How to defeat shepard mass effect 3 passage. For single player

Access to the contents of the DLC can be obtained immediately after repelling the Cerberus attack on the Citadel, so although this is the last DLC and advertised as a "farewell" with the characters, with the ability to bring some kind of relationship to its logical conclusion, it does not affect the finale at all.

In the story, Shepard receives a letter from Admiral Hackett, who orders him to take a vacation while the Normandy is in service. For this, Anderson's apartment is given to him for personal use, and the apartment is not bad - huge, two-story. There really is nothing to do there, except to listen to Anderson's recordings about his life, service, and so on. There is nothing interesting or useful in the records - they just have to set the player on the right wave - in fact, Anderson's stories somehow intersect with Sheppard's theme - duty, diligence, friendship, and so on.

Finally, another letter arrives on the personal terminal, where the Joker invites Shepard to sit in a sushi bar. Shepard goes to where he finds out that the Joker did not send anything and he was also pulled out under a similar pretext.

While they were figuring out what the hell it was, Maya Brooks, an Alliance intelligence officer, ran up to them and told Shep the news that some people had appeared who wanted to kill him. Moreover, they somehow hacked his account on the VKontakte network, and now they have various important data and codes.

And then it is they who appear, and instead of finding Shep and killing him, they begin to suffer garbage. Shepard breaks out with a fight, falls, runs, breaks through (and all with one single pistol, religion does not allow to grab other people's rifles), meets Tali (as I understand there will be a character-LI player), breaks through again and then Rex appears. Where, why, why - hell knows, the writers were not worthy of at least some explanation other than "passed by."

Shepard gets away from his pursuers, and with most of the team starts brainstorming in his apartment. You can talk to them, but there is nothing interesting there.

Finally, Liara says that she traced the gun Shep picked up, and contacted the seller - a certain casino owner. The team decides to do everything quietly - assuming that the owner, frightened by Shep, will sit in his shelter office, they instruct Brooks to secretly get there while Shep and someone from the team will distract the guards and help as best they can.

And here begins the saddest part of the DLC. Most of the time you will have to "mingle with the crowd" - that is, to talk with some people. Everyone has very abstract topics, the only thing that is somehow of interest is a conversation with Shaira, and even then, she will not tell anything interesting. Between empty conversations, you will have to run along the "drawn" paths, press the keys in time, talk with the guards ... in general, wild boredom - talking about nothing and running back and forth.

Finally, we get into the office, where the owner is already killed, and some hidden personality begins to appear on the screen before you. This is where it becomes interesting - in theory, in such a situation, you only need to hide your identity to make a surprise - otherwise it's stupid. At first I thought it was one of the familiar characters. And yes, I was basically right. And it turned out to be another surprise.

But again we return to the apartment, where you can again chat (usually the whole conversation fits into one remark) with the characters. After talking, we find out that Brooks figured out that now Shepard's codes are used to access the Citadel archive. And Vega ordered pizza.

And this is where the point of no return begins. Everything that was before was reminiscent of the standard Mass Effect, albeit somewhat dull. Everything after that is some kind of clowning, with a bunch, really with a LOT of jokes, laughs, jokes and other things. If anyone remembers, in the DLS "Lair of the Gray Broker" there was a moment when you had to wait until the lock at the entrance to the Broker's ship was broken. There was also a shaft of jokes, but it was organic, and short-lived. Here they laugh starting with this notorious pizza and almost to the end. The game turns into some kind of action comedy. And yes, I want to remind you that in the main game (and in the DLC as well), the authors still tried to create an atmosphere of total bullshit and depression, and access to this DLS is obtained after Thane dies in your arms, and Consul Udina betrays the Council . Fun, huh.

True, sometimes jokes are funny, especially Rex and Yavik. But still, it doesn't fit into the atmosphere of the game. Because there are too many jokes.

But it's not the jokes that make this DLC bad, it's the main antagonist that makes it bad.

Shepard clone.

Yes, the main villain who wants to destroy Shepard is a clone of Shepard. Who was raised - literally - for spare parts for the main one. All this time he was frozen by Cerberus, but then somehow escaped and now wants to become Shepard.

Honestly - I expected everything, even the fact that the one who wants to kill Shep will be a partner abandoned on Virmire. But damn it's not a clone.

As a result of running around the dull archives (in general, the Citadel was not far from Omega in terms of the degree of dullness of the scenery), it turns out that Shepard's clone replaced the real Shep's data in the records with his own, and Maya Brooks is a traitor who has been working for the clone all this time. By the way, she used to work for Cerberus and it was she who took the clone out of the refrigerator.

Perhaps someone will have a question - why the hell is she all this? I don't know, the writers couldn't explain it clearly.

The clone escapes to steal the Normandy, Shepard flies after him and infiltrates the ship, where he meets with the dismissed clone Traynor. With the help of her toothbrush, they make their way to the bridge, take out the mercenaries, descend into the cargo hold, where the final battle begins. There is no normal, fair battle here - it is worth lowering the health of the clone to a minimum (or Brooks), as it is instantly replenished for him. Therefore, you will have to destroy ordinary enemies and wait until the scripts work. Finally, the scripts work, a more or less fair fight begins, as a result of which both Sheps find themselves hanging at the end of the hatch. And if Shep comes to the aid of a team and saves him, then Brooks puts x% on the clone and this should show the clone what makes Shep Shep. As a result, a choice is given - to save the clone or not, I chose to save, but the clone said fuck me to live and jumped off himself. Curtain.

This is where the plot ends, and the very farewell to the characters that was promised begins. It looks like this - Shep decides to have a party. Before the party, you can invite some characters to your apartment and chat with them, or take a walk around the new area of ​​the Citadel, where you can also meet some characters, talk to them and start small scenes.

Moreover, everything is not issued at once - you will have to constantly run after each new portion. He invited everyone available to his house, walked around the area and completed available meetings, returned to the apartment, checked the mail - invited everyone available again, walked around the area again, and so on.

In addition to running around and talking, the new area of ​​the Citadel allows you to linger a little more in the game if you want. First, there is slot machines with unpretentious games, so you can try to beat the records of some characters (and the leaderboard is full of familiar names). Secondly, there is a casino where you can earn money. And thirdly, for those who have little multiplayer, they can play local local multiplayer - together with members of their team, you need to repel waves of enemies. For victory, they give tokens, which you can either buy "dls" for the simulator (new levels, access to characters and battle conditions), or exchange tokens for money.

Well, after you chat with everyone, you can have a party - in fact, now everyone is in your house and chatting. There is a lot of water, perhaps the only thing that is interesting is that Vega and Ashley seem to have agreed.

And the DLC group photo, by the way, does not end, which in my opinion is in vain. After it, the morning comes, and you can still run a little chat with hungover comrades.

After that, there remains an apartment in which it is not clear what to do and what for it is needed.

I have no doubt that someone will like the DLC, maybe even very much. There is a lot of fanservice and sometimes very funny humor. But the problem is that it does not fit into the overall atmosphere of the game at all. It had such pinpoint touching moments like shooting at jars with Garrus, but here everything is flat cake. And an abundance of laughs.

And what's even worse (well, apart from the idiotic plot with the clone) - there are no such ends of the relationship here. They are not moving anywhere, nothing is happening, everything is in place, all conversations are solid water. Romance with Tali - they will show how you watch a movie about love, and then she will sing a little. All. This is just another mimimi-episode, which, regarding the third part, could be anywhere. No friendly relations also receive development - for example, you will simply meet with Garrus in a bar, and then fuse him to a turian woman who has turned up. Which then, naturally, will not appear anywhere else and Garrus will not tell anything about her.

This is what this dlc is. An idiotic story part, treading water in the chatting part, and the destruction of the whole atmosphere that was created in the main game. As far as I remember, these things are called fillers.

  • The Ghost is trying to find a way to control the Reapers instead of destroying them. The main antagonist of the game. Dies at the end of the game at the hands of Shepard or commits suicide.
  • Kai Len is the main operative of Cerberus. As the game progresses, he tries in every possible way to interfere with Shepard. Killed by Shepard near the end of the game.
  • Dr. Eva - AI "Cerberus" created to replace the EDI, as a result of her betrayal. Appears on a mission to Mars and tries to escape with data on the Horn. Shepard kills her in the same mission. EDI later gains control of her body.
  • Donnel Udina - continues to work as an adviser or replaces Anderson (if the player chose Anderson as an adviser in Mass Effect). Moves to the side of Cerberus. Dies from a shot by Shepard, if not shot, then from a shot by Ashley / Kayden.
  • Morinth - turns into a banshee, which will need to be killed in a mission on Earth (if she survived in Mass Effect 2).
  • The Harbinger is the oldest and chief reaper. Appears at the very end of the game with the goal of killing Shepard.
  • Oleg Petrovsky - appears in the Omega add-on. One of the main generals of Cerberus. He doesn't quite share the ideals of the Illusive Man. Captured the station "Omega" and holds it. Dies at the end of the DLC at the hands of Aria or Shepard. Can survive and pass on information about Cerberus.
  • Shepard's clone - appears in the addition "The Citadel" and is a copy of Captain Shepard. Created during Project Lazarus to possibly support the original captain in case of failure of certain implants or organs. Opposes him and tries to capture the Normandy.
  • Maia Brooks - Appears in the Citadel expansion and is a former Cerberus operative. Hates aliens. Real name unknown. Helps Shepard's clone throughout the expansion. Surrenders to Shepard after being defeated or dies while trying to escape.

Downloadable content

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For single player

From the ash

The DLC adds a new Prothean party member, Yavik, new mission lines, an Eden Prime quest, a new weapon, the Prothean Emitter, and new alternate costumes for each partner. The DLC was released on the day the game was released and cost $9.99. Free for owners of the Collector's Edition of the game.

extended cut

Extended Cut is a free DLC that expands on the 3 ending data and adds 1 more. The DLC was released on June 26, 2012 on PC and Xbox 360. It was released on PS3 on July 4.


This DLC adds 7 weapons: sniper rifles Indra and Krize, Rigar carbine, assault rifle Ravager, the geth plasma submachine gun, and the newest fighter submachine gun blood pack"Punisher" and anti-synthetic rifle "Adas". The add-on was released on August 7, 2012 for $1.99.


The DLC adds several new quests to find the mysterious Leviathan, who single-handedly defeated the Reaper, as well as other minor content, including weapons that were previously only available for pre-ordering the game, as well as several new weapon modifications. The add-on was released on August 28, 2012 for $9.99.

ground resistance

This is the second DLC for single player, which only adds weapons. It also contains 7 types of new weapons like the previous one: the Venom shotgun, the Executor pistol, the Ki-Shock harpoon gun, the Hammerhead assault rifle, the N7 Piranha shotgun, the N7 Typhoon assault rifle, and the " Acolyte." The add-on was released on October 16, 2012 for $1.99.

There will be a subject with blackjack (that is, with illustrative material) and spoilers (the first and last warning).

- I want a twin.
- Do you think your doppelgänger would go to couples instead of you? Would lie together and shout: "I want a tee!".


Why does Anderson need an apartment on the Citadel? That's right, no need. He lives on Earth, under a dilapidated bridge (and every day - under a different one), eats what God sent, breathes natural air in half with the smoke of a burning fatherland (and this mixture was sung by another classic) and has fun with sports shooting at Reapers. Grace. Fucking downshifter.
Shepard needs an apartment on the Citadel much more: he has a lot of colleagues and friends to build relationships with, and the cabin on the Normandy is so small that any party with more than 5 people there can only take place in the “bus, rush hour” format ".

In general, the DLC begins "Citadel" is very nice. It feels like it can only be compared with Friday evening, when all the most interesting is still ahead and you can take your time. But everything changes when they come - eternal messages to a personal terminal. The Joker suddenly realizes how asocial he is leading, fussing over the adjustment of the pilot's seat or pointlessly propping up the bar in Purgatory in the company of a female robot, and invites us to dine at Yaposh, an elite dryer.
When it turns out that Shepard and his pilot were bred as the last suckers, and people in unfamiliar camouflage break into the restaurant, it becomes very scary. It's very scary that right now the scriptwriters of Biovars will come up with a second Cerberus for us - just as predictable and toothless. And while the player is thinking in this way, the floor unobtrusively collapses under him and the alluring abysses of the technical premises of the Citadel open up.

The new pistol with the unpretentious name "Silencer" really pleases: quiet, fast and very hard. Being taken from an enemy corpse, it makes you wonder: who am I fighting with? Snipers of an unknown group are noticeably faster than Cerberus ones and hide somehow better. In general, the new enemy inspires.
Inspire and allies. From the very beginning of this DLC, it becomes clear that game process suddenly acquired some kind of cinematography. Moreover, this is expressed not in screensavers and not even in the plot, but in a new level of interaction between party members. They started talking on assignments a long time ago, although not too actively, but in order to purposefully participate in scripted scenes without a special plot need - this has not happened yet. For example, when in a car dealership you need to get to the bottom of a volus so that he opens the door, Shepard immediately tries to give a turn on the glass, and his party member (in my case it was Garrus) politely remarks that “it can be done differently”, and gallantly knocks on the glass knuckle of a finger.

Oh, and he would have sucked with such an approach in the Russian Post office ...

Well, the times have come: we do not teach Garrus politeness, but he teaches us.

However, the main team work is just beginning: gradually, Shepard is joined by his entire squad and together they go to smash the mysterious villain who is behind all these outrages.
I must say honestly, the intrigue was a success. It would seem that we have known all our enemies for a long time - this is the Ghost-yap, and the annoying Harbinger, and the four-eyed nerd Balak - the one who at one time tried to send an asteroid with engines to the human colony (ME1 DLC - “Bring down the sky", it is also "Death from Heaven" in Russian translation), and then he was very offended when Shepard did almost the same thing (ME2 DLC "Arrival"), only successfully. There was still every trifle pot-bellied, but they do not count.

In contrast to these dull clowns, the new enemy turns out to be divinely beautiful. Beautiful and scary, like a ton of TNT, because he is nothing more than a complete clone of Shepard.

Scary and beautiful, yes.

After such a plot twist, fear begins to really creep through. The former confidence disappears somewhere, but the thought appears: has this scarecrow been staggering somewhere since our resurrection at the Cerberus base? It went well, judging by the recruited herd of mercenaries. On the other hand, it’s a pity for your clone - from the same DNA, after all. Logic and type of thinking should be similar to some extent. It is uncomfortable for him, the poor man: they created it, but did not define it for the cause. Moreover, this mulatto Brooks, who is trying to portray Miranda 2.0: spinning around, brazenly manipulating. Presses in short, bitch.

The ability to run on assignment with the whole crowd (10-12 people) is very pleasing, even though commands can still be given to only three. There is an immediate sense of power.

True, I only have ten - alas, Miranda died on the previous assignment.

Eleven friends of Shepard at times give heat, and not only with marksmanship, but also with equally well-aimed jokes. Comrade was seen from special harnesses. Rex.
- Hey, Shepard, but a double is not bad. Sort of like a personal butler. If you agree with him, you can push all the work that you are reluctant to do yourself onto him.
- I don't want to talk about it.
- Well, I would entrust this to a double.

Walking the red carpet is difficult for Shepard, and even Michelle Obama's more glamorous personalities don't help.

The pizza delivery crust is one of the best in this DLC.

Joking in the DLC "Citadel" is frequent and fun, which is definitely a plus. Only one crust about a toothbrush, which is used to save the Normandy, is worth it. The textbook immediately comes to mind: “with the help of a crowbar and some kind of mother, the Russians opened the bunker in 5 minutes.” But everything ends rather harshly - for the double, of course, and not for us. For us, it's good. However, it's still kind of sad.
In general, you can talk about this DLC for a long time and hard (unlike the same "Leviathan", where there are no words, only letters remain and those are barely enough for interjections), but the main thing is that the plot of the "Citadel" is unambiguous epic win.

The party after the shock teamwork is a special bonus that finally reconciled me with the tragedy of the ME gaming world. It is especially pleasant that the Sabantuy is multi-staged, the communication between the team members is extremely relaxed (it’s a pity they didn’t fight), and everything ends according to the logic of things: Tali once again demonstrates that she has problems with alcohol, Garrus c hangover is especially caustic (fairy bogeyman, as he mimics the the Goddes!”), and Javik (our highly developed one) is just lying around in the toilet, throwing up a little and raving about how dangerous it is to get drunk in the company of primitive life forms.

Opportunity to interact with colleagues free mode- this is very good. Liara playing the piano is even better. But those completely disproportionately huge digital piano keys... I'm afraid to imagine the length of the fingers they're made for. Clearly some kind of xeno variant.

Clear graters in the kitchen.

The presence of a tangible ending to this party is generally a separate reason to say thank you to the developers. Razvlekalovo does not end abruptly, taking us to the ship's captain's bridge right from the epicenter of the fun. No, it ends on a perfectly logical and hungover morning, and we even walk our feet to the dock where the Normandie is parked. And there ... And there we are covered with sadness and longing. Us - this means that not only the player, but also the protagonist. Shepard stands and thinks: "Well, have fun, it's time to fight." It was very difficult to realize at that moment that the fight would be the last (I was just about to start the mission to blow the brains out of Kai Len, after which, as you know, the final batch begins almost immediately), it was very difficult. A little, bitch, not to tears. A complete catharsis, in short.

OK it's all over Now...

In principle, I re-passed without haste. In general, the addition is good. The humor is present, the characters are beloved, the dialogues are chosen beautifully. Well, Armax Arsenal Hall, which I discovered for the first time, is generally super. The error in the hall just made me wildly delighted))) The only thing I regretted in such a situation - the cherry on the cake would be the voice of some Kai Leng, who would report that this is such a gift from Cerberus.

In general, what can I say. My initial impression of the DLC was negative, because I still think the propriety of a party should be chosen delicately. I managed to get into it right after Tuchanka, and right with just selected Tali and Legion. It broke down completely to play further. This time I tried to do jewelry. Although the game still does not allow this.

The ideal option, which I would not even argue with, is a vacation with a party in front of Tessia. Two major victories are behind us, almost the entire team is satisfied, everyone has more or less received help. Almost everyone even survived, rest the souls of Thane, Mordin and the Legion. And most importantly, there are no momentary priorities. The task of the asari is not indicated, only a meeting is scheduled, and all known ends have already been cut off. In this scenario, the atmosphere does not collapse. But. And this is where the very buts arise. Firstly, if we have a party before Tessia, then we forget about Miranda, and a very successful dialogue between Miranda and Jack. I must say that Miranda herself does not impress me as a girl, however, she fits very well into the team, and has a very high-quality contrast of femininity at the same party.

Secondly, Thane's wake, some additional forays into the city - can only be organized through some missions. The need for this slightly spoils the "third chapter" aka Tessia and everything that follows, let's call it that.

Why Tessia is the point of no return for me. Because this is the only mission where we get our butts kicked. From under the nose they steal, in fact, the pledge of victory, to hopelessly crying music, and to the aloud dying asari commandos. And so I personally - well, I just don’t understand how you can get a vacation (and a party is part of a big, pretty vacation) - with this alignment. There are no questions before Tessia, and precisely before her, after the collapsed reaper on Rannoch. There is a reason, there is a finished point. The vacation does not take place right in the middle of the battle, but after it. As a result, the feeling of hopelessness is very crumbling. And it would be okay - Trainor didn’t say that she already knows where to fly ... But knowing where to fly, realizing that time is running out here in general for minutes - and they kind of went to drink))) I don’t understand this at all ...

If you omit everything that is said above, then the addition is very kind, cheerful, I especially liked the quiet version. Garrus and Zayed brilliantly played "defense measures", Rex and Grant just killed with their roll call, and Tali performed well with her "fuh-fuh"))) The dance version is also interesting, but Rex, Yavik and Zaid were practically leaked there, except perhaps Jack / Tali, with his "69 elements", and Suzi / Joker save this development option.

In general, I liked the second acquaintance much more than the first. And since I tried to avoid inappropriateness almost everywhere, I really cheered up, imbued with even more sympathy for the characters, and even the general perception of the game became a little less tragic, which is probably even good. Well, if we consider dlc as a farewell to the characters, then it is completely done quite well.