Assassin's creed revelation map memoir pages. Assassin's Creed II - Revelations. My passing notebook. Animus Data Fragments in the Arsenal in Assassin's Creed: Revelation

Sequence 1 - "Like a return."

Memory 1 - "The Executioner".

The Templars are going to hang Ezio as a warning to all who dare to stand in their way. But Ezio himself has other plans...

An interesting video letter from Ezio Claudia (sister-assassin), nothing needs to be done.

Memory 2 - "The Hard Escape"

This trouble will not prevent Ezio from discovering the secrets of Altair. Enter the citadel, find Ezio's equipment and find the library.

Full Synchronization (PS) - Kill a Byzantine Templar with a counterattack.

Make your way to the central citadel of Masyaf.

At the start of the game, Ezio has 5 health cells (5/20), and his weapons are fists.

When you get to the first platform, beat the guard or go through the training first (look at the "Task" list, it is cyclical), if you do not miss the hint or continue on your way, climb the wall of the fortress.

I advise you to examine all the corpses, cash will be needed soon.

A task: punch, capture, disarmament.

A task; kick the enemy.

A task; capture, throw.

A task: combo kill.

A task: dodge.

A task: counterattack kill.

A task: Killstreak 0/4.

A task: return run with a capture, return capture with a throw.

A task: counter theft.

A task: Guard factions (set Ottoman guards against Byzantine sufferers).

A task: Kill the militias.

A task: Kill the bombers.

A task: Kill shooters.

A task: Kill the Almogavars (counterattacks).

A task: killing Varangians (bounce and attack).

A task: Kill dodgers (counterattacks).

A task: elite (counterattacks).

A task: Janissaries (counterattacks).

A task: identify target, kill target.

A task: main attack, auxiliary attack.

A task: Kill a ranged target.

A task: Throw the bomb, aim and throw the bomb.

A task: lure the guard, cripple the guard, kill the guard (different bombs).

A task: Lure a guard, kill an enemy with a trap.

A task: heavy weapon kill (throw).

A task: run with a grab, grab with a throw (hidden blades).

A task: silent kill (hidden blades).

A task: Double kill (hidden blades).

A task: instant kill.

A task: Block an attack.

After climbing the wall, fix the CT near the tower with Ezio's equipment.

The area with 4 guards (Templars) can be run through and use the elevator, but any of them are eligible for the memory test, so counterattack (while holding RMB, press LMB at the moment the enemy attacks).

After an acrobatic ascent to the tower platform (CT). Along the way, throw the first guard off the ledge, and kill the second one quietly with a blade.

On the roof of the tower, drop the eagle statue and after an unauthorized leap of faith, prepare to strike with any guard attack (CT).

To start the next memory, remove 4 working guards in the hall, pick up things and talk to the surviving guy.

Memory 3 - "A certain diary".

A certain mysterious diary brought the Templars to Masyaf. Find the Templar captain and take the diary from him.

+ (PS.) - Do not fail a single surveillance (do not let yourself be discovered and do not lose sight of the enemy).

Find the Templar captain who has the diary.

Follow a couple of checkpoints to the exit to the courtyard of the citadel.

The Templars gather in the village. Hang on the tail of at least one of them and follow where he goes.

I advise you not to waste your parachute, but simply go down the gates of the citadel, there is such an opportunity.

There are 9 Templars (groups) in the village, but one (one) can be led. So follow the rooftops of the right buildings counterclockwise until you exit the village, and you will automatically start the next memory.

Memory 1 - "Prisoner".

A man was arrested for stealing food. Show compassion to the poor.

+ (PS) - Steal the key from the guard's pocket.

Find the guard who has the key.

Approach the search area from the side of the river, climbing onto the pier. Target on the site with a tree. Go around the building along the front with the left passage and get over the fence on the right unnoticed, with the transition to the crowd on the platform with the goal.

Sweep where the victim of the theft is standing longer, in that place and steal, followed by leaving for the expanses of water.

Release the prisoner.

After that, the memories are unlocked trials "Guild Quests" all factions (assassins, thieves, mercenaries, gypsies and bombers).

While the challenge lists can only be viewed through the DNA section, they will later be available on the faction registration boards (see the list of guild challenges at the end of the notebook).

I would like to note that the nearest cart with hay, in front of the arched passage, is a convenient place where three groups of guards intersect, from whom you can get a series of tests.

While you have 2 students, go around 3 more New Quarter Viewpoints (9/22) without gaining Fame, but using Summon Students on Guards (the students won't spawn together, just one).

When a student fights, control his health so that he does not die, you can help him imperceptibly by using hidden blade, throwing knives and poison.

Provoke lone opponents on the rooftops to take up arms and challenge the apprentice in battle, but avoid the battle yourself in order to complete the first series of brotherhood faster.

Last Viewpoint (10/22) in a Templar controlled block until you capture the third base.

If you decide to max out your Fame without having 3 Assassin bases, then the Templars will not attack the first base (not allowed by the scenario), so you are free to complete faction challenges and upgrade shops in the Imperial Quarter that are not blocked by the Templars. High fame will always spawn an official (-50% fame) or a stalker (-100% fame).

I advise you to reveal the entire map at the moment, except for the Arsenal quarter, it is not yet available.

Synchronize Viewpoints 21/22 but by not lighting the beacons on the towers of the new bases, this way you will know the enemy's capabilities and where the captains are located. If you wish, empty the chests..

Achieve maximum completion of the Brotherhood Creed, Thieves, Mercenary, and Gypsy Faction Challenges.

As you explore the quarters, upgrade everything available: Bookstores - 5/15, Banks - 4/14, Blacksmiths - 5/15, Tailors - 5/15, Doctors - 4/14, Grand Bazaar, Hagia Irina and Hagia Sophia.

If you wish, then unlock the achievements: « spider assassin» , « Braggart» , « nimble fingers» , « monster dance », « Maniac killer» .

For faction creed tests, see the entries in the " Guild Quests» of this notebook.

After completing 2/10 challenges for Assassins (series 1), 9/10 for mercenaries (lack of combos), 9/10 for gypsies (no bombs), and 9/10 thieves (no proper height to jump into the water ), go incognito and return to first base to continue the scenario.

Choose a base commander (I have one student who reached level 10 (rank 2), and the second one reached 8 (rank 1)), my choice is senior, there are no alternatives.

To continue the story, talk to the newly minted base commander.

Memory 1 - "Janissaries".

Ezio and Suleiman suspect that Tarik Barleti, the captain of the Janissaries, has ties to the Templars. Track him down to find out more.

+ (PS) - Distract two guards with bombs.

Find Tarik Barleti.

Follow Tarik Barleti.

Use the crowd. Tariq will leave the market, but you stay inside, he will return. When Tariq says that he should not have anyone on his tail, throw a decoy bomb into the corner of the courtyard, but do not follow yourself, but go around the left passage and guard. After the second exit from the market, he will not return, but will often turn. Take advantage of the rooftops by calling on the brotherhood to clear out the shooters.

Memory 1 - "In the shadows."

Ezio wants to interrogate Tarik Barleti about the whereabouts of the Templar army. To approach Tariq, dress up in a Janissary uniform.

+ (PS) - Kill a target from cover.

Find a lone Janissary.

When you find it, it is he who must be killed from hiding. Remove the nearest guard with the assassins, but quietly and lure the janissary to a haystack with a bomb, in which you will hide.

Memory 6 - "Escape".

The Templars, now led by Prince Ahmet, threaten to kill Sophia unless Ezio hands over the keys to Masyaf. Leave Cappadocia and return to Constantinople as soon as possible.

+ (PS) - Don't lose more than half your health.

Leave the underground city.

There are twenty cells, you can donate no more than 10 cells. First you need to get rid of 9 guards or just run around them to reach the CT, without losing health, come in handy (save the game).

At the next stage, it is necessary not to receive maximum damage from explosions. If you can't get through right away, go back to the island to start with the CT.

One tip, riding and the closest route. Upon exiting the CT cave and fighting, bypass it by running to the next CT.

Memory 7 - "Passing the baton." 1257, Altair 92.

Having spent more than a month in training with Altair, the Polo brothers are ready to return to Constantinople. However, a detachment of Mongols blocked their path. Help the Polo brothers escape the village.

Transfer of relay.

Go to the gates of the citadel. Press PLM to subdue enemies. Let the brothers wait at the gate, use the power of the Apple. Then call your brothers.

After passing the second descent, CT.

You apply the magic of the Apple from CT to CT.

Upon completion of the sequence, return to Constantinople and unlock the achievement « Old boss, new boss».

Memory 1 - "Discovery".

Prince Ahmet threatened to harm Sophia. Find and protect her.

+ (PS) - If attacked, kill 5 guards with melee attacks without getting hurt.

Find Sofia!

Instead of Sophia, the corpse of Yusuf's friend.

Study the body.

Find Ahmet and kill him.

Assault on the Arsenal let your students begin. Let them remove the guard behind the passage to the Arsenal, then it will be possible to go to the site and attract a dozen guards. After blinding them with a smoke bomb, complete the combo streak challenge.

There are two more side entrances to the territory of the Arsenal, I advise you not to approach them. Otherwise, the fight will be endless.

You need to get close to the Sultan, Ezio himself will attack him, but will not kill him.

Memory 2 - "Exchange".

Collect the keys of Masyaf and take them to Ahmet to save Sophia.

+ (PS) - Save Sophia before she loses more than 50% health.

Gather your fellow Assassins to keep you safe during the exchange.

Exit the hideout when all summon slots for assassins are restored.

All of his masters are waiting for Ezio in the graveyard. Before interacting with them, check that there is a parachute in the equipment.

Meet Ahmet and make the exchange.

Climb the tower and save Sophia.

The time limit started at 2:00, you'll have time.

Use the parachute to get into the courtyard.

Keep heading for the tree, if necessary, then call on the assassins. Having reached the lady, cut the rope.

Memory 1 - "Home".

Ezio and Sophia arrived in Masyaf after weeks of travel. It's time to open the library.

Together with Sophia, approach the library door.

30 years of Ezio in the fight as an assassin.

Use the Masyaf keys to solve the puzzle and open the library doors.

Use eagle vision, out of 3 figures, the right one is needed (5 discs).

Explore the Altair Library.

In the library, only the corpse of Altair and the disk. Further video and game for Altair.

Assassin's Guild - 7/7.

Series 1:

1.1 - Call in assassins in 25/25 combat.

1.2 - Give the assassins the target 20/20.

Reward: Assassins sent on missions will be more efficient.

Series 2:

2.1 - Use a shower of arrows 15/15.

2.2 - Summon the assassins in the historical task 5/5.

Reward: Assassin Signal recharges faster.

Series 3:

3.1 - Recruit 12/12 Assassins.

3.2 - Train recruits to Master Assassin 7/7.

3.3 - Successfully defend base 3/3.

Reward: Unlock the Assassin faction weapon (Mehmet's Dagger (5/5/5)).

Mercenary Guild - 10/10.

Series 1:

1.1 - Set the mercenaries on the guards 10/10.

1.2 - Destroy the scaffolding by throwing someone 5/5 on them (you can citizens, but not all at once).

1.3 - Destroy an enemy with a 0/5 throwing weapon (heavy weapon (tick, ax...)).

Reward: The cost of hiring mercenaries is reduced (150/75A).

Series 2:

2.1 - Disarm the guard and kill him with your own weapon 5/5.

2.2 - Kill Byzantine Almogavar 25/25 (experience with an ax).

2.3 - Grab with a 10/10 roll (you can grab people by the breasts).

Reward: Unlock the faction ability of the mercenaries.

Series 3:

3.1 - Get a 10/10 double kill.

3.2 - Kill 5 guards in melee combat in less than 10 seconds 1/1.

3.3 - Get a combo streak of at least 5 10/10 kills.

3.4 - Kill an Ottoman Janissary 25/25 (masked guard).

Reward: Unlock the mercenary faction weapon (2-handed sword Espadon (5/4/4)).

Gypsy Guild - 10/10.

Series 1:

1.1 - Set the gypsies on the guards 10/10.

1.2 - Escape from pursuit (crowd / cover) 10/10.

1.3 - Kill guards with a crossbow while remaining undetected 20/20 (tumble down).

Reward: The cost of hiring gypsies is reduced (150/75A).

Series 2:

2.1 - Use tactical bombs to escape the 10/10 guards.

2.2 - Kill a pursuer without getting stabbed in the back 5/5.

2.3 - Kill guards with 15/15 poison.

Reward: Unlock the faction ability of the gypsies (lead the enemy with you).

Series 3:

3.1 - Kill guards with bombs without being spotted 20/20.

3.2 - Kill a guard by approaching from behind 10/10.

3.3 - Kill a guard from cover 5/5.

3.4 - Kill 3 enemies stunned by a smoke bomb before the smoke clears 1/1.

Reward: Unlock the Gypsy faction weapon (Gypsy Stiletto (5/3/4)).

Thieves Guild - 10/10.

Series 1:

1.1 - Set the thieves on the guards 10/10.

1.2 - Run 300 meters 1/1 without stopping.

1.3 - Complete a 15/15 grab run (tumble).

Reward: The cost of hiring thieves is reduced.

Series 2:

2.1 - Take a 40/40 Leap of Faith.

2.2 - Climb a total of 1 kilometer on walls 1/1.

2.3 - Steal the money with retaliatory theft 205/250A (theft during combat).

Reward: Unlock the faction ability of thieves (they steal from everyone in front of you, even from corpses).

Series 3:

3.1 - Dive from a height of at least 30 meters 1/1.

3.2 - Kill a guard with 25/25 throwing knives.

3.3 - Perform an Air Kill on a 5/5 Beam Guard.

3.4 - Perform a 10/10 rope kill.

Reward: Unlock Thieves faction weapons (???).

Bombs - 10/10.

Series 1:

1.1 - Stick a bomb on the guard 10/10 (Piri quest replay).

1.2 - Kill a mission target with a 1/1 bomb.

1.3 - Distract the guard using 20/20 bombs (find the place where the 3 groups intersect, the coast with moorings).

1.4 - Kill 5 1/1 guards with a single bomb (when doing 1.3).

1.5 - Kill the guards with a 20/20 tripwire bomb.

Series 2:

2.1 - Craft a bomb with all types of shells 1/1 (4 shells).

2.2 - Use a 50/50 bomb.

2.3 - Kill a guard disabled by a 25/25 bomb.

2.4 - Craft one bomb with each effect type 1/1 (10 effects).

2.5 - Use all 1/2 bomb effects twice (counts immediately after the first cycle of 2.4 if used).

Reward: Additional ingredients for bombs will appear at the bases.


Viewpoints - 22:

Galatian: 4/4.

Imperial: 5/5.

Konstantinov: 5/5.

Bayazidov: 5/5.

Arsenal: 1/1.

Topkapi: 1/1.

Animus Data Fragments - 100:

Galata: 11/11.

Constantine Quarter - North: 10/10.

Constantine Quarter - South: 11/11 (one with a parachute).

Arsenal quarter: 11/11.

Bayazid Quarter - North: 12/12 (1 on the territory of the Konstantin Quarter).

Bayazid quarter - south: 11/11 (1 on the territory of the Constantine quarter).

Imperial quarter - north: 11/11 (one fragment in the "Topkapi" quarter, the other in "Bayazid").

Imperial Quarter - South: 11/11.

Cappadocia: 12/12.

Pages of memoirs of Ishak Pasha - 10:

Arsenal quarter: 1/1.

Bayazid quarter - north: 1/1.

Bayazid quarter - south: 1/1.

Constantine quarter - north: 2/2.

Constantine quarter - south: 2/2.

Imperial Quarter - North: 1/1.

Imperial Quarter - South: 1/1.

Galata: 1/1.

Treasure - 106:

Arsenal quarter: 6/6 (one assigned to another quarter).

Bayazid quarter - north: 12/12.

Bayezid's Quarter - South: 12/12 (one outside the quarter, on the tower overlooking the south pier behind the mercenary guild).

Constantine's Quarter - North: 12/12.

Constantine quarter - south: 12/12.

Imperial Quarter - North: 16/16 (7 on the grounds of Topkapi Palace).

Imperial Quarter - South: 12/12.

Galata: 12/12.

Cappadocia: 12/12.

Treasures (hidden places) - 15:

Basilica Cistern: 3/3.

Maiden Tower: 3/3.

Bullish forum: 3/3.

Galata tower: 3/3.

Hagia Sophia: 3/3.

BOMB CODE (4 shells and 10 effects):

1.1 Impact Corps.

1.1.1 Fragmentation bomb (shrapnel - lethal).

1.1.2 Bomb with thorns (thorns - tactical).

1.2 Housing with fuse.

1.2.1 Sonic bomb (coal dust - lethal).

1.2.2 Blood bomb (sheep blood - tactical).

1.3 Stretching.

1.3.1 Datura bomb (datura powder - lethal).

1.3.2 Bomb-bait (sulfur - sabotage).

1.3.3 Smoke bomb-dummy (saltpeter - sabotage).

1.3.4 Golden bomb (pyrite coins - sabotage).

1.4 Sticky bomb.

1.4.1 Smoke screen (phosphorus - tactical).

1.4.2 Stink bomb (odorant - tactical).

Indian / Arabic / British gunpowder = radius of destruction 2 meters / 3 meters / 4 meters.


Send your assassins to captured cities.

1. Alexandria (8):

1.1 Raise a Riot - 1/6 Hidden Blade, 410A, 10XP, 3:19 (-5% Templar Control).

1.2 Forge documents - 2/6 crossbow, 986A, 37XP, 6:12 (-10%).

1.3 Attack the merchant - 3/6 crossbow, 949A, 115XP, 6:48 (-15%).

1.4 Piri Reis: Exploring the Region - With 1500A, 2/6* Crossbow, 0A, 130XP, 8:00 (-10%, new ingredient from Peri (hull fuse)).

1.5 Alexandria: Mentor Research - 3/6*, 2000A, 3000XP, 5:00 (-15%).

1.6 Attack a beggar - 4/6 crossbow, 1692A, 536XP, 11:28 (-20%).

1.7 Alexandria: Seal of Memory, Part 1 - 4/6*, 1500A, 3500XP, 20:00 (-20%).

1.8 Take back the city - 5/6*, 2500A, 1500XP, 10:00 (Assassins control this city).

1.9n Kill the captain - 2/6 crossbow, 417A, 30XP, 4:04 (-10%).

1.10n Poison Food - 4/6 Crossbow, 1766A, 545XP, 11:50 (-20%).

1.11n Bribe the herald - 4/6 crossbow, 893A, 436XP, 7:28 (-20%).

1.13n Enemy of the press - 4/6 crossbow, 1650A, 531XP, 11:15 (-20%).

1.14n Attack a diplomat - 2/6, 933A, 36XP, 6:00 (-10%).

1.15d Steal a weapon - 4/6, 1536A, 517XP, 4:50 (-20%).

1.16n Kill guards - 4/6, 1343A, 492XP, 9:43 (-20%).

1.18n Steal clothes - 3/6, 916A, 113XP, 6:40 (-15%).

1.19n Alexandria: Seal of Memory, Part 2 - 5/6*, 4500A, 4500XP, 20:00 (-25%).

Under the control of the assassins (similar tasks in other cities).

Prevent Sabotage - 1/6, 329A, 10XP, 3:05 (+5%).

Help a noble lady - 3/6, 1112A, 128XP, 7:27 (+15%).

Kill the lawyer - 3/6, 733A, 98XP, 5:56 (+15%).

Improvement of trade relations - in the presence of 2500A 2/6, 0A, 150XP, 12:00 (+10% + profit 250A).

Establish a new base - if you have 2500A 2/6, 0A, 150XP, 12:00 (+10% +1 assassin cell in the city).

Expand the city port - if you have 2500A 2/6, 0A, 150XP, 12:00 (+10% + profit 100A).

Expand City Bazaar - with 2500A 2/6, 0A, 150XP, 12:00 (+10% + profit 250A).

Support local actors - if you have 5000A 2/6, 0A, 150XP, 12:00 (+10% +200XP from the city).

Ensure the safety of routes - with 2500A 2/6, 0A, 150XP, 12:00 (+10% + profit 100A).

Rebuild the city - with 1500A 2/6, 0A, 150XP, 12:00 (+10% + profit 150A).

Business prospects - in the presence of 1500A 2/6, 0A, 150XP, 12:00 (+ 10% + profit 150A).

Build a foundry - with 1500A 2/6, 0A, 150XP, 12:00 (+10% + profit 150A).

Support a local scientist - if you have 5000A 2/6, 0A, 150XP, 12:00 (+10% +200XP from the city).

Deliver report - 4/6, 613A, 401XP, 6:04 (+20%).

Kill Politician - 1/6, 924A, 14XP, 4:47 (+5%).

Mercenary Training - 4/6, 793A, 424XP, 6:58 (+20%).

City Defense Upgrade - 4/6, 793A, 424XP, 6:58 (+5%).

Attack the innkeeper - 3/6, 1087A, 126XP, 7:21 (+15%).


Assassin control 50% (max).

Money +1550A / day.

Experience +750XP / day.

Ingredients - sulfur x5.

If the control over the city drops to 20-25%, then the Templars will attack it.

Protect the city - 6/6*, 1000A, 1500XP, 19:19.

2. Algeria (7):

2.1 Steal food - 1/6, 813A, 13XP, 4:28 (-5% Templar control).

2.2 Steal a victory - 2/6, 702A, 33XP, 5:08 (-10%).

2.3 Steal a kiss - 3/6, 702A, 97XP, 5:53 (-15%).

2.4 Algeria: All the King's Men, Part 1 - 2/6*, 1200A, 250XP, 8:00 (-10%).

2.5 Algeria: Seeking Help - 3/6*, 2000A, 3000XP, 5:00 (-15%).

2.6 Take back the city - 5/6*, 2500A, 1500XP, 10:00 (Assassins control this city).

2.7 Toss the list - 6/6, 983А, 4539ХР, 15:12 (-30%).

2.8n Algeria: All the King's Men, Part 2 - 3/6*, 3000A, 1200XP, 12:00 (-15%).

2.9n Attack the courier - 4/6, 1133A, 466XP, 8:40 (-20%).


Assassin control 50%.

Money +1400A / day.

Experience +700XP/day.

Ingredients - stretching x3.

Protect the city - 6/6*, 1500A, 1500XP, 4:27.

3. Bursa (8):

3.1 Leave a message - 1/6, 574A, 11XP, 3:47 (-5% Templar control).

3.2 Make a speech - 2/6, 684A, 33XP, 5:04 (-10%).

3.3 Bursa: Go for the money, part 1 - 3/6*, 3000A, 300XP, 20:00 (-10%).

3.4 Bursa: Best laws for money - 3/6*, 2000A, 3000XP, 5:00 (-15%).

3.5 Kill the doctor - 4/6, 1696A, 537XP, 11:29 (-20%).

3.6 The Little Prince (scenario) - 3/6*, 500A, 13500XP, unknown (-15%).

3.7 Take back the city - 5/6*, 2500A, 1500XP, 10:00 (Assassins control this city).

3.8 Family squabbles - 6/6, 2425А, 5226ХР, 18:38 (-30%).

3.9n Bursa: Go for the money, part 2 - 4/6*, 1300A, 1200XP, 12:00 (-20%).

3.10n Bursa: Go for the money, part 3 - 4/6*, 1400A, 3500XP, 20:00 (-20%).


Assassin control 50%.

Money +1400A / day.

Experience +650XP / day.

Ingredients - sticky bomb x3.

4. Athens (6):

4.1 Study scientists - 1/6, 830A, 13XP, 4:31 (-5% Templar control).

4.2 Attend a banquet - 3/6, 1366A, 149XP, 8:28 (-15% Templar control).

4.3 Athens: Problems of the first civilization - 3/6*, 2000A, 3000XP, 5:00 (-15%).

4.4 Protect the brotherhood - 4/6, 1443A, 505XP, 10:13 (-15%).

4.5 Take back the city - 5/6*, 2500A, 1500XP, 10:00 (Assassins control this city).

4.6 Steal valuables - 6/6, 1865A, 4959XP, 17:18 (-30%).


Assassin control 50%.

Money +1750A / day.

Experience +600XP / day.

Ingredients - phosphorus x4.

Protect the city - 6/6*, 1000A, 1500XP, 6:02.

5. Damascus (5):

5.1 Steal horses - 2/6, 768A, 34XP, 5:23 (-10% Templar control).

5.2 Kill the supplier - 3/6, 783A, 102XP, 6:08 (-15%).

5.3 Steal a relic - 4/6, 1283A, 485XP, 9:25 (-20%).

5.4 Take back the city - 5/6*, 2500A, 1500XP, 10:00 (Assassins control this city).

5.5 Attack a mercenary - 6/6, 1529A, 4799XP, 16:30 (-30%).


Assassin control 50%.

Money +1650A / day.

Experience +700XP/day.

Ingredients - dope powder x4.

Protect the City - 6/6*, 1000A, 1500XP, 5:43.

6. Genoa (7):

6.1 Kill a merchant - 1/6, 533A, 11XP, 3:40 (-5% templar control).

6.2 Listen to a confession - 2/6, 919A, 36XP, 5:74 (-10%).

6.3 Destroy gunpowder - 3/6, 791A, 103XP, 6:10 (-15%).

6.4 Piri Reis: Exploring the Region - With 1500A, 2/6* Crossbow, 0A, 130XP, 8:00 (-10%, new ingredient from Peri (Strike Corps)).

6.5 Genoa: Buy Influence - 3/6*, 2000A, 3000XP, 5:00 (-15%).

6.6 Search for surplus - 4/6, 736A, 417XP, 6:41 (-20%).

6.7 Take back the city - 5/6*, 2500A, 1500XP, 10:00 (Assassins control this city).


Assassin control 50%.

Money +1550A / day.

Experience +700XP/day.

Ingredients - coal dust x3.

Protect the city - 6/6*, 1000A, 1500XP, 6:37.

7. Jerusalem (6):

7.1 Midnight reconnaissance - 1/6, 731A, 13XP, 4:14 (-5% Templar control).

7.2 Protect the herald - 2/6, 1168A, 39XP, 6:53 (-10%).

7.3 Make friends with the enemy - 3/6, 1208A, 136XP, 7:50 (-15%).

7.4 Jerusalem: Behind the Cross - 3/6*, 2000A, 3000XP, 5:00 (-15%).

7.5 Take back the city - 5/6*, 2500A, 1500XP, 10:00 (Assassins control this city).

7.6 War of Attrition - 6/6, 1494A, 4783XP, 16:25 (-30%).


Assassin control 50%.

Money +1500A / day.

Experience +600XP / day.

Ingredients - thorns x3.

Protect the city - 6/6*, 1000A, 1500XP, 4:20.

8. Lisbon (8):

8.1 Steal contracts - 1/6, 364A, 10XP, 3:11 (-5% Templar control).

8.2 Poison a noble - 2/6, 928A, 36XP, 5:59 (-10%).

8.3 Lisbon: Colonies, part 1 - 2/6, 1500A, 1250XP, 8:00 (-10%).

8.4 Piri Reis: Exploring the Region - With 1500A, 2/6* Crossbow, 0A, 130XP, 8:00 (-10%, new ingredient in Peri).

8.5 Lisbon: Popular Research - 3/6*, 2000A, 3000XP, 5:00 (-15%).

8.6 Steal information - 4/6, 1419A, 502XP, 10:06 (-20%).

8.7 Take back the city - 5/6*, 2500A, 1500XP, 10:00 (Assassins control this city).

8.8 Attend a banquet - 6/6, 2040A, 5043ХР, 17:43 (-30%).


Assassin control 50%.

Money +1250A / day.

Experience +640XP / day.

Ingredients - Impact Corps x3.

Protect the city - 6/6*, 1000A, 1500XP, 11:24.

9. Madrid (7):

9.1 Save reputation - 1/6, 871A, 14XP, 4:38 (-5% templar control).

9.2 Kill priest - 3/6, 879A, 110XP, 6:31 (-15%).

9.3 Piri Reis: Exploring the Region - With 1500A, 2/6* Crossbow, 0A, 130XP, 8:00 (-10%, new ingredient in Peri).

9.4 Madrid: Cannon Fodder - 3/6*, 2000A, 3000XP, 5:00 (-15%).

9.5 Attack priest - 4/6, 1379A, 497XP, 9:54 (-20%).

9.6 Take back the city - 5/6*, 2500A, 1500XP, 10:00 (Assassins control this city).

9.7 Steal property - 6/6*, 1410A, 4743XP, 16:13 (-30%).


Assassin control 50%.

Money +1450A / day.

Experience +600XP / day.

Ingredients - shrapnel x3.

Protect the city - 6/6*, 1000A, 1500XP, 11:15.

10. Marseille (7):

10.1 Kill guards - 2/6, 631A, 32XP, 4:52 (-10% templar control).

10.2 Prevent coup - 2/6, 631A, 32XP, 4:52 (-10%).

10.3 Piri Reis: Explore the Region - With 1500A, 2/6* Crossbow, 0A, 130XP, 8:00 (-10%, new ingredient in Peri).

10.4 Marseille: Ancient Art - 3/6*, 2000A, 3000XP, 5:00 (-15% Templar control).

10.5 Release the prisoner - 4/6, 1183A, 472XP, 8:55 (-20%).

10.7 Take back the city - 5/6*, 2500A, 1500XP, 10:00 (Assassins control this city).

10.8 Counsel in court - 6/6*, 1879A, 4966XP, 17:20 (-30%).


Assassin control 50%.

Money +1450A / day.

Experience +600XP / day.

Ingredients - British gunpowder x3.

Protect the City - 6/6*, 1000A, 1500XP, 3:29.

11. Tripoli (8):

11.1 Protect an ally - 1/6, 603A, 12XP, 3:52 (-5% templar control).

11.2 Kill herald - 2/6, 1133A, 39XP, 6:45 (-10%).

11.3 Listen to a confession - 3/6, 649A, 91XP, 5:36 (-15%).

11.4 Piri Reis: Explore the Region - With 1500A, 2/6* Crossbow, 0A, 130XP, 8:00 (-10%, new ingredient from Peri (sheep blood)).

11.5 Tripoli: Bomb Man Part 1 - 2/6*, 1000A, 130XP, 8:00 (-10%).

11.6 Tripoli: To the bottom - 3/6*, 2000A, 300XP, 5:00 (-15%).

11.7 Take back the city - 5/6*, 2500A, 1500XP, 10:00 (Assassins control this city).

11.8 Spread rumors - 6/6*, 1018A, 4556XP, 15:17 (-30%).


Assassin control 50%.

Money +1550A / day.

Experience +700XP/day.

Ingredients - Arabian gunpowder x3.

12. Tunisia (8):

12.1 Protect the Spy - 1/6, 714A, 12XP, 4:11 (-5% templar control).

12.2 Damage weapons - 2/6, 475A, 30XP, 4:17 (-10%).

12.3 Piri Reis: Explore the Region - With 1500A, 2/6* Crossbow, 0A, 130XP, 8:00 (-10%, new ingredient in Peri).

12.4 Tunisia: Through fingers - 3/6*, 2000A, 3000XP, 5:00 (-15%).

12.5 Attend the performance - 4/6, 1593A, 524XP, 10:58 (-15%).

12.6 Tunisia: Goods and services, part 1 - 3/6*, 3600A, 1250XP, 20:00 (-15%).

12.7 Take back the city - 5/6*, 2500A, 1500XP, 10:00 (Assassins control this city).

12.8 Escort an ally - 6/6, 655A, 4526XP, 15:08 (-30%).


Assassin control 50%.

Money +1550A / day.

Experience +700XP/day.

Ingredients - sheep's blood x3.

13. Rhodes– play on all the maps of Rhodes in network game to unlock this city.

A book marker appeared in the Imperial Quarter " hidden tomb". After entering Sophia's shop, find a book on a pile of books behind the shelf on the left, another brand "Dungeon of Vlad the Impaler" will appear on the map of Konstantin's quarter.

"Tomb of the Impaler".

Explore the abandoned dungeon of Vlad the Impaler.

Use - Complete the level within 7 minutes.

CT1 (6:31). If there is a delay until the next CT, reload by returning to the island.

After the rope in the next room on the front wall, shift to the right, back jump.

Jump into the room and along the left walls go to the bridge of the right wall and the beam to the lamp.

When you reach the turntable, don't turn the corner on it, but jump straight to the balcony followed by a leap of faith. Coming out of the water CT2 (5:34).

Through the closed gate on horseback, climbing the wall on the right, and jumping to the side (left).

Then a long transition to the hall with a tier. In this room, climb the tier to the right, along the top of the tier to the blocks on the wall. Moving along the blocks, jump to the wall on the right, and from it to the platform on the left (side), where CT3 (4:23).

Jump to a suspended cage, moving to the left side and up with a hook.

From the cage, hook onto the drain on the wall, onto the beam with a hook. Transition to the opposite runoff, shifting along the blocks on the wall to the right, jumping with your back, climbing the wall ladder, crossing along the cables, hooking on the chain, jumping with your back to the passage area, where CT4 (3:26).

Take away from the conditional place « Sword of Vlad the Impaler» (4/4/4), timer stop (3:10).

Return to the city.

"The Secret of Hagia Sophia".

In the underground tomb, which can be accessed from Al-Sofia, the remains of Ishak Pasha, a Turkish assassin famous for his valor and courage, rest.

+ (PS) - Complete the level within 6 minutes.

Check out the Hagia Sophia.

Through the barrier, beams to the left wall, then jump with your back to the right and shifting to the lamp, jump with your back on it, with the subsequent transition to a new hall, there is CT (5:23).

On the wall, jump with your back on the lamps and to the left to the cable. After the fall of the wall ladder CT (4:53).

On the tier, move to the left and run to the right, there, through the lamp, a long jump. To the wall, up, shift to the right and jump onto the lamps with your back, from the lamp on the cable. A couple of beams to the right, Then a couple of beams to the left and a long jump. Through the obstacle and onto a large beam in the hall, from it to the wall to the right and above. Jump back and up to the lamp, there is CT (3:42). On the lamp, move along the wall to the left, up a little and jump with your back.

After the cable up and along the cornice to the right, rise at the window and jump with your back to the lamp, and from it to the main lamp-lever.

Drop down into the hidden pool under the floor of the basilica.

After Leap of Faith CT (02:35).

Open the assassin's tomb.

First empty the chests 3/3, and then inspect the tomb, time to stop (2:34).

The reward will be « Armor of Ishak Pasha» , they are comparable to the armor of an assassin.

Return to the city.

DESMOND'S JOURNEY, part 1/5 (after collecting 5 fragments):

Enter the center of the Animus Core and drop down to the central platform. You need to get to the screen in this room, but you can’t get to it right away.

Follow the passage on the left, where you need to activate the access panel to turn off the screen in the next passage.

When Desmond starts talking it means you're through checkpoint and in case of death, you will start from a fixed place.

Second hall, activation key on the tier. Pass the entrance hall and the hall with a descent. Use sliding panels for lifting.

Hall with new activation keys. Until the second, go around through the moving platform, and do not try to jump.

After getting the opportunity to install platforms, remember that each subsequent after the fourth will destroy the first passed.

Moving to the next room, you can change the shape of the platform. Go around the moving blocks, return to the first hall, where you can now move to the exit panel.

DESMOND'S JOURNEY, part 2/5 "Training" (after collecting 10 fragments):

In airflow zones, the exposed figures are displaced. In laser zones are destroyed. The first such room can be passed and in free flight through the laser sector to insure the fall with a block at the exit from the stream. On downward airflow, use tilted figures for a steady lift. Several halls will combine mixed streams. In the hall with a projection on the corner wall, find a cube, this 4th emblem network game (monkey).

Descent in the flow requires slalom in order to bypass the lethal zones.

DESMOND'S JOURNEY, part 3/5 "Escape" (after collecting 15 fragments):

Passing a simple room, go through the next one in the fall, placing a block after the passage (fall) of the laser zone.

Up to the transition key on horseback. In the laser zone on the side ledges and beams. After activating the key, back and into the passage to the left.

Room with a moving laser screen, follow the left flank to the landing, following the removal laser.

A small passage along a narrow corridor and a new hall.

Go around the screens horizontally and vertically, no problem.

Running river. Place each block lower until you reach the first platform. Consider the height of the river passage to reach the second platform. Further to the conditional waterfall and to the platform on the right.

Freefall landing on a block and a room with lasers. Follow the right flank along the lower beam.

Passage between two moving lasers. Passage with a laser and a stream, then exit.

DESMOND'S JOURNEY, part 4/5 "Megapolis" (after collecting 20 fragments):

A couple of rooms with a rotating laser, a room with stationary lasers. Well with interchangeable laser screens.

Bridge room, cross to change conditions. Transition above the laser in the near corner on the right. Go down to the next corner. Slalom going up and in the stream to the key. Hall with a sine laser on top, across the beams. Further, nothing abstruse.

DESMOND'S JOURNEY, part 5/5 "Regret" (after collecting 30 fragments):

Landing in the elevator and went under its own power on the block to the third floor. To the first platform, then a side passage on the left to the second. Obstacle with flow and interleaved screens. Slalom between cubes. Passage with a moving laser, use the niches on the right flank.

New self-service elevator. Passage with screens. Room with the former Animus, check the beams.

Armor (base price / reduced by 15%):

After P1_V1 "Shoulders of Azap" - 403/343A.

After P2_V7 "Azap's Bracers" - 1150/978A.

After P3_V10 "Azap's Greaves" - 1265/1076A.

After P4_V3 "Azap's Breastplate" - 2875/2444А.

After P4_V6 "Mamluk Bracers" - 4002/3402A.

After P4_V6 "Mamluk Greaves" - 4416/3754A.

After P5_V7 "Mamluk Shoulders" - 7038/5983А.

A side effect of being in the Animus often is " seepage effect”, when the experienced events are mixed with each other and provoke the occurrence of hallucinations. Visions from the past begin to arise on their own and are uncontrollable. brain with nervous system do not cope with the load, which eventually leads to a mental disorder and drives a person crazy. Object 16 once found itself in a similar trap, which could not survive what had happened and committed suicide, leaving a bloody message from mysterious glyphs to the future prisoners of Abstergo. and Desmond has been relentless throughout the Assassin's Creed series. The transferred loads and the strongest shock will eventually have a detrimental effect on his mind. In Assassin's Creed: Revelation, his consciousness will be locked in the depths of the Animus, where he will meet with "Object 16", who will explain in an intelligible form what needs to be done to wake up and return to real world, without becoming a victim of a merger with the ancestors - Altair and Ezio.

Animus Data Fragments in Assassin's Creed: Revelation replaced and . They are closely linked to five memories from Desmond's life that can be relived again by entering the portals on the virtual island. To open the portals, you need to find and collect 30 of the 100 Animus Fragments while traveling in Constantinople and Cappadocia. If the game freezes and crashes to the desktop when entering the portal, you need to update the game with patches to version 1.01 or higher, where given error has been corrected. Most of the Animus fragments are within reach - near the ground or at low altitude, the rest are only available with a parachute (sold by tailors). During the flight, it is important to control the descent speed and direction (keys [W], [A], [S], [D]). With proper dexterity and dexterity, Animus fragments can be collected in free fall by unhooking from the parachute with the key. After finding the first 50 fragments, marks with the location of the remaining ones automatically appear on the map (all of them affect 100% completion of the game).

Animus Data Fragments in the Galata Quarter in Assassin's Creed: Revelation:

  1. On the wall on the way to the western interior of the area.
  2. On a stand in the water near the tower in the western part of the area.
  3. On the crossbar above the arch in the northwestern part of the area.
  4. On the crossbar between the houses on the way to the hideout of the assassins.
  5. On the platform on the west side of the Galata Tower. To get to the Animus fragment, you need to jump from the nearest window on the way to the top or from the roof of the tower on a parachute, and thank the developers for the damn hay cart in the air.
  6. On the chimney on the roof of the house against the wall, southwest of the Galata Tower.
  7. On a canopy along the street in the center of the district, south of the Galata Tower.
  8. On a chimney on the roof of a house in the center of the district, south of the Galata Tower.
  9. On a chimney on the roof of a house in the center of the district, southeast of the Galata Tower.
  10. On the arch between the houses near the eastern wall of the district.
  11. On the crossbar on the south side of the lighthouse on the pier.

Animus data fragments in the northern part of Constantine's Quarter in Assassin's Creed: Revelation:

  1. On the watchtower in the military camp, east of the Fatih Mosque.
  2. On the northern minaret of the Fatih Mosque.
  3. In the fountain in the courtyard of the Fatih Mosque.
  4. On the aqueduct opposite the entrance to the Fatih Mosque.
  5. At the top of the signal tower on.
  6. On the wall next to the combat platform where one of the recruits was recruited, west of the Assassin base. To climb the crossbar, you need to stand facing the wall, hold down the keys [W] + [Space] + [RMB] and at the highest point press the keys [A] + [Space] + [RMB], performing a complex side jump similar to the letter "G".
  7. On the roof of the Fenari-Isa Mosque, southwest of the Assassin base.
  8. Along the cable over the area between the houses, at the southern borders of the district.
  9. On top of Marcian's Column in the center of the district.
  10. On a pillar among the ruins near the southeastern borders of the district, south of the Valens aqueduct.

Animus Data Fragments in the southern part of Constantine's Quarter in Assassin's Creed: Revelation:

  1. On the western wall of the city next to the mosque, north of the main gypsy retreat. To climb onto the platform, you need to stand facing the wall, hold down the keys [W] + [Space] + [RMB] and at the highest point press the keys [D] + [Space] + [RMB], performing a complex side jump, similar to the letter "G".
  2. On the arch of the mosque near the western wall of the city, north of the main gypsy shelter.
  3. On the roof of the mosque, south of the Lycus River. To pick up the Animus Fragment, you need to parachute from the nearby minaret.
  4. On a cable between houses in the center of the district, northeast of the main gypsy shelter.
  5. On the roof of the mosque, north of the assassins' base.
  6. In an alley under a canopy between houses, east of the assassins' base.
  7. On top of the signal tower in the Assassin base.
  8. In the courtyard south of the main Gypsy hideout.
  9. On the western wall of the city, south of the main gypsy hideout.
  10. Among the graves in the cemetery, south of the fast track tunnel.
  11. On a pillar next to the cemetery mosque, south of the fast track tunnel.

Animus Data Fragments in the Arsenal in Assassin's Creed: Revelation:

  1. At the stern of the first ship.
  2. On the roof of the house, northwest of the first ship.
  3. Above the western gate arch.
  4. In the courtyard next to the wall, north of the first ship.
  5. On the roof of the house, north of the second ship.
  6. On top of the mast of the second ship.
  7. In the hull of an unfinished ship.
  8. On the platform in front of the unfinished ship.
  9. On the platform by the north wall.
  10. Under the roof of the house near the northern wall.
  11. On the crossbar under the roof of the shed, east of the second ship.

Animus data fragments in the northern part of the Bayezid quarter in Assassin's Creed: Revelation:

  1. On the roof of the mosque at the southwestern borders of the district, west of the fast passage tunnel.
  2. On the roof of outbuildings on the western side of the Bayezid Mosque.
  3. At the top of the Bayezid Mosque.
  4. On the roof of the base of thieves.
  5. On a column behind the Zeyrek mosque.
  6. On a column in front of the main entrance to the Bayezid Mosque.
  7. In the arch of the Valens aqueduct. You can get to the fragment by a cable passing through the arch between the houses.
  8. On the roof of the tallest house, south of the signal tower at the assassins' base.
  9. On top of the tower in the harbor, north of the fast passage tunnel.
  10. On the roof of the port building in the harbor, north of the fast passage tunnel.
  11. Near the water next to the ship in the harbor, north of the fast passage tunnel.
  12. On an outbuilding next to the mosque in the harbor, north of the fast passage tunnel.

Animus data fragments in the southern part of the Bayezid quarter in Assassin's Creed: Revelation:

  1. On the first tower next to the south harbor.
  2. On the flagpole at the top of the second tower next to the south harbor.
  3. On the roof of the Little Hagia Sophia.
  4. On the roof of the passage to the Little Hagia Sophia, east of the mosque.
  5. On the roof of the house, east of the Mireleion church.
  6. On the roof of the arch in the eastern part of the district, between the Mireleion Church and the Hippodrome.
  7. On the roof of a house next to the mosque in the northern part of the district, northeast of the Mireleyon church.
  8. On the roof of the observation tower, north of the tunnel for a quick transition.
  9. On the roof of the mosque to the west of the Assassin base.
  10. On the roof of the observation tower, west of the tunnel for a quick transition.
  11. On one of the columns of the Bull Forum.

Animus data fragments in the northern part of the Imperial Quarter in Assassin's Creed: Revelation:

  1. Above the archway between the pier and the harbor town.
  2. On a crossbar above the street, west of the Assassin base.
  3. On the shift behind the port wall, northeast of the assassins' base.
  4. On shift over trading shop, east of the Assassin base.
  5. On a crossbar above the road to the Sultan's Palace in Topkapi, east of the Assassins' base.
  6. On the crossbar under the roof of the market.
  7. On the crossbar above the road, south of the fast travel tunnel next to Sophia's shop.
  8. On the crossbar behind the house, north of the fast travel tunnel next to Sophia's shop.
  9. On top of the northern minaret of the Hagia Sophia mosque.
  10. On the roof of the gazebo in the garden of the Hagia Sophia mosque.
  11. On the balcony next to the platform where the last meeting with Prince Suleiman will take place, in the Topkapi palace complex.

Animus data fragments in the southern part of the Imperial Quarter in Assassin's Creed: Revelation:

  1. On top of the southern minaret of the Hagia Sophia mosque.
  2. On the rope between the houses behind the Hagia Sophia mosque.
  3. On a crossbeam behind the houses next to the Forum of Constantine.
  4. On top of the minaret next to the mosque, southeast of the Forum of Constantine.
  5. On the crossbeam between the houses, southeast of the hippodrome.
  6. On a rope between houses next to the city wall, not far from the harbor.
  7. On the roof between the houses, southeast of the assassins' base.
  8. On the crossbar above the harbor entrance, south of the Assassin base.
  9. On the passage arch between the base of the assassins and the hippodrome.
  10. On a crossbar above the road, west of the hippodrome.
  11. On the crossbar above the Hippodrome entrance, northwest of the fast track tunnel.

Ishak Pasha was a statesman and military leader of the Ottoman Empire. Twice he became a vizier under different rulers: under Mehmet II the Conqueror, after contract killing of Vlad Tepes by bribing the boyars, and Bayezid II, when he forcibly resettled Turkmens from the Anatolian city of Aksaray to Constantinople, which made him the worst enemy in the face of the Templar Shah-Kul, who paid off with the offender of his people a couple of years later, stabbing him in the back at the grave of his mother in Thessaloniki, where he went after the revival of the Brotherhood of Assassins in Constantinople. After the death of Ishak Pasha, the title of Master of the Order passed to Yusuf Tazim. The favorite occupation of the vizier was blacksmithing. From his father, he got scrolls with secrets, which described methods for handling particles of Eden. Thanks to them, he made his own armor, which is in no way inferior to and. To get the armor of Ishak Pasha in Assassin's Creed: Revelation, stored in the Hagia Sophia Mosque in the northern part of the Imperial Quarter, 10 pages of memoirs hidden throughout Constantinople will help. A map with their location appears for sale in bookstores after finding 25 . Along with the armor of Ishak Pasha, which can withstand bullets and arrows, the achievement "Sacred Wisdom" and a reward for online play will be unlocked.

Ishak Pasha's memoir pages in Assassin's Creed: Revelation:

  1. Quarter of Galata: on top of the Galata tower.
  2. : at the tower behind the military camp of the Janissaries, northeast of the Fatih Mosque.
  3. Northern part of Constantine's quarter: on the south minaret of the Fatih mosque.
  4. : in a locked passage north of the main Gypsy hideout.
  5. Southern part of Constantine quarter: On the roof of the cemetery mosque south of the fast track tunnel.
  6. Arsenal: under the roof of the shed against the western wall.
  7. Southern part of the Bayazid quarter: on top of the Little Hagia Sophia.
  8. Northern part of the Bayezid quarter: on top of the northern minaret of the Bayezid Mosque.
  9. : on the dome of the Grand Bazaar.
  10. Northern part of the Imperial Quarter: on the eastern minaret of the Hagia Sophia mosque.

Characteristics of Ishak Pasha armor in Assassin's Creed: Revelation:

  • Shoulders of Ishak Pasha: health - 4, armor - 8.
  • Breastplate of Ishak Pasha: health - 5, armor - 8.
  • Bracers of Ishak Pasha: health - 3, armor - 8.
  • Greaves of Ishak Pasha: health - 3, armor - 8.

This part is a walkthrough additional tasks in Game. Passage of the plot - in parts 1 and 2.

Faction Headquarters Missions

Faction quests, unlike the Blood Brotherhood, have been significantly reduced in number, and you will receive only one quest from each faction. We have already completed the task of the Gypsy faction in the main story, and here you will learn the passage of the tasks of thieves and mercenaries.

Faction Quests are unlocked in Sequence 3.

Mercenary Guild

unlucky son

Full sync: Release the captured mercenaries without being seen.

Reward: 700 acce, unlocks Fight Club

You have to help one of the mercenaries to save his son from the captivity of the Byzantines. You will need their help to achieve your goal. Follow them to the Byzantine camp and rescue your son and other captured mercenaries.

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Full sync: Set a group of mercenaries on the Byzantines. In the confusion, they will not pay attention to you - just go to the prisoners to save them.

It turned out that the son was sent - rather, take him to the doctor, eliminating the Byzantines on your way. After taking the patient to the doctor, arrange a defense and protect the son and the doctor until his full recovery.

The task is completed, and now the Fight Club is open for you - you can fight there against other mercenaries in fisticuffs for a limited time and place bets.

Thieves Guild


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Full sync: Using a group of thieves, lure the patron of informers out of the safe area, then kill him.

Reward: 700 acce

The thieves have been hunted, and you need to find the one who arranged this and eliminate him.

Interesting fact: Did you notice that the Blood Brothers music plays during the mission?

Follow the thief to the bribe chest. The chest is guarded by Janissaries, and in order for the thief to get to it, you will need the help of a group of thieves nearby. Hire them and order them to take the Janissaries away.

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Use Eagle Sense to identify the informer and follow him to the patron. When you reach him, kill and rob him.

Full sync: Not far from the patron and his bodyguards, you will meet two groups of thieves. Hire one of them and order them to take the patron away. Once he's out of the restricted area, kill him, but watch out for the guards nearby!

Assassin Recruitment Quests

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Although in most cases you will recruit assassins by rescuing them from the clutches of the Byzantines (as in the Brotherhood of the Blood), in some cases the task is slightly different....

There are a total of 6 unique recruitment missions in the game (not counting story mission from sequence 3), and they will be available even if all the student slots are already occupied, although you will not receive an assassin in this case.

Assassin recruitment quests will be available when the area in which this quest starts is freed from the influence of the Templars.

Northern Quarter of Constantine


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Reward: 350 acce

One of the citizens likes to show everyone who is cool here. Show him who's really cool by beating him up. But, after the first time, he does not give up and attacks you again.

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After beating him for the second time, head to the bookmaker, but right there you will have to fight the citizen for the third and last time. After that, he will finally accept his defeat and be able to join you.

Southern Quarter of Constantine


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Reward: 350 acce

On our way we meet a young man who claims to be an assassin... well, let's show him what an assassin is. Run through the dots as fast as you can...

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It turns out that our "assassin" is an "assassin" to show himself to his girlfriend ... But, nothing, now he will be a real assassin!

Galata area


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Reward: 350 acce

We meet a seriously injured man who asks us to kill the offender. Head south and protect the citizen's family from the Byzantines, then head back.

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Bayezid South Quarter


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Reward: 350 acce

The Byzantines attacked the young woman and robbed her house. You need to protect her.

After you deal with a group of opponents, follow the acrobat on the roofs of buildings until you get to a group of almogaurs - they should be dealt with quickly, they can quickly finish the acrobat.

Southern imperial quarter


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Reward: 350 acce

Near the port, you will meet a man talking about a certain woman slipping coins into the pockets of citizens. Use your eagle's senses to follow her trail, find and stop her.

northern imperial quarter


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Reward: 350 acce

On one of the squares you have to find a pickpocket - you can easily find it with the help of an eagle's instinct. Talk to her and show what you can do by stealing 150 Akçe from the citizens.

Animus Data Fragments and Desmond's Journey

In Constantinople and Cappadocia, you can find 100 Animus Data Fragments hidden in different parts of the cities. What do they give?

>5 fragments unlock Desmond's first journey on Animus Island

>10th, 15th, 20th, 30th fragments open the second-fifth parts of Desmond's wanderings, respectively

>After collecting 25 fragments, you can buy a map of Ashak Pasha's memoirs (more about them and the reward for collecting them - below)

>After collecting 50 fragments, the remaining 50 will be revealed to you

>For collecting 100 you will get an achievement. This, in fact, is all (they are not needed for 100% completion), so looking for fragments after finding the 30th is of little use.

A few tips for finding:

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>Use your eagle sense! It will be much easier for you to see white characters on a dark blue background. In addition, fragments and other secret items will be marked on the map (note that markers are not shown when flair is on!). You may not even see them, but they will still be marked.

>Also, the game is saved when a fragment marker is added to the map! This can be used as a kind of "radar" for finding fragments.

>At least one fragment of Animus memory can be found on every monument.

Maps with fragment markers (unfortunately, incomplete, but there are definitely at least 50 fragments here):

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Constantinople 1

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Constantinople 2

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So, you have collected enough fragments and now you are ready for Desmond's wanderings... Return to the Animus island and move to the portals on the hill of the island. Each of the parts is an interesting and simple puzzle to the monologue of Desmond, who talks about his past. It will be too difficult to write about their passage, so be guided by the video walkthrough. You can also find 10 multiplayer emblems in the levels.

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Emblem No. 1 (I accidentally took it already)

You are unlikely to miss this emblem - it can be found before returning to the main hall in the first part.

Emblem #2

Having received the opportunity to place platforms in the first part, go through the main hall to the "Farm", and in the room after it, climb along the created platforms onto the column in the opposite direction.

ACR passage. Part 3 (Additional tasks)

ACR passage. Part 3 (Additional tasks)

Emblem #3

In the second part, you will soon find yourself in a hall with two "downstreams". Above the second you can find the third emblem.

ACR passage. Part 3 (Additional tasks)

ACR passage. Part 3 (Additional tasks)

Emblem #4

Before carefully descending into the hole, look behind the wall with the running man.

ACR passage. Part 3 (Additional tasks)

ACR passage. Part 3 (Additional tasks)

Emblem #5

The third part. On the first descent down, place the platform directly after the red field. The emblem will be at the very top in the middle.

ACR passage. Part 3 (Additional tasks)

ACR passage. Part 3 (Additional tasks)

Emblem #6

In the hall with a waterfall, look into the opposite part of the exit.

ACR passage. Part 3 (Additional tasks)

ACR passage. Part 3 (Additional tasks)

Emblem No. 7 (also taken by accident, do not judge strictly)

Fourth part. Once in the laser corridor, look first to the left.

ACR passage. Part 3 (Additional tasks)

ACR passage. Part 3 (Additional tasks)

Emblem #8

Almost before the very end of the level, you will find yourself in a hall with a strange laser stripe. Keep to the right side, the emblem will be under the "bridge".

ACR passage. Part 3 (Additional tasks)

ACR passage. Part 3 (Additional tasks)

Emblem #9

Fifth part. Passing along the left side of the "hall with animuses", look towards the left wall. Do not miss.

ACR passage. Part 3 (Additional tasks)

ACR passage. Part 3 (Additional tasks)

Emblem #10

Before you finish the walkthrough of Desmond's wanderings, turn left to the table on which the Animus was located and go upstairs. On the "vent pipe" you will find the latest Multiplayer Emblem.

Part 1: Doubts

Emblem #1 - 4:30

Emblem #2 - 5:10

Part 2: Workout

Emblem #3 - 2:00

Emblem #4 - 4:00

Part 3: Escape

Emblem #5 - 0:30

Emblem #6 - 3:15

Part 4: Megapolis

Emblem #7 - 1:18

Emblem #8 - 3:55

Part 5: Regret

Emblem #9 - 1:25

Emblem #10 - 3:55

For completing all tasks, you will receive the Desmond skin for traveling in Constantinople:

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Master Assassin Missions

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In the course of the story, we have already made the commander of the Galata base out of the assassin. But we still have 6 bases to which we can attach our assassins.

Did you know that: Master Assassins cannot be killed. In cases where the student dies, the master assassin only gets injured and becomes unavailable for one in-game day.

In each base, you can get 2 tasks related to the search and destruction of the Templar encountered in the multiplayer game. For the first task, you can receive a reward in the form the best equipment in the game, and your future commander can be upgraded above level 10.


>1st quest - Yusuf's Turkish sword

>2nd quest - Mehmet's Dagger

>3rd task - Almogaur's Ax

>6th quest - Armor of the Master Assassin

The second task becomes available when your assassin reaches the top of level 14 - after completing it, he becomes a full commander. Some quests will unlock an item for your character in multiplayer...

Northern Bayazid base

Deacon part 1

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Full sync: Find a church representative on the first try.

Reward: 700 acce

Someone is planning the assassination of an Orthodox Patriarch in Constantinople, and you and your student need to find him and neutralize him...

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Follow the church, and with the help of eagle instincts, find a representative of the church who knows about this killer.

Full walkthrough: Ignore the people standing below and immediately climb the stairs along the trail - the person at the top will be needed by us.

It turned out that the killer was Cyril of Rhodes, who was expelled from the church for his worldview... Go to the covered bridge next to the square and use your eagle's instinct to distinguish the real Deacon. But then your student intervenes, and spoils everything ...

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Escort your student to the sea, destroying the Byzantine detachment along the way and condemn the student for his haste.

Deacon part 2

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Full sync: Kill your target with a hidden blade.

Reward: 1400 acce

At the port you will meet your student. You have a second chance - Cyril of Rhodes is somewhere nearby. Follow the church and see the Deacon's crime - time to turn on the eagle's flair and follow the trail.

Not far from the crime scene, you will see the Deacon himself. While your apprentice is distracting him, follow him to a quiet area and kill from behind with a hidden blade.

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North Konstantinov base

Fraudster part 1

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Full sync: None of the gypsies must die.

Reward: 700 acce

One of the gypsies, Mirela, annoyed everyone so much that they decided to expel her from the camp. You need to make sure none of the gypsies get hurt. Follow the student to a group of gypsies, one of which will go into exile.

The path of the gypsy will not be calm - killers loyal to the Fraudster with evil intentions will stand in the way. Detect them in advance with the help of an eagle's instinct and neutralize them.

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Interesting fact: Until the killers attack the gypsy, none of them will lift a finger while you kill / stun them.

The fraudster was expelled, but she didn’t leave it so easily - she poisoned one of the gypsies and killed her. And the guards blamed other gypsies for this. Disarm them before they hurt anyone.

Full sync: The guards take a very, very long time to kill the gypsies, and you have more than enough time to disarm them.

Fraudster part 2

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Full sync: Kill the Rascal with poison.

Reward: 1400 acce

Your apprentice has managed to track down the Rascal - and now it's time for her to avenge her atrocities. Use your eagle's senses to follow Mirela's trail. After a while you will meet her. When she runs away from you, shoot her with poison darts.

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Advice: Full synchronization will be done when you hit it with darts. You can then bring her a quicker death by attacking with a weapon.

South Bayazid base

Champion part 1

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Full sync: Stay on the rooftops for the duration of the shadowing.

Reward: 700 acce

Your apprentice has learned that the Templars are after the local printer. While your apprentice accompanies him, you must keep both of them safe from the encroaching Templars.

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After a while, your student will face the main attacker - the Champion, and the printer will run away in fear into the park. Quickly follow him while your apprentice fights the Champion and kill the attacking Byzantines. Return to your student.

Full sync: Staying on the roofs is very simple, the main thing is to have small arms ready - a crossbow, a hidden pistol, throwing knives.

Champion part 2

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Full sync: The herald must not lose health.

Reward: 1400 acce

The champion failed to attack the printer, but now he decided to attack his father, the herald. You need to protect him from Templar attacks.

Full sync: Quite a difficult condition. I advise you to use smoke bombs and short weapons for quick kills.

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After several attacks, the Champion himself will come. Distract him and call your apprentice to end the attacks of the Champion and his Templars and complete the apprentice's training.

Southern Konstantinov base

Guardian part 1

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Full sync: Do not engage in open conflict during the investigation.

Reward: 700 acce

It looks like the Templars in the area are bribing merchants to increase their influence. Follow your student to investigate these events.

In the market you will meet a Guardian who has bribed another merchant. Use your Eagle Senses to find chests full of Templar Money and then interrogate one of the merchants.

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The merchant will point you to the rich Theodore - follow him to the estate and interrogate him. Be careful - his estate is teeming with Byzantines.

Full sync: Luckily, Templar encounters will not fail full sync before arriving on the market. But after that, you should be especially careful - destroy enemies with a crossbow or poisoned darts before they notice you.

Guardian part 2

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Full sync:

Reward: 1400 acce

Theodore calmed down, and said that he had to bribe merchants under the threat of murder. But to help us, he is ready to lead us to the Guardian, the Templar you saw earlier.

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Full sync: You will have practically no enemies on the way. Kill the Almogaur from behind and then climb over the wall behind your apprentice.

Theodore, however, betrays our presence (for which he receives), and the Guard, along with another soldier, scatter from you in different directions. Catch up and kill the soldier, and then catch the Guardian himself.

northern imperial base

Vizier part 1

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Full sync: Win a race against your student.

Reward: 700 acce

An unremarkable day in the life of an assassin... Run a race with your apprentice.

Full sync: Most of the way passes through the streets, and your student is clearly running nowhere in a hurry.

Climbing onto the roof, you will notice a strange Templar... You need to follow him. When he comes down to the square, stand next to your student and watch from the covered bridge.

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This man stole something from the Vizier! Rather chase him. Soon your student will be able to get it. It remains only to return the stolen to the owner.

Vizier part 2

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Full sync: Reach your student in less than 1 minute. Don't get involved in open conflict.

Reward: 1400 acce

Your student is in trouble! Use your eagle sense and follow the trail of the messenger who informed you.

Full sync: Notice the column of light? Your student is there. You can very quickly get to there on the roofs, and at the same time bypass all the barriers of the guards.

After meeting with your student, continue to get out of the Grand Bazaar, destroying the Byzantines along the way. Soon you will meet the Vizier, whom you "helped" not so long ago. Luckily, your apprentice will sneak up on him from behind and kill him. It remains only to eliminate the Almohavrov.

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Southern imperial base

Actress part 1

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Full sync: Don't let your student be harmed.

Reward: 700 acce

A certain actress, under the pseudonym Lesistrata, on suspicion of your student, is involved in numerous murders of important people. Follow along with your student for her and find out the truth.

Full sync: During surveillance, you will meet the Byzantines, who, upon seeing your student, will immediately attack him. Eliminate them before they can harm or even notice your student.

In the Hippodrome, you will find the Actress killing another victim! But your student's attack was unsuccessful - the Actress throws a smoke bomb and runs away. Follow her trail to see evidence of her atrocities.

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Actress part 2

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Full sync: Kill the Actress before your apprentice does.

Reward: 1400 acce

The actress decided to give another performance, and you have a chance to kill her. Follow your student to a convenient point. The actress will go to the performance along with security - that's where you go.

Walkthrough: Nobody even obliges you to be secretive. If you're having trouble doing a full sync, you can simply run down the street, jumping over the Templars on your way to the Actress.

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Now, after the murder of the Actress, you urgently need to escape from this place - the Templars cannot be counted here.

Memoirs and armor of Ashak Pasha

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In addition to Animus memory fragments, you can find 10 memoirs of Ashak Pasha in Constantinople. You will find the last one in the Arsenal, so you will not be able to collect them all before Sequence 5. The tips that apply to the fragments apply to the memoirs as well, but you can also collect 25 Animus Fragments and buy a card.

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The red dot is also one of the memoirs.

After collecting 10 memoirs of Ashak Pasha, you will unlock a hidden tomb in Hagia Sophia, where you can find best armor in the game (along with the master assassin's armor), Askhak Pasha's armor.

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The Secret of Hagia Sophia