Where is the ruins of the high gate in skyrim. Scroll for anska passage skyrim

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friendship with animals
[ 1 ] -"Raan" Angarwund. A quest given by the Dren Madrasi.
[ 2 ] -"Mir" Move of the Ancients. Dragon lair.
[ 3 ] - "Tah" Ysgramor's tomb. Assignment Companions "Last duty".

Aura whisper
[ 4 ] -"laas" Peak North Wind. Dragon lair.
[ 5 ] - "yah" Valtum. Dragon Priest's Lair. The task "Evil slumbers".
[ 6 ] - "nir" Volundrud. Dark Brotherhood quest "Last Duty". Task "Silence of Tongues".

[ 7 ] - Fus Wind Peak. The task of the main plot "Wind Peak". side quest"Golden Claw".
[ 8 ] - "Ro", "Dah" High Hrothgar. Setting the main plot "The Way of the Voice". During the passage of the task, two Words will be learned at once.

[ 9 ] -Feim Mound Iron.
[ 10 ] -"Zii" Stronghold of the Lost Valley.
[ 11 ] -"Gron" Ustengr. Quest of the main plot "Horn of Jurgen".

thunder call
[ 13 ] -"string" Forelhost. Dragon Priest's Lair.
[ 14 ] - "bah" Ruins of the High Gate. Dragon Priest's Lair.
"Qo"- Skuldafn. Dragon Priest's Lair. Quest for the main story "House of the World Eater".

dragon slayer
"Joor", "Zah", "Frul"- All three words are learned during the main story quest "The Curse of Alduin".

Time slowdown
[ 15 ] - "Tid" Witch's Nest. Dark Brotherhood Generated Quest "Weak Luck".
[ 16 ] - "kio" Korvanjund. Civil War quest "Jagged Crown".
[ 17 ] - "ui" Labyrinthian. Dragon Priest's Lair. College of Winterhold Quest "The Staff of Magnus"

Call of Valor
Hun, Kaal, Zoor- All three words are learned at the end of the main story.

The call of the dragon
"Od", "Ah", "Viing"- All three words are learned during the main story quest "Fallen".

[ 18 ] -Faas Old rock. The task of the Daedra princes "Shards of former glory."
[ 19 ] -"ru" Labyrinthian. In the labyrinth of Shalidor.
[ 20 ] -"maar" Height Bitten Tongue. Dragon lair.

ice form
[ 21 ] -"Iiz" Crypto Frostmir. Quest "Pale Lady".
[ 22 ] - "Slen" Mount Antor. Dragon lair.
[ 23 ] - "Nus" Saartal. Assignment of the College of Winterhold "In the Depths of Saarthal". side quest " forbidden legend».

Harmony Keane
[ 24 ] -"kaam" Ragnvald. Dragon Priest's Lair.
[ 25 ] -"drem" Abode Rannveig.
[ 26 ] -"ov" Mound Funeral Fire. Quest "Wilhelm's Cry".

frosty breath
[ 27 ] -"fo" Skeletal comb. Dragon lair.
[ 28 ] -Krah Folguntur. Side quest "Forbidden Legend".
[ 29 ] - "Diin" Sky-Born Altar. Dragon lair.

fire breath
[ 30 ] - "yol" Ancient cairn. Assignment Companions "Test of Valor".
[ 31 ] -"Toor" Divided Gorge.
[ 32 ] - "shul" Throat of the World. The task of the main plot of the "Throat of the World".

[ 33 ] -"Zun" Peak of the Ancients. Dragon lair.
[ 34 ] - "haal" Silver lair.
[ 35 ] - "Viik" Snow Veil - Sanctuary. Thieves Guild quest "Speak with Silence".

death sentence
[ 36 ] - "Krii" Autumn watchtower. Dragon lair.
[ 37 ] - "lun" Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary.
[ 38 ] - "Aus" Forgotten cave. Side quest "White Flask".

Rapid dash
[ 39 ] -"Nah" Rest. The task of the College of Bards "Set it on fire!".
[ 40 ] - "Wuld" High Hrothgar. Setting the main plot "The Way of the Voice".
[ 41 ] -"Kest" Volskigge. Dragon Priest's Lair.

Elemental Rage
[ 42 ] -"su" Dragon's Tooth Crater. Dragon lair.
[ 43 ] - "Grah" Kilkreath - Ruins. Daedric Princes Quest "Dawn of the Dawn".
[ 44 ] - "Dun" Bastion Screamingwind.

Between Solitude and Dawnstar you can find the location of the High Gate Ruins, going inside which we will immediately meet Anska.

She wants us to help her find the scroll that she is looking for in these Ruins, but she knows that it is in the tomb of Vokun, and also help her in the destruction of Vokun himself.

The ruins of the High Gate are divided into three locations:

1) The High Gate Ruins themselves, draugrs live in it, and there will also be a riddle, the solution of which will open a hatch in the floor.

To solve it, you will need to activate four switches (two above and two below) in the correct order: eagle, whale, fox and snake. After we put them in the correct order, the grate in the center of the room will open. Emitting along the stairs we will come to the door leading to the catacombs of the ruins.

2) Ruins of the High Gate - Catacombs.

Here you will also meet draugrs and a room with a closed grate:

To raise the grate, you need to activate the lever located in the middle of the room, an opening will open in which there will be a draugr and another lever, activate it, and then another similar opening will open. And already when the lever is activated from the second opening, the grate we need for the passage to Throne room Wokuna. Also along the way you will come across pressure plates so be careful.

Screenshot 12

3) Vokun Throne Room.

Upon entering the hall, you must kill the resurrected Vokun, and as soon as you kill him, take the mask.

After killing the priest, the door to the back room will open, which will contain a sealed scroll, as well as a wall with a word of power.

We return the scroll taken to Anska, as a reward for the found scroll, she will give a volume of spells (each time differently). If you ask her what the scroll says, she will answer that it is encrypted and it is not easy to deal with it.

What are you doing with these trells? - K'Anar entered the fort and saw the confused Ma'Jar. “I… I can't revive them. - Oh, you unfortunate mage! Proved to me that magic is better! - What if I can't revive them? - Go here. Maybe we'll find something else. The Khajiit took to the road. - Give the card here - Ma "Jar threw the card directly into the hands of K" Anar. - This is the fort, we are somewhere here. The closest is the Ruins of the High Gate. Are you suggesting we go there? - Where else? it the only way make other thralls! Or do you want your skin hanging over Ri'Asaid's fireplace? - Umm, okay. Let's go to. The companions approached the ruins. Going inside, the Khajiit saw a dead draugr, then two more. Near them stood a girl, she seemed to be looking for someone. Seeing two Khajiit, she ran up to them. K' Anar, it was, took out his crossbow and aimed it at the girl. She ran up to them and said quickly, "Can you help me?" Can you? The partners looked at each other, thinking about what was happening for a few seconds. K "Anar folded the crossbow, and Ma" Jar asked: - Who are you? - I'm Ansky. Will you help me find my scroll? - What scroll? And what are these ruins? - The ruins of the High Gate - the tomb of the dragon priest Vokun. And the scroll... quite ordinary. So will you help? Ma'Jar looked at K'Anar. He nodded. - Let's help. - Should I stay here or go with you? Of course you are coming with us. All three went into a huge hall. “Whoa.” Ma'Jar tilted his head back and looked around. “I've never seen anything like it. Have you seen any of the Nordic tombs? - Well, I was in the temple Windy Peak . That was enough for me, I assure you. The tomb was interesting. For research. But the monsters and traps that were there scared away my desire to explore another tomb. - Windy Peak - it's still flowers. But Folguntur or Ustengrav is more difficult. - I have not been there, but I heard from one traveler that it is hard to be alone in these ruins. This traveler was a good old man, it was nice to chat with him. He just died at the end of last month. They say that he killed him himself ... - Ma'Jar! Stop talking! Better get ready... As soon as K'anar said that, an ancient Nordic arrow flew past his head. Draugr appeared. - Fas! Pack! Dinok! one draugr shouted. - Here. He said “Fear! A shame! Death!" - translated Ma'Jar. - Oh, I'm so interested. - Unslad Krosis! - And now - "Eternal regret!" K' Anar took out his two-handed sword and said: - We'll see who will be forever sorry! He quickly dealt with the draugr, and the travelers moved on. Another room was no different from the previous one. The next room had several levers and symbols. - And this is what distinguishes this tomb from any other. Every Nord tomb has its own puzzle,” K'Anar said. - That's great, but how do we solve it? - Look over here! Anska spoke up. Symbols were visible high up on the wall. - It's probably a sequence. Eagle, dolphin, fox, snake. - In this sequence, you need to activate the levers? - I don't see any other explanation. Everything turned out to be correct. K'anar activated the levers and the stairs opened. All three entered the catacombs of the ruins. It was not difficult to finish off the draugr that came across in the corridors of the catacombs. Here the travelers entered a small room. In the middle of the room was a stand with a small soul gem. - O! - Ma'Jar, who was engaged in enchantment, went to the stand. “Ma'Jar, don't touch it…” Ma'Jar had already taken out the soul stone and put it in his pocket. Two restless draugr emerged from their tombs. - Here you go! Why did you need that useless soul gem?! - K'Anar, having pierced the skull of one draugr with a crossbow bolt, took out a two-handed sword and cut the second one. - Useless? This soul gem can make your two-handed sword twice as dangerous! And anyway - who would have thought that this would wake up the draugr? - You knew where you were going! This is a Nord burial, there are traps at every turn! The skirmish between the Khajiit quickly ended, and they passed the rest of the catacombs in silence. They entered Wokun's throne room. The travelers immediately saw the dragon priest. K'Anar took out a crossbow, Ma'Jar and Anska prepared spells. The fight was long. The partners went to different corners of the hall, attacking Vokun from there. - K' Anar, be careful! K'Anar turned towards the voice and was instantly hit by a fireball. - Lord, K'Anar! Ma'Jar fired another ball at the priest, thereby finishing him off, and ran up to his partner. K'Anar was already unconscious. There was a huge burn on his back. Anska and Ma'Jar dragged him to Fresh air. Anska took out healing potions, clean water. "Anska, thank you for treating my friend," Ma'Jar thanked. - Not at all. You helped me get the scroll. Ah, right! Scroll! Anska was about to leave K'Anar and go for the scroll, but Ma'Jar stopped her: - No, you must help K'Anar. I'll go get the scroll. When he returned, he gave the scroll to Anska. - Ma'Jar, thank you and your friend for the scroll. I have no money, I do not know how to thank you. - Nothing is needed, you paid your debt by curing K'Anar. - Exactly, Ma'Jar. Are you into magic? I have one spellbook. It's called a fire pet. Ma'Jar was pleased with such an award and therefore did not dare to refuse. K'anar lay unconscious for three days, and when he woke up, he laughed. - I'm just like Ri'Asaid now. - Why did it happen? - Do not you know? He also has burn scars. I'll tell you later. K'anar could not get up for another five days. Rising, he entered the tomb and saw Ma'Jar there, carefully reading the book of spells. - Ma'Jar, are you messing around again? We've got to go! - I can't revive them. Again. - Again?! K'anar began to lose his temper. - Give me the book, I'll try, - Anska entered the conversation. Anska carefully studied the spell. - Hmm, yes, everything is simple here. Hours later, a whole army of draugr thralls stood in front of them, ready to search all over Nirn for skooma, should Ma'Jar or K'anar order it. - Anska, teach me. Apparently I need a teacher. I'm not self-taught," Ma'Jar asked. - Well, look... While the mage was teaching Ma'Jar how to revive the thralls, K'Anar stood aside and sharpened his sword. The draugrs have old armor, but it is quite strong and difficult to penetrate. Anska, having finished her training, once again thanked the Khajiit and went home. "Come on, revive the bandits, and let's start looking for the skooma," K'Anar finished.

Staff of Magnus, you will visit the ancient ruins of "Labyrinthian".
In one of the destroyed buildings, there will be a skeleton in the very center. And next to it is a note, and most importantly - wooden mask. Put it on - and hop! - you find yourself in a secret room called the Sanctuary of Bromunar! There is an altar with places for eight masks of dragon priests. To go back, take off the mask.


I also plotted their location on the map:

Eight masks can be obtained by killing their owner, a powerful lich dragon priest who sleeps peacefully in their crypts. As long as you don't disturb them. Masks come in both heavy and light (in terms of armor wearing skills), and each is endowed with special magical properties.

In details:

As already mentioned in the table, the dragon priest could be found in the quest "The House of the World Eater". This creature had to be killed in order to open a portal to Sovngarde, and this same mask can be taken from the body.


The location of the Two-Headed Peak is indicated on the map. No quest, just kill the dragon priest and take the mask.


During the mission "The Staff of Magnus" you need to defeat the dragon priest Morokei. From his body and you can take the mask.
Read about the quest itself and how to get to it in the College of Winterhold quest thread.

The ruins of Ragnvald can be reached by leaving Markarth. From the Temple you can get to the Crypts. There, on a pedestal, lies an interesting Sarek Skull Key. Kill Sentinel Sirek and the draugr that have arrived. Return to the Temple through another door. Go to the Channel. Pull the lever near the trap door to lower the bridge. Find Thorsten's Skull Key here and fight his guard. Return to the Temple. Place both Skull Keys on the altar. A Lich Priest named Otar the Mad will rise from the dead, only to be slain again at your hand. Of course, he has an Otar mask with him. Well, if you go through the opened passage, you can learn a new word of power from the cry - the World of Kyne.


Hunt for the dragon cult

Near Riften, in the southeast, on top of a mountain, are the ruins of Forelhost. At the entrance in front of the camp is the captain of the army (legionary or rebel, depending on the events in your game). He is tasked with obtaining the mask of the dragon cult that is located there.

Once inside, you will immediately encounter the ghost of a dragon minion. Contrary to expectations, the armor and weapons on it are real. Along the way, you will find the same diary on the table. In addition to ghosts, fully corporeal draugrs will also appear. Go to Forelhost - Crypt. The number of draugrs is increasing significantly. In the chest, in the same place where you will meet the chief commander, there is a key to the well. For him, you will do all this detour if you cannot pick the Master's lock. There will be a small series of swims. Finally, the entrance to Forelhost is the Refectory. Don't miss the Glass Claw on the pedestal. You will need it to open the door. Wolf, owl, snake. You have to kill Ragoth and his last draugrs. Take the mask from the body, as well as the key to the door to the balcony.

Here you will learn the Storm Call Shout. Get down. You will find a scene with a fake soldier, whom you met at the beginning. Kill him. So you've been working for the Thalmor all this time. But now no one will have to give the mask.


Scroll for Anska

Inside the High Gate Ruins, you will meet Anska. You can also get there during the "Change Ritual Spell" quest, although no one forbids going in just like that. Anska will ask you to help her get to the dragon priest Vokun and pick up some kind of scroll. You will get everything else.

Puzzle with levers. The order of their activation is shown above. The order is: bird, fish, wolf, snake. Go to the catacombs. Through them, enter the Vokun Throne Room. You will have to fight him. You can take the Vokun Mask from the body. Take the scroll from the table. As a reward, you will receive a unique Fire Pet spell. And the cry written on the wall is the Thunder Call.

I ended up in Volskigg on a, I don't remember where I got it from, small task "to find a source of power in Volskigg".
Puzzle with four levers. On the pedestal is a hint book "Four Totems of Volskigge". If you pull the wrong lever, draugrs will spawn. If correct, no one will appear, and at the end a passage will open further. Correct sequence: the most shy - Serpent, the most daring Bear, hunting snakes - Fox, and the lonely one is afraid of the bear - Wolf.
We pass in Volskigg - corridors. Through them we go to Volskigge Peak. We study the word of the power of the cry - Swift jerk. Then Volsung will rise from the grave, from whose body you can take the mask.

Evil slumbers
The ruins of Valthum are most quickly reached by the road from the orc fortress of Dushnik Yal, and to it from Markarth.
Inside, in the Threshold, you will be greeted by the ghost of Valdar. He says that he is holding back Hevnorak from resurrection. You need to find three vessels inside the tomb, which are guarded by the servants of Hevnorak. Continue on to Valtum. After the fire rat trap, there will be the first Dark Vessel. Then we go down to the Catacombs, there is a second vessel. Between you and the third vessel is a round door, the Iron Claw to open which is located right there on the pedestal. We expose the dragon, eagle and wolf. On the wall you can learn a new shout word - Aura Whisper. We take the last Dark Vessel and return to the ghost of Valdar to perform the ritual. Talk to him. Use the mount, pour three vessels of blood into it, and then sit on the throne. Defeat Hevnorak and take his mask. Finally, talk to the ghost of Valdar.


When you have all the above masks, return to the ruins of Labyrinthian, to the ruined building in which the Wooden Mask was found. Put it on and you will find yourself in a room with an altar. Place each mask in its place, the last mask will open as a reward in the center. You can freely take any mask from the altar.