What are the awp in cs go. Sniper rifle AWP (AWP, Elephant) awp in cs:go. AWP Strategy

Source: article "How to AWP: mastering Counter-Strike's iconic rifle" by Michal Malachowski published September 15, 2015 on PC Gamer http://www.pcgamer.com/how-to-awp-guide-tips/

Tennis players are familiar with that peculiar feeling of Zen, the calmness and control that comes with playing. All of a sudden, all the worries about maneuvering, planning, and recovering from an opponent's serve disappear: the tempo of the game is in your hands.

The possession of deadly weapons in Counter-Strike is a bit like this. As in tennis, the talented AWP "er owns a mixture of patience and self-confidence. His mind is clear and his reflexes are lightning fast.
AWP intimidating when aimed at you, and you are still learning how to use a weapon. Playing with the AWP is not just about having equipment, it's a discipline with its own set of techniques, rules and traps.

AWP Basics

AWP is a heavy, powerful and expensive sniper rifle. Its reputation stems from the fact that it is the only weapon that can eliminate an opponent with a single shot to any part of the body. However, it is not always possible to kill an opponent with one shot, a shot to the leg (to the body below the groin) deals 85 hit points of damage (also known as "leggings" / "legging") or a shot with lumbago, when some of the damage is absorbed by the projectile.

With the power of the AWP comes responsibility. In competitive 5v5 or regular play, you need to invest $4750 to buy an AWP. If the investment doesn't pay off (or worse, the enemy kills you and takes possession of the rifle), it can destroy your team's economy, and this also applies to the autosniper ( G3SG1 or SCAR-20).

Some aspects make AWP too cumbersome for beginners, in particular its impact on mobility. FROM knife the player runs moving at 250 units per second; With USP-S at 240; With AK-47 at 215; with an AWP by only 200, that is, 20% slower than with a knife. Only with a machine gun Negev or M249 the player runs slower, at a speed of 195 units per second.

The AWP also has a very slow rate of fire, so landing your first shot is important. SSG 08, cheaper than AWP, with almost the same low rate of fire, but insanely high mobility, even with the scope on (unlike AWP). And like almost all weapons in GS:GO, the AWP is motion sensitive requiring almost complete immobility to accurate shot(We will discuss this in more detail in the chapter Advanced Technique).
Thus, AWPers are faced with the dilemma of holding corners, where they can easily become a victim of blinding and jamming of laying points.
But AWP still has many advantages. It boasts the best piercing in the game, both in terms of piercing power of 250 (for different weapons, this value can vary from 0 to 300, a higher value means that the bullet can pierce objects for long distance), and armor penetration equal to 97.5 out of 100 (the second of the in-game guns with high armor penetration, reducing the effect of armor to zero). The right combination of intuition and timing can lead to unrealistic shots.

When to buy AWP?

If you want to purchase an AWP in a competitive match, the best option there will be a fourth round or when you have more than $5750. Even if your team lost the first three rounds without completing the tasks and you personally did not make a single kill, in the fourth round you should have $6500, including $800 starting capital.
The most effective purchase for the AWP "er, including a set of grenades, is $ 6450. Here is an approximate list:

  • AWP - $4750
  • Armor and helmet - $1000
  • Two flash drives and a smoke grenade - $700
By buying an AWP without armor, you are making the so-called "buying a glass gun". This is a huge risk - you turn yourself into a slow-moving cannon with no protection, not only from damage, but also from the aim-down effect " aim punch».

Avoid AWPing without full armor, except in the most desperate situations where your opponent is one step away from victory.
If one of the teammates in a competitive game bought an AWP, consider another purchase. Of course, there are situations where the map dictates the terms (double AWP "ing for special forces on de_dust2 is quite a viable option due to the long lanes on A, B and mid), but the economic risk is rarely worth the potential gain. On the other hand, in casual / normal mode buying an AWP is just a matter of a couple of eco-rounds for a big purchase.

Two styles of AWP "ing

There are two options for using the AWP: standing still around the corner (passive AWP "ing) or peeking out with a strafe (aggressive AWP" ing). In the professional CS:GO scene, players such as Titan's SmithZz and Dignitas' nico use the passive style, while EnVyUs's kennyS and Fnatic's JW play aggressively.
Passive AWP "ing works best on corners when you have the option to retreat to cover until the AWP is ready for the next shot (for example, a crate on the B site on the de_dust2 map). Passive players provide cover for only one corner, avoiding flashes and smoke them " nests". Also, passive AWP "ers usually use the maximum magnification of the optical sight.
As a rule, a beginner AWP "er uses one zoom value in all fights. A passive AWP" er holding a long distance, for example, Length A on de_dust2, should use the maximum zoom value to increase the chances of hitting a target near the pit. AWPers planning to hold close corners or playing mobile should avoid using the maximum zoom in almost all situations, as this reduces the response to unexpected threats.
Aggressive AWP "ers have more complex techniques for using AWP. For them, behavior such as moving with the zoom on and searching for an enemy is not acceptable, and the maximum zoom is used only for hitting a target with lightning speed. These players use advanced AWP "ing technique.

advanced technique

Aggressive AWP "er uses AWP features to gain control of the map. He must know when to push corners, even if it would seem suicidal in a normal situation with a slow and clumsy weapon like AWP. Aggressive AWP" ers use their "two-handed sword", as "one-handed" relying on speed, intuition and tricks to gain an advantage.
A passive AWP "er can only hold a position up to certain conditions. This situation can be described as follows: he will be able to hold a position until he meets an enemy with a better reaction. Aggressive AWP" ers use mobility and various tricks (peeping from behind a crouching angle or with various speed) to defeat the opponent.
Crouching peeking and shooting peeking both rely on the advantage of being how peeking works in CS:GO, quick exit, zoom, and shot using guesswork. While some of these techniques are based on the element of surprise, they are also backed up by the mechanics of the game. AWP "ers use " angle advantage”, using the Source engine feature with the camera positioned slightly left of center, which allows you to see your opponent a moment before he sees you.

Peeking (shoulder-peek)

To peek out, you strafe around a corner or ledge (you don't need to go all the way out), zoom out, shoot, and strafe in the opposite direction. It should be in one movement, with no delays or stops, except for a quick stop to shoot. This will keep you mobile and reduce the chance of being hit by a prefire.


Another option for peeking around the corner, in this case, at the moment of peeking, you need to sit down. This will prevent the defensive player around the corner, who is most likely head level, from killing you as you exit. The sequence of your actions is as follows: strafe from behind a corner or ledge when you come to the edge, continue to strafe, crouch on the zoom and shoot, everything should happen in one movement. The enemy will most likely try to adjust the scope and you will have a moment to shoot at a stationary target.
Aggressive AWP "ers must master the sequence of commands: strafe, crouch, zoom and shoot. The crouch must be performed at the moment of leaving the corner, not before and not after.


This is a shooting technique in which the shot occurs immediately after the zoom is turned on, this guarantees a greater accuracy of hitting than noscoping. The sequence of actions is as follows: stop, click right buttons mouse and left-click as quickly as possible. Practice this technique in normal/casual matches, you will have more opportunities to acquire AWP and it won't do much economic damage to your team.

Vskidku shot (noscoping)

The point-blank shot or the use of the AWP as the world's largest handgun is still functional and can sometimes be seen in professional matches. A throw shot is often the best option when someone is rushing right at you. If you find yourself in this situation, center the screen with the intended crosshair location on the enemy, stop, trust your muscle memory and shoot.


Shooting in Counter-Strike is a rather interesting way of shooting through various objects. There are quite interesting places, which can shoot through the AWP. As you can see from the gif on de_cache, there is an option to shoot through half of the map, which can be used to take down or injure the player. enter "sv_showimpact 1" in the console to track impacts.
And finally, it's very rare that an AWP can accurately fire at the top of a jump, similar to the jump shot from the SSG 08, but much less reliable and requiring near-perfect synchronization. It is very rarely possible

Hi all! Today I will reveal to you the secret of how to become an AWP god in CS:GO, and I will also show you just 5 royal chips for shooting with AWP in the Counter-Strike game: Global Offensive!

Chips, about which I recorded a let's play and posted a video on my YouTube channel " kukenon"can be done by any player, even if he has been playing for only a month. Yes, you understood correctly, even a complete noob can perform these tips for shooting with WUAs)))

How to become an AWP god in CS:GO or 5 tricks that will make you a sniper.

5 chips for shooting from AWP in CS:GO!

1. Snaking! This "Snaking" feature can extend the life of the AWPer, as with this tip, every AWPer can create a surprise effect for his opponent.

The essence of the chip is that when you go to the enemy, you need to crouch sharply and shoot. When you do this, the enemy is lost and cannot hit you, because the hitbox of your player model turns out to be in motion, and you just have to accurately hit at least the body of the enemy.

Yes, before I forget! Snaking can only be done at short and medium distances, it won’t work at long range, the bullet will not hit the target.

2. unexpected! The chip called "Surprise" has its pros and cons. I think it's worth starting with the minuses of this chip, and it has 2 minuses. The first disadvantage is that you need to sit and wait for the enemy for a long time, and the second disadvantage, while you are waiting, you can be killed yourself. But this feature in CS:GO has a huge plus, which crosses out all the minuses!

Plus chips "Surprise" - this is what Your action will definitely not be expected by your enemy in the game CS:GO. I will not pull and tell you how this feature is performed. In order to complete this trick, you need:

A) Find a large box, stone or other object behind which you can hide while sitting, sitting, not standing.

B) You must sit behind the object and wait for the enemy, sometimes looking out from behind the object, but so that your opponent does not see you.

C) At the right moment, you just need to get up from behind the object and shoot at the enemy. When you stand up to your full height, the maximum that your enemy in CSGO should see is only the head or part of the head of your player model.

3. strafe! Such a chip as "Strafe" is probably the easiest of all the chips for the WUA in Counterstrike game: Global Offensive. To complete it, you need to stand near the corner of some wall and periodically move to the side for a step and shoot at the enemy.

Let me explain easier!

A) Step to the side, shoot at the enemy, then immediately step back behind the wall, but don't stand there.

B) While your AWP is reloading, you take a step to the side again and look where your opponents ran or ran and again do not stand, again return to the wall.

C) While you are doing these moves, the WUA will recharge and you will need to step to the side again and take out the same or next enemy and so on.

4. Lumbago! Thrust is a cool and really royal feature when shooting with an AWP in CS:GO, as you kill the enemy by shooting through walls or objects, but remember: “ Not everything can be shot!».

You can shoot in CS:GO: wooden gates, doors and walls, as well as paper boxes.

You won't be able to shoot through concrete walls or stones in the CS:GO game.

5. jumping! The last, fifth feature for AWPers is "Splash"! This feature will help every sniper in Counter-strike move faster and jump out at enemies so that they will be afraid of you. This trick has not worked out for me yet, the only thing I learned is to start running with a knife, make the first jump, change the knife to AWP in the jump and continue to jump with AWP and speed should not be lost. As soon as I master Jump, I will immediately make a let's play on this chip.

And so, today I told you about those "" that will help increase the number of your frags and, accordingly, reduce the number of your deaths.

P.S. I tested all the chips on myself and use them to this day! I advise you to watch my let's play about these 5 chips, as it is always clearer visually than just reading the text. Also, don't forget to press " Bell to subscribe to my YouTube channel!

How to become an AWP god in CS:GO

was with you Quekenon! See you in CS:GO game...

The AWP is a powerful bolt action rifle that is available to both teams. It is famous for instantly killing when it hits any part of the body, except for the legs. For this reason, it is one of the most popular weapons in CS GO.

The infamous AWP sniper rifle is a very dangerous and highly effective weapon, easily recognizable by its distinctive firing sound and the cruel rule of "one shot, one kill".

AWP weapon

Alternative name Magnum Sniper Rifle
Arctic Warfare Super Magnum
Arctic Warfare Magnum
Price 4 750$
Magazine capacity 10/30
Shooting mode Rolling shutter/Bolt action
rate of fire 41 rounds per minute
Available ST and T
Recharge time 3.6 seconds
Movement speed (units per second) 200/250 (80%)
100/250 at zoom (40%)
Damage 115
Kill Reward 100$ Competitive mode
50$ Normal mode
Recoil control (according to the in-game scale) 1/26
Sighting range 96 m
Armor Penetration 97,5%
Penetration (according to the in-game scale) 250/300
Registered in the console weapon_awp

AWP Hit Damage


  • Lethal Damage
  • High penetrating power
  • Excellent accuracy over long distances


  • Low rate of fire. Between shots, the time interval is approximately 1.5 seconds.
  • Very loud and clear gunshot sound
  • Heavy - greatly slows down movement speed, especially when zooming
  • Very expensive
  • Low bounty on kill
  • Very inaccurate when shooting without zoom and when shooting on the move
  • Less accuracy when shooting immediately after the shutter jerks

Recoil and spray control

The templates show the AWP spray in zoom (zoom) mode.

AWP Strategy

The tactics of playing with the AWP is different from other sniper rifles. With AWP, you don't have to aim for the head. In general, it is worth aiming at the chest area. After all, such a hit will also be fatal, unless the bullet loses some of its damage when passing through an obstacle.

    • Naturally, if the enemy is hiding behind cover, then you need to aim only at the head in order to make an instant "minus one";
    • Skilled players use the tactics of wall-bangs (shooting through walls, partitions, boxes, gates and other obstacles) to inflict, if not fatal, but significant damage to opponents. Moreover, if you hit the head with an AWP through an obstacle, it will almost always be a kill. Of course, this technique requires nerdiness, skill, and luck;

Avoid hitting the legs, as this damage will not be fatal. If this happens at medium and close range, quickly draw your gun to finish off the enemy.

When shooting at a moving target, you should aim slightly ahead of the target, in the direction of its movement. In this case, one should predict where the target will be half a second after the moment of the shot.

  • By the way, this technique will also help to compensate for lags or differences in ping on the server.

When facing an enemy sniper, remember to take cover if your first shot misses the mark.

Try to use cover whenever the bolt juggles between shots. This will prevent the enemy from attacking you. But be careful, as enemies may be waiting for you to peek out of cover to attack you.

  • But try to avoid sitting in the same spot. After killing one or two opponents, it is worth changing the location in order to confuse the enemies and prevent an attack on you from the flank.

CZ75-Auto, Desert Eagle, Tec-9 and Five-SeveN are good pistols for an AWP player. Having found the enemy at close range, you should not waste time trying to hit a fast-moving and maneuvering target from the WUA. Instead, it is better to use a pistol.

Work in pairs: a partner should cover you from the flank where the enemy can break through to your position.

Be careful if the enemies move close to you, because the AWP is not a rapid fire weapon. The low rate of fire does not allow you to effectively fight against many opponents at close range.

  • Again, when you spot an enemy in close proximity, use a pistol: preferably a CZ75-Auto or a fast-firing Tec-9;
  • Avoid firing from the AWP without a scope, because in this mode the weapon is extremely inaccurate - it's not a fact that you will even hit point-blank range.

The contours of the AWP sight are blurred for the first half second after aiming, which means that the shot will be inaccurate.

Counter tactics

Throw smoke at possible sniper positions or areas you need to run across. Try to plug up the smoke grenades to the maximum number of shootable passages. Throwing grenades in cs go - look at the video guides.

Listen for sounds - the WUA produces a very loud and clear gunshot sound.

Avoid wide open spaces and well-lit areas. Stay covered. Avoid any contact with the enemy AVP at long and medium distances unless you are armed with powerful long-range weapons.

Move with your teammates: A WUA player may have trouble quickly killing multiple advancing enemies. In this situation, the ideal exchange of an AWP-shnik for one of the attackers.

  • Do not move in one line, in a chain. The AWP can kill four targets with one shot, flashing players in the line;
  • Let one of you go with a weapon, and the rest cover with grenades;
  • In addition, one of you can distract the enemy AWPer with fire from his AWP, and at that moment one or two will break into position from the flank.

Try to move unpredictably, because the enemy with AVP will try to predict the trajectory of your movement when shooting at moving targets.

Do not use thin partitions or shootable walls as shelter.

If an AWPer misses you, then you have a 1.5 second window to attack or run away.

Simple truth: well countered by AWP at long range is another AWP. Or other sniper rifles: SCAR-20, G3SG1, SSG 08.

In some cases, at medium and long distances, it is possible to counter the AWP with the AK-47 or M4A1-S, M4A4, although this is quite risky. Of particular note is the AK-47 with its ability to make an instant kill when hit in the head.

AWP is useless at close range. Infiltrate an enemy AVP. While the player is switching to a pistol, kill them with an automatic weapon spray.

  • Avoiding a shot near the AWP, actively move, maneuver, strafe, maneuver;
  • You can also jump, but keep in mind that this reduces the accuracy of your shooting;
  • Use flash drives, smoke to cover your breakthrough to the position of the sniper;
  • Throw fire at the cover where the sniper is hiding - this will force him to come out.

Comparison of AWP with SSG 08


  • More damage
  • Zoom closer


  • Magazine capacity (10 rounds)
  • Shooting mode (rolling bolt)
  • Reload time (3.6 seconds)


  • Slightly slower rate of fire (41 versus 48 rounds per minute)
  • More expensive by $3,050 ($4,750 vs. $1,700)
  • Less ammo in reserve (30 vs 90)
  • Louder
  • Much less accurate when fired from the hip
  • Less cash reward per kill ($100 vs $300 Competitive vs $50 vs $150 Normal)
  • Has a movement speed penalty when using a scope

"The infamous AWP sniper rifle is a very dangerous and very effective weapon, easily recognizable by its characteristic firing sound and the rigid rule of "one shot, one kill"

- Description of the AWP from the game

AWP CS GO is a sniper rifle in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.


Each clip of this weapon holds 10 rounds of caliber .338 and 30 rounds in reserve. This sniper rifle is popular for its damage. When hit with an AWP in the stomach, chest, head, the enemy dies, even if he is in armor.


  • Huge Damage
  • High penetrating power
  • Very accurate weapon at long range


  • Low rate of fire
  • Very loud gunshot sound
  • Heavy weight
  • Expensive weapon
  • When shooting without zoom or when shooting on the move, the accuracy is extremely low
  • Very low movement speed while aiming (100 units per second)



  • It is best to shoot with the AWP in the stomach or chest, because this sniper rifle has a "one shot, one kill" rule.
  • When you're fighting an enemy sniper and you miss your first shot, it's best to get behind cover or retreat. Because the enemy sniper is already ready for your appearance and will easily eliminate you.
  • Hide while the shutter is jerking.
  • , and would be great secondary pistols for the AWP.
  • On the map, Office AWP is a great choice. For this cannon easily breaks glass and rivals behind them with one shot.

Counter tactics

  • Listen to Avik's shots, they can be heard almost all over the map. And decide for yourself whether to be afraid or try to kill the enemy with AWP.
  • When attacking, go with a group of your allies, as the "elephant" has a low rate of fire, and the enemy with this sniper rifle will not be able to kill everyone.
  • The AWP can easily shoot through thin walls, so don't hide behind them.
  • If the sniper doesn't hit you, then you have 1.5 seconds to retreat.
  • The best weapon against an AWP at long range is the AWP itself.
  • At close range, automatic weapons can easily deal with AWP.
  • If you have little money, then buy