How to play here of tank. How to start playing World of Tanks. Installation and registration. Step-by-step instruction. System requirements World of Tanks

To quickly understand the mechanics of the game and start playing much better, a weak player or a beginner needs to either hire a coach, or read this article himself and follow all the tips that are indicated in it.

good coaches you are unlikely to find. Most of them are strong players with high efficiency and win rate, but they can only increase your win rate, running with you in the same platoon (prices vary from 100 gold for one battle, regardless of the result, but guarantee 65% of wins) and sometimes give advice. They just run around and kill everyone, because newbies or weak players cannot compete with them in damage, and besides, you pay them for it. There are, of course, the so-called "professors", who begin to lecture on the features of the game (the tricks of financial and game management, the features of using technology in certain conditions, cards, and much more). One even told me the price - 100 rubles per hour (he was supposed to have a whole audience) or 300 rubles for an individual lesson. Yes, it was curiosity that made me talk in a "PM" with them. In internal chats, such conversations are banned for the "service provider", as WG considers such entrepreneurs to be its competitors, because they can offer in-game advantages that players can buy for gold.

Previously, I wanted to ride in a platoon with the pros, talk to them, and maybe try to understand them. It may be a discovery for someone, but the worldview and psychological characteristics of a person can help win more often than lose, and awareness and erudition are secondary. Spared the money. Then I managed to bring a couple of tanks to a good level and from time to time they themselves took me into their platoons.

Mentoring is a bad way to improve the quality of the game. But what should beginners do, how to learn how to play world of tanks? Here are the three most popular answers to this question that I found on the forums (golden words among a huge amount of verbiage and nonsense):

Just donate - invest in the game unless of course you have them. This method deserves to take 3rd place for its peremptory and stupidity.

Join a platoon, company, clan, they will help you learn how to play. A weak or inexperienced player can only be recruited into a Noob Platoon, Noobo Company, or Noobo Clan. In strong platoons, companies and clans, where they can teach something, there is even a special warning for beginners - "CRABI BY".

Watch streams, waters, guides and so on- this is the most best advice, I consider. You will learn a lot of new things, focus on important points. The guys spend their time, record videos of fights, are not too lazy to chew on all the essentials. They may have had to find out for themselves. But sometimes it’s unpleasant that some consider themselves to be the “navel of the earth” and the feeling that they simply amuse their pride on me does not leave.

But back to our question - "How to learn to play?". You need to educate yourself. But how to limit it to the necessary information - where to start and how to finish? Where do you always start solving any problem? That's right, with the definition of the goal you want to achieve. We will not consider increasing the average damage and increasing the number of wins as a goal, as these are just second-rate qualities of the game. We need to find an example of a good game. But not an example of good statistics, but an example of behavior in battle.

Guides will help you find such a pattern, but does not convey the feeling of being in a tank, does not allow you to put this tactic into practice, since this is a simple video. A wide variety of replays, and most importantly, are much better suited for self-study than professional advice. Watching the video, we seem to find ourselves inside the tank, but we do not control it. This provides a significant advantage over visual guides. We can compare our own and someone else's tank from different angles. And most importantly, we are spared the competent, but subjective comments of guide makers.

The peculiarity of learning from replays is that you learn on your own, without the help of a tutor and teacher, you need to learn to analyze, compare and think. Most who play world of tanks are not given this, but they can learn.

It is not worth watching everything carefully and not everything in a row. Everything you need to pay attention to is difficult to describe. You need to understand how the player managed to play so well that he put his replay on public display and start from that. I will describe the main points:

  1. how the player behaves in the endgame, then did in order to win
  2. where he aimed for the most likely penetration of tanks that are difficult to break through
  3. how a player places his tank when there is an open trade
  4. where and how did he manage to hide so that he would not be killed
  5. from what place the player killed or damaged so much

Once again I will say that replay brings a lot more information than a regular video. Separating what is needed and what is not is difficult at first. Therefore, you should not watch all the videos in a row, even despite how many kills and what damage they have. Beginners are sometimes very lucky and like to upload videos to show off. If the author has excellent statistics, then the behavior in battle is meaningful, he knows why and what he is doing (understand the logic of his actions).

It is necessary not only to look and admire, but to notice the mistakes that he makes, evaluate his positions, the risks and maneuvers that he takes, and be an impartial judge. It is thinking, not memorization, that produces effective learning outcomes.

If you watch replays from quality game, you will be able to increase your skill much more than by playing on your own. Then, on a subconscious level, you can act like the author of the video you watched. To draw parallels, guides are eco-lectures, and replays are a library. You can watch guides and play well, but to become the best, watch replays and not only others, but also make your own and then see what you did wrong.

The only way to learn how to play world of tanks is to see how they do it right, learn how to do it, and then improve your skills.

We increase the level of play on heavy tanks in World of Tanks. Hyde - the basics of tactics for TT.

In the World of Tanks, everything is tied to the thickness of the armor of vehicles and the penetration of shells. The balance of these values ​​balances both indicators. But there is also a technique that stands out from other machines. Thus, the class of heavy tanks has the best armor compared to other types. But this advantage must also be used wisely.

Let's designate ten basic rules of the game on heavy tanks (TT) in World of Tanks. More precisely, tips that will help you learn how to play better on heavyweights.

First rule

Heavyweight play often involves close combat with the enemy. An opponent playing on TT can be quite dangerous, if you don't know where to punch him, problems can arise. To avoid unpleasant penetrations, you should know where to aim at a particular tank.

Second rule

It is impossible to immediately learn all the weak and strong points of each tank. To begin with, it is enough to master one machine well and learn about it as much as possible. more information. Booking level various parts hulls and turrets, the location of modules and crew members, as well as weak points in armor will help determine its advantages and disadvantages.

Third rule

A well-placed hull and turret on a heavy weight relative to the enemy's barrel increases the chance of rebounding or not breaking through at all. On German TT effective method"tanking" is the position of the body "diamond". By placing one of the caterpillars in front of the enemy's trunk, the reduced armor increases. But there is a risk of breaking through the rink. Therefore, be vigilant.

On the heavyweights of Great Britain and the USA, the situation is slightly different. Their sides are poorly protected. In this case, it is better to expose the tank's forehead, turning the hull by only 10-12 degrees.

With Soviet TTs, everything is much more complicated, because their armor is quite specific and the methods described above will not work.

Fourth Rule

One of the elements of the game in battle is the "tanking" of the harp. It is necessary to leave the shelter, substituting the caterpillar (the forehead is hidden) at such an angle that the shells do not penetrate the armor. But specifically on each TT, this technique is purely individual. Not every heavy will be able to "tank" so effectively.

Fifth Rule

Use map relief. Some heavy tanks have good gun depressions. On small hills, their hull will be hidden, and the gun will allow you to hit the enemy due to good declination. If the tank's turret has strong armor, you can stand in the hole and "tank" away from the turret. But this is not always possible, given the presence of artillery in battle.

sixth rule

If there is artillery in the battle, then heavy tanks will be its main target. Most of them have a low speed and always "like" arte. Become on the side of the shelter, where it will be unlikely for her to get you. To do this, you need to at least know the standard places on the maps where the ACS are located.

Seventh Rule

Among the representatives of the class of heavy tanks, there are those that are difficult to call such. These are the French AMX 50B and the American T57. Their reservation does not correspond to the TT class. They should not be considered as a purchase if the goal is to learn how to play heavy.

Eighth rule

Having mastered the techniques of playing the TT, remember the following. The heavy tank should be in front and receive shots from enemies first. More durability points, and therefore more chances to survive. The task of the allies is to help you destroy the enemies, while playing the second number.

Ninth Rule

Monitor the situation in battle. Don't forget about the mini-map, it will give you a lot of useful information. Act according to the situation.

tenth rule

Rely on allies, but don't make a mistake yourself. Always play to win, do not rely on the team to do everything for you.

Now it remains to buy a weight and start improving your playing skills. If something does not work out and does not work out, then you need to be distracted. positive pastime - a series of games "Fire and Water". After a restful and relaxing gameplay, you can go back to honing your skills in playing heavy tanks.


If you are just starting to play WOT, then be sure to familiarize yourself with the terminology of the game. If you come across an unfamiliar or incomprehensible word, stop, look it up in the tanker's dictionary, in a simple dictionary, or in any search engine in the context of WOT, then continue reading.

      IMPORTANT What you need to know before you start playing tanks in general?
    1. Don't jump ahead

      • Never jump ahead. Under no circumstances jump ahead. Even if you really want to climb forward, and there should not be anyone there, do not climb forward. The cost of any mistake at low levels is very high. Especially in close combat.
      • Never be in the forefront, even if you are on a well-armored tank, but do not know how to play. You will still be killed, but it will be a few seconds later. Don't just leave.
      • It's better to stand than to ride. Other things being equal, there is more advantage in standing not on the front line of battle than in movement. Great speed in inept hands is a disadvantage. Low speed in inept hands is almost an advantage.
    2. survive Tank Conservation Law

    3. Deal Damage How to Deal Damage Effectively

      • The only real benefit you can bring if you don't know how to play is damage. Therefore, you should apply it from the safest possible place, if possible without substituting. This does not mean that you should stand stupidly in the middle of an open field. It is necessary to hide, but on the back line. Or not visible at all.
      • Brings maximum effect concentration of fire, because the rate of decrease of enemy barrels increases in proportion to the number of yours.
      • IMPORTANT Reduce the number of trunks. Any living tank shoots. Other things being equal, kill those with less HP.
    4. Concentrate Your Powers How to Deal Damage Effectively

    5. Only real gaming experience Easy to Learn, Hard to Master

    6. Newbie Gameplay Tanks and/or Newbie Gameplay: Artillery and AT

      Artillery and slow PTs. You do not need to be at the forefront of the attack (receiving potential damage from the enemy), you are more or less standing still (artillery) or calmly moving behind the battle line in the second rows (PT), dealing damage from a safe distance, gradually understanding the intricacies of military operations , features of maps, tactics and strategies of playing on different maps etc. On the initial stage it's the most important.

      Perks for personal leveling in order of study:

      • Movement of artillery around the battlefield following the course of the battle. Designation of targets and informing allies about their actions (reloading, confirmation of assistance, designation of an attack, etc.) and bringing these actions to automatism.
      • Playing from the PT: placing the tank on the correct firing points, remote from the front line of battle and fire support. Stealth. Excerpt. Calm. Iron nerves. Using the minimap to move on the edge of the circle of light as close to the enemy as possible.
      • aiming weak zones opponents (the corresponding mod is recommended, the penetration indicator is standard). Learn the armor of vehicles and the principles of operation of various shells. There is equipment that is very difficult for classmates to destroy head-on, there are just imbo cars. AT example 2 .
      • Management of an advancing tank (tank of the front line of battle). Movements, exits to firing positions, hiding the corps, leaving the enemy from cover. Reasonable retreat. Switch to/from sniper mode in various situations. Shooting on the move, using first gear. Tempo, the first elements of a team game. Firefly control: iron nerves and endurance, clear movement between shelters, retreat. If possible, try not to spin enemies: this requires serious skill.
      • Tanking. Leveling the weak areas of your tank. Use of the terrain.
      • First elements tactical combat- moving around the map to take a more advantageous position: crossfire, entering the enemy in the side / rear, etc. Fire concentration. A closer look at the features of the maps.
      • Team tactical game in random.

      Game balance

      In general, all tanks in the game are balanced. Each of them has its strengths and weak sides. true for life You must know them and use their strengths, leveling the weaknesses. Well, or at least use the strong correctly.

      Artillery and anti-tank units are a common vehicle class in the game (and in real life). They are neither bad nor good in and of themselves. Any player (and watermaker) who considers these classes unworthy, cheating, etc. (including with obscenity) is stupid (hypocritical, conceited), no matter how strange it may sound, regardless of their game achievements and level of fame.

    7. Analyze the results and draw the right conclusions

      • Record and analyze the causes of damage. In subsequent battles, try not to make these mistakes. Often specific errors are tied to cards / spawns. Remember, the head is very easily turned off by the excitement of battle, and the cost of a mistake is very high. Nobody canceled the law of two splashes, especially at low levels. Focus on your own mistakes, not team mistakes. As you write it down, you will see which mistakes you make more often. true for life
      • Analyze the reasons for winning. This is no less important than the analysis of lesions. true for life
      • Usually, reasons for victories not at all in you, but in:
        • successful team and random tactics,
        • personal skill of one or more allied players,
        • low general skill of the enemy,
        • good luck aka FBR.
      • Main error types:
        • climbed forward / went too far / fast forward and was left without cover,
        • low tank control skill,
        • wrong position / wrong movements,
        • impatience / intemperance / nerves.
      • If you have a deer meter aka DeerOMeter , then look closely at how they play experienced players. Analyze their mistakes as well. Each person has their own style of play, you will need to find your own. Rough division: those who are on the front line and those who are not on the front line. In any case, in the beginning you need to play not at the forefront.
      • Reasonable play on difficult/bad tanks increases your skill, because. you will be forced to strive to compensate for the shortcomings of the tank with your skill. Playing on a bad tank differs from playing on a good one only in the area of ​​application. You have to survive () and deal damage () as much as possible on this tank. There are no bad tanks, there is an inability to use them as correctly as possible. true for life
      • Learn to play correctly. You are obliged to fight until the very last moment of the battle, bringing the maximum possible benefit. Sometimes a decent loss equals a win, and your opponents will thank you for a great fight.
      • Develop your strengths more than your weaknesses. true for life
        Strength to strength, weakness to weakness.
        Example Like to tank (and you're good at it) rather than dealing damage from bushes, tank, learn. If, on the contrary, you can’t tank, but it’s much more interesting to shine and break into the rear - swing with a firefly. Do not download what does not suit you. Only experienced players can play productively on any type of technique, but they also admit that one or another type suits them better.
        You have to understand your playing style, which depends on many factors (temperament, quick thinking, quick decision making, motor skills, lack of restraint, etc.). This will determine how you need to play a particular technique and which technique "fits" you best.
        IMPORTANT Trying to go beyond your "comfort zone" (Example of switching from artillery to firefly) on the one hand gives a very good experience, but on the other hand is very "energy-consuming". You will not achieve high results with very serious emotional stress, turning into fatigue, apathy and depression. Do it in very limited portions, keep your condition under control, do not force the psyche. true for life
      • Remember, in the vast majority of cases, you lose not to the opponent from the red team, but to yourself. The enemy only shows your weaknesses. And he does not deserve bad words addressed to him.
      • Be skeptical of famous people waterworkers. In most cases, they use WOT in one way or another to show how awesome they are or entertain the audience with an exciting video (to watch in the morning at breakfast), rather than actually teaching how to play. Best Teaching - Debriefing lost battles / bad game moments With detailed analysis, not epic victories and personal drag skill. Only mistakes allow you to truly understand what's what. It is more important not so much to learn to play well as to learn not to play badly. That. good training - parsing winning strategy games on the tank / map / etc and analysis of the main errors. The ability to drag directly depends on gaming experience and the ability of the head, based on this experience, to make instant correct decisions in conjunction with direct hands, allowing the minimum number of errors aggravated by the VBR. This skill is nice to look at, but for training, it gives practically nothing. You need your own experience, which you do not have.
      • If a watermaker (authority) scolds a team for merging, then he is an unimportant player and will never reach really great heights in the game. He will be a good player with decent stats, but nothing more. WOT is a team game, even in random. The team does something anyway, even if it doesn't deal any damage. Everything is interconnected. Example While an ally is dying under enemy fire, other allies do not fall under this fire, being able to deal damage. Ignoring this is a misunderstanding of the basic principles of war and the concentration of power.
      • See different waters from different watermakers. It pumps the brain well. But remember:
        • Not all watermakers are equally useful. There are starry inadequacies who will spend more of your time on mate, nonsense and whining about how deer interfere with play. Example Murazor, Jove.
        • Give Special attention watermakers who teach at the intersection of play and life, i.e. understand the game more broadly. It really pumps the brain and helps in reality. Example AceWOT.
        • Don't think that you can immediately bend down at the third level, inspired by the victorious battle of the 10th level. In general, forget the word and the concept of "bending". The bend does not exist. There are only WBR, team and skill.
        • It is more useful to watch fights of your level, not top fights.
        • Famous watermakers rarely point out and focus on their mistakes. But they do them quite a lot and quite often. Be sure to analyze these errors as your own if you notice them.
      • IMPORTANT The main ultimate goal of the game is not to inflict damage, but to win the battle. Don't get too excited about the big damage if the team lost.
    8. Use experience wisely

      • Explore the research tree and see where "unnecessary now" modules will be used. During the time between pumping out the next tank and buying it for a promotion, you will have enough time to upgrade these modules. This is also good because you already play well on this tank, unless it's a complete hat (Example ).
      • Use wisely free experience. It is credited at a rate of 5% of experience per tank. That. for every 10k experience you get 500 free experience. Calculate how much experience you need to pump out the next tank, and you will get the amount of free experience that you can immediately spend on research, because. it will be restored during the pumping process. Other things being equal, you should pump out what brings the most benefit in combat. Usually, these are tools. The top gun will do more good (more damage). But often the gun requires a reinforced suspension (you can't install a top gun on a stock suspension).
      • If you see that there is not much left before the perk is pumped out, pump it out on the current tank, then transfer and retrain the crew. It makes sense to download crew perks from level V on non-permium vehicles.
    9. Economy of the game Proper purchase and sale of tanks / equipment / consumables

      • Buy equipment, train crew only for shares. And in general, do everything according to the shares.
      • Be sure to shop additional equipment/ shells on shares. Calculate how much you need. Sales are quite frequent. Use modules wisely. Premium equipment is useless at levels below V. Use camouflage by buying it in bulk (monthly) for a limited time or for a promotion. Permanent camouflage only makes sense on tanks you don't intend to sell.
      • Have a certain amount of silver in stock: 0.5-1 million. true for life :)
      • At low levels, it makes sense to buy not gold, but silver, if you don’t feel like farming. This silver is used to purchase the necessary additional equipment (nets, rammers, etc.), which allows you to better deal damage and survive.
      • A premium Tier VIII tank (it doesn't make sense to buy others for farming at the beginning of the game) farms over 50,000 for a medium battle and over 100,000 for a good one. If you decide to buy, then it should be Löwe or T34.
      • IMPORTANT If you want a premium tank, then (according to paragraphs 1, 3 and 6) take the PT. For example, SU-100Y.
        Do not take heavy / medium tanks, because. their gameplay is one of the most difficult (head-on collisions and tanking), and high levels battles differ from low-level protracted ones in character, i.e. you will have time to make a lot of mistakes, which is undesirable, unlike the possibility of one-shots or critical damage on the SU-100Y without having time to get to the center of the thick of things, where you cannot be.
        Do not take light tanks, because. except for ololo-light and draining in the first minutes, you are unlikely to be capable of anything. Light is a complex thing that is understood in the process of playing for the tech who implements it and requires good knowledge of the terrain and direct hands. Don't spoil your stats.
    10. Game gold wisely use game gold / money

      • Gold doesn't make you good player , it enables you to better (or faster) show your abilities. If there are no opportunities, there will be no effect from gold. A premium tank in the wrong hands is no more effective than a regular tank.
        A premium tank is the same as a non-premium one, only a premium one. ©
      • Buy gold only by shares.
      • Do not buy premium tanks level higher than yours until you have played 2k battles. Buy premium tanks only for promotions and only with additional modules. Understand why you need this or that tank and what strengths / weaknesses it has.
      • Train the crew for gold up to 100%, only if you understand that you play well on this tank, then spending gold will not be in vain. Do not train crew for gold on tanks below level V. Promotions are being held for retraining. Enjoy.
      • The cost of a premium account for a year: $0.25/day, for half a year: $0.3/day, for a month: $0.32/day, for a week: $0.7/day, for a day: $1. If you are going to play constantly, then there is no point in buying a premium for less than a month.
      • If you really like the game, pay the developer in any form. He deserved it and, perhaps, will make the game even better, i.e. the deal is mutually beneficial. true for life

You will need

  • - registered account;
  • - game client;
  • - Internet connection.


The closest in meaning to the passage of action in game world of Tanks will be the study of all branches of development. On the this moment There are 6 nations in the game (USSR, Great Britain, Germany, USA, France and China), containing a total of 275 researchable tanks. And if it doesn’t take you much time to study the tanks of the initial levels, then the study of vehicles of the 5th and higher levels can distract you for a long time from real world.

In the game, despite being free, there is the concept of a premium account that can be bought for real money. Its cost is comparable to the subscription price of most online games (about three hundred rubles a month). Having a premium account increases the amount of experience and in-game credits gained per battle by 50%, so learning new vehicles will be faster. However, many players fundamentally refuse to spend money on free game.

When starting to research all types of equipment, it must be remembered that each nation contains at least three branches of development: light, heavy and, and most often also anti-tank self-propelled guns and artillery. Despite the fact that there are only ten levels of tank development in the game, each nation at level 10 does not have one tank, but from 2 to 7. Accordingly, either you will develop sequentially, or you will need additional space in order to research several tanks in parallel at once.

As a rule, players research vehicles by nation. This makes sense, because within the same nation, many modules that also need to be explored are the same. Thus, having studied the latest radio or engine on one, you can skip them on another technique. Nevertheless, each tank will still have unique modules, which will also require experience to learn.

The experience gained in battles on a particular tank will be credited to this particular tank, and you can spend almost all of it only on studying the modules of this vehicle or on researching the next vehicle in the branch. But 5% of all experience gained is automatically transferred to the so-called free experience, which can be spent on researching any tank. In addition, for an additional fee, you can convert the experience accumulated on any tank into free experience (provided that the entire development tree of this tank has been researched), which can allow you to quickly pass the vehicle you didn’t like in battle.

The developers are constantly releasing updates containing new vehicles, so it is very difficult to explore all the tanks in the game. Even having reached the limit of the development of all vehicles of all nations, you can always find something else to do in the game. For example, it could be collecting achievements or improving in-game statistics.

Related videos

World of tanks is one of the most popular online games today. But in order to reach certain heights in the game, you need special skills, knowledge and skills.

You will need

  • - a computer that meets the system requirements of World of Tanks;
  • - game client;
  • - registered account;
  • - Internet connection;
  • - Straight arms)


At the very beginning of the battle, you should not go to any flank without allies. It is better to stand at the base for the first 10-20 seconds - to assess the situation and tactics of the enemy's game, and only then go to a flank that is more suitable for you and your type of vehicle.

It often happens that most of your team went to one flank, while on the other there are only 2-3 tanks. In this case, you should not go after the majority, since in this case you will not be able to deal much damage. It is better to help allies where it is really needed.

Always stay close to cover. Open areas are well shot through, so you should always know where to go in case of shelling.

Don't forget your base. If the enemy pushed through one direction and got up to capture, then return and protect the base. If you don’t, you and your team risk losing the battle.
Good luck on the battlefield!

Useful advice

In World of tanks, as in many online games, there are different classes of equipment with different characteristics. Heavy tanks- well-armored, not dynamic cars. They have weapons with high damage and good accuracy. They can hold a blow well and push the direction. Medium tanks - less armored, but with good dynamics. They have fast-firing guns with medium accuracy and good penetration. Designed for fast attacks and approaching the rear of the enemy. Light tanks are dynamic but weakly armored vehicles. Designed to detect and disclose enemy positions. Tank destroyers are self-propelled artillery mounts that do not have a turret, but have excellent guns. Self-propelled guns (art) - vehicles overlooking the battlefield from a bird's eye view. They have high one-time damage.

After starting the game customer World of Tanks, entering the login and password from the account and pressing the "Login" button, the player finds himself in his tank hangar. In order to start playing effectively, learn the basic information that every beginner needs.

In order to play, you must register. If you haven't already, create your account on the official world of tanks website. It will be the same for all Russian-speaking servers of the game, as well as for Russian-speaking World servers of Warplanes.


In the central part of the hangar is depicted 3D view selected tank. Using the mouse, you can rotate it, view it from all sides, zoom in or out. To the right of the tank you can get acquainted with the characteristics of the combat vehicle, to the left - with its crew. At the bottom of the screen is a technique panel, which displays all available . On this panel, you can on which you want to join the battle.

Before the battle, load the ammunition into the tank. To do this, click the "Maintenance" button in the hangar. In the maintenance window that opens, use the sliders next to the desired types of shells to select the number and ratio of shells. Check the box "Replenish automatically" so that the ammo load is automatically replenished after each battle. Also in this window, you can install equipment and repair equipment. Check "Repair automatically" so that after each battle, repairs occur without your participation.

The battle

After pressing the button "To battle!" the combat screen will load and a tank battle will begin. Left and right will display lists of tanks and players of your team and the enemy team. In the center at the top - the score, in the upper right corner - the time until the end of the battle. Below is a panel of ammunition and equipment. To activate the desired type of projectile or equipment, use the buttons 1-6. In the lower left corner is the tank status panel, which displays basic information about, including information about damaged and disabled modules. In the lower right corner is the mini-map.

On top of the tank's status panel, battle chat messages are displayed, with which you can communicate with allies and opponents. Write / send a message - the "Enter" button.

To control the movement of the tank, use the buttons W, A, S, D. Buttons R and F - cruise control. Moving the sight, turning the tower is carried out by moving the mouse. Left mouse button - shot, right - automatic aim. When you press the left "Shift" button, the normal sight becomes a sniper one, and for the self-propelled guns, it switches to artillery mode.

To win, a team needs to capture an enemy or neutral base or destroy all enemy vehicles. The base is a circle with a flag in the middle. To capture the base, you must enter the circle and wait for the capture process to complete, which will be displayed at the top of the screen. At the same time, the capturing tank must not leave the bases, must not receive damage from enemies, and must not be destroyed.

By choosing the “Combat Training” mode from the hangar, you can get valuable initial combat and tank control skills, gun aiming and shooting skills, get acquainted with the mechanics and physics of the game, earn your first credits and experience points.

Moving on your tank and shooting at enemy vehicles marked in red, inflict damage on the enemy until it is destroyed. On a light tank, use the advantage in speed and maneuverability, on a heavy tank - in armor and damage. Please note that in motion, the accuracy of shooting is several times less than standing. The highest accuracy is achieved while standing in sniper aiming mode.

End of the fight

At the end of the battle, the results window will appear. Earned credits and experience points will be credited to the player's account. Experience points are used to research more advanced modules, higher-level combat vehicles. Credits - for their acquisition. You can research, buy and install new modules and tanks by pressing the "Explore" button in the hangar. Please note that the experience earned is individual for each tank, and all earned credits can be spent on the modules of any tank and on the purchase of any vehicle.


For the best answer, the user received a bonus of 30 gold!

I want to console you right away that 200 as well as 2000 fights are too few in order to comprehend all the intricacies of this wonderful game. Let's decide right away.
The following types of vehicles are available in the game: Light Tank (LT), medium tank(ST), anti-tank self-propelled artillery mount(PT-SAU), heavy tank (TT) and finally, artillery (Arta).
Light tanks- designed to quickly break through the map and transmit intelligence to the allies, that is, to give light. The illuminated enemy is displayed on the map and becomes a target. Almost all LTs are fast, light, far-sighted, but at the same time they have weak armor and weapons.
medium tanks- can also be fast, maneuverable and have good weapons, as well as armor. The task of such tanks is to cover and break through the flanks, eliminate enemy LTs and Arta.
Fri- These are tanks with powerful guns, good frontal armor and low health. PTs are excellent at camouflaging themselves and waiting for the light. Although there are exceptions, they generally do not have a tower, are clumsy and have very poor visibility. They depend on the team, in particular on intelligence.
Heavy tanks is power. Thick armor, powerful gun, but low speed and maneuverability. Such tanks are in the forefront according to intelligence from LT, under the cover of ST and PT. They are able to withstand more than one hit and turn the tide of events.
Artillery- be near the base and fire exclusively at the light of the allies, from a great distance. As a rule, such a tank is slow, unprotected, has a long reload time, a small amount of ammunition, but the strongest damage in the game. One hit and you are already in the hangar. Plus, art combat will introduce you from a bird's eye view and depends on the landscape.
The choice of tank depends only on your preferences and style of play. For beginners, TT is preferable. They forgive mistakes more often and allow you to win at the expense of armor and firepower. ST is perhaps the most difficult to master. Like to sit in ambush - then Fri. Love speed - LT. If you want to be in the rear - Arta.
Crew leveling depends on the tank and your style. There are a lot of options to describe everything, but here are the main ones. You can learn more in the game itself, while in the hangar.
Camouflage - reduces the visibility of your tank.
Sixth Sense - when hit by enemy light, a light bulb lights up on the screen (very useful skill)
Combat Brotherhood - improves the characteristics of the crew and the behavior of the tank in battle.
Repair - the tank is repaired faster.
Some increase the range of radio communications, others visibility, maneuverability, reload speed, there are plenty to choose from. With the right equipment, the effect is increased.
Camouflage net - makes the tank less noticeable when completely immobile.
Stereo tube - increases the range of visibility, with complete immobility.
Gun rammer - speeds up reloading.
Fan - improves crew performance.
Improved optics - increases the visibility range while driving.
Choose what you like best. The main thing is to always check the availability of ammunition and carry a first aid kit with you. First aid kit, fire extinguisher and repair kit. Just do not forget to replenish stocks in the warehouse. All details can be found while in the hangar.
The choice of a battle map is random, but each has its own characteristics and places for firing, fast-breaking, defending or attacking. You can learn them best only by playing yourself and memorizing. There are many cards in the game - some are rare, others are frequent.
There are no special tricks in the game, only if you are not an adherent of prohibited mods. There are mods that will help you better understand and remember individual nuances. But the most important thing in the game is the caution and attentiveness of the whole team, and not just you. WOT is team game. Stick to your allies and help them whenever possible. Always keep an eye on the mini-map, notice changes in the behavior of the players, never climb into the front alone, try to save your tank until the end of the battle. Remember your mistakes and learn from the mistakes of others. Skill will come with experience, not from reading material. Create a platoon of three tanks, set up communication and it will be easier to play, and most importantly, much more fun.
Do not get hung up on statistics, enjoy the game!

Look at the game guides for the vehicle you want to play on. Well, you will begin to understand the game only after more than one thousand battles. It is better to buy a tank of level 8 right away, at these levels you will quickly understand how to play.