pass the hall with screws and rise. We throw off the reddish locker into the device and also 2, which are below. We get down and out. We climb into the ventilation. We dive and swim down the door. Don't forget to increase the air level. We turn the valve to open the hatch - we swim through the round room. We eliminate cockroaches. We get out along the stairs and jump down ... turn on the special vision and go down again. We kill opponents and go down into the tunnels.

Mission 21 "Clarifier »

We clear the way for ourselves, eliminate the intruders. We use scaffolding to climb up. We go down to the platform. A crane will come out, use it to get the blue barrels and lower them onto the platform.
1 barrel - within the platform. 2 barrel - above the door where the crane came from.
3 barrels - on the scaffolding where we came from. We load all the barrels on the crane. Strangers will come out of hangar #2 and #3 in turn - we'll deal with it. The next barrel will be in the 3rd hangar. 2 fat ones will fly out - we kill. We climb onto the crane and go down. We exit carefully. If there is a golodyuk, we will take it into service, if not, then we quickly push through to the stairs on the left. We jump down, climb onto the scaffolding on the right. From there, along the tentacles, we go into the hole above the door. We jump down, then along the black islands. We go upstairs, there through the pipes to a friend. We go down and deploy the bridge to the door. We cut off electricity. We jump into the water, open the hatch and swim.

Mission 22 "Dam explosion »

We swim, turn the crane, now we swim out. We install on the grate - the first bomb. Turning all the taps, floating along the yellowish pipe.
We take the RPG, we kill the energy leech. You can replenish supplies at the containers. At the end, we put a bomb in her head and swim into this pipe. We jump into the water and swim to the left. Be careful, the floor can fall at any moment. We run up the long stairs, hiding from the burgundy barrels ... you can’t hide for too long - there is water behind. Ignoring the opponents - we run. There is an abyss ahead, but there is a ladder to the left. Ahead is another - we rise and run through the tunnel.

Mission 23 "Decisive battle »

We kill ordinary intruders with a pistol to master the RPG. We begin to fire at the ruler, after the cartridges run out - we kill ordinary pigs with a pistol and so almost constantly. We take away all the health from the ruler, climb on it. His life will practically be restored - we continue to besiege him with flames. Let's go for the 2nd time. They will tell you that they will throw off the cartridges - but there will also be a "Destroyer", oh ... FINISH HIM! Let's go by helicopter!

After 12 years of development, the game might not have been released at all - the 3DRealms studio announced its closure. The project was given to Gearbox, the intellectual property rights were shared by several developers at once. The further fate of the game was unknown and gaming magazines and blogs buried it again. To be honest, no one really believed in the release of Duke Nukem Neverever (never ever).

However, already in January 2011, it was announced that Duke would be released in May. In May, the release was postponed again, but only for a month, and now, on June 10, 2011, the long-term construction, which had been underway for almost 13 years, was finally released.

And he was terrible.

It's not even about the harsh graphics of the 2005 model (Doom 3 was released in 2004 and it was on its slightly polished engine that the game was made) and not even about the crooked animation and the lack of any idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat good level design is , No. The online game Lineage 2 is a completely different matter, the servers of which are located at - http://scryde.ru. Stunning graphics and atmosphere will not leave you indifferent. Play with friends and fight against enemies.

It's just that the game starts where you want it after a couple of hours of playing and leave it - in the toilet. You understand this immediately after you jump Duke in front of the mirror. If the developers couldn't make a normal jump animation, then the rest of the game is also bad. Physical puzzles are terrible, the character’s life system (the “Egoism” line) is terrible, weapons (instead of 10 barrels you can take only 2 to choose from) are terrible, you can naturally get lost in locations and in places it’s not clear where to go and what to do, in short, everything is terrible. Duke's gameplay is terrible. And he forever sat down where he was designed - in the 90s.

But this is not the worst. The worst thing is the mood of the game. As if it was made by teenagers of 12 years old from the 90s. “And let's make it so that you can take shit in your hand and throw it at the enemy”, “Let's hang healthy boobs on the walls in an alien ship and you can spank them!”, “Let's have it after 3 minutes of the game the twins gave us blowjobs!” (fortunately behind the scenes), “Let's…” - and there are so many such “let's” in the game that it only causes disgust.

The humor of Duke, a character originally from the 80s, has remained the same - extremely stupid and primitive. It wouldn't be annoying if Duke spoke his one-liners infrequently and to the point. But here the character is just some kind of unstoppable bucket of witticisms - he pours them on the case and not on the case, and THEY ARE NOT FUNNY.

Welcome to walkthrough DUKE NUKEM FOREVER.

Mission 1: "Duke Lives"

Immediately we are offered to take a piss. You can run around the restroom, draw on the board. We do need to run. We run out to the Emperor, but we are thrown back. We go down the stairs. holding Shift, we run through the tunnel and grab the destroyer - we rise.
We start shooting at the Cycloid. Soon we will be thrown off ammunition, but for now we are running around so as not to die.
Getting Cycloid.
We go to the elevator.

Mission 2: "Why don't we sleep?"

Let's go watch the news. The boy asks to sign the album (book) - we draw whatever our heart desires. We move to the elevator. We leave, we rise to the throne.

Mission 3: Duke's Cave

We listen to the president and go out, repel the attack of the first strangers. Open the hatch and go through. We drink beer and fight. We turn on special vision and go down the pipes. We knock out the hatch and get rid of the enemies. We remove everything from under the pipe and climb in, we pass - we pick up weapons from the aliens.
We take the first source on the boxes - we activate it. The second - we will be opposite the 2nd tray. For the latter we go to the next room. We use the machine to get the last battery. Activate. We take steroids and urinate in hand-to-hand combat everyone who is on the way.
We take a pistol and go to the "scuffle". We sit down for a gun.

Mission 4: "Carrier ship"

We fire at a huge ship above the city. It will be most effective to shoot at the cannon itself. We destroy small ships.
4 hours later...we go through the ventilation, destroying the bars to get through.

Mission 5: "Heartbreaker (1,2,3 part)"

1 part.
We go out to the elevator - we begin to pull the lever, not bringing it to the end.
We push the cart and get into the car. We go around all the obstacles. To fly over the abyss - use afterburner. We go down the floors.
2 part.

We pass the gallery and stop at the gate. We leave and go inside. There will be boxes in front of you. We climb in and go along the gaming tables to the button - then we get into the car again and drive on. We jump over the abyss and dodge the aliens.
Use the cart to open the gate. We stand on the particle stretcher, break the display case and take the shotgun. We fight back in close combat.
We go where we came from. We reach the casino and hide - we need to kill the crowd. Let's raise the gate and take a position in the corner, because they will teleport behind your back.
Let's move!
3 part.

We immediately turn on special vision, because there is darkness ahead. But don't forget to shoot. We leave to the hall, where there will be a huge Duke. We approach the switch and make Duke stand with his back to you, his left hand was at the top. We jump on the lifts and rise to the 2nd floor.
We go in the door, then into the ventilation. We jump down, replenish supplies from behind, go around all the mines. To put out the fire - shoot fire extinguishers. We take mines, open the door. We stock up on ammo and hide. We shoot at the flying fat man.
We go to the General.

Mission 6: "Ruins of Las Vegas"

I'm going with Dylan. We stand behind the machine gun and shoot the pigs. We follow the squad. We take a partner "for 5 minutes" and forward along the bridge.
We take a more powerful weapon, for example, "Captain's Laser", than we make life easier for ourselves. On the way you will meet an RPG - we take it and go down into the ditch, fight back.
The Warlord will appear - so huge, and also with a machine gun ... without departing from the ammunition, pour a hail of rockets from RPGs on him. We finish it and go into the newly opened hatch.

Mission 7: "Duke Dome (part 1.2)"

1 part.

We pass through the ruins, get out through the well. Let's get into the container. There will be enemies at the construction site, and you have ammunition at your side. We pass to the gate and break the castle. We kill the aliens, through the container we pass to the construction site. We go around the house and get inside through the roof. We use the knife switch, press the button at the gate.
2 part.

We pass through the ruins. Dead end ahead. We climb onto the container and blow up the red barrels in the other - it will fall. Blue ones will roll out from there - drag them into a container near the scaffolding. He will bend down - now we climb on him and pass. We go along the crane, jump to the construction site, blow up the barrels and go upstairs. We take the battery. With the help of RPGs, we shoot down the ship and go to the crane. We insert the battery and destroy the building on the left, then we raise the crane and go there.

Mission 8: "Beehive (part 1.2)"

1 part.

Turn on special vision. We move along the edge to the right. We break the mucus and into the cave. We pass through all the doors. Soon you will hear the voices of the girls, we pass - there will be a "trampoline" on the right below - we jump. We find girls - they will "give birth".
You will eventually reach a dead end. We shoot at the caterpillar - and we begin to roll it into the room to the girls, we pass through the door.
2 part.

We collect items from the corpses and go along the edge of the cliff. We jump up and go through the scraps of stones. We reach the room with capsules and explosives. In front of you is a trampoline - we throw explosives on it on the "3" key. We roll the ball back to where we came from. We fight off flying octopuses on the road.
We pass forward using the trampoline ... now the cockroaches are climbing out of the flowers. We bring down everyone in our path and complete the stage.

Mission 9: "Queen Bitch Mother"

We immediately open the door and stock up. To the left of the door there is a cave - we throw a grenade there. We go and go up to the uterus.
Trampolines left and right. We throw grenades at them and wait for them to fall behind the shields of the uterus - we blow it up ... then we take RPGs to help. She will call for help, a shotgun will help.
After all - we achieve it.

Mission 10: Duke Nukem's Boobs City

Well, everything is clear here.
Find 3 things:
Vibrator and condom in the room with the code (near the bar). Code 4768.
Popcorn will be after the toilet, upstairs. It needs to be cooked. We go straight to the champagne drinking room. The girl will take you.
We sit down and enjoy.

We go along the tentacles, clearing the way. We jump on trampolines, climb up behind the machine gun... try not to miss a single ship. Start shooting.
Carefully exit and continue walking along the giant tentacles. We select the destroyer and destroy the alien ship. We shoot the flying paratroopers ... deal with the latter.

Mission 12: "Burger Duke (1,2,3 part)"

1 part.

We pass through the tentacles and shrink. Now into the hatch, become normal and cut down the electricity.
We decrease again, turn on special vision and jump onto the bench, from there to the sink and into the hole where the current came from. We climb up the pipe and move forward in cramped quarters.
2 part.

We fall and become normal. We enter into battle with small bulls. Through the hole we crawl into another part of the hall. There will be boxes on the right - we climb in, then along the checkout and up. We jump on the tentacles and walk along it. Huge enemies will attack you, we lure them into a diminutive liquid and deal with them on an equal footing. We go into the back room and climb up the boxes. we break the ventilation and pass.
You need to turn off the electricity. We jump down, then onto the cart, therefore onto the refrigerator and onto the trampolines. We jump to the dishwasher and activate it. We drop the mop and move on. We jump on the boxes, climb the shelves. We jump over to the other side, we go along the bottom. We rise to the stove, jump on hamburgers. We jump on the cart, then on the corpse. We rise through the boxes, turn on the toaster and fly up. We use the hook, jump on the rolls and cut down the current. We go through the door, climb up and into the ventilation.
3 part.

We knock out the grate, increase and go out to the roof of Burger Duke. We take a reducer and wait for the evacuation... isn't it too easy?!

Mission 13: "Desert Rally (Part 1.2)"

1 part.

We clear the bridge. Cleaning up the landing site. We get into the car. We are heading following the signs.
If the car turned over - we approach it and press "E".
To go faster, use afterburner (right mouse button).
To sharply wrap - space.
2 part.

Now there will be enemies on the way - you need to crush them.
Following the signs, you will get onto the road. We use the afterburner to fly over the abyss. Gasoline will soon run out, we get out and into battle!
We reach the booth, break the lock and in the old fashioned way ... we penetrate inside from above. We take the canister and the golodyuk ... we return to the car and hit the road!

Mission 14: "Ghost Town"

With the help of a shield, we jump over the cliff and straight ahead there will be an area with buildings and, of course, the “civilian” population, who just want to hospitably welcome you. After a skirmish with the inhabitants, we jump over another blockage. Soon you will see a wooden bridge, do not break, but go around the turn and run over it. Here's another town - to fight!
A fat flyer will jump out of the hangar, the best tactic is to throw a golodyuk and beat him from behind properly. We go inside the hangar, first we move the platform in front of us, we rise to the upper level and lower the stairs. Now we put the platform in its initial position and take the canister through the other side.
We run to the car, fill it up and forward through the hangar!

Mission 15: "Battle on the highway (part 1.2)"

Mission 16: "The Top of the Dam"

We go to the dam, in front - well, oh, a lot of enemies. We crush who gets under the wheels, but in general it is better to go around obstacles. Let's jump on the ship.
We go up the stairs and see the crazy president. We go around it and meet with the detachment. We take weapons and fight off the attack on the road. Here the Warlord will crawl out again. The principle of operation is the same: shoot with an RPG while standing near the ammo box. This time you will have to tear off 2 horns, instead of one.
We go down the rope. We go into the tunnel.

Mission 17: "The boy is the middle finger (part 1.2)"

1 part.

We go to the workers and take the "Freezer". We go in and for a long time and stubbornly beat off all the waves of opponents. We return to the door, from where the workers came and will come - they will open the way for you further ...
We go down the stairs.
2 part.

We go in the door, to the left of the barrier screw - twist. We put the pipes in such a position that there are no pipes in front of you.
So there are 3 rows:
- near the wall - 1
- in the middle - 2
- in front of you - 3
It is necessary that the 1st and 2nd rows be parallel to each other, then we turn the screw and go further.
We deal with enemies, break the board - we rise. We decrease, unscrew the bolts at the grate and jump down. We break the mop and take off. We unscrew the screw and climb the gears. We cut down the fan and forward. We go out and jump onto the wheel, now through the whole mechanism. We got up, we break the ventilation to turn off the main fan. "1:0 - in favor of the Duke."
We climb the suitcases into another room. We call the elevator - a thug will appear, we kill. On the handrails we get to the button.

Mission 18: "Storekeeper (part 1.2)"

1 part.

We go to the magnifier. In the main room, activate the switch. We open the gate and go up. Here you can run along the ledges. We pass into the hole in the fence. We break boxes and destroy all enemies. Octoboss will appear soon - we sit down at the machine gun.
Raise the gate and go inside.
2 part.

We sit down at the lift and forward.
We jump over the grid, turn on special vision, go up to the control room and turn on the light. We leave, we interrupt the crowd of enemies, with the help of the lift we climb up. We sit down in the elevator.

Mission 19: "Engine Hall"

We leave the elevator and go down the stairs to the detachment.
We go into the hall and jump down. We pass through the current. We climb up the stairs and move the pipes. On the tentacles we move from one generator to another. We go upstairs and stock up. While the platform will move - we fight off the Octoboss. We take the "Destroyer" and bombard it with missiles.
Soon he will fall and start to attract you - shoot until we kill.
We jump down to the worker and exit. We jump into the elevator shaft, and from there - into the water.

Mission 20: "Underground (part 1.2)"

1 part.

We extinguish the fire with a fire extinguisher and descend. We pass the hall with screws and rise. We drop the red locker into the mechanism and 2 more, which are at the bottom. We get down and out. We climb into the ventilation.
Part 2: Diver.

We dive and swim down the door. Do not forget to increase the level of oxygen. We turn the valve to open the hatch - we swim through the round room. We destroy cockroaches. We get out along the stairs and jump down ... turn on special vision and go down again. We kill enemies and go down into the tunnels.

Mission 21: "Illuminator (part 1.2)"

1 part.

We clear our way, destroy the aliens. We use scaffolding to climb up. We go down to the platform. A crane will come out, use it to get the blue barrels and load them onto the platform.
1 barrel - near the platform.
2 barrels - above the door where the crane came from.
3 barrels - on the scaffolding where we came from.
We load all the barrels on the crane. Strangers will come out of hangar #2 and #3 one by one - we'll deal with it. Another barrel will be in hangar 3.
2 fat ones will fly out - we kill. We climb onto the crane and go down.
2 part.

We exit carefully. If there is a golodyuk, we use it, if not, then we quickly break through to the stairs on the left. We jump down, climb onto the scaffolding on the right. From there, along the tentacles, we go into the hole above the door.
We jump down, then along the black islands. We go upstairs, there through the pipes to a friend.
We get down and deploy the bridge to the door. We cut electricity. We jump into the water, open the hatch and swim.

Mission 22: "Dam explosion (part 1.2)"

1 part.

We swim, turn the crane, now we swim out. We install on the grate - the first bomb. Turning all the valves, floating along the yellow pipe.
We take the RPG, we kill the energy leech. You can replenish supplies at the containers. At the end, we put a bomb in her head and swim into this pipe.
2 part.

We jump into the water and swim to the left. Be careful, the floor can collapse at any moment.
We run up the long stairs, hiding from the red barrels... you can't hide too long - there's water behind you. Ignoring the enemies - we run. There is an abyss ahead, but there is a ladder to the left. Ahead is another - we rise and run through the tunnel.

Mission 23: "Final Battle"

We kill ordinary aliens with a pistol to take possession of the RPG. We begin to fire at the emperor, after the cartridges run out - we kill ordinary pigs with a pistol, and always do so. We take away all the health from the emperor, climb on it.
His life will almost be restored - we continue to besiege him with fire. Let's go for the second time.
You will be informed that they will drop ammo - but there will also be a "Destroyer", oh ... FINISH HIM!
Let's go by helicopter!