Fallout 4 walkthrough fort. Quest “Reunion. Encounter with Kellogg and his assassination

In the framework of this article, we will consider the passage of Fort Hagen Fallout 4, or better known as the Reunion quest: we give helpful tips, tactics of conducting combat with enemies, and much more.

How not to be taxed at the first stage of the quest

To meet with the antagonist named Kellogg, who killed the wife and children of the main character, you need to hack a bunch of terminals and defeat a whole gang of synthetics guarding the villain. We recommend taking a partner Nick Valentine - the synth will become an assistant after completing the Revelation mission.

Kellogg is good at hiding, but not good at covering his tracks - along the way he constantly scatters cigarette butts, bottles of alcohol and much more. To find the left clues, take a dog with you - its scent will greatly help with this. As you already understood, the final location in Fallout 4, where the villain is hiding, will be Fort Hagen.

To get to the fort, you need to go along the railway tracks, go down to the underpass, and cross the dense forest, which is fraught with many dangers. You will be pursued by gnats, cat-rats, rabid dogs and ghouls who want to feast on human flesh. Fighting them off is not tricky, compared to what you have to do after a while.

We got to the fort - what to do next?

When you finally see Fort Hagen in Fallout 4, you will understand that the most difficult thing is ahead - the structure is an almost impregnable fortress, which is difficult to get into. It is surrounded by synthetics both outside and inside, and turrets are installed on the roof.

So, you have several options to infiltrate the fort:

  1. Get through the roof
  2. Go underground, through an abandoned highway

If you are confident in your maneuvering skills, then you can climb through the roof - the turrets hit painfully, but their mechanism is very slow, and they do not shoot accurately. Otherwise, you need to go through the underground ceiling, but in this case you risk being eaten by the hungry inhabitants of the wasteland.

Breaking into the complex, synthetics will immediately attack you, defeating which, you will find a whole bunch of useful items: modern weapons, first-aid kits, nuclear cola and much more - collect everything that you consider valuable. In the main room of the fort, Kellogg will be waiting for you with his robots.


Summing up, it is worth saying that the passage of Fort Hagen Fallout 4 is not as easy as it might seem to you. It can take some time to get to your destination and then infiltrate the fort, and for the fight with Kellogg you will have to use all your skills and abilities. Good luck!

In Fallout 4, Fort Hagen is not just a location for exploration, but also a story place where the player will spend a lot of time. Fort Hagen is located in the very center of the west of the Commonwealth, and Dogmeat, a faithful companion of the protagonist, will help you get there.

In order to find the Fort Hagen base in Fallout 4, the satellite dish will serve as an excellent guide. Such a structure will be clearly visible from afar, so there will be no problems finding the Fort.

Because main entrance upon careful study, it turns out to be littered with concrete and sandbags, then there are only two ways to get to Fort Hagen in Fallout 4.

The first method is based on penetration into the building by using the hatch, which is located on the roof. You can get to it if you go around the structure on the right and climb onto the roof.

The second method of entering the building is by using the underground parking. The car park is located on the left side of the main entrance.

Fort Hagen in Fallout 4 is a rather poor location, since there is not much to profit from there.

In the rooms of the Fort, you can find medicines, weapons, covers, Nuka-Cola and magazines with bonuses. If you make your way to the Fort through the hatch on the roof, then, turning to the kitchen, you can find the magazine "Pistols and Bullets", which gives a bonus firearms at a rate of 5% for critical damage.

There is a terminal on the ground floor that gives access to the supply closet. Do not forget about the big green boxes that store various ammunition.

Also, during the study, you can find "Fat Man" with a mini-nuclear charge in the arsenal, "Energy Weapon" baby doll in the dining room kitchen and several magazines in different rooms. Searching Fort Hagen in Fallout 4 will be interesting.

After searching Fort Hagen in Fallout 4, you can start completing tasks related to this place.

The main task to be completed upon arriving at the Fort is "Reunion", where the main character will have to find the kidnapper of his child and avenge the death of his spouse.

Thanks to Dog, who attacked Kellogg's trail, the protagonist will find many clues and clues that will ultimately lead the protagonist to Fort Hagen.

Having overcome the traps and attacks of opponents, the main character will meet with the one who brought chaos to the life of the protagonist. After talking with Kellogg, you can understand that there will be no peaceful settlement of the situation, so you should prepare for a fight. After his death, you can pick up a Kellogg pistol from the corpse - a unique revolver with good accuracy. And next to the Kellogg terminal is the RobCo Fun magazine.

The second quest related to Fort Hagen in Fallout 4 is "Costition's Last Voyage". To complete this task, you will need bearings, which are located in the Fort. After finding the desired object, the turbopump on the ship, which is needed during the mission, will come into working condition.

Enemies at the location

First, the main character will have to face the turrets that are set up to defend the object from the outside. Turrets are not very accurate, so there are two ways to neutralize them. The first way is to just shoot them from afar, and the second way is to use the terminal and deactivate the turrets.

Electric traps that are located on the ceiling and walls inside the building will cause some trouble, so it's worth disarming them.

Also, the player will have to deal with the brainchild of the Institute - combat synths. The level of humanoid machines will be the same as the level of the player. That is, if a player comes to a location being level 40, then even legendary opponents can appear. From the fallen synths, you can pick up advanced weapons of the Institute and ammunition for it.

Protectron will help in the fight against synthetic machines if you activate it through the terminal and turn on the guard mode.

Earlier, you and Detective Valentine searched the apartment of Kellogg, the mobster who kidnapped Sean. If you're ready to go further, just follow Dogmeat, whose doggy scent will quickly lead you to him.

In the footsteps of Kellogg

Get out of the city. First, the sheepdog will lead you to the market, then to the outskirts of Diamond City. After a while, you will finally leave the "Pearl of the Wastes" and enter the open plains.

Soon the dog will bark, notifying you of his find. Go up to her and take a new cigar lying in the ashtray. Then Dogmeat will head towards the railway tracks, and near the animal remains, a flock of mole rats will attack you.

Be prepared that throughout the journey you have to deal with mutant enemies. At the Survival level, even a simple battle can quickly end in death, so you should be careful.

After a couple of fights, Dogmeat will stop again, barking at you about a new find. The action will take place at the huts, and the dog itself will stand under the door. To the right in the passage you will come across traces of a battle, as indicated by numerous blood stains, red bandages and the bodies of the raiders.

The bloody bandages hanging on the pipe most likely belong to Kellogg who grabbed the bullet. Take them and the quest will continue. Next, do not forget to pick up things from the corpses, because a couple of stimulants, ammo and weapons are never superfluous. After that, go up the stairs and expect the wild dogs to attack. Then click the dog and move forward.

You will come across a fallen tree, next to which lives a terrible and huge animal, vaguely resembling a bear. This is a dwarf yao-gai that can withstand a huge amount of damage, so be prepared to sweat a lot.

When high level difficulty, it is best to climb a tree trunk and shoot the animal from there. Your most powerful weapon and well-aimed headshots will help. First, it is worth throwing a Molotov cocktail at the mutant, which causes significant fire damage.

Why you need to spend the best weapon if you are sitting in a tree in complete safety? But because during the battle with the yao-gai, midge cubs will appear, spitting poison from afar. Even a tree won't save you here.

Return to Dog when you're done with the fight. The dog will head towards the station, where four super mutants will attack you. Kill them and go up into the building. Once indoors, the first thing to do is look into the basement and collect valuable items. There are covers, armor and all sorts of rubbish. Then resume your journey.

The dog will lead you north, but will soon deviate to a small shack on the right side of the path. There is also an orange wagon, so don't miss it. Enter the shack and go down the stairs on the right. Step carefully and do not run into the signaling from the tins. Disarm the trap and continue down the short tunnel. Another check Point the quest will be announced by the barking of the Dog.

Go to the animal at the end of the tunnel and pick up the bottle on the table - that's another piece of evidence. After that, the dog will again catch Kellogg's trail and hasten to the bridge.

It is worth moving carefully along the bridge if you are afraid of a sudden attack by ghouls. Cross the bridge and turn right, right behind the dog. It will lead you to the wreckage of the robot, sprawled exactly on the road.

Not far from them, by a tree, lies a yellow assault gun full of various junk. Next to him is a first-aid kit with a stimulant and a box with an antiradin and a Molotov cocktail. Return to the wreckage and activate it to listen to a short story.

Resuming the path, after a while you will encounter another super mutant. The monster loves to throw incendiary mixtures, so close the distance as quickly as possible. Use a shotgun or something with similar firepower, then the battle will not drag out.

The further road will pass without changes until the fork. There you turn right and continue north until your dog turns west over the hills. A little more wilderness, and soon you will run into a rusty fence. Search for traces of Kellogg and find bloody bandages on the fence.

To get into the building, you have to go around it. Step close to the walls of the fort, otherwise the automatic turrets will riddle you. From this moment, until the next path, it is worth turning on the stealth mode and literally not sticking to the walls if you do not want to waste extra ammo. When you climb onto the roof of the building, open the black hatch(s) and get down.

Be prepared to be warmly welcomed at the entrance. Synths are armed with laser weapons, whose energy damage penetrates most of the game's armor.

Power armor, or equipment with resistance to electricity (lightning icon), will come in handy here. Frag grenades or cannons with a good rate of fire will help well against the enemies themselves.

Having dealt with opponents, step into the kitchen. Pick up the Pistols and Bullets magazine from the table, increasing critical damage by 5%. As usual, clean out all the rubbish in the room, and then look into the bathroom, where the medicines are.

After doing the same with the rest of the rooms, find a room with a hole in the floor. Then go through the door, go down the stairs and open the terminal that activates the Protecteron.

On the next floor, you will again have to fight synths and turrets. Hide behind the columns and shoot everyone one by one, or deactivate the turrets through the terminal in the center of the room, which also opens the secret door to the vault. Keep in mind that opening the terminal requires a very high computer hacking skill. Then call the elevator and go down.

Moving along the corridor, do not miss the door with a blue chain. Remove it, go into the room and wait for Valentine, then to continue the path together. Soon you will come across a cart with a corpse next to which a laser trap is activated. Next, you again have to shoot a lot and collect supplies in the area. You will eventually pass the security gate and see the front door to the Fort's command center.

Here, immediately go down the stairs to the right and go along the corridor, simultaneously shooting synths. Turn into the first room on the right, which resembles a barracks. Inspect all the boxes by the beds here, as each of them stores ammunition, and one has four nuclear batteries. There is also a terminal with a complex lock.

Return to the corridor and continue on your way. After killing all interfering synths, go down the stairs to a room with a generator and a full nuclear battery. Again the corridor, only now you need to go to the dining room. You will immediately recognize it: tables and chairs are on the balcony, and a skeleton hangs in the outer windows.

Here, take a look at the kitchen, where the "Energy Weapon" baby doll is located, which increases the critical damage with electric weapons by a whole quarter. Inspect the remaining items, taking the explosives in one of the boxes, and go back.

Another corridor. At the end, you will go down the stairs and turn left, where you will be met by another squad of synths. After that, there will be a tunnel ending in a doorway. Then turn left, go up the stairs and blow up the turrets hanging from the ceiling, if they are working.

Before you go any further, check out the wall terminal located right outside open door. It has a very complex lock and opens a secret room with weapons. Go further. Turning right will lead you to the reception room with the last door.

Fight with Kellogg

After going through the door, inspect the new room and collect first-aid kits with cartridges. Further you will find a linear corridor, at the end of which you will find yourself in the final room. Here you will be met by Kellogg himself, guarded by synths. Do not rush to attack headlong, for a start it is worth talking.

In a conversation with the mercenary, insist that he lead you to Sean. After much antics, Kellogg will tell you that your son is at the Institute. Find out where this organization is located and prepare for battle. Peacefully disperse with Kellogg will not work.

As always, if you're playing Survival, it makes sense to resort to trickery. After the end of the conversation, immediately run back and hide around the corner near the stairs. First of all, throw grenades or cocktails in the room with adversaries, if they are available, and then uncover the barrel.

When all the synths are dead, take on Kellogg. The mercenary is a rather dangerous opponent: he uses invisibility camouflage and attacks with extremely lethal weapons. The situation is such that he is able to kill you in just a couple of well-aimed shots, but here you have to sweat a lot.

Apply V.A.T.S. impossible, since it is invisible, so you have to shoot offhand or look out for a slight transfusion of light in the air. In order to increase damage resistance, it is worth using several Meds before the battle. Because of the corner at the steps, you should not run out, since you hid there.

Play on defense and throw grenades at the enemy, and soon he will throw off his camouflage. As soon as the mercenary heads towards your hideout, it's time to get your best melee weapon. After killing Kellogg, do not forget to loot him and take the password from the terminal.

Step into the room and find a computer on a white table. Pick up the Stimpaks and the Fun with Robko magazine, turn on the terminal and open the door. After that, head to Valentine and tell him about what happened.

The detective will advise you to meet with Piper, a Diamond City journalist whom you have already met. Go to the city.

To move quickly, you need to go outside. In the same room there are steps leading to the upper floor. At the top, turn left and call the elevator leading to the roof.

Outside, you will find a huge Brotherhood of Steel airship flying in the sky. Tune in to his frequency through the Pip-Boy and then you will receive the Shadow of Steel quest.

Back in Diamond City, the first thing you need to do is find the journalist. Her shack lies in the northeast of the city, and the doorway is plastered with Diamond City's Newspaper. Inside you will already be waiting for Nick talking with Piper.

Tell Piper that Kellogg is dead and you need her help. Ask about further actions, and then Valentine will advise you to look at the village of Amari, who lives in the city of Good Neighborhood.

Agree with the plan and decide which of the partners to take on the next task. One way or another, Valentine will be waiting for you at the Amari Clinic. After the conversation ends, you will receive the next quest.

Oh bad thoughts

With Kellogg out of the way, we moved one step further in our search for our son. With a new lead, Detective Valentine has suggested that you go to Dr. Amari, who lives in the so-called House of Remembrance.

When you're ready to begin the mission, use Pip-Boy to travel to Park Street Station. In the same place, find a road crawling from a huge obstruction of tires.

The marker on the compass will lead you to the desired point. Having dealt with all the dangers on the road, you will soon notice a tall red tower. From it, move to the right, to the sign indicating the direction to the city. At the fork, turn right again and go along the alley, straight to the blue door at the dead end. She is our goal.

Welcome to Goodneighbor

Within the walls of the new city, you will be met by a bald man who will speak to you from afar on the other side of the road. He will offer you to get insurance, but you should refuse this by choosing the "Fuck off" option if it is available. After that, the bald one will grab the feather in the barrel from the ghoul, who here is the most that neither is the mayor named Hancock.

Finish talking to the mayor and head down the street to the left until you reach a building with bright red doors. This is the House of Memories.

Go inside and go down the corridor, then turn left and you will find yourself in a large room with interesting egg-shaped capsules and Dr. Amari himself. Talk to her, asking for help, and give Valentine the floor. After that, hand her Kellogg's brain and listen to her explanation.

To decrypt the chip, it must be connected to someone's memory, and the detective will offer himself. Then synchronization will start. Alas, the test will fail. To break the protection, the doctor will offer to connect the chip to both you and Valentine at once. As soon as you sit in the "egg", synchronization will begin.

Synchronization was successful: you ended up in a kind of Kellogg's mind. Head to the first scene and examine the surrounding people and objects. After the end, go ahead, watch the next scene, and so on until the very end. Episode by episode you will find out what the mercenary was doing.

After seeing the hallway, the bar, the vault, and Vault 111, you will finally reach the scene with Kellogg and your son. After that, information about the scientist Virgil, who left the Institute, will open to you. When you're ready to head back, turn on the TV.

In a conversation with D. Amari, mention the scientist. The girl will be surprised that Virgil managed to hide so far, namely in the "Holy Sea". To find it, you will have to properly prepare for the campaign.

Anti-radiation drugs and a high-quality suit will come in handy (suitable, as always, power armor). Now available to you new quest"Glowing Sea"

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Quest "Reunion"

Quest "Reunion"— another story quest in the post-apocalyptic Fallout game 4 . Quest "Reunion" begins immediately after completing all the tasks of the previous story quest "Revelation". Unlike the previous quest, this story quest quite long in time, contains difficult tasks, but at the same time allows you to collect a lot of useful loot, as well as improve your skills with a bobblehead and a magazine.

Passage of the quest "Reunion"

We ended the previous quest by giving Dog the command to follow Kellogg's trail, which Dog was supposed to take from the cigar.

Exercise 1. Follow Dog.

The dog successfully took the trail, so the main character needs to follow her. Most likely, you took Nick Valentine as a companion in the last quest, so he also follows Psina with you. The dog will take you through the Daimon City Market, through the city and out of it. Keep up with the dog.

The path in Kellogg's footsteps will be long and dangerous, just follow the dog, referring to the map. Along the way, you will have to face serious opponents, such as a dwarf yao-gai and several super mutants. Also, in places where Dog finds traces of the kidnapper, it will be possible to find useful loot, Molotov cocktails, stimulants and other things. As a result, Dog will lead you to the building Fort Hagen.

Task 2. Check how Psina is doing.

Dog will climb onto the porch at the entrance to Fort Hagen and will bark at the locked door there, go to Dog and talk to her. Now you will have the next task.

Task 3. Find the entrance to Fort Hagen.

Automatic turrets are located along the entire perimeter of the roof of the Fort, so you need to carefully look for the entrance to the Fort, trying not to get into their coverage area. There are two ways to get into Fort Hagen, either through the sunroof, or through the underground parking. It's easier to use the first method. Having reached the hatch, sneaking past the turrets, or destroying them on our way, we open the hatch and get inside the fort.

Task 4. Search Fort Hagen.

During the search of the building, the protagonist will be attacked by synths, there will be a lot of them, so you have to shoot a lot. During the search and cleaning of the building, pay attention to 2 rooms, these are the kitchen and the dining room, in the dining room you can find the "Energy Weapons" baby doll, and in the kitchen the "Pistols and Bullets" magazine. When searching, you will collect a lot of ammunition, some weapons, 4 nuclear blocks for power armor and other useful loot. Referring to the marker on the map and clearing room by room Main character gets to the goal - finds Kellogg.

Task 5. Talk to Kellogg.

Entering the next room, the main character sees the kidnapper, who is guarded by synths, you should not shoot right away, you need to enter into a dialogue with him. During the conversation, the main character insists that Kellogg tell where Sean is and take him to him, from the conversation it becomes clear that Sean is at the Institute. You can ask the kidnapper how to get there and continue the conversation. The ending of the conversation, under no circumstances, can be reduced to a peaceful solution, in any case, you will have to kill Kellogg and his guards.

Task 6. Kill Kellogg.

Killing Kellogg and his guards with a swoop is quite difficult, you can use the following tactic. Immediately after the end of the dialogue, we turn around and hide from the shots in the corridor from which we came and immediately begin to throw all the grenades and Molotov cocktails you have into the room with the enemies. This will destroy the synths, Kellogg himself uses armor that makes him invisible, so the VATS mode becomes unavailable.

Task 7. Get more information.

Kellogg is a strong opponent, but in the end the main character will defeat him, you need to collect all the loot from the defeated enemy and use his terminal in order to get acquainted with his records and open the door.

After you receive Additional information from the kidnapper's computer, you need to talk with Nick Valentine, after listening to you, he will offer to connect Piper, a journalist from Diamond City, to the investigation. We agree with this proposal.

Task 9. Get to Piper's office.

After that, we leave the building, not forgetting to turn off the security turrets along the way. After leaving Fort Hagen, you will see the Brotherhood of Steel airship in the sky, while the quest "Shadow of Steel" will appear in the quest log. But we are not up to it now, so we use fast travel to Diamond city.

Task 10. Talk to Piper.

Once in Diamond City, we go to the newspaper office, where you can usually find Piper, the editorial office is located almost at the very beginning of the village. When the main character goes inside, he will see that Piper is already talking to Nick Valentine, after they finish the conversation, you need to ask Piper for advice. To this, Valentine will offer to go to Goodneighbor and use the services of Dr. Amari in the "House of Memories". We agree with this plan and along the way we say that we have pieces of Kellogg's brain for Dr. Amari.

After that, you will only have to decide which of them to take as a companion, but in fact, nothing depends on this choice, even if you do not take the detective as a companion, he will still be waiting for you in the "House of Memories".

On this Quest "Reunion" will be completed and the next quest "Dangerous Thoughts" will begin.

This task is much more difficult than the previous ones. Therefore, before starting, I advise you to stock up on stimulants or some other first-aid kits and Molotov cocktails or grenades. Beware spoilers!

1. Follow Dog.
We run after the dog, periodically it will stop at the San Francisco Lights cigars or near bloody rags.

On the way, we will meet several strong creatures: yao-gai on the railway tracks and the legendary wild ghoul hunter on the bridge.

In the forest we will meet two men, one will try to kill the other. Ask him to put down his gun- this act of yours will be positively assessed by Nick. But you still have to kill him.

3. Sneak into Fort Hagen
Getting into the fort is not difficult - you just need to shoot a few turrets standing on the roof.

4. Search Fort Hagen.
But it will be hot in the fort itself. Sometimes several synths and turrets will fire at you at the same time. This is where grenades or Molotov cocktails come in handy. In the room with the turret, there will be an ammo room on the ceiling. Ask Valentine to hack the computer, then open the door and take the ammo.

At the end of this room there will be an elevator with white doors - we need it in it. We leave the elevator, go straight along the corridor and rest against the door. Be careful - there is a turret right outside the door.

Carefully inspect all the premises - you need to find the "Fat Man" weapon and one nuclear mini-charge.

In the end, you will find Kellogg, he will say that Sean is in the Institute and calls it his home, and Kellogg himself is just a mercenary who was assigned to steal the child.

After this dialogue, you will need to kill Kellogg and the guards. They are quite strong, so it's easier to hit once from the "Fat Man".

After killing Kellogg and the synths guarding him, we talk with Valentine. He will say that he does not know where the Institute is located, although it was assembled there. Also will advise to address to Piper.

5. Talk to Piper.
We rise to the surface of the fort, using the map we teleport to Diamond City and go to the office of the Public Events company where Piper works.

She says that there is a place in Goodneighbor called "Memory House". You can relive your old memories there.

You should ask local memory specialist Dr. Amari if you can extract memories of where the Institute is from Kellogg's brain dead.

Now we need to choose with whom we will go to the doctor with Nick or with Piper and this is where the quest ends.