How to identify anomalous zones. Walkthrough Mass Effect: Andromeda - Research, blueprints, crafting, scanning and mining Find an anomaly

(nuclear power plants, underground communications -, mines; landfills, underground communications, cemeteries);
- in the places of his residence (due to conflicts, as well as due to various objects that make changes to the energy structure of the room - paintings, figurines, etc.);
- in places of impact of UFOs and other unknown objects on the surface.
These abnormal zones are harmful to the mental and physical health of a person. It is not for nothing that among the people they are “dead” places. But they also have another back side: in anomalous zones several times more often than in ordinary places, poltergeist phenomena, interactions with UFOs occur, and these places, according to parapsychologists, are a portal to parallel worlds.

Although anomalous zones are not yet known to science, it has been noticed that the zones are located near groundwater (they create a circular movement of energy) or river turns. The presence of powerful geopathic bands in such a place was also noted. In addition, anomalous zones are located in places of stone exits, faults.

In the study of anomalous zones, the accumulated information and intuition of the researcher are not of last importance. Conclusions about the nature of the zone can be drawn during measurements of energy fields, according to appearance terrain, animal behavior, vegetation. After the overall picture is obtained from these signs, it will be possible to draw conclusions. Having sufficient experience in the study of anomalous zones, one can form an idea of ​​the zone already when approaching it. And also to reveal the nature of the zone, or at least its influence on a person and the danger when visiting this place.

Therefore, a separate warning for those who are accustomed to act immediately: visiting anomalous zones is not safe for physical health, mental health, and even for the life of a researcher. Abnormal zones have a strong, usually negative effect on the energy structures of a person. When measuring the energy fields of a person before and after visiting the zone and after, they showed the following: after visiting such a zone, the human energy has a “torn structure”. In addition, if the usual human biofield has an ovoid shape, only slightly flattened on the sides, then after visiting the anomalous zone, this one destroys the integrity of the cocoon, and in some cases it may not be visible at all. All this is fraught with health problems. As a result, it is necessary for the researcher to keep their energy structures in a balanced and harmonious state, for which it is necessary to perform special exercises (for example, techniques for the chakras).

There are a lot of signs of the presence of an anomalous zone. Here is some of them:
- when conducting biomeasurements, the pendulum or dowsing frame behave in a strange way;
- the gaze involuntarily clings to a certain area, is attracted to it;
- the absence of all living creatures in local places;
- Strange-looking vegetation that differs in some way from that located near the zone;
- inadequate behavior of animals;
- various kinds of sounds, the appearance of which defies logical explanation;
- emerging pictures and visions;
- the presence of strange objects;
- Unusual sensations in the body and psyche while in the zone.

Comment from AngryClown

Video posted: shows the location of the anomaly. My UI wouldn't show that yellow orb that you see in the video, but didn't stop me from being able to run to that exact location and bang out the quest in two seconds.

Simply follow the ramp up out of the horde area, and hug the right wall, past the stairs that lead up to the alliance area (don "t go up it). Maybe 20 yards past the stairs along the wall is where you"ll find it.

Comment from zazz999

For those who are having trouble finding the Anomaly for various reasons.
Go to 63, 26 in the mine and you should complete the quest.

Comment from jtbalogh

I found the orb at a different spot than my friend on the same quest and same day.
For example, see

55, 26 (end of tracks in the middle of the room)
or 63, 26 (against the wall)
or 58, 27.4 (another wall)
or 62.7, 21.6 (between tracks and stairs)

Follow the meter in case the coordinates change next time.
- The orb only appeared when the meter was 97% (mouse over the meter to see %)
- The orb takes a second to appear, so do not run too fast past it.
- The orb is on the same level as the spiritbound mobs in the Ruins of Ogudei area.

Comment from bratmonkey

for those of you who are wondering what the "tracking device" is that you are supposed to use: it is automatic. there isn't an item in your bag that you have to "use". simply walk to the area where the indicator says you are at 100% and it will automatically give you credit for completing the quest.

Comment from Chiengmai

I just wanted to add that I did this quest today in the anomaly was on the opposite side. It was in the same location in the tunnel but on the other side.

Comment from tacgnol

Quest name is likely a reference to an old Something Awful meme.

Comment from Thair

You don't need any special addons or coords for this quest, just run in the part of the cave where the daily quest mobs are located and look at your meter (the orb-looking thinguie in the middle of the screen). If it's getting bigger, you're going in the right direction. Just keep running until it's full and it will complete the quest.

Everything you need to know about mining and crafting in Andromeda, as well as where to find certain materials.

AT Mass Effect Andromeda there are a lot of shootings, but there is still time for research. This will allow you to create new armor, weapons, modifications, upgrades for " nomad" and much more.

Three types of research

AT mass effect Andromeda Research data is divided into three categories:

  • Milky way research– data related to colonists and their equipment
  • Chilius research- data relating to the races found in Andromeda
  • Relic Research– data related to ancient abandoned technology

How to scan in Mass Effect Andromeda?

It's very simple. Activate your scanner by clicking on . An object or life form turns orange if it can be scanned.

When scanning a new lifeform or technology, you will receive research data for one of the categories, which can then be used to purchase blueprints.

Blueprinting and crafting in Mass Effect Andromeda

Approach the Research Center, which you can find on a ship or a friendly location, and select " Study". Here you can see which blueprints you have access to and which ones you can buy. Most items have tiers, so you will only get access to the next tier when you already have a lower tier item crafted.

After the drawing appears, go to the item " Development» to create weapons, armor and upgrade the car, if you have the necessary materials for this. Sometimes rare ingredients may be required.

If you have blueprints for modifications, then you can apply them to crafted items to add an improvement.

Extraction of materials

AT Mass Effect Andromeda there is various ways mining. Minerals are the easiest to mine and can be harvested with Ryder's Omni-Tool.

Mining zones are much richer, but require " nomad". When you install forward station, then all mining zones appear on the general map. Go there by car, turn on the search and follow the schedule. The longer the schedule before the appearance of the drone for mining, the more resources you will receive.

Orbital and system scan

When using the Galaxy Map in System/Orbit mode, you will often receive anomaly warnings from Suvi. After that, you must press / to turn on the scanner, then follow the arrow on the screen to find the anomaly. Once you have found the anomaly, press / to launch the probe. Usually there may be minerals or research data.

The old-timers of Stalker have long known about the wonderful Spatial Anomaly mod (update 4), which you can download on this page. During the first passage of the modification, the player may have difficulty finding some quest items and characters, because new, hitherto unexplored quests and locations have been added to the mod. Let's try to highlight the most difficult moments when going through this wonderful mod.

Question. Where to look for an artifact twist?
Answer. The twist lies in the anomaly near the tank, near the fence.

Question. I can't find Cutter's radio station!
Answer. Do not worry and move on in the story, you will receive the radio station as you progress.

Question. Cartridges for sniper rifle Where to look for SVD?
Answer. UAZs are scattered along the road. In one of the UAZs on the floor, look for rifle cartridges.

Question. I can't find a stalker named Scavenger?
Answer. Carefully look for an anomaly-teleport near the tank, you need to jump into it. The anomaly is located just between the big and small Christmas trees.

Question. I've looked all over, but I can't find the Scavenger's swag!
Answer. See screenshot. We must go in the direction of the feet of the corpse of the Scavenger, there is a bag in the grass.

Question. How to get out of Stronglav's lair?
Answer. Look for the bag behind the tap, there is a decoder.

Question. Where does a stalker named Gilza live?
Answer. He sits in the basement at night, come there late at night.

Question. How to feed Dubolom, how to cook food for him?
Answer. We shoot boars. We approach the corpses, appears (but not always!) The inscription "Cut off the meat." Then we approach the fire and cook the meat.

Question. Where can I find the Zohan quest notebook?
Answer. Look for the notebook under the tree near the fire.

Question. Where are the tools for rough work?
Answer. We are looking for tools on Kordon, in the house where we rescued the Fox in original game"The shadow of Chernobyl".

Question. How to find fine work tools?
Answer. Around the tunnel dark valley, on top of one of the boxes are tools.

Question. Where can I find calibration tools?
Answer. They can be found on the roof of a derailed locomotive.

Question. Where to look for evidence at the factory?
Answer. We look at the workbench-table, which is rotated 90 degrees. Screenshot to help.

Question. Where does Lefty's stalker live?
Answer. We are looking for him at the metallurgical plant in the farthest workshop.

Question. I want to find both machines "Whirlwind"!
Answer. We talk with all the stalkers at the base who have a dialogue about machine guns. Then we approach the cage with the imprisoned bandit, we communicate with him.

Question. How to find the entrance to the X-7 laboratory?
Answer. Near a large pile of garbage there is a sealed hatch.

Question. Where is the exit from the X-7 laboratory?
Answer. We communicate with Fierce, and then we jump into a large hole in the concrete floor.

Videos from complete passage fashion "Spatial anomaly" look here: