Online games gold digger. gold digger games

Gold is the coveted metal of many people. Gold easily captivates and turns into its slaves mercantile persons who are thirsty for profit in any way. It turns the heads of those for whom wealth is above all. But even quite balanced persons can fall ill with a gold rush if they fall into favorable circumstances for this. History knows many examples when gold mining by private individuals turned into a real hunt. From the end of the seventeenth century, it took on such proportions that it was not possible to stop it for several centuries. Ruined aristocrats and hereditary beggars rushed to the mines in the hope of improving their financial situation. The most famous gold rushes were the Californian in 1849, the Australian in 1851, the South American in 1886, the Klondike in 1896 and the Alaskan in 1898. The conditions for mining the yellow metal were deplorable. People did not have money to buy good equipment, and they worked with ordinary picks, shovels, sharpened sticks, and even dug the ground with their bare hands. They lived in tents or under sheds. Terrible food, hard work, unsanitary conditions and lack of normal living conditions led to frequent illness and death. But there were also lucky ones who found a fruitful gold mine and, having become rich, with their luck gave hope for happiness to other miners. Today, there are no such mines, since the state has monopolized the extraction of precious stones, metal and minerals. But many people have retained the spirit of adventurism and are looking for a way to keep looking for treasure. We offer you an absolutely legal and safe way to become a prospector by playing online gold digger games. To feel like a gold miner, pick up a shovel, pickaxe, fishing rod, dynamite, net, sit on a tractor, bulldozer or go down to the seabed with scuba gear, a submarine and in other ways. Gold lies in the rock at different depths and in order to raise it, you have to dig. Load the ingots into the cart and send them to the bins. Competitors work with you and if you are a weakling, they will grab all the gold for themselves. The games don't have many rules. Rather, it is only one thing - to get as much gold as possible. Everything else is up to you - does the metal lie in the deep layers of the rock? Means? blow it up and take out the ingots. Watch carefully so you don't miss anything, as gold doesn't always form into large piles and can be so microscopic that it blends in color with the clay. Online gold digger games are also games where you have to pick up ready-made gold jewelry from the bottom and look for them inside a big mountain. These treasures were once hidden or lost, but we randomly found these places and now we invite you to dig out everything that lies there. Finished items are even better than nuggets, as they are usable and cost more. If such things lie under water at a shallow depth, they can simply be pulled out with a fishing rod, hooked. Fishing for gold is great fishing! If the jewels lie deep at the bottom, then you have to dive. Broken ships and chests opened their holds and lids, from which sparkling contents spilled out. But they have been lying there for a long time, and therefore the current scattered them far apart, and some covered with a layer of silt. To find them, you will have to look into all the nooks and crannies, under every bush of algae and corals, dig in suspicious places. There are also games for two, where you and your partner will compete in the extraction of precious metal. Which one of you will be the luckiest prospector?

Forward! In search of gold!

Who has never dreamed of finding a treasure or at least a few gold jewelry? Children often imagine themselves to be a treasure hunter and dig up their grandmother's garden in search of it, sift the sand on the beach and leave a pothole around the house. The fact that there are only bottle caps, broken girlish hairpins, badges and fragments of bottles does not upset gold miners at all, because there is still so much unturned land around! Sooner or later the treasure will find its owner, you just need to make an effort and keep digging, digging, digging. And in order to bring a little humor and even more excitement into the process, pay attention to the online games Gold Digger, where you will be offered a variety of tools that will extract gold bars.

The gold rush repeatedly broke out in pockets at different times and in different territories. It covered the broad masses and demolished people's heads completely. It affected not only the poor, who finally wanted to try a well-fed, carefree life, but also aristocrats who lost their estates and capital, which their parents had built up over the years. Collecting modest belongings, treasure seekers went to the found veins, bought a piece of land and furiously dug the earth in the hope of enriching themselves. Their work brought more suffering than profit, because there were more seekers than the gold itself, which was unevenly distributed in the soil. If some were disappointed, then others became lucky indeed with impressive prey.

Walk the path full of adventures by playing Gold Digger games

Gold diggers were plagued by illness due to poor living conditions and lack of medical care. But games online Gold digger will save you from such dangerous difficulties, although they will throw up their own, no less tricky. You will get acquainted with unpretentious tools that were used in those distant times when private individuals could mine gold, because today this right belongs exclusively to the state. Dismantle picks and shovels, grab a wheelbarrow and a sieve to go to the gold mine. The game will need:

  • pound the ground;
  • wash the earth in water;
  • sifting lumps through a sieve.

And if after all the procedures something sparkles on the bottom, most likely this is gold. But since we are in a virtual world, you have much more opportunities to get your hands on the yellow metal. It can be caught from the river with an ordinary fishing rod, throwing it over and over again. Since the water is exceptionally clear, you know exactly where especially large pieces lie, and it remains only to correctly calculate the sight for the next throw. Sitting in the middle of a pond on a boat with gear, no one will even guess that you are fishing not crucian carp, but your future wealth.

But in addition to pieces of raw gold, there is always a sunken treasure in the depths of the waters. Ships are constantly wrecked, scattering jewels along the bottom, which are waiting in the wings and those who stumble upon them. Hooking gem necklaces, diamond tiaras and gold figurines, drag everything into the boat and rejoice at the find.

Miners are also sometimes lucky and instead of ordinary coal they come across gold mines. That's luck so luck! Well, since happiness has fallen, load it into a cart and do not miss a grain. You also have a meeting with Patrick - a leprechaun who will never give up his pot of gold. And if he suddenly loses, he will not calm down until he collects all the coins to one.

Most of you have probably heard the term gold rush. A particularly famous gold rush occurred in the middle of the 19th century in California, when thousands of people went to this US state in order to find a lot of gold there and get rich. The Brazilian gold rush is also known, when about four hundred thousand people went to this South American country. At the beginning of the 20th century, they tried to extract gold in our country, mainly in the Siberian regions. Not many succeeded, but the most stubborn and purposeful got a good jackpot. In the modern world, other ways of earning capital have become common, but there are still enthusiastic gold miners who go to new deposits, dreaming of finding gold bars on them. It is not necessary to leave everything and go to distant lands to find gold. Most likely, you will get only unpleasant adventures and numerous difficulties, and you may not be able to get anything. But online gold digger games will allow you to feel like a real gold miner without leaving your home! In this game, your job is to get this jewel, and by the end of the game, find as much gold as possible, thereby earning as much money as possible. In the game, you will have to use a winch and grapple to extract gold bars from the ground, and maybe some other treasures. You will have to climb in dark caves, lift bags, use dynamite, as well as other technical devices. And all in order to have a certain amount of money in your account by the end of the level. If you fail to earn them, and you can only earn them by finding a gem, you don't advance to the next level. If you get to the next level, you will go to a new field, where you may be able to get even more money. As is known from history, during the gold rush, a huge number of people came to the gold deposit. Online gold digger games are as similar as possible to those times, because other gold diggers will compete with you, who may be more agile than you. By the way, keep in mind that you only need to look for shiny gold. You can also find dull nuggets that, while somewhat reminiscent of gold, are actually worth nothing. In general, the game is very interesting and allows you to feel the spirit of real adventure. Of course, in such a game you will not be able to earn anything, since the gold is virtual, but you do not have to pay a penny for playing the simulator itself!

Welcome to Gold Miner: play online for free and without registration in a small but exciting gold mining arcade game. The hero of the game takes out treasures from the mine with the help of a winch. He must fulfill his norm on time, otherwise he will leave the mine!

This is a special edition of the game "Gold Digger" with the "gold miner rock" upgrade - a triple bonus of increasing the cost of all stones in the next level.


You can play Gold Miner with the mouse or the down arrow on your keyboard. The principle is the same: click to stop the swing of the hook. In this case, the winch descends and captures the first object that it collides with.

The price and weight of gold nuggets is commensurate with their size: large pieces of gold and huge boulders require more time to wind. Considering the very low cost of rock shards, accidentally capturing a huge simple stone can lead to an inevitable loss. Fortunately, at the end of each level, there is an upgrade shop with useful items that will spice up the game and add more strategic options.

Inexperienced gold miners try to finish the level as soon as the norm is reached (use the blue button in the top bar of the game). Act smarter: until the last second, pull the gold, the saved coins will be useful in the upgrade store and make it easier to pass the next level.

How to play Gold Digger in buy mode

A crafty shop owner may overcharge, take bonuses if the price is around $100 or less.

  1. Take a potion of strength at the first opportunity: it will help you reel in large nuggets faster.
  2. Sticks of dynamite explode unwanted cargo, they can be accumulated for use in the following levels (no more than 5 pieces).
  3. Fortune Clover increases the value of items in bags of the next level.
  4. The rise time of the largest nugget (for 500) is 12 seconds, if you have little time, it is better not to touch it.

Among the treasures there may be barrels of gunpowder - go around them, the explosion will destroy gold bars and diamonds!