Metal gear walkthrough. Passage of additional tasks Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Destruction of heavy infantry

Walkthrough metal gear Rising: Revengeance can be started immediately after the introductory video. Kill the first enemies and move to the right, fight again, and then an obstacle will appear on your way, which can only be overcome with the help of a sword. Another video will follow.

Attack the legs of the boss first, and after the protection on the legs disappears, switch your attention to other limbs. Use side jumps to dodge dangerous rams, and don't forget to maneuver around the location so that you don't get hit by machine guns. Wait for the boss to lower his head to quickly attack her.

When the battle is over, run after the robot, hacking your way with your sword. Climbing up, you will meet a familiar character. Hit on the head, and do not forget about the need to jump over rockets. When the boss moves away from you after a while, hurry forward to attack. Watch another video. The next video will show you when you run forward. Sam will appear in it, who will easily defeat you in battle.


Climb up the stairs, killing opponents. Talk to Courtney and Kevin and go into the room to talk to Boris. Climb up the boxes, and then kill the guard (he's the only one here).

Your task in this piece of the game is to save the hostage. Walk along the bridge, from there jump over to the balcony and turn on the scanner. Without giving yourself away, quickly deal with a few opponents. A machine gun is pointed at the hostage, so be careful - you must save him with one blow. Then deal with the nearby soldier and raise the hostage. To get to the right door, you will have to fight with many more opponents. Moreover, when you open the door, Boris will get in touch.

If you wish, at this point in the game you can activate the terminal to get the first available mission. Look for it in the main final menu. Climb up to see the next video.

Now you won't have much of a problem. Kill one strong man, as well as several ill-wishers, and move on along the established route. You should run away from the helicopters along the bridge - and do not forget about the need to stick to the middle, and do not miss the moment to press the indicated button. Otherwise, you will simply fall into the abyss.

Destroy the helicopter with the help of three rocket launchers, which you will find on the location. Climb up the columns to inflict significant damage on him. Here you will have the opportunity to evaluate Raiden's acrobatics. Press the run button and start moving the controller's analog stick up and down to pee on the missiles. Turn on the time dilation mode and attack the helicopter as soon as you see a hint on the screen.

Go forward until you run into enemies. Carefully kill them (one by one) to secure the hostage. Help the hostage up and go to the locked gate to talk to Boris. When you go back, you can find an ID on the body of one of the soldiers. Go to the gate again. To open them, try a trajectory where the blade of your sword will cross an object glowing yellow. If there are no problems, strike. Defeat all enemies, and go further, and when you find yourself inside the building, turn right. After you get to the checkpoint, you will be shown another video.

During the passage of the game, you can destroy enemies in any way - most importantly, do it quickly, in one hit. Turn on the touchpad and use the door that opens. Now you will have the opportunity to go through an additional mission, and it is up to you whether to do it or not.

After talking with Boris, cut that metal mesh that is on your left. Defeat all opponents and climb up the containers to cut through the bars on the fan. Cling to the wall on the left, and constantly move along it so that you are not spotted by the surveillance camera. A dangerous corridor with lasers awaits ahead, and in order to pass it, you must press the indicated button, and then calmly observe the actions of your hero. After turning on the touchpad, you will be able to move on.

Go to the stairs and press the button to turn on the "acrobatics" mode - this way you can avoid the laser beams and not get into the camera lens. Climb up, turn right and use the farthest door in order to be on the street. Watch the video.

Clear the combat location to fight the boss. Try to deal constant damage to Mistral and actively work with your feet - nothing else needs to be done. Just do not forget to keep track of the tips that appear on the screen from time to time.

Experimental setup

When the video ends, go forward through the tunnel, deal with the big man and climb the stairs, fighting off the enemies. After cutting the grate, jump inside. Your route in this segment of the passage of the game is quite straightforward.

After watching the video, join the fight with a trio of robots that attack the guy. Then watch another video. Go down, break one of the doors, where there is a terminal with an additional mission and a continuation storyline game, and then deal with a few enemies (try not to draw attention to yourself) and talk to Boris.

Now you have to fight robots that can attack their opponents with fire. Deal with them and, returning back to the corridor, go through one of the doors (focus on the yellow mark) to destroy the enemy forces. Your "robodog" will be able to find a secret passage. Get close and use the sword. Then move along the corridor, breaking the surveillance cameras, and, in the end, go up the stairs.

Follow the easiest route, periodically opening new doors. Soon, three soldiers will be directly below you.

Use the left door (enemies have just appeared from it), take the three-legged robot from the shelf and set it up. When the robot is ready to serve you, run to the left to pick up the flash drive from the container. Climb the bridge and go forward, and then use the hole, which is guarded by another enemy. Turn on the touchpad and you can see the embed video. After defeating all the soldiers, go across the bridge after the robot. There are doors below - use them to talk to Courtney, and then go to the hall. There your hero will meet with the next boss.

To win in this section of the game, you must get as close to the enemy as possible, hiding behind the walls. Use the game's hints and don't forget to chop off those parts of the boss's body that are highlighted in blue (Blade Mode will help you). When the fight is over, go to the next corridor, fighting off the enemies, and take the severed arm. When you are in the building, you will need to talk to Doc. Open the door that is assigned to you according to the plot and watch the video.

big mile

The passage of the segment of the game, which will begin after the video, starts immediately from the battle. When you defeat everyone, go after Wolf and you will meet two robots from the Grad series. Engage in a fight with ordinary soldiers and go inside the building. Find the PC panel, activate it and use the stairs located nearby. Move towards the location until a conversation with Boris begins.

Climb the stairs and open the doors by turning on the touchpad. Kill the enemies and, once in the corridor, cut the cardboard box in which another enemy hid. Clear the corridor from the fighters, and then sit in the elevator and press the button located on the right panel to go up to the upper floors.

Use acrobatics to easily jump from one roof to another, and don't forget to use the tower crane once. Kill the soldiers and, after jumping to the next roof, climb the stairs. You will be attacked by cyborgs with sledgehammers, and you will have to fight them off. When an enemy attacks, counterattack using Blade Mode (attack as soon as the hieroglyphs appear on the bodies of the robots).

When you are on the right rooftop, kill the lone enemy. Get over to another roof and, going down, deal with the enemies. Provided that you have a rocket launcher with you, you can save the hostage by shooting at his guards from afar. When you do this, help the hostage up.

Run across the roof, talk to Wolf and break the most visible grate. Once on the roof of the elevator, cut the cables, and when you fall down, hurry to the corridor to talk to him again. Turning on the night vision mode, go forward, cutting through the doors and killing all the enemies in your path. Find a flash drive and go to the car, where you will have to fight both soldiers and three-toed robots. When the fight is over, open the doors, go upstairs and talk to Wolf.

Break the doors and move forward along the corridor until you go outside, where you will need to engage in a fight with the soldiers. Break the supporting structure of the bridge so that the Grail falls towards you, and you can destroy it. Climb the stairs and, trying not to make noise, deal with the enemies. If you want, you can upgrade your character at this stage of the game. And then move to the stairs. Here you have the opportunity to reveal yourself and fight a serious opponent, but you can also act covertly. We recommend the second option.

Find a cardboard box and, closing it, go along the building on its right side. Near the bricks located at the first stairs, stop and wait for the robot, which is located below, to go up. Sneak up from behind, silently kill him, and then return and attack the unsuspecting cyborg. Hide behind the box again and wait for the right moment to deal with the two remaining enemies. Then go ahead and watch the video.

After killing the soldiers, openly go to the entrance to the building. And be prepared that at this stage of the game you will again have to face a serious enemy. At some point, Monsoon and Sam will enter the battle, so your hero will have to fight the first of them.

To win, try to catch your opponent on counterattacks. And when Monsoon gets higher, turn on Blade Mode to fend off objects that will fly right at you. Then the enemy will descend back and turn on the temporary immunity mode, in which you will not be able to harm him.

Start working on counterattacks again - this is the most profitable tactic. When the Blade Mode symbol appears on the screen, turn on this mode and start actively attacking the boss.

When an enemy throws something at you, use dashes, jumps, and slides to avoid damage. For the rest, proceed as mentioned above. Immediately after throwing the stone pillar, the QTE will begin.

Your hero will have to run across the thrown column and then cut another shard with his sword in Blade Mode. After that, you will have to use the game prompts displayed on the screen, and soon Monsun will be defeated.

hostile takeover

When you defeat all the opponents ahead, talk to Doc and use the stairs (here you can also replenish your supply of rocket launchers by breaking the windows). Move forward, killing enemies until Doc hacks the elevator. Then enter this elevator.

Once in the corridor, go to the locked door - three panels will help open it. Turn on the scanner and start working with the three highlighted wires - you need to find the sources. Go left and then right and finally turn to the elevator. Here (to your right) you will see glass that needs to be broken in order to be in the next corridor.

A room with a couple of soldiers will open in front of you - you can kill them in any way or hide in a red box. The panel you need is in the very corner of the room, so deal with it, and then go further.

At this stage of the passage of the game, you also need to use the scanner - it will lead you to a room located exactly opposite yours. Kill the soldier and break the panel, and then move on - you need to get into the room, located in close proximity to the place where you killed the first enemy. Be careful, a cyborg is on duty here - you need to eliminate him, and then the one who comes running to his aid. Use the scanner to find last panel or just look behind the most conspicuous drawer in this room - she is there. Break the panel, and the door you are interested in will finally be opened.

On the way to the coveted door, you will have to constantly fight with enemies. Talk to Doc and open another door. Kill the enemies and start jumping on the Sliders - you should spoil one of them, and then just run up the building, trying not to step on the red signs. At this stage of the passage of the game, you will have another conversation with Doc, and then you will need to go out into the courtyard, get to the elevator and kill the enemies in order to move further on the roofs without any problems. Wolf will be in touch with you very soon.

After getting rid of a few soldiers, run to the elevator again. Those opponents who have time to jump onto the lift, kill. Soon the grenade launchers will blow up the elevator, and you will need to quickly deal with them, as well as with other enemies that interfere with its movement. As soon as your elevator is level with the next one, quickly jump onto it (it is in better condition). In a few minutes you will reach the end point and will be able to talk with Doc.

Go forward along the route and you will encounter copies of Monsoon and Minstrel, which will be much easier to deal with than the original enemies. Try to do everything quickly, and at the very end you will be shown a short video. And you will see another video after you find yourself on the landing site for the helicopter.

The boss that you will have to face in the next stage of the game may seem very serious. But in fact, dealing with it is not difficult. Just follow the prompts that appear on the screen and you will easily solve this problem.

Most likely, Sandauer's health will be at zero, and your hero will be thrown off the skyscraper. Ride a cyborg to go through the tunnel avoiding all obstacles and flying objects. AT certain moment you will need to carefully cut off the roof of the building and dodge the missiles in the usual way. Finish off the boss and watch a lengthy cutscene.

Escape from Denver

After the end of the video, immediately deal with the opponents and talk with Doc. Stealthily kill robots and hide in a cardboard box. Go further, and when you find yourself at the stairs, you will have the opportunity to save the hostage. Pick it up from the ground and immediately run to the left, and remember that as soon as you pass the bars, you will have to meet with enemies in armored personnel carriers. It will not be difficult to defeat the enemy - the most important thing is to move along the indicated marker and cut the network in a timely manner.

Decisive Battle of the Badlands

The passage of this part of the game will be very simple - you will have to face weak boss named Sam. Use blocks, counterattacks and your other skills, and when you win, watch a long video.

assassination attempt

At this point in the game, Raiden ends up in Pakistan. Right in front of the massive gate, you must kill all the soldiers, and then destroy the gate itself in order to freely get inside. After killing all the enemies in the courtyard, climb into the hangar. Fight opponents until a video is shown to you, in which Raiden and Wolf will take part.

After watching this video, a very spectacular, albeit simple, battle will begin. The most important thing in this battle is to dodge shots, direct hits and fire, and strictly follow the prompts. At the end, you will be shown a video insert.

You will have a fight with the Senator, whose power at first will literally crush. So just do your best to survive this battle. After the first stage of the fight is over, you will be shown a video.

The next stage of the fight will be hand-to-hand. At the moment when your hero's health is at zero, you will be shown which buttons to press next. The second part of the battle will also end with a video.

This is where the fun begins! While the Senator is in the healing phase, turn on Blade Mode and stop him from refilling his health bar. You can also use this mode to destroy objects flying directly at your hero.

At the very end of the battle, QTE will turn on, and you will have to follow absolutely all the instructions in order to deal with the Senator. And after that Walkthrough Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance will be completed.

Mission 0

After a long scene, kill the guards and run down the street to the right. Before you will show off the lattice. Eliminate more soldiers, cut the grate and keep moving. Scene again. You need to defeat the boss. Hit him in the legs, when the button appears, press it. Finally, use the special butcher mode. So you need to do 3 times on each leg.

When you're done, run through the streets, climb up the ladder to the roof. The familiar boss will reappear. This time, dodge the missiles and arm attacks, and then hit his face. Roller again. Run over the rockets to punch the monster in the face. He will give you good, you will fly away. Run through the building, dodge the beam, finish off the boss. Watch the video.

Mission 1

Epic video. Kill enemies on the coast. Enter the building, go through the stairs and out into the streets. You need to walk 2 blocks ahead. Do not try to go straight to the enemies, you are not that strong yet. Use a thermal imager. Eliminate your targets quietly. Enter the building, cutscene and mini-boss fight. Defeating the dog is easy - block and most importantly move when it starts to jump from side to side.

Continue on your way. To destroy the helicopter, jump from one column to another. Walk another block. Kill absolutely everyone to get the data you need. Use them to open the gate. Another video. Run through the factories and get rid of everyone who tries to stop you. Finally, you have to fight the boss. Watch the hands of the person, put in time to block. Don't forget to kill her minions. You will have no problems in the battle.

Mission 2

Run through the tunnel, kill the big man on your way. Be vigilant with him, you can not fight back from his captures. Keep going, jump down. Roller, you need to save the boy. The two robots are very strong opponents, so constantly move and dodge. Once you're done, continue down the tunnel.

Go through the room, cut one grate and straight ahead. Do not rush to go further, 3 robots are waiting for you outside the doors. Use the thermal imager to study their path and kill them quietly. Go back to the place where the boy was rescued. 3 spiders are waiting for you, don't let them ram you, attack them in a jump. How to finish your journey through the tunnel. He will be guarded by a spider, find a secret wall and cut it. Go a little further, you are in a warehouse. You need to destroy the tank robot. Put a strong block during his raids. Dodge missiles and most importantly use the butcher mode more often.

Mission 3

Make your way into the building, kill the enemies. Climb up to the roof. Now you need to move on top and destroy the robots. Then you will have to go down the path. Clean up the streets. Small roller. You have become powerless, follow the lanes to the main building and do not get caught in the face of enemies. When you reach the door, a cutscene awaits you again, followed by a boss fight. You will have to sweat with it. In a thought, stand in a defensive stance, just cut the helicopters. The boss very often divides himself into pieces, so that they need to be destroyed, and then only beat his target after the general collection.

Mission 4

Here you are in the main building. It's simple, deal with the ninja and go to the elevator. Climb up, kill a few robots and run through the tunnel as fast as you can. Next, you need to destroy the robot tank. This fun will not end, you jump to kill flying monsters. Once in the offices, use the thermal imager to find the right cells. Break them and kill them all. Enter the elevator, go upstairs and fight off the pursuers. Go to the main compartment, you will need to kill the bosses from missions 1 and 3. When you're done, go to the server room. Roller, follow your target to the roof. The fight will be very hard. When you are attacked with a wall, you need to cut it in certain places in butcher mode. Run around the boss, hit him regularly with normal attacks. In addition, helicopters will have to be destroyed.

Mission 5

Your task is to get out of Denver. Just run down the street, kill ordinary soldiers and robots with big legs. Get to the fountain, survive after the massive terrorist attack. Go down the road, get on the motorcycle.

Mission 6

Passing the level is easy, you need to kill Sam. The main advice is to constantly block. Your enemy will attack you very often, so be careful.

Mission 7

Run to the factory, killing the terrorists along the way. Once in the building, watch the cutscene. Just cut off the legs of the first boss and hit him. Next is a bright scene. Now you are waiting for the battle with the Senator in three stages. You can lose the first two because you can't win. In the last fight, go into butcher mode often to prevent the boss from respawning. When you win, watch the last scene. Game completed.

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not quite like its predecessors. So, unlike previous parts, some mobs in most locations move randomly. Therefore, in this passage you will not find a walkthrough that will lead you to success and getting an S rank. On the other hand, as in all games in the series (with the exception of Risen), in each episode you are asked to complete 5-7 tasks that affect the rank level and reward . But what they are, these tasks, you do not know. In the walkthrough at the beginning of each episode, these tasks will be indicated in advance. Therefore, if you do not want to know them all, then do not rush to study the article thoroughly.

Also, you will learn how to find all the photos.

As Snake matured and aged.

I'm starting.

Prologue. Awakening

While the credits are running, you can move your eyes. The video is optional.

3 days after waking up

Nod your head, lift your eyes up. When the doc asks for your name, choose a name. Watch the cut-scene, then select Snake's new face.

When control passes to you, then crawl to Ishmael, standing at the door. Move on until an explosion occurs. Run into the room and lie down on the ground. Follow the corridor, avoiding the spotlights. Run to Ishmael.

In a room with several screens, hide behind one of them, closer to the enemy. When the enemy checks the adjacent bunk, quickly crawl over there so that you won't be seen.

Return to the corridor and freeze. When the enemy leaves, straighten your leg. Go back to the landing and go down. One floor below you will see burning steps. Follow Ishmael and get a weapon soon. The room will start to burn. Aim and shoot at the indicated fire extinguisher. Kill the first enemies and move on.

Ishmael will distract the enemy. Shoot him in the head, then move around the balcony without getting up and kill the rest of the opponents. Even from a distance, you can hit them in the head and kill them with one shot. If you are noticed, then the task will simply become more complicated. After the cut-scene, run away from the burning enemy, jump into the rubble. While everyone is distracted, run to the exit.

While riding a horse, shoot back from the approaching enemy.

Ocelot (left) and Snake (right) after escaping from the hospital.

Chapter 1. Revenge

Kazuhira Miller's whereabouts established
- Kazuhiro Miller evacuated
- Commander evacuated from Wah Sind barracks
- The task was completed in secret from the "Skulls"
- Captured raw diamonds from Spugmai Fortress

Click on the button to enter the iDroid (hereinafter referred to as PDA). The village you need is marked on the map - Gvandai Khar. Close your PDA and open your binoculars. The ocelot will tell you where to look. Zoom in and take a closer look. Request intelligence on the village of Vialo. After that, in the binocular mode, put a mark on the village of Vialo.

Jump forward towards Vialo village. Ocelot will stop you in front of the guard post. Examine it. There are two guards located far from each other. Deal with them. The post will be captured. You will receive a reward for this.

Approach the village. Ocelot will prompt you to find a vantage point. You can go to the neighboring hills and see the village through binoculars. Using binoculars, you can mark enemies, vehicles, and various objects. Enemies are marked automatically on hover.

Go to the main building of the village, on which hangs a red flag. In order to get into it, find the open blue gate and go upstairs. In the room on the table, examine the intel to find out where Kaz is.

Saving Kazuhiro Miller.

Now ride your horse to the main village of Gvandai. There will be another outpost along the way. You can grab it or bypass it. For capture, an additional reward is given in the form of a part of the emblem. Check the location and mark all enemies. You need to move towards the yellow marker. Go into the building from either side and look for Kaz on the second floor in the room. Throw Kaz on your shoulders and ride to the extraction site. Zombies will appear. Try not to catch their eye. But if this happens, then just jump away to a new extraction point.

Episode 2

Trained in the use of the Fulton system
- Thanks to the evacuation of personnel, the level of the research department has been increased
- Designed carton box; basic course completed.
- Completed capture briefing
- Passed instruction on strikes

Approach Ocelot in front and listen to him. Ocelot will give you the Fulton Escape System. This device will help to instantly move captured soldiers. Ocelot, already at the base, will try to convince them to join Snake and his team. Shoot the arriving soldier, then approach him and evacuate him with the Fulton system.

Open the PDA and select the personnel management section. You will see that the captured employee has been assigned to a research facility. Go back and go to the development section. Choose weapons and items. Try to create a box. You need to raise the level of the research unit. Close the PDA, walk up to another soldier and melee attack him. Then it should be evacuated.

Hit another soldier and approach him. See the percentage above the evacuation icon? This is the probability that Fulton will deliver the captured soldier to the base. It all depends on whether the soldier is wounded, as well as on weather conditions. Evacuate him too. Go back to development and create the box. Request her delivery near Snake. After a few seconds, the package will arrive. Get in the box to try it out.

You can go on the next mission, or you can approach Ocelot to test your melee skills. Grab a soldier and press the same button several times to make him lose consciousness. Interrogate the next soldier, neutralize him and evacuate. Now open the PDA and call the helicopter. To do this, you will need to go to the tasks tab and select a helicopter (rendezvous). Specify the landing zone and climb into it. Wait a few seconds and the helicopter will fly away.

From the helicopter you can choose the next mission. Now three missions will be available at once. Look for them below!

Open your PDA and go to the "Assignments" tab.

The entire Diamond Dogs team assembled: Kazuhiro Miller (left) and "Big Boss" Snake (right).

Episode 3 - The Hero's Journey

Special forces commander eliminated
- SWAT commander eliminated from a long distance (100m or more)
- SWAT Commander evacuated
- Collected catfish that grew in the desert between the village of Shago and the fortress of Spugmai
- Captured recycled materials from Shago village

Choose from two possible landing zones. In this case, a point to the east of Da Shago Callai was chosen. Then you can choose equipment, etc. Before starting, specify the time - right away, six in the morning or six in the evening. As you know, at night you are harder to notice, but you don’t see very well either. During the day it's the other way around. Decide for yourself!

You need to eliminate the commander of the special forces squad. Jump from the helicopter, ride the horse to the specified point. Look around the camp using binoculars. In the end, the spetsnaz commander should come out from the building ahead. He is easily identified by his red beret. Mark all the enemies and start eliminating them. First, deal with the enemy on the building in front of the outpost, a little to the right. You can eliminate the enemy at the furthest point to the right of the village. At the end of the village there is a tower on which a soldier stands. There is also a tower to the left - eliminate them all.

Then you can either kill the commander, or stun, take out of the building and evacuate. Now leave the area with the enemies. When you are in the desert, the horse will stop itself and the task will be completed. Call a helicopter to the drop point marked on the map. Climb into the turntable and wait. Start a new task.

Episode 4. Information war

Prepare for the mission and select the landing point (it's the only one). Based on the mission, you need to find communication equipment. Move to the specified point. So, you will see the base. Climb to the top of one of the hills and look around the base through binoculars. You should find three satellite dishes. When they are found, the first part of the task will be completed.

Note that you can either destroy the three antennas or find the radio transmitter. The equipment is located in a building with one of the antennas on top. This building is closest to you. If you want, you can run inside and shoot the radio. Next, leave the hot zone until Ocelot announces the end of the mission.

Episode 5 - Beyond the fence

Evacuate a prisoner who planned to escape from Wah Sind Barracks

The Wah Sind barracks are very well guarded, but there is one great way to get to the hostage without loss. There are two entrances to the barracks. The first entrance is in front of a high tower with searchlights and soldiers. Behind the tower is the main road to the barracks. The other entrance is located on the opposite side, along the main barrier road.

This path is poorly guarded. So, first capture the intelligence from the hut with the guard, then move to the barracks.

You can climb up to the guard station and crouch down across the road to the watchtower. Climb the stairs and jump from the roof to the rock near you. Don't worry, Snake will jump. Walk around the rock counterclockwise (to the right) to find the prisoner sitting on the edge. Evacuate him with the Fulton system.

Evacuate the captured engineer

After you pass into the barracks along the path described above, move deeper and turn left to the ruined building. On the right you will see this building. Find the stairs leading down. A hostage, an engineer, will be hidden in one of the cells. Find him and free him. Without leaving the basement, find a hole in the ceiling. Put the engineer under the hole, then use the Fulton system. So you complete one more task. The ladder is on the left side of the ladder (if you go down).

Evacuate SUV

In a row, you have the opportunity at this stage to evacuate vehicles with the Fulton system. The SUV is located on the lower levels of the location leading to the Wah Sind barracks. Where there are soldiers, mortars, towers, etc. If you manage to sneak past a dozen soldiers and quietly evacuate an SUV under their noses, then you should be awarded a gold medal. If not, then, as it seems, it is time to frolic enough, sitting behind the turret to shoot all opponents.

Episode 6 - Where is the sting hiding?

Sting system captured
- "Skulls" eliminated
- Sting system captured along with ammunition
- Evacuated a prisoner unable to speak
- Two snipers evacuated from mountain transit point

Capture the Sting System

The closest landing site is located quite far from the target of the mission. Be prepared to walk or ride a few miles. When you enter the fort, move to the back, where you will find a cave with candles. The tunnel should lead you down. As a result, you will find yourself in a spacious hall with a pond on the floor. Go through the doors on the left side, get to the back room and look for the Sting system.

Eliminate the Skulls and capture the Sting system with ammunition

When you leave the cave, you will meet the good old Skulls. The best way to defeat these opponents is to use Sting on them. You need to shoot when they are close to each other. Fortunately, these creatures love to crowd. This will allow you to save ammo. Try to save at least one projectile in order not to lose the bonus mission achievement listed above.

You can try to kill enemies with a machine gun and grenades. You just have to always be on the move. Third option: try to run away from the battlefield without using Sting. For these purposes, it is desirable to use a horse.

Evacuate the prisoner

The prisoner is located at the Mountain Relay Base. It is hidden inside the car. He will be transported to the very fortress of Smasei. Three soldiers will accompany him to the room where the Sting is (was) stored. Remember that as soon as the soldiers bring the prisoner into the room with the "Sting", then after a minute or two they will kill him.

Destroy the helicopter

You will encounter a combat helicopter, which will try to block your way to the base. It is unlikely that in your arsenal there will be any weapon suitable for combat with a helicopter. It's best to use the same Sting system if you don't want to come back another time to complete the mission again and collect all the achievements.

Episode 7 - Blood Copper

Eliminated the company commander from the village of Vialo
- Eliminated platoon leader from Shago village
- Eliminated the platoon leader from the Wah Sind barracks
- Commander evacuated along with his soldiers (total 4)
- Three commanders evacuated
- Conversation of three commanders listened to the end
- 2 prisoners evacuated from the city of Gvandai

Eliminate or evacuate commanders

The meeting of the commanders will take place in the village of Vialo. In theory, all you have to do is clear the village of enemy patrols. One commander will be here from the start. You can kill him as soon as possible. Or take it out with the Fulton. Now wait for the arrival of the other two chiefs. Eliminate or evacuate them. Be careful, because the commanders are necessarily accompanied by ordinary soldiers. It is very necessary that you do not cause an alarm.

A with new system evacuation of the Fulton and you will see nothing like this!

The commanders will arrive at the location separately, so you will have time.

Evacuate the commander and his soldiers in transport

Look at the road to see the commander and his buddies in the car. The commander put on a red beret. You need to find a way to stop the car without any casualties. For example, you can shoot through the wheel of a car. As soon as their journey is interrupted, then run up and stun everyone who is there. It's unlikely that your Fulton system is currently upgraded to transport cargo, so just get each soldier out of the vehicle and use it to evacuate in turn.

Listen to the end of the conversation of the three commanders

You need to wait until all three commanders are in the same tent, and then eavesdrop on their conversation.

Episode 8 - Occupation Forces

Deployment plans received
- Colonel Eliminated
- All tanks destroyed
- Colonel evacuated
- Colonel and all his tanks eliminated before arriving at Smasei fortress
- Evacuated a prisoner from the village of Shahra Ye
- All tanks evacuated

The task consists of two parts. In the village of Shahra Ye, there is a colonel who needs to be eliminated. There you need to find his plans. After you need to destroy all the tanks.

To complete one of the optional tasks, enter the first building in the village and free the hostage. Evacuate him.

Approximately in the middle of the location on the second floor of a tall building near the mountain there is intelligence. Be careful, because if the alarm is raised, then this part of the task will not be completed. Episode and without it can be completed, but still. Open the map and you will see a red area behind the village. Move there so that the colonel on tanks goes to the fortress. You must do everything possible to prevent these tanks from reaching their destination.

One of the best options- use the air strike, which you can order through the PDA. Remember that the strike must be ordered to the place where the tanks will arrive in 15-20 seconds. When both tanks are destroyed, the mission will end. Leave the hot zone, after viewing the statistics, call the helicopter and evacuate.

Episode 9 - Help and departure

Armored vehicle destroyed

- Armored car evacuated
- Evacuated 4 soldiers looking for an escaped prisoner
- Evacuated 6 prisoners
- evacuated 3 tanks

Destroy Soviet armored vehicles

It is desirable to improve the shelling by the beginning of this mission. All appearing enemy vehicles will be marked on the map. Usually there won't be more than two. Find a car and move towards it, trying not to get into the guard posts. At a minimum, they should be ignored, since you have limited time. Destroy the tanks however you see fit: shelling, rocket launcher, mines, explosives, grenades, etc.

You must destroy the tanks quickly while they are still within the area. If they leave, then you will never be able to destroy them all again. By the way, according to the instructions, it is enough for you to destroy at least one vehicle. If you destroy five tanks, the goal "Destroy several combat vehicles" will be completed.

To complete another objective, you must ignore fire support and supply drops. If your Fulton system is up to date, you can pick up the vehicles and transport them to the main base.

Capture a weapon being transported on a truck

At one point, your partner will tell you that a truck with weapons has appeared on the location. Look for him on the road, or at the Yaho Obu supply base.

Evacuate four soldiers looking for an escaped prisoner

You will find soldiers to the east of point "12" (look carefully at the map). Ultimately, all the soldiers will break in pairs. Use a tranquilizer gun against them. Try to spend as little time as possible.

Evacuate six prisoners

The prisoners are at the Yaho Obu supply base. Some of them are inside the enemy transport, which will move around the location. Explore the area with binoculars to find all the hostages and free them.

Episode 10 - Angel with Broken Wings

Captured Mujahideen Malak evacuated
- Escort armored vehicle evacuated
- 3 prisoners evacuated from Lamar Haate Palace
- 2 prisoners evacuated from Iaho Ob supply base
- Listened to the last conversation between the driver and Malak

Go to the palace and clear the dilapidated building. There are several hostages on the floors, but they are not the main target. Free one of them, evacuate, and only after that the task will be updated. Ocelot will inform you that Malak has been taken to another place.

Move to the top of the map, to the Yaho Obu supply base. Clear the area of ​​the building. Go inside the fortress and search all the rooms along the perimeter. Red doors lead to one of the rooms. Go there and take out the hostage. This is the Malak you need. Leave the base, call the helicopter using your PDA, and then move to the extraction point. Put the hostage in the helicopter, jump there yourself.

Now take additional task"Contact with Emmerich". There will be no new one in the list of main missions! Move to the Yaho Obu supply base (approximately there you will land). From there, you should climb up the map until you find yourself in the ruins of Aabe Shifap. It is worth noting that these ruins are not visible on the map until the mission is taken.

Episode 11 - Surrounded by Silence

Quiet liquidated

So, a sniper should shoot at you. And so the mission begins. You can destroy Quiet, or you can just get to another part of the location and leave it. Go to the end of the location and the episode will end.

So, if you decide to deal with Quiet, you can even attack her with a sniper rifle. When she runs out of lives, she will move to the middle of the map.

How to neutralize Silent without a lethal weapon

In order to neutralize Quiet without firearms and lethal weapons, you need to show cunning. Do you know how to do it? Look for its position with binoculars and mark it on the map. Now call Snake's supply supply to the location where it is located.

Another alternative: wait for Quiet to jump in the water, basking in the rainbow. Run up and put her to sleep with tranquilizers.

What to do with her?

You will have to decide how to deal with it. Kaz says that she must be killed, Ocelot must be left alive. By the way, if you leave her alive, then you will have several advantages. Firstly, she will become your companion, and secondly, the storyline associated with the girl will be available to you. Why turn down interesting jobs?

If you want to complete all the tasks of the mission at once, then you will have to catch Quiet without using lethal and firearms. Periodically, the girl "baths" in the rays of the rainbow. This is your chance!

Kaz didn't approve of Snake's decision to bring Quiet to the main base.

Side quest (with plot). Visit to Quiet

If you decide not to kill Quiet and take her to your squad, then a task will appear. Ocelot will say that he wants to meet you near Quiet's cell. Open the map while on the main platform and go to the medical bay. The map must be opened to put a marker or call a helicopter. This quest in the side missions is marked in yellow, just like "Contact with Emmerich". If you remember, the quest "Contact with Emmerich" was necessary to continue the plot.

Upon arrival at the medical platform, leave the heliport and find a staircase opposite it leading to the basement. Climb down and approach Ocelot. Listen to him. The task will be completed. From now on, Quiet can be taken on a mission.

Quiet, one of Snake's possible partners during missions.

Side mission. Contact with Emmerich

Without it side mission the storyline will not continue.

Move to the indicated Serac Power Plant. You need to quietly get to its end, where the red door is located. If you are noticed, you will have to fight your way through. Until you kill everyone, you won't be able to open the door. In the end, open the door and watch the cut-scene.

Episode 12 - Road to Hell

Contact with Dr. Emmerich was made
- Dr. Emmerich evacuated
- 3 Walker Gear evacuated from central base
- Dr. Emmerich evacuated unharmed
- Captured a vertical poster with a fashion model from the central base
- Captured blueprints from the central base

Go to the huge gate (don't accidentally go back to the red ones), kill the two soldiers on the left. You need to go up to the iron platform to the right of the gate and scan all the documents. Now you need to move to the central base camp in Afghanistan.

Go back, you can clear the location in a new way, or you can jump on a horse and ride away. Move to the central base. The helicopter will reappear here. And the enemies in general will become stronger. You need to find a place where Emmerich will be captured. You will be able to go inside the specified hangar only if the alarm was not raised, or if ALL opponents were destroyed after the alarm. To destroy the helicopter, you need to capture a mechanical robot. By the way, even robots standing without soldiers are considered enemies. Therefore, they will also need to be destroyed. Only after that you will be able to enter inside the hangar through one of the side doors.

Inside you will find Dr. Emmerich. Grab him and drag him to the extraction point. Pre-call a helicopter to this place. After the cut-scene, run back and hide from the huge robot. Next, you will need to call a helicopter to another evacuation point, somewhere far away. After that, ride to this point on a horse and jump in as soon as possible. Find the machine gun on the right or left and pull it out. Shoot Sahelanthropus to destroy him.

Episode 13 - Darkness

At the main base, call a helicopter and get into it. Choose a new mission. It's time to leave Afghanistan and go on an adventure to Central Africa.

You must destroy the oil fields. Move to the oil base. The path will not be close and rather difficult. At the base, you will need to destroy a huge tank and turn off the pumps. First move to the nearest marker. Open the grate and you will see a huge red tank. Throw a grenade in his direction or plant explosives (depending on what you have available). After that, run away. Follow the other yellow marker, climb up and enter the room with the blue door. There will be a console panel here. Interact with her to disable the pumps. After you will need to leave the danger zone. Mission completed.

Episode 14 - Common Language

Afrikaans translator found
- Viscount Found
- Viscount evacuated
- According to intelligence, the whereabouts of 4 captives are established
- 3 prisoners evacuated from the Kiziba camp
- A container with materials was evacuated from the Kiziba camp
- Listened to the interrogation of all 4 prisoners

Select a task in your PDA, then ride a horse to the specified point. You don't have to call for a helicopter. There will be a suitcase. A cutscene will play and the episode will begin.

You need to save the Viscount. Move to the point indicated on the map. Examine everything through binoculars and determine which of all is an interpreter. Follow the interpreter without raising the alarm. Only in this way will you be able to reach the hostages, among which there is the Viscount you need. Ideally, both the interpreter and the Viscount should be evacuated. Follow the translator. He, along with another soldier, will enter the building. But there will be no one else inside. The fact is that the hostage is being brought here. You can go to the meeting to the northeast. Turn on the night vision device to see one soldier leading the Viscount. Deal with him and save the hostage. After that, you can go to the translator in the hut, neutralize him and take him out into the street. The translator can be evacuated from the street.

The "chicken hat" is really a chicken hat!

By the way, you can evacuate the translator first. Ocelot will interrogate him and inform you that a hostage is about to be brought. You can wait, or you can, again, move to the meeting.

Episode 15 - Ghost Tracks

Choose a new mission and move to the specified point. You can start the task through a helicopter.

Move to the abandoned village. You need to find and destroy (or evacuate) the robots. Only four pieces. Try to get to the tents to the right of the village. There will be two robots. There will be two more targets even higher. You can use them to destroy soldiers and other robots. When all four targets are destroyed or evacuated, then leave the hot zone.

Episode 16 - Traitor Caravan

Escort armored car found
- Truck found
- Truck evacuated
- "Skulls" eliminated
- Truck driver evacuated
- According to intelligence, an approximate escort route has been established
- Listened to all conversations of the truck driver with soldiers at outposts and guard posts
- Evacuated 3 Zero Risk Security soldiers

Take the task and move to the specified point to start the mission. Move to the guard post marked on the map. You have two options. Either you upgrade the Fulton so that heavy loads can be evacuated, or you deal with all the guards and take the truck with the right goods out of the danger zone.

So, follow to the post and kill 5-6 guards. You can even make some noise. Inside one of the two dark tents, find information about the truck. The route will be highlighted on the map. Move from its end, which is closer to you. There will be an airport in the middle of the route. A truck, a tank and an APC are on site. One of the options for passing this. Raise the alarm and move away. The vehicle will start moving along the route. Get in the way of vehicles, quickly run up to the truck. Skulls will jump out of the truck if everyone is stopped. Defeat the Skulls. Use an armored personnel carrier and a tank. When the Skull is left alone, it will be quite easy to deal with him. By the way, if the skulls attack with a saber, then you can counterattack them. Defeat everyone, get into the truck and take it out of the hot zone.

Episode 17 - Scout Rescue

- A soldier of the reconnaissance detachment was evacuated from the Kiziba camp
- Evacuated 2 C.F.A.
- Prisoner evacuated from Kiziba's camp
- Evacuated 4 soldiers of reinforcements of the search party
- Truck driver evacuated

Follow to the nearest point, in the middle of the forest. There's an escaped hostage somewhere in here. In the middle of the location, look for the "information" icon. Examine the scout's walkie-talkie. He himself is located nearby, in the same area, between the stones on the ground. Find him and evacuate. Move to the next point, clear the location. There will be a small yellow zone where you need to find the second scout. Find two cells on the location. Made? Not far from them there is a pit with wooden boards that serve as a roof. Go down and find a scout. It will not be possible to deliver it by tow truck. Susnete your horse and bounce along with the wounded scout outside the hot zone. The mission will be completed.

Episode 18 - Blood Ties

Former rebel from the Mbele army eliminated
- 5 captives in the Kungeng mine eliminated
- Captured child evacuated
- Former rebel from Mbele army evacuated
- The mission was completed in such a way that the enemy did not notice the evacuation of 5 child soldiers
- Attack helicopter destroyed
- Evacuated 5 snipers near the northeast and southwest guard post of the Kungenga mine
- evacuated 3 armored vehicles

Move to the specified point to start the mission. You have six goals. All these prisoners must be killed. First, move to the nearest location. At the end of it there will be an ordinary soldier whom you were ordered to kill. Do so, and then move to a new place. Move to the mountain opposite, destroying opponents. Enter the mine through the grate and look for the children. Now you will need to take the children to the place of evacuation. One child is injured and cannot walk, so you will have to constantly carry him. Kill enemies in advance, then order the children to walk. By the way, do not forget about the possibility of air support. Put all the children in turn in the helicopter.

Episode 19 - On the Trail

Found a subordinate of the PMC commander, nicknamed "Major"
- PMC commander nicknamed "Major" discovered
- The commander of the PMC, nicknamed "Major" eliminated
- PMC commander nicknamed "Major" evacuated
- Major's subordinate evacuated
- Evacuated a prisoner from the northeast guard post of Munko Ya Nyoka Station
- Listened to the conversation between the PMC commander, nicknamed "Major" and his subordinate

At the main base, call the helicopter and select the next task. To get started, move to checkpoint. Now examine the base through binoculars. You need to find the assistant major. He, along with two soldiers, is inside the tent, closer to you. Wait for the assistant to come out, then scan him with binoculars.

Follow his car. At some point, he will change to another car. After that, you will reach the very place where the meeting will take place. Kill the major and his assistant, or try to evacuate them. If the assistant notices you before he arrives at this place, then you will need to destroy the enemy helicopter. True, he appears on the outskirts of the hot zone and flies away from it. It is not known whether it is possible to undermine it at all.

Shabani evacuated

- Burning man attack repelled
- According to intelligence, the path to the western guard post has been established industrial zone Ngumba
- A wild dog was caught near the western guard post of the Ngumba industrial zone
- Listened to a conversation about corpses at Munko Ya Nyoka Station

Call a helicopter at the main base, then select a mission. When you land, then download to the indicated place. The control point is located at a distance of more than one and a half kilometers, do not be alarmed.

You will need to go through the station (this is the name of the place, in fact, it doesn’t look much like a station). There will be a grate ahead. On the left side there is a door. Pass. Move forward along the road that is as close as possible to the indicated place. After passing through another door, you will find yourself in front of a destroyed bridge. Turn right, and when you get to the cliff with a waterfall, then turn left. Get to the huge white building. On the left side there is opened door. Go and find the boy. Watch the cut-scene.

Now you need to neutralize the fiery creature. Get out of the building as quickly as possible, run to the tunnel through which you came here. The tunnel will be destroyed. After that, enter the PDA and call the helicopter at the farthest position from the current one. Follow through the building, which has several blue water tanks. Throw a grenade or shoot the tank next to which there will be a fiery creature. With these actions you will neutralize it. But this is temporary. Since you called the helicopter in advance, you must then have time to jump into it and fly away. Just in case, take out the machine gun of the helicopter and shoot the huge tanks on the street.

Episode 21 - War Economics

Arms dealer discovered
- C.F.A. employee discovered
- C.F.A. employee liquidated
- C.F.A. employee evacuated
- Arms dealer evacuated
- Listened to all conversations between the merchant and C.F.A.

- Evacuated a container with materials from the hangar at Nova Braga airport

Follow to the airport. Move to the airstrips. On the other side, there is a helipad on the roof of the building. A merchant aircraft will land there. You must track down the merchant, who will go approximately to the middle of the building, to the second floor, where he will meet with the enemy you need. He must be killed. By the way, if you want, you can not wait for the merchant, but immediately get into that building.

Episode 22 - Platform Release

Enemy commander eliminated

Leave the room where the robot is being worked on. Call a helicopter to the nearest platform and select a mission. Move to the left along the second tier, to the control point. Go into the alley and go up until you destroy all the opponents. Be careful! Not all stairs lead to the very top of the platform.

Episode 23 - White Mamba

White mamba evacuated
- Evacuated a prisoner from Masa village
- White Mamba evacuated, unable to resist
- Rough diamonds captured near Masa village
- Evacuated 20 child soldiers

As you understand, the White Mamba is a boy. You must find him and evacuate. First, choose a mission. After a while, you will be there. Move to the active point. You can't use a horse. Most importantly, the White Mamba is the leader of the bandit children. Children will attack you, but you cannot kill them. When you find yourself at the desired location, then through the binoculars, find the broken ship. Move inside the ship.

Africa seems to be famous today for using children as soldiers.

On its back there is a hole through which you can quietly get into the hold. Climb to the top and meet the White Mamba. Run after him, counterattack. You need to repeat the procedure several times. The boy will sometimes go down to the floor below. Watch the cut-scene. Call a helicopter to the nearest point, then take Mamba there. Children will not attack.

Episode 24 - Close Encounter

Male engineer evacuated
- Female engineer evacuated
- Evacuated 6 Nubians near the southwest guard post of the Ngumba industrial zone
- evacuated 2 SUVs
- 4 containers were evacuated from the northeast guard post of Munko Y Nyoka Station
- African peach harvested near the Munko Ya Nyoka station
- Martial eagle caught near Munko Ya Nyoka train station

Call in a helicopter, accept the mission, and select a drop point. You need to evacuate two civilians. Run on the marker. You will need to go through a familiar outpost. Clear it and move to another post. Look through the binoculars to see the first hostage in the car. After a while, the car will go back to the wrong outpost that you managed to pass. Go back for her and free the hostage. Go back to the post indicated by the yellow marker. Walk a little to the north and among the stones you will see a second hostage lying around. Evacuate him, get out of the hot zone and complete the mission.

Episode 25 - Avenger's Faithful Hand

The chief of staff of the militants was evacuated
- Child Soldier Commander evacuated
- Evacuated a prisoner who escaped from the northeast guard post of Munko Ya Nyoka Station
- Evacuated 12 child soldiers
- The chief of staff and the commander of the child soldiers were simultaneously evacuated using transport
- A foxglove (purple) has been collected at the northeast guard post of Munko Ya Nioka Station

And again you need to fight with child soldiers. You must find and evacuate their commander, as well as the chief of staff they kidnapped. Decide for yourself who to kidnap first. Each time after the kidnapping, you will need to call a helicopter and run back to land a boy or an injured hostage who will not survive the flight using the Fulton device. Get into the helicopter when both the desired characters are seated on it. It is advisable to move one character to the evacuation point, then move after another. When both are in place, then call a helicopter and land both. If you land one, and send the helicopter home, then re-call it and land another, then the mission will not be completed.

Open your PDA and go to the "Personnel Management" tab. Click on the top tabs where the red arrow points. Listen to the information. Now you can choose a new mission.

Episode 26 - The Hunt

Intelligence reveals slave trader's escape route
- Slaver eliminated
- Slaver eliminated before arriving at Kiziba's camp
- Slaver evacuated along with 5 accompanying soldiers
- 4 prisoners evacuated from the abandoned village of Ditadi
- Striped jackal caught near Kiziba's camp

Based on the mission, you need to eliminate the slave trader. Open the map and you will see two marked areas. Move into the small circle area. You will come to an abandoned village. Climb higher, to the tent, to the left of which is the antenna. Near the tent there is a table where you have to scan the information.

If the alarm has been understood, then the information can be scanned either when everyone is dead or when the alarm is silenced. The path along which the slave trader moves will appear on the map. You should try to kill him before he gets to Kiziba's camp. Move approximately to the place where the path of the slave trader goes to the right. In general, the path on the map is depicted in the form of a curved arrow. Here you need to go to the bend. Kill everyone, including the slave trader.

Episode 27 - Root Cause

Reconnaissance squad member evacuated
- A soldier of the reconnaissance squad was evacuated before he could get hurt
- Danger zone abandoned by land

You need to save a soldier of the reconnaissance squad. Clear the first outpost the marker points to. Your fighter is not here. Move to the next mark. As a result, you should be at the top, inside the circle (on the map). A bound scout is lying on the ground in this area. If you mentally divide the circle into four equal parts, then the scout can be found in the first quarter (northwest). Grab the guy and carry him to the helicopter.

Episode 28 - Code Talker

Contact with Code Talker made
- Code Talker evacuated
- Code Talker evacuated unharmed
- "Skulls" eliminated
- "Skulls" evacuated
- Evacuated an armored vehicle blockading the Lufwa valley

You need to find the old man living in his mansion and find out about the pathogen. In addition, if necessary, then deliver it to the main base. Go forward until fog appears. You will need to kill four Skulls with sniper rifles. The skulls don't all aim at the same time. Periodically, one (more precisely, one) of them will jump down. You need to turn in the direction from where the Skull will try to attack, and press the key responsible for the blow.

A skull sniper that you will encounter on the way to the mansion of the old Code Tolker.

After killing one or two Skulls, move a little further. Kill the third and follow even further. By the way, you can try to ignore the Skulls by wearing a chicken hat.

Move to the marker and you will see the mansion. Get around it. On the back side, find the entrance to the first floor. Get down to the basement, where there are barrels of wine. Move lower and lower until you open the door behind which the old man is sitting. If the alarm was raised, then first you have to kill everyone. Watch the cut-scene.

Grab the old man on your shoulders and go upstairs. Here you will be attacked by zombies. In principle, these enemies are not as scary as the Skulls. You can just throw them on the floor with a melee attack, then grab your grandfather and run as fast as you can. At the top, do not forget to call a helicopter in advance.

Episode 29 - Metal Archaea

- "Skulls" eliminated
- Code Talker evacuated
- Mission completed without being captured by a puppet soldier
- "Skulls" evacuated

Choose the next mission. Before starting, stock up on the most best weapon. Machine gun and assault rifle I will be appropriate. You will have to fight four skulls. A little about the mechanics. When the Skull is covered with stone, you destroy its protective layer. After it, you cut directly the HP of the monster. It's better to focus on one monster. When some monster has a machine gun, you better run. By the way, you can break away from the monsters among the buildings on the right or left. By doing this, you will be able to call an additional weapon when the ammo runs out. If all four Skulls are dead, then go to your grandfather, pick him up and move him to a new landing site. And further. The stones fly "homing", so until they fly past you, it's better to move around the field.

Episode 30 - Skull

Skull made contact
- Information received from the Skull
- Extracted 4 Walker Gear
- An audio cassette was found in OKB Zero
- 7 red containers were evacuated from OKB Zero
- 3 tanks were evacuated from OKB "Zero"

Watch a series of videos, and then, as usual, select the thirtieth mission. The goal of the mission, as never before, is the simplest: to take revenge on the Skull. Move through the fog and find yourself near the base of the Skull.

Your worst enemy, Skull.

You need to go through several locations before you can take revenge on the villain. Move to the end of the map, enter the large mine. There is a metal staircase in the far right corner. Climb up it to the very top, where the Skull is waiting for you. Follow the Skull, and when you're downstairs, get in the car. Watch the extended cut-scene.

Episode 31 - Sahelanthropus

Sahelanthropus destroyed
- Head of Sahelanthropus destroyed
- Flying boy successfully attacked

Get down the road down, shooting back from Sahelanthropus. With conventional weapons, you will kill him long and tediously. Below there is something like a Katyusha and a tank. Use them to inflict sufficient damage on the enemy. Shoot continuously and best of all from the Katyusha. If the robot is rapidly running towards you, then leave from there. You can drive between his legs. The fact is that one flamethrower volley is capable of destroying your transport. At about the moment when the robot has less than half of its HP left, all the air will turn red. If you do not attack the enemy at this moment, he will incinerate ALL vehicles in the location. Transport will turn red, and it will be impossible to use it. By the way, take a machine gun and a rocket launcher with you. If you have time to attack the robot at this moment, then it will not spoil the entire transport. On the last reserves of HP, the robot will attack fatally. He will jump up the hill and sit down. An electric capacitance will appear on the shoulder. He will start aiming, showing the direction with two red beams. Run over the rocks. With one hit, the robot can send you to the next world. Carefully shoot him from behind the rock. Watch the final cut-scene.

Chapter 2

Episode 32

CIA agent evacuated
- CIA agent evacuated before search party arrives
- Evacuated 4 soldiers of the search party
- Evacuated vehicle driver
- 2 captives evacuated from Shago Village and Lamar Haate Palace
- Evacuated a Soviet soldier who was planning an assassination attempt on a CIA agent

Choose a helicopter mission. Upon arrival, follow the indicated point. Along the way, you can capture an outpost consisting of six mercenaries. At the marker, you will encounter four Walker Gears. You can destroy them, or you can wait until they leave. A hostage, a CIA agent is lying near the rocks, in the grass. Evacuate him and return to base.

Side quest (with plot). Eli's Trial

Another task from the side, but with a plot. In one of the missions, you kidnapped the commander of the child soldiers named Eli. After completing the main story and completing the mission "Too Much Knowledge". You can use your hand with the stun skill as a weapon. Run up and hit the boy until he is eventually stunned.

Episode 33

Equipment of the eastern communication point found
- The equipment of the eastern communication point was destroyed
- Rough diamonds captured near east comms point
- Eastern comm transmitter destroyed
- 2 prisoners evacuated from Vialo village
- A container with materials was removed from the eastern communication point

This episode differs from the same one, but in the storyline, only in that the chicken hat is not available to you, and all weapons and items are obtained on the spot. Supply drop, buddy drop, support helicopter, and fire support are not available. The maximum level of difficulty. You need to do the exact same thing as before. Find the radio and destroy it.

Episode 34

Armored vehicle destroyed
- Eliminated several combat vehicles or helicopters
- All armored vehicles were destroyed without the use of supplies and fire support
- Captured weapons transported by truck
- Armored car evacuated
- Evacuated 4 soldiers looking for an escaped prisoner
- Evacuated 6 prisoners
- evacuated 3 tanks

This episode differs from the same one, but in the storyline, only in that the chicken hat is not available to you.

Side quest (with plot). AI capsule evacuation

You need to go to the central base in Afghanistan and evacuate the AI ​​capsule. Information from it may confirm suspicions regarding Emmerich.

Go to the place. Either kill all the enemies or carefully sneak into the building, similar to where you found Emmerich. If the alarm was raised, then in order to get inside the building, you will need to kill everyone. Inside you will find a computer with red lights. Activate the capsule. Now you can leave the area of ​​effect.

Side quest (with plot). Capturing the remains of a burning man

The task becomes available after the previous one additional mission. You need to find the remains of a burning man. There seem to be few buildings at the base, but finding the body of a burning person is difficult. More precisely, it is located in plain sight. But it's not easy to notice. Go to the base area. There are several rooms to the right and left, but you don't need them. There is a playground in the center. In the far right corner of it, the corpse of a burning man is lying on a litter. Press the button to evacuate him. Watch the cut-scene.

Episode 35

evacuated 2 containers
- The mission was completed by leaving the danger zone on the container being evacuated using the Fulton system
- The task was completed in such a way that the enemy did not notice the evacuation of containers
- According to intelligence, the whereabouts of the soldier
- The commander of the Zero Risk Security squad guarding the mansion was evacuated
- Found rough diamonds stolen by a raven near the northwest guard post of Lufwa Valley

Further, the episodes will not be described one by one. If any episode is missing in a row, then this means that one of the story levels is repeated in it, with minor complications. And so in this episode you can complete the task of the old Code Talker.

Move forward across the bridge to the old man's mansion. It is guarded by serious guys. Among the soldiers there are armored targets, which are not so easy to kill. It doesn't make sense to kill everyone. You must draw out one of them and interrogate. They need to know where the containers are hidden. If this is not done, then you will wander through the jungle for a long time and tediously.

Inside the house on the first floor there is information on the table. Sneak in there unnoticed and examine it. You will learn the location of two containers. Move there. If you have interrogated the soldiers in the mansion, they will show you how many guards are near the containers. Try to be covert.

After you send the first container to the base, the countdown will begin until the helicopters appear. Nothing complicated if you don't make a fuss. Next, get out of the zone of action and fly away in a helicopter. By the way, if the wooden bridge between the plots of land with containers was blown up, then look for a bypass. He is there.

Side quest (plot). Search for runaway children 01

Important! Complete at least one of the available episodes (the one that repeats the story, but with special conditions). For example, episode 34. Only after that the next story task will be available.

Get in the helicopter and take the task. Move to the base. The job is easy if done right. Climb down the cliff. Get over the fence near the building in which the child is located. You can send Quiet to scout to find out the location of all enemies and the child. The fence will have boxes that will help you get over it.

Go around the building counterclockwise. Keep an eye on the flying helicopter at all times. Do not approach the door guarded by a soldier. Stand at another, inactive door. Now wait for two soldiers to enter the child's room. They will do this in turn, with a pause of 30-40 seconds. After that, wait for the helicopter to fly over Snake's head, run to the door and stun the soldier. Immediately go inside the room and stun the other two. Without relaxing, run back out into the street, pick up the first soldier and bring him into the room. Here it is desirable to kill three stunned soldiers from a weapon with a silencer. After that, grab the child and run away from the base. Behind this building, a little closer to the exit, there is a car. You can leave in an SUV. Now, if you leave the hot zone, the task will be completed automatically and the boy will disappear. Bug? If you do not want this, then call a helicopter to the nearest evacuation point.

Side quest (plot). Search for runaway children 02

Move to the Tolkera Code mansion. You must find the boy. You can interrogate several soldiers until one of them points to the location of the child. Move there. It is best to clean the house in advance. Fortunately, there are no fully armored soldiers here. After that, pick it up and take it out (take it out) outside the hot zone. The boy will be automatically taken away.

Episode 40

Film container seized
- Fortress Spugmay captured
- The film container was captured before reinforcements arrived
- A prisoner was evacuated from the eastern guard post of the Spugmay fortress
- A griffon vulture caught near the ruins of Spugmai

Take the task and find yourself in place. Move to the fortress and clear it of enemies. You can make some noise. Next comes the most difficult stage. Open your PDA and go to the "Assignments" tab. On the right should be a description of the current mission. Under the description is a list of goals, and even lower is a photo loaded. At the very beginning, the photo will be blurry. It will be difficult to understand from it where the cache is located. After a while, Ocelot will report that he has restored the photo. Open again and you will see a clear image. You need to go through the ruins of the fortress to their southern part. You came here from the north, so go to the end of the ruins. There are several small destroyed columns here. On the side of one of them is a small container with a film. Take it and leave the hot zone.

Side quest (plot). Search for runaway children 03

You will find yourself at the location where you met Quiet. From now on, you MUST upgrade the Fulton device to Children. This requires the research and support department to be level 24. Difficult, but possible.

Side quest (plot). Search for runaway children 04

Move to the destroyed building and clear it. Find a large communication vehicle with a huge radar on the street near the building. Destroy the radar so that the opponents cannot call for reinforcements. After that, enter the building in the place where this radar stands, and immediately go up the stairs two flights (to the third floor). Go to another part of the building. You will see that the floor here is destroyed, but it can be bypassed on narrow slabs. Move forward until you find the boy. You can send Quiet to investigate. Section "tasks", select the help of a partner and the line "Espionage". Take the boy and just as carefully walk back. Call a helicopter and put the boy on it.

Side quest (plot). Search for runaway children 05

Go on a mission. You will find yourself in caves inside the rock. Quiet can scout the area and find zombie enemies, as well as a child. You need to get inside the cave and find a passage to the part where there is a small reservoir. From here there is a narrow tunnel leading up. On this tier and look for the boy. By the way, if you stand opposite the entrance to the cave, then a camp will be set up here. There is a building with a small antenna near the right cliff. Just above this antenna, on a large ledge, there are both monsters and a child. Evacuate the kid by helicopter.

Episode 41

Attack helicopter destroyed
- 2 tanks destroyed
- 2 armored vehicles destroyed
- Evacuated 2 tanks and 2 armored vehicles
- The commander of the column of armored vehicles was evacuated
- A rough diamond was found on the column commander
- Captured blueprints from an attack helicopter

This episode becomes available after what has been completed above. You must destroy the enemy army. Ocelot will tell you that their commander is a very experienced fighter who should not be underestimated.

But nothing particularly difficult awaits you. Use shelling and rocket launcher to destroy moving enemy vehicles. You don't have to destroy it on the go. You can wait until she arrives at the scene and fire. At the end of the mission, when all the equipment is destroyed, an attack helicopter will fly to the location. Destroy it. You can call for a support helicopter, or you can hide inside the tent, run around it and shoot at the helicopter. Do not forget that at any time you can make requests for ammunition.

Episode 40

Quiet liquidated
- You have decided what to do with Quiet
- Quiet is neutralized without the use of lethal weapons against her
- Quiet is neutralized without the use of firearms

Since the rest of the side story missions are currently unavailable, go through this task again. The only thing it differs from the main story episode is that you can't use the chicken hat. Well, all shots are fatal. Play during the day so Quiet is distracted by the rainbow. At the end of the mission, you will again be asked to decide whether to kill Quiet or spare her life.

Episode 36

All Walker Gears destroyed
- Evacuated 2 prisoners from the abandoned village of Ditadi
- All Walker Gear evacuated
- Foxglove (yellow) collected in the abandoned village of Ditadi
- Evacuated a truck from the abandoned village of Ditadi

The episode is similar to the plot, but with one essential condition: you should not be noticed. Silence, shelling, etc. can be used in the same way as before. The main thing is that the enemies do not notice Snake. And even then, if Snake is still noticed, then there will be a few seconds to destroy the enemy by grabbing him.

So, you can bombard the village with airstrikes and that's it. Quiet can search the village for enemies and robots that need to be destroyed.

After completing this task, Ocelot will emphasize that the enemies have ordered new Walker Gears. There will also be a new side episode with a plot.

Episode 43

Message sender found
- Infected eliminated

You need to find out the truth about a new disease. And again on the platform of the epidemic. After landing, move to the indicated point. Ocelot will contact you again. The download will take place. You will find yourself in an infected compartment. The atmosphere is something like dead space, agree. Go into the corridors and climb to the very top until you have to open the doors. Watch the cut-scene.

Kazuhiro Miller, Big Boss' right hand.

Episode 39

Captured engineer evacuated
- Engineer evacuated with Fulton through hole in basement ceiling
- Evacuated a prisoner who planned to escape from the Wah Sind barracks
- Evacuated SUV that was patrolling between outposts
- Captured blueprints from Wah Sind barracks

In this episode, you need to remain inconspicuous. You can bombard the entire location up and down with a helicopter. Use shelling for this. In addition, Quiet will help you find out the location of all enemies and the main target. However, you have already gone through such an episode and you know that the captured engineer is hidden in the basement.

After the episode ends, Miller will talk about the cause of the epidemic.

Episode 44

Oil transfer pump off
- Oily water separator destroyed
- Evacuated 4 child soldiers trained in Masa village
- Leaving the danger zone completed before the blockade of the Mfinda field
- Caught an African eared vulture that flew into a burned village
- Evacuated 4 Walker Gears that blocked the Mfinda field

Everything is the same as in story mission, just need to stay invisible. Remember the main thing: shelling and Quiet help out in such missions.

And there is a riot at the main base. Everyone learned that Emmerich was involved in the ongoing epidemic.

Episode 46

The task was completed without the use of Rapid
- The quest is done so that the burning man will never be able to attack after meeting with Ocelot

In this mission, everything is the same as in the prologue. For completing it, you will receive a huge reward and see something new.

Photos with memories

The game has several missions related to the evacuation of some soldiers as part of side quests. So, you will have to evacuate the soldier, and not kill him. In total there are 10 photographs with memories that are given for one or another soldier. The groove is located on the first deck of the medical platform. You must take the photo from him each time to continue the given line. You can only take one photo from her and watch one video each time.

Tips for passing:

You cannot visit Paz until you have developed the first section of the medical platform, which will unlock these side quests.
- All side missions must be completed in numerical order, from 51 to 60 tasks.

Each of the soldiers is very vigilant. He will try to run away if you make any noise. You should definitely use stealth while sneaking up on every soldier, so make sure you get all the training done. Partner D-Dog will help you find all the targets.

D-Dog, a stern wolf, one of Snake's potential partners.

- Complete missions at night, because it will make it harder to notice you.
- Choose as outfit sniper rifle with tranquilizers and move towards the goal. Try to hit the head of the enemy. If you miss, the enemy will throw a grenade and hide. You will have to find the target again and try to hit it in the head again.
- Remember that your friend is a cardboard box. It will help you get as close to the right soldier as possible.

How to get photos with memories

1. Miller and Paz: side mission 51.
2. Professor Galvez: side mission 52.
3. Swimsuit Paz: side mission 53.
4. Nuclear weapons: side mission 54.
5. Fishing: side mission 55.
6. Gallo Pinto: side mission 56.
7. Birthday Party Side Mission 57
8. Costa Rica: side mission 58.
9. Chico: side mission 59.
10. Football: side mission 60.

And one more photo becomes available after you have collected all 10 previous pictures. It's called "Butterfly". You can find it outside the room, on the wall. For this you will receive a part of the emblem.

And now in more detail.

Side Mission 51

Location: Southeast region of Afghanistan.

Requirements: Complete Beat Mission 06.

Reward: 30000 GMP.

Notes: You'll find this soldier on a hill northeast of the east comms post.

Side Mission 52

Location: Southwestern region of Afghanistan.

Requirements: Complete Beat Mission 08 and side mission 51.

Reward: 60000 GMP.

Notes: You will find this soldier southwest of Da Shago Kallai village, but be careful as he will use a smoke grenade if he sees you.

Side Mission 53

Location: Northern region of Africa.

Requirements: Complete Beat Mission 16 and side mission 52.

Reward: 80000 GMP.

Notes: This guy is east of Bwala Ya Masa. If he notices you, he will use a sleep grenade.

Side mission 54

Location: Southern region of Africa.

Requirements: Complete Beat Mission 20 and side mission 53.

Reward: 90000 GMP.

Notes: This guy is located west of Nova Braga Airport. If he sees you, he will use a stun grenade.

Side Mission 55

Location: Northeast Africa.

Requirements: Complete Beat Mission 23 and Side Mission 54.

Reward: 100000 GMP.

Notes: This soldier is inside the Kungeng Mine. There is a shield on his back. He will throw a stun grenade if he spots you.

Side mission 56

Location: Southeast Africa.

Requirements: Complete Beat Mission 31 and Side Mission 55.

Reward: 120000 GMP.

Notes: This soldier is located east of Munoko Ya Nyoka Station. It's pretty hard to catch him. He has a cloaking device. He will constantly use it, so go there at night and use the night vision device.

Side Mission 57

Location: Western region of Afghanistan.

Requirements: Complete Beat Mission 31 and side mission 56.

Reward: 140000 GMP.

Notes: This soldier is standing under the bridge south of Yaho Obu's supply base. He is armed with smoke grenades and a cloaking device.

Side Mission 58

Location: Eastern region of Africa.

Requirements: Complete Beat Mission 35 and side mission 57.

Reward: 180000 GMP.

Notes: See the southern part of the Lufwa Valley. If this soldier sees you, he will use sleep grenades and a cloaking device.

Side Mission 59

Location: Eastern region of Afghanistan.

Requirements: Complete Beat Mission 38 and Side Mission 58.

Reward: 200000 GMP.

Notes: The soldier is on top of the hill east of Shahr Yeh. He has a cloaking device and stun grenades at his disposal.

Side mission 60

Location: Northwestern region of Afghanistan.

Requirements: Complete Beat Mission 38 and Side Mission 59.

Reward: 300000 GMP.

Notes: This soldier is in the ruins of Aabe Shifap. He has a cloaking device and stun grenades.

If you are having problems with walkthrough Metal Gear Solid , you can always use our advice and information for action. We detail the steps you need to follow to complete the game. Metal Gear Solid. In the most difficult places, we add pictures that can help you. Walkthrough Metal Gear Solid read on our website.

Mission 1. Doc

Climb under the pipe, it is on the left. Without falling into the eyes of the guards, go to the elevator from above. Your boss will call you. Hide in the boxes on the right, the elevator will still go. Get into it.

Mission 2. Helipad

To begin with, there will be a briefing of the task, they will talk about why we are here. We have a new assistant, Mei Ling, her frequency is 140.96. After all this, move on, get into the truck and take the weapon. But know that you rarely need to shoot. Only as a last resort. Crawl into the ventilation, which is located near the main doors.

Mission 3. Tank hangar

Miller's frequency is 141.80.

Move through the tunnel further, behind the mice. Call again.<Теперь влево и ступеньками поднимайтесь на второй этаж, заходите в комнатку. Тут вы обнаружите термические очки. Они помогут вам видеть в слишком темных комнатах. На балконе подберите гранаты. Теперь идите к лифту и в нем нажмите на B1.

Mission 4. Prison

Call. Get down the corridor and move to the right. One more call. Climb up. Move to the left through the tunnel, there will be stocks of cartridges. Now go to the main passage and move on. At the end to the left. Call. Get down, click on the bars in the cell. There you will talk to Anderson, he will give you a key card. Then he will die unexpectedly. Another call. Go out of the cell, kill the guards. There will be supplies behind the doors. Run to the elevator and press B2.

Mission 5. Armory

Wear thermal goggles. You can see the tiles, you don't need to step on them. Move to the main building using the card. Take C4 there. Blow up the wall with a huge blue spot. Crawl into the hole.

Mission 6. Armory 2

Blow up the wall on the top right. Crawl in there. Now there will be a fight. We will fight with Revolver Ocelot. Run after him in a circle, because he threatens to blow up the hostage. When you kill him, the hostage will give you another key card and also die. Call. Return to the armory. The path to other armories is now open to you. Take more. Climb into the elevator and click on the unit. Here, go right to the room. Immediately kill the guard and pick up a gun silencer. It does not even need to be put on, he will already be on it. Call Meryl, it's frequency 140.15. Climb to the second floor. Ring. Go down and there to the huge door in the corner. Put on your goggles again so you can see the rays. Do not hurt them. A call, after which open the door with a second-level access card.

Mission 7. Canyon

In order not to step on the bombs, attach a mine detector to yourself. Head up and to the left. Here you will find another enemy - Vulcan Raven. She is in the tank, so he can’t do anything with ordinary attacks, in order to somehow resist him, you need to use a grenade against electronics. Now throw regular grenades at his tank. After defeating him, another key card will be available to you.

Mission 8. Building with warheads

Move on and climb under the door. Call. Don't use weapons. Enter the elevator, press B1. Follow to the right corner of the map and into the second office below. Pick up a bazooka and supplies for it. Back into the elevator and press B2. Go through two doors, blow up the electrical box, then the floor will no longer be energized. Call. To undermine, use a rocket launcher, but first blow up the machine guns that are nearby. Then follow down. Don't go to the crossroads, go into the room on the right. There will be ammo.

Move on, passing to the right along the intersection, you will stumble upon a fancy ninja. Enter into hand-to-hand combat with him, you can see him in an invisible suit with the help of glasses. Already at the end of the battle, you can just shoot him with a pistol. Call. You will see a new ally - Otacon (141.12), he will also give you a key card. Go back to the elevator and click on B1. Head to the office. The guard will see you, he will run to the right. Follow him to the door above. This will be the ladies' room. Meryl will meet you here. She will have a key card already at the fifth level, she will also give it to you. Move to the door to the left of the elevator.

Mission 9. Command center

In a room with a mirrored floor, your next enemy is already waiting for you, his name is Psycho Mantis. Try to dodge his attacks and shoot him. He owns Meryl's mind, so she attacks you, but don't try to kill her. Beat the enemy, he will be closed with the help of your girlfriend. But deal with the boss quickly, because the girl can commit suicide. Call. Move towards the door. Crawl into the hole. Wear glasses to see dogs. But don't bother with them, run through them. Crawl into the rock hole again. There you will see Meryl. Follow her steps.

Mission 10. Underground bunker

You should be shot. After that, you need to return. To the armory, it'll take quite some time. There we need to get ourselves a sniper rifle and again run back to that sniper. Kill Sniper Wolf "a. It will not be so easy. Call. Go through the right door. They will tie you up, and you will wake up in the operating room.

Here you can decide what the ending will be. If you choose to give up, you will get a bad ending, but if you press the action button with all your might, you will get a good one. Then you will find yourself in prison. But they will torture you a few more times, act in the same way as before. Call. Come to the cell doors, there you will see Otacon "a. He will offer you ketchup and a scarf.

Choose ketchup and lie down on the floor with ketchup. The guard will think that something has happened to you and when he runs into your cell, beat him. Take your things from the camera. Go to the right doors, and take the elevator to the first floor and go to the gate. Back to where you were tied. You will be informed that there is a bomb on you. Take the bomb in inventory and throw it away. Near the tower, go to the right door. Call.

Mission 11. Communication tower

Go down the corridor to the left. There you will be detected by a security camera. Take everything you have and kill the guards. Climb up the stairs. Otacon will send you a message. Then go up the stairs. Climb onto the roof with a fire escape. Here the brother of the protagonist, Liquid Snake, appears in front of us. Watch out for helicopter shots and approach the edge of the roof. Use the rope to go down. There, using the rocket launcher, kill the three guards on the bridge. After that, move to another tower.

Get down to the very bottom, there will be a destroyed staircase. Using the elevator, go upstairs, there will be a meeting with Otacon.

Now you can go to the roof. Get higher. Here you will need to deal with machine gunners. Shaff grenades will help a lot in this matter. Shoot down the helicopter with a rocket launcher. Call. Go to the elevator and go down to the first floor. Call. Get rid of the enemies in the elevator. After the elevator, move to the right. After passing through the tunnels, you will be in a field. Field, Russian field. Again a sniper. Take it out with a sniper rifle or rocket launcher. Run, dodging bullets, run through the door, go down.

Mission 12. Smelter

Get down to the very bottom. First, kill the guard on the right, shoot the metal partition. And along the edge, climb to the opposite side, going down to the bottom. Follow the elevator. Click on the console, get down. Kill the guards. Upon arrival, move to the right. Another elevator, it will take you even longer to go.

Mission 13. Frozen warehouse

There will be a fight with Vulkan Raven. Get behind the crates and shoot him with the rocket launcher. So you will get another key card.

Mission 14. Underground base

Head towards the door, but be careful as you will encounter a huge number of turrets along the way. Metal Gear Rex will be located here. You need to get on it. Climb up using the ladder on the right. Call. Now at the top, climb over the robot's head, and drop down to the bottom. Come into the room. There you will hear a conversation between Liquid Snake and Revolver.

Our goal now is to install the card into three computer slots. To find the card, go down, it should be in the water. But don't stay in it for long. Be vigilant, a mouse can grab the card, or a bomb can stick to you, you need to throw it away immediately. Insert the card into the left computer. To install in the second slot, we need to go into the freezer compartment, where our last battle was, stand there by selecting this card. Now it will turn blue. Now use it on your computer.

Run to the smelter again, there this card turns red and run with all your might to the computer, this is the last connector. Now the room will be filled with gas, call Otacon, he will open the doors for you. Exit to the right. Now the battle with the same robot will begin. Run into his legs and shoot the radar that is on Rex's right shoulder.

Now aim at his mouth. Now we will fight with Liquid. The fight will take place without weapons. Also keep in mind that there will be only two and a half minutes to win, otherwise, a loss will follow. After defeating Liquid, there will be the final part, it depends entirely on that choice in the conclusion. In a good ending, Meryl will survive, but in a bad ending, she will be dead. In a good ending, you still have to chase Liquid, finishing him off in a jeep.


Nod your head, look up. Doc asks what our names are, we choose a name. We watch the video, choose the face of Snake.

We crawl to Ishmael, who is standing at the door. We move on, there is an explosion. We run into the room and lie down. We follow the corridor, avoid the spotlights. We run to Ishmael.

We hide behind one of the screens, closer to the enemy. The enemy is checking the bunk next door, quickly crawling over there, so they won't notice us.

We return to the corridor and freeze. The enemy leaves, we straighten the leg. We go back to the site, we go down. On the floor below we will see the steps on fire. We follow to Ishmael, and then we get a cannon. The room will light up. We aim and shoot at the right fire extinguisher. We kill the enemies and move on.

Ishmael will distract the enemy. We shoot him in the head, move along the balcony, but do not rise, kill the remaining enemies. If they notice us, then the mission will become more difficult. We watch the video and run away from the enemy on fire, jump into the wreckage. We run to the exit while the enemy is distracted.

We ride on a horse, shoot back from the enemy.

Chapter 1. Revenge

We enter iDroid. There, a settlement is marked on the map - Gvandai Khar. We close the PDA and open the binoculars. Ocelot will help us, namely where to look. Zoom in and take a closer look. Requesting information about Vialo. We put a mark on this settlement, namely Vialo.

Let's go straight to the village. Ocelot stops us before fasting. We examine it. There are 2 guards here, they are not located close to each other. We deal with them. We capture the post in this way. We will receive a reward.

We are approaching Vialo. Ocelot invites us to find a good point for observation. We can go to the neighboring hills and look at the village through binoculars. Using binoculars, we can mark the enemy, as well as vehicles and various objects.

We pass into the main building of Vialo, where the flag is still fluttering. We find the gate that is open and go upstairs, so let's go into this building. On the table we examine the intelligence in order to find out where Kaz is hiding.

We go on horseback to Gvandai. On the way, we will notice another post, we decide to capture it ourselves or pass by. We check the location and mark the enemy. We need to move to the yellow marker. We pass into the building and on the 2nd floor we find Kaz. We take Kaz and jump to the evacuation. Here are the zombies. Let's try not to let them see us.


We approach Ocelot, listen to him. He gives us Fulton - the evacuation system. This device can instantly move prisoners. We shoot at the soldier who has come, then we approach him and evacuate him with Fulton.

Open the PDA and select the personnel management center. We will see that the employee taken was thrown into the research center. We go back and transfer to the development department. We choose weapons, as well as items. Let's try to make a box. We need to raise the skill of the research section. We close the iDroid, we approach the next soldier and attack with melee. Then it needs to be evacuated.

We beat another and we approach. The percentages above the evacuation sign indicate the possibility of Fulton delivering a soldier to the base. Several factors come into play here. We evacuate him. We go back to development and create a box. We request its delivery near Snake. In seconds, the package will arrive.

We can go to the next task, or we can come to Ocelot, we will check his melee skills. We grab a soldier and press this button a couple of times, he will lose consciousness. We interrogate another soldier, neutralize him and evacuate him. Open i Droid and call the helicopter. We indicate the landing zone and climb into it.

From the pinwheel, we can choose the next task.

Open the PDA and go to "Assignments".

Chapter 3

Choose 1 of 2 landing sites. We choose a point to the east of Da Shago Callai. From the very beginning, we immediately indicate the time, 6 am or 6 pm.

We need to eliminate the commander of the special forces detachment. We jump off the turntable, ride the horse to the marked point. We examine the camp, use binoculars. The commander must leave the building. We recognize him by his red beret. We mark the enemies and begin to eliminate them. First, we deal with the enemy at the structure in front of the outpost, a little to the right. We find a tower at the end of the village, there is a military man. There is also a tower on the left - we eliminate everyone.

Then we can eliminate the commander, or muffle it, take it out of the room and evacuate. We leave this place. When we are in the desert, the horse will stop by itself and the mission will be completed. We call a helicopter to the landing point marked on the map. We climb into the helicopter and wait.

Chapter 4

We are preparing for the mission and choosing a point for landing. According to the objectives of the mission, it is necessary to find communication equipment. We move to the indicated point. We will see the base. We climb to the top of the hill and examine the base through binoculars. We have to find 3 antennas. When we find it, then 1 part of the mission is completed.

Pay attention, we can either destroy the three antennas, or find a radio transmitter. Equipment in a building with one antenna on the roof. This building is closest to us. Then we leave the hot spot.

Chapter 5 Behind the fence

The buildings of Wah Sind are decently protected, but there is a reliable way to get to the prisoner without loss. There are 2 entrances. The 1st entrance is located in front of the tower with soldiers and searchlights. Behind this tower is the main path to the barracks. Another entrance is located on the opposite side, along the road with an obstacle.

Everything here is poorly protected. We capture information from the house with the guard, then move to the barracks.

We can go up to the guard station and, bending down, walk across the road to the watchtower. We climb the stairs and jump from the roof to the rock near us. We go around it on the right side, so we will find a prisoner who is sitting on the edge. We evacuate him with the Fulton.

Evacuate the captured engineer

After we pass into the barracks by the way described above, we move deeper and turn left, to the ruins of the building. On the right side we will see this building. Find a ladder that leads down. In the 1st of the cells we will find a hostage - an engineer. We find him and free him. We do not leave the basement, we find a hole on the ceiling. Let's put the rescued under the hole, then use the Fulton. So we will complete this task.

We evacuate the SUV

The SUV is located on the levels below the location that leads to Wah Sindh. If we manage to get past a dozen warriors and covertly evacuate the SUV, then we could be awarded a medal. As an alternative, sit down behind the turret and shoot all the enemies.

Chapter 6 - Where is the sting hiding?

Capturing the "Sting" system

The nearest landing site is far from the mission objective. Getting ready to run or ride a couple of kilometers. When we get into the fort area, we move to the back, where we will find a cave with candles. The tunnel will lead us down. As a result, we will find ourselves in a large hall. We pass through the door on the left, get to the back room and find the Sting.

Destroy the Skulls and take the Sting system

As we leave the cave, we meet the Skulls. Use against the Skulls "Sting". We shoot at that moment, as soon as they are close to each other. They will stand. We try to save at least one shell.

We evacuate the prisoner

It is located on the Mountain Relay Base, hidden in the car. He will be transported to the fortress of Smasei. 3 soldiers escort him to the room where the Sting was.

Crash the helicopter

We will face a military helicopter, it will block our way. We use the Sting system to quickly complete the mission.

Chapter 7 - Blood Copper

Destroy or evacuate commanders

The commanders will meet at Vialo. You just need to clear the territory from enemy patrols. One of the commanders will be here first. We can quickly kill him. Or we take it out with the help of Fulton. Next, we are waiting for the arrival of the 2 remaining chiefs. Eliminate or evacuate them. We will be careful, as the commanders will be accompanied by soldiers. It is very important that we do not raise the alarm.

We evacuate the commander, as well as soldiers in transport

We look to notice the commander and friends in the car. He put on a red beret. We need to find a way to stop the car without dying. We can pierce the wheel of a car with a bullet. We run up and stun everyone we find. We evacuate the prisoners one by one.

We listen to the end of the conversation of 3 commanders

We are waiting for the moment when 3 commanders will be under one tent, we eavesdrop on their conversation.

Chapter 8 - Occupying Forces

The mission is composed of 2 parts. There is a colonel in Shahra Ye, he must be eliminated. Still need to know about his plans. Next, we will need to destroy all enemy tanks.

To complete one of the additional missions, we enter the 1st building and free the prisoner. We evacuate him.

In the middle of the loki on the 2nd floor of the building we will find intelligence. Let's be careful, because if the alarm sounds, then this part of the mission will be impossible to complete. Open the map and see a red area behind the village. We move there in order for the polkan to go to the fortress. We need to do everything we can, armored vehicles have not arrived at their destination.

The use of airstrike is most effective, we order it through the PDA. Remember that an airstrike must be ordered to the place where the tanks will arrive in 15-20 seconds. As soon as 2 tanks are eliminated, the task will end. We leave the hot spot by calling a helicopter.

Chapter 9 - Help and Retirement

Destroy Soviet armored cars

Improving shelling by the beginning of this task. All enemy vehicles are shown on the map. We find the car and move towards it, trying not to get into guard posts. They must be ignored, as time. We destroy tanks as we see fit: shelling, rocket launcher, mines, explosives, grenades.

We destroy the equipment quickly, while it is still within this location. If the tanks leave, then we will not be able to catch up with them. According to the mission, it is enough to destroy 1 unit. If we destroy 5 tanks, then the task "Destroy several combat vehicles" will be completed.

Capturing weapons that are transported by truck

A car with weapons will appear on the location. We are looking for her on the road, or at the Yaho Obu base.

We evacuate 4 soldiers who were looking for a prisoner

We will find a soldier to the east of point "12". As a result, all warriors break in pairs. We use a pistol and a tranquilizer. We are trying to save time.

Evacuate 6 prisoners

The prisoners are stationed at the Yaho Obu base. Someone is in the enemy's transport, he will drive around the location. We examine the area with binoculars to find all the captives and release them.

Chapter 10 – An Angel with Broken Wings

We go to the palace and clean the semi-whole building. Several hostages are on the floors, but they are not our main target. We release the 1st of them, evacuate, after that the mission will be updated. Ocelot reports that Malak has been taken to a new location.

We move to the top of the map to Yaho Oba. We clean the area around the building. We pass inside the fortress and search the rooms. One of the rooms has red doors. We pass there and pull out the prisoner. We leave the base, call the helicopter, use the PDA, move to the evacuation point.

Now we take extra. mission "Contact with Emmerich". We move to Yaho Obu (there we land). We rise up until we find ourselves in the ruins of Aabe Shifap.

Chapter 11 – Surrounded by Silence

A sniper is shooting at us. We can eliminate Quiet, or we can just go to another part of the loka and get away from it. We pass to the end of the loki, the episode ends.

If we decide to destroy Quiet, we can attack with a rifle. As soon as she has few lives left, she moves to the middle of the map.

How to disable Quiet without using lethal weapons

We look for its position with binoculars and mark it on the map. Now we call Snake's supplies to where it is located.

And you can also wait until she starts jumping on the water. We run up and put her to sleep with the help of a tranquilizer.

How to deal with her?

We will have to decide what to do with it. Kaz will say that it is necessary to kill, and Ocelot - for her to stay alive. If we let her live, we have a couple of advantages. She becomes our companion, and the storyline that is connected with the girl will also become available to us.

Add. mission. Visit to Quiet

If we did not kill the girl, but took it to the squad, then a mission appears. Ocelot talks about meeting us next to Quiet's cell. Open the map and go to honey. compartment. We open the map in order to make a marker or call a turntable. This mission in addition. quests is marked in yellow.

With the arrival of honey. We leave the platform and find a ladder near it that leads to the basement. We go down and approach Ocelot. Let's listen to him. The mission will be completed.

Add. mission. Contact with Emmerich

This is extra. The task must be completed in order to continue the main storyline.

We move to the shown station Serac. We need to stealthily get to its end, where there is a red door. If they notice us, then we need to go with a fight. As soon as we kill everyone, we can open the door.

Chapter 12 - Road to Hell

We pass to the big gate, we kill 2 soldiers from the left side. We need to climb the metal platform on the right side of the gate, we scan the documents. We move to the camp of the main base, which is located in Afghanistan.

We return back. We move to the main base. Here comes the helicopter again. The enemy will also become more serious. We need to find where Emmerich is being held. We will be able to go inside the shown hangar if there is no alarm or after it all enemies were eliminated. To crash a helicopter, you need to take the mech. robot. Once we've done that, we can get inside the hangar using one of the doors on the side.

There we will find Emmerich. We grab it and drag it to the zone for evacuation. Initially, we call the turntable into place. After the video, we run away and hide from the robot. Next, we need to call a helicopter to another evacuation zone, a little further away. Then we jump to this point and jump as soon as possible. On the right side or on the left we find a machine gun, pull it out. We shoot at Sahelanthropus.

Chapter 13 – Impenetrable Darkness

At the central base, we call the turntable and sit in it. We choose another mission. We leave Afghanistan and go on an adventure to Central Africa.

We must destroy the oil fields. We move to the base. At the oil base, we will need to destroy a large tank and turn off the pumps. To begin with, we move to the nearest marker. Open the grate and see a large tank. We throw a grenade there or set a bomb. We run back and follow to the next yellow marker, climb higher and enter the room with the blue door. This is where the console panel will be located. We interact with it and turn off the pumps. After that, you need to get out of the danger zone.

Chapter 14 - Common Language

Select a mission in iDroid, jump to the point shown.

We need to help the Viscount. We move to the point shown on the map. We examine everything through binoculars and identify the translator. We follow the translator and do not raise the alarm. Only in this way will we be able to get to the hostages, there is also a Viscount. It is best to evacuate both the translator and the Viscount. An interpreter to another military enters the room. There will be no one but them. The prisoner will be brought here. We can go to the meeting in the northeast. We turn on the night vision device, so we will see the 1st soldier who leads the Viscount. We deal with him and save the hostage. Next, we can go to the hut to the translator, neutralize it and take it out into the street. We evacuate him there.

Chapter 15 - Ghost Footprints

We select the next task and move to the point shown. We start the task through the turntable.

We move to the old village. We need to find and destroy four robots. We will try to make our way to the tents on the right side of the village. Find two robots there. Above are 2 more targets. We can use them to eliminate soldiers and robots. When we're done, we leave the hot spot.

Chapter 16 - Traitor Caravan

We take the task and move to the point shown, start the mission. We move to the guard post, which is marked on the map. We have a choice. Either we improve Fulton so we can evacuate the cargo, or we deal with all the guards and take the truck with the necessary goods out of the hot zone.

We follow to the post and kill five six guards. We can make some more noise. In one of the 2 tents we look for data on the truck. We will see the marked trajectory on the map. We move from the end, from which we will be closer. The airport is in the middle of the road. Military equipment is located on the territory. Raise the alarm and leave. The technique begins to move along the trajectory. We stand on the path of cars, run up to the truck. Skulls jump out from there. We defeat the Skulls. We use the tank and armored personnel carrier. The skull is left alone, then it will be quite easy to deal with it. We defeat everyone, get into the truck and take it out of the hot spot.

Chapter 17 – Scout Rescue

We follow the nearest marker into the woods. There is a hostage hiding here. By the middle of the loca, we will find the “information” label. We study the fallen walkie-talkie of some scout. It is located not far, in the same place, between the stones near the ground. Let's find him and evacuate. We move to the next point, we clean the loca. There is a yellow zone where you need to find 2 scouts. Let's find 2 cells on the lok. Not far from them is a pit with boards, this is the roof. We go down and find a scout. We deliver it on a horse from outside the hot spot.

Episode 18 - Blood Ties

We move to the shown mark, we begin the task. We have 6 targets. These prisoners must be eliminated. First we move to the nearest loka. At its end there is an ordinary military man, whom we were told to kill. We kill him and move to a new place. We move to the mountain in the opposite direction, we destroy the enemy. We enter the mine, overcoming the grate, and look for the kids. Now we need to rescue the children to the point of evacuation. One child was wounded and he does not walk, so we periodically take and drag him. We kill the enemy in advance, and then we tell the kids to boldly walk.

Episode 19 - On the Trail

At the central base we call a helicopter and select the next mission. First we move to the checkpoint. Inspect the base through binoculars. We need to find an approximate major, who, with the 2nd military, is located in a tent, closer to us. We are waiting for the moment when the assistant comes out, then we scan it with binoculars.

We follow the assistant's car. At some point, he changes to another car. Here we get to the place where the meeting will be. We kill the major, as well as his entourage, or we will try to evacuate everyone. If the close major notices us before the moment he arrives at this place, then we will need to destroy the enemy turntable.

Chapter 20 - Voices

We call the turntable at the central base, select the mission. As we land, we jump to the place shown. The checkpoint is located at a distance of more than 1.5 kilometers.

We need to go through the station. There is a grill on the front. There is a door on the left. Let's go. We move straight along the road, it is very close to the place shown. We pass through the next door, we will find ourselves in front of the ruins of the bridge. We turn right, and we get to a cliff with a waterfall, there we turn left. We get to a huge white building. To the left is an open door. Let's go and find the boy. Let's watch the video.

Now we need to make the creature from the fire harmless. We get out faster from the premises, we run to the tunnel. The tunnel will collapse. Next, we enter the PDA and call the helicopter away from the current position. We follow the building, there are a couple of blue cans of water. We throw a lemon or shoot these tanks, near which a fiery monster will go. So we'll destroy him. However, not for long. Since we called the turntable earlier, we must climb into it in time. For every fireman, we take out a machine gun and shoot huge containers on the street.

Chapter 21 - War Economics

We follow to the airport. We are moving to the airstrip. In the other part, at the top of the building, there is a platform for helicopters. A trader lands there. We must follow the merchant, he will go according to calculations to the middle of the building, to the 2nd floor, where he meets with the enemy we need. We kill him.

Chapter 22 - Freeing the Platform

We leave the room where research is being conducted on the robot. We call the turntable to the nearest platform and select the mission. We move to the left along the 2nd tier, to the checkpoint. We pass into the alley and rise to the top, destroy all enemies. However, not all stairs lead to the top of the platform.

Chapter 23 - White Mamba

We must find the boy and evacuate him. First, choose a task. We'll be there later. We move to the active zone. Horses cannot be used. The White Mamba is the leader of the gangster kids. They will attack us, but we cannot kill them. When we find ourselves at the required location, we will find the destroyed ship through the binoculars. We move inside the ship.

In the back of it there is a hole through which you can quietly get into the hold. Through it, we make our way secretly into the hold. We rise to the top and meet the leader of the youngsters. We run after him, we counterattack. We repeat this a number of times. The little boy will sometimes go down the floor below. Let's watch the video. We call a helicopter to the nearest point, then we carry the bandit there. The kids won't attack.

Chapter 24 - Close Encounter

We call a turntable, take a mission and choose a point for landing. We need to rescue 2 civilians. We run on the lighthouse. We pass through the already familiar outpost. We clean it up and move on to another. We look through binoculars, we see the 1st hostage in the car. The car leaves after a certain time. We return to her and free the hostage. Again we go to the post, a yellow marker points to it. We pass a little to the north and in the middle of the stones we will see a 2nd hostage lying around. We evacuate him, get out of the hot spot.

Chapter 25 – Avenger's Faithful Hand

Again, child soldiers need to be taught a lesson. We must find and evacuate their commander, as well as the stolen chief of staff. We decide for ourselves who will be kidnapped first. After being kidnapped, every time you need to call a helicopter and go back in order to seat a boy or a wounded prisoner, they will not survive the flight with the help of the Fulton. We get into the helicopter as soon as we land the 2 necessary characters. If possible, we transfer 1 character to the evacuation zone, then move forward to another. When the two are safe, we call a helicopter and land both. If we land 1st, and send the helicopter home, call again and land another, then the task will not be completed.

Open the PDA and go to the "Personnel Management" section. Click on the tabs at the top where the red arrow points. We listen to information. Now we can choose a new task.

Chapter 26 - The Hunt

We need to destroy the slave trader. Open the map and see 2 marked areas. We move into the area of ​​a small circle. We will come to the old village. We rise higher, to the tent, on the left there is an antenna. Near the tent there is a table where we will scan the information.

If the alarm rings, then we will scan the information when everyone dies, or when the alarm is turned off. A route will appear on the map, this is the slave trader moving. We will try to eliminate him before Kiziba appears in the camp. We move approximately to where the enemy's trajectory goes to the right. We need to go to the bend. We kill everyone.

Chapter 27 - Root Cause

We have to save one soldier. We clean the 1st outpost indicated by the marker. Our fighter is not here. We are moving to another mark. As a result, we should be at the top, in a circle (on our map). There is a scout lying around, who is tied up. We will find the scout in the north-west of the circle. We grab the guy and carry him to the turntable.

Chapter 28 - Code Talker

You need to find the grandpa who lives in the mansion, you need to find out about the pathogen. We go straight until we get to the fog. We need to eliminate 4 Skulls with snipers. The enemy does not aim at the same time with everyone. Sometimes one jumps down. We turn to where the enemy will try to hit, we beat him at this moment.

As we kill a couple of Skulls, we move a little further. Kill the 3rd and move on.

We move to the point and see the mansion. We go around it. In the back we find the entrance to the 1st floor. We go down to the basement, there are barrels of wine. We move lower and lower, open the door, there is an old man.

Grab the old man and get up. Then the zombies start attacking us. We can just throw them on the ground, then we pick up the grandfather and run. Do not forget to call the turntable in advance.

Chapter 29 – Metal Archaea

Choose the next task. We stock up on the coolest weapons. We will have to engage in battle with the 4th skulls. Once the Skull turns into stone, we destroy this layer. Next, we trim the monster's life. We focus on the 1st monster. If the monster has a machine gun, then we run. You can hide from the monsters in the middle of the buildings on the right or left side. As we do this, we can take extra. weapons when you run out of ammo. If all the 4th Skulls die, then we go to the grandfather, pick him up and transfer him to the landing point. The pebbles will fly "homing" until they fly past us, it is better to go in the field.

Chapter 30 – Skull

We go through a couple of places. We move to the end of the map, we enter a huge mine. On the right in the corner there is an iron staircase. We rise to the very top, there the Skull awaits. We follow the Skull, and as we find ourselves below, we get into the car. Let's watch the video.

Chapter 31 – Sahelanthropus

We go down the road, shoot back from Sahelanthropus. From below we will see the Katyusha and the tank. Use them, let's deal good damage to the enemy. We shoot without interruption from the Katyusha. The robot can quickly run towards us, we leave immediately. We can pass between the legs. A single flamethrower salvo can destroy our vehicle. When the robot loses half of its lives, the air will turn red. If we do not hit the enemy now, he will destroy everything in the location. The cars will turn red and it will no longer be possible to use them. We take a machine gun, as well as a rocket launcher. If you have time to shoot at the robot at this moment, it will not ruin the car. When the robot's life is running out, it will attack uncontrollably. The robot will jump to the hill and sit down. A container will appear on his shoulders. The robot will aim by pointing directions with two beams. We run over the rock. Let's watch the final video.

Act 2. Race

Chapter 32

We choose a mission by helicopter. We arrive at the place, follow to the point shown. We capture a post along the way, made up of 6 mercenaries. We are waiting for a rendezvous with the 4th WalkerGear. We can kill them, or we can wait, and they will leave us. The prisoner is lying near the rocks, in the grass. We evacuate him and return to base.

Add. exercise. Eli's Trial

Another mission from the additional ones in the story. In the 1st of the tasks, we stole an Eli soldier. After the end of the main story and the completion of the quest "Too Much Knowledge". We can use a hand with the ability to stun as a weapon. We run up and beat the boy, he will soon be stunned.

Chapter 33

This episode is different in that we don't get a chicken cap, and the tools and things are in place. Many supports are not available here. The highest difficulty level. We need to do the same as before. Find the radio point and destroy it.

Chapter 34

The difference is that we can't take the chicken cap.

Add. mission. AI capsule evacuation

Let's go to the place. Either we kill everyone, or carefully sneak to the building. If they raise the alarm, then you need to kill everyone in order to get inside the building. There we will find a computer with red lights. Activate the capsule. And now we can leave the hot spot.

Additional mission. Capturing the remains of a burning man

The mission is available after completing the previous add. tasks. We need to find the remains of a burnt person. They are in plain sight. It won't be easy to see them. We go to the base. On the right and on the left side there are a couple of rooms that will not be useful to us. There is a platform in the center. On the right in the corner is the corpse of a smoldering man. Let's evacuate him.

Walkthrough Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain

Chapter 35

We move straight, passing the bridge, to the old man's villa. Among the warriors there are well-armored, it is not easy to destroy them. It makes no sense to kill this mass. We lure out 1 and interrogate. He must be aware of the hidden containers.

In the house on the 1st floor there is info on the table. We sneak in there secretly and study it. We will find out the location of 2 containers. We are moving there. We try to be discreet.

As we send 1 container to the base, the countdown of minutes begins until the arrival of helicopters. Then we get out of the territory of events and fly away by helicopter. If a small wooden bridge between sections of the zone with containers is undermined, then we are looking for a bypass.

Chapter 36

The task is similar to the plot one, but nevertheless: we must remain invisible. Silent, artil. shelling and use as before. Snake will have to remain invisible to enemies.

We can bombard the settlement with air strikes. The girl will be able to analyze the village for the presence of enemies and robotic equipment.

Upon completion of this mission, Ocelot will say that the enemy has ordered new WalkerGears.

Add. mission (plot). Search for runaway children 01

We complete at least 1 episode from the completed ones (repeating plot, but with special conditions). For example chapter 34. The next story mission after that will become available.

We sit in the helicopter and take the task. We move to the base. The mission is easy, provided that everything is done correctly. We go down the rock. We move over the fence near the building where the child is located. We can send Quiet to reconnaissance in order to find out the location of the enemies and the child. There are boxes with which we can get over the fence.

We go around the building on the right. We follow the helicopter in the air. We do not approach the door guarded by a soldier. We get up at another, passive door. We are waiting for the moment when two military men enter the room to the child. Then we wait for the spinner to fly over Snake's head, run to the door and stun the soldier. Then we go into the room and stun 2 others. We do not relax, we run out into the street, pick up the 1st soldier and bring it into the room. Here we kill 3 silenced soldiers from a gun with a silencer. Then we grab the child and run away from the base. Behind the building, closer to the exit, there is a car. We can leave this place in a jeep.

Add. mission (plot). Search for runaway children 02

We move to the villa Code Tolkera. We must find the boy. We can interrogate several military men until 1-n shows the location of the child. We are moving there. We clean the house first. Fortunately, there are no well-armored warriors here. Then we pick it up and take it out (take it out) outside the territory of the hot spot.

Chapter 39

You need to remain invisible. Shoot the entire loca with a helicopter. We use artillery. Quiet also knows the location of all opponents and the priority target. Since we have already gone through a similar episode, we know that the captured engineer is hiding in the basement.

Chapter 40. An unusual phenomenon

We take the mission and find ourselves on the spot. We move to the fortress and clean it from the enemy. We can make noise. Then comes the serious stage. Open the PDA and go to the "Assignments" section. On the right side there is a description of the current task. Below there is a list of goals, and even deeper - a photo is uploaded. The photo will be blurry at first. Ocelot reports that he corrected the picture. We open it again and we will see a good image. We need to go through the ruins of the fortress to their southern part. We came from the north side, we go to the end of the ruins. There are several small fallen columns here. On the side of one of the columns there is a container with a film. We pick it up and leave the hot spot.

Add. mission (plot). The search for runaway children 03

We find ourselves at the location where we met Quiet. Now we MANDATORY modify "Fulton" to the level "Children". Achieve level 24 in research and level support departments. Difficult, but possible.

Add. mission (story). The search for runaway children 04

We move to the collapsed building and clean it. Let's find on the street near the building a huge car with a connection. We destroy the radar, and the opponents will not be able to take support. Next, we enter the building where the radar is located, immediately climb the stairs to 2 flights. We go to the opposite part of the premises. We will see the destroyed floor, go around the narrow tiles. We move straight, we will soon find the boy. We can send Quiet to reconnaissance. Item "tasks", select the line "Espionage". We pick up the boy and go back without hysteria. We call the turntable and plant the boy.

Add. mission (plot). The search for runaway children 05

Let's go on a mission. We will find ourselves in caves in the rock. The girl will scout the area and find zombies and a child. We need to go inside this cave and find a way to where there is a small reservoir. Here is a narrow tunnel that leads up. Here we are looking for a boy. The rock on the right has a room with an antenna. Slightly above this antenna are monsters, as well as a child. We evacuate the boy on a turntable.

Chapter 40

Since there are no other side story missions, we go through this mission again. Its difference is that we will not be able to use the chicken hat. And all the shots are fatal. We play during the day, as Quiet will be distracted by the rainbow.

Chapter 41

This quest is available if you complete the quest above. We must eliminate the army of the enemy.

Serious problems should not arise. We use artillery shelling and a rocket launcher to eliminate enemy equipment. We don't have to hit her when she's on the move. We can wait for her to stop and shoot. When we destroy everything, a combat helicopter arrives, which must be destroyed. We can call a turntable for support, or we can hide in a tent, run around the tent and shoot the helicopter.

Chapter 43

We need to find out the truth about the disease. as we land, we move to the point. Ocelot contacts us again. Loading in progress. We will be in an infected compartment. The atmosphere is somewhat reminiscent of DeadSpace, agree. Go into the corridors and go upstairs, reach the door and open it. Let's watch the video.

We just remain invisible. Remember: in such missions, artillery and Quiet are used.

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