Fallout 4 quest is better not to remember the walkthrough. It's better not to remember. Find out where the key to launch rockets is located

In post-apocalyptic Fallout 4 game. The previous quest "Reunion" The main character ended up killing the kidnapper of his son and taking the Cybernetic Brain Amplifier from his body.

After conferring in Diamond City with journalist Piper and detective Nick Valentine, the protagonist decides to study the memories Kellogg with the help of Dr. Amari of Goodneighbor.

Passage of the Quest "Dangerous Thoughts"

Exercise 1. Talk to Dr. Amari.

So, first we need to get to a place called Good Neighbor, where you will need to talk to Dr. Amari. Since the main character, during the passage fallout games 4, in good neighborliness he has never been there, he cannot move there directly, the nearest place where we should “jump” is the Park Street subway station, which main character visited in the quest "Valentine's Day". On the way to good neighborliness The main character will meet several obstacles and enemies, deal with them quickly. Once in Good Neighborhood, we go to " House of Remembrance", on the first floor we meet Nika Valentine who is talking to Irma.

Valentine will tell you to go to the basement, since Amari is there. We go down to the basement and start a conversation with Dr. Amari, during the conversation Nick Valentine will offer to connect Kellogg's memories to his memory, we agree to this. Naturally, this attempt will fail, otherwise it would not be interesting, asking Dr. Amari the question of how you can still get to the memories, she will offer you and the detective to dive into them - we agree. After preparation, you and the detective will be asked to sit in the memory capsules.

Task 2. Sit in a capsule of memories.

Task 3. Study Kellogg's memoirs.

Being in Kellogg's memories we try to get more information, we move along the chain of memories, reaching the memories related to Vault 111, we again experience the moment of Sean's abduction. Thus, we get to the last event in the chain of memories, we learn about the Institute and a scientist who escaped from there named Virgil. We leave memories through the TV.

Task 4. Talk to Dr. Amari.

After you return to the laboratory Dr. Amari, tell her that you are fine and ask about a new name for you - about the scientist Virgil from the memories Kellogg. Amari will tell you that you need to look for a scientist in the Glowing Sea, but this is pure suicide, because there are a lot of dangers, such as wild levels of radiation, many mutants and whole crowds of death claws.

Go for DiMA's memories to the Children of the Atom. However, before you gain access to the memories, you will need to gain the trust of the cultists. They will give you the quest "Misty Visions", which is the same ritual that the preacher mentioned in.

Quest "Visions In The Fog"

This quest will be given to you by Richter, you can also get additional task"The Heretic", for which the very powerful melee weapon Judgment of the Atom is issued. But first, Richter will send you to a radioactive spring, from which you will need to get drunk in order to become a cult follower. As you approach the place marked with a marker, the level of radiation will increase.

After drinking water from the source, you will experience a change in consciousness under the influence of radiation. A ghostly figure will appear on top of the mountain. Follow her, she will lead you straight to the Temple of the Children of the Atom. At the entrance, deal with the ghouls and use the password MOTHER, which can be found on the side of the entrance, to unlock the door.

Take the idol and go back to Richter. Tell him about your adventures, for him they are a clear sign that the Mother of the Mist has accepted you and now you are allowed to join the Children of the Atom. Thus, having won the trust of religious fanatics, you get access to the Core and can proceed to the main mission.

Quest "Better not to remember" (Best Left Forgotten)

So, the Core is now available for your research. First of all, see what you can get from local merchants, and talk to High Confessor Tekt. By the way, in his sermon the confessor voices plans for the destruction of Far Harbor. After talking with Tekt, you gain access to the center where DiMA's memories are stored.

On the way to the control center of the Core with the memories of the old synth, you will meet one of the Children of the Atom, who sympathizes with his neighbor, and from whom you can take additional quest"The Trial Of Brother Devin" (The Trial Of Brother Devin).

Access to the control center is protected by a security system that you have to overcome. Avoid laser beams and be careful with activated turrets. Explore rooms and destroy robots guarding secrets. When you get to the computer room, turn on the auxiliary power lever and load the Faraday program into the terminal. Then, by solving puzzles, sequentially extract one memory after another.

Extraction of DiMA's memories. Puzzle 1:

Extraction of DiMA's memories. Puzzle 2:

Extraction of DiMA's memories. Puzzle 3:

Extraction of DiMA's memories. Puzzle 4:

Extraction of DiMA's memories. Puzzle 5:

The basic principle of solving Fallout 4 puzzles Far Harbor to extract memories, DiMA is to direct the beam at the memory pillar and pave the way for the bugs, which will take the necessary information and deliver it to the original place. In parallel, it is necessary to destroy force fields and place protective turrets. By solving all of the DiMA memory retrieval puzzles, you are also a Marine's intelligence. The main value this quest is the information received, and the fate of Far Harbor depends on how you dispose of it. You will have to solve this already in the task "What life should be like."

Complete Walkthrough Fallout 4


You managed to find out that DiMA's earliest memories fell into the hands of the Children of Atom, because DiMA once gave them his former home - a submarine base. It is necessary to find out what is contained in those memories, and for this you will have to get to know the Children of the Atom better.

The core, as the Children of the Atom called the submarine base, is located southwest of Far Harbor and Acadia. The way there will be difficult and unsafe, swamps, forests and rocky areas will be waiting for you, but we love adventure, don't we?! In addition, along the way, you can complete some quests received from the residents of Far Harbor ( quest "Life on the edge") or synths of Acadia (quest "Acadia's Ideals").

Along the way, you can also stumble upon interesting locations, such as Horizon Flight 1207, home to a curious resident of Far Harbor.

A super mutant named Erickson lives here, he is friendly, surprisingly, of course, if you do not decide to attack him. He built himself a camp on the site of a plane crash and is now engaged in trade, although not very successfully, and also trains wild dogs and sells them. After a short conversation, you can purchase a guard dog from him for 250 caps. He has a choice of mutant hound and wolves.

In his hut you cannot take anything, only steal, of course, if you did not kill him. But otherwise, there is something interesting here. By hacking the terminal (medium level) inside the plane, you will enter the cockpit, where there is a red industrial box with ammunition, weapons and armor.

Don't forget who the Children of the Atom are, a sect that worships radiation, so stock up on medicines and radiation protection. On the way to the Core, you may encounter a Legendary Fog, so be on the lookout.

At the very entrance to the Core, you will witness the massacre of the guilty henchman of the Atom. Speak with the Great Zealot Richter, who carried out the execution, and say that you want to join the Children of the Atom. The decision on who is worthy to enter the family is made by the Atom. You need to go through the ceremony and prove your faith before His eyes. Agree to fulfill the will of the Atom and you will activate Quest "Misty Visions", passing which, you will be able to enter the Core without any problems from the Children of the Atom. Also, after joining the family, the quest “So Atom Wants” is activated for you, aimed at helping other members of the Atom family.

Inside, the Core is a complex of wooden huts and passages built around a submarine base. On the ship you will find Grand Confessor Tekt, the leader of the Children of the Atom. After talking with him, which, in fact, is optional, you can build your initial opinion about this sect and about the attitude towards other inhabitants of the island, as well as ask about the previous confessor and his disappearance, about the murder of a missionary in Far Harbor, and whether they are creating Children of the Atom fog or not. If you wish, you can even ask for access to DiMA's memories. For the Great Confessor, this is a sign of Atom's mercy. The only condition is that everything you find must be immediately brought to Tact.

In order to access DiMA's memories, you need to get into the Core Control Center, which is located at the very top level. Climb up the metal stairs to the very top. If you talk to the zealot at the entrance, you will find out that many have already tried to get to the secrets, but failed, but activated the pre-war defense system that DiMA warned about.

The very first corridor will become an obstacle course for you from moving laser traps, hitting which, four turrets will fire at you at once. Don't forget to collect ammo from the racks at the beginning and end of the corridor.

Continue moving forward along the corridors and passages, periodically destroying turrets, protectrons and robots of the Mister Brave model. Look around carefully, because there are ammo boxes scattered here and there, and near the stairs leading up, you will find a box of explosives. When you reach the control center terminal, you will be met by stronger protection - in the form of an assault gun, protectron and turrets at the same time. After destroying them, use the terminal to open the door, and look in the chest next to the door, where you will find ammunition, armor and weapons.

Behind the door is the same terminal where you must insert the Faraday program and extract the memories, but first turn on the auxiliary power. The switch is on the wall located behind the terminal.

Be prepared for the fact that as soon as you turn on the power, you will be attacked by the legendary assault gun - a rather strong opponent.

  • Save right before turning on the power in case of death.
  • Scatter a couple of mines in advance in front of an unopenable metal door, from which an assault gun will appear.
  • The most important thing in the fight against the Assaultron is not to let him shoot an energy beam from his head, as he will kill you almost immediately. Or try to avoid it.
  • Don't back yourself into a corner, as the Assaultron will constantly attack you in close combat. Move and try to keep him at a distance so that there is room for maneuver.
  • Choose stronger weapons and stronger armor.
  • Do not forget about the level of health - restore it if necessary.

Extract DiMA's memories

The pre-war protection system is over, it's time to move on to extracting DiMA's memories. To do this, go to the terminal and use the Faraday program. The terminal contains 5 memories, each of which must be retrieved separately and in order. One extracted memory will unlock one or two more.

What is the point of extracting DiMA's memories? You are in DiMA's long-term memory simulation, which is what he sees when he sits in his chair in Acadia. You are now dealing with early synth technology. The yellow column in the distance is the long-term memory sector and your target, but you cannot extract the memories yourself. The Faraday program that you downloaded to the terminal will help you with this. The program is represented in the simulation by indexers, little friendly bugs. They have only one task - to get to the yellow column, download the memory and deliver it back to the access point (blue column). You need to help them get there and back safe and sound. If you need to leave the simulation, you can do so at any time, all progress will remain saved.

Move Code Arrays to Build Road for Indexers

For starters, you have arrays of code at your disposal, the building blocks of a computer program. They are lighter and glow slightly. You can use them to fill holes that block the path of "bugs".

To make the task easier, save the code blocks in the workshop using the key. This will allow you to take several blocks at once, and not run back and forth for each of them.

Forward decoder relay to firewall

You will also deal with the security system. The red wall of translucent blocks is a firewall blocking the path for you and the indexers to the memory sector. To bypass the firewall, that is, to destroy the wall, you need to direct the green beam of the decoder into the firewall gap, into a block that is different from the other blocks of the red wall.

The decoder repeater is a block with a polyhedron inside. It helps to guide the decoder beam through the enemy's firewalls, reflecting it. Select a block with the [E] or , then rotate it with the mouse or physically move and place it in the correct direction with the same keys you selected.

Build and place guard constructors to cover indexers

As soon as the "bugs" get to the yellow column of long-term memory, the enemy security system will turn on. You need to quickly place the protective constructs that you already have in your workshop in the amount of 5 pieces. They resemble turrets in appearance and action - they are your "weapon" to protect indexers from enemy security systems counteraction.

Place defensive constructs in several places, usually near the yellow pillar and the blue one. But if these places are protected by walls of code arrays, then in open places on the path of indexers.

Then it remains only to wait for the indexers to run from the long-term memory sector to the access point. Each "bug" carries 20% memory, so 5 bugs must reach the access point. If the indexer is damaged, he does not die, but only loses part of his memory. Therefore, the "bugs" will run back and forth until they extract 100% of the memory. When the file is fully extracted, exit the simulation by pressing the key.

Extract Memory 0V-9AX0

In the first flashback, DiMA talks about the relationship with the residents of Far Harbor, that they are deteriorating and out of control. But he sees a way out - it is enough for at least one of the inhabitants to take the side of the synths. DiMA did something unacceptable that no one should know about. Attached to the file are the coordinates of a medical laboratory located in the basement of the Vim! lemonade factory.

Extract Memory 0J-2NN8

In the second flashback, DiMA talks about finding a key that can fire a nuclear missile stored on the submarine. He no longer wants to lie to Confessor Martin and the Children of the Atom, so he decided to forget about it. He cannot allow the people who first accepted him for who he is to perish. Attached are the coordinates of the Grand Harbor Hotel, where the safe room is located, and the code: 485130, which is likely to be needed to open it.

Extract Memory 0H-3X0P

From DiMA's third memory, you will learn about a backup plan related to the inhabitants of Far Harbor. In case they find out the truth (most likely in memory #1) or become xenophobic, DiMA put together a program to turn off the turbine that powers the fog condensers in Far Harbor. If you turn off the turbine, the fog, along with the creatures in it, will penetrate the city. But DiMA is sick of one soap, so he deleted this memory, and hid a copy of the program - in case he still needed it. Attached to the record are the coordinates for the location of the shutdown program and the office building of the wind farm where the turbine is located.

Extract Memory 0Z-7A4K

Extract Memory 0Y-8K7D

DiMA's fifth memory contains information about the coordinates of modern models of combat armor, which was being transported to the base on the day the bombs fell. If the containers remain airtight, then the armor should be in excellent condition and you can find it and use it for its intended purpose. DiMA does not need it, he kept this memory just in case. After listening to this memory, you will activate the quest from the "Miscellaneous" section - "Find a container with Marine Combat Armor".

In Dim's memories, you managed to find information about the secrets scattered throughout the island. You need to open them. All extracted memories will be recorded on the holotape, allowing you to listen to them again at any time. But before you leave the Core, make sure you have a good look around here.

On the first shelf near the entrance you will find two nuclear blocks for power armor. Climb up the wooden ramp located opposite the wall from the entrance to the Core, and go through all the huts, thereby getting to know the main part of the Children of the Atom family. In the very first building you will meet Sister Mei. You can bargain with her, for example, she has a unique item - Reconnaissance Armor marines for the right hand, and if you offer her help, you will receive the quest "Washing" from her.

Help: Marine Recon Armor for Arms

Damage resistance: 24

Energy Damage Resistance: 24

Radiation Damage Resistance: 10

The weight: 14

Price: 17810


  • Marine assault armor

Right hand feature: Increases movement speed by 10%.

Feature for left hand: Briefly slows down time in combat if you are below 20% health.

Going further you will meet the Archchemist, who can heal you if necessary, and you can also buy medicines from her. Stimulants can be found in her room. If you climb the stairs, then in the upper building you will meet Kane, an arms and ammunition dealer. He also has several unique items- Radium carbine "Kiloton" and Marine Recon armor for the left hand (read the help above). Also in his and neighboring rooms you can find ammunition.

Help: Radium carbine "Kiloton"

Damage: 49

Radiation damage: 50

Ammunition: Cartridges.45

Rate of fire: 40

Range: 203

Accuracy: 96

The weight: 16,1

Price: 1047


  • hardened receiver
  • long barrel
  • Full lodge
  • staff store
  • Medium scope
  • No inflatable nozzle

Peculiarity: Bullets explode on impact, dealing 15 damage in an area.

And now you can go for the secrets of DiMA.

Find the secret medical complex DiMA

In DiMA's first flashback, we learned of a secret medical facility where he did something that the people of Far Harbor weren't supposed to know about. The coordinates point to the Wim! Lemonade Factory, which is located south of the Core. Get to it, but beware of super mutants on the way - the factory is teeming with them.

The factory consists of several buildings and has many entrances (in the screenshot, the building of the headquarters of "Wim!"). By entering any of them, you will complete the task announced above, and the quest "What should life be like" is activated. By the way, while in the factory, you can execute side quest"Washing" from Sister Mei, if you had time to chat with her while you were in the Core with the Children of the Atom.

Find out where the key to launch rockets is located

From the second memory, we learned about the location of the key to the nuclear missile. He's at the Grand Harbor Hotel, which is southeast of the Core. Be careful when you get to the place, there are super mutants again and far from the lowest level. When you manage to get inside the current task will be completed and begin new quest"Cleansing the Earth", in which you will continue to look for the key.

Find out the capacitor disconnect code

DiMA's third memory contained the coordinates for the location of the program that shuts down the turbine that powers the fog condensers in Far Harbor. The old synth did a good job of hiding it away. His cache is located far to the west of the Core, almost at the edge of the island map.

On the way there, you may come across different creatures, so be careful. But besides this, you can also come across some rather interesting caches.

On your way there will be a small location without a name, which is a ruined mansion with a barn. As you pass by, you will hear explosions and gunshots. These are trappers. Deal with them.

In the barn on the second level, you will find a note from a certain Dylan, which says that he buried the goods in an old grave. In the same place, next to the note, you will find a box with ammunition, and in the other corner there is a large bag (the level of the castle is difficult) with a large amount of caps, medicines, ammunition, weapons and armor.

The grave is in the gap between the barn and the mansion. Approach it and press [E] to unearth the buried treasure. But don't forget to take the shovel in the barn. You will find it under the stairs between the shelving unit and the weapon workbench.

I like 77

Stuck on Kellogg related quests? Here you will find a description of the correct passage of tasks. Learn ways to fix bugs and get around the difficulties encountered.

Fallout 4: Kellogg's Memories quest walkthrough

Quests related to Kellogg belong to the main plot of the game and are related to the search for his son. Remember the tips for Fallout 4 Kellogg's Memories walkthrough and the bugs and difficulties associated with this task.

First you need to get to Daimon City and find the journalist Piper near the gate. When you meet the mayor outside the gates, ask him about Sean, or talk to the locals. Questioning will lead you to the detective agency. After that, you need to go in search of a detective in the old subway. When you find him and return to the agency, tell him about Sean, then the detective will give a tip on the Kellogg thug.

Together with Valentine, find Kellogg's house and give the dog the evidence found in the secret room - a cigarette. Tip: Don't forget to take a detective with you, he will help you hack terminals and come in handy in skirmishes.


The task of the quest will be to find the kidnapper of your son and find out where he is. A dog will lead you to the Kellogg trail. Try to keep up with her and raise the discovered evidence.

Having found a cigar near the lake, the dog barks, showing that the trail has been found, we take a cigarette and continue on our way.
The next find will be a bloody rag on the old highway and a bunch of corpses, take the rags.

Then the four-legged helper will go near railway and you will encounter a Dwarf Yao-Gai, which is not easy to destroy. Tip: climb the broken tree and shoot the bear from there.

Near the railway you will find a house in which a bottle of your enemy's beer will be found, take it away. Next, the dog will find a broken Sturmotron, find out from him what happened to him.

Follow the dog to the rusty mesh fence and look for bloody rags on the fence. Follow the dog to the steps of the building. Talk to the dog when it barks at the door of Fort Hagen and go inside.

Having made your way to the fort, you will encounter a whole army of synths. Frag grenades come in handy to fight them. Destroy or deactivate encountered turrets.

Use the elevator to go down, find the blue door and wait for Detective Valentine behind it, then return to the corridor.
After making your way through the synths and turrets, get to the doors of the command center and find Kellogg, but do not shoot, but talk to him.
Fallout 4 how to talk to Kellogg when he starts shooting as soon as you enter.

Attention: Not everyone is able to talk to Kellogg in fallout 4, a bug that occurs constantly does not allow the game to pass normally.

The reason why in Fallout 4 Kellogg immediately attacks, as always, in power armor. If you go to him in it, he will immediately attack without further ado. After you go to him without power armor, he will begin to speak normally. You won’t be able to cheat and remove the armor before talking, you need to go through the entire building without it. Armor often annoys opponents, so it's better to play the game without it (which is a pity).
After you find out where your son is, get ready for a serious fight.

Molotov cocktails and a detective will help you, because Kellogg can become invisible with the help of camouflage. When he finally dies, be sure to take the implants from his body for the next task.

Fumble through the mercenary's computer on the white table. There you will find information about Sean and you can open the door.
Talk to the detective, in response, he will offer to contact Piper in Daimon City. Move out into the city.

dangerous thoughts

Tell the journalist that Kellogg is dead and you need help. Ask what to do next. The detective will advise you to contact Amari in Goodneighbor in the House of Memories. The detective will mention the parts of Kellogg's brain, say that everything is already there (you took the implants).
Dr. Amarina is found on the outskirts of the old town in Goodneighbors, where you rescued Nick. Talk to the doctor and wait for the detective to explain what you need, and then ask for help.

Give Kellogg's Amarimosa and listen to what she has to say. The detective will offer to connect to the mercenary's brain, and you will be able to view Kellogg's memories in Fallout 4.

Wait until the first connection attempt occurs.

Sit in a capsule of memories

The first attempt failed, and the doctor will suggest that both you and the detective try it.

Now everything is out and you are in Kellogg's memories. You will see life through the eyes of a mercenary, you will see an already adult son who was taken to the Institute. In the same place you will learn about Virgil, a scientist who escaped from the Institute and where he is.

You got into the brains, but how to get out of Kellogg's memories in Fallout 4? In order to get out of there, you need to look at the picture on the TV that is there.

After the journey, we speak with the doctor and go to look for a scientist in the Glowing Sea. On this in Fallout 4, the passage of Kellogg's memory successfully ends and we will not hear about him again.