How to learn to do card tricks. Some simple but effective tricks with cards. Training in the card trick "Black and Red"

Magic and optical illusions using cards have always been interesting and intriguing. To learn, you will need a deck of cards, a table and a desire to acquire skills and craftsmanship. You can always practice these tricks in front of an audience afterwards.

Find in the deck the cards chosen by two spectators

Even the easiest card tricks make a lasting impression on the audience.

This is perhaps not the most, but it always produces an amazing effect on the public.

  • Let the first spectator choose any card they like from the deck and show it.
  • In the same way, the second participant in the trick chooses another card.
  • In front of everyone, put each one in turn into a deck and mix them.
  • Now start searching for the first card, sorting through the entire deck in turn.
  • Then, as she was found, with her help find the second card, swiping the card over the deck laid out on the table. At the same time, let the viewer himself ask to stop in any place convenient for him, and when you turn over the card, there will suddenly be a second one.

Learning the Secrets of Focus

Focus video:

For the focus to be successful, remember step by step instructions, view, practice doing it several times alone and you will succeed!

  1. All the subtleties and nuances of your tricks should always be kept secret and not told to anyone.
  2. Never comment on your actions and manipulations, the moment of surprise is very important.
  3. Try to never repeat the same trick several times in a row.
  4. Never show a trick if it is poorly learned and rehearsed.
  5. Many tricks require memorizing cards frequently, so train your memory.
  6. Study the psychological principles of influencing the audience.
  7. Master the Basics mechanical engineering performing tricks.

If you want to surprise your friends, then card tricks are what you need. Almost everyone likes such “magic”, although there is nothing magical about them. All it takes to master a few moves is a bit of practice, some artistry, and sometimes special equipment. The simplest tricks can be learned literally in the evening.


For a successful performance, you need master basic mechanics (replacing one card with another, shuffling in a certain order). The secret to most tricks is sleight of hand. Therefore, until you bring your actions to automatism, do not demonstrate to the audience.

The second important aspect of a successful number is manipulation of the mind of the viewer . Your goal is to distract the observer so that he does not concentrate on important details, to make him believe in a miracle. The real focus is a performance in which every little thing counts: your clothes, every look and every word must be prepared in advance. All transitions between actions should be clear and fast so that no one notices the catch.

IMPORTANT! 4 top tips for a magician:

  • Do not reveal the essence of the trick.
  • Do not show the focus to the audience twice in a row.
  • Do not show a "raw" number.
  • Speak only the speech prepared in advance.

Simple tricks

If you haven't done tricks before, it's best to start with something simple. Watch the video and master these three tricks, and at the next meeting with your friends you will have something to surprise them with.

Three cards

Focus "3 cards of Monte"

This trick is very popular among both illusionists and ordinary scammers (you probably saw how on the street they offer to guess where the ace is for money). One of its names is3 Monte cards, learn it is quite easy for him.

Essence: the host shuffles and lays them face down three cards (1 figured, two ordinary), and the viewer must guess where the Ace lies.

The secret may be different. Someone uses pre-prepared gaff cards. For example, one of them may have a corner from the other (when the magician shows all three, he holds them in a “fan” so that this is not visible). Experienced illusionists use only sleight of hand. In total, there are dozens of variants of this trick.

call a friend

Essence: you ask the spectator to choose a card and show it to everyone around.Now we call a friend and pass the phone to the viewer. We clarify that the person's name is Michael. And he really calls correctly!

The trick is that all cards in the deck will get their own name. You and your assistant only need to memorize this code. When you pretend to give a person's name, you are actually giving a hint.


This trick involves two people and a magician.

Essence: guess two cards guessed by two different people.

How to do it: collect all red suits in the upper part of the deck, and black ones in the lower part. Have the first person remove any card from the top, memorize it, and put it down. The second will need to do the opposite.

Then you quickly flip through the deck to see and remember the hidden ones (they will differ in suit from the rest), mix well, flip through again and take them out.

Learning tricks with cards it is knowing the secret of focus and training before the real performance. You can practice doing tricks in front of a mirror. Bring the show to the audience to automatism. Then you can perform a card trick in any setting. Practice doing some simple tricks with cards that even kids can make.

How to guess one card out of five

To show focus you will need:

  • Card deck
  • table.

Announce to your viewers that you are a mind reader and will be able to easily guess the card conceived by the audience from your magic deck. Call four volunteers (assistants) from the hall, seat them at the table and give them cards (5 each).

Ask everyone to guess one of the cards in their hand. Now collect all the cards (one at a time, in a circle), arrange them into five piles. During this procedure, say some magic words.

Invite the assistants to choose the stack of cards they like and give it to you. Spread the cards in a fan and turn the picture towards the audience. Ask the assistants which of them noticed their card. As soon as someone answers, you will immediately pull out the hidden card. If the chosen pile does not contain the desired card, draw another pile. She, too, must be chosen by assistants.

The most interesting thing is that in any case you guess desired card, even if there are several hidden cards in the pile.

Learning this card trick.

In this room, only you know the secret of the trick. The thing is that you take the "five cards" clockwise: first from the first assistant to your left, then further in a circle. At this time, you hold the cards face down, your stack of cards will be the last one, it will also be on top of the pack. After that, you will lay out the cards again, five in each pile.

In each pile, the cards will lie in the order in which you collected them from those sitting at the table. For example, if the fourth assistant sees his card, then this means that his card is the fourth from the top of the pile; if the first, then the card is the first. Your task is to collect the cards in such a way that the audience does not guess about the specific order of "card collection".

Here's a distraction for this - magic words. You can think of something else to distract the viewers. For example, let them count down from 20 to 0.

Another trick with cards called - Four aces.

For focus you will need:

  • Card deck

Announce to your viewers that you know one secret card trick - drawing aces. It was given to you by one well-known card player, the same one that is mentioned in the “Queen of Spades” by A. S. Pushkin, Count Saint-Germain (this can be said if you have adults among the audience).

You will succeed, without digging in a deck of cards, to pull out four aces. Call anyone from the hall, let him name any number between 10 and 20. Now take the same number of cards from the deck and set aside a separate pile. Add together the numbers of this number (for example, 12 \u003d 1 + 2) and remove the same number of cards from the top of the pile. Now you can put them back in place.

Set the very first card from the top to another place face down, and return all other cards to their place. Again ask the audience to name any number from ten to twenty and do the same operation as at the beginning of the trick. This whole procedure must be repeated 4 times so that you have 4 cards set aside. Now you say the magic words: “Cribble-crable-booms”, unfold the cards with a fan of pictures towards you, wave them and turn the pattern towards the audience. You have four aces in your hand.

Learning to show this trick.

  • Put aces in advance on 9, 10, 11 and 12 places at the top of the deck, then everything will go by itself.
  • The main thing - do not let the cards shuffle at the beginning of the trick.

So, no training is needed - the focus will turn out by itself. You will need: a deck of cards, a table.

With a deft movement, pull out the deck, unfold and fan it in front of the audience. Then select 10 cards from the top. Put the rest aside. Lay out the cards in front of the audience: the first on top - face up, the second on top - under the bottom of the pile (do not turn the card over), then again one - face up, the second - under the bottom of the pile, until all 10 cards from the pile have been in your hands and will not be on the table.

All movements must be done quickly and clearly, without hesitation. In a moment, a row of red and black cards will appear on the table in front of your spectators.

Each of us has seen magicians at least once in our lives. I bet what amazed us all was what they did with cards, string, balloons, coins and other things. How they make a cut rope become whole again, how a knot disappears, how a handkerchief of one color turns into another, and how they perform their tricks with cards. Always showing, the one you remember? I think many of us would like to learn these miracles to surprise our relatives, friends and acquaintances.

Now I want to lift the veil of secrecy, and tell dear readers a few secrets to perform fairly simple card tricks that even beginners can do.

And the first thing I'll start with is miracles with cards. Namely, from one of the famous tricks, "guess which card." This is of course one of many options. To make it easier to understand the essence, I present to your attention a plan for the phased implementation of the focus.

Focus guess the card

The essence of this card trick is that you invite the audience to choose a card from the pile proposed by you, and then show it. Everything is very familiar

Focus secret:

  • Take a few cards from the main deck, preferably 10-15 of course. Lay them face down on the table. Be sure to pay attention to how many cards you offered and the very first of them in the layout.
  • Then ask the audience to choose a card and remember its serial number, i.e. what number it lies on the table from the first card. After that, collect all the cards, observing the following conditions: you need to collect it face down, starting from the end. Lay each card on top of the previous one.
  • Next, ask someone to put on top and bottom of the pile in your hand, cards from the remaining deck, the number of them may vary. Let at least the whole deck be laid out, the most important thing is not to interfere with the cards!
  • The next step is that you will look for a card made by the viewer. To do this, ask him to name the serial number of the card. Shift the stack until you come across a card that you yourself memorized (this is the beginning of the deck) and then start counting up to the number that the person called you. That is, you start counting from the first card, and since you knew the whole number, it is easy to find the right one.

The second version of the "guess the card" trick

The essence is the same.

  • Focus, prepared in advance, without the presence of spectators. Take a deck, lay out all the cards by suit and in ascending or descending order. Those. ace, king, queen, jack, 10,9,8,7,6 and all hearts. Do the same with the other three suits. Then stack these stacks on top of each other.
  • Offer to choose a card, memorize it and put it back in the deck in any place.
  • After that, start looking, believe me, you will find it right away, because. it will either be of a different suit than the others, or the order of the layout will be broken.

Focus four ladies

The bottom line: From the entire deck, you, in some miraculous way, will choose all four ladies.

  • Take a deck, lay out the first twenty cards so that the ladies are ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth in a row. These cards are placed on top of the entire deck (this is of course better done in advance).
  • Ask those around you to name a number from 10 to 20. Count the same number of cards from above. For example, you were told the number 15, then you count 15 cards.
  • Then count the sum of the digits of this number (i.e. 15 is 1+5=6). And out of those 15, now count six from the top too.
  • Set the top card aside. The remaining nine and five cards are placed on top of the deck, first five, then nine. All these steps are repeated three more times.
  • At the end, you should have four ladies lying on the table.

This trick can be done with other cards of the same rank.

Focus Reversed Card

The essence of the trick: You spread the deck in a fan, ask the spectator to choose, remember a card and insert it back. And then, shifting the cards, you find only one turned card, and it turns out to be the one that the viewer thought of.

  • In advance, the last card in the fan is turned over to face you.
  • In front of people, unfold the deck like a fan, upside down so that the last card is not visible.
  • While the viewer remembers the card, you collect the rest in your deck, and unnoticed by others turn it over, i.e. the top of the deck is now at the bottom, and the bottom at the top. Next, the spectator inserts the card back.
  • Quickly flip the top card face up behind your back, so you have all cards face down except for one.

Focus Find the card in the spectator's pocket

The bottom line: The spectator chooses a card, and then it ends up in his pocket.

Focus secret:

  • You ask the spectator to shuffle the deck, choose any card, memorize it, and put it on top of the deck.
  • After that, with your palm already moistened, you put your hands on the deck and press it. You remove your hands and the top card sticks to you. Be careful, the viewer should not notice what you have in your hand.
  • Then ask the person to also press the deck as soon as you did, and discreetly put the card in his pocket.

Well, that's all the secrets for today. I hope my knowledge will help you. You will learn this tricky business and will entertain all your friends.

Hello again my dear followers!

Sergey Kulikov is in direct contact with you again, he is your obedient servant - Sailor!

Our today's article is called "Cool trick" Do not be a magician. Tricks for beginners learning with cards. She will be dedicated to one really very cool trick which I love to show. And I show it very often, because I love simple and spectacular tricks. I think you've noticed that in magic tricks, I primarily appreciate the simplicity of the method.

Here everything is so simple that even a child or a beginner can show this trick. But if you are already average level or even higher, then still do not pass by, as this focus is very effective! If you want to learn a couple more simple and effective tricks, then you are here: "" and "".

Well, in the meantime, we'll move on to our trick! Before the trick, we mix the deck well, let the viewer mix it. In general, we do everything with it that only we and the viewer want :) Then we offer the viewer to choose a card, he chooses, we put it in the deck and again mix the deck well.

But then, we begin to interfere with the deck in an absolutely strange way - we interfere with its shirts to the faces! We interfere with this several times and lift as much as you like! We lay out the cards with a ribbon, and what we see with the viewer is complete chaos!

All, it would seem, the map can not be found. BUT! Remember the name of the trick! “Don’t be a magician” :) We snap a finger and .... we take out one card from all this mess, which lies face down.

And it really is a spectator card! We remember the surprised and uncomprehending face of the viewer, and then we go into the sunset to thunderous applause .. 🙂

Demonstrating and learning this wonderful trick

Well, on this beautiful note, I will be forced to leave you!

Sergei Kulikov was with you, he is a Sailor!

See you soon, dear subscribers!