Escape from butcher bay walkthrough. Guide and walkthrough for "The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay - Developer's Cut". Upper Mines

The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena

Get off the coast

Run left along the bank past the locked door. Climb into the sewer pipe and get out along it into the sewer. There you need to talk to Jemas, and at the end of the conversation, go to the right and go up the stairs.

After picking up the prize card, which lies under the pipe, go to the right through the door. On a small bridge, the first hand-to-hand duel awaits you. After defeating the enemy, go to the wall, climb onto the crate and jump up to grab onto the ledge. Move to the left and climb up.

Go left. When you come to the edge of the area, look down - you will see another enemy. Try to jump on his head to kill the enemy immediately. Next, turn on the stealth mode and drag the body of the defeated enemy to the right into the dark niche. After you hide the body, an android will appear from the door located on the right. Wait until he passes you, and then attack him from behind. Next, use his weapon by pressing the "E" key to destroy the androids that have appeared. At the end of the shootout, go through the door through which the robots appeared.

After using the services of medicine, go up the stairs to the left. When you're upstairs, quickly attack the guard and take his weapon. Go down the alley to the left, along the way you can use the nanomed, which is located near the wall. Although it is better to use his services after you deal with a small detachment of soldiers in the square. At the end of the battle, go to the left side of the square and then, through the passage, into a long corridor.


Run along the corridor after the receding enemies. After passing through the disinfection chamber, go to the right into the corner of the room. There you will find a control panel that you need to break. Having done this, hide in the shadows and wait for the android to appear. After killing him, use the robot's weapon to break the windows of the room located on the left side of the site, and then climb inside through the gap. On the right side of the corridor you will find a reward card; after taking it, climb up the boxes stacked on top of each other. From there, climb onto the suspension and move forward to the green lantern, where you can climb into the ventilation shaft. There you will meet with a little girl who is hiding in the ventilation from androids. After talking with her, move to the right, knock out the grate and grab the ledge. Move to the right. After the cutscene, climb up and go to the right.

Pick up the nanomed cartridge from the stairs, you can get medical help at the far end of the room where the medical device is located. Go down the stairs (quick descent is possible if you hold down the "Shift" key), go left along the corridor. Destroy the android by attacking him from behind when he is standing at the turn of the corridor, and then immediately use his weapon to destroy the second robot, located at the end of the corridor on the left. Then go down the stairs at the end of the passage, and get out into the elevator shaft, grabbing the ledge. Follow it to the left, and then get out into the corridor.

After watching the cutscene, go left along the corridor, then jump down to the roof of the elevator, where you open the hatch to attack the enemy and get his weapon. Exit the door. In the next room, use the nanohoney, which is located on a pillar, if you need to health care. Next, climb the vertical stairs to the roof of the room. From there, you will be able to see the location of the androids in the large hall. Jump off the roof to the left row of containers and walk forward along them. Next, jump to the right into the shadows and move to the end of the compartment, destroying the androids as needed. Go up the stairs in the right corner of the compartment and go into the room. In the far part of the room, you will find a button on the wall, with which you can turn on the sliding bridge and go along it to the crane control panel. After turning it on, go down the vertical stairs.

Exit to the right on the crane boom, jump down when you get to the edge of the boom. Go forward along the boxes and kill a couple of androids that guard this section of the compartment. Then crawl through the hole between the boxes, by which you probably passed, to get out into the central part of the hall. Keep an eye on the right flank, as there is a cargo area on which the android is standing. Try to get under the platform, from there it will be easiest for you to attack the guards and then drag their bodies into the shadows. Having cleared your way, move to the far right corner of the compartment. There you will find an info card and there you can climb onto the box and jump over to the platform. Go past the big door to the other end of the site. There, climb onto the box by pressing the "action" key and climb into the ventilation.

After passing through the ventilation, go down the vertical stairs. Kill the guard on the videophone. Exit through the door on the right. Go left and go down the hatch to be in the shadows. Go left, pick up the nanomed cartridge and get to the second exit. Wait for the moment when the guard leaves the hatch, and then get out and attack the guard. Take the access card from one of the guards, use it to activate the central terminal. Next, go through the opened door to block #128.

Activate the terminal located in the center of the block - the camera shields will open. Next, talk to the prisoner who is sitting in the second cell to the left of the entrance. Then talk to Dacher, who is sitting in the cell on the right. Talk to him to the point, and then talk to the woman who is sitting in the cell opposite. After that, talk to the man sitting on the left through the camera, ask him questions on the merits. To your request - to get you tools, Jaylor will answer with his condition - you need to kill a guy named Margo, who betrayed the prisoner. To do this, you need to bring a gold tooth as proof. Then ask a question about the living area, and you will receive the access code to these compartments. At the end of the conversation, return to the first hall and use the central terminal panel to open the door leading to the sleeping compartment.

After going out into the corridor, you can use the nanomed, which hangs on the wall on the right. Further iditol to the right along the corridor through two sleeping compartments, killing mercenaries rising from beds. By the way, in the second compartment from a small table you can pick up a reward card. After leaving the compartment, go into the rooms located on the left. In the first room you will find a nanomed cartridge, and in the second room you will find a reward card. In this corridor you will have to fill up a man naked to the waist with tattoos on his body. To defeat him, arm yourself with a club and catch the mercenary on counterattacks, i.e. get into a defensive stance and after the enemy hits, deliver your hit. Next, go to the end of the corridor, remove the grate from the wall on the left and move through the ventilation to Margo's cabin. After killing the traitor, take his gold tooth, the code card from the bed and the reward card from the table. Exit to the corridor and return to the cell block. Give Jaylor Margot's Gold Tooth, in return you will receive a code from the pantry. Exit the block, to the right of the door on the wall, use the number pad to open the pantry and pick up a screwdriver from there. After picking up the tool, return to the room where you killed the first guard. There is a hatch on the floor that opens with a screwdriver.

After getting out of the ventilation, kill the android, and then shoot from his weapon at the glass on the right. Climb out through the broken window to the passage that runs along the wall. At the end of the passage, jump down and climb up the vertical stairs. From the upper platform, jump to the left to the ledge, and then go down and go into the dark corridor. There, wait until the moving spotlight goes up or down, then exit the corridor and jump onto the crate on the left. From there, go up. From the top platform, jump to the left and climb into the ventilation shaft.
After getting out into the corridor, kill the android, then break the damaged grating in the floor to climb into the second ventilation shaft, through which you will reach the room in which there is a large nanomed. Use it to increase your health level. Go back through the ventilation to the previous room. Pick up the body of the android and drag it to the room where there is a large nanomed, through the opened door. From the android's weapon, shoot the glass in the locked door and go into the next room through the gap.

Climb the stairs, kill the guard and continue up. At the end of the corridor above, kill the second guard and go down into the ventilation, the entrance to which is located behind the box. When you get out under the passage, attack the technician sitting at the sparkling hatch. Pick up the "arrester" - an android will appear from the door. Run back into the corridor and up the passage. Kill the android and go through the door.

After leaving the hall, guarded around the perimeter by the enemy, go to the right. Kill the android when it comes to the corner, and then use its weapon to finish off the enemy standing above you and another one that will be located on the upper tier on the right side of the hall. Next, go up the vertical stairs, kill last opponent and run right to the far corner. From there, move to the right, jumping onto the crane.

After going into the corridor, climb into the ventilation through the hole on the left. Pick up a reward card and move through the ventilation to the end. From there, attack the android guarding the corridor, and then go up the stairs. After killing the second guard, climb onto the upper platform opposite the nanomed. There, go through the door on the left and move to the right, hiding behind the boxes so as not to get into the spotlight. In the far right corner of the hall is an elevator that will take you to the second tier. Then run to the left to the end, where the second elevator is located, and rise to the next level. On the third tier, you will need to deal with a couple of guards and run away from the spotlight beam to the far side of the passage.

15. Tower 17 Base
Rael will speak to us only after we get out of the elevator, and offer to talk with Dog Bone (Dogbone). We go down and ... here begins, perhaps, the most interesting! Namely, non-linearity and a bunch of quests that keep a bunch of packs behind their backs. If we complete all the quests, then we will have to cut more than one circle in the nearest locations in order to collect everything we need. So, first we turn to Dog Bone (immediately to the left of the entrance), who will explain to us that there are two ways to enter the mine: through ring fights and through drugs. The first path, of course, is complicated by the fact that you have to fight with different enemies, choose your own battle tactics for each. The second way is much easier, however, to complete it, you will have to pay 30 greens without fail. But in any case, both of them begin with a conversation with the Centurion and with a powerful glitch in the Russian version (though not for everyone). The glitch is that Riddick does not end the conversation with the Centurion and continue to carry out the main storyline becomes impossible. To avoid this, delete the ALL.xcd file from The Chronicles of Riddick - EFBB/Content/Dialogues folder and the dialog will complete as expected. And it is necessary that we go to a man named Harman, who blocked the path to the Recreation Area and called him to the ring, returned to the Centurion, reporting Harman's consent and beat Harman to death in a circle. If you need to reinforce your forces before or after the battle, then by paying the guard Rope 10 bucks, you will find yourself in a room with life unit NANOMED. The rest of the convicts in the hall (Stile, Silencio and Grom) are just for our entertainment. They can neither tell us anything useful nor give us anything. Therefore, now we go to the Recreation Zone.
16. Recreation Area (Recreation Area)
Past the optimistic "Bam! Bam! You die!" we go out to the site, with four exits from it: we came from one, Tower 19 is closed, we don’t need to go to the Feed Ward (Dining Room) yet, so let’s go first through the huge door with the inscription "No fucking in recreation area" actually to the Recreation Area.
Now I want to draw your attention. As mentioned earlier, the game can be progressed either through battles or through drugs. Also, now you can take quests from different prisoners and complete them. To avoid confusion, quests will be described separately later. It is also important to note that in order to collect all the packs of cigarettes, you will first have to go through the Path of Drugs (just do not approach the guards at the end), and then the entire Path of Fights, especially since we will also get money for the Path of Fights.
I will describe first Path of Drugs. You can start it in Zone D. But first we end up in Zone A, where Asif and Cricket hang out, from whom you can buy a knife for 30 UD, and two guards who, if you get close to them, will examine you for drugs. Baasim is praying in Zone B, next to him is Izz-Udeen and Jamal-Udeen, from whom you can take a small quest. On the other side of the zone sits Pink, from whom you can buy the 20th a pack of cigarettes №56(Movie Set 05) for 10 UD and find out about Jagger Valence and the Monster in the cafeteria that can sell anything for the fight. Next up is Area C. On the right is a guy named Kreps, with whom you can play dice and it's good to get rich. In the center of the Zone, Wilkins and the Gulag are chatting about theirs, and Ners (Nurse) is standing next to the door. All three can be taken on a quest. We are finally in Area D. To the right, Flores and Kusa are discussing the scary story of how Paddila tried to get out, but the local critters ate him anyway. Flores will tell you how you can get out of here. Well, the poor drug addict Two Tongues rushes from side to side in the zone. He is what we need! But Two Tongues is also not easy and wants us to find his injector, who took the PPP and flunked Baasim in the ring. I suggest starting with Baasim. If you want, you can first go to the dining room and buy something useful from the Monster. Now we return to Tower 17 and go to the Centurion, who for 5 bucks will offer us to fight with Baasim. Now back to Baasim and back to the Centurion. When Baasim is defeated, we get deservedly 20 bucks (that is, 15 bucks from the battle), another a pack of cigarettes №18(GCA 20) and brother Baasim's hatred. Now we go to Cricket (Area A) and buy a knife from him. After that, Asif will go to carry our money to the cache, but first he will simply stand at the entrance to the Feed Ward. Again we will see him only in the canteen. But the canteen is next level.
Path of Fights in the Rest Zone differs only in that all that is required of us is to kill Baasim in the ring. To do this, you need to go through the Centurion-Baasim-Centurion chain, in the final of which to score (and possibly stab) Baasim in a circle. Now, for the next 5 bucks, the Centurion will offer us a new Sawtooth fighter, which we will find in the Feed Ward.
17. Feed Ward (Dining room)
Path of Drugs. There are already 3 useless convicts in the first hall: Barras, Trigo and Duany. And all of them will direct you to Cuellas, who is standing right here, from whom you can take the quest. At the entrance to the next room, a guy will attack us with a cry "It was you who killed Harman!", Who, after death, will leave us a vial of poison. By the way, all this time you will be able to watch Asif slowly wandering towards the cache. There are 2 ways to find out the location of the cache: the first is to follow Azif (only be careful that he does not notice you, otherwise this fool will immediately start fighting and both of you will be killed by guns). The second is to kill him right in that passage between the dining rooms, where this elusive avenger for Harman has just attacked you. From the cache we take the red tube (quest from the Gulag), the injector and our 20 UD back. Mission completed. But before we return to Two Languages, let's look around. To the left of the cache sit Chang and the Monster. From the latter, at any time, you can buy a sharpening for 15 bucks, a knife for 25 and a club for 50. We go back through the hall where Binks, Matties, Shivers and Sawtooth eat, into the bifurcating corridor. On the right, Georgie is still standing, watching how the guards are bludgeoning another convict, but on the left (ATTENTION!) Appeared new character named Homer, who, in my opinion, is simply invaluable to us against the background of everyone else. After all, it is he who already has 5 packs of sparkles in his pocket, which you can redeem for a total of 100 bucks: No. 7 (Movie Set 01), No. 8 (Movie Set 02), No. 9 (Movie Set 03), No. 10 ( GCA 11) and #11 (GCA 37). But, of course, you can immediately return all the money to yourself by loading from a previous save. Now run back to Recreation Area D to Two Tongues. And as a reward for the injector, he gives us another pack of cigarettes number 55(GCA 33). But the injector is not enough for this asshole. Give him more prayer. "What kind of moth?" You ask. Moths are just those flying creatures that circle over the entire Recreation Area. And you can take it by simply pressing the action key (by default, E). Just one is enough and for 10 bucks the drug addict will sell us 3 grams of drugs, for the same amount of poison (for the quest at Ners (Nurse)) and 2 more packs of cigarettes for 10 and 20 moles. In total, I found 17 moths in the Rest Zone, and we will meet the rest only in other levels. Now all that is left for us is to approach the guards in Site A, and they, in turn, having discovered drugs in our possession, are happy to take us to Comrade Abbott.
Path of Fights. Where, what and how you can buy on the territory of the canteen, I described in the Way of Drugs, therefore I will not repeat myself. Let me just remind you that in the corridor a guy will fly at us shouting "It was you who killed Harman!", and after death he will leave us a vial of poison. And Sawtooth is sitting on the left in the canteen and will gladly agree to wave with us. Now back to the Centurion and around to that crook with the shiv. But now Sawtooth washed himself with blood, and the Centurion gave us 20 bucks (and that income from the battle was 15) + pack of cigarettes №19(GCA 39). For the next 5 bucks, the Centurion will offer us Kuza, who hangs out in Zone D. Again, the Cuza-Centurion-Dead Kuza chain in a circle, and as a result, 20 bucks and pack of cigarettes number 20(GCA 06). We pay another five to the Centurion and fight with the guard Bam, defeating whom we will be taken to Abbott.
From this place the paths converge. After we scatter the guards, our friend Abbott will attack us, and in order to calm him down, we will have to knock on the pumpkin for a very long time. Now we raise the club, Abbott's key card and go straight to NANOMED life station, which cannot but rejoice (ATTENTION! Before leaving the room where you killed Abbott, remove any weapon from your hands! Otherwise, guns will immediately shoot you!). Now we run to the Base of Tower 17 and take the promised 20 bucks and another pack of cigarettes №21(GCA 29, Riddick Prototype 4). Now you can go to the Work Pass (Service Passage), the door to which is located in Area D. But first, I would like to deal with the quests in the Recreation Area and the Dining Room.
Red tube. This quest can be picked up in Zone C near the Gulag. To complete it, you need to buy a knife from Cricket in Area A and follow Asif, who will go to the cache in the dining room, as described above. The pipe will lie in this cache. For execution, we will receive a pack of cigarettes number 3(GCA 05).
Nurse's Duty (Nersa) This quest can be picked up in Area C from Nurse (Nurse). The poison will be from the boy who attacked us in the dining room corridor. Poison can also be bought for 20 bucks from Two Tongues in Area D after you bring him an injector and a moth (how to do this was described in the Path of Drugs). Binks eats all sorts of filth in the cafeteria. His plate is on the far left table. Approaching her, press the action (E by default), thereby mixing the poison. After watching the dying Binks, return to Ners (Nurse) for pack of cigarettes number 32(GCA 28).
Informants (from Cuellas in the Feed Ward), Blueskins (from Jamal-Udeen in Zone B), Wilkins (from Wilkins in Zone C) and Shurik's Points (from Shurik at the very beginning of the Work Pass) - all these quests can only be completed in the following levels . But we need to collect them now.
18. Work Pass
As has just been said, we approach Shurik and take the quest from him. You can look behind the door next to Shurik and find there NANOMED life cartridge and one more pack of cigarettes №34(GCA 04), but it's better to do this after we return the glasses to Shurik, because otherwise the guy in the robot suit will be very angry with us. Well, in general, we go to the door to the right of the entrance, which we open with Abbott's card. Here, an electrician is fixing a flashing light, and 2 guards are wandering around. You can, of course, kill everyone, or you can do it quietly, but then you won’t take a drainage tool from an electrician (you can do without it, but it will make your life much easier. The main thing is that on the platform to the right of us in one wall there is another " first-aid kit", and in another panel, behind which are 15 bucks and the first part of the list of rats for the Informants quest. We will find the second part later. And on the left there are 2 passages to the ventilation. On the right are 20 bucks, and through the left we will go straight to the roof of the elevator and go down to the entrance to the mines.
19. Mine Entrance
If in the previous location you took a drainage tool from an electrician, then you can use the ventilation hatch behind you and make your life much easier. Otherwise, you will have to break through hand-to-hand to the next location, although you will find 2 guards for 5 bucks each. If there is a drainage tool, then we move along the ventilation pipe to the left, up the stairs and, jumping out into the corridor, we kill the peasant. We go to the left, adhering to the right side so that the guard does not notice us, to the ventilation hatch at the top, where we climb. In the ventilation pipe, do not forget to look into the dead end on the left and pick up a pack of cigarettes №38(GCA 21). To the left of the exit from the ventilation lie 10 UD. We push the man at the fans down, cut off the electricity, carefully go down the fans and jump down right to the guard, for which we get 5 bucks. Now through the door to the Security Point. You ask: "But what about the 37th pack? They say that it is somewhere in the Mine Entrance)." This is true, but, unfortunately, it is impossible to get to it now, so we will return to this issue later in Cargo Transport (Cargo Department)
20. Security Checkpoint
So: 2 guards and a pretzel in a robosuit. You can, of course, kill the guards and break through the main entrance, where, by the way, there is a first aid kit, but only a very clever gamer will survive at the entrance to the next location in this way. And you can quietly go around everyone on the left behind the boxes, onto the ledge and along the horizontal stairs to the boxes, from which through the railing to the bridge and through the door down the stairs to the Upper Mines. , climb up into the pitch darkness and pick up a pack of cigarettes number 39(GCA 30, Riddick First Palyable 2). Now boldly into the Upper Mines.
21. Upper Mines
If we did not go through the main gate (read "through hell"), then, hiding in the shadow from 2 guards on the right, we reach the end of the corridor, seizing the moment, we go down the boxes, where we "remove" the guard at will. Then we move to the door under the protection of the boxes on the right, past the guard who just got out of it, and up the stairs, where we help Moeli get rid of the warden. Now we run further for a magnetic card, which we take from the guard patrolling the corridor nearby. This card opens the door to the Cargo Compartment and the cargo elevator. To get to the elevator, we will go down from the balcony far from Moel (which was patrolled by a guard with a magnetic card) down the stairs and, if we are good guys, we will kill Quintana's overseer, who will tell us where Shurik forgot his glasses (quest Shurik's Points). If anyone does not understand, the glasses are on the top box to the right of the freight elevator. On the balcony closest to Moeli, on the right, is pack #40 (GCA 23). It is important to note that moth flies in the territory of Upper Mines, which is needed to buy packs of cigarettes from Two Tongues. I found 8 of those. Now you have a choice: either go down the elevator directly to the Mining Core (Core of Mines), or return to the door next to Moeli and get into the Cargo Transport (Cargo Compartment) and only from there we will get to the Core of Mines. But there is a NANOMED life unit in the Cargo Bay and a worker selling a tranquilizer, so let's start with him.
22. Cargo Transport (Cargo Department)
As it was written a little earlier, there is a first aid kit right in front of us, and opposite it pack of cigarettes №42(Movie Set 10). Also freight elevators. With the help of them, we will first go down to Armadaro, who will sell us a tranquilizer of a dead guard for 30 UD. (ATTENTION! The further steps described in the Cargo Compartment only make sense if you took the drainage tool in the Work Pass (Service Pass) or in the Mining Core from Khaamid! Otherwise, you can immediately safely leave through the door to the Core of Mines!) Now the same Makar we go to the 3rd floor and get back into the Mine Entrance (Entrance to the Mines). There is a ventilation hatch at the end of the corridor. But don't rush into it! Behind the hatch there are boxes. From them we jump onto the ventilation pipe and back along it, and then into it you will find yourself in a room where it is not clear what Valya and the guard are doing. After killing Valya, we get the code from the door to the Mine Entrance. Now we run back through the ventilation, but not to the Cargo Compartment, but to the ventilation hatch, and we will find ourselves in the same elevator in which we arrived at Mine Entrace. Since we have a tranquilizer, now we boldly run from the elevator to those 2 guards with whom we went down here. And the door in Mine Entrance is the only one, so we open it using the code received from Vali. Inside the room will be NANOMED life station, which will add the 7th health cube to us, and next to it lies on the box pack of cigarettes №37(GCA 38). Now we are moving along any of the paths known to us to Mining Core.
23. Mining Core
If you came by elevator directly from the Upper Shafts, and not from the Cargo Office, then it is best to dive into the door on the left as a rex, and at the fork again to the left and get into the Cargo Office, where you can buy a tranquilizer from Armadaro for 30 UD, without it it will be further not at all simple. Now we calmly exit Cargo Transport, improve our health with life unit NANOMED and first we go not to the door, but to the balcony, where we kill the unreasonable guard. Then you can either jump from the balcony to the boxes and from them quietly to the left along the horizontal stairs, but then you risk missing another pack of cigarettes. To prevent such stupidity from happening, it’s better to go out through the door, soak (optionally, of course) the technician and the guard in the corridor and quickly press something there on the service panel (located in the far right corner from the elevator entrance) until we were shot by automatic guns . If the robot is here, then with a shot from a tranquilizer it will be possible to freeze it for 3 seconds. And we jump over the railing into the darkness and in the left corner we find a pack of cigarettes number 4(GCA 36). It is important to note that the moth flies here, which is needed to buy packs of cigarettes from Two Tongues. I found 10 of them. Now back with the help of the lift and into the corridor.
At the entrance to the next room, we kill the guard and immediately to the right behind the boxes, where Jagger Valens stands, who will ask you to get some kind of package from the gas chamber (ATTENTION! If you have problems, i.e. Jagger carries some kind of crap and it is not clear what to do before, the solution to such a problem is described at the first meeting with the Centurion). Abu Bakr and Khaamid are mining nearby. The latter will offer you a drainage tool for only 20 greens, but it will be much cheaper if you kill him and pick up the tool from an already dead body (it could be useful for the actions described in Cargo Transport). There are a few more guards roaming nearby, so be careful. This room also has a moth needed to buy packs of cigarettes from Two Tongues. I found 7 of them here. So that the robot does not interfere with you, lure it all the way to the balcony near Cargo Transport, and get a few quiet minutes, and if you're lucky, it will get stuck there altogether. If you want to pass this room very quietly, then to the left of the entrance there is a valve. If you turn it, then the ladder will descend along it to the platform and to the ledge, along which we will safely crawl to the end. The main thing do not forget that at the end of the room behind the boxes lies pack of cigarettes №41(GCA 27, Riddick First Playable 3). Now in the only open door, in the corridor we deal with two guards and as a reward for our efforts we get life unit NANOMED. Now we dial the code taken from Jagger, and inside the gas chamber we find NANOMED life cartridge, the package Jagger needs and the 6 moles he will need to buy a pack of cigarettes from Two Tongues. But everything must be done quickly: although there is no air indicator, Riddick's lungs are not rubber and he may soon suffocate. Now to Comrade Jagger for the code to the elevator, on the roof of which we went down to the Mine Entrance. The easiest way to get back there is through the Cargo Section. First, let's go out on the second floor, because here Alonzo and Empty will be waiting for us. We will take the second part of the list of rats from the latter (the first was in the Work Pass, quest, respectively, List of rats). The shortest way (if you have a drainage tool) is through the 3rd floor of the Cargo Compartment. Otherwise, we return in any other way and take the elevator upstairs.
We leave, on the left we knock out the grate and select a pack of cigarettes №36(GCA 26, Riddick First Playable 2). Now on the box and on the wall, on the left is a horizontal ladder, we crawl along it to the end, (ATTENTION!) we remove the gun and, choosing the moment when the robot is not looking, we jump down. Now it's time to deal with the quests. Shurik is standing next to him. We return to him the points picked up in Upper Mines. Now back to the Recreation Area. So, the first on our way is Zone D and Two Languages. If you still saved 30 moles, you will get a pack of cigarettes №22(Movie Set 10) and a pack of cigarettes №23(GCA 2). Now Wilkins is waiting for us in Zone C, who will give us 50 greens for the news about Jagger. In Zone B Jamal-Udeen for killing all the Blueskins will give us pack of cigarettes №24(GCA 10, Starbreeze Motion Capture). Now to the Canteen straight to Cuellas, who, if you found both the first and second part of the list, will give you pack of cigarettes №17. Now we return to the Work Pass and through the door to the right, where the light is already on, and to the left of the strange apparatus there is already a free tranquilizer. Near the entrance to the door, which was closed, there is a guard at our complete disposal. If you still haven’t got a drainage tool, then take it from the electrician who worked here, and now through the ventilation, turning left at the fan, we head to the next location.

Part 1

Rescue - Escape

Approach Jones and press the E key to start a conversation. Scare him with a dialogue line. When he approaches the other prisoners, sneak up on him from behind and wring his neck. After the shooting starts, quickly turn around 180 degrees and run to the open hatch. Jump down. Turning right, go down the stairs to a spacious room. Approach the man digging in the shield. After destroying it, take the key card. Use it on the electronic lock and go out into the corridor. Wait until the guard passes by the corridor. Sneak up behind him and wring his neck. Take the crowbar near the body. Run to the room where the guard you killed came from. Climb up the boxes, from there cling to the railing of the stairs. Get to the ventilation hatch and use the crowbar to crack it. Climb inside and crawl along the ventilation duct to the grate. After knocking it out, jump down. Turn right and go to the next room. Destroy the guard standing near the table. Take the shotgun without ammo. Climb up the boxes to the balcony. Go left to the lift. Press the button and go upstairs. Get out of the lift and start slowly approaching the guard. Disarm him using the butt of the shotgun. Take the ammo and go down the stairs. Shoot the lock on the door leading to the sewer. Turn on the flashlight (F key) and go into the sewer. Destroy all the guards you meet on your way. Go to the bright light - this is the exit from the sewer.

Prison Yard - Prison Yard

Leave the cell for a walk. Talk to Barber, the prisoner here. After the conversation, go right along the corridor to the courtyard of the prison. Approach the man standing near the wall with the scrawled inscription Aqilas and start a conversation with him. Then head to cell A40. Destroy two prisoners who have fallen into the cell after you with obviously not good intentions. Return to the courtyard, where once again talk with the person who directed you to this cell. Now return to your cell, where a meeting with Matson will take place. At the exit from your cell, talk to Barber. Go to cell A37 and talk to Warren. Now head to the cell opposite. Here you need to destroy the prisoner Molina. When the job is done, pick up brass knuckles from the floor. Exit to the courtyard and go to the open building opposite.

Aquila Territory - Aquila Territory

Turning into the corridor to the right, you will come across two convicts armed with brass knuckles. After a short fight, their bodies will be left lying on the cold floor. Go into the open chamber, where you will use the first-aid kit. Go out into the corridor and, after taking a few steps forward, turn left. Dodge the fire extinguisher flying in your direction. Kill the convict and take the Finn for yourself. In the next flight, deal with a couple more convicts. Turn right and exit into a large room. Here you will have to fight with a convict who has a good command of melee weapons. When he is killed, quickly hide the knife and exit to the courtyard. Talk to Hailey about the escape. Go into the building where your cell is located, and go to the grate blocking the corridor. Start a conversation with the guard standing on the other side of the bars. After finishing the conversation, he will approach the control panel and open the grate. Go through the door to the left, into the infirmary.

Infirmary – Infirmary

First of all, deal with the guard walking around the room with a shotgun at the ready. Approach him as close as possible and in the ensuing struggle, shoot the guard with his own weapon. Pick up the key card near the body. Then quickly take out the fin and inflict mortal wounds on another guard. Go to the door and open it with the key card. In the next room, kill another guard and go down the corridor to the next room. Climb up the stairs to the next level. Having opened the hatch, bend down and go into a narrow tunnel. You must exit to a platform with a crate in the middle. A guard will come out of the door opposite. Hide behind the crate and wait until it passes you. Then sneak up on him from behind and break his neck. Go into the room where the guard came from. After passing several utility rooms, you will come out to an open area, fenced on one side with a net. Kill the armed guard and take the card key from him. Use it on the lock of the door leading to the next room. Here, kill the guard and go through the farthest door on the left.

Central computer - Mainframe

Walk along the flight to the wall and jump down onto the boxes. Sneak up on the person poking around in the computer and eliminate him silently. Enter your DNA into the computer's database. Take the rifle lying near the toolbox. You go into the corridor, where you shoot the whole group of guards. After turning the corner, go through the gap in the wall into another room. Go to the opposite side of the room through the narrow passage between the boxes. Get through the crates to the ventilation duct with the fan running. Shoot the fan blades and enter the channel. After taking a few steps along the grate, you will fall into a narrow corridor. Quickly run forward, destroying all the guards along the way. In the next room, shoot the guards located on the spans. Go left into the dark room. Kill the guard hiding behind the crate. Then open the hatch and climb into another room. Turn on the flashlight on your rifle. Go to the valve and shut off the gas supply. Walk a few meters forward along the corridor and through the gap in the wall you go into the next room. Move forward, destroying all the guards along the way. In the end, you must come to a room with a lift in the far corner. Here, destroy all the guards and then the robot that went down on the lift. You can destroy it only by shooting at the back cover, behind which the iron heart of the robot is hidden. Then jump onto the lift and go up. Enter the only open door to the next level.

Prison Riot – Prison Yard Riot

Go into the room in front of you. In the room around the corner, use the health station and turn the valve. Quickly run back into the corridor before the turret can kill you. Turn on the flashlight and go down the stairs next to the door to cell block. Kill all the guards and destroy the turrets before they do their dirty work. After passing through a narrow corridor to a closed gate, Riddick will make a remark. Go back to where you came down the stairs, taking out the guards that jump out. Approach the large gate that will open, and, after disarming the guards, use the radio transmitter lying on the floor. Return to the closed gate and, having found a half-dead prisoner in a narrow corridor, shoot him to save the poor man from suffering. And finally, go through the gate.

Pit – The Pit

You have only 6 minutes to get out of the dungeon. Walk forward and through the tunnel to reach a corridor with flaming stuff everywhere. From this place, zombies will start attacking you. Shooting them as needed, keep moving forward until you reach a large hole in the floor. Jump down and go right to the end, then turn left and go to a dead end, in which there will be a valve. Pick it up and return to the hole. Climb the stairs and go straight, then right and finally left to the closed gate. Insert the valve into the groove and turn it. Get to Papa Joe through the tunnels.

Papa Joe's Den - Papa Joes Den

Take the lift with Papa Joe and follow him to his room. After talking to him, take 12 light sticks from the box. Return to the lift and go down. Turn left and go to the tunnel entrance. Go through the tunnel, lighting your way with light bombs. From the tunnel you go into the room, where you quickly shoot at the barrels of fuel. The explosion will destroy the lion's share of the local inhabitants. Get your rifle and finish off the remaining zombies. In the next room, take the sound box and return to Papa Joe.

Dark Tunnel - Dark Tunnels

Enter the narrow tunnel and go through it, shooting all the evil spirits along the way. You must reach a ladder that you can climb up.

Showers - Showers

Turn around in reverse side and go down the corridor to the toilet cubicle. Click the switch several times - your action will force the guard to exit the toilet. Put a bullet between his eyes and take the weapon. Go further down the corridor to the locker room. Find the switch near the doorway and plunge the room into complete darkness. Eliminate the guard who wanted to find out the reason for the sudden darkness. Enter the locker room and head to the exit opposite. Destroy a group of guards who have settled in the corridor. Go to the room with a balcony, from there go into the corridor to the right. In the next room, destroy several guards and exit the spacious hall through the passage on the right. From there, go into the corridor and go along it until a door with a retinal scanner appears on the right side. Kill the guard and try to scan Riddick's retina. After an unsuccessful attempt, return back to the corridor and go to the exit to the next level.

Guards Quartet - Guards Quarters

Fight your way to the other side of the room. Pay attention to the balcony from above, from there several guards will conduct continuous fire. Enter the elevator and go up to the second floor. Deal with another group of guards walking around the foyer. Turn left into the corridor and run to the Abbot's apartment. Near the door, take the box with the rifle. Press the bell and answer the question about the purpose of the visit, “Sending”. In a second, enter the apartment.

Abbot - Abbot

Eliminate the Abbot and watch the final cutscene of the first part.

Part 2

Tower 17 - Wikiwand Tower 17

Go into the corridor to the right and go to the freight elevator. Together with other prisoners, you will go downstairs.

Tower base - Tower 17 Base

Exit the elevator and follow the prisoner. Once he stops, start a conversation with him. Then go down the stairs to the courtyard. Find a guy named Centurion here. Ask him to organize a fight with one of the prisoners. Now approach Harman, a big man standing near the gate blocking the entrance to the recreation area. Having received his consent to fight with you, approach the Centurion and tell him about the conversation with Harman. In the next moment, the fight with Harman will begin. Actively work with your fists, not forgetting to dodge his oncoming blows. After the battle, approach the Centurion and agree on the organization of the next duel. Go to the recreation area through the gate near which stood Harman.

Recreation area

Go through the big gate on the left into the next sector. Buy a finca from a guy named Cricket for 30 bucks. Go through the door leading to sector B. Find Baazim and get his consent to fight. Return to Tower 17, where your conversation with the Centurion will start the fight with Baazim. When the fight ends in your favor, approach the Centurion and talk to him about another fight.

Dining Chamber – Feed Ward

You go into the recreation area, from there go to another sector through the gate with the inscription “Feed Ward”. Go down the corridor to the right. After a few meters, some crazy person will rush in your direction, shouting “This is for you for Harman.” May he suffer the same fate as Harman. Come in dining room, where at the table on the left side find a guy named Saw who is having dinner. Interrupt his meal by talking about the fight with you. After receiving his consent, return to the tower, where, after talking with the Centurion, the battle will begin. Take out the fin and inflict sensitive wounds on your opponent. After finishing the battle in your favor, approach the Centurion and agree with him to conduct another battle. Go to the recreation area, from there through the open gate to sector A. Now you need to go to sector D, before passing sectors B and C. Here you will talk to a guy named Kusa. Return to the tower where your duel with this guy will take place. After finishing the battle, approach the Centurion and ask for the organization of the final battle. A man clad in armor will enter the arena. Take out the fin and strike it in unprotected areas. When this enemy remains lying on the pavement, several guards will come up to you and take you into the room.

Here you will find a surprise in the form of a living and unharmed Abbot. Without further ado, he will rush to beat you with a club and Riddick will have no choice but to respond in kind. Take out the Finn and inflict wounds on the Abbot without falling under the blows of his club. After finishing this duel in your favor, search the dead body and find a personal pass card. Pick up the club from the floor. Use the map to leave the room. Head to sector D, where the exit to the work area is located.

Access to the work area - Work Pass

You go into a spacious room with several guards on the left side. Go to the door to the right, where use the Abbot card to enter the next room. Here, the suddenly extinguished light will lead to the activation of the guards to search for the reasons that caused this trouble. Turn on the flashlight and pick up a baton. Come out from behind the boxes and go cut the skulls of the guards. After clearing the entire room, climb the stairs to the upper platform. You go into the passage between the boxes and go to the wall. Knock out the technological hatch with your foot. Crawl through the tunnel, then up the stairs. Crawl a few meters along another tunnel before you get on the roof of the lift going down.

Mine Entrance

After a couple of minutes, jump into the lift cabin. Go outside and head to the containers, near which one of the guards is located. Sneak up behind him and land a killing blow with the club. After a couple of seconds, another guard will taxi around the corner. Deal with him the same way. Enter the tunnel carved into the rock. Follow it to the entrance to the checkpoint. After dealing with the guard, go inside.

Security Checkpoint - Security Checkpoint

Wait until the guard is out of sight and follow him along the same route. There are containers on the right side of the room. There is a narrow passage between them and the wall. Use it to stealthily approach the guard. Wrap his neck and run into the unlit patch of the room. While the other guard is some distance away from you, use this moment to stealthily sneak onto the roof of the container. From there, climb onto another container, from it to the balcony. Go through the door and go down the stairs.

Upper Mines

Run to the end of the flight. After jumping over the fence, jump onto the container. When the guard is out of sight, jump off the container and quickly run into the passage between the containers and the wall. Run forward along the passage, then turn the corner and go through the door into another room.

Freight transport – Cargo Transport

Jump on any of the two lifts and get down to the first floor. Here, start a conversation with a man named Armadaro. Buy a gun from him for 50 bucks, loaded with tranquilizer bullets, which, once in the human body, cause short-term paralysis. Now, along with a valuable acquisition, go through the gate to the mining center.

To begin with, according to tradition, a few useful tips. In some locations, you can get in different ways, and radically different from each other. This passage describes only one of them. Many inmates of the prison will ask you to do something for them. They are not important for passing, therefore they were not included in this story, but they will allow you to get extra packs of cigarettes in order to open another bonus location at the end of the path. If you manage to get hold of money, then you can buy something with them, which are in every enclave of prisoners. Do not forget to hide weapons when you are in cells among prisoners - the guards react well to it, and then you will be in trouble. Also remember that the tranquilizer gun knocks out opponents for a short time, but does not kill them. The best way to deal unarmed with the guards is to switch to "stealth" mode and attack them from behind. Riot guards can only be destroyed if you shoot them directly in the back, so it’s much more reasonable sometimes to just run away. Some of the rooms here are so dark that you can only distinguish something if you use Riddick’s night vision. Opponents are often unable to navigate in in such an environment, so you need to use it.It also helps to see the laser beams that activate the guns and security cameras.So let's go.

When the long introduction ends, you will find yourself in front of the entrance to the prison, talk to Jones, then break his neck. The machine gun that fell out of his hands cannot yet be taken - which you can clearly see in the sad example of another prisoner. Run to the edge of the platform, where jump into the open hatch. Go down the stairs, pick up a pack of cigarettes (it's not necessary at all, but then you will not find a lot of new concept art and additional videos in the bonus sections, there are about sixty packs in total) and knock out the technician next to the door. Pick up an access card, the gun, as before, you can leave alone. Open the door, switch to "Stealth" mode () and deal with the guard. In general, this mode can be very useful, for example, when you do not want to enter into an open confrontation with a strong opponent, or when you simply run out of ammo. Take the vent tool, it will help you open any ventilation hatches. Hide the body of a soldier in a dark corridor, just dragging him by the hand, then climb onto a pile of boxes. Further along the metal under the ceiling, sorting through it with his hands, and into the ventilation hatch. At the exit you will see a medical station, with which you can improve your poor health. Pick up the cartridge, insert it into the station, it will be charged, and you can use it.

The next guard, behind the nearest door, is not bad to get hold of a shotgun, it is not protected by the DNA code, and also grab another pack of cigarettes from the table. Climb up the boxes near the table, grab the railing, crawl to the right and climb to the next floor. Get in the elevator, press the button and it will take you upstairs. Leave the room for Fresh air, where the dust storm is in full swing, and finish off the guard walking by. Go down the stairs, shoot the lock at the hatch, crawl into a narrow hole and shoot a few more people from the security service in the dark, then go into the bright light. Here you will be awakened... it was just a dream, it is also a training mission, and what did you think?

02. The Arrival

Now this is a completely different matter - the beginning, as expected, with titles. You are led by two guards, and the inhabitants of the prison frighten with local horrors. Look around as you are escorted to your cell. You can't touch anything, just turn your head. You can wave your fists and run later.

03 Prison Yard.

Leave the cell, talk to Barber. Then in the prison yard with a guy named Mattsson. He will promise to get you a sharpening, which should be taken from his kennel - A40. There will be an ambush in the face of two muzzles. Beat them and talk to Mattsson again "om. Return to your cell, where you will find a weapon, and then watch a curious scene. The local Rust boss wants to deal with you, but Abbott's head of security, a brutal black man with a trendy haircut and dark glasses, will prevent him. Now you have to remove Rust "a so that the rest will respect you. At the exit from the cell you will again run into Barber" ohm, he will advise you to get a new weapon. However, you can get rid of Rust "a with your bare hands, if you have enough strength. Go to the prison yard and talk to Haley. He will agree to help you if you fill up Rust" a. It looks like you have no other choice. Go to another block, cells 11-30.

04. Aquila Territory.

You are in enemy territory, mind you. Soak a couple of members of the Aquila gang, pick up a sharpener and brass knuckles, in cell A-28 you can heal at the machine and grab a pack of cigarettes. Next, dodge the fire extinguisher flying right into the face and rush to the side so as not to fall under the distribution from the gasoline canister blown up right under the nose. Do not forget to pick up local money, they will come in handy soon. A couple more scumbags - and you will come face to face with Rust himself in his unforgettable knitted hat. Fill up the villain, watch the scene where Abbott will offer you to become the head of the rest. Riddick will refuse, for which he will pay ... You will be attacked not only convicts, but also guards Kill everyone and return to the large prison yard.

On the way, pick up a pack of cigarettes from Blueboy "a and don't forget to put away your weapons. Talk to Haley, he will tell you a lot of interesting things: about the prison, how to get out, how to enter your DNA into the database to use weapons. Then grind with Bulder" - this a guard in a cap behind bars, at the entrance to the cell block. He will open the grate, into the door on the left and to the sign.

In the isolation ward, kick two guards and take a card with a code, it opens only one door. Use the NanoMED health station to increase your health bar by one white square, then crawl up the stairs. Open the ventilation hatch and make your way through the ventilation to the exit. You will find yourself on the second level of the prison yard with a large hatch, finish off the guards and take the card, put it in the keypad. Further past the sign.


Jump onto the crate, kill the tech and enter your DNA into the system using the DNA Sampler. Now you can pick up assault rifles, just such here nearby and lying around. Go out the door, with the guard, then you will receive a grenade as a gift from his comrades, just next to the medical station. She will turn the wall around, pick out two large pieces that prevent you from climbing through, and dive into the hole. Open the service panel to stop the rotation of the fan, and climb up the crates to it. Crawl under the stopped blades, pretty soon you will come across another hatch. Turn the valve to turn off the green gas, get ready to catch another grenade. According to the tradition already established here, she will break the nearest wall so that it would be more convenient for you to tick. In the room with boxes, kill all the guards, then another one will appear, a riot guard in a heaped robosuit. It doesn't make sense to shoot at him point-blank - the armor is armored, so you can try to climb the boxes on one of the platforms and shoot this monster in the back. Although, of course, it is much more reasonable to just run to the elevator and press the button. Then follow the arrow to the cellblock-A door.

07 Prison Yard Riot.

The task in this mission is extremely simple - break through to the prison yard, shooting along the way at everything that moves. Find a valve next to the medical station and twist it to open the grate. Then along the corridor past the cells (beware of machine guns under the ceiling!) Run to the next grate. You need to open it with a trick. Go back and pick up the radio transmitter next to Camera A-31. The grate will be opened for you, run to the hatch and look at a new scene: Riddick will fall into the hatch along with the guard, using the latter as a soft shock-absorbing pad at the end of the flight.

Run through the dark catacombs, shooting underground zombies, to the grate and torch. There is a panel nearby, but something is missing - a valve. It is located just under the bars, on the lower level. Find him, go back, screw him to the panel and open the grate. Run until you meet a strange bearded creature, a local hermit, about which there are various fantastic rumors.

09. Papa Joes Den.

The hermit, Pope Joe, will take you up the elevator to his dwelling and ask you to bring it to him. For this, he will agree to patch up your wounds for free. It's actually a regular radio that was stolen from him by stupid zombies. Pick up more signal torches from the box in the corner and go looking. Take the elevator down, take a couple of turns, pick up something broadcasting radio and go back to present it to the hermit. Watch the scene in which Riddick finally gains the ability to see in the dark (actually, thanks to the desire of a strange female voice in his head, and not the manipulations of an overgrown chiropractor), and ... his famous black glasses.

10. Dark Tunnels.

It must have been hard to think of more short level. Go to the grating, you need to be on the other side, passing several corridors with zombies. And then just climb the stairs against the wall to the security sector. Actually, everything.

Riddick will come out of the hatch already in the shower, get out of it into the locker room. To make it easier to deal with the guards, turn off the light, starting with the switch next to the toilet. Night vision now allows you to fight in pitch darkness. At the fork to the left, past the hamburger machine, into the corridor on the right. For entertainment, you can call the living quarters of the fighters to listen to what they do there in their free time. Soon you will see a box stuck in the door and come to the gate in Hangar A-412. Use the retina scanner, which is screwed on the left. Riddick's eyes do not fit, still... The conclusion suggests itself - Abbott. Run further along the corridor.

12. Guards Quarters.

Past a poster promising a bright future, through a room with a glass ceiling and a small winter garden. Take the elevator to the second floor, and when you hit the red fire extinguisher, turn right. Click the security panel to turn off the light, then return to the fire extinguisher and run the other way. After running up the stairs, turn around - you are shot in the back. Run into a dead end with three doors, the room of your enemy, Abbott "a, is located just between the apartments and. Call and scare him by choosing. Then pick up the box with the rifle that was delivered to him and call again. Now act with cunning.

He will think that it was his new weapon that was brought in, and he will let you in. Further, I hope everything is clear? Finish the dude! After he falls, watch a new scene: Riddick wants to take the eyes he got with such difficulty, but he will be prevented at the last moment. Who do you think - Jones! The head of the prison, Hoxsey, will appear next, accompanied by guards. He will beat Jones and send Riddick to the lower levels of the prison so that he does not escape.

Dark place. As soon as one convict threw another into the abyss, a cannon with a camera immediately appeared and, having fired a burst, smeared it on the wall. In general, hooliganism and wandering around with weapons seems to be highly discouraged here. The second level of protection, what do you want? Exit the cell and get into the elevator. One of the prisoners will start to panic and the guard will shoot him in front of your eyes. That's really really - you will not be spoiled.

15. Tower 17 Base.

When you arrive, talk to Rael. He will explain that the rules in Double Max, the sector, are much tougher than at the upper levels of this penal institution. And he will also advise you to talk to Dogbone. True, you can do this after a series of battles on local ring. First, talk to the fight manager Centurion "ohm, then call Harman" a to a mortal battle - this is a type with a purple head. Again with Centurion "ohm - he will start the fight. However, you are still not quoted here yet, you will have to fight, and more than once. Centurion will advise you to call Baasim "a to the next fight, which can be found in. Now no one is blocking the passage there, so you can go through.

16. Recreation area.

Walking yards are located behind a massive door with an inscription. Here you can meet another sharpening merchant, get a couple of side quests, find out how to get into the mines at Flores "a and try your luck when playing dice. Go to the sector where you challenge a bull named Baasim to a duel. Return to the manager, he The next opponent will be (again appointed by Centurion) Sawtooth, you can find him in the dining room, Feed Ward.

17. Feed Ward.

There is not much interesting here, but there is still something. For example, you can watch how in the cell three guards beat someone mercilessly with their feet. There are also a couple of merchants who trade in all sorts of junk. If you're not interested in trendy sharpeners, then maybe your eye will fall on the vent tool, which can be purchased for as little as 15 UDs. But let's not forget the main thing - go to the table with the fat man (he's the only one here) and challenge him to a duel. Return to Centurion "y, and he will start the fight. The last fighter remains - Cusa, you will find him in the walking yard, sector. However, as it turned out, Centurion" a found another participant - a certain Bam. By the way, has anyone ever told you that Bam is a security guard? And killing a guard is a problem, a big problem ... Watch the scene where Riddick will be brought to Abbott "y, and he will begin to beat him severely with a baton. After that, Riddick will be very upset and with one easy movement will kill all the guards, leaving a fashionista in black for a snack Finish him (it will take a long time to beat him) and pick up a card and a baton if you are not afraid of skirmishes with guards.At the medical machine, increase your health by one white cube, then step into the sector, the door on the left and into.

18. Work pass.

Talk to a technician named Shurick and, if desired, agree to find him his glasses. Then through the door on the left, using the Abbott "a card, kill the guards, take it from the cache in the wall (Cuellas asked about it) and open the ventilation grate. There are two such grates. Behind one you will find only a little money, and behind the other there is a ladder. will take you to the roof of the elevator, which will lower you into the shafts.

19. Mine Entrance.

A couple of guards - that's right, for a warm-up. After the bridge, try using the console, bummer. An access card is required. Go to the narrow passage between the rocks on the right, kill the guards and follow the arrow to.

20. Security checkpoint.

You will be immediately attacked by a group of guards, including riot guard "a in impenetrable armor. So do not waste your time on them, but quickly rush through the door on the right. There is a NanoMed box, and the guards will not chase you here. Further down the stairs , past the sparkling railings and into the Upper Mines.

21. Upper Mines.

If you are not careful, then all the local guards will immediately take up arms against you. Run to the gate with a panel that requires an access card. It can be borrowed from a mustachioed soldier in a cap, who is in the room upstairs, next to the stairs. Having obtained the card, do not rush to go down to the elevator. Better open the door for her next to the two types and step into the Cargo Transport.

22. Cargo transport.

You might as well skip this level if you don't need a tranquilizer gun. Take the freight elevator down, talk to Armadaro and buy a pistol from him for 30 UDs. Just do not forget after the shot to finish off the bodies crouched on the floor with a control kick in the chest area - otherwise they will rise in a couple of minutes. After a successful purchase, take the elevator back and return to the corpse of the mustachioed guard. Now go down the stairs, use the card, go into the elevator and press the big red button on the wall.

23. Mining core.

Try to stay out of sight, disable the guns by clicking on the panel next to the bulldozer and into the small passage that will take you to the cargo containers. There, to the left and to a locked door with a large sign on which is handwritten in black and white. She will require an access card, which we will now look for. By the way, you can get rid of the annoying guard in armor in several ways. For example, lure him to a gas cylinder, in which the valve must first be opened. The explosion should kill him if he gets too close. Or try to lure this bulky colossus under the lowering container. Return to the bulldozer and into the passage on the left, next to the red container you will see Jagger Valance suffering from periodic bouts of an unhealthy cough. He will agree to help you, but in exchange for a favor. It is necessary to deliver his parcel. Run to the door, open it with the received code, then crawl under the inscription, climb onto the boxes, and at the end of the cave with gas cylinders, pick up a small box. This is the package you are looking for, take it to Jagger. Now you need to get to Tower 19, where you can get a bomb from a type named Jupiter. Go back to Mine Entrance, then to Work Pass, to the door next to Shurik. To get to it, you need to get out of the elevator in the work pass, climb onto the box, from it to the wall. Then along the wall to the stop and grab your hands on the handrails under the ceiling, crawl along them over the head of an unsuspecting guard in an armored suit. You will find yourself right next to Shurik. Here you can return to the Recreation area to complete secondary quests. For example, give the list of rats to Cuellas, who will reward you with another pack of cigarettes. When you're done - go through the door, which is not far from Shurik "a. Then open the door by clicking on the code panel and climb into the ventilation. Up the stairs, by the fan to the left, and further along the ventilation.

24. Security Research 1.

Knock out the grate and climb the stairs up. There are two identical doors here, go left. Knock out the technician and look at the riot guard's suit behind the glass. Wouldn't it be nice to try it on? So what's the matter - jump on the boxes on the left, along the tunnel, up the stairs and - put on! Go out the door, bypass the corridor, through the briefing room You will see two more walking, and much cooler than you.Then through the door E-12.

25. Security Research 2.

After everything calms down, get out of the suit, climb up the boxes, then along the metal beams under the shelf to the second floor. In a small room, press the red button, the light will turn on and the room will be filled with guards. Quickly climb back into your armor-piercing suit. Then everything is simple - crumble everything that shows signs of life until you hit the door E-15. Leave your invulnerable again and go through the small door nearby. Watch out, hurricane fire! In the next room, you will be surprised by another miracle of technical thought - walking bipedal machine guns. Climb up the pyramid of boxes, climb over the beams across the room, and climb into the ventilation hatch on the left.

Soon you will fall on the fan motor you saw earlier. Press the button at the base to turn it off, then continue your journey through the ventilation. Open the hatch, you will find yourself on the upper level in the Feed Ward. Go through the door and follow the arrows (black on the wall, written by hand) to a new ventilation hatch. Open it and climb inside.

Kill the guard, pick up the card, use the computer terminal and heal at the medical station on the wall. Insert the card into the console and talk to Jupiter through the opened door. He will give you the long-awaited bomb. Now you need to find shortest way in Mining Core. Take a running jump onto the container descending into the mine and watch the scene.

27. Container Router.

Your ride on the container will suddenly end. The conveyor needs to be restarted. Get off the container and climb into the hatch below it - and down the stairs. Go past the next ladder (if you climb it, you will find only a pack of cigarettes) and go up the last one, next to the lying tranquilizer gun. Before you will be two doors with code panels. Next to one of them is a ladder on the wall - crawl up it, knock out the grate with your foot - and into the ventilation. Push another grate, knock out the guard and climb up the very high stairs. Turn around, jump over the hole towards the sign. Not far from the medical box, you will see a technician next to a computer terminal. Kill him, take the card and click on the rail-track computer. The container will crash into the wall, so you can't go anywhere on it. You need to look for another vehicle.

Return to the two doors with the code consoles and the one opposite the stairs. Next to the plate, you will find another technician and a computer panel. Unfortunately, there is not enough energy, you will have to run an additional generator. Go to Control Station B, then follow the arrow to. Jump onto the rails, down the stairs and pull the switch. Return to the computer and start the transporter. Now back to the rails with the spare generator and jump onto the container in the mine. However, it will soon stop again. Jump to the ledge, break the bars and crawl into the ventilation. You will fall directly into the Mining Core (where you talked with Jagger). Run into the room, watch the scene - Riddick will plant the bomb. Come back and ... you will fall into the clutches of the riot guard.

28. Crash site.

Once again, Riddick will be caught, swaddled, transported, and... at that moment there will be an explosion, the planted bomb will work. Knock out the first guard, run out of the container and go into the light of the torches. Watch as the second guard is devoured by a terrible monster. Jump into the hole where the predatory creature has hidden.

29. Spaceport Hangar.

Pick up a shotgun and grenades to have something to bring down a toothy crocodile and his kids. Climb onto the ledge, then up the boxes. Jump down next to the security gate - they are closed, you need a special key. Run in the opposite direction, pick up the vent tool and open the hatch with it. After getting out of the ventilation, click on the service panel to turn on the light. In the next room next to the healing box you will see a drilling rig. It needs to be launched, though first you have to find and charge the battery for this device. Go to the destroyed bridge and pick up the toolroom key. Clinging to the ropes, get over to the other side of the abyss. And along the familiar road, run to the locked door. After unlocking it, go left, crawl under the jammed door and look at the charger. It remains to find a dead battery. It's in a closet a couple of rooms away. Grab a shotgun and grenades there. Charge the battery, return to the drilling rig and start it. She will break the gate and stop. Then climb into the ventilation.

30. Central storage.

While the guards are dealing with bugs, get out of the ventilation and crawl along the metal beams to the left. Again into the air duct, open the hatch, shoot the guard and through the door on the right. Enter the elevator, open the hatch from above and climb onto its roof. Click on the open panel with wires, the elevator will go down. Open the door and watch the riot guard fight the toothy monster. Doom 3 is resting. After the creature expires, shoot the armored guard in the back. Take away his minigun. This gun is good for everyone, but it turns out to be too slow to walk with it in your hands. Behind the next door there will be a medical box, then along the corridor, shoot the riot guard "a" who turned his back on you inadvertently. Open the door and follow the arrow to the cargo docks.

Continuing to destroy the bugs, get to the elevator, which will take you upstairs. The other, on the contrary, will lower down. Then sit on a large cargo platform and press the button, get ready to shoot the bugs jumping on your head from the walls. Another riot guard will appear, shower it with grenades if there are any left. Run to the door next to the forklift and at the familiar car increase your health by one more point. Clear the room of a handful of soldiers first. Soon you will exit to another forklift and a new freight elevator. Enter the elevator and press the button. Upon arrival, meet the new riot guard "a. After a few doors there will be an opportunity to heal. Opposite the medical box, press the button, it opens the door behind which access to Fuel Transport.

32. Fuel transport.

Go into the next room and kill the heavy guard "a. It's not easy, but almost impossible with your weapon, so there's a trick. Take a shotgun from the wall and shoot at the canisters moving along the rails on the ceiling. They will start to fall and explode. In general , you need to very precisely on the head of your opponent with the heels of these canisters, so that he calms down forever.

Fill up a couple of riot guards and run to the ship on the platform. The hatch should open. If it doesn’t open, then you haven’t finished everyone yet, joke around the corners. Then watch the video in which Riddick will talk to Jagger, but their conversation will be interrupted Jones. Once again, Riddick will break something there, but he will not have time to finish it off - numerous guards will appear.

34 Exercise Area.

This time, Hoxsey will prefer to freeze Riddick, sending him to the third degree of protection sector. Yes, at least the fifth, do you think that the "man-with-black-glasses" will stop it? Our hero will find himself in a small room for a two-minute warm-up, where all the prisoners of the cryocapsules are delivered daily so that their bodies do not completely atrophy.


There is absolutely nothing to do here, nowhere to run, and in general, in two minutes, Riddick will fall asleep anyway.


Same place, next day. A couple more prisoners will appear, but this will not change the situation. All sleep.

De-ja-vu. White walls begin to put pressure on the nerves. We've been here before, it's time to change the record!


Finally, Riddick will remind you of himself, saying that it would be nice to get out of here using someone else's cryocapsule. Climb into it and watch as Riddick kicks out another prisoner. On the way to the capsule vault, he will be haunted by visions in which you can see frames from the film of the same name.

35. Cryo Pyramids.

After getting out of your capsule, look around. There are many thousands of them here, and several pyramids have been built of them. Your task: climbing from pyramid to pyramid (so the robots can't reach you), get to the doors. Yes, don't forget to pick up the baton next to your capsule.

36. Facility Control.

Run to the right and into the hatch in the floor. Fight off the flying droids with a club, get out from the other side, bang the guard and take away his gun. The next hole will lead you to a staircase, behind which there will be a computer terminal that opens all the doors. Return to the beginning of the level, where you shoot a couple of bipedal robots and run to the warehouse. Climb inside the heavy guard "a, well, now they will definitely get everything! Shoot the small robots and get into the elevator. Another heavy guard will fall out of there, but now it is not so dangerous for you. By the way, you can shoot not only from a machine gun, but also bombard it with missiles on right button mice.

37 Corporate Office.

Get out of the elevator and go through the corridors, sowing panic and chaos until you find a new elevator. Funny, along the way artificial intelligence your new toy will also communicate with you, informing you about damage, finding targets and the best tactics for combat.

38. Take off platform.

As you exit the elevator, continue to destroy all living things. Another heavy guard will try to stop you. After it falls to pieces, Riddick will get out. Press the red button on the wall and run to the edge of the platform. Watch the scene: Riddick will be saved at the very last moment by Jones, but he will still outsmart him. Again break the long-suffering neck and send the ship straight into the windows of Hoxsey's office. The latter will panic and hide, giving you the opportunity to chat with a couple of red ghost robots. Grab your minigun and silence this collection of sentient cogs. Now watch the final video, in which Riddick and Jones easily pass by the guards, and she ... famously shoots her own boss, ridiculously disguised as Riddick. The ship with the inseparable couple flies away, read the credits...

Yes, after them there will be another video that logically completes the introductory fragment. The hairy and bearded Riddick is again in a cave after the events in Butcher Bay, where he listens to a woman's voice in his head, trying to figure out who he really is.

After beating the game on or you will open the difficulty level, as well as the bonus mode, in which at each location you will find lengthy audio comments from the creators about the production of the game. If you are lucky enough to find and get it, after doing everything side quests, all packs of cigarettes, then a new location will appear in the folder with bonuses - Animation Show Room, clearly demonstrating Riddick's tricks, which he works out on poor Jones.

Taken from

Rescue - Escape

Approach Jones and press the E key to start a conversation. Scare him with a dialogue line. At the time when he approaches the second prisoners, sneak up behind him and wring his neck. At the end of the shooting that has begun, soon turn around 180 degrees and run to the open hatch.

Jump down. Turning right, go down the stairs to a spacious room. Approach the man digging in the shield. Wipe him off the face of the earth, take the key card.

Use it on the electronic lock and go out into the corridor. Wait until the guard passes by the corridor. Sneak up behind him and wring his neck. Take the crowbar near the body. Run to the room where the guard you killed came from.

Climb up the boxes, from there cling to the railing of the stairs. Get to the ventilation hatch and use the crowbar to crack it. Climb inside and crawl along the ventilation duct to the grate. After knocking it out, jump down.

Turn right and go to the next room. Wipe off the guard standing near the table. Take the shotgun without ammo. Climb up the boxes to the balcony. Go left to the lift. Press the button and go up.

Exit the elevator and start slowly approaching the guard. Neutralize it by using the butt of the shotgun. Take the ammo and go down the stairs. Shoot the lock on the door leading to the sewer.

Turn on the flashlight (F key) and enter the sewer. Destroy all the guards you see on your way. Go to the bright light - this is the exit from the sewer.

Prison Yard - Prison Yard

Leave the cell for a walk. Talk to Barber, a local prisoner. At the end of the conversation, go right along the corridor to the courtyard of the colony. Approach the man standing near the wall with the scrawled inscription Aqilas and start a conversation with him. When finished, head to cell A40.

Wipe off the face of the earth two prisoners who have fallen into the cell behind you with obviously not good intentions. Return to the courtyard, where once again talk with the person who directed you to this cell. Now return to your own cell, where you will meet with Matson. At the exit from your own cell, talk to Barber. Go to cell A37 and talk to Warren. Now head towards the camera in reverse.

Here you need to wipe out the condemned Molina from the face of the earth. At the time when the deed is done, pick up brass knuckles from the floor. Exit to the courtyard and go to the open building on the contrary.

Aquila Territory - Aquila Territory

Turning into the corridor to the right, you will come across two convicts armed with brass knuckles. At the end of a short fight, their bodies will be left lying on the cold floor. Go into the open chamber, where you will use the first-aid kit. Go out into the corridor and, after taking a couple of steps forward, turn left.

Dodge the fire extinguisher flying in your direction. Kill the convict and take the Finn for yourself. In the next flight, deal with a couple more convicts. Turn right and exit into a large room. Here you will need to fight with a convict who has good melee weapons. At the time he is killed, put the knife back in soon and go out into the courtyard.

Talk to Hailey about the escape. Enter the building where your camera is located, and go to the grate blocking the corridor. Start a conversation with the guard standing on the other side of the bars.

After completing the conversation, he will approach the control panel and open the grate. Enter the door to the left, into the infirmary.

Infirmary – Infirmary

First of all, deal with the guard walking around the room with a shotgun at the ready. Approach him as close as possible and in the ensuing struggle, shoot the guard with his own weapon. Pick up the key card near the body.

After that, soon reach out to the Finn and inflict mortal wounds on the second guard. Go to the door and open it with the key card. In the next room, kill another guard and go down the corridor to the next room. Climb up the stairs to the next level. Having opened the hatch, bend down and enter the narrow tunnel.

You must exit to a platform with a box in the middle. A guard will come out of the door. Hide behind the box and wait until he walks past you. After that, sneak up behind him and break his neck. Enter the room where the guard came from. After passing a couple of utility rooms, you will exit to an open area, fenced on one side with a net.

Kill the armed guard and take the card key from him. Use it on the lock of the door leading to the next room. Here, kill the guard and enter the farthest door on the left.

Central computer - Mainframe

Walk along the flight to the wall and jump down onto the boxes. Sneak up on the person tinkering with the computer and take him out very quietly. Enter your own DNA into the computer's database.

Take the rifle lying near the box with tools. Enter the corridor, where you shoot the entire group of guards. Turning around the corner, go through the gap in the wall into the second room.

Go to the opposite side of the room through the narrow passage between the boxes. Get through the boxes to the ventilation duct with a working fan. Shoot the fan blades and enter the channel.

After taking a couple of steps along the grate, you will fall into a narrow corridor. Soon run forward, destroying all the guards along the way. In the next room, shoot the guards located on the spans.

Go left to the black room. Kill the guard hiding behind the box. After that, open the hatch and climb into the second room.

Turn on the flashlight on your own rifle. Go to the valve and shut off the gas supply. Walk a couple of meters forward along the corridor and enter the next room through the gap in the wall.

Move forward, destroying all the guards along the way. As a result, you must come to a room with a lift in the far corner. Here, wipe out all the guards from the face of the earth and after this robot, which went down on the lift. It is possible to wipe it off the face of the earth only by shooting at the back cover, behind which the metal heart of the robot is hidden.

When finished, jump onto the lift and go up. Enter the only open door to the next level.

Prison Riot – Prison Yard Riot

Get into the room in front of you. In the room around the corner, use the health station and turn the valve. Quickly run back into the corridor before the turret can kill you. Turn on the flashlight and go down the stairs next to the door to the cell block.

Kill all the guards and destroy the turrets before they do their own dark deed. After passing through a narrow corridor to a closed gate, Riddick will make a remark. Return to the place where you went down the stairs, taking out the guards that jump out. Approach the huge gate, which will open, and, having disarmed the guards, use the radio transmitter lying on the floor. Return to the closed gate and, having found a half-dead prisoner in a narrow corridor, shoot him in order to save the poor fellow from suffering.

And finally, go through the gate.

Pit – The Pit

You have only 6 minutes to get out of the dungeon. Walk forward and through the tunnel to reach a corridor with flaming stuff everywhere. From this place, zombies will start attacking you. Shooting them as needed, move on until you reach a huge hole in the floor.

Jump down and go right to the end, then turn left and go to a dead end, in which the valve will lie. Pick it up and return to the hole. Get up the stairs and go straight, then right and finally left to the closed gate. Slide the valve into the groove and turn it around.

Get to Papa Joe through the tunnels.

Papa Joe's Den - Papa Joes Den

Take the lift with Papa Joe and follow him to his quarters. At the end of the conversation with him, take 12 light sticks from the box. Return to the lift and go down. Turn left and go to the tunnel entrance. Go through the tunnel, lighting your way with light bombs. From the tunnel, enter the room where you will soon shoot at the barrels of fuel.

An explosion will wipe out the lion's share of local residents from the face of the earth. Reach out with your rifle and finish off the remaining zombies. In the next room, take the sound box and return to Papa Joe.

The Black Tunnel - Dark Tunnels

Enter the narrow tunnel and go through it, shooting all the evil spirits along the way. You must reach the stairs, which is possible to get up.

Showers - Showers

Turn around in the opposite direction and go down the corridor to the toilet cubicle. Click the switch a couple of times - your impact will force the guard to leave the toilet. Put a bullet between his eyes and take the weapon. Go further down the corridor to the locker room. Find the switch near the doorway and load the room into complete darkness. Eliminate the guard who wanted to know the circumstances of the unexpected darkness.

Enter the locker room and head towards the exit in reverse. Wipe off the face of the earth a group of guards who have settled in the corridor. Go to the room with a balcony, from there enter the corridor to the right. In the next room, wipe out several guards from the face of the earth and exit the spacious hall through the passage on the right. From there, enter the corridor and follow it until a door with a retinal scanner appears on the right side. Kill the guard and try to scan Riddick's retina.

At the end of the attempt, return back to the corridor and go to the exit to the next level.

Guards Quartet - Guards Quarters

Fight your way to the other side of the room. Pay attention to the balcony above, from there a couple of guards will conduct constant fire. Enter the elevator and go up to the second floor. Deal with another group of guards walking around the foyer. Turn left into the corridor and run to the Abbot's apartment. Take the box with the rifle near the door.

Press the bell and answer the question about the purpose of the visit, “Sending”. In a second, enter the apartment. Abbot - Abbot

Eliminate the Abbot and watch the final cutscene of the first part.

Tower 17 - Tower 17

Enter the corridor to the right and go to the freight elevator. Together with other convicts, you will go downstairs.

Tower base - Tower 17 Base

Exit the elevator and follow the convict. When he stops, start a conversation with him. After that, go down the stairs to the courtyard. Here, look for a guy named Centurion.

Ask him to organize a fight with one of the prisoners. Now approach Harman, the big man standing near the gate blocking the entrance to the recreation area. Having taken his consent to fight with you, go to the Centurion and tell him about the conversation with Harman. In the next moment, the fight with Harman will begin. Actively work with your fists, not forgetting to dodge his oncoming blows. At the end of the battle, approach the Centurion and agree on the organization of the next duel.

Go to the recreation area through the gate near which stood Harman.

Recreation Area

Go through the huge gate on the left into the next sector. Buy a finca from a guy named Cricket for 30 bucks. Enter the door leading to sector B. Find Baazim and get his consent to fight.

Return to Tower 17, where your conversation with the Centurion will start the fight with Baazim. At the time when the fight ends in your favor, approach the Centurion and talk to him about another fight.

Dining Chamber – Feed Ward

You go into the recreation area, from there go to the second sector through the gate with the inscription “Feed Ward”. Go down the corridor to the right. After a couple of meters, some crazy person will rush in your direction, shouting “This is for Harman”. Let him suffer the same fate as Harman.

Enter the dining room, where, at the table on the left side, look for a dining guy named Drinker. Interrupt his meal with a conversation about the fight with you. Having taken his consent, return to the tower, where, at the end of communication with the Centurion, the battle will begin. Reach out to the Finn and inflict sensitive wounds on your own opponent. Having completed the battle in your own favor, approach the Centurion and agree with him to conduct another battle. Go to the recreation area, from there through the open gate to sector A. Now you need to go to sector D, before passing sectors B and C. Here you will talk to the young man named Kusa.

Return to the tower, where your duel with this young man will take place. After completing the fight, approach the Centurion and ask for the organization of the final battle. A man clad in armor will enter the arena. Reach out to the Finn and hit her in unprotected areas.

At a time when this opponent remains lying on the pavement, a couple of guards will come up to you and take you into the room.

Here you will find a surprise in the form of a living and unharmed Abbot. Without delay, he will rush to beat you with a club and Riddick will have no choice but to respond in kind. Reach out and hit the Abbot with it without getting hit by his club. After completing this duel in your favor, search the dead body and find a personal pass card.

Pick up the club from the floor. Use the map to leave the room. Head to sector D, where the exit to the work area is located.

Access to the work area - Work Pass

Enter a spacious room with several guards on the left side. Go to the door to the right, where you use the Abbot card to enter the next room. Here, the unexpectedly extinguished light will lead to the activation of the guards to search for the circumstances that led to this trouble. Turn on the flashlight and pick up the baton. Come out from behind the boxes and go cut the skulls of the guards. After clearing the entire room, go up the stairs to the upper platform.

Enter the passage between the boxes and go to the wall. Knock out the technological hatch with your foot. Crawl through the tunnel, then go up the stairs.

Crawl a couple of meters down another tunnel before reaching the roof of a descending elevator.

Mine Entrance

After a few minutes. jump into the lift cabin. Go outside and head to the containers, near which one of the guards is located. Sneak up behind him and land a killing blow with the club. In a few seconds, another guard will taxi around the corner. Deal with it the same way. Enter the tunnel carved into the mountain.

Follow it to the entrance to the checkpoint. After dealing with the guard, go inside.

Security Checkpoint - Security Checkpoint

Wait until the guard is out of sight and follow him along the same route. There are containers on the right side of the room. Between them and the wall there is a narrow passage. Use it to stealthily approach a guard.

Wrap his neck and run into the unlit patch of the room. As long as the second guard is at some distance from you, use this moment for inconspicuous access to the roof of the container. From there, climb onto another container, from it to the balcony.

Go through the door and go down the stairs.

Upper Mines

Run to the end of the flight. After jumping over the fence, jump onto the container. At the time when the guard is out of sight, jump off the container and soon run into the passage between the wall and the containers.

Run forward along the passage, then turn around the corner and enter the second room through the door.