Child of Light Walkthrough Lost Wisps. Child of Light walkthrough. Side Quest: Angus' Trouble

"Child of Light" is a fairy tale that tells us the story of a little girl with a pure heart, a princess named Aurora. The article includes the passage from 1 to 5 chapters.


Child, listen to my story

No fancy and no embellishment.

Long ago there was a country

Her name was Lemuria.

In the far reaches of Austria

There lived the daughter of the Duke Aurora.

Father's love was endless.

What's up with mom? Everything is shrouded in mystery.

The duke was alone for a long time.

He raised Aurora as best he could.

And so he decided that he needed

He is, after all, his wife.

Good Friday has arrived

And she brought the message with her:

Happy duke and father

Leads the bride down the aisle.

Aurora is sleeping. But at a late hour

The fire in that room went out.

And now she lies

Like snow, pale and cold.

The dawn beam penetrated the window

And illuminated the motionless face.

And despite the pleas of the father

The blush did not caress her face.

And now Aurora is no more.

But this is not the end, no no!

The girl is about to wake up

And in new world she will come in.

Chapter 1 - The Girl and the Firefly

Child, follow the forest path.

Open a new world for yourself.

From the very beginning, the game captivates with its picture, gives the feeling of a fairy tale, where we, the player, are given the opportunity to live the whole story together with the main character. It takes reading the book to another level. First, get comfortable with the controls: walk left, right, jump a couple of times. Notice how beautifully Aurora's hair develops, how it reacts to your actions. Go to the main menu to examine the location of the inventory, in this game it is in the tab Equipment, see the skill tree in the tab Skills etc.

We run to the right. If you saw a guiding sign, then when interacting with it, you will read: "To the right - to the old monastery". You are on the right track. In the pit you will face the first, very simple task. The fact is that the cliff is too high for Aurora to jump. When faced with this in the game, immediately look for a nearby wooden box and move it to the desired hill. There are also cases when there is no box nearby, which means that you need to look for a different way or another way.

Use the box to jump up. Ahead you will see a bright green light, approach it - it leads to a cave, at the end of which a chest is hidden. But he is guarded by a terrible wolf. Aurora is unarmed and cannot be near him. Therefore, climb the slope that is at the entrance to the cave. Next, jump onto the tree and get along the branches to the hill on the right. Here you will find another sign pointing towards the monastery, which means that we are on the right track.

As soon as Aurora approaches the tree with pink leaves, you will be shown a short scene of Aurora's dialogue with a blue firefly - the future best friend and faithful partner of our princess. Igniculus can move independently, interact with objects and characters, as well as highlight dark places for you and slow down enemies. At your request, the control of the baby can be given to the second player to complete the game in KO-OP mode.

Find a prophetess. She is

Helps you get out of sleep.

Continue on your way. When you reach the abyss, deliberately fall down. After landing, go left to the green light, there you will find a chest with healing elixir. Then return to the swamp, without going into it, jump up, this should return you to the main road.

Soon you will come to a place with three scepters with yellow orbs. Look for the button for interaction near the door of the tree-house, it should be next to the second scepter. After the dialogue, move the firefly to one of the spheres and ask him to light up. A shadow with a symbol will become visible. Controlling Igniculus, bring this shadow to a tree, to a place with a similar pattern. Do the same for the remaining two spheres. The door will open, come in.

Approach the statue and take out the sword. As soon as the weapon is in the small hands of Aurora, you will immediately be offered to try it out in combat. On the medium difficulty level, two hits are enough for you to defeat the enemy.

The principle of the combat system is simple, since it is not the main one in the game. Our task as a player is to feel the world and participate in a fairy tale, and not waste time on the combat component. If you find it too easy it's not too late to switch the difficulty of the game to Difficult level(look in the game settings, through the menu button).

You can choose an action only when the icon of your character reaches the beginning of the red mark. The red lane road counts as your cast time.

When the turn comes to you, you will be given several options familiar to RPG fans: Action - attack or defense, Potions - use any of the potions in the bag, Escape - attempt to escape from the battlefield, Change - change the combat composition of the group (will be useful when more playable characters join you).

If you have already chosen an action, but the enemy successfully attacked you, your attack is canceled and you will be knocked back. The same thing will happen if you manage to hit the enemy faster than he managed to reach the end of the red bar.

Run forward to the next location, where another creepy-looking monster will block your way. Before you engage him in a duel, aim your friend's firefly at the monster and shine it on to trap him and gain a big advantage on the time slider. Then, already in battle, you can repeat the trick with Igniculus. Using this trick, you can emerge victorious without taking a single hit on the Aurora. If suddenly you didn’t succeed and the monster did hit you - point the firefly at the girl and turn on the light - this will restore some of her lost health.

Behind the swamp you will see another monster and a clue about surprise attack- An attack from behind that gives you instant timeline lead. Wait for the enemy to turn his back on you, blind him with Igniculus and attack. Similarly, you can first slow down, and then jump behind your back and make a surprise attack. At the end of the fight, jump over to the cliff with a chest with healing elixir. There will be another monster ahead, or rather two, since that is the number of enemies that will attack you on the battlefield.

It will be unusually dark in the cave, so use the firefly as a lamp. Beat the monster. Run forward, at the end of the cave you will find a chest with magic potion. Now go back, behind the puddle you will notice a lift up. When you leave the darkness, stop, take control of the firefly and fly it to the left side of the screen, where another chest is hidden in the darkness. Poke it with the Igniculus to get the one lying in it, Firefly Elixir.

Move the wooden box, jump on it, then onto the cliff. Walk a couple of steps to the right and jump onto the slope. Rise upward. Beat the monster. Get as close as possible to the cliff, you should see a blue chest on the opposite hill. Send a firefly to open it. This find will introduce you to Gems, attach them to items to improve your character's stats. The same gem gives different effects, depending on the slot you put it in.

Now run to the right, where our heroine will move on to the second chapter of her adventure.

Chapter 2 - The Queen of Light

Find a prophetess. She is

Helps you get out of sleep.

Run ahead, where you will meet a new type of monster from the world of Lemuria at the fountain. The ghost is immune to simple power attacks, so attacks like Sword Strike will deal reduced damage to the enemy. Despite this, you can easily deal with a ghost if you have learned at least one of the Aurora's magic attacks, since this type of monster is vulnerable to Light.

Try to jump to the top of the fountain. Then onto a tree branch and up to a chest with Rough ruby.

Come into the old dark ruins. To start, jump down to pick up from the chest Firefly Elixir. Just be careful, the enemy will attack you from the darkness. Once the item is in your inventory, go back, jump up and out into the light.

Get to a closed door that you will need to open. But for this you will have to find your way to the lever at the top. Grab the wooden box next to the door and drag it to the left edge. Go even more to the left, where you will see a ghost and a door through which you need to go.

Watch the clue cutscene where you might have guessed that we need Igniculus' help. Point the firefly at the blue window on the lever mechanism and ask it to light up. Stand on the platform as Aurora and shine the firefly again to lift the girl up to the box you saw earlier. Drop the box, jump down and push it to the right towards the hill. Jump up, then down, push the box and up again.

Walk left to the lever, and once the mechanism is running, jump down. Reach the box on the right and try to drag it to the platform. Wait for the platform to rise up and quickly drag the crate onto the button in the floor so that the door doesn't close as soon as Aurora tries to enter it. Move on to the next location.

Go to the left edge, where you will notice a large blue gem on a hill. Take control of the firefly and open it. Inside you will find Raw sapphire.

Then run to the right, where you will find the very one, guarded by a gargoyle, opening the lower door with a lever. Jump down and go to the monastery.

Climb up, where you will hear the request of an unknown person to free her from the shackles of glass. Take a closer look at the mechanism with circles in red, purple, green and blue. Then look with your eyes for crystals near the fresco of the corresponding color (not just purple). Repeat the shadow trick from the first chapter: move Igniculus to the open red color of the device, dedicate it to them and bring the shadow that appears to the crystal of the same color. Reach the color change lever, you will find it a little to the left, on the platform behind the mechanism, and scroll it until a circle of the desired color appears.

As soon as the last parts of the fresco are broken, the Guards will wake up - the first monsters in the Boss level game.

Defeating the Guardians will give you new itemStardust Magic. Go to the Equipment and "eat" it to increase the Magic parameter by 3 points.

The sun shone over the earth

Which is not more beautiful in the world,

Castle ruins under the moon

Her sweetest light

And the twinkling stars reflected.

Lady of this palace

One wandered through the rooms,

Illuminated them with a bright face.

But the queen once

Disappeared without a trace. And with her the light went out

It seemed like forever.

And Umbra, queen of the night,

Sent with the order of daughters -

So that the sun, stars and moon

Kidnapped, then captured

The rains have left the country.

Then the creations of Umbra evil

And they took over all the land.

The forest fairy will give you flute. In addition to a nice gift, Aurora will get wings and the ability to fly, replacing jumping. Fly across the screen, feel the freedom and lightness, and think about all the hidden chests that we missed because of the unattainable height.

Around the dark dense forest,

Starlight streamed from heaven.

Aurora with firefly friend

Everything went, but the house was far away.

She was sad that she did not know

Relatives about her fate,

And looking for the sun and the moon,

To hug my father.

But somewhere, with a heart full of evil,

On the throne, peering into the night

Umbra sat and waited

When the lights go out daughter.

Fly up, on the platforms to the left and right above the color mechanism you will find chests with Magic potion (x2) and Powerful healing elixir. Higher up you will find a large blue jewel chest, open it with the light of a firefly. Inside you will find Firefly Elixir (x2). Fly out of the monastery through the passage on the left.

Chapter 3 Toward Adventure

To the left, to the altar, hurry,

Look for spikes and a powerful trunk.

Jump to start flying and fly towards the monastery. Above the exit you will find an envelope floating in the air. Pick up Entry #1. View about found Entries, as well as read their contents, you can in the corresponding tab in main menu.

More about the location of all pages in this article:

On the way to the left you will hear someone's voice, it leads to the island on balloons. On it you will meet the new assistant of our Aurora girl jester Rubella. In order not to forget later, as soon as after a long dialogue you get back control of the Aurora, go to the Main Menu and set up the Rubella Skills branch. Of the interesting, available almost immediately, is the ability Second chance, which resurrects a fallen ally with 60% health regeneration. In addition to the resurrection, Rubella has a spell Healing and temporary immunity to negative statuses, which makes her an even more useful teammate on the battlefield. In addition, her attack is very fast (albeit weak), so it will be useful for interrupting the enemy's action.

Read more about additional Lemurian missions in this article:

Go down, past the shrine to the right. Here, you will find purple Mana Stardust, when used, you can increase the maximum amount of magic points for one of your heroes. Go into the room with the platforms, the one where you had to drag the wooden box from side to side. Stand at the exit and look up, there should be a blue window on the ceiling. Shine a firefly on it to open the passage to the chest with Raw sapphire (x2).

Get outside. Fly up and fly to the left, past the trees, towards the floating island. It's similar to the one where Aurora and Igniculus met Rubella, only bigger. Go to the house, which is smaller. In it you will find a chest with Healing elixir (x2).

Fly a little back, to the right, where among the branches you will find a hidden house. Entering it, you will be taken to a new location. Explore it for Stardust Health and chest with Rough emerald. Beware of contact with sharp tree thorns, as they cause damage to Aurora.

Southwest of the floating island, there is another chest containing Living water. The potion has the same effect as Rubella's "Second Chance" spell resurrects a fallen ally. Now it's not scary to accidentally make a mistake and die in battle. But I still don't recommend doing this.

Take off and fly to the left. Just above and to the left of the index sign "To the left - to the altar of Matilda", a jewel-chest hangs in the air, inside of which lie Healing Elixir (x2).

Further to the west is another island. You can't get into the house, as the firefly says, "Not surprised." But next to him you will find a chest with magic potion. Approach the right edge of the platform and fall down. Take what's in the chest magic potion. Before that, you will have to fight the monster, its guardian, or blind him with Igniculus. Keep flying to the right. If you see a waterfall in front of you, then you are on the right track. Look for the spider and the chest underneath. in the chest magic potion. Return to the island, go to its left edge and jump down. Here behind the spider monster you will find Raw emerald.

Take off and a little higher your gaze will notice a passage of branches. Carefully go around the spikes to get stardust power and, flying a little lower, magic potion from the chest to the collection to the rest found earlier.

Go back to the island and the sign next to it. Fly west. Here, on the new island, you will find a chest with living water, a house with a chest and Raw sapphire (x2) lying in that chest. Approach the right edge of the platform and jump down. Here, among the thorns, Aurora will find Stardust Protection.

To the left of the last island we visited, another similar piece of land is floating in the air. After flying among them, you will find a gem-chest with Firefly Elixir (x2).

Go down to the sign, then jump down. In the dark you will see a flying monster and a chest with Rough emerald behind him. Then fly down into the abyss with a swamp. On the left, during the passage of the first chapter, we have already collected Healing Elixir. But we could not get into the cave on the right. Now we can. And we will do it, because there is hidden Stardust Protection.

Remember the cave from the first chapter where we saw the wolf and the chest behind it. In the chest Magic potion (x2) lies. Take a look if you wish.

Fly to the top of the tree that stands at the entrance to the cave. There you will find Raw Sapphire (x2). Then fly over to the next tree, where someone hid another one in the chest Raw sapphire. On a branch of the same tree stands a chest with Healing elixir (x2).

Fly to the area with the altar from the opening cutscene. To the left of it, on the ledge of the mountain, hidden in a chest Raw emerald.

Climb down and fly west towards the spiked tree. The road will block the guys Giant. Don't let him eat little Aurora.

For defeating the boss you will receive an open passage To a tree with thorns and health stardust. Wait. Don't rush to go inside. Fly up to the top of the screen where you will find Entry #5.

Turns out it's not easy

Fly among the sharp thorns.

Moving to a new location will open a new tab in the Main Menu - Map of Lemuria, giving you the ability to fast travel through previously visited dungeons or cities.

Approach the cliff and fly deep into the pit for Magic potion (x2). Then go back and fly into the golden tree with thorns. Fly up as soon as possible. On the right you will find a fight with a griffin and a chest with healing elixir. On the left is a blue chest with living water. Then down to the main path and almost immediately down. On both sides are chests with Rough Emeralds. Back onto the main path, and fly west. As soon as you reach the signpost "To the left - to the village of Capilli", look up. Ask Igniculus to retrieve what is hidden there. magic potion and fly up. On the way, Aurora will find three chests - with Rough ruby, medicine and .

Defeating the secret boss will provide you with a solid amount of experience, which is enough to get a new level, and Stardust Protection.

Get down to the very bottom of the tree and fly out to Fresh air. Right at the exit, below on the ground, there is a chest with Raw sapphire. Take off and fly up through the branches to find Entry #8. To the west of the find, at the top of the tree you will find Healing Elixir. Continue your flight towards the west.

The arrival at the village of Capilli completes the third chapter of the tale.

Chapter 4 - The Deep Well

Fly higher up

Igniculus, find the moon.

At first glance, the village seems to be a lively place, the gardens are well maintained and the lights are on in the houses. But no matter how hard you try, you will not find at least one person. Unless the crows, of which there are many, built all these houses. Probably not.

Briefly about the objects hidden in the village. In the house to the east, in a cozy room, you will find a chest with healing elixir. AT big house in the West - Rough Ruby and dissatisfied with your find of a crow.

Once you're ready to continue, an arrow will point you in the right direction.

In the middle of the center of this crow-inhabited town you will see a well. From the title, you can guess that the main part of the passage of the fourth chapter will take place there. Before you go to its depths, do one more thing in Capilli.

Don't touch the area to the left of the village yet. It is pointless to check the houses on the right, in two of the three open ones, you will find only ravens. And you can’t put them in a bag, you can’t insert them into armor. Approach the bearded uncle, he stands a little to the left of the well, and find out the reason for his grief. It turns out that the evil queen has bewitched the villagers and turned them into birds. Finn, that's the name of the bearded man, he was lucky, and the spell did not overtake him. He would be very grateful if Aurora helped him find Lethe, which lies at the bottom of the well.

Then go down into the well. Finn, thankful for your attempt to help his friends, will join your party. The bearded man is a strong mage. Go to the tab Skills, arrange free skill points and read about the spells available to him. As you can see, Finn specializes in elemental magic attacks such as: Lightning strike(Lightning) useful against water-type enemies; Zarnitsa(Fire) - against earth, but weakly hits water; Shower(Water) - against fire, weak to the element of lightning.

I'll have to find Summer

To disenchant the capilli.

Most of the monsters that live in the well, that is, a certain monster that is often encountered, are of the water type. So it would not hurt you to insert an Emerald into the weapons of Aurora and Rubella. If you have one extra, then Finn would not be hurt by a green stone in case when there is no longer enough energy for spells.

Climb down and as soon as you see the spider, attack it to get training on the action Replacement. Then there will be a short dialogue break, after which you can take control of Igniculus and open the gem chest with it. Stash with Raw sapphire look in the lower left corner of the screen.

There are a couple of loopholes at the bottom of the well.

First, fly up to the narrow passage on the right, leading up. If you don't feel like taking risks, you can skip the spear trap. Just send a firefly and he'll get you hidden in a chest Raw emerald.

Go back and fly to the right, behind the spider, in the wall there is another gem chest with Rough ruby. Next, jump down, hold the down arrow and press the jump button, you will enter a new cave. At the end of it is a chest with Rough ruby.

Return to the place from which you arrived at the bottom. To the left of it is a passage up, which is guarded by sharp spears. To stop their appearance for a short time, find the blue window on the ceiling. The light of Igniculus activates the slow mechanism. Just wait until the spears are completely out of sight. Behind the trap you will find health stardust.

In the cave behind the Boar, look for a passage down where you will find Raw sapphire and Sedative (x2).

Without leaving the cave, head west. As a result, you will stumble upon a closed door. Place the shadow of the moon on the drawing of the moon above the head of the drawn woman, and the shadow of the scepter with the sun on the drawing of the sun on the right side of the door. Finn's worries were in vain, we easily coped with the obstacle we encountered.

But before you go to the location behind the door, go down into the corridor. Having passed the path to the end of the cave, you can return back with the newly acquired Raw Ruby (x2)(gem chest), Elixir of Speed(chest) and Rough emerald(box).

Back to the door. Come in. Run or fly right to the spears, deactivate them and fly further.

At the fork, fly up - this path will lead you to two chests guarded by a spider. In the right Elixir of Speed ​​(x2), in the left Rough Ruby.

Then fly down, then even lower, where you will find a passage to a dark cave. On the left you will find a chest with Rough ruby, to the right behind the wall is a gem chest with uneven ruby, and in the middle Fiery wolf (vulnerable to water magic, weapons with sapphire).

The next cache Stardust magic you will find by flying up to the ceiling while you are in a wide and spacious room. Use the found object and get down downward. Here, half in the water, lies a huge head of a statue, on it is a crow. Interact with the bird to view the dialogue between Aurora and Finn. The bearded man recognizes his grandfather in the bird. Far away he flew.

Keep heading east, and as soon as you pass or fly over the water and step on a solid stone under your feet, look in the lower right corner for a gem. In him Healing Elixir (x2). To the right of it is a chest in which lies Firefly Elixir, exactly above it, the spider has a letter with Entry #3.

BOSS - Hydra

Hydra is a serious opponent, three opponents to be exact. As you have already noticed, the heads of the monster have different colors and elemental affiliations.

The red head is fire, which means that water attacks will deal increased damage to it. She moves slower than her sisters on the timeline, but quickly casts a spell. Her fire hits two targets at once.

The green head is the earth. Vulnerable to fire attacks. The head of this color quickly gets to the red mark, but slows down a lot after it is reached. Has an effect that can paralyze Aurora or her partner.

The blue head is, you guessed it, water. Strike with lightning element attacks. Keeps its speed timeline and cast time in balance.

Because of his magic, Finn is perfect for this fight. Since he has a spell for each process. Kill the heads in this order - green head, blue head and finally - red. Place the Igniculus next to the fiery head to keep it on the blue zone longer. Remember about the flowers - there are three of them on the battlefield, use them to restore magic points and health. It is much easier to do this at the moment of choosing an action.

For defeating the monster from the well, Aurora and the company will receive 4800 experience points, enough to get a new level, Strong magical nectar and a scene in which the girl learns about the fate of her father.

Now you have returned to Capilli. The villagers have regained their human form. The story doesn't end there. The chapter doesn't end.

Fly higher up

Igniculus, find the moon.

What kind of people are they if they don't have extra task to perform on hastily and a valuable gift. Talk to Finn's grandfather, Avo. Look for the old man at the well with a yellow exclamation point above his head. He will give you a new task, "Nerai Garden" it's called. Head east and enter the classroom-like house. mustachioed uncle here, I'm ready to give you a shovel for an apple. A quest item, a record of the task in the inventory, will not be given for this request, but for a note it would be possible to remember this.

Go to the entrance to the village, to the location by the tree with thorns. At the very exit you will meet a woman smoking a pipe. The yellow sign above her head tells us that she has an assignment for Aurora. Her winged pig, whose name is Achilles, flew away in an unknown direction. Our goal is to find it.

Fly west from Capilli. As soon as you leave the territory of the village, Finn will return to your group. Without him, it would be boring, and his spells are enviable, and this beard ... The bearded man has something to be proud of at his thirteen years.

Check the tops of the trees, on one of them you will find a chest with Rough emerald (x2). Then get down to the ground and jump down. There is a chest here, hidden in it Healing Elixir.

Fly up to the top of the screen, where behind the elemental barrier you will find a chest with Rough ruby. It seemed to me that in this place, it is easiest to walk along the top of the tree while pressing the button down. Get back to earth. At the bottom you will see a hole from which a strong stream of wind periodically comes out. Behind him is a chest with magic potion.

And behind the chest itself you will see a descent into the cave. At the very entrance you will notice a gem chest with healing elixir. Fly to the right, where behind the creature that looks like an old tree, you will notice a door. A cache hovers in the air above the door with Living water (x2). Interact with the door to get to a new location.

Fly down to the crossroads. Take the path leading to the left. Watch the wind carefully as it will try to push the Aurora under the spears. On the way, look up, so as not to miss the branches with the chest in which lies Rough Ruby.

Then return to the wind and let it carry you through the intersection. Stand behind the hillock, take control of the Igniculus, aim it at the blue circle on the ceiling and drop the wooden box down. Drag the crate to the right, it should fall to the lower level. Fly to it and put it on the button on the left. Then stand under the stream of wind blowing upwards.

In the middle of the room you can collect Stardust magic, in an ordinary stone chest you will find Medicine (x2), in a blue chest - Raw Emerald (x2), and in the gem chest, which is hidden in the upper right corner behind the branch, there is another Raw emerald. Once you are ready to leave this place, pull the lever.

Return to the Gem Chest. To the west of it, you will notice a place illuminated with red light. Fly up to him to open the way to the chest with Raw sapphire (x2).

Above the chest is visible passage to the outside. Climb up and try to get into the cave from which the wind is blowing. Here you will find Stardust from magic.

When you get out of the tunnel, go a little to the east, to the chest with Rough ruby. Then take off into the sky, where a page with Entry #6.

Back to the cave to the west. Go to the hole, from which a stream of wind blows upwards. Here you need a good reaction - when the wind subsides, quickly fly up, then left to the purple Stardust from magic.

Continue your journey to the west, where outside the cave you will see a road leading To the plains of the Rambert.

Her path ran through gloomy and empty fields.

The moon and the sun could not

She find not here not there

Aurora sadly realized:

"Because that's all I could"

But the road has led...

Not to the sun, no, it's not about that.

The secret will be revealed later...

Chapter 5 - An Unexpected Encounter

Fly higher up

Igniculus, find the moon.

Return to the entrance to the location To the plains of the Rambert, to the east, as Aurora, in the scene with the verse, flew past the chest with Magic potion (x2). Then fly left to windmills.

To the left of the scene with the dialogue between Aurora and Rubella, you will find a heavenly waterfall. More to the left, you will find the second, the same. Fly up to the second and try to go down. A hidden passage will open, in which you will find a gem chest with . Open it by taking control of the firefly.

Now enter the waterfall and let it "roll" you down. You will be transferred to the old, already broken railway bridge. Run to the right, where you will open the passage to the chest. Outwit the trap and collect your reward Raw Emerald (x2).

Fly under the bridge where you will find a stone chest on the ground. in the chest Sedative (x2). Along the way, you may meet a flying pig, remember the task about Achilles? Unfortunately, Aurora will not be able to find the right mark on the animal. But do not worry, we will definitely fulfill this request. Just a little bit later.

While still under the bridge, fly forward, where under the second part railway or above the troll, whichever is easier for you to navigate, you will find a gem chest with Elixir of Speed ​​(x2).

You can find another cache gem if you go up to the left side of the railway bridge and fly up between the rock and the waterfall. Igniculus will help you get the .

In the place from which the western part of the bridge appears, there is a tunnel. Come into it. You will see a trap similar to a wind mechanism and two options for the path: to the left and up. It makes no sense to make your way to the left, since the door leading outside is closed. Therefore, fly up, where you will find a lever that will open this door.

An unexpected meeting awaits you outside the door, as the title of the fifth chapter promised. Aurora will meet a familiar person from her real human world. The white-haired girl, our heroine calls her sister. And her name Nora. At the end of the dialogue, she will become our new assistant. New addition to the group! Immediately go to the Main Menu, in the tab Skills, all unchanged, you can view her skill tree and learn the spells available to her. Nora - buffer, support, or as people who are unfamiliar with game terms, support class. Her role in the group, for example is to increase the characteristics of allies (Acceleration- Increases the speed of all allies by 50% for 4 seconds) or demote them to opponents (Calm- Reduces the speed of the selected darkspawn by 60% for 4 seconds). Of the interesting skills, in my opinion, I will note her passive skill - Enchantment of Time. But most importantly, she has an attack of medium strength, which additionally has a chance to slow down the enemy. In a mass variant, such an attack becomes very effective, as it greatly weakens the speed of enemies, which greatly facilitates the battle.

Fly up, where on another bridge, under the waterfall, there is a chest with strong magic potion(x2).

To the left of the chest you just found, you will find a waterfall that is no different from the others. Only if the presence of a gem chest on its top. Carefully rise to the top, until the moment when, due to the upper part of the screen, it begins to become barely noticeable. Quickly drag Igniculus onto the chest and open it before the wind blows Aurora under the waterfall, which in turn takes you down, away from the cache. A successful attempt will enrich you Calming (x2). If, nevertheless, the waterfall managed to catch you, then take advantage of this moment to look for flying under it, Entry #7 and a chest guarded by a huge on the ground with living water.

Climb up to the waterfall with the gem chest and go through it. If you fail, fly a little higher so that the jet of water, although it throws you down, is not enough for you to miss. Between the two waterfalls, on the island from the destroyed bridge, you will see a wooden box. Push him down. Then fly west, where behind the second waterfall is a chest with Firefly Elixir (x3).

Fly down to the dropped crate. He fell right on the button that opened the door. Therefore, do not touch our weight device and go inside. Immediately at the entrance, you will like the road down, where a chest with Rough emerald (x3).

The upper path of the room leads to the lever. Look there first. Then go out into the fresh air and go down. In the same rock we just got out of, there is another branch. It's not hard to find. Found? Fly down, then left. You will find here health stardust.

Below the mote is a door. Come in. Fly down and to the left, and try to find in the wall Stardust Protection. Follow the straight path to the first fork. If you walked carefully enough, then along the way you became richer by Defense Elixir (x2), Raw Emerald (x3), Strong Healing Elixir (x2) and Raw Emerald (x2).

On the right, between two spiked spears, there is a chest with Strong Healing Elixir (x2). Behind him, on the cage, you will find the next chest. In him Raw Sapphire (x2). The lever that could open the door for you is inside the cage. To get to him and collect a couple of goodies, in the form of: Sedative (x2) and Rough sapphire(Behind the door), Protective elixir (x2) and Stardust magic, along the way, return to the fork and fly down. Pull the lever.

In the open room, look for a wooden box and push it into the hole on the right. Here, you will notice a gem chest in the upper right corner of the screen. In him Raw Ruby (x3). Jump down to the box. To the right of the place where he landed in complete darkness hid a chest with Calming (x2). Push the box on the button and fly to the opened cache.

Someone once hid as many as three chests in this room: in gold - Raw Amethyst (x2), in blue - Strong Magic Potion (x3), in a chest with a lever - Ragged Emerald (x3), one Gem Chest with Living water (x2) and a page with a verse Entry #2. Thank the cave for its gifts and leave its limits.

To the west of the entrance to the cave with a cache, on the ground is a chest with Elixir of Speed ​​(x2).

Take to the air and fly to the left, where under another destroyed part of the railway bridge you can pick up Magic potion (x3).

You will find two entrances to the tunnel, under the bridge and the very place where the bridge comes from, choose any one, as they lead to one place. In the upper left corner you will find two levers: a regular one and a rotary mechanism. Pull the normal one first to open the door. Then turn the second lever - to the right, once. Fly to the street, fly around the stump of the road and return to the tunnel through the lower passage.

In addition to the door to the side of the cliff we needed, we had a view of the way down. It leads to the street, under a stone road, because of which we did not have the opportunity to check the pig flying here.

Take away stardust power and fly further.

You quickly fly to heaven

And find a mirror in the castle.

Come down to the ground where you can pick up Raw Emerald (x2) from a chest guarded by the Ogre. To the west of here, you'll find two more chests. In one uneven ruby, and in the neighboring Medicine (x2). Below and to the left of them, in a cave with a trap, a chest is hidden with Raw sapphire (x2). Above and to the left of the neighbors, in a chest on top of a rock lies Raw Emerald (x3).

Fly west and soon you will hear someone's voice. Its owner, a hermit, will give you Raw sapphire (x6) and hints that the stones can be improved. You have most likely found the button Craft tab Gems. If you haven't tried this option yet experiment.

We are slowly approaching the town of Bolmus Populi. Stay close to the ground. Behind the Fire Spider, look for a waterfall, behind the waterfall there is a tunnel, in the tunnel there is a door. Use it to get deep into the cliff. This place hides a new type of trap: the lava level will periodically rise and in order to survive, you will need to quickly look for a free path to the top. Save yourself from the first wave, wait, and when the lava level starts to fall, bring the firefly to the blue circle and turn on its light to open the door to the passage until the next saving move up. Once again open the door with Igniculus and run to collect local treasures. In the chest with the lever you will find Raw tourmaline, in Gem Chest Raw Emerald (x3). Fly up and to the left to the lever. This will bypass the need to spend time in the lava trap to get back to the exit.

Exit the lava cave and fly straight west. Here, in the area of ​​waterfalls, you can collect Sedative (x3) from the blue chest and Medicine (x2) from the cache-gem. Fly to the left of the waterfall to find a chest with Elixir of Speed ​​(x2). Between this chest and the waterfalls there is a passage down. Below, behind the Magma Spider is a hidden room with Living water (x2).

Opposite it, in the rock behind the waterfall is a tunnel. After passing through its dark corridors, your Equipment will become richer by Strong Magic Potion, Sedative (x2), Raw Emerald (x3) and Healing Elixir (x3). The latter lies in the chest behind the Miner Rat.

Return to the twin waterfalls, near which we picked up the medicines from the gem earlier, and fly between them, up. Then turn west. Go to a new location. Here you will immediately notice a huge fire stone in size, let's call it lava stone. Big Brother ordinary stones and the second optional boss of the game. Make sure that your weapons have Sapphires (water chant), and Rubies (fire protection) in your armor than better quality, the better, of course.

Defeating the Rambert Plains boss will earn you 3800 XP and Stardust Protection. Climb to the upper left corner of the cave, where there is a chest with uneven sapphire. Leave it and fly east.

Fly to the top of the mountain. Get a chest for availability Rough emerald (x2) and continue your journey west. As a result, the road will lead you to Bolmus Populi - the city of mice.

Thank you for your attention. See you in the next chapters. cookie

Name of the game: Child of Light (Russian Child of Light")

Genre: arcade, rpg

Platform: PC, PS3, PS, X360

“Aurora, what does princess mean?

- Daughter of the queen.


Chapter 1

We start our journey in a mysterious place. Aurora does not understand where she is and where her father is. If you go to the left there will be a tree with thorns. We go to the right, towards the monastery, on the way we will come across a box, we approach it and push it further to the ledge. Having dragged the box, we jump onto it, and then onto the ledge. After that, we jump up the branches of the tree and go all the time to the right - straight. Having reached the rose tree, the girl will cry near it.

An Igniculus firefly will appear and wonder what's going on. Aurora and the firefly will start a dialogue, after which they will go together to the forest fairy who is waiting for them. Now we can control both the girl and the firefly with the mouse. If you just control Aurora, then Igniculus will fly behind her.

We go forward with our companion, jump over the moat, you can jump down and open a chest with a healing elixir. Having reached the luminous plant, the firefly will collect lights for us. The green light is Aurora's health, the purple ones are mana, the blue ones restore the firefly's energy. We go further and to the closed tree behind which the trail.

To open the passage behind the tree, bring the firefly to the three posts around the tree. We hold the left mouse button so that the firefly starts to glow, a shadow with a figure will appear, we connect the shadow with the same figure above the tree. As soon as we connect all three shadows with the figures above the tree, the passage will open further, we go into the altar of Matilda

Sword and first fight

We take Matilda's sword under the statue. Our first enemy in the game will appear, we enter into battle with him. The fight takes place step by step. Below we see a scale in which there is a period of waiting and acceptance. When Aurora is on the scale expectations just waiting for the enemy to strike. Once the Aurora is on the scale reception use an attack, heal or put a shield. Fireflies while waiting, you can collect lights from plants and also blind enemies with their light, slowing them down.

After the first battle, we leave the cave with the statue and move further along the path, we will meet opponents in which we will train. As it was said, the enemy can be blinded during the battle to slow down, attack him from behind, which will be considered a surprise attack and gives a bonus before the start of the battle. You can simply blind the enemy with a firefly before the start of the battle and approach him calmly from behind, this will be considered a surprise attack.

Chapter 2

We get to the chariot on which the crow sits and we are asked for help, the second chapter begins. We move on, now we will meet the creatures of darkness - white flying ghosts. They are vulnerable to light, so a beam of light works well against them.

We approach the closed door. Someone is asking for our help. But the door is closed, there is no way. We drag the nearby box back to the ledge, jump onto the box and then onto the ledge, move towards the house, go inside.

Inside the building, climb up

We need to climb up. We shine with a firefly in the center to lower the suspended platform down, jump with Aurora onto the platform again, shine with a firefly to go up, drag the box onto the bridge, go down with it and drag it to the right to the ledge. We jump over it, on the other hand we pull up another box and get to the lever.

We start the elevator constantly moving up and down. We drag the first box onto it that we dragged when the elevator goes down and go up with it. We put the box on the button in the floor to open the door opposite. We come to a small closed passage. At the very top, under the ceiling, we shine a firefly on the button to open the door. We leave the building.

Wood Fairy

We go along the top, press the lever to open the door that was closed, jump down and go there. We need to destroy the glass, with the help of the lever we scroll the colored circles in turn with a firefly, cast a shadow and point them at the pillars. Wake up two statues accept the fight. Both statues are vulnerable to light. We concentrate the blow on one of the statues, using a beam of light on it. After we deal with the first, we finish the second. In which case, we use elixirs.

After defeating the statues, we talk with the forest fairy and gain the ability to fly.

Chapter 3

We take off through up after talking with the forest fairy to the sky. We go to the left on the way we will meet the jester Rubella, who will become our partner. Now you can fly and fight with enemies to increase your level and the level of your partner and collect gems and elixirs. After that, we go to the beginning of the game to the altar, where Aurora woke up. We head to the left to a tree with thorns, and then we fly over the ledge and on the way we will meet a giant who will block the path.


We accept the fight with the giant. Shine a firefly on him to slow him down, as he deals the most damage. After that, we deal with the wolves and take on him, or we concentrate the entire attack on him, ignoring the wolves. The giant reflects any magical attack, so we only hit him with physical ones. If he strikes, he will take many lives at once. We use the skills of our partner to heal or use elixirs to restore health.

tree with thorns

Near the pillar with which he stood we go into the passage further. A map of Old Lemuria will become available to us. Having appeared in a new location, we go to the left, and fly inside a tree with thorns, having reached the middle of its base, we fly up along the base and in the crowns of the tree you can fight with a large flying creature. We fly further to the village of Capilli.

Chapter 4

Finn's Trouble

The village of Capilli is practically empty, only drunken crows. We examine the houses near the well, we approach the crying magician. From the dialogue with him we find out that the whole village was turned into birds. You need water from a well to turn everyone back into people. We go down into the well. Partner Finn will join us.

We move inside the well, turn off the moving bayonets in the passage by shining a firefly on the button. We get down to the bottom of the well and go left to the door. We cast shadows to open it and go inside. We go to the right, turn off the pins with the help of a firefly. On the big head of the statue we will meet a crow - Finn's grandfather. Above on the right we find a passage and go to the boss of the three-headed hydra.

Three-Headed Hydra

The first fire head is vulnerable to the water attack (rainstorm) that Finn has. Medium poisonous head - I don't know (who knows, please write in the comments) Far water head - vulnerable to lightning strikes. We inflict attacks on each head to which they are weak, and we heal when there are few lives left. It is advisable to focus on the fiery one, as it deals damage immediately to you and your partner.

After the victory in the village, everyone will become human. Aurora will play the flute of the forest fairy for the headman. We approach grandfather Avo, he will tell us about the garden. We will receive an additional quest "Nerai Garden". It is also important to talk to all the inhabitants in the village, for this we go into the houses and approach the inhabitants on the street. Many will simply tell us something interesting. Someone about a cousin, someone will need an apple. In the future, this information will be useful to us. Go also to the girl Capilli who calls the pig Achilles, we will receive an additional quest "Odyssey of Achilles"

After we help the village, the game does not tell us what to do next and where to go. We go to the left from the village, Finn will catch up with us and ask to go with us. We go further to the left through the rocks and gorges in which the wind blows, We skip the streams of wind and at the end we reach the passage to the Rambert Plains.

Additional quest Neray garden

We get the quest from Avo's grandfather in the village of Capilli. After that, we fly to the rose tree, where we first met a firefly, there is a house nearby. Near this house we destroy spiders, there should be three groups. After Avo appears, after talking with him the task will be completed.

Chapter 5

Having reached from the village to the Plains, will begin new chapter games. We make our way through the fountains that pour directly from the sky, to the collapsed railway bridge. Then the coil will spin through its vents, climb up, press the lever to open the passage, go there to Aurora's sister, Nora. After talking with her, we get another partner Nora.

We go further making our way through the mills. After passing the mills, you can meet the hermit Capilli, who will give gems. We fly up from it and see how stone fingers stick out, and in front of him is a face made of stone. Under it, you can go into the cave and destroy the large fiery head of the golem. After we fly over the face of the stone and get into the town of Bolmus Populi.

Additional quest Odysseus Achilles

We get the task in the village of Capilli from a girl with the same name. She lost her pig. Pigs will fly on the Rambert Plain. We need one of them. In one of the mills we go inside, turn the big gear so that we can go down. Walking along the bottom, an ambush will attack us. Next will be the pig we need. We highlight it with our firefly to recognize Achilles.

Chapter 6

We get to the town of Bolmus Populi. We go to the bank and talk to Mayor Bolmus. The mayor will report his concerns about the vault. We leave the bank and on the street a young mouse, Robert, will already be waiting for us. He will promise to take us to the castle on the hills and join us.

We will appear in front of Mount Magna, which will open its mouth and launch us inside into its chest. We avoid dripping lava and destroy three spiders. After that, we head straight to the heart of Magna and fight with the main spider barefoot. The spider constantly accelerates the speed of itself and its allies. This is how I beat her. At first, Robertom tried to slow her down, and then shot arrows at everything. You can also use Finn to hit everyone.

If one of your allies is almost dying, then we heal, Rubella is very well suited for this, or we heal with elixirs, in extreme cases, we change the wounded to another ally. After the victory, Margaret will leave Robert. And we are heading to Magna, who will lift us upstairs.

Side Quest: Laws of the Market

The task can be taken from Adolphus in the town of Bolmus Populi. He sits on a turret with a violin. He will give us an apple and ask us to bring gold for it. I already wrote above that in the village of Capilli it is worth listening to the inhabitants. In one of the houses, one of the magicians talks about an apple and is ready to exchange a shovel for it.

We fly to the magician, give him an apple, take a shovel from him. Now we fly to the place where there is a beautiful wagon or chariot with a crow. Right where chapter 2 started. There will be a magician and look for his shovel. We give him a shovel, he will give us a lantern in return.

Next, we fly from the town of Bolmus Populi to the place where the large ingrown titan Magna (face and fingers sticking out of the ground) descends under it into a dark nook, where the mole miner sits, we give him a lantern, for which he will allow him to take a piece of gold. We return to Adolphus to hand over the quest.

Side Quest: Curse of Bolmus

In the town of Bolmus Populi we go into the house of Mr. Bolmus. He will complain that he has recently acquired a living space but someone lives in the basement. We go down to the basement and destroy the ghosts with braids. Vulnerable to water. After that, we return to Bolmus to hand over the quest.

Side Quest: Robert's Trouble

Inside Magna, when we approach the vault, Robert will ask for help and this task will appear. We need to pick up a cipher. To the right and left of the vault there will be two levers; scroll the symbols on top of the vault so that they match the symbols on the door. After that, we light the rotating pillars with a firefly. The door will open and the task is completed. Inside, open the boxes and collect gems and elixirs.

Chapter 7. Duke and Duchess

When Magna lifts us to the castle, we rise to the temple of the moon, the flying gargoyle boss is waiting for us there. The darkspawn will be with her. The creatures of darkness are vulnerable to light, we first destroy them with light, and we try to keep the boss himself with a firefly. Well, then we deal with the boss himself. We heal with heals, raise fallen allies and so on))). It all depends on your combinations and the use of skills.

After the victory, we go into the temple and head to the mirror. We say goodbye to our friends and go home with Nora. But the hole will take us to the stepmother, who is Umbra. Umbra will imprison Aurora. Aurora will play the flute and the guard Angus will help her free. Who will join her and become a partner.

Side Quest: Rubella's Woe

We need to find Rubella's brother. As you understand, the quest is obtained at the very beginning of the game, but it can only be completed in chapter 7. When Magna lifts us up to the castle. Immediately we fly high up, adhering to the right edge to the very end. When we fly to the left there will be a passage, we fly along it to the left there and we will meet Tristis. He will join us.

Chapter 8

As soon as Angus saves us, we go to the mechanism, there will be a door behind it, we go in there. All our allies are sitting inside, at the bottom we press the lever to free everyone from the cells. We return to the mechanism to start it. The solution is not difficult. Just move the little gear up. At the bottom, press the lever to launch the large gear in the other direction. and after that we shine with a firefly to lower it to other gears and open the passage down.

We get to the tower with the boss. Names, as I understand it, which has a lot: Kripusculum, Cordelia. We fight with her. As always, I recommend destroying her ghost assistants first. They are vulnerable to a beam of light. After that, we deal with the boss himself. You can give an elixir of increased damage to your ally who deals the most physical damage. For example, Angus. With this elixir, he took down Cordelia in one hit for 900 hp.

After the victory, we take the moon. And Aurora will take on a different look.

Optional Quest: Angus' Trouble.

Angus will ask for help to help his friends imprisoned in prison. We go to the camp of his brothers. Then we go through the doors. We need a door over which there is a sign of the moon, the same as on the shield of the statue. There we will find his brothers.

Chapter 9

We head to the village of Rybnikov, where we meet Fisherman Drust and Jen. They will tell us about the ogre, which drags all the inhabitants to his underwater cave. We fly to the right to the cave of the ogre. In the mountain we find three podiums with Roman numerals, we drag them to the inscriptions and cast a shadow with a firefly to open the passage to the ogre.

We fight with the huge. We have already met one. First we destroy the wolves, then we deal with the ogre itself. After the victory, you can return to the village and take Jen as a partner. We go from where the ogre came from and go down on the bathyscaphe to the bottom of the sea.

Side Quest: Kinbel's Secret

Read the inscription near the statue and get this task. Looking for

Chapter 10

We go down to the bottom of the sea. We make our way through the ice floes on which the current goes down and to the left to the fountain with the statue. From the water we learn that the father is getting worse. We go further to the water boss. As always, we destroy his small assistants, then we deal with him.

We go further to four statues. They have different objects in their hands, you need to shine a firefly on them to cast a shadow on the gate, but you need to do it in the right order. First, we cast a shadow from the first statue on the left, then from the second statue on the right. Next, we put a spear and at the end a harp.

We make our way through the pins to Knox. Knox will fly up and close the passage behind him and launch poison gas into the room. On the left and right, we open the doors with a firefly and get to the valves that open the closed passage up. We act quickly as Aurora's lives are being taken away from the gas. After that, we fly up through the spikes. From below, a platform with spikes will rise behind us, so we do not yawn, we act quickly. Having escaped from the platform, it is worth healing with a firefly before meeting with Nox. She will turn into a creature. We fight with her.

Side Quest: Lost Wisps

Having descended into the abyss, if we fly all the time to the right, we will meet brother Igniculus there, another firefly - the spirit of the elements. He is weakened and will ask to collect all his brothers. All the lights are next to the altars that told us where to go.

  • The first firefly will be immediately, as soon as we receive the task, we go down and to the left
  • Next to a pirate girl Near Mount Magna
  • the village of Capilli should be on the right hand side before entering the village
  • We move to the castle in the air (you can use the card or from the hand of Magna) in the center of the location and there will be an altar with a firefly
  • Under the same place where we met our partner Rubella.
  • Fishermen's village between it and the ogre's cave

Boss Umbra and final

Everyone who helped Aurora will gather next to her body. The warmth of the companions of the hearts will raise the princess to her feet and she will go to last Stand with Umbra. If you pumped your allies and our heroine, then there should be no problems with the boss. We use all our elixirs and partners to the maximum as this is the last battle in the game. Umbra is also vulnerable to light.

After the victory, all the inhabitants of the island will go through the mirror to Lemuria and begin a new life in this country. End.

"Child of Light" is a fairy tale that tells us the story of a little girl with a pure heart, a princess named Aurora.The article includes a continuation of the passage 6-10 chapters.

Chapter 6 - Of Mice and Magna

You quickly fly to heaven

And find a mirror in the castle.

Bolmus Populi- a town that is located high in the mountains; a town where only mice live. Gray and white mice, fat and thin - different mice. And the main thing is that these are talking mice, and Aurora perfectly understands their language.

Run forward and stop at the house, which is to the left of the fruit stall, and fly up to the top. Soon you will notice a mouse playing the violin and a chest with Magic nectar (x2). The yellow exclamation mark above the violinist's head suggests that he has some kind of interesting task. Talk to him.

Additional task - "Laws of the market"

Without gems, witchcraft and all kinds of magic there

Take this apple, go around Lemuria

And return the gold in return.

The violinist-mouse, whose name is Adolphus, asked us just such a difficult task. If you carefully and patiently listened to the conversations of the inhabitants living on gaming locations, visited by us earlier, then you, most likely, have already guessed how to solve it. You have to make a journey through already familiar and, perhaps, forgotten places.

Apple. Return to Capilli village. Enter the second house on the right. In a room that looks like a school classroom, in the foreground you will see an old man who, in exchange for the apple of Adolphus, will give Aurora a shovel.

Shovel. Move to Old monastery and fly west to the place where the second chapter of the game began. Here, by the carriage sits a dwarf gravedigger. Talk to him and he will agree to trade his lantern for your shovel.

Flashlight. Run back to Bolmus Populi. Further to the right and down, then inside the mountain, into a large cave, in which in the last chapter we found a lot of hidden treasures. Find a dark cave here, in the depths of which, in pitch darkness, a miner mouse is working. Give him the lantern and he will gladly share the gold with you.

Golden Nugget. Show the piece of gold to Adolphus in Bolmus Populi. For the fact that you managed to turn an ordinary apple into real gold, the violinist will give you Power Stardust (x6).

To the left of Adolphus, inside the mill lies a stone chest withMagic nectar. And even more to the left, in the house you will find a gem chest withRough emerald, a blue chest and a new quest.

Side Quest - Curse of the Bolmus

Get down to the door to the basement. Come in. On the right you can collect Raw Emerald (x3)(chest gem). At the bottom you will meet the first monster - he is vulnerable to water, and protected from physical attack, to which he will respond with a lightning-fast counterattack, so only hit with magic. Behind the reaper is a chest with uneven sapphire.

On the right is a trap with spears. The blue window that disables the mechanism is in the floor. Below is a chest. There is a monster in the chest. At the end of the battle, fly to the left, when you get close to the wall, a passage will open into a room with health stardust.

Fly east, where you will meet the next reaper. Behind the monster, hidden in the wall is a gem chest with .

Below you will see a lever, a couple of spear traps and a closed door. As soon as Aurora pulls the lever, the hatch will close, shortening the path to the door. You will have to pass long way through the traps. In addition to the danger of getting hurt, you have a chance that you will be late and the door will close. Advice: first run to the blue switch, which will turn off the lower mechanism, then go back upstairs, pull the lever and quickly fly to the door.

To the east, the last reaper hid in a golden chest.

Fly to the right, then up, turn left after the spears. Take uneven sapphire from the chest, then pull the lever and fly to hand over the task.

Reward - Stardust Magic (x2). At least thanks for that.

Hidden in the house on the left Firefly Elixir (x2). Come out and run, all the same, invariably, to the west, and go to a new location - the Mayor's house. Talk to him to no avail and go outside, where a new ally will join our group. Bolmus Robert- a jack of all trades, a cross between an archer and a support, as he has both offensive development, which focuses on attack, and support techniques, for example hindrance(Fires a magical missile that slows the targeted darkspawn by 50% for 2 seconds) or Antidote(Heals selected ally of ailments.) Allocate free skill points, if any, to his skill tree and fly into the mouth of the mountain giant Magna.

Four spiders in Magna's chest.

Kill them and conquer her pain.

Head towards the west. Gather Damage Elixir (x2) from the cache-gem and Elixir of Speed ​​(x3) from the chest, and trying not to touch the lava walls, go down. Approximately in the middle of Magna's throat is a gem with Calming (x2).

Then fly to the left, dodging along the road from hot red drops of lava, dripping from top to bottom, and gurgling from bottom to top. Get down and turn right. Ask Igniculus to open the gem containing the . The next chest, which is also hidden Strong Healing Elixir (x2) stands even more to the right, behind the spider. There are two ways to get to it: the first is to fly straight over the lava puddle, the second is to bypass the platform with the puddle from below.

Spiders attack in groups of three. Do not have an element to which they would have a vulnerability. But they have resistance to magic, so hit the monsters with normal blows. Attacking with fast physical attacks, spiders won't be afraid to break your spell and knock you back in the timeline as soon as they get the chance. Potion gives protection from interruption Immunity or Nora's action - inevitability. The ability of spiders to attack with a slow has also been seen.

Focus your attention on one enemy. Killed? Move on to the next one. In battle, good combat power and skill will be useful Healing Rubella. You can take any other character in place of the second fighter, although Finn will seem less useful. Advice: Use Nora's support more often - slow or stun the enemy, haste for allies, anti-interrupt, her arsenal of spells is great for fights against bosses.

After defeating the darkspawn, fly down for Stardust from magic, go upstairs to the chest with the lever behind uneven ruby and then return to the heart.

Fly down, then west. As a result, you will come to a crossroads. In the corridor on the left you will find Entry #9, and in the corridor on the right Stardust Protection. When you collect these items, fly down, where you will find yourself in a spacious room, in the lower left corner of which lies a chest with Raw sapphire (x2). On the right side of the room is a door to a cave. There, if you try, you can find Raw Ruby (x2), Magic potion (x2), Firefly Elixir (x2), Sedative (x3) and stardust power.

Get down even lower, to the fork.

turn left - additional task you will receive from Robert, but the mouse itself will leave your group until his request is fulfilled. If you have already gotten used to his participation in your main combat duet, then skip the turn for a while. Or do it right away.

Additional task - "Robert's Trouble"

The path to the desired vault is blocked by a door. Not surprising. In order to open this door, you will need to solve two simple puzzles.

First. Target- collect the correct combination of three characters. Find with your eyes two levers located to the right and left of the door. Pull each one twice.

Second. Target- light the blue windows on the scepters that appear.

As soon as you have time to enlighten the third of the three windows, the door will open, and you will be transferred to a vault filled to the brim with gold. There will be no personal gift from Robert for the completed task. The reward for your efforts will be four chests that are in this room. In them: Magic Nectar (x2), Raw tourmaline, Raw Ruby (x3), Living Water (x2). Collect them and exit the vault.

You will be transferred to the Mayor's house, which will reduce the time that could be spent returning on your own. Talk to the Mayor, then to Robert. Leave the building and fly towards Magna's head. In gratitude for the invaluable help, she will raise our heroine to heaven, to the beginning of the seventh chapter.

Chapter 7 - Duke and Duchess

You quickly fly to heaven

And find a mirror in the castle

Start your sky island exploration with loot Rough emerald from a golden chest. To do this, while in the palm of Magna, fly up to the top of the screen. You will have to fly far, and a strong wind will constantly interfere with you, but in the end the find will become yours.

Climb down and fly towards the west. You will notice an abyss from which a stream of wind will periodically come out. Behind it, look for a slightly illuminated area in the mountain. It leads to a cave, and a chest is hidden in it. Raw citrine. Fly outside through the exit on the left side of the cave.

In front of the place where there is a monster archer with three legs and an index sign - "Up to the Temple of the Moon", there is another cave. By visiting which, your inventory will be enriched Protective elixir (x2) and .

Fly up, sticking to the wall of the western mountain, and once you reach its top, turn left and try to break through the wind and waterfall to a cleverly hidden cave. In which you can find a chest with Damage Elixir (x2) and Stardust from magic.

Go to the top of the eastern mountain. Go a little to the right of the firefly bush, where you will have a passage down to the blue chest and Raw Ruby (x3) lying in it. Then go back, that is, upstairs, and run to the right. There, on the very edge, there is a chest with Antimagic (x3).

Go back to the bush (this will make it easier to explain the direction), take off and keep your way up towards the floating island. On the island itself, you will meet only one monster, but if you look under him, you will find a chest with magic potion.

Then fly to the island on the left, to the chest Strong magic potion (x3). When you collect the loot, run to the left until you hit the end of the screen. After, take off and fly up, where you can find and add to the collection Entry #15 and its name is strange, and the page has unusual plain text.

On the island to the right of the page's location is a chest with Rough emerald. Even more to the right, on the next island, Aurora will notice a Sanctuary, identical to those that we have already seen before, they seem to be placed everywhere, and a chest in which lies living water.

Take off and fly to the right, and then up to the island. Let the waterfall flowing from the area we need be your guide. Travel from one end of the island to the door at the other, and along the way take uneven sapphire from the blue chest Stardust Protection and Magic Nectar (x3) from a stone chest. When you reach the door, take control of the Igniculus, point it and shine it on the blue window above the closed passage.

Jump down to the reaper. Behind the fire monster and its brethren is a chest with . Ahead you will see the abyss down, first take Damage Elixir (x3) from the chest behind it, and after that, go down there and turn right at the first opportunity. This path should lead you to a gem chest with uneven ruby.

Fly towards the place where you found the fifteenth record, more precisely, to the island above that place. Here, under the protection of two monsters, there are two chests: in the lower one - Raw sapphire, at the top - Raw Ruby (x2).

Climb up to the top layer of the islands. You will immediately like the blue chest on the left side, in it uneven ruby. Continue flying west. Open the chest by the circus carriage to get Lumpy Ruby (x2), and then go to the sobbing clown at the cliff.

Approach the cliff where Tristis was sitting and jump down to get a chest with Elixir of Speed ​​(x3). Following this, fly east, then up. Use the Firefly to open the Gem Cache to retrieve the gem hidden in it. uneven ruby. On the right you will be blocked by a familiar-looking stone door. The method of opening it has not changed - "take control of the Igniculus, point it and shine it on the blue window above the closed passage (c) Cookie"

In the upper right corner of this room iron fences look for, previously missed by us, a gem with Strong magical nectar.

For a short time we can take a break from searching for items. Heal Aurora and fly up to the Temple of the Moon, the entrance to which guards Giant Griffin and two ghosts of darkness.

BOSS - Griffin

A couple of notes about the tactics of combat with this trio of enemies. Up to this point, all the bosses were killed in the same way, namely - we got rid of the assistants of the leader, then slowly kotsal boss. In a battle with a griffin, this method will only complicate the game, since it will almost immediately resurrect its ally.

Based on this, start by defeating the Griffin. In two sentences about him. A normal physical attack deals excellent damage, and this is a saving of magical energy. It has resistance to interruption, to which it responds with a decrease in speed.

The ghosts of darkness are vulnerable to light and magic in general, they respond to a physical attack with a counterattack.

There is another effective way, possible only if you have learned the Aurora technique. Starlight (for all). In my team, both sisters took an active part in the battle. Aurora aoshila opponents, and Nora put an anti-interruption on her and returned speed when the spell accidentally hit the Griffin during the cast.

When the last enemy is defeated, you will receive Stardust speed and an open transition to a new location - Temple of the Moon.

Watch the skit about Aurora's father. The Duke is very ill, we must hurry and return the girl home. Fly west to the passage. When all the assistants gathered by us throughout Lemuria come out - Rubella and her brother Tristis, the bearded Finn and the mouse Robert, you ... no, do not rush to leave. Go left, behind the chest with Raw sapphire (x2). Return to the guys, go past them and jump down, where under the fountain there is a chest with Raw Ruby (x2).

Now the soul is calm, the treasures are not missed. Say goodbye to each of the Lemurians individually. Even the faithful friend Igniculus will not go further with us.

You have to climb up alone

And through the mirror - home.

Run or fly, as you prefer, to the mirror that is at the top. Look on the sides to notice the chests available here for the future. You will open three gem chests later, but Aurora will deal with four ordinary chests herself. You will find them on the upper platforms. In them - Firefly Elixir (x2), Defense Elixir (x2), Ragged Emerald (x3) and Lumpy Ruby (x2).

A leaf flies over the mirror Entry #10. Pick it up before entering the mirror.

An unpleasant surprise awaits you behind the mirror. The stepmother turned out to be the evil Queen Umbra, Aurora's father is in trouble, her mother, the Queen of Light, died, and the princess herself is waiting for imprisonment.

Guardians of Lemuria, I pray:

You protect my daughter

From an evil poisoner.

When the path of the earth is interrupted,

Take my daughter with you.

Let death redouble the power of the spell

That will be my last gift.

Chapter 8 - High

Do not succumb to terrible spells

Escape from the Forgotten Tower.

After the dramatic turn of events at the end of the previous chapter, Aurora will find herself in a rather scary and gloomy new location. Her devoted friends remained there, in the distance. They do not know what fate befell the little girl.

Aurora was already saddened and lost hope. But the monster responded to the familiar melody of the flute Angus. He will release the princess from the dungeon and join her to help her find her comrades and defeat the evil witch Queen of the Night.

Pass to the left, take off and fly to the top Forgotten tower. Take Raw Ruby (x4) from the chest on the tower on the right and a page with Entry #4, which the wind drives from side to side at a gloomy tree. Then fly west and open the chest with Immunity (x2).

To the right of this chest is the descent we need. Get down. You will see Stardust in the middle tower, but without the help of Igniculus you will not be able to collect it. Remember this place for the future and fly to the guard, if you quickly sneak past him, then you can avoid the battle.

Continue descending. When you arrive at the corridor with spears, look on the right side for a chest with a lever, in it Strong Healing Elixir (x2). Even lower, there is a chest with Immunity (x3), but before you pick it up, you have to pacify the monster guarding it.

Fly to the west, and as soon as you find yourself on the street, go upstairs and fly to the chest that is inside the tower, on the right. in the chest Raw Ruby (x4).

Return to the spears and fly down into the room with an interesting mechanism. It remains only to find our firefly friend to find out what he is for. And we will do it very soon.

Go to the door on the left side of the room, from which you can hear someone's plea for help. Come in. Yes, these are our friends, hidden in bird cages! Quickly run to the lever that will open them. Then take Raw Sapphire (x2) from the chest, exit the prison room, fly over the door to the gem chest and chest with uneven sapphire and fly back to the mechanism.

Now nothing prevents you from solving the puzzle with gears. But first, return to the place where the chapter began. After all, along the way we had to miss a lot of useful items. Namely: Immunity (x3), Ragged Emerald (x3), Antimagic (x3) and Mana Stardust.

Puzzle solution:

Shine the Igniculus on small gear on the right to move her up.

Pull lever arm once so that the large gear moves counterclockwise.

Shine the Igniculus on big gear.

Under the mechanism, on the left, there is a chest with Raw citrine. Have taken? Then take off to the street where you can find Strong Magic Potion (x2) and Stardust magic.

Fly west, go down to the chest with Raw sapphire (x3). To the right of it, against the opposite wall, there is a chest with Raw Ruby (x3).

Below you will find small changes in the composition of the group, as it is time personal quest Angus. As in the case of the mouse Robert, he will leave the team for a while until his request is fulfilled. Fair. If you agree to help the brute rescue his native clan from the prison of the nightmarish labyrinth, then talk to him to accept his task.

Arise, throw off the cover of darkness!

Hear the Kategydes call!

Side Mission - Angus Trouble

Jump down. On the way to the bottom of the dungeon, open chests-gems, in them: Raw Ruby (x2), Sedative (x2), . Don't miss, hidden in the wall on the right, a speck of dust with a boot symbol - Stardust Evasion.

At the end of the descent, there will be a short dialogue between Aurora and Angus. When they finish their conversation, check the tents for useful items. In what stands higher to the left, hangs above the ceiling Health Stardust. Below it, in the tent at the bottom left, there is a monster and a chest with Strong magic potion (x2).

Enter the big red door that leads to the underground labyrinth. In the rooms of the labyrinth are three doors. Total five rooms. Let's get started.

1 - Take a closer look at the shield of the statue in the background, more precisely at the symbol of the moon on it. This is the sign you need. Look for a similar pattern at one of the three doors. Based on this information, the right path is the bottom door. Just don't forget to take Defense Elixir (x2) from the chest on the right above the door we need.

2 - And again, the shield will be a clue for Aurora. Open chests with Raw sapphire (x2)(under the front door) and Rough Ruby (x2)(behind the statue) and fly left to the door with the star sign.

3 - Take uneven emerald in the east and fly up. The sun pattern door is the correct answer for the third room.

4 - Pick up Sedative (x3) and go down to the moon door.

5 - The solution to the puzzle of the last room will be the door, which is located in the middle of the room, opposite the gem chest with Antimagic (x3), you will recognize it by the symbol of the moon above it.

The fifth door is followed by a room with the missing warriors of the Kategis, led by Angus's brother. Relatives, unfortunately, did not understand his victims. Perhaps his help in Aurora's war against Umbra will restore his honor.

Take stardust power and Strong Healing Elixir (x2), Raw citrine, Ragged Emerald (x3) from the chests, and you can go out.

Outside the tower are two chests: on the platform at the top - Raw tourmaline, under the bridge - Defense Elixir (x3).

Heal up, check for gems on the heroes and run east, to where Aurora will meet with the one whom the girl considered her family.

BOSS - Crepusculum (Cordelia)

Take a snake, draw long arms and wings to it, dip it in an inkwell we need to win over such a creature of the Queen of the Night.

An unpleasant opponent. Let me give you an example of her especially illustrative techniques - Slow, a combination of Increase Strength or Critical Damage + a powerful physical attack on the next turn, Immobilize. Has resistance to interruption if you hit Cordelia while she is applying the action, she will respond to you cure on themselves and their allies. Approximately 100 health points each.

How to be. Leave Aurora on the battlefield, her Light magic is especially effective against Dark Reapers assistants of Crepusculus. Start with them. It is advisable to call Finn with his magic spells as partners. Hit with the fact that he has more pumped, up to two stars.

Following the reapers, it will be the turn of the massacre of the half-sister. Swap Aurora for Angus and Finn for Rubella. Why did my choice fall on them? It's simple Angus plays the role of a tank. A large number of health points, a special technique that entices the enemy's eyes only to him. In addition to this, he has Kategida strike- A powerful blow with a 20% chance to knock the selected darkspawn back in time by 30% (with one star). Rubella takes on the role of a damage dealer, her Fist fight quickly passes from the beginning to the end of the red mark, and Healing heal, if necessary, our Angus.

With the final blow you will earn yourself uneven diamond and a new, adult view of the Aurora. Miracles. But that's not all - go to the Main menu, in the tab Skills. Previously empty, skill tree slots are now open. Improved moves and new stat bonuses. There is a reason to fill a couple of three extra levels.

Take to the skies, catch a leaf Entries #14 and fly In the Flooded Lands.

The ghostly moon shone

Surrounded by twinkling stars.

Leaving that fortress, Aurora

Rather hurried to the sea.

After all, if the height is that sky,

That is the very bottom under the crest of the waves.

Seas of Lemuria pass

And find all the missing there.

More water every hour.

And the duke? He almost faded away.

Waiting for Knox and Umbra in the dark -

Let everyone submit to fate.

Chapter 9 - Fishmen and Ogres

In the seas of underwater silence

You will find the Sun at the bottom.

Before you continue to go further in the plot of the story, visit Temple of the Moon. There, in the room with the mirror, three gems remained undiscovered. In them: Defense Elixir (x2), Raw Amethyst (x2) and living water. When you collect, return to flooded lands.

Approach the index sign, which says "To the right - to the village of Rybnikov", and fly up to the top of the cliff, where you will find a chest with Magic nectar (x3).

Fly east past the Boar to the next cliff. Find the illuminated place in it, which leads to a gem chest, inside of which - Strong Magic Potion (x3). Fly out of the tunnel on the right side.

On a natural step made of stone, there is a chest with Raw sapphire (x2). Climb one step higher and get closer to the mountain a path to a cave with Stardust speed. Above this cave, from the side of the street, you will find another chest, in it Living water (x3).

At the top of this mountain, you will notice a statue with a yellow exclamation point above its stone head. Interact with her to get an additional task - "Kinbel's Secret". We will do it in the next chapter.

Take Immunity (x3) from the chest to the right of the questgiver statue and go down to the foot of the mountain. Look for the entrance to the cave. In the cave there is a chest with uneven tourmaline.

To the east of here is the village of Rybnikov. In appearance, this is a place abandoned by local residents. Look deep into the city, and soon you will be stopped by a scene in which Aurora learns about the trouble that has overtaken Jena's family and friends. You will complete the conversation inside one of the houses. Start your search for items with him. Fly up to the ceiling, where you will have a view of two additional rooms, and Ragged Emerald (x3) and stardust power hidden in them.

Above Jena's house is a chest with Raw Ruby (x2). In the house on the left a chest with Living water (x2). On the roof of the house on the right is a chest with Raw Ruby (x2), and in the house itself you will find Raw tourmaline and Immunity (x3).

Behind the village you will notice a small island. On the island, on its right side, there is a mountain. On top of the mountain chest with Medicine (x3). In the mountain - a passage to the cave. Get rid, at will, of the creature of darkness guarding the entrance, and go in.

Swim down to the platform with the lever. Without touching the lever, go down to the passage under it. From below, another type of obstacle awaits you - streams of a strong current will come out of the fish heads, if you can call it that. The principle is similar to the wind that we met earlier. Take Stardust from magic and Stardust Protection, and go back to the lever.

Pull the lever. Now you have limited time to get to the opened door. And the path to it lies through the very streams of the water current. Use the safe zone and jerks, and you will reach the right place without any problems.

Get the chests of the secret room, and with additional Rough emerald (x3), Strong magic potion (x3) and uneven tourmaline in inventory, swim out. To get to the exit, go upstairs, pull the lever and a door will open for you leading to the door to the street.

Climb higher, closer to a strong current of wind, so that it is easier to notice a leaf with Entry #11, and fly east to fish it out for your collection.

Continue your journey east. Ultimately, Aurora will fly to the island, in the middle of which there is a high rock. Fly to its top, where a chest with Rough Ruby (x2). Look for the gem chest a little higher, in it Raw Ruby (x2). Then fly back down and go through the main, largest door.

Before you is a room with a picture of Roman numerals on the wall. Find a white pedestal with a number in the left corner of the room VII on it, shine the Igniculus on the number and hover the shadow that appears on the drawn version of VII.

Now fly outside and go through the higher door to the second floor. Fly up and to the left, to the pedestal with the number XIII. Push it to the right so that it falls down, shine it to activate a similar number in the picture.

It remains to find and highlight the last digit. Fly to the third floor. Grab onto the pedestal with the number V and push it down into the drawing room on the first floor. Heal your heroes and when you're ready to fight Ogre, draw the shadow of the number V on the drawing of the number V.

BOSS - Ogre

Had he really eaten all the Rybnikov villagers he had kidnapped, and Jen's parents too? If this is actually the case, then the guys should try and teach Ogre a lesson.

Ogre, like his henchmen, do not use magic attack. So, if you are hit hard by enemies, use the technique mockery Angus, and the brute will take all incoming damage.

The main actions of the Ogre - he spends steps on a normal strike, preparation for the next move, followed by a powerful attack on all opponents on the field, of which there are two. Like the last bosses before he was introduced, the Ogre has resistance to being interrupted. What does he answer immobilization. Very unpleasant thing, try not to get caught.

Battle tactics. Beat the dogs with magic, finish off the bearded one with physical blows.

For defeating the Ogre you will receive uneven onyx, a dialogue scene and an additional task - "Trouble Jen".

Back to the rock where the battle with the Ogre took place. Check the chests on the right side of the cliff. In Gem Chest Defense Elixir (x3), to the right of it - Evasion Stardust, in a stone chest below, near the rock wall - Immunity (for all) (x2), in a chest with a lever, at the foot of the cliff– Raw Sapphire (x3).

That's it, fly into the room with a picture of Roman numerals, and go into the elevator on which the Ogre arrived.

Chapter 10 - The Abyss

In the seas of underwater silence

You will find the Sun at the bottom.

The story of a little girl who finds herself in an unfamiliar world is coming to an end. In search of the Moon, the Stars, the Sun, and the evil Queen Umba, Aurora and her friends have climbed high into Height. Now they have to travel to the very bottom, to abyss, in underworld. As soon as Aurora exits the elevator, you will have a view of a stunningly beautiful location. Waterfalls, columns of pure crystal and, of course, a lot of hidden things.

Two chests are visible under the elevator, a regular one with a lever and a gem. On the this moment you can only open one of them. Take control of the firefly and reach Raw Ruby (x2).

Go to the left, where under the waterfall you will see a blue window of a familiar mechanism, illuminate it with the light of Igniculus, and the door behind the waterfall will open for a short time. The opened passage will lead you to the cave with Raw Ruby (x2) and .

Further, along the road, on one of the platforms you will meet the first of the monsters of this place. As expected underwater world, most of the enemies living here have an affiliation with the water element. Therefore, gems in weapons that have the word Emerald in their name are perfect for your trip to the Kinbel Sea. Don't forget Finn's magic too.

There is a hidden area above the platform with the monster, which can be entered from either the left side or the right side. There you will find two chests: Rough Ruby (x2) and Antimagic (x3), and Mana Stardust above them.

To the east, after passing through the waterfalls, you will find two passages. The first one can be accessed from below. Initially, it is hidden from view, but as soon as Aurora approaches the wall, a view of the branch in which lie Ragged Sapphire (x2) and Raw citrine.The second is located higher, in it Aurora will meet a creature similar to Igniculus. Talk with Spirit of the elements and you will get a new side quest.

Additional task - "Lost lights"

Cross the plains, the forest, the seas, go around the shrines, find six bright fireflies. Let them fly to the captive spirit, they want to free him.

The spirit needs your help to return home. Aurora and Igniculus need to find six fireflies that are located in the Sanctuaries that are located throughout Lemuria. We have come across such monuments more than once in our journey.

Fireflies are assembled in any order:

The first. transport yourself to Old monastery. Fly outside, fly to the island where you met Rubella and go down to the roof.

Second. transport yourself to Capilli village. Go towards the Thorned Tree.

Third. transport yourself to Bolmus Populi Township. Get down to the ground and fly to the east. You will find a firefly a little further from the location of the Hermit.

Fourth. transport yourself to moon temple. Climb down, on one of the flying islands of the Cliff of Erin stands the Sanctuary.

Fifth. transport yourself to Rybnikov village and fly to the elevator. On the way you will see the Sanctuary and the firefly.

Sixth. Fly to Sea of ​​Kinbel. The sanctuary is located to the right of the platform with the four-legged monster. Not far from the pointer - "Down to the Halls of the Sun".

Fly to Spirit. For completing the request, you will receive Faceted spinel (x3).

Go back to the very platform with the monster. Below it, you will notice an index sign indicating the passage down. Get down. Try not to get hit by the lightning effect, hide from it as soon as you see it moving towards Aurora.

First, fly to the right, fly through the waterfall to the transition to a new location. Go through a dangerous corridor of razor-sharp crystals. A light breeze will interfere with you, but you should not have any particular difficulties. At the end of the path is Boar Monster huge sizes. Heal up, slow down the boss with Igniculus and go to battle!

BOSS - Boar El Giganto

Aurora is the MVP of this battle, as the enemies are vulnerable to the Light, from which they take increased damage. There is also a variant with Citrine embedded in the weapon, which gives it Holy damage in melee. For reference, Robert's shots are counted as a "melee attack".

Basically, you may be more uncomfortable with the helpers of the horse because of their speed than the Boar Boss himself. Get rid of them first. Hit ghostly monsters with magic, they will respond to physical blows with an increase in speed for themselves or an ally.

Summon Jen and torment her enemies immobilization, Shift back or braking. If you are already missing Nora's support, the Fisher Girl will become your indispensable character on the battlefield.

From the defeated secret boss, in our case the last one, will drop Faceted Tourmaline and a nice amount of experience. And since we soon have the final battle, any extra level not so redundant. Take from chests Ragged Emerald (x2) and Immunity (for all) (x3), and fly back.

Approach the waterfall and let it ride you down to the chest with Damage Elixir (x3) and a gem chest with uneven tourmaline behind the wall. And on the left is a golden chest with Raw Tourmaline.

Fly to the source of electric charges. To the left of it there are two closed passages. Bottom and top. You can open them with the light of Igniculus. Open the one at the top and fly to the chest and the previously opened gem under the elevator. Hidden in a chest with a lever Ragged Sapphire (x3).

Skip the passage down and fly to the left. At the top of the waterfall is a chest-gem, in it Ragged Sapphire (x2). To the left of the waterfall, a water monster flies, behind the monster is a pit, at the bottom of which there is a chest with Strong healing elixir (x3). Fly to the west of here - you will see a green crystal, to which Aurora and the firefly Igniculus will react.

Additional task - "The Secret of Kinbel"

Shine on green crystal so that an arrow appears showing where we need to go next.

Under the crystal (it will be necessary to fly around) there is a chest with Rough emerald (x2).

Come down where you find second green crystal. Enlighten it and fly against the wind to the east. Take uneven sapphire and Immunity (x3) from gems in waterfalls, and Magic Nectar (x4) from an ordinary chest. Fly up and turn right. At the end of the Sharp Crystal Tunnel, you can find stardust power, Raw citrine and Firefly Elixir (x3). And finally, keep your way to the west, take Medicine (x4), open the door with the firefly and fly back to the first green crystal.

To the west of the hint crystal, look for a waterfall, behind it you can find Stardust magic. Then fly down, exactly under the waterfall is a large statue. Look under the Fish for a chest with Protective elixir (x3). Go to the cliff, and go down to the very bottom, then go right - a cave will appear with third green crystal and chest with Immunity (x4).

Walk to the left, just a couple of steps from the cave, and fly up. You will see a group of waterfalls, and next to them a page withEntry #13.

Continuation of the task - "Kinbel's Secret"

Further you will find a very dark part of the cave. From the place where you found the recording, fly to the left, towards Stardust from magic. Then get down. When you see icy waves, turn left. Here they stand fourth green crystal and chest with Protective elixir (x4). Climb up and fly west. This road will lead you to a dead end, but not aimlessly. Here is a chest with Firefly Elixir (x3).

Return to the passage upward, along the edges of which are sharp crystals, and in the middle of an unpleasant strong wind. At the fork, fly up. At the next fork, turn right to get Elixir of Speed ​​(x3), or left to get Raw Sapphire (x3). Go back to the first fork, take the skipped path to the left. At the third fork, first look up, behind a chest with Antimagic (x4) lying in it.

Leave this gloomy cave through the exit to the west, go down to the water and run to the right, where Aurora will find Lumpy Ruby (x2) and fifth clue crystal.

Approach the ice wave, take off and use the firefly to open the gem chest near the ceiling with uneven amethyst. Climb down, find the destroyed bridge, use the hole to get to the chest with Raw Ruby (x3) and sixth crystal. Also, you can collect Raw amethyst, Immunity (x2) and hidden seventh green crystal. The latter is in the corridor to the left of the chest with the ruby.

Ahead, Aurora will stop to ask the fountain about her father's fate, so you'll have a short cutscene at the end of which you'll have to climb up to the ceiling and find a secret passage to Kinbel's treasure (the path won't open, you'll just enter the texture). And this - Rough Onyx (x6) and Mana Stardust.

To the west of the fountain, our heroes will be attacked by a blue monster, enlarged version water snake.

Defeating a darkspawn will earn you plus one faceted citrine into your bag.

Come down, take Living water (x4) and Antimagic (x3), and fly up flies over the battlefield Entry #16. To the left and right of the page-flying place are chests with Antimagic (x3) and Strong magical nectar (x2). Pull the lever and go through the opened door. Take Immunity (for all) (x2) and go to the gate.

gate to Halls of the Sun closed. How to open? Shine on the blue objects in the hands of the four statues and move the shadow silhouette over the drawing on the gate. The desired image is difficult to see, but as soon as the first silhouette appears, it will become clear to you how to proceed. The order of placement is as follows: shell, scepter, spear, harp.

Pass west of the gate, get under Medicine (x4), Ragged Sapphire (X3) and run to the Halls of the Sun.

Fly right and up. Turn left to collect Raw Tourmaline (x2) from a golden chest. Then fly to the right, to the lever. He will open one of the two doors on the floor below. For a while. Since it takes a waste of time to activate the blue window, and to fly further to the door that opens from the lever, open the first door first, and then pull the lever.

Above the door, for which the lever was responsible, under the supervision of a creature of darkness, there is a chest with uneven citrine.

Climb down, go to the broken stairs, here, under the floor you will find Stardust magic, get it with Igniculus. Do not touch the crate and fly upstairs, to where the stairs would lead you if it remained intact. Take from the gem Raw Sapphire (x3).

Fly up to the hole in the floor of the third floor. On the right, you will immediately notice a chest. In him - Raw Ruby (x3). Walk left and open the gem chest with Elixir of Speed ​​(x4).

Walk the trap, take Immunity (x2) from the chest on the left, turn off the trap mechanism and fly to the right, then up. Take Magic Nectar (x4) and fly east. As you pass the corner trap, look in the wall for a gem with Rough sapphire (x3).

Get down downward to the lever. To the one at the very bottom and opens the door leading to the broken stairs and that wooden box that we passed by earlier. Grab the box and drag it to the button to the right of the lever. The door upstairs will open. She leads to a room Critical Strike Stardust, a chest with Magic nectar (x4) and the monster guarding it all.

Climb up to the missing lever, pull it and fly through the opened door on the right. You will have a short scene of the meeting between Aurora and Nora / Knox, after which poisonous gas will fill the room. It will gradually take Aurora's life force. And we have something to do here.

First, take the last note from one Sophie Ashton Ellis Entry #12. You may have noticed it when you showed the scene of Sister Aurora's escape. If you didn’t notice, then here are my instructions for you - take off and fly towards the hatch, the page is located approximately in the middle of this room. Now you can read the whole story, but whether you will understand it, I do not give guarantees.

About our further actions and chests of the poisonous hall: Down in the right corner of the room hidden Raw onyx (x2), a firefly will help open the chest; Above him, behind the dooruneven tourmaline,Immunity (x2) and the first lever that opens the hatch; Even higher, behind the monster there is a chest with Rough sapphire (x3); On the left side of the room, above the door there is a monster, and behind him is a chest with (to be added); Branch room above them leads to To uneven amethyst, Elixir of Damage (x3) and the second lever that opens the hatch; Fly away from the room, through the open hatch.

Pick up raw onyx from the gem chest behind the wall on the left and continue upstairs. A trap with needles will appear from below, sharp obstacles will also come out on the sides. Do not try to collect items from gems now, you will only lose health. Fly up and when she, the trap, disappears, collect from the golden chests Living water (x3), Immunity (for all) (x3) and Strong magical nectar (x4), and fly down for Rough emerald (x3), Firefly Elixir (x2), Stardust Power and Defense Elixir (x2). Then go back and fly up - to the final.

BOSS - Knox (Nora)

Despite the fact that only Nox takes part in the battle, there are three opponents: she herself and her two tentacles, which you should attack first. Element Lightning in a weapon and protection from Water in armor will greatly facilitate the process of the battle. Knox does not have such an unpleasant resistance to interruption. A head without tentacles becomes a completely helpless creature, since the speed of movement along the timeline is minimal, slowing Igniculus slows it down even more. To this list can be added sedative or hindrance Robert.

Well, if you learned Root (for all) Jen, then the boss can only sympathize.

At the end of the battle with one of our best assistants from the recent past, a long cutscene awaits you, and then the final boss: a fight with Umbra.


It struck six. Well, here comes Easter.

And the inhabitants of the five hills

Terrible danger threatened:

Water stays all over again.

The abyss of water has opened

Drown uninvited guests.

But here deceit is useless:

She can't swallow Aurora.

Our heroes are divided.

About half an hour later

Everyone found themselves in the tower of the castle,

Who did Aurora bring?

They entered the empty room

The water lapped at their feet.

They had nothing left

How to drown, accepting your rock.

But Aurora smiled

And suddenly turning his back

Fearlessly stepped into the mirror

And she took everyone with her.

Only an island in Austria remained -

The former inconspicuous trace.

For us in Lemuria was born

Happy future light.

Since then, Lemuria has been growing.

Our home is where we found salvation.

Princess, it's your turn

Go on an adventure.

Child, my story is over.

The night is impenetrable and dark.

Now that the fire has gone out

Hurry quickly into the arms of sleep.

New game +

If you have reached this section, then congratulations.

you completed the game child of light

"What should I do now?" you ask.

Firstly- you can wait until the credits roll or restart the game to Proceed trip to Lemuria. Probably, you still have chests left open, or you didn’t have time to do some additional task, or simply decided to skip it. Or maybe you just want to travel around Lemuria without thinking about the Queen of the Night.

Secondly- you can start new game + . The story will start from the very beginning, from the very first chapter. Enemies in the game will become even more vicious, but you should not be afraid, because your levels, items, found records and gems will remain with you. Only the composition of the group will change - you have to collect all your friends in a new way.

In 2014, a large number of high-end games were released, many of which were incredibly anticipated releases from well-known manufacturers or even continuations of famous series. But it is worth noting that there were several surprises, one of which was the Child of Light project, the passage of which will be described in this article. but at the same time, the action takes place in a fairy-tale world, and the graphic design of the project is fully consistent with the setting. You play as the girl Aurora, who has a long and extremely exciting journey ahead of her, on the way she will meet a variety of dangers, but she will be able to cope with all of them with your help. Naturally, if you have any difficulties in the game Child of Light, the walkthrough described below will help you deal with them. However, it is immediately worth noting that the independent passage of games is always much more interesting, so you should use this article only if you have serious difficulties.

Chapter 1

In the game Child of Light walkthrough starts in a wonderful and very beautiful place, but at the same time the main character does not understand exactly where she ended up - in addition, she lost her father, so you need to help her get out as soon as possible. As in most other computer games, the first chapter is a kind of training. First you need to figure out how to move and interact with the objects around you. After that, you will meet a firefly, who will become your first companion - he will help you get to the house of the forest fairy. Next, you will learn how to use the firefly to collect health for your heroine, as well as for the insect itself, how to get energy to perform special tricks. Once in the cave, you can get your weapon - a sword, which you can immediately use in battle. You will be taught the combat system - the battles here are turn-based, so you need to be careful when your heroine has the opportunity to attack, heal or block. While waiting, you can use the firefly to collect health and mana points, as well as blind the enemy. After the victory, you have to spend a few more battles, and you will learn how to suddenly attack the enemy. In the game Child of Light, the passage will largely consist of such fights, but do not think that this is all that the project has to offer you - this is something much more than an ordinary standard game.

Chapter 2

Playing Child of Light is a real treat as it's not overly difficult, it has a good balance between story, combat and puzzles - yes, the puzzles here are just great. So it's hard to find something negative here. So, in the second chapter, you still have to meet the Forest Fairy, but first you need to get to her by solving a few puzzles, including the famous puzzle with an elevator, and also fight a few battles. So far, you do not have any special abilities, so you need to cope solely with the power of the sword and with the help of a firefly. However, the meeting with the Forest Fairy, which will occur at the end of the chapter, will contribute to your change. It is from her that you will receive your first ability - now Aurora can fly, and this can make it much easier for you to complete the game Child of Light.

Chapter 3

So now you've got the ability to fly, so you can get to places you didn't have access to before. As you already understood, the ability to fly will greatly facilitate the passage for you in the game Child of Light. The elements will become available to you later, so for now, use what you have available. So, you can safely fly around the locations and fight with opponents to level up and collect as much loot as possible. However, it is better to do this after you fly over the wall that blocked your path before. There you will meet a jester girl named Rubella. She will become your second partner. Rubella has a healing ability, so she will be very useful to you. When all the battles in the area are over, you should return to the place where the game started, but go in the opposite direction - there is a thorny bush that prevented you from moving in that direction before. Now you can safely fly over it, but you won’t be able to fly over the Giant - you have to take the fight. He is accompanied by wolves, so you should first deal with them, and then take on the Giant himself. He deals a lot of damage, so Rubella's abilities will come in handy here. Once defeated, you will be able to progress further to an even larger thorny bush - drop down inside to reveal a new location, Old Lemuria, where you need to travel to a village called Capilli to continue into the Child of Light walkthrough. Part 1 of the game ends here, and then everything will only get more difficult.

Chapter 4

In this chapter of the game Child of Light, the passage of quests will play an important role, since there will be plenty of them. The fact is that, once in the village, you will not find a single person. It turns out that with the help of a spell they were turned into a crow, and now the village has fallen into disrepair. You need to go down into the well, and on the way you will meet your next companion, whose name is Finn. In the well, another riddle awaits you, which must be solved in order to get to the very bottom. It is there that you will meet the next serious enemy, the Hydra, which has three heads, they all attack differently and, accordingly, have different vulnerabilities. By defeating her, you will free the village from the curse, returning people to their former appearance. And then you can start doing all the side quests available in the village. What's more, it's worth noting that the plot doesn't tend to progress, and you're not told exactly what to do. But if you go further to the left, then Finn will catch up with you and take you to a new location, where you need to go in the future.

Chapter 5

As you already understood, the most important thing that can make it easier for you in the game Child of Light is fireflies. You can especially notice this in the new location, where you have to solve a lot of mysteries, in most of which your firefly partner will play a very important role. Moreover, here you will often have to fight with opponents, so his ability to blind you can also come in handy. But it’s worth noting right away that you will have new character- Aurora's sister Nora. She will join you and together you can continue the journey, which will lead you to the cave, where one of the most serious fights in the game awaits you. But you will have to go through it in order to continue the walkthrough in the Child of Light game. The golem is a huge stone creature with which you have to measure your strength, and only by defeating it, you will be able to fly over it and move on. Then you will almost immediately find yourself in a new settlement. This time it's a town called Bolmus Populi.

Chapter 6

The next chapter will take place in a rather unusual setting - the fact is that you will need to go inside Mount Magna, as the mayor of the city is tormented by concerns about the safety of the treasury. The fact is that spiders constantly began to appear in the vicinity, which threaten well-being. locality so head to the mountain. The path to it is blocked by a huge talking face, and you can get through when you ask for help from the little mouse Robert, who will join your group. Inside, you will need to fight the spiders until you get to the boss - a large spider surrounded by a lot of small opponents. Only after the victory will you be able to get out and return to the city, having completed the main task. Please note that in this chapter you can complete several side quests at once, so if you are interested, do not miss them.

Chapter 7

It may seem to many that it is at this moment that the passage in the game Child of Light ends - the final is close, because you have reached the castle. You just have to fight with a huge gargoyle, which is helped by numerous creatures of darkness. Once done, you can leave your friends behind and go with Nora to the castle, where a magic mirror awaits you. With it, you get home, and everything seems to end well. You are met by your stepmother, but suddenly the terrible truth is revealed - she is the main villain of the Umbra game. Umbra throws Aurora into a dungeon, from where only the guard Angus can help you escape, who will become your first companion in the second part of the game. As you can see, the passage is still far from complete.

Chapter 8

Well, now you are free and you can continue in the game Child of Light walkthrough. The labyrinth ahead is not so difficult, and it will lead Aurora and Angus to other cages, in which you will find all your friends that Umbra imprisoned in the same dungeon as you. By solving a rather difficult puzzle, you will be able to open the mechanism and free all your partners. After that, you need to send to the tower, where one of Umbra's minions, Cordelia, lives. She is surrounded by ghosts, so don't forget about them. After the victory, you will be able to get the moon, after which Aurora will turn from a little girl into a warrior girl.

Chapter 9

In this chapter, the whole company goes to the village, where they are met by an old fisherman and his daughter Jen, and they have a serious problem. A huge ogre kidnaps people, animals and everything it can find, and no one can deal with it. And since you need Jen's help on your adventures, you'll have to deal with the ogre. His shelter is located in a mountain gorge - after the victory, do not rush to leave and pay attention to the bathyscaphe. It is on it that you will continue the passage in the game Child of Light (fortunately, you will not need a shovel to get to the seabed). But first, you need to return to the village to report that the ogre is no longer a threat to the villagers, and also take Jen with you.

Chapter 10

After descending to the very bottom, you will find the entrance to the underwater city, where your final battle with Umbra will take place, for which you were not ready for the last time. But now Aurora has changed, and you can defeat the villain, but first you need to destroy Nox - Umbra's right hand. First you will need to get out of the room that fills with gas, through a passage full of spikes, so you will most likely lose some health, so don't forget to heal up before the fight with Nox, who will turn into a scary creature.

Final fight

Unfortunately, Aurora dies in the fight with Nox, but the warmth of the hearts of all the friends she made during the journey revive her, and she can now fight Umbra. Here you can use everything that you could find during the game, all elixirs and abilities, since this is the last battle. After the victory, a happy ending awaits you - the game is over!

Girl and firefly

After watching the opening cutscene, go forward. Then go down and move the crate by pressing the E button. When the crate hits the ledge, jump on it and follow on. There will be a cave in front, water below, and a wolf standing on the shore. There is no further passage, so exit the cave and climb the tree, then keep moving. Climbing up, there will be a tree on the left, which you also need to jump in and follow on. Next, you will reach a large tree, where the main character says: “Wake up. What a terrible dream." This is followed by a conversation with a firefly. Follow the new hero, and now you can control the firefly. Reach the big tree and the conversation between Aurora and the firefly will take place again. Move the mouse so that the three figures that are on the wall find their shadows. To do this, move the mouse over each figure below, click LMB and connect them to the shadows on the wall. Next, take the sword and the battle is coming. Everything is simple here: select the action hit the ball twice and the enemy will be destroyed.

Then there will be a few more battles with opponents, which are easy to win. Aurora will go further, and only in a dark cave it is necessary not to go forward, but to climb a tree, then continue on, move the box and climb up.

queen of light

Almost immediately, a battle will begin, in which it is better to use powerful attacks. Next, go down to the dungeon, win another fight and open the door to enter inside. There is a puzzle waiting for us. First, with the help of a firefly, lower the central lift, climb up and lower the box down. Then, with the help of the box, we jump over the ledge and with the help of the second box we get to the flower. Then climb up using the platform that will be on the left - it will be activated by a firefly. And jump onto the platform right away, otherwise it will rise without you. Then go down and move the box to the platform to put it on the button on top. Next, go through the door, defeat more opponents and pull the lever, which will open the door from below.

Another puzzle follows. Everything is simple here: you have to turn the lever, after which each of the four colors appears on top of the circle. Then, with the help of LMB, we connect each color with a crystal on top, after which the showcase will break. Then you will meet with the fairy and Aurora will get the opportunity to fly. Further in two boxes, which is near the ledge, take two items (holding E) and fly up.

Towards adventure

Fly left. There you will meet the circus performer Rabella; she will join you and you will go together in search of her brother. Fly down, take a ruby ​​from the box, which can later be attached to armor or weapons. Then follow to the left, soon you will meet a giant - he will not let you pass just like that. We defeat him and fly up. Pick a page with verses.

Return to the pointer and fly after it down to the village of Capilli. Before leaving, soar up and take another page with verses.

deep well

The witch turned everyone around into a raven. Go to the location above, and there you will find a gnome - Finn. Collect water from the well, which will return the former appearance to the inhabitants. Finn will join your adventure. Enemies - blue spiders are best killed with a gnome attack - a lightning strike.

Get down to the river. Unfortunately, there is no water there. Fly to the door and open it; move the moon and place it above the door. Enter it. Then go right. Deal with enemies. Enter the cave and go right to the exit. Defeat the Hydra.

After the battle, return to the village and take the quest "Not a Garden of Eden" from the gnome. In the garden, you need to clear the area from enemies. Then take the quest from the girl standing in the village. The purpose of the task is to find a pig in the Mills (location). There will be a special mark on the animal - you can easily identify it by it.

Then follow to the Rambert Plains. Go to the signpost. Get down into the passage, which is located nearby. Further iditol on the tunnel strewn with thorns. It is necessary to take the box from above and mark it on the platform below in order to get into the room with a bonus. After you activate the lever, exit through the left door. Exit the caves and follow to the plains.

An unexpected meeting

Walk left and reach the wheel. Go through the mountain, meet with Nora. Follow the sign with her, and you will reach the passage to the mountains. Find the citrine stone in the room. Move on. You will enter a cave inside the mountain. Explore it properly - it has a lot of useful items.

When you've explored the cave to your heart's content, exit it and fly up the side of the mountain. Fly over the mountain and you will enter the floating city.

About mice

First of all, you will meet a mouse that will give you an apple; you will need to take it to the dwarf school located in the village. Give the fruit to the teacher in exchange for a shovel, which must be taken to the dwarf with a cart - you will meet him on the way to the monastery. From him you will receive a lantern. Give it to the gold seeker in the golden cave next to the mouse village. For this you will receive a bar of gold. Give it to the violin mouse and you will receive a valuable reward.

At the end of the hall will sit a mouse-governor. Talk to him and go with the joined young mouse to the vault. She will tell you that she knows an alternative way through the mountain.

Having reached the mountain, it turns out that she is alive. The mountain agrees to raise you with its huge hand to the city soaring in the sky, but first you will need to kill the spiders that prevent it from delivering you to the right place. Kill all the spiders, after which you will find the vault. The code from him is this: turn the lever on the right once, two more on the left, and one more on the right. After that, activate the three rotating glowing buttons.

After the battle, return to the city and climb up the mountain.

Duke and Duchess

Climb up and explore the location. On the top left will be the remains of the circus. There you will find the brother of the circus performer Rubella. Go to the exit at the very top of the map. Fight the giant griffin.


You are in a cell. Play the flute. Guard Angus releases us and joins us. Once out of the chamber, fly down. We get into the room with the mechanisms. To activate them, you need a firefly. We fly to the left, there will be a red door. We go. Releasing friends.

Chain puzzle - activate the lever on the left, and then move the far right. Then we activate the main gear at the top.

We're flying down. Here Angus will ask us to help him free his warrior friends. At the bottom we are waiting for the entrance to Erin's labyrinth.

You want the door that has the symbol shown on the statue's shield on or next to it. You need to find a statue with a sign on the level, and then find a door with the same sign. After passing 4-5 levels of the labyrinth, we come to the room with the wars.

After we leave the room and go to the left. Meet Cordelia.

Rybniki and Ogre

Fly right. Chat with a living statue. Then we go to the village. We learn about the ogre who dragged the inhabitants to the depths. Save them. We follow to the cave on the right, we enter. Clear all chests.

We go further to the right after the cave. This will be the entrance to the troll's lair. We need to open the entrance. To do this, find two Roman letters on the pedestal at the top and lower them down. Then shine a firefly on them and point the bunny at the desired symbols. The fight with the ogre is not very difficult. He is particularly vulnerable to physical damage, while his dogs are particularly vulnerable to light. You can fill up the ogre first, then his dogs. After his death, we enter the door and go down under the water.


We fly to the right, and we meet the Spirit of the elements, a firefly. He will ask you to help him find five fireflies. The first one is at the altar on the left. We go down the crystal, on the right the first cave is a huge boar boss. He is vulnerable to light. We follow to the left and get into the underwater city. We look into the fountain. Then we fight with the water boss.

Fly up from the fountain and a little to the left, you will see a hidden passage in the ceiling. There is a cache of Kinbel. We take six black stones from the box. Then we fly to the left. There will be a gate that needs to be opened by successively illuminating the signs on the gate. The order is as follows: shell, wings, spear, harp. We enter the halls of the Sun.

We go to the right until we reach a huge hall. There we meet sister Nora, who is now called Knox. She releases poisonous gas and flies up. You must quickly go into the passages on the right and left to open the passage. Before you fight Nox, allocate all the points for skills and damask, otherwise you will not have such an opportunity later.

After the battle, we watch the splash screen and fight with the Stepmother. She has two griffins with 800 lives each. The main thing here is to put protection more often. You can throw a slowing down potion on your stepmother.

Killing her will end the game. Congratulations on passing!