How best to pass mass effect 3. Side quests. Aria: "Bloody Pack"

So, we start the game by choosing our backstory. This walkthrough will be with the following settings:

Race (private matter): Astronaut
Reputation: War Hero
Class: Scout
Additional Skills: Armor Piercing Ammo
Combat losses: Ashley Williams

Saved from previous parts have not been used. In the walkthrough, we consider only the priority tasks necessary to reach the end of the game. Don't forget to visit the lower deck of the Normandy to upgrade your armor and weapons, as well as access the shops. Mail can be read in the captain's cabin, or at the map of the universe.

You can load saves from MassEffect2 if you put it in "...My Documents\BioWare\Mass Effect 2\Save"

Mass Effect 2 ended with a victory over the collectors. In a "suicidal" mission, Shepard saved or destroyed their lair and went into retirement. However, an even greater threat forces humanity to turn to the only one who has faced the Reapers. Shepard has been reinstated into the Alliance and will do his best to protect the galaxy.


We watch the introductory video we are called by the council, the Reapers are attacking the Earth and they are already here. Everything explodes, and we run after Anderson, not forgetting to press the "space" to accelerate, jump over the abyss and climb over the obstacle.

Soon we will meet the first Husks, they are very safe, if you run out of ammo, beat manually "F". After going down the stairs and having dealt with the enemies, an explosion will occur, opening up a further path for us.

We pass to the locked door Husk crawls out, killing him you can open the damaged door. The next video is about a boy, he will leave anyway, and we move on, we take cartridges. Another explosion - we roll down, we meet Cannibals and having dealt with them, we speak with two surviving people. Now you need to get to the radio on the downed ship.

We go forward along the lowered beam, we kill several Cannibals, we find a radio (and next to it is a rifle)

The signal has been given, we must hold out until the evacuation. Using shelters, we destroy enemies before the arrival of the Normandy. Anderson stays, and we fly away from Earth. On the ship, Admiral Hackett contacts us and sends us to Mars, for Prothean data.

Priority: Mars

After disembarking, go to the right of solar panels, we go down, we find a couple of corpses, and a little further we see how the Cerberus squad executes the people of the alliance.

Having dealt with the villains, we go forward one more detachment, we go into the complex, we activate the elevator. Having gone down, we meet Liara, she will tell about the drawings of the Prothean weapons, which must be taken from this base before the Cerberus.

After the conversation, the stormtroopers will attack from the balcony, having finished with them, we raise a small elevator near the boxes upstairs, climb onto it and go through the “green” door.

We pass to the room with the control panel activate the console, open the door. Caught on fresh air We watch the cars and go down. We have only one way, we get into a room without light and air. Going down the stairs, we knock out the windows, arranging a surprise for the Cerberus detachment. On the right is the climate control.

We go to the left door and break through with a fight to a room with sterilization turned on. We turn off the beam so that there is a passage to the stairs and go to the right door.

The path will lead us to a turret that needs to be bypassed by running from cover to cover.

Finally, once in the control room, turn off the gun and watch a short video. Having deceived the Cerberus, we called a wagon that would take us to the archives. On the way, our rail is blown up, but recklessly sending another squad of killers, they provide new transport.

Having reached the destination, we suppress the enemy forces and go into the archives. There we meet with the projection of the Ghost, (the head of the Cerberus) we talk, we notice that someone is erasing the data. One of the companions discovers Dr. Eve, she takes off running. We run after it using the spacebar, it is useless to shoot.

In the end, she will board the shuttle, but it will be knocked down by James. Eva, being far from human, will try to kill one of her partners, in my case Kaiden.

We send her to another world and watch videos in Normandy. Now our path lies in the Citadel to take Kaiden to the hospital and talk to the Council.

Priority: Citadel

Arriving at the Citadel, we find ourselves in the Normandy dock, go right to the checkpoint and use the elevator to get to the Embassies. Immediately to the right there will be a staircase we rise, we go into the first right door (Udina's office).

There is a meeting with the council, we are denied direct assistance, but the turian adviser gives a lead, and also restores Shepard to the rank of Specter.

Priority: Palaven

We go back to the dock, in the recreation area you can pick up reporter Diana Allers on board. We return to the Normandy and see a dream about a boy.

The boy runs through the forest, we follow him. Waking up, we speak with Liarra, Traynor and Hacket. We go through a small hall to the doors, we pass into the command hall. Fly to the moon of Palaven to rescue the turian primarch Fedorian. To do this, on the map of the galaxy, select the Apian Cross system, fly up to the Menae satellite, press "Enter Orbit", "Landing".

Landing, we clear the place from the Husks. We ask the soldier, he says how to get to the camp.

We go right and straight, we meet the general. We learn that Fedorian is dead, and in order to find out who the primarch is now, we need to repair the radio tower. Directly and to the left there will be doors, behind them on the right is a tower.

Having reached it, we use panel of one of the satellites and send it to repair, and together with the second we fight off the Husks. We return back to the general. We meet Garrus, find out that we need to find Victus, we go to protect the airfield (on the left).

If you are confused where to go, you can press "V". After shooting the attackers, we go back, past the general and to the barricade.

We fight off the Husks from the gun, then a "creature" appears and throws us off the wall.

It's not that hard to kill her, and we continue on foot towards Victus. Following Garrus, we reach the soldiers, then follow the mark ourselves. We get to the camp, which will need to be cleared. There will be three "creatures" and other attackers. Having reached General Victus, we convince him of the need to leave the battlefield and convene a council.

Priority: Sur'Kesh

We're on the Normandy talking to the Azari rep. On the way to the command hall, we are asked to go down to deck 3. We use the elevator and go to the medical compartment.

There we meet SUZI in a new guise the body of Dr. Eve. Now she is a member of the team. We return to the galactic map, use the relay and fly to the Annos Basin. There will be ships of diplomats we are docking.

At the meeting, we learn about the requirements of the krogans, they want to cure the genophage and know how to do it. Having persuaded the Salarian adviser of the need for action, we find out where the krogan females who survived after the experiments are kept. We fly for females to Sur'Kesh.

Landing on Sur'Kesh was not without problems, the salarians took too long to get permission. As a result, our krogan remained at the shuttle, and we moved to the elevator.

Having received admission to the lower level, we go down, but here, as usual, we can’t do without Cerberus. An attack was made on the base and now we urgently need to take the female away.

We go back to the elevator, there is a bomb, we run to the opposite door - an emergency exit. We run through the corridors destroying enemies, opening one of the doors we will see a monster from the laboratory, there is an open fire you need to go around to the left and then jump over the pit.

We reach the first checkpoint, press the button. "Cerberus" blows up the wall, we kill two on the shuttle and go into the resulting hole.

Soon we will meet engineers, they put up turrets, so it's better to get rid of them as soon as possible. There will be a closed door behind them, next to the terminal you need to log in and the passage will be open.

Next is a room with a ladder, we rise to the top, we clean the territory. There will be a door, it is “red”, but you just need to crack it, we come up and press the “spacebar”. We go forward, past KPP2 to the "power connector", activate it.

We return, activate checkpoint 2.

Having dealt with him and several stormtroopers, we finally free the krogan.

On board the Normandy, Hackett contacts us, informing us that the construction of the Prothean weapons has begun. Then Reeve and Victus will ask us for a private conversation.

Priority: Tuchanka

We speak with the Primarch of Palaven, he asks us to land on Tuchanka and help the turian squad in the fight against the Reapers.

It turns out that his son Tarquin Viktus leads the detachment. Having landed, we rush to the aid of Victus, taking the enemies by surprise. Coming from the back, we destroy several Husks and cannibals. Soon there will be a cliff, and on the other side of the Collector we shoot him from a distance.

To the right is a ladder, we rise, we run to the hole, we jump. New enemies and another Collector. After him to the right into the corridor. Soon there will be a room with the last battle, enemies will appear for a while, we will meet the Creature, and at the end the Collector will arrive.

As usual, with the help of shelters we deal with everyone and move on to the lieutenant. Having met, we learn about their goal to defuse the bomb on Tuchanka.

We return to the Normandy, speak with Hacket and the Primarch, then Mordin will talk about the method of distributing the medicine from the genophage.

We fly to Tuchanka to heal the genophage. Along the way, Dalatresaa contacts us and offers to deceive the krogan so that the healing effect is minimal. To do this, one must not talk about a break in the veil that will spread the medicine.

After landing, we find ourselves in the hall where we need to shoot the Husks to protect Eve. This will not last long and soon two krogan clans will start a dispute, which will be stopped by the prudent Eve.

We leave for the veil, but on the way we come across an obstacle. We approach the krogan scout, which is on the right, we are interested in what's the matter. Meanwhile, the turians are attacking the Reaper, thereby endangering our convoy. The krogan are leaving, and our path lies through the catacombs. We go back to the wall and jump to the tunnel.

On the left there will be a passage jump there. On the opposite wall, right passage one more room, also in the right passage. Further along the tunnel, we find a dead rachni and go out into the white light.

Once in the ruins, we meet enemies, among them a couple of Ravagers. We jump over the bridge, there are several Cannibals and the Creature. We go further, we make our way to the large bridge, we should be picked up there, but then the Thresher appears.

We jump over the bridge, go around the wall and find ourselves in the monument to the fallen krogan. We shoot the attackers and go left, go down to the ground. We climb into the car and drive closer to the curtain.

Now you need to remove the reaper. We fight off the road to the stairs, having risen, we go through the bridge, but the Reaper throws Shepard down. Next, you should activate two hammers. They will summon Kalros and distract the Reaper. We run to the Reaper, using shelters, in the end we need to be in the middle.

Turian attack will distract the Reaper and we break through further. There will be many Creatures, it is not necessary to kill everyone, you just need to run to the hammers on the left and right.

It remains to start the medicine in the course. Here I opted to deceive the krogan to get extra support from the salarians. In this case, Eva dies, and Mordin had to be stopped personally he did not survive.

Next scene of Eve's funeral. The krogan will honor her as a saint, and they will keep silent about the dead salarian.

If you report Dalatressa's offer, then Eva will remain alive. Mordin is still unlucky, he valiantly goes to the top of the tower to repair the malfunction and die for eliminating the genophage.

Then we return to the Normandy, we speak with the primarch and Hacket. Turians will now provide assistance to Earth.

Shepard goes to bed and again has a dream about a boy.

So the game starts with a dialogue between Anderson and Hackett. They talk about the Reapers already approaching the Sol Relay, and Hackett gives the order to mobilize the fleets.

The action then shifts back to Earth in Vancouver, where Shepard is called in by the security committee in the hope that it will tell them what's going on. Shepard replies that they already know what's going on - the Reapers are already here.

Suddenly there is a report from the British headquarters that they have visual contact with the enemy, after which the signal is interrupted, and messages are displayed on the screen that the Reapers have spread throughout the planet.

A moment later, a Sovereign-class Reaper appears outside the window and strikes the Earth with a beam, thereby killing everyone in the hall except for Anderson and Shepard, but Shepard was less fortunate and was thrown back by the blast wave. Anderson runs up to him, gives the Predator a gun and says that they have to go.

This is where the gameplay begins. We are taught how to handle the camera, run, jump and climb stairs. So far, it seems, nothing complicated. But let's not relax. Next, a small shooting range awaits us, where we have to shoot the Husks crawling along the wall in the back. Then go down the stairs and again kill the Husks in the back, who are pounding their heads against the wall. But, alas, we run out of ammo at the wrong time, and we have to kill them manually.

After a small massacre, the Reaper shoots at the building, and a passage opens up for us further. You can take a first aid kit if you want and go to the door, but be careful - there is a husk hiding behind it. We are offered to kill him with a powerful blow, but if you do not want to, you can use special abilities if you have them (in my case, these are New, Strike and Wave). Then there is a boring cut-scene with a little boy who only keeps saying that we are all finished, and no one will save us (apparently, on Earth they don’t know who Captain Shepard is). Only Shepard extends a helping hand, as Anderson distracts him and says that it's time to move on, Shep turns around, and it turns out that the boy has already fled without a finger. He must have been aware of Shep's new trait. I hope you understand ^_^

Anderson then saves our immortal hero from an absurd death (falling off a cliff). And here we are again in business, ammunition is lying in front of us, of course, you can not take it, it’s worse for you. Then we have to run after Anderson and enjoy the animation of his run. Then we watch a colorful scene where our heroes are thrown down by a wave from the explosion of a dreadnought, and after a short dialogue we again have to take up arms. Everything is simple here, you need to sit in cover, select one target and shoot at it, then switch to another, but be careful in Mass Effect 3, enemies can break through your shields even through covers.

After a small skirmish, we advance further. Now everything becomes more difficult, you don’t have to run like Rambo to the breach, unless, of course, you downloaded the GameStop exclusive armor, I didn’t run with it myself, but according to the video, it was created for this. Right now, the most effective tactic is to shoot enemies from cover. Shot all the cannibals? Move on. The cut-scene begins again, where Anderson is trying to establish a connection, but the Reapers have very powerful jammers. Well, and of course, as always, cannibals fall from the sky, and we have to shoot back from them. Oh yeah, and don't forget - they have an infinite respawn.

Here it is best to sit in the left cover at the very edge and shoot the right side (the center and the left side are covered by a fragment of the wall). Here, the faster you release all the cartridges, the faster the next cut-scene will begin. Well, here we come to the fact that we have run out of cartridges, and there is nowhere else to take them. Suddenly, we hear the voice of Seth Grinn, who is so dearly beloved by us, aka the Joker, and we see Normandy firing a couple of shells at the position of the cannibals.

Then everything goes according to the standard: You must fly; No, I want to stay; No, you have to, we can't do it alone, we need all the help we can. Well, and then a lame couple, a frightened child, a worried look and a giant robot. Well, in its genre, the robot takes a shot and the shuttle with the baby explodes, Shep makes a sad face, which later turns into an angry one. Then we fly away from the Earth and see the fall of our world.

Priority: Mars

As soon as we get back to Normandy and shut up James, we're sent to Mars looking for some secret Prothean weapon that can defeat the Reapers. I want to please everyone - they won’t let us run around Normandy, yet.

As soon as we arrive on Mars, we see an impending sandstorm, so we need to hurry. So, we must run to the ledge, and there we jump down. A sniper rifle will lie on the right, when it is selected, we are offered to change the equipment, we press it. Further, it is better to put weapons no more than three units, as you begin to weigh more, and the recovery of skills takes longer. In madness, it is desirable to have a sniper and assault rifle. Personally, I have an M-77 Palladium pistol, an M-96 Hoe assault rifle, and a Black Widow sniper rifle. Equipped? We move on.

Ahead we see Cerberus soldiers, and we are prompted to press the view button to see what is happening, then there is a small cut-scene in which Cerberus soldiers are executing Alliance soldiers. Or we can directly join the battle right away. Here it will be best to shoot the heads of enemies from cover. Then we move to their cars, and then I advise you to reload your weapons and be ready - an ambush awaits you at the next parking lot.

I advise you to take an assault rifle and shoot enemies from cover. For now, you can relax. We get to the elevator, and once again Ashley starts asking us questions about Cerberus' plans.

Next, we meet Liara, who has just crawled out of the ventilation shaft. Well, as always, we will not have time to meet, as we are immediately attacked. This is not without casualties: we offended James by giving him the order to return to the shuttle. Now we are forced to use Liara's ability - singularity, after which we quickly interrupt the enemies.

Now we need to find the console so that it lowers the container, then we climb the stairs and start jumping on the boxes. When we come to the door, be careful - when it opens, carefully sit down in the shelter and move to the right corner. There will be an enemy that you can quickly kill by throwing him over cover, and then it is better to use both your abilities and the abilities of your team. After going to the security point, we open the door. Behind the door we see the dead staff. They were killed by Cerberus, cutting off the supply of oxygen and energy. Then the protective partitions open, and our heroes put out the lanterns. It is better to use Liara's Singularity here, as the enemies are in a pile. And it is best to aim at the center.

After we have killed everyone, we go to another security point, where we can see in the video archives of Doctor Eve, a Cerberus agent who staged a diversion. Now let's go where the marker shows. Before us is a workshop corner where we can update equipment, but, alas, it is not yet possible to put improvements.

Climbing the stairs, we will really need a sniper, again we use the singularity on a bunch of enemies and aim at the Guardians who come from the other end of the corridor, in madness it is better not to let them get close, if they still get very close, we use abilities such as Stasis, Singularity, etc.

Further, a long corridor awaits us again, we use the same tactics, but this time it is better to save the cartridges from the sniper rifle before the guards appear. To buy time, Cerberus welds up the main entrance and we have to play with two consoles to open the other door. Then we run to the marker. At the door, a surprise awaits us in the form of a huge controlled turret. This is where Ashley begins to play the hero. We do everything like her. I say right away - do not try to run ahead, it will not work.

When you get to the door, stock up on either patience or panacelin. You will have a tedious fight with the enemy. It is best to shoot enemies from cover and in the first place - Centurions. After that, the cut-scene begins again, where Ashley offers to use the enemy's walkie-talkie. But despite the seriousness of the situation, she still begins to criticize Shepard, it is already starting to piss him off, it's understandable.

Next, we need to order the party members to take a position. Now we are waiting for the Cerberus platform to come to us, and we fire at it from a sniper, but leave the cartridges for two guards. When we get into the car, it is better to immediately take cover. After a small sabotage, our car breaks down, and a second car with enemies is moving towards us. Were they all shot? Now we jump over to another car. But on the other side of the road, they are already waiting for us. It is better to move back behind the column and shoot back from there. But do not forget about one advantage: the enemies will run up and sit down near your car. It is necessary to seize the moment and throw them through the shelter.

Next comes the cut-scene with the Ghost, where we can finally send him to hell. After an unproductive conversation and the revelation of Pryrak's plans, it is discovered that the data from the archive is being downloaded indoors. Ashley does find Doctor Eve, who masterfully immobilizes Ashley. Our task: to catch the Doctor. I advise you to run after her, without being distracted by anything. But be careful - she will launch drones at you. After a long chase, Eva manages to jump into the shuttle. Shepard starts calling for everyone's help, but no one can hear him because of the sandstorm. Suddenly, James' shuttle appears in the sky, which rams an enemy ship, from which it falls on our heroes, almost killing them.

James informs us that Normandy will be here soon, just as Ashley helps Liara up, a robot emerges from the burning wreckage of the shuttle: artificial intelligence EVE. She rushes at Ashley, who starts to fire, but to no avail. Eva grabs her and, on the orders of the Illusive Man, starts beating her half to death, then she rushes at us, but we still kill her safely. After which the Normandy arrives and the Joker informs that this system is captured by the Reapers, and the team hastily leaves the planet.

Priority: Citadel

As soon as we board the Normandy, Shepard immediately takes Ashley to the med bay, Liara informs him that they urgently need to leave the solar system and go to the Citadel.

As soon as we dock at dock D24, we are already met by a team of doctors and Captain Bailey, or rather Commander Bailey. Now we can go to the hospital or the council. I chose to visit Ashley in the hospital.

In the hospital we meet an old friend - Dr. Chakvas. We can also buy a box of chocolates and a bouquet of flowers for Ashley. Entering her room, you can wish her further recovery.

Now we are going to Udina's office, where his assistant will be waiting for us to take us to the Citadel tower. Having come to the council, we still see a bunch of bureaucrats. It is also distressing that no matter how hard I tried to remove Udina from a place on the council, he nevertheless became an adviser. At the council, we proposed to unite the fleets and showed Gorn's plans, but the council did not want to listen, referring to the fact that the borders of their worlds are also under attack by the Reapers. And if they send all their forces to Earth, then their worlds will fall.

After the meeting ended, a Turian adviser came to us and told us how to get help in the battle against the Reapers from the turian hierarchy: we need to save the turian primarch from one of the moons of Palaven.

Now it's time to head back to Normandy, and in dock D24, near the memorial plaque, you can meet a war reporter - Diana Allers, who can become a member of the Normandy crew.

As soon as we get on board, Shepard has a dream about the boy who died on Earth.

Later, Liara enters our cabin and reports that she is transmitting data about the device to the turian adviser. Next, Samantha Traynor comes up to us and shows us the new Normandy upgrades: instead of a laboratory, there is a checkpoint and a negotiating table, instead of a communication center, a command center has appeared, and instead of an armory, there is a video communication room. According to Traynor, this was Admiral Anderson's idea to make a mobile headquarters out of Normandy. Also changed was the shuttle bay and the main weapon bay, where Garrus resides at all times. But since Normandy hastily left the Earth due to the attack of the Reapers, they did not have time to polish it. From this it can be seen that wires stick out everywhere, peeled walls, and everything is filled with boxes. But most importantly, they took our fish, scattered our models all over the ship, and I had to run all over the engineering compartment to catch the space hamster.

Priority: Palaven

Now, before arriving at Palaven, we are given the opportunity to choose a weapon, and we can finally upgrade it. Personally, I put a supply of thermal charges and an elongated barrel.

Before we arrive on Menai, we see a cutscene of a brutal battle between the Turians and the Reapers. We have to clear the landing zone - we just shoot at the Husks from the shuttle.

When we land and finish off the last husk, we go to the camp. There we must meet General Corinthus, who reports that the primarch died trying to break through from Palaven.

Now we need to find General Victus and repair the communications tower. Well, so far, nothing complicated, huskies are essentially very harmless creatures, as long as you keep them at a distance, but try not to let them get too close. After repairing the communication tower, you can, without wasting time, run straight to the camp without being distracted by the husks.

Returning to the camp, we will meet an old acquaintance - Garrsua Vakarian, who was made a consultant general. Now we need to find Victus, who has been appointed as the new primarch. Without having time to talk properly, we are attacked again. We must recapture the camp from the enemy forces, and now we will meet a new type of husk - Raiders.

It is better to kill them first of all, from cover, but do not forget about other husks. As soon as we recapture the camp, we are offered to stand behind the turret on the main barricade. But we do not enjoy the pleasure for long. Since the Creature will run at us, which will overturn Shepard from the barricade. We need to destroy it. It is better to kill the creature at a distance from sniper rifle, but do not forget about the husks, which now and then get in the way under our feet. Then you can run to the camp, ignoring a couple of Husks that we will meet along the way.

In the camp we will meet raiders and cannibals. It's best to kill the raiders first, as they make the cannibals stronger and more survivable. Next we are waiting for a new pair of cannibals and a creature. I advise you to kill the cannibals first, and then kill the creature at a distance with a sniper rifle. Now the developers have decided to give us hell. As soon as we go further, we come across raiders on the way, and after them - two creatures. It is better to run to the exit from the camp where we came from, and next to the bunker will be the "Black Star". We take it and wait for the creatures to approach us, and shoot at the center between them.

Priority: Sur'Kesh

We are now heading to the Annos Basin Cluster, Pranas system, to meet with the diplomats. There we will meet our friend - Urdnot Rex.

After a little political debate, we go to Sur'Kesh in order to free the captive krogan women who are immune to the genophage. I advise you to take Liara with you and pump stasis from her.

Our arrival, of course, is not welcome, which is why Rex puts on a little show. Later it turns out that Cerberus forces are flying to the GOR base, and we hastily go to the laboratory, where we meet Mordin Solus.

Mordin gets into a capsule with a female krogan, and we go to the elevator, but, alas, we are in for an unpleasant surprise. Then we have to look for an alternate path. As soon as we get to the first deck, we will be met by Cerberus soldiers. Here is a simple tactic: shoot back from behind cover. When we kill everyone, we approach the door and press to open it. As soon as you clicked to open, it will not open, we run to the shelter away from it. Cerberus soldiers land there, again we use the same tactics.

Having dealt with all the soldiers, we go to the door. Behind it, a new Gray Broker will be waiting for us =)) Next, another Cerberus squad is waiting for us, but because of the abundance of shelters, you can unwind a little. Personally, I used a biotic charge, then a new and powerful blow, and immediately ran to another soldier or cover. But you can play it safe and kill enemies in a proven way - from cover. In order not to write a lot about the same thing, I will describe briefly.

We go further, using all the same tactics, the only "but". The engineers show up. We kill them first. Destroying the turrets without killing the engineer is pointless. I think Liara will come in handy here, since the engineers need to be killed as quickly as possible, and they don’t like to sit still, plus their turrets interfere with us, we wait until they go out into the open, apply stasis and shoot in the head from a sniper rifles. And in order to destroy the turrets, you need to guess the time when they will release a line of cartridges at you and, having started reloading, without wasting time, we begin to shoot at them from cover. In my case, the most effective rifle is the Black Widow.

As soon as we get to the flight deck, we must proceed carefully, since the checkpoint has not yet been. Here it is most effective to run behind cover and aim at the head of the soldiers who are shooting at the capsule at this time. Having cleared the deck, another unpleasant surprise awaits us - Atlas.

His best bet is to shoot at the windshield with a sniper and keep it at a distance. You also need to be wary of his missiles and cannon, the shot of which resembles a shot of a sniper rifle. One such shot is capable of breaking through all your shields at once. But do not forget about the Cerberus soldiers and the safety of the capsule. Of course the priority is to destroy the Atlas, and it is better to choose a position where there are no Cerberus soldiers, and also that there is an escape route if a grenade flies at you. Once we're done here, we'll head back to Normandy, where Mordin will start making a cure for the genophage.

Priority: Tuchanka

While Mordin is making a cure, Primarch Victus asks us to help save the crashed ship that was carrying his son.

So, we are dropped on Tuchanka, which, in principle, is the same as it was in Mass Effect 2. Then we go along the corridor and next to the stairs we see a bunch of husks, you can approach them and use a new one or a singularity.

After we climb the stairs, we must save the Turians from the cannibals, who only throw grenades at us and devour each other. But a new enemy will appear on the arena - the Collector. It is better to shoot him from behind cover. Once you're in it, the faucet poses little danger. After a short skirmish, he flies away.

Then we are again waiting for a ladder, a husky and a picker who flies away again. And all this is repeated one more time. Having reached the fallen ship, they arrange hell on earth for us. The Collector throws a couple of triplets of cannibals, raiders and a creature at us. It's best to eliminate the Harvester first, otherwise it will keep dropping enemies.

After the destruction of all enemies, we return to Normandy.

Mordin informs us that the cure is almost ready, and in order to distribute it, we need to get to the Veil. But Dalatressa suggests that we stop Mordin from using the cure.

Having arrived again on Tuchanka to cure the genophage, we can warn Rex about sabotage by the salarians, but we will not be able to do this due to the push.

As soon as we land, we have to fight off a horde of husks. Remember - don't let them get close enough. After the battle, we will regroup in a convoy and begin a full-scale attack on the Reaper. Also now we can warn Eva and Rex about sabotage. Here we face a fatal choice: save the krogan or obey the salarians. I advise you not to rush to a conclusion. But since I'm playing as a paragon, the choice becomes obvious - save the krogan.

Due to a break in the road, the convoy is out of schedule, and the link of the Artimek fighters is already entering the battle. The reaper shoots down one of the fighters, and it flies at us. Shepard gives the order to move on, and he goes into the depths of the catacombs.

Here we can learn that the krogan used to have a developed culture, which they themselves destroyed, as well as the progenitor of all threshers - Carlos, who is already more than several thousand years old. At the exit from the catacombs, we meet the corpse of a rachni-husk - a devastator, as well as plants.

This planet used to bloom, but because of the passion for battle, the krogans began to fight each other, and nuclear weapons turned their planet into a lifeless desert. But we are not allowed to admire the city, devastators appear before us.

It's best not to get close to them, and don't let them aim at you. The most effective way is to aim it at the eyepiece. Also be careful - the devastators release small bugs at you - scouts. And there was no trouble, but they also threw cannibals to us. There is only one way out: run to the very end of the map and shoot them with a sniper rifle.

First of all, we kill the devastators, and be careful - after death they release a toxin. Ahead of us, three more cannibals are waiting, after killing them, we carefully go forward along the right edge, and as soon as the cannibal appears around the corner, we run again to the shelter.

After killing everyone, we go forward, where the Creature and a couple of Husks appear from behind the same corner. Here everything is just running to the bridge over which we jumped, and while the creature is distracted by your team squad, we calmly kill it with a sniper rifle, we do the same with the second creature.

At the exit, four cannibals, two devastators and a horde of husks will be waiting for us. We play the same tactics. It's best to run back to where you came from. Further, standing on the bridge, we can see Carlos, but we need to urgently move forward.

Four cannibals, two raiders and a bunch of husks will be waiting for us at the convoy. It is unlikely that you will be able to run past them, but even if you succeed, a banal script will not let you go further. The fastest way is to apply stasis on the raiders and take a couple of shots to their head. Then there is a small cut-scene and moments from the trailer "Againts All Odds", where we first need to deal with the cannibals, and then, without being distracted by anything, run to the hammers. But be careful - watch out for the shadow on the ground, as you can be easily killed by the Reaper's foot.

After we have pressed both hammers, we see that epic scene where the thresher buries the Reaper underground. Next, we see Mordin walking towards the veil and realizing that he won't be able to survive, Shepard says goodbye to him. Immediately after Mordin sprays the cure, the Veil explodes with him. Nevertheless, we are curing the genophage, and turians with kronan provide us with their help.

Priority: Citadel 2

We again have a dream about a little boy, but this time silhouettes appear in this dream, and the voices of the characters who died. No matter how hard you try, the result is the same: the boy burns again.

Flying up to the Citadel, no one answers us, later, via an encrypted channel, Thane tells us that the Citadel has been captured by Cerberus. I want to note - being the heart of the galactic community, the Citadel is very easily captured by the enemy sometimes.

On the shuttle, we are parachuted to the C-Sec offices, where we see Commander Bailey being wounded. This will be pretty easy. We just shoot the Cerberus soldiers from cover. Engineers are prioritized, then Centurions, and finally Stormtroopers and Turrets. Further, the wounded Bailey will open the door for us and will help from the console.

Two stormtroopers will be waiting for us outside the door, we use the singularity on them. Then the guards will appear on the stairs, since they are already too close, I advise you to take the shields from them using the same singularity. Now it is better not to run further to the stairs, but to prepare a sniper rifle and shoot enemies. Further, in order not to write the same thing, I just advise you to go ahead and use simple tactics - use more singularity and stasis and shoot from a sniper rifle while sitting in cover.

Upon reaching the offices, we see the corpses of the director and two salarian bodyguards. Later, we see a salarian adviser crawling out from behind the table, but suddenly the assassin appears. Shep breaks the window and jumps down. The killer is already ready to kill the adviser, but Thane prevents him. In the course of the ensuing fight, the killer pierces Thane's sword through and through.

We start chasing him, but he disables our car and we fall down. On the way we are waiting for the most dangerous opponents: phantoms and avengers. Now this is where it gets really difficult. Your main goal is phantoms, in no case do not let them close and do not go out into open space - this is a clear death. It is best to use stasis and shoot directly at the head, similarly we do with the avengers. Then we have to choose another route, as the doors are blocked.

On the way we will meet the Atlas, but you can cheat. Just run around him and go straight to the elevator. There we will meet our killer in the company of phantoms. We must jump down the elevator shaft and stop the killer's elevator. Enemies will come across to us along the way, I advise you to shoot at the power circuits right away, then the enemies will fall along with the elevator.

As soon as we get to the council, Udina will prove in every possible way our involvement in the Cerberus attack, if you are a paragon, you have Mass Effect 1 and 2 saves, and you complete all the quests, then you convince Ashley that Udina works for Cerberus, and you they offer to kill Udina, of course, you can refuse, and then Ashley will kill him, but I had enough of this bureaucratic goat and fired a shot with my own hand. Otherwise, if you're a bad guy and don't like questing, you kill Ashley or your party mate kills her, and her last words are "I hope the Reapers take you to hell."

At the end, we are shown a dialogue between the killer and the Illusive Man, in which the Illusive Man reveals that he has other operations in progress, and that he is surprised that Shepard was able to outdo the assassin, who replied that this would not happen again.

Priority: Veil of Perseus

As soon as we return to dock D24, we meet with Ashley, who asks to return to our team.

Next comes a conversation between us, Anderson and Hackett about Udina's betrayal. Anderson also told us that the killer we were chasing was Kai Len. And that once he shot him in both legs, but the Ghost patched him up. Len then showed up on Omega even stronger than before.

Now we need to enlist the support of the quarians, who have the largest fleet in the galaxy. But they decided to return their home planet - Rannoch and mobilize all their troops. We're going to the Dolen system to meet with the admirals. From the conversation, it turns out that the quarians drove the geth into the home system, where the geth began to receive the signal of the Reapers. And they need to destroy the geth dreadnought, which surpasses all the ships of the quarian fleet. We also meet another old friend - Tali.

Priority: Geth Dreadnought

Well, here begins one of the most difficult missions. We must make our way through the dilapidated tunnel inside the geth dreadnought and open the gateway for the boarding team. Tali then explains that the war with the geth was a very bad idea, and this time the quarians could be completely wiped out. As soon as we activate the bridge, the geth siren goes off. But we will not hear it, since it is transmitted through the internal local network Getae.

While the Geth are not very difficult to kill - just shoot back from cover. It's best to kill the Geth Rocketeers first. As soon as we go down the stairs, be very careful - the geth will begin to mine the corridors, so watch your step. Basically, the mines will lie in bundles of wires. When we get to the control room, we will be met by geth hunters, they must be killed first, it is better to use stasis, since the singularity blocks their shields.

Now we have to go to the center of the core, but the geth will go again. We shoot them, but do not come out from behind cover and be careful - geth hunters like to sneak up behind you in stealth mode. Next, we need to crack the door. After that, we will go down the stairs several times.

We find ourselves next to the main gun. Here you have to be careful and stay in cover all the time, since electric waves are always coming at us. This is where the hardest part begins. As soon as the geth begin to appear, immediately run back a sufficient distance. And first of all, kill the hunters. And remember - take your time and be careful, there are very difficult checkpoints. As soon as we move to another corridor, we use the same tactics.

Having dealt with the geth, we go upstairs, break open the door and go directly to the core. Later it turns out that the signal source amplifier of the Reapers was our familiar true get-Legion. As soon as we disconnect it from the transmitter, the quarian fleet starts bombing the dreadnought with us aboard.

On the way, we come across very tenacious Primes, but there is also a trick here - after killing ordinary geth, you can quickly run around the Primes and go down to the Legion. Now we just have to run after him. At the hangar, we will fall down, but it's okay, we climb back up the stairs. Boarding one of the geth fighters, we leave the Dreadnought.

Priority: Rannoch

Aboard the Normandy, we're having a showdown, as Admiral Guerrel didn't want to take the opportunity to retreat, but instead opened fire on the dreadnought while we were there.

Now, while the quarians are looking for the source of the Reaper signal, we are offered to complete tasks on Rannoch. It is best to choose the task of shutting down the geth servers, it is convenient because there will not be any enemies here, and we can learn about the history of the geth.

Entering the capsule, we connect to the geth server. I think there is no need to describe anything here. We just go and destroy the virus nodes. As soon as we clear the geth network of the Reaper virus, the Primes will join us.

Returning to Normandy, we are informed that a Reaper base has been discovered and must be destroyed before the Reaper signal is updated. So, now we finally begin the battle for Rannoch.

As soon as we land, a company of geth awaits us. Here we play the old fashioned way: cover, stasis and headshot. Rocket men will be waiting for us at the top. You have to be very careful with them. Used stasis, shot in the head and back into cover. No need to constantly peek out of cover, as there are a lot of geth, therefore, a lot of rockets that decently remove HP. It is better to move forward when you are sure that all the geth are destroyed. Then we will be met by ordinary geth soldiers. Be careful, later on the balcony we will meet a get-rocketman.

After activating the gate, we need to survive. Here you need to run to the door where we came from and shoot back from the soldiers and rocket launchers, but there will also be a new unit here - a flamethrower. Alas, stasis does not affect him, so we deal with him on our own.

By activating the second console, an elevator will descend to us. There will be two rocket men and one prime. First we deal with the rocketmen, and then proceed to the prime. It is better to slow down his movements using drones. Running around the prime and getting into the elevator will not work. This scene is also scripted to destroy the prime. It seems that there was no trouble, but as soon as we go upstairs, we jump into the shelter like a bullet.

Three primes are waiting for us there at once, but two geth weapons are given to help us - the Whirlwind. But if you do not know how to handle them, they are of little use. A whirlwind is something like a machine gun that accelerates faster and faster, and only after accelerating the rate of fire to the maximum, it begins to kill primes well. But be careful, time and place correctly, because if you get hit, you will have to accelerate the weapon again, and the magazine is only designed for 200 shots, so good luck.

And now another famous scene begins - the battle with the Reaper. As soon as we point the laser at the transmitter, and the Normandy makes an explosion, Shepard falls down, and it turns out that this station turns out to be the Reaper. Here comes the Legion on the Horve, and now we are shooting at the Reaper. But, alas, our bullets do not take it, but the combat weapons of the quarians still hit the Reaper in the charging chamber, from which he falls. And now we have to manually aim the laser at the Reaper.

Everything is simple here - we move either to the left or to the right, and we begin to roll as soon as the Reaper will let a beam at us. Next will be a time dilation, in which we must accurately aim at the Reaper, after which the quarian fleet will fire at it from orbit.

At the end, the Reaper will talk to us, he will say that the Harbinger warned them about Shepard, but that our actions are useless. And now he touches on the theme of the most important secret - the cycle. He explains that organics and synthetics cannot live in peace, and the battle for Rannoch is proof of this, and that we represent chaos, and the Reapers represent order, and immediately turns off.

Now we are faced with a very difficult choice - if you have completed only the main storyline, you will have to choose between geth and quarians, but if you have completed additional quests and the scale of the hero / renegade is impressively pumped, you can reconcile both sides. In my case, I did just that. After handing over the code, the Legion tells us that it needs to go into the commonality in order to hand over the Reaper code for the geth to become self-reliant. At the end, Admiral Raana and Prime approach us, who reports that the Legion sacrificed himself for the freedom of his people.

Priority: Citadel 3

Returning to Normandy, we are contacted by an asari adviser and informs us that she has some information about the catalyst. She asks us to fly to the Citadel and go to Udina's office. As soon as we meet with her, the adviser informs us that her government asked her to tell Shepard about a secret artifact on Thessia, which only the highest ranks of the government know about. And that they are ready to tell us about it, since their world is in danger, and that they are not able to contain the firepower of the Reapers.

Priority: Tessia

Arriving on Thessia, we see how the Reapers operate all over the planet, and learn that the artifact, which is located in the Atame temple, is for some reason financed from a closed government source. Next, we have to sit on the barricade and protect the Azari barriers from the husks and creatures.

Once we're done, we'll head straight for the temple. On the way we will meet cannibals and raiders. We sit in shelters and kill the raiders, then the cannibals. We are careful in the yard. First we sit down in a shelter and nowhere else, we kill cannibals and raiders. Then we destroy all cocoons from a sniper rifle. Now we move forward very slowly and carefully. Basically, only cannibals will appear, and only occasionally - raiders. But don't run ahead thinking you've killed everyone, or you'll only make things worse for yourself.

We very carefully move forward, moving next to the shelters. And as soon as the most dangerous enemy in the game appears - the Banshee, we immediately run for cover. There is also a trick here: if you do not want to fight with her, we wait until she moves away from the entrance, and as soon as she moves away, we run inside.

Next we move on to the asari sniper position, where the M-98 Widow sniper rifle will lie, but if you have the Black Widow, it is better to leave it. Now we need to destroy the enemies from below. But here, I think, you can deal with them to disgrace simply. Now we go down and run to the Tykis outpost. As soon as we approach the outpost, they still give us a closer look at the banshees, but this time we can’t run past.

I advise you to take cover and shoot at the banshee at random, use any ability, just to slow it down. The banshee is dangerous in that she can teleport, launch biotic balls, and constantly use the biotic field. But the main thing - do not let her close, if she does not kill you with her abilities, then be sure - she will pierce you with her hand.

After we deal with raiders and devastators, which now seem like flowers. After destroying them, we run forward, shooting cocoons and husks, and as soon as we see the collector in the sky, we immediately jump into cover. Two collectors, two devastators and two raiders will immediately block our path. First of all, we need to destroy the power node, which feeds everyone with barriers and is located between two collectors, after destroying it, we shoot at the devastators and collectors, although the collectors will fly away after some time.

Having finished off the devastators, we go to the temple, in which we find a Prothean lighthouse, and learn that thanks to it, the asari are superior in development to all other civilizations.

Later, Kai Len appears on the scene. The best tactic against him is to just run around the hall and keep him away, beware of his biotic waves and phantom implants. As soon as Len leaves to restore the shields, the Cerberus flyer will shoot at us, here we need to take cover. But, alas, after a short fight, Len will use the flyer to bring down the columns (Cerberus does not like to play fair), and we will almost fall into the abyss, but Liara will have time to save us, but, unfortunately, Len will already have time to download the data and leave Thessia . In the final cutscene, we see the asari civilization fall.

Priority: Horizon

After a short meeting aboard the Normandy, Shepard decides to destroy Cerberus once and for all. EDI manages to trace the signal from Lena's shuttle to the Lera system, where the Sanctuary is located - a huge refugee camp.

As soon as we arrive at the Horizon, we learn that the Sanctuary is not what it seems, and that Miranda's sister is here. Leaving the shuttle, we will immediately be met by two phantoms and one avenger. Keep our distance, use stasis on the phantom, and then headshot. Using the same tactics, we deal with the avenger.

Going down, we deal with the attack aircraft. Further, from Miranda's message, we learn that the Sanctuary is not a refugee camp, but a Cerberus research complex, which is headed by her father, Henry Lawson. Here, Cerberus turned refugees into husks. From the video, we learn that Miranda is in danger from Kai Len.

As soon as we go down again, we meet the Husks, it is best to deal with them right at the entrance. Then a very difficult place begins, as soon as we go inside, the door closes behind us, and raiders, devastators and, most importantly, banshees appear in front of us. As always, the very first thing we kill the banshee, use anything against her, but do not let her come to you.

After we deal with it, we destroy the devastators, and then the raiders using the stasis headshot tactics. We move on. From the next terminal, we learn that the Illusive Man wanted to get the technology to intoxicate the Reapers. In the corridor, a large bunch of cannibals and a few raiders are waiting for us, we sit down in cover and shoot them with a sniper rifle. Then we approach the terminal, from which we learn that Cerberus was able to control the Reaper troops, and the Ghost wanted to use the technology to intoxicate the Reapers themselves, but they found out about his plans and attacked the Sanctuary. At the end of the tape, we see Kai Len attacking Miranda.

Now we need to climb the corporate ladder. But at the top we will be met by raiders, cannibals and devastators. Killing them is pointless so far, first you need to destroy the barrier generators, and then shoot enemies from a distance with a sniper rifle.

Further, sitting in, so to speak, the elevator, we go to the tower, but we have two creatures on the road, the best tactic is to run, jump and shoot. But do not run too far, as another creature and a banshee will appear further. It is better to deal with the creatures first, and then proceed to the banshee, especially since the space is large and the banshee is now not so dangerous.

Entering the tower, we see a scene that may be different from yours. Basically it depends on how deep you went through the game. For me it looked like this. Opening the door, opposite Miranda stood her father, holding her sister - Oriana. But in the end, the scene ends with Miranda throwing her father down and revealing that she bugged Len. But how you played the game depends on whether Miranda survives or dies.

Priority: Cerberus Headquarters

Well, here we come to the point of no return. We and the Fifth Fleet are ready to attack the Ghost's base - Kronos Station.

Before departure, we have a romantic scene, unless, of course, we had an affair with someone. After that, we again have a dream about a boy, but this time it ends somehow creepy: the boy runs up to Shepard, um ... not to the Shepard who dreams of all this nonsense, but to Shepard, who dreams of Shepard, mdaaa .. What have BioWare come to. Well, the boy sits on Shepard's knees, they look at you with a terrible smile, especially Shepard's, and burn in the fire. Then Shepard wakes up in a cold sweat.

Arriving at our destination, we break through to hangar-16, where we are met with stiff resistance. I can offer you the following tactic: I used stasis and headshot the stormtroopers and centurions, and then when Atlas appeared, I simply climbed up the stairs where the avenger was sitting and already shot at Atlas from there. And since Atlas can't climb ladders, it's easy to destroy him.

Entering the control center, the EDI prevents the depressurization of the hangar, but after the cut-scene, immediately jump into cover, as the door will open abruptly, and a detachment of stormtroopers, guards, centurions and avengers will be waiting for us behind it. We use the singularity, and then just shoot them while they are in the air.

In the second control center we deploy a fighter. Then we go down the stairs, and right in front of us there will be a control panel for launching fighters. We launch it directly into the wall, behind which, alas, Atlas will meet us. Just shoot glass at him with a sniper rifle. Since he is at a great distance and goes in a straight line, he is not dangerous. Going down, we will be met by stormtroopers, centurions and an avenger, but I think they will not cause much problems.

Having penetrated inside the base, we can view the records from the Lazarus project. A little further a similar corridor will await us, but this time we will meet engineers, it is better to destroy them first, before they put up turrets, but do not forget to destroy the shield generators. Climbing upstairs, we can learn about the origin of SUZI and Eva, and also that SUZI is the same VI that went out of control on the Moonbase, which we fought in the first part of the trilogy. We can also see video recordings of conversations between the Illusive Man and Kai Len.

After jumping down, we see the head of the Protozhenets, but only if we saved the base of the collectors. Phantoms and avengers will stand in our way, and if you, again, superficially passed the game, then you will fight with Jack, who was made a phantom. Use the stasis headshot tactic. Now we climb the stairs, and before entering the base control center, we can again watch the video recordings. This time about how the Cerberus soldiers were improved by the Reaper implants, as well as the Illusive Man himself.

Further we go along the corridor. As soon as we go inside the hall, we see that there is no one in it. Shepard sits down in a chair and a hologram of the Illusive Man appears behind him. After the conversation, we learn from the Prothean VI that the Catalyst is the Citadel. After that we are met by Kai Len.

Here begins the most difficult part of the mission. Since I played and describe the game for an attack aircraft, I will describe the tactics of fighting Len for an attack aircraft. We often need to run and jump into cover, when Len runs after you, we sit down in cover and shoot back from him, and when he switches to teammates, we use a biotic charge, then a new one and jump back into cover again.

When Len runs away to restore the shields, we sit down in cover and shoot from the sniper rifle of the attack aircraft. The second time we use stasis on the avenger, put him a headshot and shoot at the stormtroopers again, you can also use the singularity. For the third time, we sit in cover, use stasis on phantoms and put them in a headshot, after which we can already fully focus on Lena. But be careful and try to leave as much panacelin as possible for the third wave, and also don't let Len get close to you. After we destroy Len, we return to Normandy.

Priority: Earth

That's all. We approached the challenging mission, perhaps, in the entire trilogy. The battle for the Earth and for the entire galaxy.

The battle begins with Admiral Hackett coming on board and giving a speech, then we discuss battle tactics with him and Anderson. After that, a video begins, which in different cases differs depending on the number of combat-ready troops.

Having broken through to Earth, we descend on a shuttle. As soon as the doors of the shuttle open, do not shoot, but jump into cover (inside the shuttle) as soon as possible. This is a very difficult place, as there are a lot of improved cannibals and raiders, as well as creatures. And basically the most effective tactic here is the stasis headshot. But the most important thing is that you can’t lean out into an open place and rush.

As soon as we clear the area, we move very carefully, cannibals will appear near the rise again. Then there will be a scene where Cortez is killed, and whether he survives or not depends on how deep you went through the game.

Now it's better to stock up on ammo. Having climbed onto the roof, we deal with the cannibals, and then we take the M-920 "Cain" and shoot at the "Hades" gun. Now a very difficult place begins, we need to survive until the shuttle arrives, but it will not arrive until we deal with the banshee, and plus all this, there is an endless respawn of cannibals here. But there is one glitch here: we go down to where we came from and shoot the banshee, she cannot go down to you, but be careful - cannibals calmly shoot at your back, who also like to throw grenades.

After you need to move to the shuttle. Sitting in it, we will meet Anderson and go to the headquarters. On the way to the command center, we will have to stand behind the turret and shoot the headquarters from the husks for some time. After that, a couple of fighters will bombard.

When we arrive at the command center, Anderson will tell us the plan of attack, and after Shepard delivers a bombastic speech, all the troops will move towards the beam. We will be behind the enemies.

Again, we use the stasis headshot tactic. Jumping down, we go after Makko. Next, the collector will block the road for us, we destroy it from cover and kill the rest of the enemies. As soon as the banshee appears, we lure her into the open and free place and just run around her, firing from the hip and jumping when she launches biotic balls at us.

Entering the parking lot, we will get in the way of huskies and critters, if you do not want to fight, just lure the critters away from the stairs, and then run to it and climb up. Behind the wall will be a pair of Raiders and Cannibals, as well as one Ravager. We kill them using singularity, stasis and a sniper rifle. And as soon as we get to the door, huskies will crawl out from behind it.

There will be a huge number of raiders on the street, we kill them with a stasis headshot tactic, then carefully move forward and destroy the devastator and other raiders, after which the huskies and the creature appear. We just run down the street and shoot everything with anything. Then we climb into the store and, using the stasis headshot, we kill all the cannibals and raiders. Next, we go to the cafe, but I advise you not to recklessly climb through the window, as the cafe is simply full of raiders and cannibals. We just sit down in the shelter next to the window and from there we kill the enemies.

Further, when we approach the door, it is better to press the lock and immediately run for cover behind the cash register. And in no case do not stand in the doorway, as soon as the door opens, cannibals and raiders will shoot at you. After going inside, we sit down at a table and shoot enemies from there.

Now we go to the alley, from where the creature will go at us, while she walks along the corridor, we just shoot at her. Now it will be more difficult. As soon as we reach the exit, as breaking through the wall, two creatures jump on us. We run back to the table and shoot them with a sniper rifle. If they get close, jump back.

OK it's all over Now. After opening the door, we will see a cut-scene where our troops are trying to destroy the Reaper, but they fail. Now we need to free the rocket battery. As soon as we do that, the most difficult part of the game begins, which will make you nervous. To the right of the battery will be a room. We sit there at the cash desk and shoot back from enemies.

So far, bearable, but after a while, the Reaper troops will break through the left flank and the situation will quickly worsen with the appearance of a banshee. In the building opposite, near the wall, there will be an M-560 "Hydra" launcher, we select it and accurately aim at the banshees. Of course, this banshee will not kill, but it will seriously injure. But, alas, after killing the first banshee, the second one will appear after it, here you have to run around the map and shoot back from it in the old fashioned way. But be careful - run only where there are no cannibals or raiders. As soon as we destroy the second banshee and the rest of the husks, we need to launch rockets. But first I advise you to collect cartridges and first aid kits.

After launching the rockets, due to the large interference, the rockets do not hit the Reaper, and we need to get him to come closer to us. Now it will be easier, fifteen creatures will simply be thrown at us. And we need to run around the map and shoot them. After the collector appears, and we need to destroy it. Next comes the save, and two banshees and a whole detachment of raiders are thrown at us.

Run for cover to the barricade on the left flank. We can only shoot continue until the missiles are ready to launch. After that, we need to get to it as quickly as possible, actively using panacelin.

After destroying the Destroyer, we move towards the beam, Hakket delivers the Horn to the solar system. But as soon as we reach the beam, the Harbinger appears in front of us and begins to launch beams at us. We run forward. Here, it depends on the number of combat-ready troops whether your party members will stop halfway and survive, or they will run after you and die.

As soon as we get close to the beam, the Harbinger will hit us with the beam. After we wake up, he will fly away, and we will, bleeding, move forward. At the very beam, a raider will shoot us, but we will still be transported to the Citadel.

Citadel: The Return

Once on the Citadel, we are in the very center of the tunnels of the guardians, where processed remains of people lie everywhere. When we get to the control panel, we see Anderson, and suddenly the Ghost appears behind us. But he's already half husk. He uses drugging technology on us and makes us shoot Anderson.

Now, depending on how we played the game, we can let the Ghost kill Anderson or convince the Ghost to commit suicide. But, alas, in any case, Anderson will die.

After opening the Citadel, we sit next to Anderson and talk together for the last time, then he dies. Meanwhile, Hackett reports that the Gorn has docked with the Citadel, but nothing happens. Shepard says in response that he does not know what to do, passes out.

The platform lifts him up. There, a child approaches him and asks what Shepard is doing here. It is revealed that this child is the Catalyst, and that he created the Reapers. Since organic life is constantly striving to reach the pinnacle of evolution, it eventually creates an AI so powerful that it destroys its creators. The catalyst found a solution to this problem in the Reapers, every 50,000 years they complete the cycle of advanced civilizations, keeping them in the shell of the Reapers, allowing other, younger civilizations to develop.

Now, from how we went through the game, we are offered a choice: control the Reapers, destroy them, or merge with them together. In the first case, Shepard dies, the Reapers leave Earth along with the Citadel. In the second case, Shepard destroys the Reapers and the Citadel, as well as all synthetic life, including geth and EDI, the number of combat-ready troops depends on whether Shepard survives or not. In the latter case, Shepard merges with the Reapers, thereby synthesising organic and synthetic life occurs, Shepard dies. But in all cases, repeaters are destroyed. The last video is different in different cases.

All three endings still feel unfinished, and Bioware has promised to release a new free Extended Cut DLC that should add additional cutscenes to the endings.

7.5 from the editors




Mass Effect 3

  • Publisher: Electronic Arts
  • Publisher in Russia: Electronic Arts
  • Developer: BioWare
  • Website: Official site
  • Game engine: Unreal Engine 3.5
  • Genre: RPG
  • Game Mode: Single Player, Multiplayer
  • Distribution: 2 DVD-DL, Blu-ray

System requirements:

  • Windows XP (SP3) / Vista (SP1) / 7
  • Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8 GHz or AMD equivalent
  • 1 GB
  • 256 MB, with PS 3.0 support (GeForce 7900/Radeon X1800 or better)
  • 3 GB

About the game

Not everyone is destined to survive. An ancient alien race known as the Reapers has begun a global invasion, leaving behind the ruins of civilizations. The earth has been invaded, the galaxy is on the verge of complete destruction, and only you can fix the situation. The price of a mistake is non-existence. Your role is Captain Shepard, a character you create yourself. Only you decide how events will unfold, which planets will be explored, and who will become a member of the alliance that you will gather to eliminate the threat from the Reapers once and for all. You will lead this war at your own discretion: you can attack in the forehead, pouring fire on the enemy or draw up a cunning plan for a surprise attack. Gather a versatile team of professionals or choose the path of a lone wolf. Attack your enemy from a distance or engage him in brutal hand-to-hand combat.

Mass Effect 3 will react to every decision you make - the story is up to you to write.

Game Features:

  • Thoughtful non-linear plot: fantasy saga with multiple endings depending on your choices and decisions made during the game.
  • Vast Universe: you have to fight in many worlds across the galaxy, accumulate strength, gather allies and, finally, recapture the Earth from the enemy.
  • Huge and dangerous opponents: engage in battle with huge monsters and small, but extremely smart and dexterous creatures that will make you sweat.
  • Unlock the opportunity to improve your arsenal: add new sights, grips, barrels and many other unique accessories that will make weapons much more effective. Each type of weapon deals its own type of damage and has a unique visualization of the shot.
  • You can sow death from afar, or get in close combat with the enemy: choose your tactics. A huge selection of weapons, abilities and equipment will allow you to fight the enemy in a way convenient for you.

The plot of the game

The action of the game begins in one of the largest cities on Earth - Vancouver. Captain Shepard, the protagonist of the previous games in the series, is on Earth as a person under investigation in connection with cooperation with Cerberus and the destruction of the relay. In connection with the approach of the Reapers to Earth, Shepard is called to the Alliance Council, where he must present his vision of the situation and propose measures to combat the Reapers. At the same moment, the expansion of the Reapers into the solar system and the invasion of the Earth begins. Shepard has to urgently leave the planet to go for help.

The first stop is Mars, where the Normandy team finds Liara T'Soni and blueprints for a certain Prothean weapon (the so-called "Forge"), supposedly created by the Protheans to destroy the Reapers. Here, Shepard first encounters Cerberus, who has his own understanding of how to deal with the Reapers.

Throughout the game, Shepard will have to enlist the support of other races of the galaxy, resolving long-standing conflicts between them, help allies in difficult situations, and also find necessary resources for the construction of the Horn.

Toward the end of the game, Shepard learns the location of the Cerberus secret base, where he will have to get the information necessary to complete the Forge. Shepard manages to find Prothean data, from which it becomes clear that for the full functioning of the Forge, the Catalyst, which is the Citadel, is necessary. At the same time, it is revealed that the Illusive Man has been informing the Reapers about Project Bugle, causing the Citadel to be sent into Earth orbit, where most of the Reaper forces are located.

At the same time, in London, the Reapers built a special device for transporting the dead bodies of people to the Citadel. The Alliance and all allies gathered by Shepard attack the Reapers to gain access to this device. At the cost of huge losses, Shepard and Admiral Anderson still manage to get to the Citadel.

Gameplay Changes


  • The difficulty will rise. "Normal" level will be like the updated "Veteran".
  • The overall battle speed will increase by 10-15%.
  • In battle, you can now turn sharply to the side, jump over obstacles, and general maneuverability and shooting from cover have been optimized.
  • Improved artificial intelligence of enemies. Now they perform different functions on the battlefield and coordinate actions among themselves.


  • Any class can wield any weapon. However, the restrictions will be on the number of weapons that the character carries with him at the same time.
  • The ability to modify the weapon and its individual parts is returned, which will affect the characteristics of the weapon and its appearance.
  • Grenades will return to the arsenal as a character's skills.


Mass Effect 3 will have more freedom in choosing skills.

State of the art

The maximum character level in Mass Effect 3 is 60. When you import a character from Mass Effect 2, its level, personality, and skills will be preserved.


Research is lighter compared to the second part. Now you need to scan the planets from space, and if there is any artifact on the planet, then you just need to launch the probe from orbit. There are no resources as in the second part.


Mass Effect 3 supports the Xbox 360 Kinect controller. With it, the player will be able to give voice commands (in the English version of the game) to his partners and say phrases from the dialogues.

Play styles

In Mass Effect 3, you can choose three styles of play: Role-playing - the traditional style of Mass Effect, Action - a style that focuses on combat, and the answers in the dialogues will be selected automatically (Good and Evil will alternate), Story - simplified battles for those who wants to focus on the role-playing component of Mass Effect.


Mass Effect 3 has multiplayer for up to four players. To play, you need to create a new character by choosing one of several proposed races. In multiplayer, weapon modification and character upgrades are available.

Transferring saves

In Mass Effect 3, you can import your character from Mass Effect 2. With the save, many decisions will be carried over, which will affect the dialogue and missions in the game. If Shepard died at the end of Mass Effect 2, then it will be impossible to transfer the save.

  1. During the advertising campaign, developers on balloons launched into the air several copies of the game, equipped with a GPS device. Anyone who found a copy could safely start playing it a week before release.
  2. This is the first game in the series to feature a female version of Captain Shepard in a promotional campaign.
  3. An unfortunate incident happened with the game: the official final did not suit all the players and gave rise to a whole storm of criticism addressed to them. So, fans of the game raised $1,000 dollars, bought 402 cakes in three colors and mailed them to the Bioware office. The wave of indignation was so great that the developers had to release a special DLC with an “extended and corrected” ending a few months later.
  4. The development of the script began with a three-page document, which was agreed with all members of the team. And only after the "general plan" suited everyone, did they begin to detail it.
  5. Since it was known from the beginning that the game was planned as a trilogy, the development team had the opportunity to work on the third part even before the release of the second.

In the life of every space captain, sooner or later there comes a moment when you want a simple and, if possible, human caress. Love among the stars - what could be more romantic in a difficult time, when reapers are snooping around, waving iron tentacles! But how to understand the intricacies of galactic novels? How to unmistakably find the way to the heart or hearts of comrades-in-arms? There is no need for a comprehensive guide. And he is in front of you.

Compared to previous games in the series, Captain Shepard's love affairs in Mass Effect 3 are both simplified and complicated at the same time. On the one hand, scenes of jealousy are gone, and there are more objects for the application of captain's charisma - now you can spin cupids not only with satellites, but also with former satellites, and with the “non-combat” crew of the Normandy. On the other hand, a romance with some characters can be overwhelmed due to inattention, and not all intrigues end with at least some kind of bed scene.

"You make my tentacles stand on end!"

In addition, there is a mysterious imbalance in the assortment of “halves”, which is offensive to the playing women. See for yourself: all paths are open for a male Shepard - he can choose from five women, one asari and one quarian (with some stretch - the same earthly women). True, it is more difficult for a gay Shepard - only one reliable friend is in store for him, the driver of the landing boat, Steve Cortez. There is, however, also a bisexual Kaidan - but only if he did not die in the first part.

NOTE: this same Steve Cortes is the only story NPC from the Normandy team, to whom the artists were too lazy to draw his own face. But they were not too lazy to draw tears.

James Vega, like that hamster, "loves no one."

But the problems of masculine Shepards of any orientation pale in comparison to the deal for a female Shepard. For her, only one (one!) Man-human is in store, and even then if he survived according to the plot of the first Mass Effect. I'm talking about Kaidan Alenko, whom the developers for some reason changed their face. Then the panopticon begins. You can renew relations with aliens - a relatively humanoid, but very sick Thane Krios, or a charming, but insectoid Garrus. True, these aliens will not just give up either - they will begin to respond to courtship only if Shepard has already glued them in the second part of Mass Effect. In addition, due to Thane's ill health, meeting him does not even count as an affair.

The most offensive for women is that there is a new handsome guy on the ship, the soul of the company, an athlete - James Vega. He is heterosexual, witty and even capable of flirting. But - no novels! Players even raided the BioWare forum with a petition to give Vega some interest in any gender. Perhaps the developers decided in such an unusual way to warn the playing public about the dangers of anabolic steroids?

There is nowhere for Shepard the woman to go but to throw herself into the arms of her friends.

So it turns out that the man on board is at best alone. But there are two women who are ready to ignore conventions and indulge in a riot of same-sex relationships, not counting the asari. Such is the discrimination.

NOTE: in the second part of the game, a Negro Jacob Taylor was a good option for a heterosexual female commander. But the developers even here planted a fawn on the women: Jacob, the only one of all the former satellites, started a family! Well, what are you going to do!

Well, now it's time to list all those with whom Shepard can build his love. So, open the dossier - alphabetically.

Garrus Vakarian

Captain's Gender: feminine

New novel: No

Stop Garrus doing endless calibrations.

Garrus, old Garrus, "scarred chewer." This brave turian was on the Normandy team in all three games and was ranked more than once best characters video games. But kissing him on the scar will not be easy - for this, two conditions are necessary at once: the female captain and the romance with Garrus in the second part. You won’t be able to start a new romance with him if in Mass Effect 2 the captain was just friends with him.

If in the second part he still had an affair with Shepard, there will be no problems with his renewal. It is only necessary after the "Palaven" mission to find a turian in the torpedo room, distract from the calibration and confirm the relationship, sealing them with a kiss right in the scarred mandibles.

After the genophage quest on Tuchanka is completed, Garrus will offer to meet at the Citadel in a conversation. He will be waiting for Shepard in front of the elevator at the docks - and will offer to go on a crazy journey into the forbidden areas of the Citadel. There, the commander will have the opportunity to confess his love to Garrus, and the player will have the opportunity to see a rare sight in this part of the galaxy: a confused turian.

The main thing is to close your eyes.

NOTE: if the commander does not have a romantic relationship with Garrus, if everything is limited to friendship, the crazy journey will still take place - but everything will be limited to the “brotherly” part of the entertainment.

The main romantic scene will happen automatically - as soon as the Normandie heads towards the Cerberus base. But calmness, only calmness - everything will be within the bounds of decency. The turian will not take off his armor.

The developers themselves, realizing that the connection between a man and a turian is a strange thing even by the standards of the Mass Effect universe, put a couple of jokes related to these issues into the game. Even in the sad and beautiful parting scene before the final battle on Earth, Garrus can't help but ask, "I wonder what the human-turian cubs will look like?" - to which Shepard will answer reasonably: "It is unlikely that the laws of biology will meet us halfway."

However, one of the most fun scenes in Mass Effect 3 will only occur to a player who has not had an affair with either Garrus or Tali. Run into the torpedo room often, and you may witness a comical love scene with these two. The embarrassed excuses of the turian and quarian caught hot are definitely worth listening to.


Captain's Gender: male

New novel: No

It's obvious that Jack is bored.

The subject "Zero", or simply Jack, was a very unusual and striking character in Mass Effect 2. Unfortunately, her role in the third part is only episodic, and Jack will have an affair (or rather, hints at it) only with a male captain, yes and then only with those who conquered it in the previous game.

The meeting with the subject "Zero" will take place at the Grissom Academy. Jack will do everything herself - the player will only have to choose the right answers and respond in time to the "moments of interception" by pressing the right mouse button. Don't forget to kiss Jack in the dropboat when it comes to her tattoos.

Alas, Jack will not leave the position of teacher, so she will not get on the ship to us. The culmination of the novel will be only a meeting in the club "Purgatory" and a joint dance. Before the battle with the Ghost, the girl, of course, will not come (she is not on the ship), so the meeting in the bar will be the last. Already on Earth, in burning London, it will be possible to say goodbye to Jack via holographic communication.

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Jack is in her repertoire: when they meet, she will savagely hit Shepard in the jaw "for leaving", and in a farewell conversation via holographic communication, she will demand from the captain to stay alive, "because I will need to sleep with someone."

Diana Allers

Captain's Gender: male and female

New novel: Yes

So, how about "exclusive"?

You probably remember the annoying journalist Kalissa and her specific interviews from the first two parts. In Mass Effect 3, the developers decided to inject new blood into space journalism, and now we are also getting questions from Diana Allers, the host of the Space War report. On her first visit to the Citadel, she will try to ask for the Normandy and, if Shepard lets the journalist on board, she will settle on the engineering deck.

NOTE: if desired, she can be kicked out when revisiting the Citadel.

Diana Allers is a non-combat character, but it's interesting to talk to her, and it makes sense to visit her after each important mission. At one fine moment, the journalist will demand an interview in the captain's cabin - do not yawn here: respond to flirting. But don't expect the result right away - Diana will agree to "exclusive" only at the second interview, if Shepard (of any gender) promises to remain silent.

Regrettably, one can not count on a proper love scene - here the gentlemen, the creators were greedy.

NOTE: a secret meeting with Diana Allers can hardly be considered a full-fledged romance, so it will not prevent Shepard from building a serious relationship with someone else at the same time.

Kayden Alenko

Captain's Gender: male and female

New novel: Yes

Still, something in him remained from the good old Kaiden.

Of all the "lovable" characters in Mass Effect 3, it was Kaidan Alenko who caused the most controversy. The players did not like a lot of things in it. For example, his plastic surgery - we have here, tea, not serials, so that there is a need to change actors.

Many were jarred by Alenko's sudden bisexuality - in the first part of Mass Effect, this was not the case for him. The developers did not even bother to explain why this seasoned fighter would suddenly be drawn to Theban entertainment. But the scene at the Citadel, in which Kaidan tries to frame the commander, caused the most emotions. Considering that Alenko had previously shown only heterosexual behavior, such sudden, unmotivated tackles caused, to put it mildly, embarrassment. Players even got a little mutinous on the BioWare forums.

It turned out that the problem was in the not fully thought out system of courtship: game mechanics(and with it Kaidan) perceived the bottle of whiskey - an innocent gift to Kaidan lying in the hospital - as a signal for courtship. And at this place in Alenko, sudden feelings for the donor woke up - no matter what gender.

"It's morning already?"

Actually, this can be the end of the conversation about how to awaken love in Kaidan - it doesn’t matter, new or old, for a woman or a man. Buy whiskey for a sick person at the local shop, and a date at the Presidium Community is guaranteed. And what to say there - you will understand.

The love scene with Alenko before going to Cerberus is present in the game - moreover, it is very frank. The developers also paid a lot of attention to the London farewell.

Liara T'Soni

Captain's Gender: male and female

New novel: Yes

Shepard thought again about the physiology of the asari.

Beauty Liara, a bisexual asari, was the first candidate for romance in Mass Effect. Relationships can be renewed - at the very beginning, when you find her on Mars. In this case, the choice is made immediately, as soon as Liara asks: “Were everything serious with Tali or so?” Don't forget to call Liara to the captain's quarters when she offers to talk about her new project. What to do next - nature will tell you. After that, all that remains is to meet Liara in the Communities and seal love with passionate kisses.

The scene before the assault on the Ghost's base is one of the most sensual in the game. The image of "dissolute asari" developers are trying to maintain with all their might

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There is a funny dialogue in the game scenes in which the Joker tries to find out from Liara if the asari's head tentacles move. It turns out that these are not full-fledged "tentacles", but only hard horny growths that can be wiggled a little, but no more.

It's a pity. They would find a use.

Miranda Lawson

Captain's Gender: male

New novel: No

Miranda will have very little time for Shepard - everything is business, business.

Miranda Lawson in Mass Effect 2 was the "Ghost representative" on the Normandy. In the last part of the trilogy, she has an episodic role - besides, a kind of romance is available only to those who met her in the previous game.

It all starts with an email in which Miranda invites Shepard to meet at the docks and talk. Confirm that she is still part of the commander's plans and the reward will be a modest kiss.

In a conversation with Liara through the Spectra terminal, warn her about Kai Leng, and then she will make a second meeting at the Commons apartment - again by e-mail. First you talk about business - then Shepard will have the opportunity to command: "Go to bed!"

If Shepard did not have an affair with Miranda, you still need to meet with her. And that's why...

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Saving Miranda from death in the final scene on the planet Horizon is not easy. Must have with her a good relationship in Mass Effect 2 and, if you had mutual feelings, in no case break up with her. You must definitely cross paths with Miranda at the Citadel before the Cerberus attack, and, having learned about Kai Leng from your terminal, warn Miranda through the Spectra room. When she asks for Alliance resources, give them. Finally, in the scene with Miranda's father, don't forget to use the interrupt - it doesn't matter if it's "good" or "bad".

There is no love scene as such in relations with Miranda - the artists were too lazy to waste paint on Shepard's ex-girlfriend.

Samantha Trainor

Captain's Gender: feminine

New novel: Yes

For a male Shepard, Samantha has only chess.

Samantha Traynor is our secretary. In the game, she replaces Kelly Chambers, who, due to mental health reasons, left the Normandy and settled on the Citadel. Samantha is pretty, obedient, intelligent - but with all this, only female Shepards can start a kind of romance with her.

Make it easy. You just need to talk with Samantha from time to time, and then after the "Cerberus" mission in the Citadel, she will talk about her addiction to strategic games and in the letter will offer a game of chess. Invite her to the captain's cabin, and she will immediately begin to praise the shower room with a hint. Invite her to take a shower, and then join in. At the same time and wash.

NOTE: as with Diana, an innocent fling with Samantha Trainor won't stop the captain from building a serious relationship with someone else.

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There will be a couple of oddities in the shower scene. Samantha, for example, will remain in her underwear, and the captain will step under the stream of water without removing her uniform (or whatever she uses instead).

Steve Cortez

Captain's Gender: male

New novel: Yes

Steve Cortez weeps over the untimely death of her husband. And Shepard, it seems, began to suspect something.

Esteban "Steve" Cortez is another new character and I wouldn't call it successful. He has an unremarkable stereotyped Hispanic face, he is excessively tearful, and his role is only in episodic dialogues before and after assignments (he is the driver of the landing boat).

In general, Shepard was definitely not lucky with a gay man on board. But at least Steve is tactful, doesn't pester as aggressively as Kaidan Alenko, and allows the commander to carefully move off the topic.

However, if the captain of the Normandy has exactly such preferences, he must visit Cortez in the cargo hold, have long conversations with him - and then cross paths in the refugee camp on the Citadel and finally sort out feelings in the Purgatory bar.

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At the beginning of the mission on Earth, Steve can die along with the landing bot. To prevent this from happening, you need to make friends with him ... or "make friends."

Tali'Zorah vas Normandy

Captain's Gender: male

New novel: No

Tali is Shepard's most enigmatic and mysterious companion.

The quarian Tali will only succumb to the advances of those captains with whom she has already "combined space suit environments" in Mass Effect 2. You will meet her after the mission with the geth dreadnought and in a conversation you can hint at the resumption of communication. Tali will be embarrassed at this place and will refer to employment.

IT IS IMPORTANT: keep in mind that if you promise your hand and heart to someone else before meeting with Tali - for example, the same Liara, the romance with the quarian will not take place. When meeting, she will immediately say: "I'm happy for you" - and refuse to be more than a friend.

It should be remembered: talking at a meeting does not mean that you are together. Shepard must catch a letter from Tali in the mail, call her to the cabin and confess her feelings there - only after that it will be considered that you have a new romance.

On the left is the original from GettyImages, on the right is a portrait of Tali.

Before leaving for Rannock, try to meet Tali at the Citadel. After the assignment on the quarian home planet, if the outcome is favorable for the quarians, Tali will give us her portrait, kindly taken by BioWare artists from photo libraries. To get the portrait, visit Tali in the engine room.

Alas, in the climactic scene before the "Cerberus" task, we will not see the face of a quarian. She won't even take off her gas mask.

THIS IS A BUG: if Tali, being Shepard's lover, dies during the events on Rannok, she can still come to the captain's quarters to support him before the assault on Cerberus headquarters. So in a sense, the "till death do us part" rule doesn't apply in Mass Effect 3.

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Don't miss the scene in the break room (living deck, to the left of the elevator) after the attack on the Cerberus headquarters. Tali sits in a bar and diligently gets drunk through special mechanism for administering alcoholic liquids (people call it a "straw"). A conversation with a completely drunk Tali is very funny.

Ashley Williams

Captain's Gender: male

New novel: Yes

The developers also decided to change the face of Ashley, as well as the face of Kayden. And the bruises appeared later.

Ashley Williams and Kayden Alenko are mutually exclusive characters. There can only be one person in the game - for those who have carried save files through the entire trilogy, it depends on the decision made in the first part.

As with Alenko, an affair with Ashley Williams will begin in the hospital if you give her a book of Tennyson's poems bought at a local store. The second important conversation with Ashley can be started after the mission on Palaven's satellite, and a meeting in the Presidium Communities will help to finally dot the i's.

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Ashley Williams, as you may remember, broke up with Shepard in the second part and was very aggressive at the meeting - she accused him of working for the inhuman Cerberus and did not listen to excuses. In Mass Effect 3, she suddenly became kinder, and the developers found an explanation for this: Ashley's aggression in Mass Effect 2 was caused by the fact that she was afraid to believe in the "miraculous" resurrection of the captain.

* * *

Now you know everything to successfully subdue any woman, any man and any alien in this part of the galaxy. Not a single journalist and not a single secretary will henceforth resist the charm of Shepard. It's time to put your knowledge to the test! New victories and achievements are waiting for us!

In Mass Effect, the situation in the story is pumped to the limit - there is no safe place anywhere, the situation is pumped to the limit. This is greatly facilitated not only by the invasion of ancient machines - the Reapers, destroying developed civilizations throughout the Universe every fifty thousand years, but also by Shepard's former employer in Cerberus from Mass Effect 2 - the Ghost.

Intoxicated by the reapers, he seriously thinks that he can take control of them and bring unprecedented power to humanity, although the reapers, on the contrary, completely control him, annoying Shepard and his team - there are a lot of troubles from Cerberus.

Do not forget about the heretic geth, who are also controlled by the reapers - these machines can bring a lot of trouble to organic beings, and not only to the quarians who created them.

As a result, thanks to the joint efforts of the Reapers, Cerberus and Geth, absolutely everyone can die in Mass Effect 3, including Shepard and his team. True, this is a very sad ending, for which the player still has to try.

Throughout passing Mass Effect 3 player prepares for an unequal final battle between advanced civilizations and their disastrously technologically superior reapers. If this very preparation is not enough, then there is a huge risk that everyone, everyone, everyone you know in the ME trilogy will die.

If you act more intelligently, then this outcome can be avoided. By excluding the sad ending lost in all respects, we can make sure that not so many characters in the third part can die. By the way, a number of destinies will be strongly influenced by your decisions in the first and second parts.

So, let's start with Shepard's squad - Kaidan Alenko or Ashley Williams are involved in it (depending on who they decided to keep with them and who to send on a dangerous mission in the first Mass Effect), Tali, if she survived the Suicide Mission in the second part, Garrus Vakarian ( similarly to Tali), James Vega, Liara T "Sony, Javik and SUZI - the artificial intelligence of the Normandy that received a physical shell.

Of the listed characters, there are some individuals at risk. First of all, this is Kaidan or Ashley - during the Cerberus attack on the Citadel, with an insufficiently developed level of the Hero or Renegade, you will not be able to convince your former colleague, whoever he / she is (a), that it is not you who are to blame for what happened.

In this case, either Shepard himself, or one of his partners (if the captain, under the strict guidance of the player, does not dare) will be forced to shoot at Ashley or Kayden. This will lead to the death of one of the specified characters. To prevent this, pump your reputation as either a Hero or a Renegade, but not both at the same time. Otherwise, the level is simply not enough for sufficient charisma.

The next character to die in Mass Effect 3 is the quarian Tali. She will throw herself off a cliff if in the mission "Priority: Rannoch" you choose the side of the geth in the end, which will inevitably lead to the death of the entire quarian fleet and the quarians themselves, respectively.

As for the rest of the companions, they can only die in the last mission "Priority: Earth" if the level of combat readiness of the galaxy is low. Together with all organic advanced civilization.

We follow further - there we no longer have members of Shepard's squad, but important characters. So, Miranda Lawson. According to the plot, the probability of her death in Mass Effect 3 is very high. For example, if you had an affair with her in the second part, but in the third you cut it off (the romance), the girl will inevitably die. In addition, if there was no romance, then certain actions must be taken to save Miranda.

First, a message will come asking you to meet at the Citadel in the Normandy dock - see her, talk to her. After a while, she will get in touch again - you will need to talk to her through the Spectra terminal on the Citadel, Shepard will mention Kai Len's name, after which Lawson will say that he will now be more careful. Finally, we will receive an invitation to her room on the Citadel, where she will ask for access to the Alliance network - do not refuse, we will be able to save her.

Admiral Anderson - unfortunately, he is doomed, there is no way to save him - he will die one way or another at the end of the last mission at the hands of the Ghost.

May die in Mass Effect 3 and Kelly Chambers - an old friend from the second part, if you saved her from the clutches of the Collectors in the sequel.

SUZI can also die - at the beginning of the game she will receive a physical shell and become a full-fledged member of the squad. In normal battles, she will not die, but in the end, if Shepard solves the problem with the Reapers by eliminating all synthetics, she will inevitably die.

Kasumi Goto may die while saving the Hanar planet on the Citadel in 2186, but if she can be saved, she will join the creators of the Forge and give an additional number of military resources.

Jack may die in 2186 at Kronos Station during the mission "Priority: Cerberus Headquarters".

Kirrahe, who received a promotion and the rank of major in the third part, may also die. This trouble can happen on the Citadel.

Drell named Thane Krios is mortally ill, therefore he will inevitably die, but how and when depends on Shepard's actions. If everything is done correctly, he will die during the Cerberus attack on the Citadel - Kai Len will injure him, and if the doctors can "repair" the wound, then his illness will progress even after the mission to the Sanctuary.

Grunt - can die in the battle with the Rachni (mission - "Attic Traverse: Rachni") if his loyalty mission in Mass Effect 2 was not completed. If loyalty is won, he will not only provide cover for the retreating Shepard and his squad, but also survive. And it will demand food.

Legion - may die on the home planet of the quarians Rannoch, if he is denied permission to improve the geth on a request. There at all a difficult situation, you often have to choose between Tali and the Legion, between quarians and geth - to save both of them, you will have to try very hard, otherwise the whole race will inevitably die.

Ghost - dies one way or another at the very end of the game on the Citadel. Either at the hands of Shepard, or at the hands of their own. If Shepard manages to convince him that he is wrong, the Illusive Man will shoot himself.

Zayed Massani - Can die in the fight with the mercenaries on the Citadel in the mission "Citadel: Volus Ambassador".

Samara can also die in Mass Effect 3 - if you do not prevent her from committing suicide in the mission "Mesana: Distress Signal" in the monastery of Ardat-Yakshi with the help of a "heroic" act. We need to react quickly.

Mordin Solus - unfortunately, saving one of the most colorful characters in the game is not so easy. In the mission to Tuchanka, where Mordin tries to heal the Genophage, everything depends on Shepard's actions.

If the captain refuses to sabotage the genophage cure and reveals that the curtain's equipment is damaged, Mordin will rush to the top of the tower to rule out malfunctions. There, he will inevitably die from the explosion of the tower, sacrificing himself for the sake of the krogan.

If you decide to sabotage the cure of the Genophage, Mordin will not like it, but if high level The Hero or Renegade can be persuaded to remain silent, if not, then there is only one way to stop Mordin - to shoot him in the back.

You can save Mordin if you killed Rex in the first part, did not save Malon's data, have a lot of Hero / Renegade points and accepted the offer of dalatress to sabotage the Genophage. Then there is a chance to persuade Mordin not to heal the Genophage, then Mordin will only fake his death, and at the same time help with the construction of the Forge.

Donnel Udina inevitably dies on the Citadel, during the Cerberus attack on the latter. It turns out that Udina is directly involved in this very attack, so all that remains is to shoot him, or let Ashley or Kayden do it.

Urdnot Rex can also die in Mass Effect 3 - if you sabotaged the Genophage cure, he will know about it, when he meets on the Citadel, he will try to kill Shepard. True, either the captain himself, or CBC Bailey will outrun him in this situation.

There are also a number of less significant characters who may die in the third part of Mass Effect, but we have listed all the main characters above.