The walking dead michon game walkthrough. The Walking Dead: Michonne walkthrough. Camp Norma and Randall

Press button A, then button D. Open the door. Timed task. Press the W button, then the Q button. Press the Q button, then the S button, quickly press the Q button, at the end of the series of presses, press the E button. Press the Q button, then the E button, then the S button. Press the E button, then the D button, quickly press the Q button, then press the D button. Press the E button (optional), quickly press the Q button (optional), press the Q button, then the Q button, then the E button, then the Q button, then the S button (optional), then the E button, E button again, and finally the Q button. Press the S button (optional). End of Timed Quest. Put the bullet in the barrel of the revolver. Shoot or not, it doesn't matter.

Talk to Pete, choosing any lines. Tune the radio on or off, decide for yourself. If you decide to adjust, turn the radio knob (right) to the left (the arrow should point to 16), turn the noise reduction knob in any direction until you catch the signal. Either way, you will be on deck. You can jump on Siddiq (S), but this is not necessary. In a conversation, choose any remarks. Go to the starboard side and shine a flashlight overboard, in a conversation, choose any replicas. Go to the bow and use the binoculars, look at the ferry standing on the left. Go aft and talk to Pete. Take the grindstone and machete. Sharpen your sword by moving the mouse left and right while holding the left button. In conversations, choose any remarks.

Timed task. Press the E button (optional), press the Q button (optional). Press the Q button. Quickly press the Q button, at the end of the series of presses, press the E button. Press the Q button, then the Q button again. Press the Q button quickly (optional). End of Timed Quest.

In conversations, choose any remarks. How to get inside, up the stairs or through the window, decide for yourself.

  • If you climbed a ladder, press and hold the W button, press and hold the W button again, quickly press the Q button (optional). Open the bench-chest for life rafts and get the fittings out of it. Try to open the left door. Bend the door curtains with fittings. The premises may not be viewed. Whoever puts his hand in and opens the door from the other side, it doesn't matter. Quickly press the Q button. Examine the bullet wound and the plastic collar. Hold down the D button.
  • If you climbed through the window, shine a flashlight - walkers will climb on you. Timed task. Press the E button (optional), press the E button. Press the A button (optional), press the E button, press the E button (optional). End of Timed Quest. In conversations, choose any remarks. Walk forward until you see a walker tied to the door.

Pull out the machete and stick it in the walker tied to the door, press the E key (optional). Cut the rope. In conversations, choose any remarks. Press the W key. There is nothing to inspect in the room. The contents of the bag can not be inspected. Go to the back of the room, take the fruit drink and put it in the bag. Take candies from under the cash register and put them in the bag. Open the box in the corner. Kick the vending machine (may drop chocolate). When you complete three of the above actions, the action will begin. In dialogues, choose any replicas. Timed task. Press the Q button (optional), press the E, Q, E buttons, press the D button (optional), press the Q button, press the E button, E button again, then the Q button (optional), press the E button, then S button (optional). End of Timed Quest. Grab the bag or let the girl go, it doesn't matter.

In conversations, choose any remarks. Inspect bags, supplies, cigarettes, life jackets. Toys will appear to the left of the cabinet - inspect any. Look to the right - you will see children. In conversations, choose any remarks, to attack or not, decide for yourself. If you decide to attack, press the Q key, then the S key.

In conversations, choose any remarks. Turn right, cut the handcuffs, hold down the left mouse button and move the mouse up and down. Put Greg on. Turn left and take the shirt. Attach the shirt to Greg. In conversations, choose any remarks. Timed task. Take a pipe or screwdriver. If you have a pipe selected, quickly press the Q key. Hit Greg a few times. End of Timed Quest. Press the E key (optional). Whether or not to allow Zacharias to be killed is up to you.

Walkthrough written for Russian speaking STEAM -versions of the game


A game with a third-person view and a non-linear storyline. Depending on your actions and the choice of phrases in the dialogues, the passage changes. Not all phrases affect the passage, some remarks affect the outcome at the end of the episode and the game as a whole. Having chosen a similar phrase, an inscription appears in the upper left corner with the following content: "Clementine remembered this." In my walkthrough, I will focus on those phrases that affect the walkthrough. And the choice of phrases that affect the plot of the game, I will leave to your discretion. I draw your attention to the fact that a certain time is given for the choice of phrases. The game is controlled by both keyboard and mouse buttons. Keys are used to move the character. WASD. The left mouse button is used to interact with objects. The mouse wheel is responsible for scrolling remarks in dialogues. Also, with the mouse wheel, we select the action that we plan to perform with this or that object. Saving in the game is automatic. Dotted font in the walkthrough highlights alternative actions.

ChapterI: Burning bridges

At the very beginning of the episode, the actions differ depending on our decision at the end of the previous episode.

If you didn't let Sam kill Zakaria . A man holds out his hand to us, and we choose whether to accept or decline help. In a conversation, choose any phrases. Jonas enters the cabin, together we decide to find Pete and then try to escape.

If you let Sam kill Zakaria . We hear approaching steps, and in a conversation with a girl we choose any phrases. Jonas enters the cabin, quickly press the " E to stick a screwdriver in the guy's leg. Michonne knocks the opponent to the floor and takes the rag from her partner's hands. We insert a gag to Jonas, we decide to find Pete and escape from the boat.

In a conversation, choose any phrases. If you are moving around the boat with men, then they distract John, and the girls pass on. If Michonne follows with Sam, then Michonne approaches John as close as possible. We move to the right to the edge of the corner by pressing the key " D". When the cursor becomes active, then left-click on Pete's back. Michonne copes with the opponent and picks up a signal pistol. We go up the stairs, where we hear the conversation of the people who captivated us. Look up with the " W"And almost immediately, seeing the silhouette of a guard, we hide back by pressing the " S". It is important to have time to hide before the screen turns red. We look again and hide. Soon we notice that all the guards of the prisoner are leaving, at this moment Michonne decides to make his way to Pete. We take a machete and a pistol next to the prisoner from the table, if we didn’t take the last one from John before. At the same moment, Norma and her subordinates discover us. In a conversation, choose any phrases. Norma tells us to drop the machete. We make a choice to quit or not. One way or another, Michonne will not have time to drop the weapon. Then Samantha jumps down on Norma and knocks her down. AT this moment there is a slight fork in the action. We can go after Randall, or we can deal with Norma first.

If headed to Norma , then we press it against the wall and click on the button several times Q". We dodge the opponent's blow with the key " BUT", and to strike the next blow, use the key" Q". Norma calls for help from her brother, who is sneaking up behind us. Just in time, Samantha stabs Randall, and we finish him off by kicking him with the " Q».

If headed to Randall , then knock him down and press the key " E". Randall hits us and knocks Michonne against the wall. Kick up by pressing the " W". Dodge the next hit with the " S". When Randall pinches our hand on the table, then quickly press the " Q", and then press the button once E". Use the button again E' to slam the opponent's head on the table. Michonne regains her machete and hurries to her group, where Samantha has already dealt with Norma.

The whole group is heading to the boats, where we hear the alarm signal. Having jumped into the boats, we immediately squat with the button " S' so as not to be discovered. We climb into the cabin of the boat, after which Michonne sneaks up to the door. We rise and look out the window using the button " W". Before us are several active points. We carefully monitor the screen and, as soon as it starts to turn red, we immediately hide back with the “ S". First, we study people and understand that we may have to leave with a fight. Which is not surprising! The next time we inspect the boat and understand that it can be our key to salvation. Pete comes up with his plan, whereby he surrenders to the opponents and distracts them while we make our escape. We decide whether to let Pete surrender or leave him with us.

If you decide to let Pete go , then we leave the cabin and jump into the water. Under water, press the key several times Q”, whereupon Michonne and Samantha climb onto the boat. Press the key " E' to start the engine. An armed woman approaches us, in a conversation with her we choose any phrases. Michon takes out a flare gun, shoot from it at a woman who gets scared and falls into the water. We sail on a boat. On the way, we are fired upon from the shore, so we press the key " S

If you decide to leave Pete , then kick the door with the foot using the " E". Next, shoot the barrel on the boat in front of us. Knock down the enemy with the " E". Click the left mouse button on the enemy on the left. The shot barrel ignites, and its passengers jump into the water. Before the next opponent, lean down with the button " S» and immediately twice press the key " E". We approach the next enemy and kill him by clicking the " Q". We jump into the water and already under water several times click on the button " Q". Michonne and Sam climb onto the boat. Press the key " E' to start the engine. An armed woman approaches us, in a conversation with her we choose any phrases. Pete handles the opponent, and together we sail away on the boat. On the way, we are fired upon from the shore, so we press the key " S» in order to dodge bullets.

Achievement STEAM : For completing the first chapter, we automatically receive "Burning Bridges" achievement .

ChapterII: herd feeling

On the way, we understand that we will not reach our boat. In a conversation, choose any phrases. Samantha offers to take refuge with her father, to which we not without fear agree. A herd of the walking dead awaits us on the shore. We see how a flare flies in the sky and lands right in front of us. From the opposite bank, someone shoots and hits one of the walking dead. We quickly squat using the key " S". We crawl forward with the key " W” to the shelter that the overturned boat serves us. We hide behind the boat by pressing the key " S". We decide to get to the forest through the crowd of the dead, but for this we need a rope and the dead man himself. We notice the rope on the boat, and the zombie is already approaching us - the catcher and the beast are running. We first beat the dead man on the head, and then we cut off his hand. Dodge the blow by pressing the " S". Press the key several times Q", and then once the key" E- we tore off the arm of the zombie. We note another dead man and beat him first with the button " E", and then the button " Q". Michonne takes the rope on her own and throws it around the dead man's neck. On a leash with a walking dead, we make our way through the crowd. It is worth noting that this method is much nicer than the one used in the first two seasons, where the characters were smeared with the intestines of the dead. So, we make our way through the crowd by pressing the " W". On the way Michon sees her children again. In a conversation with group members, choose any phrases. Click on the button " S when a group of zombies appears in front of us. Keep going by clicking on the button D". Soon, several boats swim up to the shore, from which Norma's fighters appear. Michonne tells them to quickly run into the forest.

Achievement STEAM : for the passage of the second chapter automatically get Achievement "Herd Mentality" .

ChapterIII: The steep climb

In the woods, Sam invites us to choose short cut to her house. Having approached the destroyed high-voltage tower, we understand with undisguised horror that we will have to climb up it. In a conversation, choose any phrases. We start climbing the metal structure. Soon, two active places on the beam appear in front of us, we grab onto any of them and continue our way up. After a while, one of the bars breaks under Michonne's weight, and the woman begins to fall. Important very fast grab the metal bar on the left, after which Michonne hangs on this bar. We hear the voices of the pursuers from below. Press the key " D' and move to the right. We continue climbing up, where again we have a choice on which beam to climb further. We select the right beam, and when the metal structure treacherously crackles under us, we quickly jump up, for which we click on the “ W". The pursuers reached the tower and opened fire on us. Move to the left by pressing the button " BUT". Hanging on one hand, click on the active crossbar and get out to the next support beam. We see that the pursuers will wound Samantha in the shoulder. The tower rolls and starts to fall, so quickly click on the " W", in order to have time to jump over the abyss and get out on solid ground. Press the key " D to pull the girl off the edge of the cliff. We move the mouse cursor over Sam's shoulder, hold down the left button and, when the circle decreases, drag the mouse to the left. As a result, we bandaged the partner's wound. We raise the wounded girlfriend and continue the path.

Achievement STEAM "Steep Climb" achievement.

ChapterIV: Emergency room

In the forest we meet a small group of the walking dead. We chop the head of the first unfortunate zombie by pressing the " Q". We continue the path in the forest, along the way we communicate with the members of the group (if Pete is still alive) and select any remarks. After passing another part of the way, the second group of the dead appears before us. Hit the enemy by pressing the " E". Again we go further, simultaneously communicating and choosing any phrases. When we reach the house, there we are met by another flock of zombies. Beat the enemy by pressing the " Q". We fight the next enemy by pressing the " E". Sam is no longer able to move independently, so we put her on our shoulders, for which we press the "" key several times. Q". We go to the right, using the button " D". Soon we come to a house where an armed woman emerges from the gate. We speak with her, choosing any remarks. Reluctantly, she lets us into her territory. Not having time to close the gate, the walking dead man grabs Samantha's leg. Click the button several times Q”, after which the dead man’s hand comes off. Inside the house, we put the wounded girl on the table in front of the sofa. We get to know the children in the house, while choosing any phrases. We send one boy for Samantha's father, and the second - for the first-aid kit. James brings a first aid kit in which we take a scale of vodka. Next, we can give the girl a drink to drink or vodka to disinfect the wound. The choice doesn't affect anything. If the wound has been treated, then we take out the aspirator from the first-aid kit and immediately give it to the girl who let us into the house. Then we take pliers from the first-aid kit. Move the mouse cursor over the wound, hold down the left mouse button and, when the circle narrows, then drag the mouse cursor up. The girl pumps out blood with an aspirator. Again, move the mouse cursor over the wound, hold down the left mouse button and wait for the moment when the circle narrows. This time we pull the mouse to the left, thereby extracting the bullet from the wound with pliers. Please give us a red-hot poker, after which we hover over the wound and click on it. Next, press the key several times Q' to cauterize the wound. At one time, it is not possible to accomplish what was planned, and therefore we click on the wound again. At this moment, Father Sam appears in the house, we communicate with him, choosing any phrases. We return to the wounded, click on the wound again and click on the key several times Q". At the end of the operation, we communicate with the family and during the conversation we choose any phrases.

Achievement STEAM : After passing the fourth chapter, we automatically get "Emergency Room" achievement .

ChapterV: Distant Memories

Michonne notices a dinosaur toy on the dresser, her children's toy. It is worth pointing out that instead of a dinosaur toy, there may be a bear toy. We approach the chest of drawers and take the toy in our hands. Automatically transported into memories. We open the door in front of us and proceed to inspect the children's room. We examine the bed and children's sneakers in front of it. We read the names above the beds. We go to the left corner of the room, where we examine the drawing and touch the paint spot. We note that the tracks go into the hall and follow the tracks to the right. We examine the broken window, and a little to the right - the corpse of a zombie. We pass to the right, where we find a bloody trail on the floor. We continue the path to the right, on the table we examine the containers for takeaway food - they remained intact. On the right side of the chest of drawers we look at the photo of the daughters. We return a couple of steps back, in the center of the hall on the floor we examine the suitcase on wheels and unfasten it. All the children's belongings were left in the backpack. To the right of the suitcase we study the mutilated corpse. We move to the right and go into the kitchen. We hear a phone call and immediately hear footsteps outside the door. We need to decide whether to answer the call or set off in pursuit of a stranger - from our choice of action in the passage will be different. There will be no plot difference.

If you were chasing a stranger , then we open the door and catch up with a woman holding a child in her arms. In a conversation, choose any phrases. Soon, zombies appear in the hallway behind us. We come out of memory.

If you answered the phone , then we speak with Donna. The woman tells us that she was on the phone with our husband when his neighbor was bitten and started attacking him and the children. The neighbor had to be tied up. Through the receiver we hear how zombies attack Donna and kill her.

Returning from the memory, we speak with the girl and choose any remarks.

Achievement STEAM : For the passage of the chapter automatically receive "Distant Memories" achievement .

ChapterVI: Intruders

Samantha comes to her senses, so we hurry to her. We communicate with the girl, choosing any phrases - soon she falls asleep. John, Samantha's father, calls us for a private conversation. We go out into the street, and during the conversation we choose any phrases. John finds a zombie hand and decides to throw it off the lot. Opening the gate, he receives a bullet in the head. We were found by members of Norma's group. Press the key " A” to jump to the left. Michonne hides, but the intruders enter the lot and lock the gate behind them. We look out of the shelter to the right by pressing the button " D". We click on the man at the fountain and decide to deal with him. Sneaking up behind the button " W”And when the man turns around, immediately jump to the left with the“ D". We again approach the enemy and cut his throat by clicking on the button " Q". We pick up a gun and watch how the next member of the group is killed by Pete, if he is alive in your game. If you have been traveling without a partner for a long time, then shoot him yourself. We turn around, click on the man's stomach, after which Michon steps on his arm and shoots him in the head.

Achievement STEAM : Automatically get "Party Crashers" achievement .

We note that at the garage, Samantha's sister is fighting with Randall. We run up and quickly press the key " E". The man's weapon flies away. Press the key quickly D' to knock the enemy down.

We beat the opponent by pressing the key combination " E» - « Q» - « E". When they knock us down and start beating, we pick up a shovel to the left of us and beat it on the enemy's head. We rise to our feet and immediately fall into the grip. Press the key several times Q", and then turn to the right with the " D". Next, use the key four times S', this time for Randall's head on the table. Sister Sam runs up and places the man's hands in a vise. Press the key " D”, thereby squeezing the vise and crushing the fingers of the victim. Michonne's shoulder is knocked out, use the "key" twice W", then the " BUT” and once the key “ E' to set it. We close the garage door and approach our prisoner. You can tighten the vise more, or you can not complicate the situation - the choice is yours. Norma radios her brother. We can hand the radio to Randall, answer ourselves, or turn it off. We choose any actions and any phrases when talking. It doesn't affect anything! Soon we are talking to Norma on the walkie-talkie, after which Norma announces that she is being nominated. at full strength to our new home. After another conversation with a choice of any phrases, we have a choice: kill Randall or leave him alive. I will leave this choice to you. See you in the next episode!

Achievement STEAM : After passing the second episode completely, we automatically get "Quiet Time" achievement .

Tatiana Diamandi

Cut the bushes on the A and D keys, and then left-click to open the door. Next, kill a few zombies by pressing the keys indicated on the screen. The fight will be long. Load the cartridge into the revolver and make a decision - "let go" (shoot) or "stay" (do not shoot). One way or another, Michonne won't kill herself. Watch the introductory video.

In 3 weeks. boat

Answer Pete about the nightmares. Pete will remember your answer. Agree to help Pete save the girl. Even if you refuse, it will still not affect the plot. Pete will remember your choice. Now you will need to tune in to the radio wave. There are two toggle switches. First, turn the left toggle switch that regulates noise. Turn it clockwise until it stops. After that, the toggle switch will no longer be active. Next, turn the right toggle switch counterclockwise so that the pointer is located almost next to the “16” division. You will hear a girl's voice. Ask where she is.

When you are upstairs, in a conversation with Pete, point out the Mobjack that the girl told you about. Pete will give you a flashlight and binoculars. Approach the starboard side. You can use binoculars at the nearest active point. Go further along the board and use the flashlight to look down. In a conversation with one of the crew members, make your choice. He will remember it.

Help Oak and Siddiq with the sails. In a conversation with Oak, choose phrases about Pete. Oak will remember your answer. Stand in the bow of the ship and look at the coastline. Use the binoculars that you will need to point at the old rusty ferry. You can use a flashlight on the port side, but you won't find anything in the water. Approach Pete and talk to him to inform about the ferry. Agree that you need to explore the ferry for parts.

Choose an answer in a conversation with Oak. Oak will remember that. Swim to the ferry while talking to Pete. Pete will remember your phrase regarding Michonne's departure. Kill the zombies that attacked the boat, and then get ashore. Climb onto the ferry via the ladder or through the porthole. AT this passage- down the ladder. Hold W to climb up and then press Q a few times to help Pete climb up to you.

Walkthrough The Walking Dead Michonne Hpizod 1 Deep Deep


Look around on deck. Approach the plan of the Mobjack ferry hanging on the wall. Examine it, then look in the box below and take fittings. Examine the blue door to the left and use the armature on the window in the door. Make a choice - either Michonne or Pete will put his hand through the door. If you do this, then lower your hand while holding the S key. Together with Pete, push the door.

Examine the man's corpse. Look at his bound hands and then at his head with a bullet wound. Go downstairs and kill the walking dead hanging at the entrance to the cafe. Cut the rope that holds the monster's hand. Talk to Pete, who will remember your answer. Open the door by holding the W key.

Inspect the contents of the sports bag - cigarettes, canned food, medicines and cartridges. After that, you can walk around the room. Look at the cashier - the money is there, but does anyone need it at this time? Under the counter where the cash register stands, find a can of sweets. Put it in your gym bag. Go further and you will see an overturned vending machine against the far wall. Kick it three times to make the chocolate bar fall out. Go further and find a fruit drink on the table. Put it in your bag. Finally, on the same counter, but already in the foreground, find a package of plaster (bandages). Put them in your bag too. Only after that you will hear a knock from the locker. Tell whoever is there to come out. Kill all zombies that appear. Then you can grab the bag or let the girl go - it doesn't matter. Soon you will all be captured by bandits.

Camp Norma and Randall

Talk to Randall. He will remember the first phrase. Respond about fighting those who might resist. Randall will remember this.

Talk to Norma and say that they tied you up. Norma notices this. After talking with her, you will be captured. Inspect bags, cigarettes, life jackets and first aid kit medical care ahead. Only after that, familiar toys will appear to the left of the box. Look at one of the toys, and then turn your eyes all the way to the right to see the children. Talk to them.

Try to save yourself with Samantha, but nothing will come of it. Michonne will be taken to Norma. Tell her she trusts the wrong people. You tell the truth, but it will sound unconvincing to Norma. Say you just met Samantha. When they bring Greg, then say that you lied. Greg will remember this. Talk to Greg alone. Say that not all people are like that. Greg will remember this.

Tell Pete it's useless to talk to them. Randall will remember this. Talk to Zachary and tell him that he shouldn't be like Randall. Zachary will remember this. After Zachary and Randall leave and Greg gets hurt, look to the right, at the broken mirror. Click on it to cut the collar holding your hands. Hold down the left mouse button and move it up and down. Pick up the shirt to Greg's left, place the wounded guy and use the shirt on him. But everything will be in vain.

When Greg turns, then take a screwdriver from the red railing on the right and hit the guy's head with it. Don't let Sam kill Zachary. This will complete the series.


Walkthrough written for Russian speaking STEAM -versions of the game


A game with a third-person view and a non-linear storyline. Depending on your actions and the choice of phrases in the dialogues, the passage changes. Not all phrases affect the passage, some remarks affect the outcome at the end of the episode and the game as a whole. Having chosen a similar phrase, an inscription appears in the upper left corner with the following content: "Clementine remembered this." In my walkthrough, I will focus on those phrases that affect the walkthrough. And the choice of phrases that affect the plot of the game, I will leave to your discretion. I draw your attention to the fact that a certain time is given for the choice of phrases.Controlin the game is carried out both with the keyboard and with the mouse buttons. Keys are used to move the character.WASD. The left mouse button is used to interact with objects. The mouse wheel is responsible for scrolling dialogues. Also, with the mouse wheel, we select the action that we plan to perform with this or that object.Preservationin the game is automatic. Dotted font in the walkthrough highlights alternative actions.

ChapterI: Remember me

Press the key " BUT”, thereby cutting the bushes in front of us. Then click on the button " D and clear the path ahead of us. We see children running into the forest in front of us, and we follow them. Soon we are at the door. Move the cursor over the doorknob and click the left mouse button. We go into the house, where we meet two guys in the center of the hall. A walking dead creeps up behind us. Press the key quickly W”and throw the enemy against the wall. Here we click on the button " Q to strike the dead man and cut off his head. Having coped with the first walking dead, we understand that we are surrounded. Press the "Q" button » and beat the right dead man with a samurai sword on the head. We dodge the next attacker by crouching with the button " S". Press the "Q" key several times, and then press the "" key once. E". Michonne falls and crawls back. We kick the approaching dead man, for which we press the button " Q". We plunge the sword into the head of the enemy by clicking on the button " E", and then take out the weapon with the " S". We rise to our feet and the key " E»We kill another dead man. Dodge the approaching walking dead by clicking the " D". Quickly click on the button several times Q", then press the " E”, after which the dead man falls into the fire. We press the dead man with our foot, for which we select the key " E", and several times click on the button" Q". We see how another fighter of the detachment of the dead approaches us from the right. We hold the enemy with our hand at a distance, for which we press the " Q". Select the button " E”, thus we take out the sword from the right walking dead. Using the key " Q", with a sword we pierce the head of the enemy on the left. We turn around. Press the button " Q”and with our foot we throw the last walking dead against the wall. We approach the enemy, press the button " D and beat the dead man's head on the sofa. Press the key twice E", and after that we chop off the zombie's head with the button" Q". We note that one dead man is trying to crawl out of the fire. We step to it and with the help of the button " S We beat the fugitive on the head. We get out of the house outside. We insert the bullet into the drum of the revolver by clicking on the drum with the left mouse button. Michonne cocks the hammer and puts the gun to his head. We have to quickly make a choice: to commit suicide or not. If they decide to shoot themselves, then at the last moment an unknown man manages to take the barrel of a revolver away from Michonne's head.

Achievement STEAM : For completing the first chapter of the episode, you automatically get "Remember Me" achievement.

ChapterII: Team

Three weeks later

Michonne wakes up from a nightmare and finds herself in the cabin of the boat. Pete tries to contact Rasheed and Vanessa on the radio. We speak with Pete, choosing any phrases. Soon we hear a cry for help among the static. We decide whether to help or not. If you decide to help, then we approach the radio receiver and, using radio frequencies and noise reduction, we set up the device.

On the sheet in the upper left corner of the screen, we note a note with hints. The value 16 corresponds to the frequency, and the number 68 is the noise reduction value. The frequency on the right toggle switch (radio disk) is set to 16, for which we use the buttons "BUT" and " D". Now we set the value of the left toggle switch to 68. Having set up the receiver, we again hear a call for help. If we decide not to tune the radio, then just turn it off. At the last moment, we will still hear a voice on the radio. At this moment, the boat in the fog bumps into something, and the whole team goes up on deck. The sail structure is blown away by the wind, so quickly press the “Sto save Siddiq. After the team conversation, everyone disperses on business. We also get the study of the boat, after which Pete gives us a flashlight and binoculars. We are approaching the starboard side. First we look over the edge, and then we shine with a lantern. We find that our boat collided with another sunken boat. We speak with Berto, choosing any remarks. We pass to the right to the bow of the boat, and on the way we examine the seedling. We help Ouk and Siddiq with the sails. In a conversation with the guys, we also choose any remarks. We examine the equipment of the boat, which turns out to be very old. We look over the edge of the left side and shine a lantern on the water. Having found nothing, we pass to the bow of the boat. We peer at the coastline, and use binoculars. We move the mouse cursor in different directions, and soon Michon discovers an old ferry. We turn around and glance at the almost empty bag of rice. We pass to the stern of the vessel, At the stern we inspect the wheel that Pete is repairing. We look into the distance through binoculars, but everything turns out to be quiet. Exit zoom by clicking right click mice. We start a conversation with Pete and share the news about the discovery of the broken ferry. Pete, in turn, reports a flying tiller lever. Perhaps it is on the old ferry that we can find the necessary spare parts for repairing the boat. From the box we select a machete and a grindstone. We quickly move the mouse cursor from side to side, thereby sharpening the machete. When moving, the left mouse button must be pressed. We develop a plan with Pete, climb into a lifeboat and go to the old ferry.

Achievement STEAM : For completing the second chapter of the episode, we automatically receive "Companionship" achievement.

ChapterIII: Death in the water

On the way to the ferry, we communicate with Pete and choose any replicas. Soon a ghoul emerges from the water. We plunge our sword into the zombie's head by pressing the " E". Then using the button Q»We kill the walking dead man who has crept up behind. Chop the head of the next enemy with the key " Q". The boat takes on water and sinks. Michonne also falls into the water, where, already underwater, he is attacked by a dead man. Press the key several times quickly Q and then press the button once E". We emerge under the boat and, double-clicking on the " Q”, get rid of the dead body. Michonne swims up to a large rock, where Pete is already waiting for her. Press the key several times Q' to climb up to a friend. We exchange a couple of phrases with Pete, while choosing any replicas. There are two ways to get on the ferry: by the ladder or through the broken porthole.

If you decide to take the stairs , then we approach the stairs and click on it. Having risen approximately to the middle of the stairs, we see how walking corpses are approaching the ladder. Press and hold the " W' to go up. Before Pete can get up, the zombie grabs his leg. We take the hand of the satellite and pull Pete up, for which we press the key several times Q».

If you decide to climb through the porthole , then we climb through the broken window. Michonne turns on the flashlight and looks around. The dead react to the light and attack us. Defeat the first zombie by pressing the " E". Again press the button " E". Using the button " BUT", we go to the left, and then double-click the button" E”, thereby finishing off the enemy. We look around and go forward to the walking dead man chained to the door ( see the description of the next chapter).

Achievement STEAM : After getting out of the water and going up to the ferry, we automatically get "Dead in the Water" achievement .

ChapterIV: Stolen items

On the ferry, we briefly look around and notice that we have already heard the name of the ferry from the radio room. We examine and open the chamber for rafts, which is to the right of Pete. From the chamber we take out a piece of metal. We try to open the door on the left, which turns out to be locked. We insert the armature (a piece of metal) into the door curtains and push them apart. We look around and exit the approximation by clicking the right mouse button. We decide who will open the door and go to the cabin of the ferry. We stick our hand into the slot and hold down the " S' to open the door. FROM reverse side the door is barricaded with something. We ask Pete for help, and together with him we open the door by pressing the key several times Q". We go inside and take a look. The door was blocked by two corpses. We approach the left corpse and examine the bullet hole. We pay attention to the plastic clamps that hold the hands of the dead. These people were executed! Pete finds a photo of Vanessa and Rasheed's children, whom he has been trying to find all this time. We hear noise from below and go down using the " D". In front of the door to the cafeteria, we notice the upper half of the zombie hanging by the hands. Move the mouse cursor over the dead man, pull out the machete and use the " E» kill zombies. We cut the rope on the right hand so that the corpse falls and does not block the passage. We communicate with Pete, choosing any phrases. We approach the door, press and hold the button " W' to open the door. Through the gap we examine the sports bag and the cash register. We go into the room and study the contents of the bag, in which we find and inspect medicines, ammunition, canned food and cigarettes. We examine the box at the left window, which turns out to be empty. Under the cash register we find a jar of sweets and put them in a bag. A little to the right we find a vending machine, and we kick it with our foot. Behind the door we hear suspicious sounds. We select any replica, after which a guy with a gun in his hands appears from behind the door. A little later, a girl joins him. In a conversation, choose any remarks. The dead enter the room. We chop off the head of a walking zombie by pressing the " Q". Quickly press the button combination E» - « Q» - « E". Jump to the right by clicking the "D" button. Press the "Q" key and cut down another head from the zombie's shoulders. We help Greg kill the dead man by pressing the button " Q". Next, press the " E» - « Q» - « E". And then we lower the cash register on the dead man's head by pressing the button " S". The dead are over. The girl grabs her bag and runs away. We stop her or let her go - it doesn’t matter, another girl with a gun will stop her. The girl is immediately joined by several men who mistook us for thieves. Grabbing and tightening the wrists with ties, we are taken out of the ferry.

Achievement STEAM : Automatically get "Stolen Goods" achievement.

ChapterV: Community

We are being taken in a boat in an unknown direction. We get acquainted with Randol and in a conversation we choose any remarks. We are taken to a community run by Randal's sister. We listen to the conversations in the community, after which we are taken to the pantry.

Achievement STEAM : Automatically get "Community" achievement.

ChapterVI: Lie

Once locked in the pantry, we communicate with Samantha and choose any phrases. We examine things in front of us, including life jackets, cigarettes and duffel bags. We note above the cigarettes and examine the first-aid kit. Michonne will automatically shift her gaze to the left and see several toys. We click on one of the toys, and after that, children appear to us at the right door. Once again we communicate with Samantha, choosing any phrases. We hear noise from above and decide: attack Randol or leave everything as it is. If you decide to attack, then first we beat the enemy’s head, for which we use the “ Q". Dodge the blow with the button " S". We are taken to Norma to talk, in a conversation we choose any phrases. First, Norma questions us alone, and then confronts us with Greg. A little later, Pete joins us. All three of us are taken somewhere.

Achievement STEAM : Automatically get "Lies" achievement.

We communicate in the cabin, choosing any phrases. Randol gives the gun to Zakaria and tells him to "beat" the truth out of us. Zachary somehow shoots Greg, after which he is led out of the cabin. Left alone, we decide to help the boy. We turn to the right with the "D" button and cut the handcuffs with the help of broken glass. When Michonne approaches the glass, move the mouse up and down to cut the handcuffs. Sam repeats our actions and also frees his hands. We lay the wounded guy on the floor. Turn left, pick up the shirt and use it on Greg. The boy is dying. We speak with Samantha, choosing any phrases. Soon the boy turns into a zombie and attacks us. On the right we select a screwdriver or a tube. Sam holds his brother, and we stick a screwdriver into him three times. Zakari bursts into the cabins. Press the key quickly E". We decide: let Sam kill Zakaria or stop him. If you decide to stop, then press the key several times Q", and then press the button once" E". At this point, the first episode of the mini-series ends.

Achievement STEAM : Automatically open Achievement "Landfall".

Tatiana Diamandi

The Walking Dead: Michonne is a kind of interactive movie where you are given the opportunity to constantly interact with the entire universe in the game. The whole plot is based on the pictures of their comics. The main character Michonne is a merciless, cold-blooded girl who is confident that she can survive the apocalypse. All events will be released in parts. The most intense passage will be the introduction.

Literally in the first few minutes, a young girl will be able to destroy at least a dozen dangerous zombies. Then she will safely hide from her pursuers and see a real nightmare, the reality of which a reasonable person refuses to believe. Management is quite convenient. The active zones and several buttons will appear on the display. It is up to you to quickly respond in making decisions, as well as the indisputable fulfillment of all tasks.

mod hacked full version, download The Walking Dead: Michonne walkthrough for android, cheats and a lot of money. You have to go through numerous locations Walking Dead: Michonne, all of which are different from each other. You will have to prove to everyone that you have the right to life. But before you there will be such groups of people who are also trying to be saved and it does not matter to them what you want. Every man for himself. During the game, you will notice how realistic the behavior of other people looks. All of them are very thoughtful in their actions.

The game has many features, some of them, I would like to say separately.
Beautifully executed graphics with maximum drawing of details.
Interesting game mechanics, consisting of dialogues, fights and problem solving.
A large number of exciting tasks.
The atmosphere of the game is all saturated with unusual phenomena.
All The characters Walking Dead: Michonne is already familiar to you.
Captivating storyline and exciting passage.
Numerous locations, different from each other.

Full video walkthrough of the game:

Download The Walking Dead: Michonne:


Download cache

Cache to The game Walking Dead: Michonne: extract the folder from the archive to /sdcard/Android/obb/
- it should look like this /sdcard/Android/obb/com.telltalegames.walkingdeadm100/
- unpacked cache size ~ 688 MB
- install apk, run the game!