Water id in minecraft. Minecraft blocks - description and id of minecraft blocks. How to put small numbers

Everyone who runs their own server sooner or later faces the fact that in certain moment I urgently need to find out the block ID in Minecraft. It is for such cases that this plate will come in handy. It contains the IDs of all available items in Minecraft as of April 2016.

What are block IDs for and how are they used?

Data numbering (id of items and blocks) is used to refer to different types of blocks and elements in Minecraft. Block IDs are used to determine which ones are placed in the world and the player's inventory (including items in chests and dropped items in the world). Item IDs (not blocks) are only applicable to items. Each inventory slot also has its own unique number. Versions Alpha games and Beta have additional data for some blocks that describe the unique properties of these elements (for example, the height of the water block or the direction of the torch). From version 1.7.10 string IDs are used along with numeric IDs, such as minecraft:bedrock .

In future versions of () numeric IDs will be removed!

Beginning with version 1.4.2 (12w34a) you can enable the display of ID and additional values ​​in the inventory, chests, stoves, etc. by pressing F3 + H (out of inventory), and after 12w41a (1.4.2) strength is shown. Prior to version 1.9, potions had ID 373 from 1 to 8270. C version 1.9 potions do not have a numeric ID.

I Has a different ID from the item in the inventory.
D Uses an item's damage field to determine its durability.
S Requires additional savegame data to fully define the block.
B Requires additional data on the durability of the item to fully determine the item in the inventory.
E Requires a block entity to store additional data.
Red Cannot be obtained without using cheats. Available only when using the /give command or through the inventory editor.
Light blue Cannot be obtained in any way (Some of them can be placed using /setblock )
Blue Available in mode Creation in the item list.
Violet Available in mode Creation when choosing items.
Teal Can be obtained by trading with villagers in Creation.
Green Available only when available enchanted tools or in mode Creation.
lime Only available with enchanted items or via /give or in the inventory editor, but not available in mode Creation.
Grey Unused data.

How to put small numbers?

As you may have noticed, a second indicator is displayed next to some items. The correct spelling of the code for such an item is 383:101. The second digit in this example is the smallest digit.

What is the ID of potions (versions before 1.9)?

373:16471 - Regeneration Burst-2
373:16458 - Burst of slowness
373:16457 - Power surge
373:16456 - Splash of harmfulness
373:16452 - Poison splash
373:16451 - Fire resistance surge
373:16450 - Speed ​​burst
373:16425 - Regeneration burst
373:16421 - Healing splash-2
373:16420 - Poison Splash-2
373:16418 - Burst of Swiftness-2
373:16396 - Splash of malware
373:16394 - Burst of slowness
373:16389 - Power surge
373:16388 - Poison splash
373:16386 - Speed ​​burst
373:16385 - Regeneration burst
373:16378 - Fire resistance surge
373:8266 - Potion of Slowness
373:8265 - Potion of Strength
373:8264 - Potion of Weakness
373:8260 - Potion of Poison
373:8259 - Fire Resistance Potion
373:8258 - Potion of Speed
373:8257 - Potion of Regeneration
373:8236 - Harmful potion-2
373:8233 - Potion of Strength-2
373:8229 - Healing Potion-2
373:8228 - Poison Potion-2
373:8226 - Speed ​​Potion-2
3738225 - Regeneration Potion-2
373:8204 - Potion Potion
373:8202 - Potion of Slowness
373:8201 - Potion of Strength
373:8200 - Potion of Weakness
373:8197 - Healing Potion
373:8196 - Potion Potion
373:8195 - Fire Resistance Potion
373:8194 - Potion of Speed
373:8193 - Potion of Regeneration

We hope that this information will be useful to you. Have a good game!

The IDs of all Minecraft blocks are at the end of the entry. If some item or block does not work for you, then this block appeared in a newer minecraft versions and for it to work, you need to update the client or server.

The syntax for entering the command is: /get 1 7, where 1 is the item ID and 7 is the quantity. If the item has an index (such a small number), then the syntax is: /get 1 7 4, where 1 is the ID, 7 is the quantity, and 4 is the index.

Blocks in minecraft can be divided into 11 types:

  1. natural;
  2. man-made;
  3. Fixtures;
  4. Mechanisms;
  5. Plants;
  6. Ores;
  7. liquids;
  8. Fragile;
  9. Planned;
  10. Remote.

Today, in particular, I will be looking at natural blocks. They also include blocks such as: clay block, snow, gravel, mossy cobblestone, earth, stone, sandstone, bedrock, ice, sand, obsidian, mob spawner.

So let's get started.

clay block

This type of blocks can be found in sandy beaches and deserts. Sometimes they can be found in deserts and at the bottom of reservoirs. It is strange that it is even rarer than gold and diamond ores. But it is much easier to look for it, just look at the beaches and deserts. Clay can be mined with any tool, although a shovel works best. When destroyed, 4 clay lumps fall out. From them you can craft a brick or again a clay block.

  • The color of clay varies from white to bright red.
  • Clay is sometimes located at the bottom of reservoirs with a sandy bottom.
  • In very rare cases, clay can be found in dungeons.
  • In version 1.6 beta, there is a bug due to which clay is generated only where the x and z coordinates are the same.


Gravel is usually found in natural pits underground and under water. Sometimes you can meet him in the lower world. Gravel is a loose type of block, like sand, i.e. if there is no block underneath it, it falls. If such a block falls on a player, he will be in a state of suffocation. Gravel cannot be crafted. It happens that flint falls out of it (used to create arrows and a lighter). The chance of silicon falling out of the stone is 10%. Gravel can also be placed in the game world. But if flint falls out of it, then the gravel block will not fall out. Still gravel can be set on fire, but it does not burn for long.

mossy cobblestone

A block that first appeared in Survial Test and has remained in subsequent versions of the game. Appearance almost like a cobblestone, only it has a greenish tint. It can only be found in treasuries, from 30 to 60 pieces. Not used in crafting. Mossy Cobblestone shares similarities with Hellstone, as they both use the same texture, just with a different tint.


Earth can be found very often in the game. She appeared in the game one of the first. Earth is generated in many places: underground (no matter how strange it sounds, but it is), on the surface, in caves, dungeons, under water, under snow. Also very suitable for planting different kind plants. It can be covered with grass, but under one condition: only if it is adjacent to any other block of land with grass. On the ground there is an opportunity to make even a garden bed, with a hoe. To do this, you need to approach her and press, using a hoe, RMB. Plowed land becomes ribbed. If there is a source of water nearby, then it takes on a dark brown color, and becomes suitable for planting seeds.

A rock

This block appeared in the very first versions of the game and is generated in huge quantities. Stone is most often generated under a layer of earth and can reach bedrock. Sometimes you can find, completely consisting of stones. If a stone is broken with a pickaxe, a cobblestone will fall out of it, which, when fired in a furnace, gives a stone. From stone you can craft, a stone step, a stone button, a red repeater, a pressure stone plate.

To be continued...

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In this article you will find for yourself a lot of new and useful information which will help you play minecraft, and play very productively and for your own pleasure. More precisely, here you will get acquainted with the ID of all the main blocks, objects and other things that exist in minecraft game. For each specific version of the game, its own picture with block numbering is posted below. You just need to find out what version of the game you have and find a picture for your minecraft. I often update this news and supplement it after each update of the game.

But not everyone knows what an item id is and why do we need it? I will try to disperse a little this fog that has developed in your head and help to understand this issue.

Block and Item IDs in the minecraft game, this is a list, or rather the numbering of all existing objects and blocks that exist in the game world, starting from an ordinary block of earth to a diamond or anvil.

Why do you need to know all this incomprehensible and huge numbering? The answer is very simple! Those people who know how to use the ID will help to get the right resources in single player. And the admins on the servers with their help will be able to distribute resources to the rest of the player at will, thus encouraging them.

You will ask: You tell everything so well, but still I don’t understand how to get my coveted diamonds.

I answer you this question! In order to get diamonds in the game, you need to find the id of the diamond in the picture, remember this number or write it down. Then using this number you can get a long-awaited resource in minecraft creative game mode or using such cheat mods as TooManyItems and Not Enough items. You can find them on this site in the future.

Now let's get down to the most long-awaited ID numbering. I posted it below. Go ahead and look for the information you need.

So here's another hint! To enlarge a photo just click on it!

Block and item IDs for minecraft 1.13, 1.12.2, 1.11.2, 1.10.2, 1.7.10, 1.5.2