Heroes 3 most powerful units

– quick exchange of armies between heroes in the meeting window; it also works in the city window, if there are garrison and visiting heroes.

– quick exchange of artifacts between heroes in the meeting window.


In the game, you can memorize the sets of artifacts (costumes) worn by the hero and quickly change them (i.e. change the hero's clothes) by simply pressing the keyboard buttons.

Key , , ..., + pressed Left - memorizes the “suit”. Works only in the hero window. The operation is accompanied by a sound notification (click).
, , ..., , - puts a previously saved costume on the hero. Works in the hero window and in the main window of the adventure manager. That is, in order to change the hero's clothes, it is not necessary to open his window, just select the hero.
In the Adventure Manager, the operation is accompanied by an audible notification (click).
When dressing a hero in this way, the previous set of artifacts (costume) is stored in the slot. Thus, by pressing on you can cancel the last change.

If by simply pressing , , ..., before putting on a new suit, all old artifacts are removed from the hero, then with the Left key pressed, a new suit is put on over the old one.

When dressing up a hero, artifacts do not appear out of nowhere and do not disappear. Everything is taken from the hero's backpack and added there. If the hero does not have enough artifacts for a previously saved costume, then the costume will be worn partially (from what is).

Costumes are remembered not for each hero separately, but for the player (for all his heroes) as a whole, but it is the active hero who changes clothes.

Probably, 2 slots are enough for a comfortable game, but let them be 9+.

Quick operations with stacks of creatures

The game has two army stack management modes: HD-style and TE-style. Both are very similar to similar stack management in TE/WT.

It is clear that TE-Style is almost the same, HD-style is more different.
These two modes are easily switched by pressing during the game or by editing the corresponding parameter in HiRez.ini before the game.

TE style:

Click - separates one creature from the squad into all empty slots of the hero / garrison.

Click- separates one “one” from the detachment into a free slot.

Click - collects troops of the same type from the slots of the hero / garrison into the slot
++ Click- disbands the squad. Unlike TE/WT, the hero's last unit cannot be fired.

Click- distributes the squad proportionally to all empty hero/garrison slots.

Click - in the window of the meeting of heroes and in the window of the city, moves the army to another hero (if there is an empty slot, then into it, otherwise it merges with a detachment of the same type). Unlike TE/WT, you cannot leave a hero without an army. The last stack is passed according to the rules of HD (1 creature remains with the hero). Also, unlike TE/WT, this combination works in the garrison, and in addition, it works when you click on the portrait of the hero and the rectangle with the flag in the garrison in the city and garrison windows, while the entire army is transferred.

HD-style differences:

Click - "smart" phased proportional division. Ignores ones, equalizes the number if necessary, and divides stacks proportionally. With this operation, you can quickly align stacks of the same type, divide the stack in half in 1 click, divide by 3 in 2 clicks.

Click - just like in TE, but in 2 stages - first the ones are collected, then the rest of the stacks.

Functionality + Click and ++ Click changed places.

Click - the same as in TE-Style, but first the stack tries to merge with a stack of the same type and only then tries to go to an empty slot.

Army General Transfer

The general transfer of the army by + + Clicking on the portrait of the hero, the flag of the garrison and by clicking on the corresponding buttons in the hero meeting window works according to the following principle:
Stacks are transferred in descending order of level, ceteris paribus preference is given to grades, then stacks with more creatures. If during the general transfer the hero can leave all the stacks, then he remains with 1 fastest creature of level 1-4 (preference for a lower level, then an unimproved creature).

The Azure Dragons in Heroes 3 were introduced in the Blade of Armageddon expansion. They are neutral beings. But in terms of their parameters and abilities, they are considered the strongest in the game, so they can be both an excellent reinforcement of your army and perfectly cope with the defense of the castle.

The legend of their origin

Azure dragons in Heroes of Might and Magic 3 live in Frost Bluffs. This is due to their origin: it is believed that they came from the land of Vori. Sometimes these dragons can be found on the tops of the mountains of Brakada: they have driven out their other brothers from there - golden and green dragons.

Few could meet these mysterious creatures, so very little is known about their lifestyle. The wisdom of the azure dragon is legendary: it is considered one of the smart and proud creatures. Therefore, this hero joins only the most courageous and worthy.

These include Mutare, whose specialty is dragons. It increases the attack and defense parameters of all these creatures, including Azure. It was she who was the very first who managed to rally these proud dragons so that they would take part in the famous Dragon Battle.

Another hero they can join with is the Dragon. Despite the fact that his specialty is enchanters, he is a very strong magician who can even handle the Azure Dragon.


Azure dragons in Heroes 3 are among the most best creatures, so their presence in the character's army is highly desirable. Their abilities give an advantage in combat, especially if they are skillfully used.

  1. The azure dragon in "Heroes 3" refers to large creatures and occupies two cells - this must be taken into account when placing troops.
  2. Can move around the entire map - it's very convenient in the battle against the shooters.
  3. Dragon Breath attacks two squares. With the right attack, you can hit several enemy units at once. But you need to be careful with your army: using the breath as a defense, the dragon can also hurt allied creatures.
  4. Fear Effect: When attacking, the Azure Drake has a 10% chance to intimidate an enemy unit, causing it to miss its turn. But the number of dragons does not increase the chance of applying the effect of fear. And this ability only works on living beings.
  5. Like all dragons, it is immune to spells from 1st to 3rd levels.

But the advantage of these creatures is not at all in the listed features. The azure dragon in Heroes 3 surpasses everyone in its parameters: the amount of health (a whole 1000), attack and defense (50 in total). Therefore, their cost is the highest in the game.

Recruitment Features

How to get the Azure Dragon in your army? Keep in mind that these strongest creatures do not appear in the mercenary camp. You can only hire them in their home - Frost Bluff. Also, using the summoning portal in the castle of the Dungeon faction, you can summon him (only if you have already captured his dwelling).

Its growth is 1 creature per week. But what else distinguishes this character from the rest of the units in the game is the very high cost. To purchase one Azure Dragon, you will need 30,000 Gold and 20 Pots of Quicksilver. Of course, given its parameters, this price is quite justified.

But if you do not have a very strong army, and the economy is not so well developed, then you should not rush to buy the Azure Dragon. You can purchase one creature and leave it to guard the castle - this way you can move around the map without worrying that your castle might be captured. Azure Dragons are a wonderful boost to your army.

Comparison with other dragons

Dragons in Heroes of Might and Magic 3 are one of the strongest creatures in the game. Of those whose dwellings can be built in the castle, black ones stand out (Dungeon faction) - their parameters are higher than those of the rest, and they are immune to magic of any level. This is their advantage over Azure dragons in Heroes 3.

If you compare them with other creatures of the 10th level, then they surpass the rest only in their parameters. Other dragons have more abilities and are no less effective in combat. For example, the Crystal Dragon has a chance to resist magic and produces crystals; Rusty has an acid breath that can lower an opponent's defenses, while Fabulous can cast spells at an advanced level. But all of them are similar in one thing - they have a very high cost of hiring.

Not surprisingly, dragons were chosen as the strongest creatures in the game. Indeed, since ancient times, these creatures have been the embodiment of strength, wisdom and mystery.

In the game "Might & Magic: Heroes VI" there are no "jumps" familiar to many in new unexplored territories, there are no completely new characters that have nothing to do with the heroes of the previous series of the game. The action of the sixth part of the cult series of RPG-strategy takes us about 400 years back from the events of the fifth part of "Heroes".

Background of the game

The Griffin clan is still only a small duchy of the Empire, leading daily battles with its neighbors and not claiming superiority among other clans. The founder of the clan, Duke Pavel, dies in battle with demons, leaving behind an heir, the son of Vyacheslav, who, unlike his father, lived in peace with his neighbors, gave birth to five sons and strengthened the position of his family in every possible way.

In the sixth "Heroes" you have to go through seven campaigns, plunging into the world of adventure with Vyacheslav and his children. It is they who are the heroes of "Might & Magic: Heroes VI", it is they who will lead the armies of militant creatures into battles, it is them that you will improve, hanging with artifacts, teaching magic, skills and abilities.

Game process

You can go through the campaigns in any order - this can confuse the minds of inexperienced Heroes fans, but will allow you to distract and relax from long battles, fighting for the same faction.

You will go through campaigns and missions differently than you are used to in previous games in the Heroes of Might and Magic series. In the sixth part, a lot of innovations appeared, which both delight and at the same time upset the fans of the "Heroes" who managed to become quite firmly attached to the ideas and strategies of the previous parts.

Features of the sixth part

So, let's take a closer look at the differences that appeared in Might & Magic: Heroes VI:

  1. Added another faction - Sanctuary.
    We have already seen representatives of this faction - these are the Nagas who previously guarded the Sanctuary. The remaining four factions - Stronghold, Inferno, Haven and Necropolis - remained unchanged.
  2. Reduced game resources. Instead of the usual resources - gold, ore, wood - a single resource has appeared - crystals, the number of which will always be small if, for example, you start building or want to improve warriors.
  3. The general map is divided into separate areas, which are controlled by a city or fort. It is worth capturing the fort - and all the mines will become your property. If earlier you could capture individual mines, now even after capturing a mine, you only need to move away from it, as it will again become the property of the enemy. At the mine, you will no longer put guards for the same reason: until the entire area belongs to you, all its resources also do not belong to you. So your main task will not be to capture mines and undermine the economy of the enemy, but to storm and hold cities and forts.
  4. Gathering an army has become easier: if there is a special barracks in the city or fort, you can buy all the troops that have appeared in a week in one place.
  5. It is possible to rebuild a captured city into a castle of your faction.
  6. There are no more random skills: you and only you choose which skills and abilities to develop your hero. Mage or Warrior (two types of heroes) can choose which Path to follow during the game: the Path of Blood or the Path of Tears. Each Path provides the hero with the opportunity to develop unique skills and abilities. The choice of the Path, in fact, is fundamentally important if you are going to improve your hero to the maximum, since the choice of one or another Path can only slightly affect the development of the plot of the game as a whole.
  7. The Mages Guild has been abolished - the hero can learn all spells, as well as other skills, receiving a skill point after each battle. Add to this the hero's initial specialization, the artifacts he found and the skills he acquired - all this can come in handy on the battlefield.
  8. Creation of Dynasties. You can create heroes yourself and use them during the campaign or in multiplayer. All dynasties earn additional points during the passage of missions: growth of creatures in cities, additional knowledge and skills for the main character, and so on.
  9. Dynamics and functionality of the game. The flight of fancy in the sixth "Heroes" is utterly limited: if earlier you could "imagine", "imagine" something on your own (and what is there, beyond the horizon?), In this part of the game, everything has been replaced by a rational approach and functionality. You won't be able to "take a look" around the city, but you will be able to better, faster and more conveniently build the necessary buildings and buy troops.
  10. Interface changes. You can change the game interface to your preferences by adding or removing certain controls such as buttons or specific actions of the hero. This will require changing a couple of game settings.

In general, about the game "Might & Magic: Heroes VI"

What can I say: the game "Might & Magic: Heroes VI" turned out to be attractive, convenient and very interesting. Plus, the maximum 3D implementation of everything gameplay with many special effects and new "chips" will not leave anyone indifferent. In general, the general feeling of the game is as follows: "Might & Magic: Heroes VI" was created more to show all the capabilities of the developers, and not for the convenience and familiarity of gamers around the world...

Everyone's view of the game will be limited by the "filters" of the game with which he began his acquaintance with the series of games "Heroes of Might and Magic. Therefore, it is hardly possible to judge something objectively.
Each game in the series stands out in its own way, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Only you can appreciate the game - and no one else.