Games about drawing people. Stickman games online. Cool games about black men

Steven is game character, which is drawn with black lines. Such a man-wand. Despite the fact that it looks as simple as possible, its popularity is quite high. This character is the hero of dozens of different computer games. Beyond the primitive appearance He doesn't have any special abilities. But what then is the secret of such popularity of this character, you ask. And there are several reasons for this:

  • Even a child can draw a stickman, and the games in which we see him most often consist of simple lines. It is convenient for developers to use such a character, and for players it is easy to remember.
  • Despite the fact that Stickman has all the properties ordinary people you can do whatever you want with it and it will not be considered cruelty. For example, you can throw him off the roof, run over by a car or shoot him with a weapon. Visually, this is just a sloppy drawn little man.

Stickman games give players the freedom to do whatever they want with it. The plots of the games are also very different. In one game you have to rob a bank, in another you have to get out of prison, and in the third you have to draw it yourself. Flash games with this character appear quite often. Most of these flash drives are very short and are intended only to cheer up the player, but there are also longer ones, where you will have to rack your brains to pass.

Who is the Stickman game for?

Play online games s Stickman will be interesting to many gamers, both older and very young. For older players, shooter games such as " The walking Dead 2", "Thugs 6", "Stickman Duty 3D", "Mafia", "Special Forces", "Stickman Madness" and "Stickman Sam 2". For little gamers, it will be interesting to draw their favorite character by themselves in games like Draw a Stickman " and "Stickman Epic". They will give you the opportunity not only to create your own unique Stickman, but also go on a journey with him. If you just want to cheer yourself up, then pay attention to games such as "Funny Pants Adventure 3", "Drunk Stickman" and "School Run".

Our site has collected most of the flash games with Stickman. Games with this character cover almost all game genres. If you are a fan of this unpretentious black man, then you are exactly at the right place. In this section you can find a game for every taste. A good mood is guaranteed, because most games with this character have a humorous bias. Just choose your favorite game and play. All flash drives online are available for free.

Drawn black men in online games are the prototype of a simple person, only caricatured. Boys differ from girls mainly in hairstyles. Rarely, but sometimes, details of clothing or accessories can be traced, such as sunglasses, bandages on the head. Black men are often warlike. Therefore, their stable attribute is weapons: pistols, machine guns, bows and arrows. Sometimes, in stickman games, there are sports activities where Stickmans practice javelin throwing or play badminton.

In some games, black men have names, for example, several characters, the main characters: Stack, Not Dead, Sam. One of the most famous black men is Xiao Xiao. Another stickman, though less popular than Xiao Xiao, goes by the name Hugni. Sometimes stickmen are called - plasticine men, they are flying, jumping, singing and even yellow. Play online free games about little men will be interesting for both children and adults.

Cool games about black men

  • Black man war- Here you need to manage the army. Military little men must be snipers and be able to shoot accurately, they must be killers and be able to kill, they must be fearless and be able to fight.
  • Battle of the little people- strategy for the defense of its territory. The drawn men take actions to strengthen their lines and capture enemy soldiers in traps.
  • Little sticks in big sport- a set of dynamic online games where Stickman practice athletics and other sports disciplines.
  • gangster showdown- shooters, fights, battles. The boys in the cartoon black men go to extreme lengths for the girls in the black men games.

So tiny and so cute: any entertainment in the company of these little ones will become even more fun and exciting! Bright and incredible cool games little men will allow you to make friends with the most unusual, but the cutest heroes of all times and peoples. Man games are undoubtedly the best entertainment for the whole family, which everyone will definitely enjoy! Just choose any of them and plunge into the world of the most unusual adventures that you have ever come across in your life.

Small but proud people!

For some reason, kids are taken lightly. And not only to those who are small in age, and therefore can hope that the years will correct this injustice! No, adults, if they are small in stature, also often experience indulgence, few people are able to take them seriously. And only games about little people are a place where midgets can live a normal life.

The rest of the world is hostile to babies. Perhaps within this tiny cranium are the most ingenious thoughts that have ever occurred to a member of the human race; but no, from everywhere he will have to hear the word “baby” and humbly ask to turn on the light in the hallway or get a jar of jam from the top shelf.

Games about little men will show you the other side of life little people. You will get to know them better and see what brave and honest guys they are! With such people in fire and water, nothing is scary with them.

Play games with little people and you will find out how fun and cool it is to communicate with them. And the next time you meet a short man on the street, you will no longer laugh at him, but only look respectfully. Or you can help me get a jar of jam from the top shelf; but not out of pity, but with respect!