All games for the development of coordination. Consultation "Games and game exercises for the development of coordination of movements." topic consultation. Making friends with a small pillow

Svetlana Kulagina
Games for the development of coordination of movements for children 5–7 years old


Reaction, ability to make quick decisions

Description: The number of participants is not limited. A leader is chosen from among the players, who is in the center of the circle. The rest of the members are guards. They are located behind the cubes. The driver's task is to take possession of the guard's cube by sitting on it. The guards must get ahead of the driver and sit on the cube earlier. The child who did not have time to defend his cube becomes the driver.


Large cubes, ottomans or high chairs, arranged in a circle in an amount equal to the number of participants.

We develop coordination of movements, reaction speed

Description: a driver is selected from among the players, who is located in the center playing field. The rest of the players stand around him at a distance corresponding to the length of the rope.

Leading in process games spins the rope in a circle above the ground itself, and the players jump up, tucking their legs so that the bag does not touch them. The player who did not have time to jump and who was touched by the rope becomes the leader.

Materials and visual aids for games

A thick rope, cord or jump rope with a heavy but soft object tied to the end (for example, a sandbag, a piece of rubber hose, so as not to injure the players.

Reach for the sun

We develop coordination of movements

Description: Players form a semicircle. The driver is facing the players, holding a stick with a ring in his hands, imitating the sun. He draws a ring over the heads of the players, sentencing: "Reach for the sun!". Players try to reach the ring. Who manages to touch "sunshine", becomes driving.

Materials and visual aids for games

A stick about 50 cm long, a bright yellow ring that is hung from the end of the stick with a cord.


We develop coordination of movements

Description: The players are divided into 2 teams. They line up next way: the right hand of each subsequent player lies on the right shoulder of the previous one, and with his left hand he supports the left leg of the person in front.

At the signal of the leader, the column begins movement along the distance. The team that completes the distance first wins.


We develop coordination of movements, reaction

Description: "birdhouses" located along the perimeter of the playground. They should be one less than the participants games. One of the players plays the role of the leader. All participants games, including the driver, move freely around the playground to the music. As soon as the music stops playing, all players try to occupy any "birdhouse". The driver also takes any free "birdhouse". The child who was left without "birdhouse", becomes driving.

Materials and visual aids for games

For games you can use chairs as birdhouses, or you can draw small circles with chalk that will serve as houses.

Chickens in the garden

We develop coordination of movements, reaction speed

Description: driving - "watchman", it is located on a chair in the center "garden". Other players - "hens" that are outside "garden". While leading He speaks:

The chickens went out for a walk

Peck fresh grass.

The chickens got into the garden.

Beware, honest people -

"hens" sneak into "garden" and start running around. But as soon as the leader say: "The watchman is coming!", - the driver gets up from the chair and tries to catch "hens" who run away from him. If a "watchman" catches a player, they switch roles.

Materials and visual aids for games

With the help of cubes and rails or pegs and ropes, it is necessary to fence off a small space that will "garden". In the center "garden" put a chair.

Mice and cat

We develop coordination of movements, reaction speed

Description: a driver is selected from among the players, who plays the role of a cat. Other players - "mice". "Mice" sitting in houses "cat" is awake. When "cat" falls asleep "mice" go out for a walk. They move freely around the playground. At that time "cat" wakes up, meows and starts catching "mice". "Mice" scatter around the houses. If a "cat" managed to catch one of "mice", then the players switch roles.

Materials and visual aids for games

Houses, which can be used as chairs, or circles drawn in chalk on the playground.

Catch a mosquito

We develop coordination of movements, reaction speed

Description: Players stand in a circle. The driver is located in the center, holding a stick with a mosquito figure attached with a cord. He circles a mosquito over the heads of the players who at this time are trying to catch him. The one who grabbed the mosquito becomes the driver.

Materials and visual aids for games

A stick about 1 m long, to which a mosquito mock-up made of cardboard is tied on a cord.

"At the bear in the forest."

We develop coordination of movements, reaction speed

Description: a driver is selected from among the players, who will "bear". He occupies a place in "lair". The rest of the players are children, they are located in their "house". The kids are coming out "walk to the edge of the forest, pick mushrooms and berries". At the same time they they say:

At the bear in the forest

Mushrooms, I take berries,

The bear doesn't sleep

And growls at us.

As soon as the children say the last line, "bear" growling out of his "dens" and tries to catch the fleeing children. If he succeeds, then the players change roles, and the caught player becomes "bear".

Materials and visual aids for games

It is necessary to carry out 2 lines: on one side separate "lair" for "bear", and on the other hand, "house" children. The central space performs the function "edges of the forest".

Hunter and hares

We develop coordination of movements, reaction speed

Description: "hunter" turns his back to the playground. At this time, the rest of the participants randomly run and jump around the site, playing the role "hares". On command "Hunter!" - "hares" freeze in place. Without leaving the designated area, "hunter" throws the ball at "hares". The player who "hunter" hit the ball, now it becomes itself "hunter", a "hunter" - "hare".

Materials and visual aids for games

A small ball.

On the playground, a place must be designated for "hunter".

Accurate shooter

We develop coordination of movements, speed of reaction, accuracy

Description: Players are divided into teams based on the number of throw sets. Teams are located at some distance from the stands for throwing. Each player has several rings. The task of the teams is to throw as many rings on the stands as possible.

Materials and visual aids for games

Small casting rings and various shapes of casting stands.

take the ball away

We develop coordination of movements, speed of reaction, agility

Description: the players are divided into pairs, stand on opposite sides of the court, go towards each other on the whistle, stop at the center line where the balls lie. On the second whistle, they begin to take the ball away from each other with their feet, trying to fit it into their circle.

Materials and visual aids for games

Balls by the number of pairs.

Ball in the basket

We develop coordination of movements, dexterity and eye

Description: Baskets for throwing balls are placed on the playing court, and a line is drawn at some distance from them, indicating the place from which the players will make throws. Players are divided into teams. Each player has a ball. The task of the teams is to throw as many balls into the basket as possible.

Materials and visual aids for games

Balls and baskets for throwing balls, chalk.

Mice in a mousetrap

We develop coordination of movements, reaction speed

Description: from among the players are selected "mice" (5-7 people). The rest of the players, holding hands, form a circle - "mousetrap". "Mice" are outside the circle. Players forming "mousetrap", they begin to walk in a circle either to the left or to the right, and their hands are raised up. They are sentenced:

Oh, how tired the mice are,

Everyone ate, everyone ate.

Beware, cheaters

We will get to you.

Here we put mousetraps,

Let's catch them all at once!

While the children in the circle say the words, "mice" move freely throughout the game space: run into the circle, run out of it. But as soon as the last words are spoken "At a time!"- children standing in a circle lower their hands. "Mousetrap" slammed shut. Players who do not have time to run out of the circle are considered losers. Caught "mice" stand in a circle, and the size "mousetraps" increases. When all "mice" caught, the children switch roles and the game continues.

Materials and visual aids for games

Carp and pike

We develop coordination of movements, reaction speed

Description: a driver is selected from among the players who will play the role "pikes". The rest of the players are divided into 2 groups. One group will play a role "pebbles", the other is the role "carp". The pebbles form a circle. Float inside the circle "carp". "Pike" is outside the circle. As soon as the host says "Pike!"- the driver runs into the circle and tries to catch "carp". "Karasi", in turn, try to hide behind "pebbles". Those "carp" who failed to hide and were caught "pike", leave the circle. The game is played several times, then the players change roles, and a new leader is chosen.

Materials and visual aids for games

If the game takes place indoors, then musical accompaniment is desirable.


We develop coordination of movements, reaction speed

Description: Draw a large circle on the playground. The leader is selected from among the players - "trap", which is located in the center of the circle. Other players - "jumps", they are outside the circle. "Jumps" jump into a circle on the left or right foot (This should be discussed before games) and jump out of it. "Trap" runs in a circle, trying to catch the players while they are in the circle. The one who gets caught "trap", becomes driving.

Materials and visual aids for games

We develop coordination of movements, dexterity

Description: on the playground you need to draw a circle that imitates "pond". Players take places around "pond", in which are "fish", and on command they begin to catch "fish" with the help of rods. When out "pond" all will be caught "fish", they can be counted and the winner determined.

Materials and visual aids for games

fishing rods (you can use a rod as a fishing rod) about 1 m long, with magnets tied to them with a thin cord; fish made of cardboard with small magnets attached to them; a piece of chalk.


We develop coordination of movements, reaction speed

Description: two players take places opposite each other - these are dodgeballs. The rest of the players are placed between them. The task of the bouncers is to try to hit the players with the ball. Players must stay in the game as long as possible, dodging the ball.

In the second option, 2 parallel lines are drawn on the playing field with chalk at a considerable distance from each other. Behind each line are placed several players - these are dodgeballs. There is 1 player in the space between the lines. The task of the bouncers is to throw the ball to each other to hit the player. And the player must stay in the game as long as possible, dodging the ball.

Materials and visual aids for games

Sly Fox

We develop coordination of movements, reaction speed

Description: All players stand in a circle and close their eyes. The leader walks around the circle and touches one of the children, which becomes the driver - « cunning fox» . Then the children open their eyes and 3 times ask: "Cunning fox, where are you?" When all the players ask for the third time, "sly Fox" goes to the middle and He speaks: "Here I am!" All players run away "Fox" trying to catch them. When "Fox" catches two or three participants, the game starts again.

ribbon catcher

We develop coordination of movements, reaction speed

Description: a leader is selected from among the players, who is located in the center of the circle. The rest of the players stand in a circle. They place ribbons either behind the belt or under the collar. At the signal of the leader, the children scatter, and the catcher tries to catch up with the players and pull the ribbon from them. Those whose catcher pulls the tape are out of games. At the signal of the leader, the game ends, and the number of ribbons obtained is counted. Then the game can be resumed by choosing a new driver.

Materials and visual aids for games

Multi-colored ribbons 20-25 cm long.

We develop coordination of movements, reaction speed

Description: small circles are drawn on the playground. A leader is selected from among the players. The rest of the players stand in circles. The driver approaches any participant games and asks: "Where are the keys?". player to him answers: "Go to (says the name of any player) and knock." While this conversation is going on, the other players switch places. The driver must react quickly and take any vacant circle. If he succeeds, then he changes roles with the player left without a circle. And if the driver cannot take someone's circle for a long time, he can to tell: "Found the keys!", - and then all players should change places. At this time, the driver can easily take someone's circle.

Materials and visual aids for games

We develop coordination of movements, reaction speed

Description: Players line up in pairs. A line is drawn in front of the column at a distance of several steps, behind which is the leader, chosen from among the players. Standing in a column say the following the words:

Burn, burn bright

To not go out.

Look at the sky

The birds are flying

The bells are ringing

One, two, three - run!

At this moment, the children standing in the last pair run forward along the column on opposite sides of it and try to hold hands. The catcher, who is in front of the column, tries to catch one of the runners before the players join hands. If the driver manages to do this, then he forms a pair with the caught player, and the player who is left without a pair becomes the driver.

Materials and visual aids for games

If children play indoors, then musical accompaniment is possible.

Day and night

We develop coordination of movements, reaction speed

Description: space is separated at two opposite ends of the site - the house of the day and the house of the night in the middle of the site is drawn one more line. Players are divided into 2 teams. Teams take a place in the center of the site on opposite sides of the middle line. They stand with their backs to each other. Leading He speaks: "Attention!", "Day!" or "Night!"- and depending on what word he said, the children of the named team catch up children from the opposite team. Catching a fleeing team is possible only until the players cross the lines of their house.

Materials and visual aids for games

Wolf in the ditch

We develop coordination of movements agility, speed of reaction

Description: in the center of the site is limited "ditch" 2 parallel lines at a distance of approximately 1 m. The leader is selected from among the players - "wolf", which is located in "ditch". All other players - "sheep". They are on one side "moat". On the leader's signal "sheep" jump over "ditch" to the opposite side of the site. "Wolf" at this time trying to catch them. And if he succeeds, then the players change roles.

Materials and visual aids for games

monkey catchers

We develop coordination of movements, reaction speed

Description: players are divided into 2 groups - "monkey" and "catchers". "Monkey" located on "trees", "Catchers" go to the center of the site and demonstrate some invented in advance movements. Having done movements, "catchers" go away, and "monkey" move to the center of the site and repeat movements"catchers". On the leader's signal "monkey" run to "trees" and "get in" on them. "Catchers" at this time trying to catch "monkeys". This continues several times. Then the teams switch roles.

Materials and visual aids for games

Swedish wall or stable objects that can be climbed and which could act as trees or vines.

We develop coordination of movements agility, speed of reaction

Description: The game is played in pairs. Children sit opposite each other. One of them has a stick for catching rings, the other has a stick for throwing rings, and the rings themselves.

The player who has the rings puts them on the tip of the stick in turn and throws them to the partner, who tries to catch them on his stick. Then the rings caught are counted, and the players change roles.

Materials and visual aids for games

Small rings, a stick for catching rings.

Ball in the bucket

We develop dexterity, eye gauge, movement coordination

Description: before the beginning games the bucket must be stabilized by placing a stone in it. The players stand in a circle facing the center and take turns throwing the ball into the bucket. The winner is the one with the most balls hitting the target.

Materials and visual aids for games

Bucket, tennis balls

Speech is a type of activity that requires the formation of auditory and visual functions, as well as motor skills. For the correct pronunciation of a sound, a child needs to pronounce an articulatory mode, consisting of a complex set of movements, while articulation, voice and breathing must be coordinated in work. I.M. Sechenov wrote that “… every sensation is by nature mixed… Muscular sensation is necessarily mixed with it, which is stronger than others.”

The important role of the motor analyzer in the development of higher mental functions of a person was stated by V.M. Bekhterev, L.V. Neiman and Vygotsky L.S. They drew the attention of teachers to the relationship between speech and movement and identified the following goals of rhythmic education: to identify rhythmic reflexes, to adapt the child's body to respond to certain stimuli (auditory, visual), to establish a balance in activity nervous system child, to moderate overly excited children and to disinhibit those who are inhibited, to regulate incorrect and unnecessary movements.

The experience of our work is built on the basis of the program edited by L.A. Golovchits “Education and education of deaf and hard of hearing children preschool age" and methodological developments T.M. Vlasova, A.N. Pfafenrodt "Phonetic Rhythm"; N.D. Shmatko, O.O. Novikova "Speech rhythm for kids".

Even a slight hearing loss that occurs in early childhood adversely affects the formation of a child's speech, and with deafness, without special training, verbal speech does not appear at all. The oral speech of children with hearing impairment, as is known, is characterized not only by a large number of defects in the pronunciation of speech sounds, but also by a violation of its rhythmic and intonational side. And for communication with others, it is important that the speech of the deaf person is phonetically intelligible, that his pronunciation is as articulate and natural as possible, i.e. so that in his oral speech all elements of the phonetic system of the language are present and clearly opposed to each other: sounds, word stress, intonation.

The development of the motor apparatus is a factor stimulating the development of speech, and it plays a leading role in the formation of neuropsychic processes in children.

One of the most important characteristics speech is its pace and rhythm. The syllable-by-syllable speech rhythm is uniformly repetitive; in terms of its mechanisms, it is related to walking, breathing, and heartbeat.

With impaired hearing in children, there is a lag not only in speech, but also in motor development Therefore, when working with hearing-impaired children on speech, it is advisable to carry out exercises to coordinate speech with movement. These exercises are included in different kinds children's activities: GCD, walks, regime moments, morning exercises, music classes, physical education classes.

The main purpose of using games for the coordination of speech with movement in children with hearing impairments is - overcoming a speech disorder by developing and correcting the motor sphere in combination with the word and movement, as well as the formation of understandable, closest to natural speech with a pronounced intonational and rhythmic side. Their practical application is aimed at solving the following problems:
- the formation of the ability to change the strength and pitch of the voice, while maintaining a normal timbre, without gross deviations from the norm;

Formation of the ability to reproduce speech material at a given pace;
- development of the skill of perception, discrimination and reproduction of various rhythms;

Development of physiological and speech breathing, speech fusion;
- development of coordination of general movements and fine movements of the fingers;

Formation of the ability to orientate in space and one's own body;

Activation of speech processes;

Developing the ability to work collaboratively in a team.

In the process practical work we have developed and tested cycles of games for the joint activities of an adult and children, which are carried out with the pronunciation of poetic texts, and the repetition of learned exercises general; involved in various types of children's activities.

The specifics of work in our group involves close cooperation with a defectologist teacher and other specialists (art teacher, music director, psychologist) and such continuity in work allows us to achieve positive results.

Children learned to easily, relaxedly perform such types of movements as walking, transitions from fast to slow walking and vice versa; running, turning the body to the right and left, tilting; hand movements to the sides, up, down, forward, alternation of hands in various movements; stomping, clapping. They learned to perform movements in one rhythm or another. Of course, at first such exercises are carried out jointly - the child acts in imitation of an adult and at the pace and rhythm set by him. Motor freedom of children, their ability to move rhythmically and easily, to be flexible have a positive effect on pronunciation.

The use of exercises for coordination of speech with movement in the activities of all specialists of the group helps to create conditions for systematic work based on preserved types of perception for more successful education of a child with hearing impairments. Their corrective orientation involves the correction of motor, speech, behavioral disorders, communication disorders, insufficiency of higher mental functions. During the GCD, the teacher-defectologist noted that with the totality of movements of the body and speech organs, the tension and monotony of speech, which are characteristic of children with hearing impairments, are relieved. The looseness and ease acquired by children when performing rhythmic body movements also have a positive effect on the motor properties of the speech organs.

The use of games for the coordination of speech with movement helped to achieve the following results:

Improving the level of pronunciation of a child with hearing impairments;

Increasing the level of positive attitude, the level of communication of children with peers;

Formation of skills of imitative actions, orientation to the general rhythm of movements, reproduction of movements according to the model and skills of modeling actions by analogy;

Increasing the level of self-esteem of children, arbitrary regulation of behavior and the development of interpersonal relationships; collective behavioral skills.

Regular use, repetition of exercises, games for the coordination of speech with movement had a positive effect on the development of attention, thinking, memory, and had a beneficial effect on the development of the speech of a hearing-impaired child.

Games for coordination of speech with movement

Physical culture break "BEAR"

Coordination of speech with movement, development of dexterity, speech breathing.


Development of fine motor skills, coordination of speech and movements.

Sunshine, sunshine

Golden bottom.

Burn, burn bright

To not go out.

A stream ran in the garden,

A hundred rooks have flown

And the snowdrifts are melting, melting,

And the flowers are growing.

Children follow each other in a circle, holding hands.

The children take turns holding their hands forward.

Children spread their arms to the sides and press them to the heart.

Make wave-like movements with arms extended forward.

Hands to the sides, imitate the flapping of wings.

The children sit down slowly.

Rise on toes and stretch up.


Coordination of speech with movement, development of imagination





I've been waiting for spring

I have my own business

I have a plot in the garden

Today my mother took

I'll take my spatula

I'm going to dig a bed

Soft bed should be

It's love seeds show

I'll plant a carrot on it

And a radish. And from the sides

There will be bean bushes.

children walk in a circle holding hands

change direction of movement

stop, show how they dig

how to loosen a bed with a rake

They walk in a circle, pretending to scatter seeds.







The development of general motor skills, a sense of rhythm, the ability to jump on toes. Coordination of speech with movement.



We walk along the paths like this!

We walk along the paths like this!

We walk along the paths

Raise your legs higher

Raise your legs higher!

If it's a puddle, let's jump over it!

And then we'll go back

And we smile at each other

Together, let's all spin like this!

Children follow the steps in place.

They walk in place, raising their knees high and at the same time waving their arms bent at the elbows.

Slightly tilt the body forward, spread your arms wide apart, then jump forward.

Take 4 steps back.

They turn to each other and smile.

They circle in place.






  1. Vygotsky, L. S. Development of higher mental functions [Text] / L. S. Vygotsky. – M.: APN RSFSR, 1960. – 171 p.
  2. Vlasova, T. M. Phonetic rhythm [Text] / T. M. Vlasova, A. N. Pfafenrodt. - M .: Educational literature, 1997. - 376 p., ill.
  3. Golovchits, L. A. Education and training of hearing-impaired children of preschool age [Text] / programs for special preschool institutions/L. A. Golovchits, L. P. Noskova, N. D. Shmatko. – M.: Enlightenment, 1991. – 157p.
  4. Zenina, T. environmental education children of early age [Text] / T. Zenina // Preschool education 2005. No. 7 p. 16 - 26.
  5. Ignatovskaya, A. How do they work in Zhemchuzhenka? [Text] / A. Ignatovskaya // Preschool education 2006. No. 10 p. 32-39.
  6. Saikina, E. G., Frileva, Zh. E. Physical education hello to minutes and pauses! [Text] / E. G. Saykina, Zh. E. Frileva // Collection of physical exercises for preschool schoolchildren: Educational and methodological manual for teachers of school and preschool institutions. - St. Petersburg: "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2005. - 128p.
  7. Sorokina, N. Music and children [Text] / N. Sorokina // Preschool education 2002. No. 7 p. 101-115.
  8. Shmatko, N.D. Speech rhythm for kids [Text] / Classes with deaf and hard of hearing children 2-3 years old. - M.: Soviet sport, 2003. - 68 p.

Svetlana Tsymbalenko
Development of coordination abilities by means of outdoor games

At preschool age, along with the formation of the mental qualities of the child, there is an active formation of his motor skills. Questions development psychophysical qualities of the child are now widely discussed by experts. Quite common in scientific environment is the assertion that psychophysical qualities are manifestations of a person's motor abilities. As a result of a systematic, purposeful process of education and training, it is possible to have a significant impact on development of these qualities.

In the process of physical education under the guidance of a teacher, the child masters motor skills and abilities in accordance with the requirements of the program for each age group.

Exercise and outdoor games, contributing to the development of coordination abilities in strict sequence and with a gradual complication of tasks should be included in physical education classes, independent motor activity during a walk.

Many experts dexterity and coordination movements are treated as synonyms. By definition, skill is ability perform movements in certain moment time with a precisely specified amplitude, and coordination - ability build integral motor acts, transform the developed forms of actions and switch from one action to another, according to rapidly changing situations.

According to N. Bernstein, coordination is the ability move out of any position, i.e. ability cope with any movement challenge that arises.

As a training method coordination recommended the following:

Using exercises with unusual starting positions;

Mirror performance of exercises;

Change in speed and pace of movements;

Variation in the spatial boundaries in which the exercise is performed;

Complicating exercises with additional movements.

Development of coordination abilities occurs on the basis of the plasticity of the nervous system, capabilities sensations and perceptions of their own movements and the environment. Successful fulfillment of a motor task is determined by the accuracy of spatial, temporal and power components of a given movement.

The child's upbringing coordination abilities associated with the ability to consistently, consistently perform a movement. Coordination is necessary component any movement (running, jumping, throwing, climbing, etc.).

The best conditions for improvement coordination abilities created in various outdoor games: the child must show speed, quick wits, evasiveness, the ability to deftly move between objects, initiative in case of unexpected changes in the situation, using favorable moments for this with the help of spatial and temporal orientations.

For perfection coordination it is advisable to use tasks for the best performance of exercises with objects (rope, balls, hoops, sticks, etc.). It is useful to perform joint exercises in pairs or in a small group with balls, hoops, poles, cord, etc. Task development agility requires a systematic change of exercises or performing them in different options to maintain novelty and enhance coordination difficulty. The more motor skills a child accumulates, the easier it is to master new movements and improve dexterity.

in physical education and gaming activity you can use running from complicated starting positions (sitting, sitting on cards, standing on one knee, etc.).

Outdoor games contribute to the development of coordination. In them, performing tasks on a signal, the child can independently change the nature of the movement, its speed, depending on changes in the situation. (for example, the action of the driver when catching, chasing, etc.). The correct motor reaction of the child will be determined by the ability to quickly choose the direction and speed of a moving object. (leading) taking into account the distance and time of its approach. This requires a certain mobility development nervous processes and contributes to their improvement, as well as some spatial, temporal and visual assessments. All this allows the child to correctly navigate in a changing environment.

In the upbringing of preschool children, the age-related characteristics of their body are taken into account - muscle weakness, insufficient regulation of their nervous system. Therefore, the selection of dynamic exercises should include short-term speed-strength stress (various exercises in running, throwing, jumping, as well as climbing vertical and inclined stairs) and alternating different types movement, activity and relaxation.

In the process of jumping, running, throwing, the child needs develop speed and the ability to show strength - to combine the rapid execution of a movement with a concentration of neuromuscular effort, i.e., to show speed-strength qualities.

For development of these qualities, according to E. N. Vavilova, jumping from a small height can be used, followed by a bounce up or forward; jumping to a hill from a place, from a small run; jump up from a squat; jumping in place and moving forward; jumping over lines or sticks. When performing jumps, more attention should be paid to vigorous repulsion with one or two legs, shallow landing on legs slightly bent at the knees and quickly straightening them.

An example outdoor games, promoting coordination, are such as "Firefighters", "The most accurate", "Collect the Ribbons", "Cat and Mice", "Bird Flight", "Don't give the ball to the driver", "From bump to bump", "Butterfly Catching" and etc.

To determine the level development of coordination abilities child, it is possible to use available diagnostic tests in the form of control motor tasks offered to children in a playful or competitive form. They do not require additional training of the educator and sophisticated equipment for their implementation, moreover, they have high statistical significance.

For diagnostics coordination abilities can use a variety of physical exercises:

Walking and running between objects;

Obstacle running (climbing into a hoop, jumping over a bench, etc.);

Throwing at a target;

- general developmental object exercises.

Exercise performance can be evaluated on a five-point scale.


Test tasks for coordination.

The teacher explains and shows the child a simple general developmental exercise. I. p. main rack. On the count of one - the right hand on the belt, two - the left hand on the belt, three - the right hand to the right shoulder, four - the left to the shoulder, five - the right sleeve up, six - the left up, seven, eight - clapping hands above the head. Then, in the same sequence, we lower our hands down, counting seven, eight - clapping our hands below. The exercise is performed at first at a slow pace, and then the pace increases. This exercise can be performed by marching in place, then by jumping on two legs. The ability of the child to accurately perform the exercise at a fast pace is assessed by the teacher.

The teacher shows the exercise to the right side. On the count of one, two - side step to the right; three, four - two claps in front of you; five, six, seven, eight - turn around to the right. Then the child must perform exactly the same exercise to the left. The accuracy of execution is evaluated.

The child jumps forward over the rope. The teacher counts the number of jumps in 10 seconds. Two attempts are made, the best result is counted. You should choose the right rope so that its ends reach the child’s armpits when he stands with both feet in the middle and pulls it.

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Music is one of the brightest and most emotional types of art, the most effective and efficient means of educating children. She helps more.

The word "coordination" (from the Latin coordinatio - "mutual ordering") is the coordination of the activity of the muscles of the body, aimed at the successful completion of a task.

First of all, coordination is directly related to movement. Coordination also includes the ability to navigate in space, maintain balance and sense of rhythm.

The development of coordination of movement in children is of great importance, since the coordinated work of the muscles of the body is a condition for its normal growth and development.

The development of motor coordination in children involves not only the improvement of the movements performed by the child. This is, first of all, the coordinated interaction of the processes of excitation and inhibition in the cerebral cortex of the child, creating favorable conditions for the coordinated work of the central nervous system as a whole. That is why the development of coordination of movements in children is a very important task, the implementation of which falls on the shoulders of parents and teachers.

The main form of training a child's coordination abilities is a motor activity performed at different speeds and including a variety of movements. But it is very important that such movements are not chaotic. Exercises aimed at developing coordination in children should be:

- properly organised,

- have a certain level of load,

- as well as time constraints.

Coordination plays a major role in the development of agility.

How do you know if a child has good coordination?

Quite simple tests help to make sure that everything is in order with the child. You can easily make them at home:

1. Ask the baby to sequentially connect the thumb with all the fingers on the same hand.

2. Show him the “ring” combination by connecting your thumb and forefinger, and then ask him to do the same on both hands. At 4 years old, the child can still be explained which fingers should be involved in the work. Then it will be more difficult to help him.

3. Show the “goat” combination on your hand by extending your index finger and little finger forward from your fist. Ask the baby to do the same alternately on both hands. Make sure that the correct fingers are involved in the work: so that the thumb does not go to the side and so that the baby does not help himself with his other hand. From 4 summer child you can pre-say which fingers are involved in the game.

4. To test interhemispheric coordination, pour white and red beans into a bowl. Have your child pick up white beans with their left hand and red beans with their right. This must be done at the same time, laying out the beans on two different plates.

Dysfunction of movement coordination is detected in early childhood, and can manifest itself throughout life. Unlike other diseases and injuries, this disorder is expressed in the inability to control the process of performing a specific motor task, to remember to reproduce the same task - especially if we are talking about precise and subtle movements.

For example, coordination disorders are expressed in the fact that children have difficulty in everyday activities. Tying shoelaces, buttoning, outdoor games, cycling, which become automatic for healthy people, is a difficult task for those suffering from movement disorders.

Children with impaired motor coordination spend three times as much time writing each letter. These children do not have physiological or intellectual disabilities, and in some cases their intelligence is above average, but they are unable to perform tasks that require coordination between sensory, motor and cognitive functions.

With age, these children may have problems with spatial and temporal organization, and may also have many difficulties in assessing the distance and speed of moving objects. This will prevent them from playing ball and cycling.

To determine whether a child has normal coordination, you can use the following parameters:

Efficiency and accuracy of movements;

Consistency of the activities of various analyzers (vision, hearing, touch, smell);

· right choice the moment of the beginning of the movement (timeliness of actions);

adequate determination of the direction, amplitude, speed, pace and rhythm of movements;

economics of action.

How to improve and develop coordination in children?

The level of coordination abilities largely depends on motor (motor) memory, that is, the properties of the central nervous system to remember movements and reproduce them if necessary.

Efficiency in the development of motor coordination in children is achieved due to:

— application of a methodology that ensures the study of simple movements with their gradual complication;

― combining previously studied movements into sets of exercises and performing them with a change in speed, tempo, rhythm and amplitude of movements;

- as well as the use of special equipment of different sizes and weights (balls, hoops, sticks, ropes).

Development of coordination in children: exercises and tips.

Balance exercises contribute to the development of dexterity and coordination of movements, determination, form the correct posture in a child. Correct coordination of movements develops in children gradually, in the process of improving the functions of the vestibular, muscular and visual analyzers, which are controlled by the central nervous system.

Improvement of coordination contributes to the implementation of special physical exercises in static and dynamic positions.

Static exercises include maintaining balance in a certain position: squatting on toes, standing on one leg, and others.

Dynamic exercises include: walking on a board, bench or log, changing direction while running, sudden stops in outdoor games. As well as sports activities such as skating, skiing, cycling.

So, let's consider exercises for the development of coordination for children of different ages.

Development of coordination in children 2 - 3 years.

The smallest preschoolers 2-3 years of age find it difficult to maintain balance due to limited motor experience. However, this ability is necessary for them to learn how to correctly perform more complex basic movements. Coordination exercises occupy a significant place in outdoor games on fresh air.

The child is first offered simple, feasible exercises for him:

- walking,

- stepping over objects

- slopes,

- squat.

Then learn more complex exercises.

Development of coordination in children 3-4 years old.

A preschooler of 3-4 years of age is first offered to get off the bench (log), alternately lowering his legs to the floor. Jumping from the end of the bench to the mat is allowed after the child learns to land softly, bending his knees. At this age, the child can already learn on his own, climb the Swedish wall, rope ladder. An excellent result is given by exercises on the rings, walking along special paths with obstacles.

It is important to constantly keep the child interested in doing these exercises. It is desirable to conduct classes lively, emotionally, using game tasks. For example, to go through the bridge (board, bench), which is thrown across the river, and do not get your feet wet. Walk or run along the path (two ropes placed at a distance of 25 cm from each other) and not fall into the swamp.

Development of coordination in children 5-6 years old.

A preschooler of 5-6 years of age continues to improve the exercises he previously studied. At this age, the child can be offered walking on a gymnastic bench (log, curb) with side and variable steps with hand movements (splash in the palm in front of the chest, above the head), walking with the ball in his hands. When performing these tasks, you need to pay attention to the correct posture of the child, the confidence in performing movements, his ability to navigate in space. It is useful to perform these exercises with a “weighting agent” (weight 500-700g) on ​​the head. The child learns to keep his head straight, while maintaining the correct posture. When performing more complex exercises for the development of coordination (walking on a log, an inclined board), it is necessary to reduce the pace.

It is advisable to study new exercises first in light conditions. For example, walking with throwing the ball up and catching it is first performed on a board that lies on the floor, and then on a bench (log).

Development of coordination in children 6-7 years old.

A preschooler of 6-7 years of age acquires the skills of precise coordination of movements while performing various motor actions in static and dynamic positions.

Most exercises for children of this age consist of a combination of static body positions and dynamic movements that are performed on a bench or balance beam. For example, while walking on a bench (height 30 cm), sit down and turn around; walking on a log (bench, curb) towards each other. Then gradually disperse holding hands.

The position of the hands during the exercises for the development of coordination can be different - to the sides, behind the back, behind the head, on the belt.

Exercises to improve coordination of movements.

Breathing exercises

- Inhale, hold your breath, exhale, hold your breath again. Increase the duration of the air hold gradually. Repeat the exercise 5-6 times.

- Sitting on your knees, play "ball". First, the “balloon” inflates - raise your hands through the sides, take a deep breath, then the “balloon” deflates - lower your hands in front of you and exhale, pronouncing the sounds “S”, “Sh” or “I”.


- Rub your palms together until you feel warmth.

- With warm palms, rub the ears first until redness, then the earlobes.

- Exercise "Elephant" Press your thumbs to the earlobes and make circular movements with your hands.

― Exercise “Monkey itches” | With crossed arms, massage the head in the direction from the top of the head to the ears, and then to the neck. Small child may not cross the arms.

― Exercise “Mosquitoes” | Tap your forearm and shoulder twice with your opposite hand.

― Exercise “Cams” | Knock fists from different sides against each other.

Finger gymnastics

- Make circular motions with your thumbs.

- Massage each finger of the hand, reminiscent of pulling off a glove.

- Connect your palms and work only with your fingers, which should “say hello” to each other.

- Join your hands in the "Castle".

― Exercise “Ladder” | Alternately place your fingers on top of each other. And in the same way, alternately spread them apart.

Lying on the floor

― Exercise “Log” | Lie on your back, stretch your arms above your head. Rolling with the help of one shoulder, roll to the edge of the mat and come back.

― Exercise “Soldier” | Lying on your back, press your hands to your sides. Rolling with the help of one shoulder, crawl to the edge of the mat and come back.

― Exercise “Sphinx” | Lie on your stomach, keep your hands in front, resting on your forearms. On your hands, crawl to the edge of the mat and back.

― Exercise “Frog” | Lie on your stomach, keep your hands behind your back, clasped in a “lock”. Use your feet to crawl to the edge of the mat and back.

― Exercise “Boat” | Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms forward. Make a backbend, raise your arms and head. Then make a “Boat” on your back: keep your head and legs on the weight. It is advisable to gradually increase the stretching time to 1 minute.

- Lying on the floor, take a ball or a bright toy, spread your arms to the sides. Move your hand with the ball from left to right, then up and down. Without moving your head, follow the toy with your eyes. Then the “work” of the tongue is added to the “work” of the eyes: the eyes and the protruding tongue move in the same direction and follow the toy. After the child does it 20-25 times on his own, you can complicate the exercise: follow the ball with your eyes, and move your tongue in the other direction.

Quadruple Exercises

In this set of exercises, the work of the hands is important. Ask the child to walk on all fours, alternately moving his hands forward. Gradually complicate the exercise: when walking on all fours, hands overlap: right - to the left, left - to the right. The essence of this exercise is to synchronize the step and learn how to alternate hands correctly.

Games that develop motor skills and coordination.


Purpose of the game:

Necessary materials and visual aids: a thick rope, cord or skipping rope with a heavy, but soft object tied to the end (for example, a bag of sand, a piece of rubber hose) so as not to injure the players.

Game progress

A leader is selected from among the players, who is located in the center of the playing field. The rest of the players stand around him at a distance corresponding to the length of the rope. During the game, the leader rotates the rope in a circle above the ground itself, and the players jump up, tucking their legs in so that the bag does not hit them. The player who did not have time to jump and who was touched by the rope becomes the leader.


Purpose of the game:

Necessary materials and visual aids: with the help of cubes and battens or pegs and ropes, it is necessary to fence off a small space that will be a vegetable garden. Place a chair in the center of the garden.

Game progress

The driver is a "watchman", is he located on a chair in the price? three gardens. The rest of the players are "hens" that are outside the garden. While the leader says:

The chickens went out for a walk

Peck fresh grass.

The chickens got into the garden.

Beware, honest people!

Chickens sneak into the garden and start running there. But as soon as the host says "The watchman is coming!" - the driver gets up from the chair and tries to catch the "hens" that run away from him. If the watchman catches the player, they switch roles.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements.

Game progress

Players are divided into 2 teams. They line up in a column as follows: the right hand of each subsequent player lies on the right shoulder of the previous one, and with his left hand he supports the left leg of the one in front. At the signal of the leader, the column begins to move along the distance. The team that completes the distance first wins.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements, reaction.

Necessary materials and visual aids: to play as birdhouses, you can use chairs, or you can draw small circles with chalk that will serve as houses.

Game progress

Birdhouses are located around the perimeter of the playground. They should be one less than the participants in the game. One of the players plays the role of the leader. All participants in the game, including the driver, move freely around the playground to the music. As soon as the music stops playing, all players aim for any birdhouse. The driver also occupies any free birdhouse. The child who was left without a birdhouse becomes a leader.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements, speed of reaction.

Necessary materials and visual aids: houses, which can be used as chairs, or you can draw circles with chalk on the playground.

Game progress

A leader is chosen from among the players, who plays the role of a cat. The rest of the players are mice. "Mice" sit in the houses while the "cat" is awake. When the "cat" falls asleep, the "mice" go out for a walk. They move freely around the playground. At this time, the "cat" wakes up, meows and begins to catch "mice". "Mice" scatter around the houses. If the "cat" managed to catch one of the "mice", then the players change roles.

Catch a mosquito

Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements, speed of reaction.

Necessary materials and visual aids: a stick about 1 m long, to which a model of a mosquito made of cardboard is tied on a cord.

Game progress

The players become in a circle. The driver is located in the center, holding a stick with a mosquito attached with a cord. He drives a mosquito over the heads of the players, who at this time are trying to catch him. The one who grabbed the mosquito; becomes a leader.

"At the Bear's Forest..."

Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements, speed of reaction.

Necessary materials and visual aids: draw 2 lines at different ends of the site: on the one hand, separate the den for the "bear", and on the other, the children's house. The central space serves as the edge of the forest.

Game progress

From among the players, the driver is selected, who will be the "bear". He takes a place in the lair. The rest of the players are children, they are located in their house. Children go out for a walk on the edge of the forest, pick mushrooms and berries. At the same time they say:

At the bear in the forest
Mushrooms, I take berries,
The bear doesn't sleep
And growls at us.

As soon as the children say the last line, the "bear" comes out of its lair with a growl and tries to catch the fleeing children. If he succeeds, then the players switch roles, and the captured player becomes a "bear".


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements, speed of reaction.

Necessary materials and visual aids: on the playground it is necessary to designate a place for the hunter, in addition, a small ball is needed.

Game progress

"Hunter" turns his back on the playground. At this time, the rest of the participants randomly run and jump around the site, playing the role of "hares". At the command "Hunter!" "hares" freeze in place. Without leaving the allotted area, the "hunter" throws the ball at the "hares". The player that the “hunter” hit with the ball now becomes the “hunter” himself, and the “hunter” becomes the “hare”.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements, speed of reaction, accuracy.

Necessary materials and visual aids: small casting rings and various shapes of casting stands.

Game progress

Players are divided into teams based on the number of throw sets. Teams are located at some distance from the stands for throwing. Each player has several rings. The task of the teams is to throw as many rings on the stands as possible.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements, dexterity and eye.

Necessary materials and visual aids: balls and baskets for throwing balls, chalk.

Game progress

Baskets for throwing balls are placed on the playing court, and a line is drawn at some distance from it, indicating the place from which the players will make throws. Players are divided into teams. Each player has a ball. The task of the teams is to throw as many balls into the basket as possible.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements, speed of reaction.

Game progress

"Mice" (5-7 people) are selected from among the players. The rest of the players, holding hands, form a circle - a mousetrap. "Mice" are outside the circle. The players forming a mousetrap begin to walk in a circle either to the left or to the right, with their hands raised up. They say:

Oh, how tired the mice are,
Everyone ate, everyone ate.
Beware, cheaters
We will get to you.
Here we put mousetraps,
Let's catch them all at once!

While the children in the circle pronounce the words, the "mice" move freely throughout the playing space: they run into the circle, run out of it. But as soon as the last words “At a time!” are heard, the children standing in a circle lower their hands. The "mousetrap" slammed shut. Players who do not have time to run out of the circle are considered losers. Caught "mice" stand in a circle, and the size of the "mousetrap" increases. When all the "mice" are caught, the children switch roles and the game continues.

carp and pike

Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements, speed of reaction.

Necessary materials and visual aids: if the game takes place indoors, then musical accompaniment is desirable.

Game progress

A leader is selected from among the players, who will play the role of a pike. The rest of the players are divided into 2 groups. One group will play the role of pebbles, the other - the role of carp. The pebbles form a circle. Inside the circle swim "carp". "Shuka" is outside the circle. As soon as the host says "Pike!" - the driver runs into the circle and tries to catch the "carp". "Karasi", in turn, try to hide behind the "pebbles". Ts "carp", which did not manage to hide and were caught by the "pike", leave the circle. The game is played several times, then the players change roles, and a new leader is chosen.

BOUNCER (first option)

Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements, speed of reaction.

Necessary materials and visual aids: ball.

Game progress

Two players take places opposite each other - these are the dodgeballs. The rest of the players are placed between them.
The task of the bouncers is to try to hit the players with the ball. Players must stay in the game as long as possible, dodging the ball.

BOUNCER (second option)

Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements, speed of reaction.

Necessary materials and visual aids: ball, chalk.

Game progress

Two parallel lines are drawn on the playing field with chalk at a considerable distance from each other. There are several players behind each line. These are bouncers. There is one player in the space between the lines. The task of the bouncers is to throw the ball to each other and hit the player. And the player must stay in the game as long as possible, dodging the ball.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements, speed of reaction.

Necessary materials and dressing aids: chalk.

Game progress

Draw a large circle on the playground. From among the players, a leader is selected - a "trap", which is located in the center of the circle. The rest of the players are jumpers, they are outside the circle. The hoppers jump into the circle on their left or right foot (this should be discussed before the start of the game) and jump out of it. The "trap" runs in a circle, trying to catch the players while they are in the circle. The one who is caught by the "trap" becomes the leader.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements, dexterity.

Necessary materials and visual aids: fishing rods (a rod can be used as a fishing rod) about 1 m long with a magnet tied to it with a thin cord, fish made of cardboard with small magnets attached to them, chalk.

Game progress

On the playground you need to draw a circle imitating a pond. The players take their places around the pond where the fish are, and on command they begin to catch the fish with the help of fishing rods. When all the fish are caught from the pond, they can be counted and the winner determined.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements, speed of reaction.

Necessary materials and visual aids: multi-colored ribbons 20-25 cm long.

Game progress

A leader is selected from among the players, who is located in the center of the circle. The rest of the players stand in a circle.
They place ribbons either behind the belt or under the collar. At the signal of the leader, the children scatter, and the catcher tries to catch up with the players and pull the ribbon from them. Those whose catcher pulls the tape are out of the game. At the signal of the host, the game is capped, and the number of ribbons obtained is counted. Then the game can be resumed by choosing a new driver.

Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements, speed of reaction.

Necessary materials and visual aids: If children play indoors, then musical accompaniment is possible.

Game progress

Players line up in pairs. A line is drawn in front of the column at a distance of several steps, behind which is the leader, chosen from among the players. Those standing in the column say the following words:

Burn, burn bright
To not go out. . Look at the sky
The birds are flying
The bells are ringing!
One, two, three - run!

At this moment, the children standing in the last pair run forward along the column on opposite sides of it and try to hold hands. The catcher, who is in front of the column, tries to catch one of the runners before the players join hands. If the driver manages to do this, then he forms a pair with the caught player, and the player who is left without a pair becomes the driver.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements, speed of reaction.

Game progress

At two opposite ends of the site, space is separated - the house of the day and the house of the night; Another line is drawn in the middle of the site. The players are divided into two teams. Teams take a place in the center of the site on opposite sides of the middle line. They stand with their backs to each other. The host says: "Attention", "Day" or "Night". And depending on what word he uttered, the children of the named team catch up with the children from the opposite team. Catching a fleeing team is possible only until the players cross the lines of their house.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements, dexterity, speed of reaction.

Necessary materials and visual aids: chalk.

Game progress

In the center of the site, a ditch is limited by 2 parallel lines at a distance of approximately 1 m. A leader is selected from among the players - a "wolf", which is located in the ditch. All other players are "sheep". They are located on one side of the moat. At the signal of the leader, the "sheep" jump over the ditch to the opposite side of the site. "Wolf" at this time is trying to catch them. And if he succeeds, then the players change roles.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements, speed of reaction.

Necessary materials and visual aids: chairs or benches.

Game progress

Players are seated on chairs or benches. A seller and a buyer are selected from among the players. The buyer steps aside and the players tell the seller what kind of paint they want to be. After a while, the buyer comes and says: "Knock, knock." The salesperson asks: "Who's there?" The seller gives his name.

Salesman. "What did you come for?"
Buyer. "Behind the paint."
Salesman. "For what?"

The buyer names the paint he came for. If there is such paint, the seller names its price. The buyer claps the seller's palm as many times as he said. With the last pop, the "paint" runs away, and the buyer tries to catch up with it. Catching the "paint", he takes her to him. If there is no named paint, the seller says: "Jump along the blue (yellow, red, etc.) track on one leg." The buyer jumps to the agreed place, then returns. The game continues.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements, dexterity. Necessary materials and visual aids: ball.

Game progress

The players stand in a circle. The bottom of the player, standing opposite each other, hold the balls. At the signal of the host, the players begin to pass the balls in a circle in one direction. The player who has 2 balls at once loses.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements, attention, resourcefulness.

Necessary materials and visual aids: balloons, threads, cheerful music.

Game progress

The game involves at least 2 people. It can be carried out in a spacious room, after removing all breakable objects and those that children can get hurt on.

Invite the first players to an impromptu stage. Tie to the leg of each participant balloon. Then explain that their goal is to step on the opponent's ball and burst it, while maintaining their own. At the command of the leader, the music turns on, and the guys start the fight.

This game can be made more difficult by increasing the number of tied balls. If possible, you can invite several participants at once.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements, attention, resourcefulness and ingenuity.

Necessary materials and visual aids: blank sheets of paper, pencil, scissors, paints.

Game progress

Before the game begins, you need to prepare all the materials. Get your child involved in this. On clean sheets of paper, you need to draw 5-10 green islands, cut them out. Then spread them around the room and invite the children to imagine that they were in the "swamp". Tell us that it is very dangerous to move around in the "swamp", you can only do this when accompanied by adults. But our swamp is not real, but fabulous. It has magical islands that you can step on without fear. But before you take a step, you need to say the password. Next, you need to select a topic, the words from it will be the password. It can be animals, flowers, names of people, etc.
If teams are involved in the game, then movement can be arranged at speed. The team that covers the required distance faster will be considered the winner.

"Oh, APPLE! .."

Purpose of the game: develop attention, coordination of movements, concentration.

Necessary materials and visual aids: apples or other fruits (their number should correspond to the number of participants), cheerful music.

Game progress

This game is played at a round table. Weight guys line up around the table, on which you need to lay out apples for one less than the number of participants. At the command of the leader, the guys begin to move around the table (with a step or at a fast pace - the leader decides). At that moment, when the music is turned off and the host says "Stop", each participant must take one apple from the table. The participant who did not have time and who did not get anything is eliminated from the game, having received an apple from the table as a reward. Then the game starts again, but without one participant and one apple. For older children, this competition can be complicated by performing various tasks in parallel with the movement. For example, the facilitator may offer to sing a song, squat, jump on one leg, raise your hands up, etc.


Purpose of the game: develop attention, coordination, team spirit, intelligence, (helps prevent scoliosis).

Necessary materials and visual aids: a small ball.

Game progress

The game involves 2 people. It is advisable to carry it out in the open air or in a spacious room. The distance that the players must go is determined, and the task is explained. Two participants stand with their backs to each other so that between them, just above the level of the shoulder blades, a ball can fit. In this position, they must overcome the required distance. If they drop the ball, they must return to the starting line.
This game can be played as a relay race in which several teams will participate.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements, fine motor skills of hands, attention, concentration, purposefulness.

Necessary materials and visual aids: an ordinary half-liter bottle of milk, a handful of beans for each participant.

Game progress

The essence of this game, like the previous one, is to throw as many beans as possible into the bottle. But in this case, the task is much more complicated. The participant must hold all the beans in his fist and then, releasing one at a time, throw them into the bottle.

At the same time, his hand should be strictly in an extended state at a distance of 30 cm from the bottle.

If the guys cope with this task, it can be complicated. You can give the task to raise your hand at a distance of 50 or 100 cm from the bottle. You can increase the number of beans to such an amount that it becomes uncomfortable to hold them in your hand, etc.


Purpose of the game: develop fine motor skills of hands, coordination, attention, perseverance.

Necessary materials and visual aids: several cylindrical bars, 1 cap or lid from some container with a diameter of 1 cm larger than the bar, a thin stick.

Game progress

This game must be played at the table. Before starting the game, lay out all the listed items as follows: place both bars at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other. Put a cap on one of them. Then explain to the child that his goal is to transfer the cap from one bar to another with a stick. To do this, you need to pick up the cap from below and, putting it on a stick, carefully, so as not to drop it, try to transfer it.

Complications in this game can be very diverse: by increasing the distance between the bars, reducing the diameter of the cap in relation to the bar, etc.


Purpose of the game: develop fine motor skills of hands, coordination of movements, attention, purposefulness.

Materials and visual aids needed: 2 tablespoons, several large plums or other fruits of this size, 2 dishes and cheerful music.

Game progress

This game is ideal for summer holidays and for a large number of participants. It is desirable to conduct it in the form of a relay race.
To begin with, all participants are divided into 2 teams. The boundaries of the distance and the order of its passage within the teams are determined. At the finish line, a dish is placed for each team. Then the first players of each team are given spoons and plums and it is explained that the goal of each team is to carry their plum in a spoon to the finish line, return to the start and pass the spoon to the next player. At the command of the host, the participants put the plum in a spoon and hit the road. If one of the participants dropped a plum, he must still continue on his way and only then return to the finish line.
The winner is the team that will bring to the finish line as many plums as possible.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination, memory, attention, analytical thinking.

Necessary materials and visual aids: a poster or a large picture depicting a hare (it is advisable to draw this poster in advance with the child), a carrot (you can use plastic or make it out of paper).

Game progress

Before the start of the game, a hole is cut out on the poster in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mouth of the hare. Then you need to cut a few more holes in different places on the poster. During the game, it is hung on the wall or some kind of stand. A participant is selected, he is blindfolded and given a carrot in his hands. Then several times it is twisted around its own axis and brought to the poster. All the children are told that our rabbit is hungry and needs to be fed. The participant's task is to put a carrot in the rabbit's mouth. Since there are a lot of holes in the picture, it will not be so easy to do this.

In this competition, the main thing is not victory, but participation. It is uplifting and perfect for a variety of holidays.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movement, attention, memory, ability to concentrate.

Necessary materials and visual aids: a long thread, a medium-sized ring (slightly larger than necessary for the index finger), a large room in which you can hang the ring.

Game progress

This game is designed for 2 participants, but the more players it has, the more fun and exciting it is.

The ring is hung at such a height that the participants can hit it with the finger of an outstretched hand. Choose the first player and leader. The host brings the participant to the suspended ring at arm's length, then takes him three steps back and turns him around several times. All other participants stand in a semicircle and observe.

After the first daredevil has been spun, he must take three steps towards the ring with his outstretched hand and accurately hit it with his finger. If the first time it did not work out, he has a few more attempts to find the ring with his finger.

You can make this game harder different ways. First, you can increase the number of steps. Secondly, the player can be blindfolded and interfere with various comments and incorrect instructions.
The winner is the one who quickly and without errors will overcome this distance.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements, analytical skills, attention, purposefulness.

Necessary materials and visual aids: cheerful music.

Game progress

This game is played outdoors or in a fairly large room.

Draw a circle on the floor or on the ground. This will be the fight zone.
Then the first two participants are selected, who will play the duel. The rules of the duel are explained. The first two participants should stand in a circle on one leg, holding the other with their hands. Their goal is to push each other out of this circle. In this case, you can not use your hands. The participant who quickly and without violating the rules pushes his opponent out of the circle is considered the winner.

Games for the development of cognitive abilities of children of senior preschool age


We develop coordination of movements, reaction, the ability to make decisions quickly

Description: The number of participants is not limited. A leader is chosen from among the players, who is in the center of the circle. The rest of the members are guards. They are located behind the cubes. The driver's task is to take possession of the guard's cube by sitting on it. The guards must get ahead of the driver and sit on the cube earlier. The child who did not have time to defend his cube becomes the driver.

Large cubes, ottomans or high chairs, arranged in a circle in an amount equal to the number of participants.

Fishing rod

Description: a leader is selected from among the players, who is located in the center of the playing field. The rest of the players stand around him at a distance corresponding to the length of the rope.

During the game, the leader rotates the rope in a circle above the ground itself, and the players jump up, tucking their legs in so that the bag does not touch them. The player who did not have time to jump and who was touched by the rope becomes the leader.

Materials and visual aids for the game

A thick rope, cord, or skipping rope with a heavy, but soft object tied to the end (for example, a sandbag, a piece of rubber hose) so as not to injure the players.

Reach for the sun

Description: Players form a semicircle. The driver is facing the players, holding a stick with a ring in his hands, imitating the sun. He draws a ring over the heads of the players, saying: "Reach for the sun!". Players try to reach the ring. Whoever manages to touch the "sun" becomes the leader.

Materials and visual aids for the game

A stick about 50 cm long, a bright yellow ring that is hung from the end of the stick with a cord.


We develop coordination of movements

Description: players are divided into 2 teams. They line up in a column as follows: the right hand of each subsequent player lies on the right shoulder of the previous one, and with his left hand he supports the left leg of the one in front.

At the signal of the leader, the column begins to move along the distance. The team that completes the distance first wins.


We develop coordination of movements, reaction

Description: Birdhouses are located around the perimeter of the playground. They should be one less than the participants in the game. One of the players plays the role of the leader. All participants in the game, including the driver, move freely around the playground to the music. As soon as the music stops playing, all players try to occupy any "birdhouse". The driver also occupies any free "birdhouse". The child who was left without a "birdhouse" becomes a leader.

Materials and visual aids for the game

To play as birdhouses, you can use chairs, or you can draw small circles with chalk that will serve as houses.

Chickens in the garden

We develop coordination of movements, speed of reaction

Description: the driver is the “watchman”, he is located on a chair in the center of the “garden”. The rest of the players are "hens" that are outside the "garden". While the leader says:

The chickens went out for a walk

Peck fresh grass.

The chickens got into the garden.

Beware, honest people -

"chickens" sneak into the "garden" and start running there. But as soon as the leader says: “The watchman is coming!”, The leader gets up from his chair and tries to catch the “chickens” that run away from him. If the "watchman" catches the player, then they switch roles.

Materials and visual aids for the game

With the help of cubes and rails or pegs and ropes, it is necessary to fence off a small space that will be a "garden". Place a chair in the center of the garden.

Mice and cat

We develop coordination of movements, speed of reaction

Description: a driver is selected from among the players, who plays the role of a cat. The rest of the players are mice. "Mice" sit in the houses while the "cat" is awake. When the "cat" falls asleep, the "mice" go out for a walk. They move freely around the playground. At this time, the "cat" wakes up, meows and begins to catch "mice". "Mice" scatter around the houses. If the "cat" managed to catch one of the "mice", then the players change roles.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Houses, which can be used as chairs, or circles drawn in chalk on the playground.

Catch a mosquito

We develop coordination of movements, speed of reaction

Description: Players stand in a circle. The driver is located in the center, holding a stick with a mosquito figure attached with a cord. He circles a mosquito over the heads of the players who at this time are trying to catch him. The one who grabbed the mosquito becomes the driver.

Materials and visual aids for the game

A stick about 1 m long, to which a mosquito mock-up made of cardboard is tied on a cord.

"At the bear in the forest..."

We develop coordination of movements, speed of reaction

Description: from among the players, the driver is selected, who will be the "bear". He takes a place in the "den". The rest of the players are children, they are located in their “house”. Children go out to "walk on the edge of the forest, pick mushrooms and berries." At the same time they say:

At the bear in the forest

Mushrooms, I take berries,

The bear doesn't sleep

And growls at us.

As soon as the children say the last line, the "bear" with a growl comes out of its "den" and tries to catch the fleeing children. If he succeeds, then the players change roles, and the caught player becomes a "bear".

Materials and visual aids for the game

It is necessary to draw 2 lines at different ends of the site: on the one hand, separate the “lair” for the “bear”, and on the other, the “house” of the children. The central space performs the function of "the edge of the forest".

Hunter and hares

We develop coordination of movements, speed of reaction

Description:"hunter" turns his back to the playground. At this time, the rest of the participants randomly run and jump around the site, playing the role of "hares". At the command "Hunter!" - "hares" freeze in place. Without leaving the allotted area, the “hunter” throws the ball at the “hares”. The player that the “hunter” hit with the ball now becomes the “hunter” himself, and the “hunter” becomes the “hare”.

Materials and visual aids for the game

A small ball.

On the playground it is necessary to designate a place for the "hunter".

Accurate shooter

We develop coordination of movements, speed of reaction, accuracy

Description: Players are divided into teams based on the number of throw sets. Teams are located at some distance from the stands for throwing. Each player has several rings. The task of the teams is to throw as many rings on the stands as possible.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Small casting rings and various shapes of casting stands.

take the ball away

We develop coordination of movements, speed of reaction, agility

Description: the players are divided into pairs, stand on opposite sides of the court, go towards each other on the whistle, stop at the center line where the balls lie. On the second whistle, they begin to take the ball away from each other with their feet, trying to fit it into their circle.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Balls by the number of pairs.

Ball in the basket

We develop coordination of movements, dexterity and eye

Description: baskets for throwing balls are set up on the playing court, and a line is drawn at some distance from them, indicating the place from which the players will make throws. Players are divided into teams. Each player has a ball. The task of the teams is to throw as many balls into the basket as possible.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Balls and baskets for throwing balls, chalk.

Mice in a mousetrap

We develop coordination of movements, speed of reaction

Description:"mice" (5-7 people) are selected from among the players. The rest of the players, holding hands, form a circle - a "mousetrap". "Mice" are outside the circle. The players forming a "mousetrap" begin to walk in a circle either to the left or to the right, with their hands raised up. They say:

Oh, how tired the mice are,

Everyone ate, everyone ate.

Beware, cheaters

We will get to you.

Here we put mousetraps,

Let's catch them all at once!

While the children in the circle pronounce the words, the “mice” move freely throughout the entire playing space: they run into the circle, run out of it. But as soon as the last words “At a time!” - the children standing in a circle lower their hands. The "mousetrap" slammed shut. Players who do not have time to run out of the circle are considered losers. Caught "mice" stand in a circle, and the size of the "mousetrap" increases. When all the "mice" are caught, the children switch roles and the game continues.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Carp and pike

We develop coordination of movements, speed of reaction

Description: a leader is selected from among the players, who will play the role of a "pike". The rest of the players are divided into 2 groups. One group will play the role of "pebbles", the other - the role of "carp". The pebbles form a circle. Carp swim inside the circle. "Pike" is outside the circle. As soon as the host says "Pike!" - the driver runs into the circle and tries to catch the "carp". "Karasi", in turn, try to hide behind the "pebbles". Those "carp" who did not manage to hide and who were caught by the "pike" leave the circle. The game is played several times, then the players change roles, and a new leader is chosen.

Materials and visual aids for the game

If the game takes place indoors, then musical accompaniment is desirable.


We develop coordination of movements, speed of reaction

Description: draw a large circle on the playground. A leader is selected from among the players - a “trap”, which is located in the center of the circle. The rest of the players are "jumps", they are outside the circle. Jumpers jump into the circle on their left or right foot (this should be discussed before the start of the game) and jump out of it. The "trap" runs in a circle, trying to catch the players while they are in the circle. The one who is caught by the "trap" becomes the driver.

Materials and visual aids for the game


We develop coordination of movements, agility

Description: on the playground you need to draw a circle imitating a "pond". The players take places around the "pond" in which the "fish" are located, and on command they begin to catch the "fish" with the help of fishing rods. When all the "fish" are caught from the "pond", they can be counted and the winner determined.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Fishing rods (a rod can be used as a fishing rod) approximately 1 m long, with magnets tied to them with a thin cord; fish made of cardboard with small magnets attached to them; a piece of chalk.


We develop coordination of movements, speed of reaction

Description: two players sit opposite each other - these are dodgeballs. The rest of the players are placed between them. The task of the bouncers is to try to hit the players with the ball. Players must stay in the game as long as possible, dodging the ball.

In the second option, 2 parallel lines are drawn on the playing field with chalk at a considerable distance from each other. Behind each line are placed several players - these are dodgeballs. There is 1 player in the space between the lines. The task of the bouncers is to throw the ball to each other to hit the player. And the player must stay in the game as long as possible, dodging the ball.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Sly Fox

We develop coordination of movements, speed of reaction

Description: All players stand in a circle and close their eyes. The leader goes around the circle and touches one of the children, who becomes the leader - the "sly fox". Then the children open their eyes and ask 3 times: “Cunning fox, where are you?” When all the players ask for the third time, the “sly fox” comes to the middle and says: “Here I am!” All the players scatter, and the "fox" tries to catch them. When the "fox" catches two or three participants, the game begins anew.

ribbon catcher

We develop coordination of movements, speed of reaction

Description: a leader is selected from among the players, who is located in the center of the circle. The rest of the players stand in a circle. They place ribbons either behind the belt or under the collar. At the signal of the leader, the children scatter, and the catcher tries to catch up with the players and pull the ribbon from them. Those whose catcher pulls the tape are out of the game. At the signal of the leader, the game ends, and the number of ribbons obtained is counted. Then the game can be resumed by choosing a new driver.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Multi-colored ribbons 20-25 cm long.


We develop coordination of movements, speed of reaction

Description: small circles are drawn on the playground. A leader is selected from among the players. The rest of the players stand in circles. The driver approaches any participant in the game and asks: “Where are the keys?”. The player answers him: "Go to (calls the name of any player) and knock." While this conversation is going on, the other players switch places. The driver must react quickly and take any vacant circle. If he succeeds, then he changes roles with the player left without a circle. And if the driver cannot take someone's circle for a long time, he can say: “I found the keys!”, And then all the players should change places. At this time, the driver can easily take someone's circle.

Materials and visual aids for the game


We develop coordination of movements, speed of reaction

Description: Players line up in pairs. A line is drawn in front of the column at a distance of several steps, behind which is the leader, chosen from among the players. Those standing in the column say the following words:

Burn, burn bright

To not go out.

Look at the sky

The birds are flying

The bells are ringing

One, two, three - run!

At this moment, the children standing in the last pair run forward along the column on opposite sides of it and try to hold hands. The catcher, who is in front of the column, tries to catch one of the runners before the players join hands. If the driver manages to do this, then he forms a pair with the caught player, and the player who is left without a pair becomes the driver.

Materials and visual aids for the game

If children play indoors, then musical accompaniment is possible.

Day and night

We develop coordination of movements, speed of reaction

Description: space is separated at two opposite ends of the site - the house of the day and the house of the night in the middle of the site is drawn one more line. Players are divided into 2 teams. Teams take a place in the center of the site on opposite sides of the middle line. They stand with their backs to each other. The host says: “Attention!”, “Day!” or "Night!" - and depending on what word he uttered, the children of the named team catch up with the children from the opposite team. Catching a fleeing team is possible only until the players cross the lines of their house.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Wolf in the ditch

Description: in the center of the site, the “ditch” is limited by 2 parallel lines at a distance of approximately 1 m. The leader is selected from among the players - the “wolf”, which is located in the “ditch”. All other players are "sheep". They are located on one side of the "ditch". At the signal of the leader, the “sheep” jump over the “ditch” to the opposite side of the site. "Wolf" at this time is trying to catch them. And if he succeeds, then the players change roles.

Materials and visual aids for the game

monkey catchers

We develop coordination of movements, speed of reaction

Description: players are divided into 2 groups - "monkeys" and "catchers". "Monkeys" are located on the "trees", "Catchers" go to the center of the site and demonstrate some movements invented in advance. Having done the movements, the “catchers” leave, and the “monkeys” move to the center of the site and repeat the movements of the “catchers”. At the signal of the leader, the "monkeys" run to the "trees" and "climb" them. "Catchers" at this time are trying to catch the "monkeys". This continues several times. Then the teams switch roles.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Swedish wall or stable objects that can be climbed and which could act as trees or vines.


We develop coordination of movements, agility, speed of reaction

Description: The game is played in pairs. Children sit opposite each other. One of them has a stick for catching rings, the other has a stick for throwing rings, and the rings themselves.

The player who has the rings puts them on the tip of the stick in turn and throws them to the partner, who tries to catch them on his stick. Then the rings caught are counted, and the players change roles.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Small rings, a stick for catching rings.

Ball in the bucket

We develop dexterity, eye, coordination of movements

Description: before the game starts, the bucket must be stabilized by placing a stone in it. The players stand in a circle facing the center and take turns throwing the ball into the bucket. The winner is the one with the most balls hitting the target.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Bucket, tennis balls, stone.