Tactics of playing war thunder tanks. Air combat tactics in War Thunder. Tank modules and upgrades in War Thunder

Ground vehicles in the game War Thunder represented so far only by the armored vehicles of the Soviet and German armed forces.

All combat vehicles are divided into types:

And by rank: from the simplest 1st to the advanced 5th. Depending on the ranks, tanks are grouped into teams for arcade, realistic or simulation battles.

The arcade combat mode is ideal for beginner tankers because it offers additional bonuses to help beginners get used to the game.

One of these bonuses is the ability to revive damaged tanks. For light tanks with minimal protection, this opportunity is provided twice (and for the very first vehicle, even three times), for medium tanks, a double respawn is also provided, but heavy vehicles can be respawned only once. Such an opportunity helps players to decide which technique and tactics of combat they prefer.

The second bonus that makes life easier for beginners is a special marker that allows you to determine the trajectory of the projectile at long distances. The aiming marker not only helps to point the weapon at the enemy, but also shows the enemy's most vulnerable points. If the crosshair is lit in red, the shot will not be effective, if the cross is yellow, the probability of penetrating the enemy’s armor is 50%, the green signal is one hundred percent damage to the enemy.

In addition, in arcade battles, both German and Soviet vehicles can be on the same team. In realistic battles, and even more so in simulation ones, such concessions are not provided.

Principles of destruction of enemy equipment

There are some in the game general principles elimination of enemy equipment. The main reasons leading to the destruction of armored vehicles:

1 When a projectile hits, the ammunition detonates and explodes.
2 Explosion of a fuel tank as a result of a projectile or fire.
3 Engine destruction.
4 Crew elimination.
5 Failure or destruction of several of the most important tank modules at once.

Factors influencing target destruction: The angle of inclination of the armor - it affects the impact force of the penetrating projectile, i.e. the greater the angle at which the projectile hits, the greater the force it will need to penetrate. Projectile impact angle - a small angle increases the chance of a projectile ricocheting.

Let us consider in more detail the weaknesses of the most popular models of the tank forces of the Soviet Union in War Thunder. To facilitate visual perception, on the presented screenshots (by analogy with the game marker of the sight), the colors indicate the probability of breaking through this area of ​​technology: red - 0%, yellow-orange 40-60%, green 100%.

Light tanks

BT -7

The Soviet Fast Tank 1st rank BT-7 is a light, fast and maneuverable vehicle. It develops speed up to 49 km / h, for which it received the nickname "Flying Tank". For her amazing mobility, she is forced to pay with the weakness of armor protection, which is practically non-existent. The maximum armor thickness (in the lower and upper frontal parts and around the gun mantlet) is only 20 mm. 15 mm the sides are protected by armor, and only 10–13 mm of armor cover the stern. The angles of the armor are so irrational that the chance of a ricochet is minimized. With a certain amount of luck, such protection can only save you from small-caliber automatic guns.

The density of the modules layout leads to the fact that almost any hit in the BT-7 is guaranteed to disable any of them. Getting into the engine compartment almost always leads to engine damage, which reduces mobility or completely immobilizes the tank, ammo rack in the hull and fuel tanks are located identically on both sides, and ammo rack in the tower only on the right side. Also, the rotation of the turret of the BT-7 is very slow, but this is compensated by the rapid rotation of the hull itself. If the enemy is immobilized, then when entering the sides or rear, he becomes completely powerless.

T-50 - Tier 1 light tank

Tier 1 maneuverable light tank with relatively good armor and a weak cannon is mainly used as support or sabotage behind enemy lines. A surprise attack at close range, an ambush attack or an artillery strike are the main battle tactics for this tank.

Due to the successful slope of the armored plates, the tank's survivability has been increased. When meeting with the T-50 forehead in the forehead, shoot should be in the area of ​​​​the driver's hatch. If the tank has become a "rhombus" - aim at the bevels of the frontal parts. In the event of an attack from the side, a hit under the turret causes almost 100% detonation of the ammunition located there. You can easily reduce the mobility of the nimble T-50, or completely immobilize it, by destroying the tracked tracks when a projectile hits them. From the stern, you should hit in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe motor and transmission or in a tower that is poorly protected from this side.

T-70 - tier 1 light tank

Compact fast tank, sometimes used for initial position captures, but mostly favoring surprise and ambush tactics. A very slow rotation of the tower easily allows you to "spin" and destroy the T-70. The small thickness of the side armor, as well as its poor angle of inclination, lead to the fact that the sides can easily be penetrated by any projectile. Penetrating the machine from the starboard side can damage the engine located there and ignite the machine. A successful hit on the left side causes the likelihood of detonation, the ammunition rack located there, or the ignition of fuel tanks. Penetration of the lower armor plate guarantees the immobilization of the tank, because this is where the transmission is located on this model. Shooting from the stern makes sense only on the left, aiming at the fuel tanks.

medium tanks

T-34–1940 L11; T-34–57; T-34–57 mod. 43

The armor of these three types of tanks is about the same. Medium T-34-1940 L11 (Tier 2) often acts as the main fighting force for capturing enemy points, and is able to withstand attacks from opponents of equal (or lower) level for some time. Tanks T-34-57 and T-34-57 mod. belong to Tier 3 vehicles and they are assigned the role of support tanks, because they clearly lack armor protection for opponents of their class. Breakthroughs at high speed and sudden attacks are largely facilitated by the excellent rate of fire of the tank. Penetrates with any projectiles above 75 caliber.

The weak point is the driver's hatch - because. the thickness of the armor there is less. Shots of shrapnel shells on the engine grate - often lead to fire and ignition of the engine. Shots under the turret and on the tracks of the T-34 are effective. If the caliber of shells is more than 75, you can also hit the sides.


well balanced medium tank 4 levels. Due to good armoredness often be in the forefront of the attackers. But, like any medium tank, it has its weak points. Most often, the T-44 is destroyed by shells hitting the turret and hitting the cheeks of the turret. Again, getting into the viewing slot of the mechanical drive can lead to a fire due to the location of the fuel tanks. When entering from the rear, first of all, you need to hit the stern of the hull - to damage the engine-transmission modules.

Heavy tanks

HF-1 (KV -1E)

Tier 2 heavy tank, one of the most hard-to-penetrate when attacking. The vehicle is designed to break through enemy defenses and can withstand tanking well, especially when deployed in a rhombus pattern. However, there are good chances to break through it with armor-piercing shells from close or medium distances. A successful hit on the cheeks of the tower may well disable the KV -1. Accurate strikes on the hatches of the driver and gunner also have a chance of success. In addition, attacking the shooter increases the likelihood of setting fire to the tank, since it is behind him that the tank's fuel tanks are located. From the stern, it is best to shoot at the edges of the nape of the tower: firstly, when penetrating, there is a possibility of detonation of the ammo rack located there, and secondly, shooting at the central occipital part is ineffective, because. its roundness contributes to ricochet. Damage to the transmission section, caterpillar track or gun barrel will reduce the maneuverability and combat capability of the KV-1, approach it, take an advantageous position and destroy it with precise strikes. If the tank is shielded, it is necessary to concentrate all the fire on the cheeks of the tower and on the hatches of the shooter and driver.

KV -2

A heavy, sluggish Tier 3 vehicle designed for group fire support. Despite the fact that the thickness of the armor of the KV-2 is no less than that of its predecessor, opponents appropriate ranks may well break through it. Tank battle tactics: from behind cover and with the support of a group of comrades-in-arms.

The pain points of a heavy monster are:

Armor-piercing shells of caliber 70+, you can check the strength of the sides of the hull of the vehicle, as well as the back side of the turret and the transmission compartment. Traditionally, you can disable a caterpillar track by approaching to spin the clumsy colossus, and then destroy it. However, when approaching, it is necessary to correctly calculate the reload time of a tank gun - otherwise the KV-2 will tear anyone apart.

KV -85

Despite the fact that the tank belongs to the group of heavy vehicles of the 3rd level, it performs more of a support role than a breakthrough tank. His armor is easily pierced by opponents of the same level, and even higher - even more so. So the tactics of the KV-85: got out - fired - hid. The main points of vulnerability of the KV-85 are almost the entire hull and base of the tower. Barrel and caterpillars - optional and necessary.

A sedentary heavy tank of the 3rd level, with disadvantages similar to the KV-85. Effective in battles at close range, fire support for attackers and battles from cover. The cheekbones of the hull can break through even in the frontal projection, and an explosion in the area of ​​the left cheekbone can lead to the detonation of the ammunition located there. Another area of ​​the tank's vulnerability is poor armor on the turret forehead and thin armor plate. In general, for a heavy tank of level 3, the armor is rather weak, because . tank armor does not always withstand direct hits of equal rivals. The dense arrangement of modules leads to their frequent damage in any hit.

IS-2 (IS-2 mod. 1944)

Although the tank is a heavy vehicle of the 4th level, but the armor is similar to the IS-1, so it has the same vulnerabilities. And due to the fact that the opponents of this tank are higher level and have more firepower, weak points break through more easily.

The top heavy vehicle of the 5th level, equally effective both in single duels and in a group breakthrough of enemy ranks. Excellent armor and well-thought-out armor slopes make it difficult to destroy this monster. But he also has weaknesses and ulcerative points:

1 The turret roof is the most sensitive spot on the IS-3. A chamber shell hitting this zone disables the tank for a long time. So you need to attack from a hill there.
2 Lower front detail. If the terrain allows, a shot there can cause a fire and disable the transmission with the engine.
3 The driver's hatch is difficult to hit, but you can try.
4 The side and stern are armored weaker than the tower, so there is a chance of penetration.

Unlike many tanks, the IS-3 tries not to stand up to the enemy in a rhombus - armor joints are also one of weaknesses cars.

It is unlikely that fans of the IL 2 Sturmovik 8 years ago could have believed that thousands and thousands of people from all over the world would take part in air battles. Almost all studios have tried to fulfill this idea in creating a similar one. However actual scale succeeded only with the Gaijin company and its War Thunder. With this game, simply indescribable abilities are revealed. How, what, why? - this article answers the data and almost all other questions. Therefore, let's get started!

First, you need to understand that - the project is absolutely for everyone. Specifically, we will talk about the arcade mode. Other online you can see on our website in the presented section. The War Thunder game is full of goodies, but almost completely focused on real aircraft models and those. aviation data: the rate of climb of the aircraft, the moment of turn, the maximum flight speed - all these are by no means simply values, but necessary characteristics that have a specific impact on the behavior of the aircraft.

The first pass for beginners, which will be easily noticed by the experienced eye of veteran flight simulator players, is an inexorable desire to quickly enter the anarchic battle. Players lose height, creep along the surface of the earth and spin with literally the same enemies on small heels. Needless to say, what these beginners do on absolutely any airplanes. Doing so is strictly prohibited. The principal asset of victory in battle is headroom and tactical superiority.

How to play War Thunder in a bomber

This means that we have understood the main thing - with the beginning of the round, it is necessary to immediately gain altitude, assess the situation and detect the enemies that have strayed from the jamb.

Your target is only the ground. Unfortunately, not everyone understands this. Quite often one can see that some healthy Henkel is spinning in the very thick of the fight and is trying to put opponents under the flames of airborne weapons. And this, in turn, calls for legal negativity on the part of teammates.

How to play War Thunder in an attack aircraft

It is already easier for attack aircraft, although there are forbidden tricks for them. Possessing strong weapons, aircraft of this class are not at all adapted to mobile fights.

If you want to unleash your unique military potential, then try to work with single aircraft using the boom-zoom strategy. In other words, he dived, slapped and, at the still highest speed, retired to a non-dangerous distance and height.

How to play War Thunder in a fighter jet

Smoothly step over to the fighters. However, do not rush to rub your hands gratifyingly - aircraft, including those of this class, are not always suitable for an exhausting duel. Specifically, the values ​​are significant here.

Having gained altitude, a fighter in the hands of craftsmen is a terrible power. You have the power to control the aircraft as you see fit in a particular situation. Bomber hunting is probably the best choice - if you're lucky with your bird's weapons, of course. Quite often, the finale of the battle is decided by the ground forces destroyed to dust, and not by the enemy planes shot down. However, if you meet an excellent team, then it is allowed to bring the number of enemy aircraft in the air to zero.

Again, mindlessly flying into the mess is no good. Watching from a height how the battle is going on, you can become that saving power for the team that will decide the final battle.

Don't forget about boom-zoom. In addition, it is even easier for fighters to do this maneuver. Within a couple of minutes. allowed to copy it a certain number of times and deal with several enemies. Mobile combat is also a fighter environment, but in it it is fundamentally important to get out of the pile in time and drop the tail. If you continue to spin near the ground itself, then sooner or later you will collide with it.


Finally, let's return to the aircraft data. Don't forget about speed! Take the trouble to evaluate it in comparison with those aircraft that you most often encounter in duels. Useful, you can see and circle on any of them without purchasing. You will certainly find those who will blow you through dry numbers - with such rivals it will be possible to use the effectiveness of vertical maneuvers. It is enough to famously descend, make a burst on the enemy's fuselage and go to the vertical, and then watch how the damaged competitor puffs up in an effort to accumulate altitude behind you. From time to time, one exact turn of lead is enough.

The same applies to turn time, even more so. It is this parameter that describes how much room your aircraft will need to make a 180-degree deployment - the most important feature for a maneuverable combat. After all, if your opponent turns around sooner, then you will very quickly lose your superiority, and turn from a hunter into a victim. We also advise you to look

Hello to all readers of my blog!

Today we have a very interesting topic dedicated to popular game, which has long been assigned the status of one of the best browsers.

This online game is not disregarded every day by avid fans of military online games.

They strive to take off into the sky, show their skills as pilots, and take part in battles with opponents. The number of fans of the game is growing every day, it is constantly joined by an increasing number of beginners who at first have minimal skills and are unfamiliar with all the nuances of piloting.

Therefore, we decided to reveal the main secrets and tricks War games thunder.

The best World War II game with amazing realistic graphics and real historical events affects the mind bewitchingly. The secrets will help you learn the main features of the technology of that time and fully experience the inertia in managing it.

You will play with pleasure, watching the stunningly beautiful landscapes from the cockpit: large industrial cities, picturesque villages, vast fields, forests. The review is useful not only for beginners, but also for more advanced gamers who aspire to become leaders in the game.

From this article you will learn:

Battle modes

The online game has 2 battle modes - historical and arcade.

The first can be attributed to hardcore fun, as it implies the reproduction of real historical battles and harsh physics. The variant is much more interesting than the "arcade" one, although a smaller number of players usually play here.

In addition, you can take part in multiplayer battles that lead to a spectacular championship.

Regardless of the selected mode, there are secrets and tricks war thunder, helping to conduct the correct combat technique and pilot.

Everything you need to know!

  1. Landing in the online game starts from the airfield 5 km away. As soon as you reach this mark, start to reset the thrust. At the same time, focus on approximately 5%, taking into account thrust - it is greater, the greater the mass of the aircraft.
  2. Reduce the speed of the combat vehicle to 100 km/h when approaching the runway.
  3. When landing, do not slow down hard or abruptly - there is a risk that you will roll over.
  4. Landing and not leading your shadow? You are still quite high above the strip. Slow down until you see a shadow.
  5. In War thunder, all fighters tend to bombers, so you need to stay close to them.
  6. Choose an opponent, fly up to him no more than 400 meters and start shooting. Try to aim at the canopy or the cockpit.
  7. If you are behind the enemy, take a position above him.
  8. Attack bombers or attack aircraft by diving. Only in this way will you defeat them, because these machines have too strong a bottom.
  9. If your attack tactic fails, try to catch the plane that is constantly spinning.
  10. Don't jump into the fight first without enough great experience, as almost all rivals will try to knock you down.
  11. Now the next moment - tanks secrets and tricks. Everything is simple here, you need to pump the crew. The more he is pumped, the better he will show himself in battle. For example, if you pump portability to the maximum, then you can subject enemies to overloads and throw them off your tail. In battles, you are awarded skill points, distribute them among the skills of the crew. First of all, it is better to pump "survivability".

A couple of snacks!

On the initial stage all players are given game currency in the amount of 240 eagles. But, if you register by invitation, then you will be charged an additional 50 eagles.

A trick that allows you to get closer to 700 meters, but which not all players know about. Lock the target with the middle mouse button or the X button.

You will see a circle indicating the location of the enemy aircraft. The meaning of this secret is that you will be able to shoot ahead of moving targets.

In the secrets of the War thunder game, we tried to put everything that will help you become a real ace and one of the best advanced players. Share these tricks with your friends, especially if you plan to become their allies. Get real pleasure from the battles!

We will be happy to reveal all the features of the game in the future, so do not forget to subscribe to our blog. See you!

Analysis of medium tanks as a class of equipment. We will determine the general advantages and disadvantages of this type of vehicles, as well as dwell on the correct and incorrect tactical use of them in battle in War Thunder.

First of all, let's define strong and weaknesses medium tanks.

Their main advantage is high mobility, allowing you to quickly move around the map. For example, the T-34-85 has a maximum speed of 57 km/h.
But medium tanks have no serious shortcomings - firepower allows you to deal with all your direct competitors, and even in collisions with well-protected targets, the gun of medium tanks is able to hit them in weakened zones in the armor. For example, the Pz.III M armor penetration of the PzGr40 projectile is 100 mm at 100 m.
The armor protection of medium tanks cannot be called bad, after all, it can protect a combat vehicle from some shells.

Medium tanks are multi-purpose vehicles that combine high firepower, a decent level of protection and excellent mobility indicators (the T-54 is a prime example).

Now let's analyze the basic principles of the tactical use of medium tanks in battle.
The first and most important thing you need to understand is that medium tanks are not designed to directly collide with enemy vehicles. Therefore, in situations where two heavy tanks are exchanging fire with each other, you should not climb between a rock and a hard place, exposing your insufficiently strong armor to the impact of enemy shells. In most cases, your car will simply be destroyed with a minimum of effort. And you, in turn, will deprive your team of the trunk, which could be very useful in the final phase of the battle. Therefore, using the high mobility of our vehicle, hiding in the folds of the terrain and behind natural obstacles, we go to the rear of the enemy, who is completely absorbed in a firefight with your allies and discharge our gun on the “soft” stern and sides, destroying an unsuspecting enemy tank. And without damaging your car.

Another duty of medium tanks is to close the gap in the defense. Specifically, the capture of the capture from their points, which encroach on enemy tanks. It often happens that a group of enemy tanks or a single vehicle breaks through one of the flanks, taking capture points one by one, thereby bringing victory to their team, even if your team has a huge advantage in technology. After all, everyone is at the forefront, while the enemy wools in the rear. It is here that medium tanks rise to the forefront, which, again, using high speed movement, they can withdraw from their positions, quickly move to the zone that the enemy takes and knock out their points from the clutches of the adversary, thus saving the Sami for the team precious victory points.
All of the above fully applies to the return to close the gap in the defense, that is, to create an additional defensive line.

But medium tanks are useful not only in defense. Their dynamics and evil guns are extremely necessary at the very edge of the attack, that is, a quick breakthrough to the most important firing points on the map is one of the priority tasks of the ST. A tactically correct occupied position will help to keep the direction even alone against superior enemy forces. And the competent use of your weapons will turn your position into an impregnable fortress. This will help the allies, freeing them up for action on other flanks, and will create a numerical superiority in tanks there, which will ultimately lead to the main goal of any battle - victory.

There is also another important point that many often forget about when going into battle on medium tanks. In addition to you, there are other players in the team who come into battle on various types of vehicles, such as self-propelled artillery mounts and heavy tanks. These vehicles usually have very serious frontal armor and mediocrely protected sides and stern. Accordingly, they often fall victim to enemy medium tanks that manage to get into close combat with them. Your task is to protect your clumsy and clumsy ally from such encroachments, thus killing two birds with one stone - in general, you save an extra barrel for the team and destroy another enemy vehicle, inexorably bringing the enemy's imminent surrender.
With such simple actions, a local advantage is achieved in certain parts of the map, from which the overall victory in battles is forged.

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About how to fly correctly, what and how to use tactics in battle and what techniques are more beneficial in battle. In the previous guide War Thunder : tactics and combat techniques (Part 1) you can get acquainted with successful techniques in battle, as well as a guide to action in various situations of attack, defense and more!

An excellent maneuver in battle - scissors!

The enemy sat on your tail, in a figurative sense, of course, and is going to attack. It would seem that the collapse is inevitable, but no. There is a great technique to throw the enemy off the tail - it is called "scissors". It was invented by the pilots of the Second World War. So, what should be done in this case?

The aircraft should be braked sharply, that is, reduce speed, thereby letting the pursuing aircraft forward. How to slow down? We use two elements for braking - combat closed and dropped thrust. Then we do this: we lie down on the right wing, and then we go into a half turn (discussed in the first part). Now comes the completion of the coup with a half-turn. Thus, the pilot can not only throw off his tail, but also open up the opportunity to attack the enemy!

Barrel with tar

Aerobatics "Barrel", which was already mentioned in the guide "Var Thunder Tactics - Aerobatics", serves very good weapon if used correctly. Backa is great for both attack and defense.

The execution is as follows. At a speed of about 400 km / h, it is necessary to twist the plane horizontally in any direction. Remember not to spin the barrel too long, as it affects the pilot's well-being, and he can plunge into a red fog. Also, one should not forget that the left roll is more difficult to perform than the right one due to the direction of rotation of the propeller of the aircraft.

On an aircraft with a small wingspan, the roll will be much easier to perform. By the way, if you know some points about the performance of this aerobatics, then the barrel turns into a serious weapon, and not just a beautiful trick. When lifting the nose of the aircraft a little up, with the help of the steering wheel, a completely different element is obtained, called the “shell”. It looks like a barrel, but in appearance, the plane goes up in a spiral - that is, it is screwed into the sky, like a corkscrew into a bottle of wine. For the barrel, the pitch control should be moved to the extreme position (any) and immediately start turning the aircraft. So you can avoid the exact aiming of enemy weapons.

By the way, to change positions from the victim to the attacker, you can do the following. The barrel is complemented by braking or sliding maneuvers. Here's what you need to do to let the enemy go forward. At a sufficient distance for maneuver, we sharply slow down, describe the tub and exit it “upside down”. The result is this: the enemy pulls forward, and the player aims, hovering right above him. Then everything is in the hands of the pilot!

Sharp turn

In war, you can not do without sudden movements and risks. Aviation is no exception. A sharp turn was named after one pilot - Immelman. It (the maneuver) has also already been written about earlier, so we will briefly describe its essence, and consider the application in more detail. The trick is to get into high gear and then return to a horizontal position.

What is the practical value of this maneuver? The Immelmann turn helps to change the pursuit position to the head-on position. Thus, the player's aircraft is significantly higher than the enemy's and there is an opportunity for an attack or more free maneuvering.

A combat turn allows the pilot to gain altitude while changing direction and at the same time not losing much speed. Yes it is possible! To perform, the speed must be about 350 km / h. The plane goes into a roll on any wing, simultaneously raising its nose up. As you gain altitude, feel free to step on the gas. Then the plane is leveled in a horizontal plane and gets almost the same speed and opportunity to attack.

Frontal attack is extremely dangerous!

Why is a head-on attack so dangerous? Yes, because neither the opponent nor the player can avoid losses. How to act in such a case? The best solution is to avoid such situations. But if you still had to go head-on, then the following tips will help.

When you and an enemy aircraft are rushing towards each other at high speed, it is very important to keep track of the distance to the enemy, since you can only start shooting from a certain distance. Planes in War Thunder only hit closer than a kilometer between planes. It is best to approach 900 meters, and only then open fire.

Another tip - don't get too carried away when shooting at the enemy, but remember that you can also get shot by him! In the case of a frontal attack, you should definitely combine shooting and barreling to make it harder for the enemy to hit you. And one more thing: at a distance of about 300 meters from the enemy, it is better to stop the attack, especially if the enemy has not received serious damage. In this case, turn the cab upside down to avoid hitting it, and bank to the side and down. It is worth remembering that such maneuvers are performed only at a sufficient height!


How to cope with such heavy opponents as bombers in War Thunder? Do not wait for the moment when he sits on your tail. It is best to start attacking him yourself. You need to try to fly above him and a little ahead. From this position, it will be very easy to shoot the enemy's cockpit or just shoot at him.


First, the ammunition must be chosen wisely. Read about it here: Secrets of War Thunder - ammo racks and bullets. Secondly, you should study the markings of the aiming well. The advice is this - practice aiming on your plane. Then in battle it will be much easier to hit the enemy, taking into account the lead.

Thirdly, savings must be economical! You should not inflame in the fire to the enemy, it would be much better to reduce the distance to three hundred meters and only then start the fire. This is so because the enemy is likely to dodge your attacks. By the way, in pursuit, it’s better not to aim at the enemy’s tail, but a little to the side.

Group harassment

In this type of air combat, one must be very careful. If you see a single plane and that crowds of planes are rushing towards it, do not repeat after them in any case. Better look for another target, otherwise, in the heat of fire, your allies will shoot the wings of your plane too.

Pursuit with an ally of the same target is also an interesting form of combat. You don't have to do everything at the same time. On the contrary, if the enemy goes into a turn, then you should split up - one flies after him, and the other bypasses him and goes head-on. This is a very effective method of combat!

The main thing is not to give up!

It is impossible to immediately assimilate and apply everything that you have learned in flight. All skills come with experience. The main thing is to be determined and act. Fly, maneuver, shoot more accurately, perform dangerous turns, gain potential for growth and attacks. And one more thing - if you are being hunted, fight for the life of the winged iron flying car in War Thunder to the last! Only then will the young pilot achieve inevitable success!