Cheburechnaya cafe game. Papa Louie: Cheburechnaya

Description of the flash game

Papa Louie: Cheburechnaya

Papa Lui: Cheburechnaya

From year to year, the network of establishments of the famous chef Papa Louie is only expanding. Whatever area Louis would take, he always does everything perfectly. He has already opened a pizzeria, hamburger, pancake, bakery and more. But he is not going to stop there and opens a new institution - a cheburechnaya, in the game "Papa Louie: Cheburechnaya". In this exciting arcade game, we will learn about the culinary side of this treat better. There are many series about Papa Louis, but each of them is interesting and attractive in its own way. Also, each game accompanies story line which each hero has his own. At the beginning, you need to choose the character you will play with. It's a guy or a girl.

If you choose a guy named Mitch, then his story goes like this. He was living on the street in a tent, when he woke up he saw that there was a taco eating championship near Papa Louie's cafe. Of course, for a guy, this is a great opportunity to eat for the whole day. Therefore, he decides to participate and as a result, he wins. Papa Louie employs him in his establishment, and so begins his career growth.

The gameplay of the flash "Papa Louie: Cheburechnaya" is to take orders from visitors, cook them and accept payment. The cooking process consists of several stages, each of which is desirable to perform as carefully as possible, because for this you get extra points. Prepare the dish that the visitor ordered and see if he liked it. If the answer is yes, they will leave you a good tip.

    In the game "Pregnant: Triplet Birth" you can not only help a young mother, but also provide direct assistance in childbirth. The doctor offered Barbara a caesarean section. Follow the prompts carefully, all the tools will be at hand. Adopt three babies and take them to mom. Management: "m

    In Papa Louie: Donuts you will not only learn how to cook delicious donuts and pack them into boxes, but also help Papa Louie in customer service. Choose your character or create a new one, take orders and cook your own treat. Management: "mouse".

    In the game "Papa Louie: Ice Cream Shop" your task will not only be to learn how to make ice cream and milkshakes, but also to get money for fast customer service. Choose a character and get to work. In order not to get confused in the ingredients, follow the prompts. Management: "mouse"

    In Papa Louie: Candy Shop, help Louie serve the customers the best he can. While the goodies are being baked, you must take the order, execute it in the kitchen according to the customer's preferences, and hand him the finished product. Tips will help you prepare a delicious dessert. Management: "mouse

    In Papa Louie: Pancake, you can once again help out with customer service. But first, choose your character: a boy or a girl. Then take the order, boldly go to the kitchen and cook pancakes. Try to do everything quickly, because the flow of customers will grow. Management: "

Papa Louie is a large virtual entrepreneur running many food service establishments. Under his brand name are:

  • burger
  • pizzerias
  • hot dog trays
  • dessert cafe
  • mexican restaurants
  • eateries with chicken wings

Papa Louie's free games start with the character being hired by a restaurant, or Papa slyly leaving the running of his restaurant to a young and energetic man who must master cooking and good customer service. The first visitor gives an opportunity to understand the principles of the game.

By playing Papa Louie games - you will become a kitchen master

Papa Louie games will offer handy tips on how to take and prepare an order. For example, if you start frying wings, customers will ask for a certain amount of them and indicate with what sauce they would like to eat them, what vegetables they need to serve. Each order is recorded on a special sheet, according to which you can check during cooking. All these processes are carried out in strict sequence in various departments of the kitchen:

  • Frying takes place in a deep fryer - here you need to put as many wings in boiling oil as indicated in the order, and hold them for the right time so that they are neither raw nor overcooked.
  • Then the action moves to the compartment for sauces. You add the ordered seasoning and shake the wings in a special bowl, following the direction arrows.
  • At the end, the cooked meat should be put on a plate, decorated with vegetables and additional seasonings. This also needs to be done very clearly - wings, vegetables and bowls with sauces must be laid along the dotted contours indicated on the plate.
  • When the order is completely ready, it can be served to the client.

In front of your eyes, he tries it, and then puts a rating in percent. The more satisfied the visitor is, the higher the score and the greater the tip, which is an important indicator: after all, they are added to the hero’s salary, and then free of this money Papa games online allow you to improve equipment, buy new clothes, put additional furniture, decorate the restaurant with posters, change the design of the design. Not only games for girls Papa Louie are created by programmers - there are similar fun for boys:

  • cooking
  • economic strategy
  • agility tasks

Sometimes there are games with the participation of the Pope in unusual genres. For example, the pizza cooked by the Pope came to life and began to attack people, and then dragged the Pope into the other world, where he has to fight the pizza monsters, pacifying them and taking them back to his pizzeria. With the participation of Papa Louie games on our site are always very high quality and interesting - enjoy them!