Poker game Flotzam the Witcher 2. A detailed walkthrough of the main and side quests of the first chapter. Blood from blood

Hand wrestling, fisticuffs and dice poker are favorite pastimes among the common people, and a good way to earn decent money. During arm wrestling it is important to keep the round marker within the yellow bar and bring them to the right edge of the black strip, then the victory will remain with the witcher, and the pockets will become heavier from orens. In fist fights it is important to timely press on the keyboard the names of the buttons that appear on the monitor. There is enough time to decide and choose a key to defeat any opponent without any problems, the main thing is not to rush and not to poke at random. In dice it is important to collect as many combinations of the highest value as possible. Unnecessary dice can be rerolled after the first roll by pointing them with the left mouse button. In case of any problems with the game - freezes, freezes and crashes to the desktop - you should update the game with a patch not lower than v1.1.

Poker players on dice in The Witcher 2:

  • Kazimir, Bendek, Zyndar- the lower floor of the tavern in Flotsam.
  • Einar Gussel- a trading house opposite the forge of Berthold Candeleria in Flotsam.
  • burnt- a house in the center of Bindyuga, a village outside the city.
  • Cornelius Meyer, Bruno Biggs- a house behind the forge of Titus Magpie in the northern part of the city of Vergen (Iorvit's path).
  • Vergen Innkeeper
  • Cecile Bourdon- the tavern of the city of Vergen "Kotel" or the house at the gates of metallurgists in the east of the city (Iorvit's path).
  • Tit Magpie- a forge in the northern part of the city of Vergen (Iorvit's path).
  • Gondor and Fragil- next to the canteen-tavern of the Henselt camp (Vernon Rocher path).
  • Zyvik- at the main entrance to Henselt's camp, it can also be in the forge or near the arena (Vernon Roche's path).
  • Madame Karol- a brothel in front of the main entrance to the Henselt camp (Vernon Rocher path).
  • Lesovik- a forge in the Henselt camp, next to the main entrance (Vernon Roche's path).
Poker combinations of dice in The Witcher 2:
  • Poker- a combination of five identical bones.
  • Kare- a combination of four identical bones.
  • Full house- set and pair at the same time.
  • big straight- a combination of bones from two to six.
  • small straight- a combination of bones from one to five.
  • Set- a combination of three identical bones.
  • Two pairs- a combination of two double identical dice.
  • Pair.
  • Nothing
Fisticuff locations in The Witcher 2:
  • The bottom floor of the tavern in Flotsam and King Ziggy at the entrance to the tavern at night.
  • The tavern of the city of Vergen "Kotel" (the path of Iorvit) or the tournament arena in the camp of King Henselt (the path of Vernon Rocher).
  • Offended soldier or offended nobleman from the previous chapter in Loc Muinne.
Hand wrestlers in The Witcher 2:
  • Skinny Yuzwa (15), Janos Zhyla (25), Fat Mikel(30) - the first floor of the tavern in Flotsam.
  • Bartholomew Barka(100) - a house on the left edge of the Bindyuga or the river bank.
  • Zoltan Chivay, Yarpen Zigrin, Sheldon Skaggs- the tavern of the city of Vergen "Kotel" (Iorvit's path).
  • Scalen Bourdon- the tavern of the city of Vergen "Kotel" or a dwelling to the left of it (Iorvit's path).
  • Martin (20), Randal(20) and Magnus(30) - the lower part of the camp of King Henselt (the path of Vernon Roche).
  • Adam Pangratt(100) - the upper part of the camp of King Henselt (Vernon Roche's path).
  • Mighty Numa(200) - Loc Muinne marketplace.

If you ask Cedric about the work for the witcher, then the elf will tell you about the ruined manor, which became a hospital for the mentally ill during one of the wars with Nilfgaard. According to the elf, two explorers recently went to this house, and both disappeared. Intrigued, we begin an investigation. After passing through the forest, we meet with one of the missing, a certain Rupert, who asks us to help his friend, who is still in ruins. [Combat] At the ruins, we hear the roar of nakers, so we take out a silver sword and run to the hospital. With the help of the medallion, we must avoid all the traps hidden in the ruins. On the stairs leading to the basement, we meet a naker, who is not a big problem. Exploring the basement, we realize that this is a cursed place. We see the ghost of a Nilfgaardian soldier and everything around us flares up. We follow the ghost further into the ruins and get into a room where we are immediately attacked by several ghosts. [Combat] We take out the silver sword and fight back against these ghosts. In the chest, we find fragments of a medical record and continue to inspect the basements in search of Gridley. In the next room, we again see the ghost of the Nilfgaardian. He shows us where to go and leads us back into the trap... [Combat] Now more ghosts are attacking us. Much more. We defend ourselves with a silver sword and the Signs of Yrden and Quen. After passing through the next few rooms, we finally find the one we are looking for. Gridlya is so frightened that little can be learned from him. We need to find a sedative to give to Gridle. We find the desired drug in the room on the right, which first has to be cleared of ghosts. Then we return to Gridla. He tells the gruesome story of a curse placed on the hospital by a Nilfgaardian who was tortured there. The only way to bring peace to this place is to find the ghost that the tortured Nilfgaardian has become. We find him in the room on the left. To our surprise, he is not aggressive at all. However, he asks us to bring him the hearts and eyes of those who tortured him, that is, Rupert and Gridley. We take Gridlya out of the basement and talk to both friends. [Choice] We have several ways to solve the problem. [A] We can accept the ghost's offer and give him what he wants. [B] We can tell two comrades what the ghost wants. They will offer to cheat by bringing the hearts and eyes of pigs to the Nilfgaardian. They are not much different from humans, and the Flotsam butcher will gladly sell them. If we choose this path, the ghost will believe us. Having rid the hospital of the curse, we will have to decide what to do next with Rupert and Gridley: let them go or hand them over to justice. [C] We can also try to give the ghost the eyes and hearts of the neckers, but in this case, the Nilfgaardian will notice the deception and attack us. After defeating the ghost, we will also have to decide what to do with Rupert and Gridley.


When we visit our friends from the Temerian Special Forces, we find that they are having a party. If we accept the invitation and join them, Bianca will challenge us to a knife-throwing contest. But our fun will be interrupted by the appearance of two peasants. They will accuse Roche's squad of desecrating the statue of Veiopathis. This unpleasant situation may end in a fight between Geralt and Roche. After that, the girl tells us something about Roche's past and offers to have a drink with her. After another mug of beer, one of the soldiers offers us to measure strength. If we win, we'll get his weapon, Krayden's sword. After a few more rounds, we're off. We come to our senses on the bank of the river, some peasant wakes us up. We are disarmed and stripped to the waist. What happened last night? Having intimidated or bribed the peasant, we learn from him that we should visit the local brothel madam. Finding her is very easy the brothel is located on the floor above the tavern. For a small fee, Garvena will tell you that we, along with five friends, climbed on her girls on horseback and rode them to the harbor. She will also advise us to contact Bianca. We find her at the location of the Blue Stripes. The only girl in Rocher's detachment will tell you that my drinking buddies and I tried to swim across the river on courtesans. We will also find out how we got the blue tattoo everyone in Roche's squad has one. One good thing: we didn't lose our things - someone put them in a chest by the window.

contract for nakers

Experience per completion: 75

We can find a contract for nakers (forest monsters) on the notice board in front of the entrance to the Flotsam Inn. Before you start hunting, it is worth collecting a dossier on them. Practice is the best teacher and we will be able to learn the habits and weaknesses of the naker right in the fight. After killing more than a dozen nakers, Geralt will realize that these creatures use a burrow system to move through the forest. If we find and destroy all the entrances to this system, the nakers will no longer threaten people. Entrances can be found in the forest near Flotsam, in the caves under the city, in the cave behind the waterfall next to the elven ruins. The best way to destroy tunnels is to fill them up with bombs, especially Buckshot. To create such a bomb, you need only two alchemical ingredients: rebis and aer. When we destroy all the tunnels, it remains to find Ludwig Merce in the merchant quarter and receive a reward from him.

Contract for Endriag

As with the naker contract, we will find the endryag contract on the notice board in front of the entrance to the Flotsam Inn. And, just like with the nakers, we must first learn about these monsters, and then kill just over a dozen. There are a lot of them in the forest near Bindyuga. [Combat] Endriags are hard to resist, especially at the beginning of the game. Care must be taken to use the Yrden Sign wisely to stop them and then finish them off one by one with the silver sword. After killing enough endriags, Geralt will realize that the only way to deal with them once and for all is by destroying their cocoons: the yellowish, translucent eggs in which the young mature. Cocoons are found in groups of three. Open them and hit with a sword. When you destroy 3 cocoons a uterus will appear. After killing two queens, return to Ludwig Merce for a reward.

Poker game: Flotsam

Dice Poker is a mini-game familiar to anyone who played the first Witcher. In it, we throw five six-sided dice. First we place a bet, then we confirm it, and then we roll the dice. Don't try to throw them too hard (don't move the mouse too fast), otherwise the dice will fly off the board and therefore won't be taken into account. Our opponent always rolls the dice second. After the roll, we can choose those dice that do not suit us and roll them again. Our opponent does the same. After the second round, the results are summed up. the player with the best combination wins.

The order of increasing seniority of combinations is as follows: pair, two pair, three of a kind (three bones of the same value), low straight (five bones in a row, from 1 to 5), high straight (also five bones in a row, but from 2 to 6), full house (three dice of the same value and one pair), four of a kind (four dice of the same value) and poker (all five dice of the same value).

You can find players in the Flotsam Inn: they all sit at the same table on the lower floor. Casimir and Benedikt are the weakest players, so we don't need referrals to play them. But in order to play against Zyndrab, sitting at the same table, we must first defeat the first two players. Having been defeated, Zyndrab will say that we are worthy to participate in a real competition, and will warn two stronger players about us: Einar Gussel and Burnt. We can find the first one in the artisans' quarter, and the second one in Bindyug.

Having defeated the Burnt, we can take the money or choose another reward. These can be drawings of traps or the head of a troll. We need the latter if we want to help the troll on the bridge (task Trouble with the troll).

Hand Wrestling: Flotsam

Hand wrestling is another mini-game in The Witcher 2, along with bones and fisticuffs. Here, to win, we only need to hold the cursor within the colored sector on the scale. When Geralt gets tired, the sector will begin to decrease.

Zoltan will tell us about arm wrestling; he will be our first opponent. He will also always be happy to fight with us, so it's better for us to practice with him before moving on to more serious opponents.

After defeating the dwarf, we will be able to choose a new opponent. They will be Janos Zhila, who can be found in the tavern. He is a weak opponent, so we should not have any problems with him, since we were able to defeat Zoltan.

The defeated Janos will tell his stronger friend about us. By overcoming him, we can go up against Fat Mikel, also a regular in the tavern. This is a tough opponent, similar to Zoltan. By defeating Mikel, we will be able to challenge the local champion, the boat master from Bindyuga, Bartolomey Barku, to the competition. It is easy to find in the village. If we ask him about arm wrestling, he will gladly accept the challenge. After the defeat, Bartholomew will tell about Adam Pangratt, the only person (except us) who managed to defeat him. Bartholomew Barca will ask us to say hello to Adam.

We don't have any other armwrestling opponents in the first chapter, but we can practice with Zoltan or Janos Zyla.

One on One: Flotsam

Fistfight is another mini-game in The Witcher 2. It is based on QTE (instantly pressing the desired keys): signs appear on the screen showing which key should be pressed as quickly as possible (A, D, W). When you first visit the tavern in Flotsam, we will notice people fighting. If we talk to the chief of them, we can learn about the rules of combat. We will be offered to meet in the ring with someone of our level. When we win, we will be given a stronger opponent. After the second victory, our talent will be marked by King Ziggy a well-known personality in Flotsam. He will offer us to take part in the battles that take place in the commandant Loredo's mansion (the Fight Club task). If we agree, then Ziggy will be waiting for us every day after 21.00 before entering the inn. At the same time, in order to become the champion of local fights, we will have to defeat the strongest opponent, Baby Dodu.

After the end of the tournament, we can at any time challenge any previously defeated opponent in the tavern to a duel.

The quest is passed in the same breath with the task, in it, see the video walkthrough of these two tasks.

Fight club

If we decide we deserve more, we should meet Ziggy tonight. Our new "patron" will lead us to the commandant's mansion, promising fame and money along the way. At the entrance we will get the opportunity to refuse and leave.

Behind Loredo's house, we will face four opponents. They are stronger than any opponent we have seen before. But the gain will be higher. Before the fight for the title of champion with the last fighter, a certain Zhdan, the commandant will offer to talk face to face. He will offer us, or rather, order us to lose the battle. Everyone is betting on our victory, and Loredo can break the bank by betting on Zhdan. [Choice] We decide whether to accept his proposal or not. [A] If we agree and give up the fight, Loredo will share with us part of the winnings. [B] If we win against the will of the host of the competition, he will promise us revenge.

When leaving the mansion, it is important not to forget the weapons: the guards left our swords in a chest near the gate. If we win the last fight, we will be attacked in the next street by two thugs sent by the commandant. [Combat] In order to easily defeat these bandits, we should immobilize one with the Sign of Yrden, dodge the attack of the second and hit him from behind. Then we knock down the first thug with the Aard Sign and finish it off with one blow of the steel sword.

After that, you should discuss the results of the battles with Buttercup this will allow us to complete the task.

Important! If you agree to Loredo's offer the quest will fail!

Trouble with the troll

We will find the order for the troll among other messages on the board in front of the Flotsam Inn. This is no ordinary witcher's job: trolls are intelligent creatures, the witcher's code does not allow killing them if they do not pose a threat to people. Before we go in search of the troll, we should see the headman of the village of Bindyuga, Khorab. He will ask us not to kill the troll, whatever the order says. Curious. In the forest, near the place mentioned in the announcement (near the destroyed bridge), we meet a peasant. After protecting him from the naker, we learn that the local troll has gone mad. Until recently, he kept an eye on the bridge, the only crossing of the Pontar in the area. But now the bridge is destroyed, and the troll demands vodka as payment for the crossing. Not getting what he wants, he beats the travelers. The peasant says that people need a normal bridge and a sober troll. Therefore, he asks us not to kill the troll and talk to Horab. If we have already done this, we can deal with the troll itself.

We'll find the troll under the bridge. He will ask us for vodka. If we don't have anything with us, or if we don't want to give it anything, the troll will attack us. After a few hits, he will stop attacking and beg for mercy. [Choice] In this situation, [A] we can kill the troll and get a reward from Ludwig Merce. [B] Or we can keep the troll alive and do as the village chief asked us to do. If we choose the second option, we will find out that the troll's wife was killed, which is why he drinks so much. He will promise to restore the bridge if we find the killer. Worth a try. Who needs a troll head? Maybe a sorcerer or an alchemist? We go to Sheala perhaps she has some ideas. After talking with the sorceress, we go to the tavern to meet with Zoltan. The dwarf will tell you that the head of the troll is needed only by those who want to hang it on the wall as a trophy. Sounds logical, so we go in search of Bindyuga. It is easy to see that the shack of the Burnt One is decorated with the head of a troll. After questioning him, we learn that he bought this trophy from a certain Dimitar, who can be found through his friends, who spend the evening wiping near the tavern. We can get the troll's head by defeating Burnt in the Bone. However, he will only play with us if we have taken over the rest of the players in Flotsam by this time (task Poker with bones: Flotsam).

It remains in the evening to find dark personalities near the tavern. This is not difficult. If we scare them properly, they will tell you that Dimitra can be found in the cemetery near Bindyuga. If they are not afraid of threats, they will have to use their fists. We'll meet the troll killer at the graveyard. After a short exchange of remarks, he attacks us. [Combat] As always in a fight with several opponents, it is worth using the Yrden Sign, dodging attacks and attacking the enemy from behind. Not for the first time, people will turn out to be much more terrible creatures than forest monsters. When it's all over, we return to the troll, and then go to Horab for a reward.

Answering questions and discussing this assignment.

The smell of incense

Wandering around the port of Flotsam, we meet a nobleman who offers us a large amount of money in exchange for help. It's hard to refuse his offer. It soon becomes clear that we need to get a recipe for very unusual incense that can be bought from one of the local merchants. Apparently, these incense is poisonous. In search of a merchant, we accidentally meet a crowd gathered at one counter in the square. The woman at the head of it will require us to do something with the dirty bastard. According to her, “harmless incense” is actually even worse than fisstech, as it is much more addictive. The owner of the counter, of course, does not recognize this. We can convince him to close his shop by persuasion or by intimidating him. Others will like it, and there will be more coins in our wallet. In addition, we will be able to get the real recipe for these incense. If we tell the merchant about our task, he will give us a fake recipe. In any case, we should go with the recipe to Wenzel. [Choice] Our next actions depend only on how clear our conscience is.

[A] We can, of course, give Wenzel the formula he longs to get. He will want to immediately check the authenticity of the formula in the laboratory. Yes, you should not take risks when it comes to big money. We take back the formula and agree to meet Wenzel at the city gates. From there, he will take us to the laboratory. When we reach the gate, Wenzel will want to blindfold us in order to keep the location of the lab a secret. After a while, we will reach the laboratory, and Wenzel's people will check the recipe. If we gave him the real formula, he will pay us what he promised.

If we hand over the fake formula, our lies will soon be exposed and we will find ourselves unarmed against several armed men. [Combat] Theoretically, we can defeat all opponents with our fists, but it will be extremely difficult to do so. Therefore, it is best to take the sword from the rack right in front of us. Together with him, to defeat opponents, it is worth using the Yrden Sign. One way or another, the task will be completed.

[B] When we meet Wenzel at the gates of Flotsam, we can refuse to be blindfolded. In this case, Wenzel will mark his hiding place on ours, and we will get there on our own. In the laboratory, we will receive the promised reward or face Wenzel's thugs. It depends on what formula we give it.

[C] If we decide to keep the recipe for ourselves, a disgruntled Wenzel will leave Flotsam. After some time, in the forest near the bridge next to the Kayran's lair, Wenzel's thugs will attack us, stun us and take us to the laboratory by force. The bandits will take our weapons and incense recipe. To free ourselves and escape from the cave, we will have to defeat all the bandits. [Combat] Without a weapon, we have no chance, so we should use the Quen and Axii Signs and take the sword from the rack as quickly as possible. With weapons in hand, we can already deal with Wenzel and his people.


Walking around Bindyuga, we will meet a detachment of city guards surrounding some elf. If we intervene, we will find out that this girl is connected with the disappearance of two guards: she allegedly lured them into a Scoia'tael trap. If we offer our help, then we will have to go down to the caves near Flotsam: next to them, the missing guards were last seen. So, let's go there. Having descended into the cave, we find traces of blood and follow them. In the depths of the cave we see the corpse of a soldier. However, it seems that it was not the elves who killed him, but the nakers. If we do not want to share his fate, we will have to deal with the monsters. [Combat] Using quick attacks with a silver sword, we cut a path through the nekers. Following the bloody footprints further, we find the remains of two guards. To carefully examine the corpses, you first need to kill the corpse-eater attracted by the blood. [Combat] We take out the silver sword and, while blocking the monster's attacks, we wait for the opportunity to strike it hard. When this creature grabs its head and starts to tremble, you need to jump as far as possible to avoid a deadly explosion ... Now you can see the bodies of the missing guards. We understand that their bodies are simply studded with Scoia'tael arrows. It seems that the elf still led the soldiers into an ambush ... We return to the surface to refute her words with the help of the facts we have discovered. As we emerge from the cave, an impatient guard approaches us, forcing us to immediately make a difficult decision. [Choice] [A] We can confirm that the soldiers were killed by the Scoia'tael. [B] Or we keep this information to ourselves and blame the monsters for everything.

[A] If we tell the guard that his buddies were killed by the elves, the accused will claim that he had nothing to do with it. Now we can decide that we are tired of her lies and sentence her to death, or we can believe her words and demand an explanation. Malena will say that we will not believe her if we do not see everything with our own eyes, and will offer to go into the forest with her. As it soon turns out, she leads us directly to the ambush, where a squad of Scoia'tael is waiting ... [Combat] We draw a steel sword and, using the Sign of Yrden, blocks and dodge attacks, we save our lives and the lives of the guards who followed us. When the elves are finished, we will receive a reward from the soldiers, which depends on how many guards remain alive.

[B] If we keep the facts we found a secret, the girl will offer to meet in the forest near the waterfall. It seems that she wants to thank us ... Since Geralt never misses such opportunities, we go there in the hope of a reward. Many obstacles await us along the way. [Combat] First of all, the forest is full of traps that we will definitely fall into if we do not use the medallion. Secondly, there are many nakers in the forest; however, they do not pose a threat if we are warned and armed. Finally, the endriags are waiting for us there. They can cause a lot of trouble, especially when attacking in a pack. Against them, it is best to use the Sign of Yrden and power attacks with a silver sword. Having overcome all obstacles, we reach a waterfall, where a grateful elf awaits us. After a short conversation, which ends with the words "only the dead can keep secrets", we understand that we have been lured into a trap... A detachment of Scoia'tael appears. If we previously helped Iorveth in the ruins (Assignment of the Assassins of Kings), then the squirrels will not attack us. Moreover, they will demand an apology from Malena. If we arrive before meeting Iorveth in the ruins, or if we side with Roche, the elves will attack us. [Combat] Now we are in for a very difficult battle with a squad of Scoia'tael. This is where the Yrden Sign, steel sword, and blocks come in handy again. We should also dodge enemies and attack them from the rear this doubles the damage dealt. Malena will take advantage of the confusion that has arisen to escape. Now we must find her.

The elves know Foltzam far better than we do, and Malena hides so well that no one will help us find her. It is better to deal with her after completing another task, In the Claws of Madness, because the elf uses the ruined hospital as a shelter. Having carefully searched the ruins on the surface, we will definitely find Malena. It remains to decide what to do with it. [Choice] [A] We can execute judgment and kill her with our own hands. [B] You can take her to Loredo and leave the decision to him. [C] We also have the opportunity to let the girl go.

Heart of Melitele

During the siege of the castle of La Valette, we will have the opportunity to meet with the cutters from Krinfrid, who will show us a strange amulet. If we have this little thing (read above how to do it), we will be able to unravel its secret during our stay in Flotsam.

Near one of the houses in Bindyug, a village outside the city walls, our witcher medallion will begin to vibrate. This means that something magical is lurking nearby. It soon becomes clear that the whole thing is Aneshka, a local herbalist, who some consider a sorceress. If we ask her about Petty's amulet, she will suddenly want to buy it. [Choice] [A] We can agree to her proposal. However, by doing so, we will complete the task, and our adventure with the talisman will come to an end. It is better to do this only if we have already completed the task of the troll, or if we are not going to kill this creature (task Trouble with the troll). [B] After refusing, we can ask Aneshka why she needs this amulet. If we do not believe her and use our charm, the herbalist will tell that this amulet is the Heart of Melitele, a powerful magical artifact that protects its owner. Yes, we have heard about it before… It will soon become clear that a spell has been placed on the medallion that has changed its effect. Now he brings his master only misfortune. The witch wants to buy the item because she knows the ritual that will restore it to its original power.

If we ask her about the ritual, we learn that Aneshka needs rare magical ingredients to perform it. These are the essence of death, the eyes of the crab spider, the tongue of the troll and the fruit of the endriaga. If we agree to get all this, the witch will be able to remove the curse. The last ingredient is not difficult to find - the forest is full of endriag. You can get the essence of death by killing ghosts, for example, when completing a side quest about the hospital (In the Claws of Madness). Crab Spider Eyes can be obtained before meeting Iorveth during the Assassins of Kings quest. Finally, we can get the troll tongue by killing the unfortunate giant on the bridge (Troll Trouble quest).

Having obtained all four ingredients, we speak with Aneshka and agree to meet her at midnight at the altar of Veiopatis to perform the ritual. It is best to meditate until 22.00, and then go to the right place. The figure of Veiopathis is located in the depths of the forest, so on the way we will meet Endriags and Nakers once in a while. [Combat] These monsters are best killed with a silver sword, after immobilizing them with the Sign of Yrden. We're supposed to meet the herbalist at the altar, but it's not midnight yet, so we'll have to wait a bit. At midnight, Aneshka will begin the ritual to remove the curse from the amulet. Fire will spew from the mouth of the deity, and the magical aura will cause ghosts to appear. We cannot get too close to the witch (this will break the ritual) and we must keep the spirits away from her. [Combat] It is necessary to repel all the attacks of ghosts with the help of a silver sword, as well as the Signs of Yrden and Igni. When we defeat all the ghosts, the herbalist will be able to complete the ritual. In gratitude for the disinterested help, Aneshka will give Melitele's Heart to us.

Where is Aneshka

mystic river

First chapter

If we examine the shipwrecked ship in the keiran's lair, we will find human remains. There will be a key on his body. We will also find a chest that we can open with this key. Inside the chest there will be a logbook and a report from the captain of the ship "Peter Zille" and a few useful things. To complete this task, we need some of them. We must read the ship's log and the captain's report. So we learn that the expedition sailing on the ship "Petra Zille" found a valuable Vran artifact in Loc Muinne and that another ship participated in the journey. The captain never sent his report... We can do it for him. There are several royal mailboxes in Flotsam. We can put the captain's report in any of them. Royal couriers regularly check these boxes and will make sure to pass important information to the right place ...

All city mail passes through the hands of Ludwig Moers. We will find one of the drawers on the table in his house. However, Ludwig will raise unnecessary noise if we try to break into the mailbox, and we do not need it. It is better to talk to him and, using the Aksy sign, convince him to open the box himself. If he succumbs to our charms, we can explore the contents of the box without any problems. Inside we will find Ludwig's report to an official in Vizima. In it, Ludwig will make a number of accusations against the postmaster, who allegedly does not fulfill his duties. Another box is located in the mansion of Bernard Loredo. To open it, you need a key, which is in the commandant's possession. We will only be able to check the contents of this box towards the end of our stay in Flotsam if we kill Loredo and remove the key from his body. Inside the box we will find a letter to a certain Detmold. It follows from it that the death of Foltest did not greatly touch the heart of the commandant. He is more concerned about the well-being of Henselt, King of Kaedwen.

Second chapter

In Aedirn, while sailing along the Pontar, we will find the Eila Tar, another wrecked ship similar to the Petra Zille we found at Flotsam. Using the captain's key from the first ship, we will be able to open the chest found on the second ship. Inside will be a report from the captain of the Aela Tar, as well as Vran smithing tools, with which you can supposedly forge Vran armor. In addition, from the report it will be possible to find out how both ships died.

Third chapter

Having descended into the dungeons under Loc Muinne through the entrance next to the city square, we will have to go left and then right. So we get into the room where the chest will be waiting for us. It will be possible to open it with the help of the captain's key from the ship "Petra Zille". There we will find the armor from Iisgith, the sword of Deireath, the rune of fire and the blueprint for the Vran armor, as well as everything you need for forging. With a drawing of Vran armor in hand, we should talk to the local blacksmith, Bras from Ban Ard. It can be found in the inn in the town square. We can ask him to remake the armor from Iisgith with the help of Vran blacksmithing tools that we found in Aedirn. So we can get the armor of the vran, which will mean the completion of the task.

We discuss all questions and problems on the Mystic River quest on a separate page.

Prologue | Chapter I

The walkthrough describes only the story quests needed to move forward through the scenario up to the end credits. This is just one of several possible ways to complete the game, not claiming to be the only correct one.


After spending a little time in the role of a punching bag for two mindless guards, Geralt is taken out of the cell on the orders of his former colleague Vernand Roche, to whom he will tell his version of what happened in the interrogation room. Moreover, in case of refusal, Geralt will face public disembowelment in the square and other troubles. Selecting the first line “This morning the king called me to his place”, you will begin your first task in the game.

By the will of the king

Waking up in a tent in bed with Milady Merigold, the arrival of the royal envoy pleasantly interferes with the start of the morning. King Foltest wants to see us right now, so we'll have to go. Leave the tent and go through the camp until you meet His Majesty at one of the ballistas, surrounded by several advisers. Foltest wants to see you beside him during the assault on the castle and invites you to follow him to the siege tower. On the way to it, help the king aim the ballista to hit one of his enemies on the city wall. To do this, point the "crosshair" of the telescope into the gap between the fortress turrets, where the enemy sat down. If you miss, you will have to finish him off manually later. Now go inside the tower and climb the stairs to the very top. Here, your story will be interrupted for a while, and the Witcher will be transferred back to the interrogation chamber, where he will discuss social inequality in the world with Roche. Having done this, choose the “Beginning of the assault” replica and continue your story.

Having stepped on the fortress walls, engage in battle with the defenders of the citadel, helping the allied soldiers cope with them and protecting the king. As soon as you deal with everyone, you will face a serious obstacle. From the side of the nearest tower, your squad is mercilessly fired upon by archers, and a barricade prevents them from breaking through. To demolish it, go down the stairs from the castle wall to the courtyard and occupy the ballista standing there. It will be guarded by a small garrison of several soldiers, after killing them you will be able to approach the ballista. We cock its bowstring with rhythmic clicks on the LMB, again we fight with the defenders of the war machine. Similarly, we direct it to the target and continue the fight with the enemies. Having made a shot at the barricade, we rise back to the wall and break through into the opened tower. On its walls, we deal with the knights of Lord Echeverria (or not killed) that we killed earlier and approach the locked wooden gate, which the king's soldiers will cut with axes. There you will be warmly welcomed, and you, having thanked the opponents for their hospitality, climb the stairs not the wall.

You have a new challenge ahead of you. Climb a well-defended tower and bring the rebellious Aryan La Valette to reason. Make your way up the wooden walkways to the top, where a nobleman with a retinue of knights will be waiting for you. Try to persuade the youngster to surrender or challenge him to a one-on-one fight. Otherwise, you will have to fight not only with him, but with all his knights en masse, and this is not an easy task. The further course of history depends on whether the young rebellious baron remains alive, so it's up to you to choose. Having won and prompted the knights to drop their weapons, you are again transferred to Vernand Roche's spit-stained cell to listen to his comment on the fate of Aryan and continue your story by choosing the line "What happened to the dragon?". Especially since your listener was directly involved in the next story.

trial by fire

It begins at the last fortification of the enemy castle, where King Foltest tries in vain to force the defenders to open the gate, and the Witcher agitates Milady Merigold, who has come to the rescue, to retire with him to the tent. Dreams are not destined to come true - a detachment of royal special forces led by Vernand Rocher gets inside and opens the gates of the castle. He reports that loyal soldiers are already moving out in the city with might and main, and the baroness has been taken prisoner alive. But there were no children with her, probably they are somewhere in the vicinity of the monastery. Roche does not have time to tell anything else, as a dragon suddenly appears and attacks the squad and you have to rush through the city gates. Run forward under the wooden sheds, trying to quickly deal with the surviving defenders of the fortress, because the dragon will set fire to the roof above you. Having reached the locked gate, you will be glad that you did not have time to send the lady from the battlefield - she will smash them to pieces with the help of magic. Luckily for you, the flying dragon will be chased away with a ballista shot and this episode of the story will end. In a conversation with Roche, we choose the last remark “We split up near the monastery” and continue the story.

Blood from blood

Having buried themselves in the next gate, the soldiers will begin to actively swing their axes, but this will take too much time, so the king will instruct you to find an alternative passage to the monastery. Go down to the city streets and pay attention to a handful of townspeople captured by the royal soldiers. Next to this "meeting" there is a passage boarded up with wooden boards. They are no problem for your sword, and neither are the enemies in the courtyard on the other side of the doorway. Having dealt with them, go down into the well, finding yourself in the dungeons under the city. The semi-flooded corridors here are inhabited by an undead called the drowners, for whose final resting place your silver sword is well suited. Along the way, you will need to cut your way through more boarded up boards and get to the lowered grate. Having raised it, you can calmly climb the stairs up, hitting the spiral staircase of the temple tower, where you will already be welcomed by its garrison. After eliminating them from your path, go through the bars and exit the tower corridor through a gap in the wall, overgrown with ivy. In the fresh air, you will again have to fight a little, clearing your way to the doors of the temple. In the vestibule of the temple, another portion of opponents awaits you, and an unexpectedly locked gate that requires a key from you. Then we pass through the only open door, where you will find the right key in the courtyard, removing it from the corpse of one of the soldiers. True, it will be necessary before this to bring him to the desired condition, and at the same time his comrades. Go back and go through the previously locked grate. There we need to spin the wheel, which opens a large locked gate in the courtyard and let the king and his knights through them. The witcher will note that he saw a small detachment of elves by the river, but the king will dismiss this information and want to quickly find his children. You will be interrupted for the last time by a listener in the dungeon and after saying "It all started with Arthur Tailes", you will begin the final part of the story about your adventures in the fortress.

You will meet with him to find out from him and the high priest where the king's children are. But this couple stubbornly wanders, not wanting to tell you the truth. Then the Witcher will use a special spell, and the priest, against his will, will inform you that you need to move to the monastery. As soon as the three of you follow in a given direction, your squad on the bridge is attacked by the returning dragon. Rocher will be cut off on the other side of the bridge, and you and the king under your arm will flee from the enraged flagship of the fantasy world Air Force. While escaping across the bridge, carefully press the keys that appear on the screen, after which the Witcher will shove his sword into the dragon's mouth and slam the gate in front of him. And finally, the long-awaited meeting of the king with his children, who were looked after by a blind monk during the assault. But the happy ending is not destined to come true. In fact, the monk turns out not to be who he claims to be, and even Geralt is not able to help the king this time ... The killer jumps out of the windows, and the Witcher is captured by the soldiers who have come running, suspecting him of murder.

Dungeons of La Valette Castle

Vernand Rocher is inclined to believe your stories, but he alone cannot influence the verdict of the court. And the court is guaranteed to sentence Geralt to the gallows. Then the commander of the special squad offers the Witcher help in escaping in exchange for the fact that he will immediately go in search of the real killer. I strongly recommend that you agree to this, otherwise nothing good awaits you. Saying goodbye to your new-old ally, you soon find yourself in your cell with the key to the handcuffs in the stash. The game gives you a choice - to simply free yourself from the shackles in a locked cell or provoke the guards and throw off your fetters suddenly when they are inside. The second version is more original. After some boxing in the QTE scene, leave your cell, taking the cell key from the pockets of the defeated guard and your sword from the chest in the corridor. A further escape can be organized covertly in the spirit of Solid Snake, or send all oncoming-transverse to a mass grave. With the second option, I think everything is clear, but we will concentrate especially on the inconspicuous passage. After leaving the chambers through the upper corridor, hide in an empty cell until a guard approaches the door. Now sneak up on him from behind and knock him out. Move forward, extinguishing the torches in your path, and soon this tactic will pay off. However, be careful when you climb the stone stairs to the top. Just outside the doorway there is a guard, so you need to quickly dive back into the darkness so that he does not understand who he saw in the dusk. A little ahead of you, a prisoner will almost give you away, yelling from the cell and calling the guards. Fortunately, the guard will not believe him, and when he returns to his post, he will receive a fist on the head for his skepticism. After leaving the room with barrels through the door, you will see how the Baroness is taken out of one of the cells - the mother of La Valette, who you killed, or himself, if he had survived earlier. In the second case, the boy will scatter his guards and you will only need to promise to return for him when you clear the road ahead, but in the first case, his mother will leave the cell, which is conducted by the Nilfgaardian ambassador. And in this case, the ambassador will notice the hiding Witcher and with a nod will invite him to follow them. In both situations, you will have to go ahead and quietly (or loudly) eliminate the guards along the way. At the end of the path, you will enter a room where the baroness and the ambassador are sitting, offering you their help. Soon the envoy departs, informing the guards that the Witcher has fled, sending them to the lower levels of the catacombs. Now you can fearlessly walk forward along the empty corridors and get out into the street. Run forward past the crazed guards (beat them with a baton if necessary) and meet with Milady Merigold and Roche by the boat to set sail in search of the killer. If you returned to the wounded La Valette, then he will remember the secret passage, starting a fire in the corridors and sending you forward along it to the exit from the dungeons to the treasured ship. As a result, you will sail away with the same composition.

Chapter 1
Bad reception

Moored to the shore, your company of three adventurers makes their way through the forest to Flotsam. Their sweet road chatter is suddenly interrupted by the sound of an elven flute. And soon you will see the musician himself - the leader of the local elves named Iorveth. He is not very friendly towards Roche. The Witcher is trying to moderate the elven fervor of Iorveth, but Roche cannot stand it and throws a dagger at the one-eyed leader. In response, arrows rain down on you, which Triss stops by placing an exquisite magical barrier. True, he will take away all her strength, and she will lose consciousness. From now on, the distribution of roles in your team becomes as follows. Roche will carry Triss in her arms while she holds the barrier with the last of her strength, preventing the elves from shooting you from afar. Well, as a Witcher, you need to deal with all the opponents who dared to get inside this safe zone, protecting your friends. There is only one advice here - do not lag behind your companions, otherwise you risk leaving the barrier and will be hit by enemy arrows. Fortunately, you will soon reach the city, so Iorveth and the kingslayer will only have to quietly scoff at your trail. They welcome you here cordially - they offer to take a look at the quick public execution and have fun in the haunts of the city.

By the will of the gods and executive fools

Take this advice and go to the marketplace of Flotsam, taking a closer look at the scaffold with those sentenced to death. It would be nice to save the poor fellows, especially since one of them is Roche's informant. Approach the scaffold of the gallows and speak with the guard. It does not matter what tactics of conversation you will follow with him. Whether he gets confused under the onslaught of your questions or gets mad that the crowd starts to make fun of him, you still have to take part in a fistfight. But while you are fighting with the guard, the executioner has already begun to carry out sentences. Fight him too, interrupting the lynching process. After that, the commander of the garrison Loredo, who is surprisingly loyal to your company, will intervene in the matter. The presence of Roche, as the commander of a special unit under the murdered King Foltest, played a role here. Having inserted an unknown thief, the commandant will calm down and leave Zoltan and Dandelion alive. In exchange for this service, he wants to meet us at his mansion in the evening, where we will definitely go as soon as it gets dark.

vile suggestion

Approaching the gates of the Loredo estate in the pouring rain with Roche, you will have to hand over your weapon to the sentry in order to get inside. The guard walks with might and main and you can take your time to look around. Rocher notices the commandant's personal ballista, realizing that it would not hurt to damage it. Loredo is an unpredictable type and who knows, maybe he will want to direct this power to the detriment of your enterprise. But for this you need to distract the guard from the ballista. This can be done with the help of Margarita, a local prostitute standing nearby. She agrees to provide a service to the Witcher, but requires a kind of payment. As an option, Margarita will ask you to thoroughly humiliate the two lackeys of the commandant - Miron and Alfons. Fortunately, we will not have to beat the muzzles, since this task can be completely solved in a relatively peaceful way. Find the right soups at the table nearby and hook each of the guards in turn. Bickering will bring you to arm wrestling, which you can win by holding the marker within a special indicator with the mouse movements. After the victories, report back to Margarita about the successes and wait until she takes the guard away from the ballista. Now you can carry out a diversion and, together with Roche, climb the stairs to the entrance to Loredo's house. But they will tell you that the commandant is busy, so he cannot receive you now. Get down and discuss with Roche a further plan of action. Your comrade offers to inspect the backyard of the mansion and even volunteers to distract the guards for this purpose, but a random passer-by intervenes in the conversation and tells us about a terrible monster roaming the harbor area. You will probably be assigned to destroy, so the advice of this wanderer may be useful. You will learn from him that in the backyard of the house lies part of a trap designed to capture this monster. That's the reason to go there! As soon as Roche takes the guard aside, go along the path around the house, quietly knocking out 2 other guards along the way. Then climb over the stone ledges, and you will find yourself directly in the courtyard of the commandant. Stun another guard here and climb the stairs to the window on the second floor of the house to eavesdrop on Loredo's conversation with one witch. Do not forget to find a box with a part of the trap in the garden, standing against one of the walls, carefully cutting down all the guards. Now you can go back to Roche. True, the guard will not let him into the house anyway, so you will have to talk to the commandant face to face. And he has already received a letter for the capture and extradition of the murderer of King Foltest Geralt, that is, you. But he agrees to turn a blind eye if you help him capture the leaders of the wood elves of Iorveth. Zoltan, saved by you from the gallows, can lead you to him, but the commandant agrees to let him go outside the gate only after you catch the Keiran monster, terrorizing the approach to the harbor. Such are the things. When leaving the residence, don't forget to take your sword from the chest next to the guard.


Go to the inn to discuss the current state of affairs with your friends. Your conversation will be interrupted by a run-in peasant, screaming in panic that a monster has attacked the harbor. Run there, especially since Triss felt that someone was using magic there. By the time you arrive at the harbor, the witch Sheala has already driven the monster away, saving the peasant Zosik. Because of him, a small buzz begins, which can be solved in radical ways (banal fight), persuasion or threat. Having solved one problem, take on the second. And she is much more serious. Luckily, you will be approached by a certain Ludwig Moers, who has offered you a reward for capturing Kayran. Its size still needs to be discussed with the merchants at the docks, where we will now go, remembering that our hunting companion stopped on the second floor of the tavern.

Keiran: a matter of price

Head to the docks to settle payment issues. You can get there through a large wooden gate on the trading square, located exactly opposite the scaffold. Go down the path and talk to the merchant about his hard life. Use any means to persuade the merchant to pay you for the capture of the beast, and at the same time ask him about it. Here he will not help you, but he will name the one who probably knows more. This is the elf Cedric, which can be found in villages near the city walls. Return to the market square, and through the gate on the right behind the scaffold, leave the city limits. On the forest path you will meet Triss, who went with her to the watchtower to look for the right elf. Climb after the young lady up the stairs, where you will meet with Cedric. He will tell you a brief biography of the monster and inform you that recently your potential prey sank an entire ship. His skeleton still lies under the bridge. Worth checking it out, you might find something important. The companion will immediately be poisoned in place thanks to teleportation, but you will have to get on your own two feet. Leave the village towards the river and turn onto the forest line, going upstream. Along the way, you will have to fight with several opponents around the fires, so be prepared for this. At the end of your path, you will meet Triss waiting for you, and you will overcome the last section together, jumping over boulders. Once in the swamp, your company will be attacked by already familiar drowners, for reprisals against which a silver sword is best suited. A little before reaching the abandoned ship, inspect the tree on the right in the direction of travel. It's all in monster slime. Moreover, Triss informs you that Keiran is terminally ill and his slime is poisonous. He will not die of his death soon, but the Witcher can easily be slammed with poison. An antidote can be made from the tenecost plant. Where to look for him should know Cedric. So, we return back to the village to the watchtower.

Keiran: tenecost

Cedric will inform you that there are caves in the south in the depths of the forest. This is where the tenecost grows, so your path lies in the same direction. By the way, Cedric may not be on the watchtower. In this case, he can be found in his village house nearby. Making your way through the dense forest in a given direction, you will soon be attacked by several flocks of nakers - opponents are rather weak, but numerous. Once you deal with them, you can enter the cave through the entrance, hidden behind a small waterfall. In the dungeon, the path is not close, but if you follow the marker on the mini-map, then, in the end, you will get to the ill-fated tenecost, and numerous nakers will not let you get bored along the way. After picking the plant and getting the antidote, return to the city and visit Sheala on the second floor of the tavern. She will suggest tactics for the coming battle. The sorceress will use magic to lure Kayran to the shore, where you alone will be given the role of defeating the monster. Immediately after that, you will be transported to the place of the fight, where you will need to go down to the river and get ready for the fight.

The fight will not be easy. And what did you expect, because a monster the size of half a football field! But it is quite possible to defeat him if you learn a couple of rules. First, dodge its poisonous spit and tentacle strikes. Second, paralyze his limbs one by one, using the sign of Yrden, and cut them off with a silver sword. As soon as you deprive him of 4 limbs, grab one of the tentacles (you need to press the indicated key in time) and perform a simple QTE scene. After that, Kayran will fill up with stone blocks, and you will only have to jump on top of him from one of them and end the battle. It remains only to go to the merchant in the city docks for a reward and you can go tell the commandant about the first task.


Near the house of the commandant Loredo, we meet Triss and learn from her that on the floating prison in the harbor, among other elves, Iorweth's closest associate named Kiaran is languishing. It is worth visiting him and asking about his senior comrade, and at the same time the big man who killed the king. Go along the pier to the distant ship, where two guards will stop you. If you have previously agreed to carry out Loredo's instructions, then they will let you through to the elf without talking. Otherwise, bribery, intimidation or persuasion will have to be used. Get down into the hold of the ship and use the sign of Axia on Kiaran lying there so that Triss can use magic. Upon regaining consciousness, the prisoner will tell you that the Witcher you are looking for is called Leto. He turned out to be a traitor and attacked Kiaran near the place where the roses of memory bloom. And now the danger threatens Iorvet himself. Tell him this information and you may have a new unexpected ally in the capture of the killer of kings. Immediately after this, Geralt will have another vision, after which Triss will offer to help restore his memory. But for this, she needs at least one petal of the rose of memory that blooms near the elven ruins. Further events will be slightly different, depending on whether you take Triss with you on the road or go alone.

Roses of memory

In both cases, your path lies along the forest road to the place where you entered the cave through the waterfall. Be careful not to fall into hunting traps and, as necessary, eliminate opponents that come across to you along the way. Next, we climb a hill with a waterfall and pick flowers from the statue of two lovers in the elven garden. But then it all depends on whether you came here alone or in the company of Triss. In the first case, you simply return back to the city and give the find to Triss, who will advise you to find Zoltan (in the tavern) and find out from him where you can find Iorvet. If you came together for flowers, then after a short conversation at the statue, three bandits will disturb your peace, with whom you will have to fight. After the victory, the earth will fall under you, and you will find yourself in a romantic elven font. It is quite possible to use this moment to pleasantly pass the time together, and only then talk about business. Roche, who came to the rescue, will free you from the sweet prison and you will only have to return back to the city to talk to Zoltan in the tavern.

We tell him that we want to meet with Iorvet, and he will agree to accompany us to the meeting point with the “squirrels”. Making your way through the forest, repelling the attacks of aggressive living creatures, your duet will finally reach the meeting place with the elves and Zoltan will say the password. However, the sentinels are not in a hurry to let us go to Iorvet, so we will have to go to another meeting place. There you will find an unpleasant surprise in the form of a crab spider at the edge of the forest. The fight with him will not be easy, but the reward for victory will be a meeting with Iorvet, surrounded by guards, aiming his bows at the heroes. In this situation, you should not be rude in dealing with their leader - it will not end in anything good. Inform him that Leto betrayed him and that Kiaran is now alive. Iorveth, of course, cannot be sure of your words, so he decides to arrange a check with Leto with your help. The big man is now sitting in the elven garden near the statue of lovers (where you collected roses of memory). Go there and meet Iorveth there. You will act out a scene with him. You will pretend that you are leading an elf bound to a bored killer, and Iorveth will look at his reaction. The conversation quickly convinces Iorveth of the veracity of your accusations, and he and his people are going to end Leto. But Roche intervenes with his people and a fight breaks out. In it, you can help Iorveth by giving him a sword, which will help him escape and soon provoke a massacre of non-humans in the city. Or refuse to do so, which will help Roche take him prisoner, then arranging a feast in your honor.

In our walkthrough, we will consider the second option, and then we will adhere to Roche's line, because the passage of further chapters of the game is fundamentally different depending on which side you choose. This does not mean that the story of Iorveth is worse and uninteresting. Perhaps we will talk about it later. But all this will be later, and now you will find yourself alone with Leto in the font, and this solitude will not be as pleasant as with Triss. The fight with him is not easy and will end around the middle when your opponent knocks you to the ground. But he will not do fatality, but instead he will calmly go about his business, hinting that Triss can help him teleport to Aedirn. After that, Roche will run into the hall (we agreed that we are considering only this scenario) and inform us about the capture of Iorvet. However, having heard our story, he, along with the Witcher, will run into the city in search of Triss.

Where is Triss?

The commandant is already waiting for you in the square to thank you for the capture of Iorvet and throw a feast in our honor. But we are not up to fun now, we need to find Triss as soon as possible, maybe it's not too late? We run to the tavern and ask Buttercup where he saw her for the last time. He says that he saw how she went to Sheala on the second floor of the tavern. But having run to the indicated place, only disappointment awaits us. The room is empty, and what is much worse in it we see traces of blood. But also a broken wall adjacent to the brothel. Perhaps the girls from the establishment saw something through it. We go there and ask the laborer of love, the elf Dere. Fortunately, she was overly curious and peeped into the room through the wall. It really was Triss, but then there was some kind of fight, the outcome of which she did not see. Only the bloody Cedric, wandering towards the forest. Use the "cat" elixir to see the footprints of the elf on the ground, leading you to the familiar waterfall. With his last breath, he will tell you that Triss stole Summer, planning to cross with her help to the city of Vergen. Shortly after his death, Dandelion and Zoltan will find Geralt in the forest. Zoltan is agitating you to rescue the captive Iorvet from the floating prison. If you do this, you will start the second chapter differently than after fulfilling Dandelion's request. Namely, we will choose Dandelion's proposal now, especially since he will be informed that Rocher decided to go against Loredo, and this is a risky business.

Death to a traitor!

Find Rocher in his city house and find out what kind of fly bit him. Our comrade replies that the commandant Loredo is a traitor, as he hides the spy Henselt in the city. And it would be quite nice to catch the enemy scout, and at the same time pay what he deserves to the corrupt policeman. The plan for this is simple. Disguise Bianca as a prostitute and send her to the commandant's mansion. Well, you will need to provide fire cover for the entire operation. To do this, we climb over the wall into the garden of the Loredo house, along the ladder prepared in advance for us. And we quietly knock out a man rushing around the yard after some girl. She will tell us that Bianca was in trouble and she was taken to the tower. You can get there only with the keys, and the guards and the mother of Loredo himself have them. You can get to it if you cross the garden (preferably unnoticed) and, jumping over the fence, climb into the house through the window. Go downstairs, discreetly deal with the guards and go into the basement where the commandant's mother lives. Perform another QTE scene and go upstairs, suppressing resistance along the way and do not forget to take the key to Loredo's room, lying near the window, not far from the sleeping guards. Inside his chambers you will see a bound Bianca, and the commandant himself will not take long to attack Geralt. Be on the lookout and get ready for a QTE solo, after which we will defeat the traitor. And we will not only free Bianca, but also contribute to the forced delivery of a pregnant elf lying in the next room. One way or another, we will get out of the estate, where Roche and his comrades will be waiting for us. After that, you will board the ship and go in search of the kidnapped Triss and the mysterious killer.

Chapter 2
Prelude to War: Kaedwen

We dock at the city of Vergen, where the Kaedweni army plans to seize these lands. And quite unexpectedly, we begin the chapter not on behalf of Geralt, but of King Henselt, who wants to take over the ownerless lands of the fallen monarch Demavend. To do this, His Majesty, in the company of Sheala and the magician Detmold, whom you know, is negotiating with the Aedirnian barons. They are definitely not going well, and then the famous Saskia challenges Henselt to a duel. In fact, this will not be the most difficult battle you have in the game, but the intervening priest of Kreva will fall under the hot hand of the king and the whole district will be covered in darkness. Our old acquaintances, Roche and the Witcher, will also see her, just approaching the camp of the Kaedweni army at that moment. In this twilight they will come across the king who provoked this disgrace. However, now is not the time to read morals, you need to get out of the danger zone as soon as possible. Fortunately, Dethmold will put up a protective barrier against the spirits, inside which it will not be difficult to defeat them. But it’s better not to marry him - nothing good awaits you there. Help the sorcerer as needed to repel the attacks of the spirits until you all get to the camp together. At its gates, the king will give us foreman Zyvik as a guide. You can walk around the local sights (better do it, you will know in advance where everything is located) or go straight to the royal tent at the top of the camp. Having met the Nilfgaardian ambassador at the tent, feel free to go inside and satisfy the monarch's curiosity regarding the death of his colleagues. But without his wishes, he will not let you go. It predictably boils down to freeing the battlefield from the curse. And at the exit, Detmold will contact you and ask you to uncover a conspiracy in the camp.

Conspiracy theory

You can begin to unravel the threads of the conspiracy in different ways, for example, in the way described here. Go to the army canteen (you didn’t disdain the tour of the camp at the end of the last task, did you?) and talk to Manfred there. He has reason to be sad. After all, his son Sven will surely fall at the tournament at the hands of a certain Letande Avet, nicknamed the butcher from Tsidaris, with whom he has a duel. If you even try to help his son, he will gratefully provide you with all the information he knows about the conspirators. We go to a meeting with the poor fellow Sven and having received from him consent to your help, we follow his opponent Avet, agitating to arrange a team fight in the arena. He agrees and we can only notify Sven about this, after which you will find yourself in the arena itself. Regardless of whether Sven survives the two-on-two battle or not (well, you really should try), his father will tell you to visit Madame Karol's brothel and ask Whistle Zosya there. As a password for the conspirators, you need to say the phrase: “Her smile opened the gates of paradise for us.” By the way, after the battle, you will have the opportunity to participate in an additional side tournament in the “Ave Henselt!” task. There you can fight with the familiar Bianca and, if successful, receive a tempting reward from her.

In any case, go to the brothel and choose from the girls Whistle Zosya. Do not forget to say the code phrase and then you will be opened a secret passage where schemers are hiding. There are no leaders of the conspiracy here, but even without their presence, you will have to wave the sword fairly. Be sure to take the Zeltkirk armor from the corpse of Vinson Trout, and from the table a piece of paper with text clearly written by the bard Buttercup. Find him in the camp and force him to explain himself. Don't forget to visit Detmold and get a reward for the killed conspirators. Now you can begin to fulfill the royal commission to remove the curse.

Blood Curse

It is no wonder that His Majesty toils from him! After all, he sent Sabrina Glevissig to the stake, for which she cursed him. The details of this unhappy incident must be obtained from Detmold, but one cannot do without visiting the place of her execution. Well, we leave the camp and go west along the coast, crossing a small stream. But in addition to the main goal, the familiar Zyvik will ask you to find two lost soldiers in order to quickly return them to duty. Cutting your way through the ranks of drowners, you will find warriors just at the place of execution, which they have made the object of their cult. At the head of it is someone Inspirational, who lives in the gorges behind the camp. In the meantime, you carefully examine the place of the scaffold three years ago. You will find familiar square coins, traces in the ashes, a letter and a nail, and your new companions will be interested in them. To give it or not is your choice. And so that they no longer bother you, bring the dunces to the stream, from where they will independently get to the camp.

Head there, too, to talk about your find with the relic vendor hanging around in the dining room. You will learn a lot of interesting things from him, in particular, the fact that Yagon eased the fate of Sabrina, piercing her with a spear on the scaffold. However, one cannot do without a visit to Inspirational. Leave the camp again and move east to the gorges, fighting off corpse eaters along the way. The main tactic for dealing with them is to bounce off them in time before they explode. In the final part of your journey, you will witness the death of two soldiers from the paws of the rotten ones, and as soon as you take revenge on these creatures, then go to the dwelling of the Inspired One. After fighting off the harpies there, talk to the head of the cult and try to get all the information you can from him. The easiest way to do this is through bribery, but if money is a pity, then there is another way. Pretend that we agree to join the cult and pass the test for this. All you need is to drink with the advent of darkness (after 21:00) the resulting potion nearby at the crypt between two lakes and view the vision. Well, and a little more war with evil spirits along the way. Having won his trust (or bought it), he will inform you about the relics needed to remove the curse from the king. You already have the Zeltkirk armor, but the relic dealer should have the spear of Iagon. Something we did not see this spear from him - let's go figure it out! Pressing the merchant in the camp, he confesses that he sold the spear to a soldier who safely lost the artifact in the battle with the elves. Moreover, the spear, most likely, is in the hands of our old friend Iorvet, who is probably now in Vergen.

Get out, evil spirit!

Having told Detmold the information received, you receive from him the task to get through the dangerous fog directly to the city of Vergen, having received only a talisman and an embassy flag to overcome this suicidal task. It is also good that our friend Zoltan will meet us on the way to the exit from the camp and, having learned where we are heading, will gladly agree to go with us. And the road will not be easy. The path through the fog will really tell you the received amulet, but you will have to fight the endless ghosts exclusively on your own. The main thing is to quickly cross the danger zone in order to be at the village with the elves, where only thanks to the presence of our friend you will not be stuffed with arrows. Go further until you meet with the commander of the guards of the dwarves. He will show you the location of one of the items needed to remove the spell - the symbol of death. It is located in the dungeons in the forest outside the city. But there is also bad news. Nobody is going to let you into the city, and then your fellow traveler decides to stay in Vergen for good. But in gratitude to Geralt, he promises to get the sword of General Vandergrift and give it to you in the dungeons under the city.

Now our path lies in the dungeons in the depths of the forest, in which you need to go down to the lowest tier. And if on the way to it you were attacked by ordinary ghosts, then when you reach one of the halls on the lower floor, you will encounter the very spirit of the banner-bearer Brown Banner. To take possession of the banner by force, you will have to sweat a lot - your opponent is very strong. But the bloodless path is not easier either. You can try to convince him that you yourself were in this detachment, but no one will take your word for it. The Spirit will ask questions, and only by answering them correctly will you earn his trust and the right to take the banner for yourself. For opponents of violence, here are the correct answers to the questions in order: incorrect, Manno Coehoorn, was killed near Brenna, Zeltkirk and Vandergrift, Bigerhorn captured us. But even if you did everything right and the spirit allowed us to take the banner, then there is a risk that he will have to face him later. Therefore, if you are confident in your abilities, then it is more reliable to choose a forceful solution to the problem.

Now we go to a meeting with Zoltan. First, return to the burned village, and from there, at the next two forks (at the gorges and at the gate), turn left. Thus, you will reach the catacombs under the city, which are not recommended without sufficient stocks of a potion for orientation in the dark. We'll have to pretty much get lost in them, meeting along the way not only ordinary corpse-eaters, but also their hefty leader. Fortunately, your friends are waiting for you just outside the nearest door to give you such a needed sword. And Zoltan will bring good news - Iorvet successfully lost the spear in the bone to Skalen Bourdon from the suburbs, so you just have to go back there and win back the relic for yourself. It is unlikely that you will be able to win immediately, so be persistent. Having won the spear, return through the fog back to the camp. Waving off the ghosts, you will break out of the darkness, where Roche is already waiting for you to report on the events that happened during your absence. His detachment was attacked by Nilfgaardians who met the servant Philippa Eilhart. We hurry to find out the details in the camp, but there we will fail. The Nilfgaardians have already set sail, so we go to the king and inform him of the completion of our successful search.

While the king is heading to the place of Sabrina's execution, you need to take a special rune powder from Dethmold. Their images can be peeped in the book received from him. Arriving at the place where the king is already waiting for you, proceed to the inscription of the runes. More precisely, you will only direct the actions of the monarch, telling him the correct way to reproduce the image. You need to draw from the witch's circle to the petrified bread and from the burnt tree to the bird's corpse, curdled milk, and close the figure again at the witch's circle. Now set fire to the powder and get ready for battle. You need to protect the king from the attacking spirits until he pierces the spirit of Sabrina with the spear he received. From now on, the curse will be lifted, and in gratitude you will receive a medallion and an invitation to the royal feast.


Here are those times! The king himself invited us to a feast, but the guards still do not let us in because the monarch received a foreign ambassador. Then we meditate until the evening (until 10 pm) and again we go to see the king. He's lucky he let us in! The story of the events that took place in the castle of La Valette will be interrupted by two murderers who knocked down the ambassador. You need to fight both of them to protect the king from certain death. Over time, Sheala will get into the fight, and you will win a relative victory - the king is alive, but one of the killers managed to escape, and you won’t learn anything from the second. Although Detmold offers a way out of this situation. If you resort to necromancy, then you can perform a rite, thanks to which you can see events through the eyes of the killer for a certain period before his death. Find Detmold in the hospital and ask him about the ingredients needed to perform the ceremony. You will need the “Duck” potion, the recipe for which can be bought from a merchant near the hospital. We return with him to Detmold and prepare for a kind of reincarnation. Seeing the world through the eyes of the dead assassin Egan, you and his companion rush forward through the gorge, fighting the harpies there. Carefully bypassing the traps after the battle, your deadly tandem will reach the meeting point with Leto, from whom he learns that Sheala is also involved in the conspiracy and should be disposed of.

The second part of the vision starts at the royal camp and requires the assassin to stealthily sneak to the royal tent, avoiding the watchful eyes of the guards. If you manage to make it through this part of the journey undetected, you will witness the assassins talking to each other in the dungeon under the camp, where they will discuss the congress of sorcerers in Loc Muinne. Finally, the last push will have to be made at the very tent, having fought near it with well-armed guards. So, a lot of information has been received! We tell them to the magician and go to the hideout of the killers, which we saw under the influence of the drug. There you will find the wounded escaped killer and pull out all the information you are interested in. Returning back to Dethmold, you will receive a king's medallion from him and go to remove the fog from the battlefield.

Eternal fight

Fortunately, to complete this mission, you have in your hands all the artifacts obtained in previous tasks: the banner of the Brown Banner and the sword of Vandergrift, the armor of Zeltkirk and the royal medallion of Henselt. With final instructions from Detmold, it's time to leave the camp and head into the dangerous fog. There, the spirits of the dead warriors alternately inhabit Geralt, so you will have to perform several simple tasks on their behalf. First, in the form of an Aedirnian warrior, you will have to cross the line of fortifications of the enemy and, having fought with the spirits of the soldiers, capture the Kaedweni banner. And immediately after the success, the soul of a Kaedweni soldier moves into Geralt, hurrying across the battlefield to his commander to report the loss of the banner. You will have to move in short dashes between the volleys of archers, so as not to fall under their arrows. After admiring the fight between the Kaedweni general and Sabrina, whom you know in absentia, you are transported into the image of the Aedirnian commander fighting the enemy soldiers. Soon you will get to their general, the battle with which will take place already on behalf of the true Geralt, giving you the opportunity to use all his abilities in it. Just in time, because this fight promises to be quite difficult. From the fire volleys and deadly whirlwinds used against you, it is better to dodge in time, trying to roll up to the enemy from the unprotected side and hit him with a silver sword. Finally, after the victory, the last reincarnation into a priest awaits you, leading your warriors out of the danger zone, where this leapfrog of universes will end at the edge of the mist, as soon as we enter the light of day.

Conspiracy theory

Remember how in the secret room of Madame Carol's brothel we caused a stir in the ranks of the conspirators? So, it's time to deal with the rest. We learn their location from Buttercup, who woke us up and pointed to a house standing on a hilltop. Therefore, we run there, but we meet there not at all conspirators, but our comrade Roche, and now we need to gather all his people together. To begin with, we run together to the camp of his detachment, fighting along the way with Kaedwen warriors. But when we arrive at the place, we find no one except for a lonely prostitute who informed us that the king invited all the people of Roche to the dining room of his camp for a feast. We return there, overcoming fierce enemy attacks, and we see with horror that all of Roche's associates are hanged on the gallows, with the exception of one Bianca, who will tell you about Henselt's betrayal. He is now just at the walls of Vergen, where we are heading to show him Kuzka's mother, and at the same time find Sheala, whom we know that she worked in conjunction with the killer of kings.

Assault on Vergen

You can get to the city along the gorge, which we saw through the eyes of one of the failed assassins of King Henselt in the task of the same name in this chapter. The harpies have not disappeared from there, but after them you will meet a lonely troll. You should not kill her (there is such a possibility), because then you will learn from her that her husband recently met someone heading to Loc Muinne. Saying goodbye to her, keep the road to the quarries, again fighting off the harpies and meeting ahead in the gorge of the husband of our recent acquaintance. Help him fight off the soldiers and calmly move on (but if you killed his wife, you will have to fight with him). Already near the entrance to the caves, you will fight with another batch of soldiers and dive into the dungeons after the only surviving warrior. Moving deeper into the caves and cracking down on his comrades, you will get to Detmold and the commander of the local soldier Pangratt. You need to cope with the latter as soon as possible, because the magician, although he will distract you with his spells, will still leave your sword, hiding in the portal. After defeating Pangratt, you will only have to run out of the caves, where Zoltan, who emigrated earlier to Vergen, will already be waiting for you.

We learn from him that the Sheala you are looking for is hiding in the house of her friend Philippa. You can immediately run there, but before that there is a chance to help out an old friend of Iorvet (after all, we are indebted to him), surrounded by enemy soldiers in the city. Climb up towards the suspension bridge, which will treacherously break at the last moment, leaving you without Roche's support. From here it is worth turning right, making your way through the ranks of the Kaedweni soldiers to the fortification of Iorveth. Having provided support to the elf, it's time to head to Philippa's house in search of Sheala (this can be done right away). You will deal with ordinary opponents on the way to it without problems, but you will have to tinker with the monster called by the sorceress. It is all the more disappointing that we will not be able to talk heart to heart with her. She will hide in the portal right in front of your nose, and King Henselt with his retinue will appear to replace her. Having dealt with his knights and taking on himself, you will be interrupted by Roche, who has run in, and the further fate of the cunning monarch depends on the decision of Geralt. Persuade Rocher to spare him or let him avenge his hanged comrades - your will. Having made a difficult moral choice, it's time to go to the finish line of history, leading to Loc Muinne.

Chapter 3
In the name of Temeria!

The road to the city will be on sugar - the harpies do not cease to bother here too! And here, at the gates to Loc Muinne, the knights of the Order of the Flaming Rose will not wish to let the Witcher into the city. Fortunately, Roche's diplomatic skills will be enough for you to be allowed on a date with the head of the order, Siegfried. After talking with him, you will temporarily part with your friend, and go on a tour of the city alone. However, on its central square, you will reunite your duet again, heading from there to an appointment with King Radovid. You will learn from him that the only legitimate heiress of Temeria, Princess Anais, was kidnapped by Detmold. And if it does not, then this kingdom will simply be divided among themselves by other monarchs, which is unlikely to be done without mass bloodshed. But he will also say that Geralt's beloved Triss is now in this city as a prisoner of the Nilfgaardians. As a result, we are faced with another serious choice. He will go to rescue the daughter of the murdered from captivity, partly due to our oversight of King Foltest, or to take care of personal matters, going in search of Triss. The choice is not easy, but, looking ahead a little, we can tell you that the princess will not remain in trouble anyway, so you can go save Triss with a clear conscience.

Where is Triss?

Then our path lies straight to the Nilfgaardian camp. On the way, Geralt will be lucky, and he will meet Ambassador Shilard in the company of just a couple of soldiers. Having easily dealt with them, you can continue your further path to the camp together with the hostage, hoping that it will be useful to you in the process of negotiations with the Nilfgaardians. But upon arrival at the camp, our calculation will suffer a complete failure, because Shilard will be killed without a twinge of conscience by the commander of the guard, and you will have to fight with him and his subordinates. Getting out of here is not easy. The gates are locked, so you will have to look for alternative paths leading to the square. There the battle will flare up not for life, but for death, especially since Matsen himself will soon join the ordinary opponents, having talked with us about the purpose of our arrival in the Nilfgaardian camp. But stop wagging your tongue - it's time to fight! Moreover, from the corpse of Matsen you will pick up the key to the cell where Triss is languishing. Go down to the dungeon and free the girl who has been waiting for you, who told Geralt many interesting facts. Well, now break through to the exit from here to meet again at the meeting of sorcerers.

Meeting of sorcerers

Meeting with Triss at the amphitheater, you will witness the negotiations of the kings and other interested parties about the future of Temeria. At this meeting, King Radovid will demonstrate to those present the rescued Princess Anais and will act as a guarantor of her becoming on the throne of Timeria when she grows up. Next, the magicians begin to discuss technical issues regarding the creation of a new council. And at this moment, Triss will ask for the floor and expose Sheala in complicity with the killer of kings. They will try to take the traitor into custody, but she does not intend to give up without a fight, so she will call on the dragon for help.

Dragon Apparition

Saskia, in the form of a dragon, carried Sheala to a nearby tower. So we have only one task - to get to it in any way! We run to the tower, trying not to get fried in the dragon's flame along the way, and climb to the very top. There, Sheala will tell us her vision of the motives of the killer of kings Leto and give us the opportunity to personally deal with the dragon. We approach the dragon at the moment when he pours fire on us, and in order not to turn into a fragrant roast, we use the Quen sign. As soon as the battle approaches its middle, the floors below you will break, and you will have to move the battle arena to the roof, climbing onto it along the ledges of the walls. There, the dragon will attack you, crawling out from under the platform from all sides and still pouring fire on Geralt. Show all your dexterity so as not to fall under the dragon's attacks, and at the very end of the battle, get ready to perform another QTE scene. In the event of a successful outcome, the Witcher will land the dragon straight on a broken tree in the forest and defeat the enemy.


Returning to the city border, Triss will meet you and inform us of Leto's presence in the Temerian camp. Go to this fateful meeting, fighting off soldiers' attacks along the way. Surprisingly, but the final fight is quite possible to avoid, if imbued with Leto's arguments. Well, if they do not suit you, you are welcome to participate in the final battle, which will end with a spectacularly staged scene of your victory.

Frustrated that the game has already ended? No problem! Embark on a new adventure, acting differently, and your trip will be very different from the previous one.

In the task "The trouble with the troll" in The Witcher 2, the walkthrough will provide an opportunity to get acquainted with a great story. This mission is additional in nature, but it has certain points for which you should prepare. All information on the quest with options for action is present in the article. Fans of the game will find this material very useful.

Where do the roots come from

On the bulletin board of a settlement called Flotsam, the main character can take the task "Troll Trouble". In The Witcher 2, the passage begins from this moment. Already at the start, the user can prepare that this will not be an ordinary murder, because in this project this almost never happens. Geralt starts his own investigation. The mission was posted by commandant Bernard Loredo, who is famous for his cruelty and is trying with all his might to achieve compliance with the laws among the population. This information should be remembered by the players for future decision making.

First ambiguities

It would seem that in the task "The Trouble with the Troll" the passage in The Witcher 2 is extremely clear. The player must deal with the creature of the same name, which lives in the vicinity of Flotsam. In the third part of this great game series, hunting for various monsters is even dedicated to separate missions. Quests in The Witcher 2, however, are not divided into categories, but they are no less interesting. The first wake-up call for the assignment will sound at the moment when the player saves the peasant on the way to the mission near the bridge. It was besieged by the nakers, but the fight would not last long. When talking with a man, Geralt will ask where to find a troll to kill, but the villager will quickly object to the White Wolf. He will say that it is not necessary to kill him, and even more so to believe Loredo. The character will also tell about the troll's deep drinking bout, from which he needs to be pulled out. This is the first hint of the future variable branching that the game is so famous for.

Further development

The beginning of the passage of "Trouble with the Troll" in The Witcher 2 already gives a hint that its essence will not be reduced to a standard murder. However, Geralt, after talking with the peasant, has no other choice but to go to the headman of Bindyuga for details. This village is located just outside the walls of Flotsam and is known for the fact that Dimitra's bandits work nearby. The White Wolf goes to Kharab - the local headman, who almost completely repeats the request of the peasant on the bridge. This man also asks the protagonist not to kill the troll, but to help the unfortunate one somehow get rid of alcohol addiction. After the conversation, the path lies directly into the thicket to the troll. At the first meeting, Geralt will try to talk to him, but the creature is not too inclined to talk. In a rude way, the troll will refuse to make contact and demand vodka to continue his banquet. The White Wolf is not going to tolerate such an attitude, and therefore the duel begins.

Main choice by task

In the game "The Witcher 2" in chapter 1, the mission "The trouble with the troll" is one of the most interesting in terms of implementation. The developers performed it in a corporate style, you can see it immediately after the duel with the troll. The drunken poor fellow is not very mobile, and therefore the fight with him, if he has the ability to dodge correctly, will drag on for two or three minutes. When the enemy's health drops to a critical level, a cut-scene will turn on. At the moment when Geralt is ready to deliver the final blow, the former enemy will turn to him with a strange request for help. This is where the hero decides what to do with the creature. One can recall the headman Bindyuga Kharaba, as well as the peasant from the bridge. They all asked for help for the poor troll. To continue the task, the creature must be listened to. The second option provides for a typical murder without investigating real motives. In this case, the player will not recognize the continuation of an interesting story, and in vain, because quests in The Witcher 2 often offer this. True, in this scenario, the player will be able to quickly return for a very decent reward to Ludwig Merce. This is one of Flotsam's officials and cousin of Bernard Loreno.

Continued investigation

But in order to enjoy this quest, players are advised not to kill the troll. The user can agree to listen to his story. It turns out that this creature is quite respectable, but the loss of his beloved woman greatly affected him. Someone killed a troll, and the husband asks to find this person, and then avenge the harm done. If the player agrees, then the further path lies again to the village of Bindyuga. Here you need to talk with the headman Horab and some residents. They do not know anything, but Zoltan and Sheala will be able to help in the matter. During the dialogues, Geralt learns about the Burnt One when completing the quest "The Trouble with the Troll" in The Witcher 2. Where to find the house of this man will also become clear after several conversations during the investigation. If you go to visit him, you can see the head of that same lost lover on the wall. If you start asking about it in more detail, then the owner will begin to deny involvement in the murder.

Continued adventure

The task in the game "The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings" "The trouble with the troll" is an example of how the protagonist will have to seek the truth step by step. In the house of the Burnt, the owner will in every possible way deny his involvement in the murder of this creature. He will tell you that he actually bought the trophy to decorate the room from the leader of the local gang of bandits Dimitar. There is no need to rush and rush in search of the killer. Burnt is a master of playing cards, and therefore he can be invited to play a game. For the victory, the White Wolf will receive the very head of the troll. It may not be possible to win the first time, but several approaches and studying the opponent’s strategy will correct the situation. The head is needed in order to give it to the troll and get a valuable drawing of the “Armor of the Hunter”, which will be useful to Geralt in due time. The task is also valuable because the player will be able to travel to locations and enjoy the views. And if you also install mods for improving visualization for the game The Witcher 2, then the user will get double pleasure.

Tracking down the killer

In The Witcher 2, tasks, at first glance, take a long time, but in practice the player completes them in ten minutes, if not distracted by local beauties or conversations with other characters. After the card fight, Geralt can ask the Burnt One about where Dimitar is. The man will say that he does not know anything about the location of the base of the bandits. But still, he will give a tip to the tavern in Bindyug, where the leader's subordinates often like to sit. There the White Wolf will go, because there are no other clues. Upon arrival, you should immediately go to the lower floor, where one of Dimitar's henchmen will sit. During a dialogue with him, the criminal will cheekily refuse to tell anything about his commander. Here you can apply intimidation from the White Wolf or engage in a fist fight with him. The mechanics of such battles is implemented too simply by the developers, and therefore no difficulties should arise during the fight.

Completion of the task

After a long duel, the player will receive the necessary information. It turns out that Dimitar set up his base in an old cemetery, which is located near the village of Bindyuga. Before going there, all users are highly recommended to prepare for the battle. To begin with, stock up on potions to increase damage, as well as to restore health (Thunder, Swallow). Only after that go to the indicated point for a fight. Dimitar is not alone in the cemetery, there are several of his subordinate bandits with him. If you skillfully use the signs of Yrden, Igni, as well as potions, then the battle should end quickly. Of course, this also depends on the difficulty level set. After the victory, Geralt must go to the troll, give the head and get the drawing of the Hunter's Armor. The troll will be able to return to work with peace of mind, but the headman Harab will not want to give money for saving the creature. You will have to use Aksy or intimidation to get a well-deserved reward.

Besides the fact that you can install mods for The Witcher 2, you can also use this trick to make the gameplay more interesting. The player may not take the head from the Burnt, but choose another reward. After that, go to the tavern, and then - to Dimitar in the cemetery. After the victory, report to the troll that the killer is punished, pick up the drawing and go to the headman for a reward. In the event of such a course of events, it is possible to return to the creature that lost his beloved wife. The whole point is that, in general, it is desirable to kill the troll in order to obtain its language. This ingredient is used in the quest The Heart of Melitele. But if this is done immediately, as already mentioned, then there will not be all the described adventures, and even a drawing as a reward. Therefore, if you do not pull off such a trick, then you will not be able to complete the second mission. All players should pay attention to this.

If you choose to side with Iorveth and the Scoia'tael, you will start the chapter playing as Stennis, Prince of Aedirn. You are sent to a meeting between King Henselt and Aedirnian nobles who want to sell the country. The King of Kaedwen and his troops will publicly attack you and your allies. As in the case when you played Iorveth, Stennis has all of Geralt's combat skills at his disposal, except for magical signs. Focus your attack on the king while Saskia and the others deal with the troops and mages.

Now you are playing as the Witcher again. You are surrounded by ghosts and draugs. Let Iorveth deal with smaller enemies, and you take on a large enemy with a shield. For protection, use Quen to keep him at a distance - Aard. If you have upgraded the Windmill and Reflection of Pain skills, then this fight will not be difficult.

Now Philippa will lead you across the cursed field, surrounding you and allies with a magical shield and shooting off most (if not all) enemies with lightning. Sometimes spirits and draugs will get in your way. In this situation, it pays to quickly and effectively deal with the spirits that support the spell while your allies fight the draug.

Soon you will reach Vergen where you will be guided by Skalen Bourdon. Follow him to the tavern where he will show you to your room. After that, you can go to the war council to hear about Saskia's plans. Eventually the leader of the resistance will drink from the poisoned cup, and you will need to look for an antidote.


The first ingredient in the antidote is immortelle, which grows deep in the mines of Vergen. Go to the tavern and talk to the dwarves Zoltan and Yarpen. They will want to help you find a cure and will take you to the entrance to the mines. Before entering, stock up on Cat and Swallow elixirs.

Almost pitch darkness reigns in the mines, so the Cat's elixir will greatly facilitate your work. Dwarfs will also be with you, which will greatly facilitate the battle. You will mainly fight regular and large corpse eaters. Keep in mind that they explode before they die, so after killing each of them, quickly roll to the side.

First, go to the corral to the west (according to the map) of the mine, where you will find the corpse of a miner. Search the corpse and you will find the key to the upper shafts. With this key, go to the northeast part of the mines. Head to the dead end to the north and you'll find another corpse and a key to the middle shafts.

Use this key to open the door in the center of the map. Here you will find a good weapon and a third corpse with a key to the lower mines. Exit the room and follow the corridor a little to the west. This passage leads to the southeast, where immortelle grows.

The grass is heavily guarded by the duckbill and a pack of corpse-eaters. Your allies will serve as a good distraction for the creatures. You, under the influence of Quen, will have to stun, lure into traps and in every possible way beat a healthy duckling. Yrden will help you keep it under control. You can also use bombs to kill corpse eaters around the platypus and thereby damage it with explosions from both dying corpse eaters and bombs.

When the enemies are finished, take the immortelle and other treasures. Like, for example, the recipe for a silver sword made from a red meteorite. When you're ready, get out of the mines, killing enemies that might reappear along the way.

Harpy nest

If you bring the immortelle to Philippa, she will help you find the next ingredient. Find Cecil Bourdon and ask him where to find the magic stone. He will offer to go to the tower, which is located in the forest.

Before you set off, upgrade your weapons from merchants. If you find drawings of a silver sword from a red meteorite in the mines, be sure to use the services of a blacksmith. Go to the back gate of Vergen. You will be attacked by 4 Scoia'tael.

It turns out that not all of Iorveth's followers are loyal. First kill the archers, then the enemy with two weapons, and finally the dwarf with the axe. As long as you use Quen, you will be safe.

Now go along the shallow part of the river and to the right up the hill. If you are attacked by harpies or soldiers, be sure to deal with them, otherwise during the battle you will not be able to jump over the cliff. Jumping from one hill to another, you will eventually reach the tower that Cecil was talking about.

You will be attacked by a flock of harpies led by a harpy keleno. Use Aard to disperse the group and defend with Quen. Defeat the little harpies first and then their leader. After the battle, take the stone in the tower and head back to Vergen.

Talk to Philippa and Cecil and you'll find out that the stone you found isn't powerful enough and you'll have to head to the harpy nest. Persuade Cecil to give you the key and move forward.

As the name suggests, the harpy den is infested with these creatures. Make sure that all your items, elixirs and traps are suitable for fighting these enemies. Because they fly, harpies are virtually immune to some common tactics.

In the lair you will find several crystallized dreams, one of which turns out to be a dragon's dream. There will also be dreams of Iorveth and the peasant. Be sure to search the dead soldier inside. You will find excellent Kaedweni armor on him, which will come in handy for the next battle.

At the end of the lair, you will find a projector that contains Summer's dream. Drink elixirs and set traps before taking sleep. Because then you will be attacked by an army of keleno and the queen of harpies, a total of 8 enemies.

The traps that you set before the fight will help you weaken the pack. Use Aard to control enemies and Quen with Reflect Pain. Due to the limited space in the lair, you will have to run around the column in the center and lead the harpies behind you. It will also give you time to regain energy and health. As with most boss fights, deal with the smaller enemies first and then the queen.

When the harpies are done with, play the crystallized dreams in the projector to find the dragon's dream. Then head back to Vergen and talk to Philippa.

Trolls and Mercenaries

Go to the tavern and talk to the drunken gnome in the bar. He has information about the whereabouts of Triss, but he will only share it if you treat him with a beer. Give him about 20 orens and he will tell you where your girlfriend is. So you will get into the gorges near Vergen.

At the familiar crossroads with the altar, turn right. Here you will meet the troll who looked after Triss. You will have the choice to kill him, but it is much more useful to talk to him and agree to help get his wife back. After talking with the monster, go further deep into the gorges, and in the end you will find the troll's wife, who was attacked by Pangratt and his mercenaries.

You can make a deal with people and kill her, or you can keep your word and help her. In any case, you will have to fight, and you will have one or more allies on your side. As before, use Quen, let your allies take the main hit, and you deal with enemies one at a time with rolls and quick strikes.

Whether you killed the troll or Pangratt escaped, you must return to your husband and report what happened. If you killed his wife, he will attack you. His fighting style will not differ from his wife's. However, if you helped them reunite, they will give you the Triss ribbon and become Vergen's allies.

peasant riot

Upon returning to Philippa with the ribbon of Triss, we learn that the peasants are indignant and want to kill Prince Stennis. The sorceress will remind you that for Saskia's medicine you need royal blood... the blood of Stennis or Henselt.

Go to the prince's chambers, where you can listen to the opinions of nobles, commoners, soldiers, as well as the prince himself. You will only be able to interview 5 people before you are asked to make a judgment.

The prince himself will not tell you much, as well as the peasants who want to deal with him by lynching. However, you can find out a lot of interesting things by talking to the blacksmith who made Saskia's goblet and the servant who poured the wine. But the discovered evidence in any case is not enough to name the perpetrator.

You can choose between lynching and a fair trial of Stennis. In the first case, you will be able to get a king rabbit, in the second case, you will have to take blood from the Kaedweni king. Although this quest is not resolved in any way in the second chapter, in the third you can find out that he is actually guilty.

Kaedwen and Nilfgaard

You will have to go to the other side of the cursed battlefield to find Triss and maybe even get royal blood. First talk to Philippa and she will agree to take you through the fog. Exit Vergen, follow the road down and to the right, into the ghostly fog.

As at the beginning of the chapter, you will need to be within the magical field. Also, since Iorveth is no longer with you, you yourself will have to protect Philippa. As before, when the sorceress's spell is interrupted, quickly deal with the ghosts with powerful blows, rolling from one to another. You don't have to worry about the draug.

You will end up on the other side of the fog. After a short conversation with Roche, you will learn that there are two ways to get into the Nilfgaardian camp: sneak through the Kaedweni camp or bribe the courtesans on the hill.

Bribing requires a considerable amount of orens, so it is recommended to save money and choose the second option. Travel to the coast to the northeast (on the map) and infiltrate the Kaedweni camp.

You will need to move very carefully, because if you are noticed, then after a while the game will automatically end with your death. First, wait for a group of drunken soldiers to leave the bar. Run behind the tents and move on. A patrol will come out of the gate and head to the center of the camp. When they stop, knock out the lone soldier at the armory and continue west, hiding behind the tents.

Now wait for the guard to relieve himself and return to the fire in the center of the camp. Keep moving forward, the cook will notice you. Quickly run up to him and use the Axii sign on him to convince him that he needs to rest and go to bed. Walk right. A patrol will come out of the gate. Wait for the soldiers to leave and use the same door. Knock out the soldier on the cliff and go down. Walk along the beach and enter the caves.

There are a few corpse eaters waiting for you here - nothing dangerous or new from your adventures in the mines. Move through the caves, and when you get to the Nilfgaardian camp, you will be caught by the guards and taken to Shilard. After the conversation and cutscenes, Roche and Bianca will join you to deal with the remaining enemies.

While your allies are taking the brunt, use Quen and focus on the wizard. Dodge his fire magic, and when he uses protection, switch to weaker enemies. As soon as the magician's defense falls, use Aard and hit him with all your might.

When the wizard is finished, Roche will help you get through the Kaedweni camp. If you let Stennis die, you will have to play along with the fact that you are a prisoner and answer the questions of the guard at the gate. In the first case, select "Game", in the second - "Silence".

If you didn't let Stennis die, you'll have to sneak into Henselt's tent. Hide behind the crates and wait for the soldiers to leave. Here, without leaving the boxes, move to the right along the cliff and behind a large tent with two guards. Use Aard on the barrels, the guards will go to see what happened. Go around the tent in a clockwise direction and go inside.

In the end, you will find yourself outside the camp. Meet Philippa and head back to Vergen to heal Saskia.

Symbol of Death

Now that Saskia is alive and well again, you need to put an end to the curse on the battlefield. You need to get certain relics in order to put an end to the Eternal Battle. After talking with Sasky and Philippa, you will receive 3 necessary items: Vandergrift's sword, Seltkirk's armor and a magic medallion. The last part of the puzzle is the banner of the Brown Banner in the forest in the catacombs.

Use the upper (on the map) exit from Vergen, cross the familiar lake, pass familiar hills and enter the catacombs. Come on down. Many walls can be broken by Aard, but there is almost nothing of value there.

You need to go down to the lowest level of the crypt. Kill ghosts on your way. And in the end you will meet with the ghost of Eckhart. You can talk to him and convince him that he is right by answering a few questions. First answer that he is wrong, then - Manno Coehoorn, then - Manno was killed near Brenna. The army commanders are Vandergrift and Zeltkirk. And finally, that Bigerhorn took you prisoner.

If you make a mistake with the answers or do not want to talk at all, then you will have to kill the ghost. The Yrden sign helps well against him, which will allow you to go behind your back and deliver powerful blows. Also, do not forget about Quen and rolls. If you pumped Power and you have a strong sword, then you will quickly cope with it. In any case, take the banner from the coffin and return back to Vergen.

If you didn't get the other three relics, talk to Saskia again. Then talk to Philippa one last time to go to the cursed battle.

Eternal fight

You will be possessed by various spirits, during which you will be deprived of witcher abilities, such as magic and elixirs. First, an Aedirnian soldier will take possession of you. While your allies fight the Kaedweni soldiers, concentrate on the standard bearer. Parry and strike quickly, and you can handle it.

Now you will be taken over by a Kaedweni soldier, who needs to run to the commander and report what happened. However, your allies don't know you're coming and won't stop firing arrows. Use barriers to take cover from a volley of fire arrows and quickly run to another cover when the archers are reloading. As a result, you will reach Vandergrift with a report.

Then you will be taken over by the Zeltkirk. There will be many enemies, but, as in any non-Witcher battle, the tactics are the same: parry and counterattack with quick strikes. In the end, you will meet the draug and be able to play as Geralt again. Kill the standard bearer and prepare for a boss fight.

Sabrina will unleash fireballs on the battlefield, while arrows and trebuchet salvos will rain down from Vandergrift. Quen will be enough to block many of these attacks. In a defensive stance, Vandergrift will often counter-attack, so it's best to just wait out this moment before attacking.

With a fully pumped Quen and a lot of energy, you will be able to avoid up to 15 attacks in a row. This is very handy, as every hit from Vandergrift can be fatal. First, focus on breaking the Draug's shield with relentless attacks. If you run out of energy, hide behind the rubble and wait until one or two strips are restored. Use Quen and attack Vandergrift again. Use a combo of three quick hits. Then run away again to restore energy.

It will take a long time before you deal with Vandergrift, but the above tactics are very simple and safe. After the battle, you will play for one last spirit - a Kaedweni priest. Avoid Sabrina's fireballs and exit the fog to end the curse.

Siege of Vergen

Now that the curse is over, Henselt will attack Vergen. At first, his troops will attack from the main gate, but Zoltan has an idea on how to stop the first wave. Use Quen and go up the stairs on the right. There is a lever here, by turning which you will pour boiling oil into the main entrance. While you have Quen, enemies will not be able to interrupt the interactive scene.

After a few cutscenes, you will find yourself on the wall of Vergen with Saskia, Zoltan and a crowd of allied soldiers. The Kaedweni troops will set up ladders and their soldiers will start climbing the wall. Allied troops will damage them with arrows, but when it comes to hand-to-hand combat, everything will depend on you.

Thanks to the huge number of allied troops, we will not have to resort to sophisticated strategies. Enemies will often be distracted and you will be able to backstab and use Igni and Aard. In fact, you will be able to land 6 or more hits on the enemy before they switch to you. By that time, however, the enemy may already be dead and will not be able to fight back.

After two waves of attacking the wall, Saskia will ask you to go with her to the mines. She will guide you, so just follow her. Kaedweni troops have already infiltrated the mines, and you will have to clear several rooms of enemies. They are easily downed by Aard and should die with a couple of heavy sword blows.

In a large hall in the mines, we meet with Detmold and another crowd of soldiers. Use Quen and let Saskia take the main attack. With any luck, she will push them to the edge of the room, giving you time to deal with them one by one. Although Detmold is a big threat in this fight, it is not necessary to kill him. It will be much more practical to dodge his spells and focus on his henchmen. When only two enemies remain, a cutscene will play and the battle will end.

You will return to the wall and clash with another wave of soldiers. The strategy is the same. There are many allies, so there will be no difficulties with enemies. After you deal with the first wave, go after Zoltan and meet up with Iorveth. Cover Zoltan and he will break the gate mechanism. War is over.

After the heroes have negotiated the terms of the peace treaty, explore Philippa's room and talk to Iorveth to end the chapter.