How to craft cookies in minecraft. How to make cookies in Minecraft? How to get cookie ingredients in minecraft

How to make cookies in Minecraft? In earlier versions of the game, when this type of food first appeared, cookies were rare and completely ineffective. The reason for this was that cocoa beans, which are needed to craft cookies, could only be found in treasuries. However, since version 1.3.1, cocoa beans began to appear on trees in the jungle, and due to the fact that they can now be grown by yourself, this type of food has completely lost its value.

Cookies in Minecraft

One cookie restores 2 hunger units and only 0.4 saturation units, which is the smallest indicator among all types of food in Minecraft. So a player who eats only cookies will quickly get hungry. The same bread has as much as 6 units, not to mention other food, for example, or pork has as much as 12.8 units of saturation.

Cookie craft

Well, let's look at how to make cookies in Minecraft and what is needed to craft it. As you can see in the image, there is nothing tricky in the production of this delicacy, all materials do not need pre-processing, moreover, they can be found in nature if you find an NPC village and get wheat there. For crafting, only two bunches of wheat and a handful of cocoa beans are needed. We place cocoa beans between two units of wheat - and our cookies are ready. When it is made, the player receives eight cookies for one craft. If you eat them all at once, then after satisfying your hunger, they will be equivalent to two pieces of fried pork or beef. This type of food will be a good substitute for bread if the player is short of wheat, as cocoa beans are easier and faster to grow. In addition, cookies will restore more hunger points than bread. You can also buy our delicacy from the villagers: for just one emerald you will get from 6 to 8 pieces.


All the most detailed information can be easily found on the Minecraft Wiki website. How to make cookies and where to get the ingredients for it is described in sufficient detail. Keep in mind that cookies have a very low satiety value. This means that the player will almost immediately get hungry again after taking it as food. Everyone who plays Minecraft is not recommended to eat cookies often and in large quantities, it is best to use it when it is necessary to extinguish no more than two to four hunger units, for example, in order to restore health. I hope that after reading this article you will not have any more questions about how to make cookies in Minecraft.

Hello, Minecraft is very rich in recipes for cooking various foods. And you need to know them all, because here you need to eat in order to survive. You can also snack on cookies, which restore 0.5 units of satiety. So what do you need to make cookies in minecraft.

For crafting you need:

  1. Two units of wheat;
  2. One piece of cocoa beans.

How to do:

Place cocoa beans in the middle of the workbench, and put wheat on its sides. Your cookies are ready.

cookies restore 0.5 units of hunger (satiation)

Where to find cocoa beans

Cocoa beans cannot be crafted without mods, but can be found. They mostly grow on trees in the jungle, but they can also be found in treasure chests.

You can grow wheat yourself or collect it ready-made in the villages.

I would like to note that it is much more profitable to make cookies than bread (especially if you live in the jungle). After all, to create bread, you need 6 units of wheat, to create cookies, only two. Moreover, you will receive eight cookies, and one bread. Eating cookies in the Minecraft game is better when you go somewhere to travel. It is also recommended to eat it when you go to the mine. If the player has cookies, then he can quickly replenish satiety.

In the Minecraft game, you can make various food using a number of ingredients. But cookies are the most popular among players, as they quickly restore health. It can be obtained from just two ingredients. How to make cookies in Minecraft is described below.

How to make cookies in minecraft

Before making cookies in the Minecraft game, you will need to find the following ingredients:

  • wheat - 2 cereals;
  • cocoa bean - 1 pc.;

To make cookies, you need to place two ears of wheat in the crafting grid, and place a cocoa bean between them. Thus, you will get the necessary delicacy that will help you instantly restore health.

How to get cookie ingredients in minecraft

Please note that in order to search for such ingredients, you will first need to go to the nearest village. There, local residents always grow wheat in large quantities on their plots. You will need to sneak onto one of them to steal the coveted ingredient or pay for it if you have extra money.

To get the coveted cocoa bean, you will need to comb the jungle in search of a cocoa tree. It is necessary to be especially careful during this. After all, the fruit on a cocoa tree can be closed with a thick sheet or located at the very top.

In order to replenish health and hunger scale, Minecraft players need to eat. Getting food is pretty easy. You can cook a steak from the meat of a cow peacefully walking around the area or from other living creatures. If you are a farmer, then it will not be difficult for you to make bread. But today we will talk about the most beautiful thing for gamers with a sweet tooth - cookies. Namely, how to craft cookies, as well as how it is better than bread.

How to craft cookies in Minecraft

In order to make cookies, you first need to get:

  • wheat
  • cocoa beans.

Now the recipe itself. Find, grow or steal two wheat and one cocoa bean. Oven or oven (as in real life) we do not need. We will cook cookies using a workbench. It's strange, but there's nothing you can do about it. We open the workbench. In the middle we place cocoa beans, and to the left and right of the beans we place wheat. In total, with the help of two units of wheat and one cocoa bean, we will get four delicious cookies.

Where to find cocoa beans

Cocoa beans used to be very difficult to get, but after patching the game, you will find a lot of beans in the jungle. They look like little brown balls. In addition, just like before, you can find cocoa beans in treasure chests.

Where to find wheat

With wheat, the situation is more complicated. After all, farming is not easy. You need to craft a hoe, find seeds, protect your garden from wild animals that can inadvertently ruin everything. There are other ways to get wheat.

If you are too lazy to farm, then just buy wheat at any. Just go to the villager, click on him right click mouse, after which the trading window will open. Choose wheat, for 10 units of wheat you will have to pay one ingot of iron or one emerald. Expensive? Then there is only one option - to steal. Straight from the garden of any villager. This, of course, is low and vile, but still - if you are completely lazy, then theft is also an option.

Cookie crafting video

But why all the same cookies?

Compare cookies with other types of food. The most popular and in demand is bread. It restores a lot of health, and also satisfies hunger well. We will compare our cookies with it. Bread is made from three units of wheat, and cookies from two. After crafting in (in the case of cookies) we get 4 cookies at once, but there is only one bread. It turns out that cookies are easier and more profitable to prepare - given that cocoa beans are now quite easy to get. Now let's compare what still restores the player's health better and helps to satisfy hunger. Cookies restore 4 hearts and two hunger bars, and bread doubles that. But we can get four times as many cookies. It turns out that cookies are a more profitable food product.

Cooking in Minecraft plays a significant role in the development and survival of the character. This is due to the fact that the need to satisfy hunger is one of the main tasks facing a player who goes on a long journey or deep underground. Now we will look at how to make cookies in Minecraft, and also what is their difference from other food that you could cook.


As logic can tell to those who have actually done cooking at least once, the first and main ingredient for making cookies is flour. Unfortunately, the creators of the game missed this wonderful stage in the life of the product, so we need the source material. Correctly. This is wheat. For the manufacture of eight pieces of cookies, we need only two shocks of hay. Thus, we go to dig grass and look for grains, and then we arrange a bed near the house. When the millet is ripe, do not forget to plant a new one, and the leftovers can be used in cooking.

How to make cookies in Minecraft? You will need a second ingredient. It is not difficult to guess that if you are making cookies, you will need cocoa. In the game, this item is replaced by cocoa beans. You can only find them in the jungle, which can be a problem for you, since this biome spawns quite rarely.


The cooking process in the game is not very well thought out, so make sure you have a workbench. Yes, yes, you do not have to make any boilers and pans, and baking cookies will take place on the workbench, and not in the oven. So how to craft cookies in Minecraft if you have already collected everything you need?

Open the workbench interface. How to make cookies in Minecraft? We lay out the ingredients in the central line in the following order: wheat, cocoa beans, wheat. As you can see, the result of crafting will be 8 cookies.


In addition, in order to simply find the answer to the question: "How to make cookies in Minecraft?", you must also be aware of why you need it. For example, you can buy cookies from villagers. It's much easier than looking for cocoa beans in the jungle. However, villages spawn much less frequently than the same forests, so the choice is yours.

In addition, the question is: "How to make cookies in Minecraft?" - irrelevant also because the cookie satisfies only one unit of hunger. As you understand, this is very small, and it is much easier to take fruit or a pack with you on the road. This will provide you with a much greater opportunity to exist without a home.

Other recipes

If you still figured out how to make cookies in Minecraft, then you should think about where to apply them. AT original game There are not so many ways to do something with cookies, but installing CookieMod opens up a wide range of uses for cookies in cooking.

  • You can make chocolate chip cookies by adding even more cocoa.
  • Or, for example, cookies with powdered sugar, as you might guess, are obtained by adding sugar to the finished cookie.
  • If you put several dyes in cookies, you will get a product with colored dragees.

This is an incomplete list of changes and recipes that the cooking mod will bring to the game. Therefore, if you are interested in the cooking process itself, feel free to install it on top of Minecraft.