How to shuffle cards? All methods of shuffling cards known to me. Several ways to magically shuffle cards How to make beautiful cards

This is one of several drawing tutorials. geographical maps, which I create for , an amazing group that I help to develop.

If you used this tutorial, tell me, show me, I would really like to see what you did! And feel free to ask questions too!

For this tutorial you will need a font. Booter Zero Five(see link at the end of the lesson).

This map making tutorial involves (made up) maps that look more like fantasy or pirate maps. There are no elements of the environment on them. If you want to create a map for your world / just for fun / or for something else, you will get it, in just one hour of work!

Before you begin... you'll need Photoshop, a map file, and a font (see link at the end of the tutorial). It would also be nice to have a scanned photo of some landscape that you would like to depict on your computer. I used Photoshop CS3 Extended to create my map. I also used brushes for some of the steps.


Take a close look at this screenshot. Don't forget to Save it As (Save as...) and create a background layer.


Click on the image to view the image in full size and 100% quality.

If you have a sketch, scan it or open a photo. Open it in separate file PS, increase its brightness if necessary (Image – Correction – Brighten / Contrast) (Image – Adjustments – Brighten / Contrast). Insert the image by dragging it with the mouse onto the map file. You can resize the image in two ways: either by clicking Edit – Transform – Resize (Edit – Transform – Scale), or, while holding the SHIFT key, pull the diagonal arrows that appear at the corners of the image.


Whether you imported an image or not, create a new layer on top of the Map layer, grab your brush and start painting your terrain. It is better to make it a little larger than the image itself.


After completing the sketch, take the Eraser (eraser) and walk along the outer edges of the sketch. They will be crooked and out of line, so you will need to go over these lines a few times to clean everything up. If you want to make islands, make them now.


Click on the image to view the image in full size and 100% quality.

Now you can take the tool Quick selection (quick selection tool) and select everything that is outside of your land. After that, we start to erase even more; no continent or country is perfectly straight, round or angular. Let's add debris, depressions and cracks all over our map! =P Also, add some non-ideal-shaped rivers and lakes. Your people will surely need water to survive!


Click on the image to view the image in full size and 100% quality.

Population! Open the group Cities (Cities), and make the Capitol...more precisely the Capital (capital turned into capitol by mistake) and the City (town) visible. The capital is circled in red. You will probably have more than one settlement / city / village / etc., and here's how to multiply them: click the second mouse button on the layer with the City (town) and select Duplicate layer / Make duplicate (duplicate layer) in the list that will appear. The new city will appear on top of your original city. Remember this for the next step!


Open the group Landscape (landscape). You have a choice of more realistic and freehand drawing-like objects. To keep the picture from looking ridiculous, use only one of these styles. You can place these objects wherever you want, and you can also duplicate (multiply) them. When planting trees on your plot, place mountains, rocks and forests, consider environment if you haven't already. Civilization and vegetation, for example, usually spawn where there are water sources. If you need to resize something, use the technique described in STEP 2.


Click on the image to view the image in full size and 100% quality.

Open the group Text (text). It contains the following layers: the name of the River/Forest/forest name), the name of the City (town name), and the name of the Continent (continent name). You can use a wider variety of fonts (eg Calibri for forest names, Juice for country names, etc.). The easiest way to make the font fit is to duplicate the original text and change its font. Next, we play with effects. In this case, the outer glow and drop shadow look very good here. Don't forget to give names to all worlds, continents, countries, regions, states, villages, settlements, cities, capitals, oceans, rivers, lakes, mountains and plains. You don't have to name every detail on the map, but it will hurt your eyes.

And it's done! WOW! Well, at least not unless you really want to make your map something one of a kind. If you still want...


Scroll down the page to see the most interesting, but absolutely optional effects that can be applied to the map.


The following is optional, but it contains some information that will help improve your map.

Card Paper

If you want more focus and texture on your map, you can change the background! First, create a new layer on top of the map layer. Take a brush, select White color, and for the cause. Personally, I like scatter brushes for this, but you can use any other brushes, for example, with coins, ships, animals, plants, etc.

Pay attention to the screenshot below, where you can see the changes after processing with a brush. If you are using a diffuse brush (or any other brush with unusual patterns), use it to paint over the entire surface of the map so that there are no empty spaces.

Add Brightness

Is your map not bright enough for you? Click Image – Correction (Image – Adjustments) and the following options will open before you: Tone / Saturation (Hue / Saturation), Brightness / Contrast (Brightness / Contrast) and Curves (Curves), which are the best corrective options for our map. Go ahead, experiment! Notice the difference between this screenshot and the one above. Thanks to the Brightness/Contrast correction.

Guide Arrows

Click on the image to view the image in full size and 100% quality.

No decent map is complete without a compass!

The layer with Compass (compass) is placed under the group of layers Landscape (landscape). Place it in an area where there is no land, adjusting the size if necessary. I also like to add all sorts of effects to the compass. Experiment! On the screenshot you can see my favorite settings (the words highlighted with a “marker” are the names of various effects).

Click on the image to view the image in full size and 100% quality.

Watermark - protection from paranoids (me, inclusive). Watermarks can protect your work from theft. If you have your own signature - or even if you want to use your name, e-mail, dA page address - you can add it. Create a new layer (regular or text). All you have to do is add a "watermark" to the new layer, resize it and reduce the opacity (Opacity) or leave it as you like. Speaking of watermarks and things to like... this whole tutorial is watermarked... don't even think about stealing it!

Also, if you want to create paths and signs on the map to give it a taste of ADVENTURE, just add a new layer on top of the terrain layer (land), take a brush, select a color close to the color of the map, and paint! You can also use humorous brushes, like the sea dragon on my map.

Click on the image to view the image in full size and 100% quality.


Download font Booter Zero Five you can here: You cannot download files from our server
- Download with object layers

You can also watch this lesson in video format!

When you need to indicate on the map the actual location of an office or some object, then Google service Maps gives you a very wide range of possibilities. Very often, the style of the map that is inserted on the site does not match the style and color scheme. But this service allows you to change the standard view of the map, adjust the saturation, brightness, add your own marker icon to the map, and so on.

Below are articles where you can choose interesting effects when scrolling through your landing page:


Practical implementation

Stage 1. Structure

Here, only one common container is needed, which will contain the map itself, the zoom in/out buttons, and the address line:

Stage 2. Getting the API Key

Go to this page and get the API key - Get API Key.

Then we insert this API key into HTML instead of words "YOUR_API_KEY":

To get the longitude and latitude, you need in the right place google maps click right click mouse, and then click "What's here?". Below you will see a pop-up window where the longitude and latitude will be indicated. You need to transfer them to this file.


Just by changing the values, experiment and choose the kind of map that suits you.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 varstyle=[( //Hide the designation of roads on the map featureType: "road.highway" , elementType: "labels" , stylers: [ ( visibility: "off" ) ] ) , ( featureType: "road.highway" , elementType: "geometry.fill" , stylers: [ ( hue: main_color ) , ( visibility: "on" ) , ( lightness: brightness_value ) , ( saturation: saturation_value ) ] )

The complete list of all properties is here − Google Maps JavaScript API V3.

The ability to beautifully and effectively mix cards is the key to the success of any trick, or just a way to shine in any card game. Shuffling is called shuffling and there are several options for how to shuffle cards.

  1. Shuffle Faro
  2. mexican spiral
  3. Swipe shuffling
  4. RiffleShuffle
  5. Volt
  6. Stirring with one hand
  7. triple shuffle
  8. False shuffles or flourishes

These are the most basic and common ways to mix cards beautifully. Let's consider the most spectacular in more detail.

Shuffle Faro

A very spectacular option, relating even to light tricks. It should only be used new deck. The essence lies in the beautiful insertion of pictures into each other and their overflowing with a waterfall from one hand to another. With the left hand we hold the deck and with the right we select exactly half in the other hand. Then carefully align both halves and put one on top of the other vertically under pressure. Then we loosen the hands a little, and they begin to diverge.

It is important! At this point, it is important to correctly start entering each card in turn one after the other. This can be achieved after careful training. Everything, the stack is collected and shuffled.

The waterfall is not difficult to do, the main thing is a little effort and time for repetitions.


We interfere with the cards by flipping in the hand, using all fingers to support and fix the stack. First, the deck is divided in half with a slight movement of the thumb of the right hand, and then each half is effectively flipped through each other in turn with each picture. The next important step here is to bend the stack into a "C" shape and loosen your grip on your fingers, allowing the cards to settle evenly into the new stack.

A detailed tutorial on this type of deck shuffling can be found here:


If you need a way to quickly shuffle cards, then taking volts is very handy. The main task when performing this mixing is to keep the fingers on the deck correctly. The ring and middle fingers have a special role. There are three main types of volts, detailed description which can be viewed here:

Also, this technique perfectly explains how to shuffle cards with one hand deftly and confidently. In general, the one-hand shuffle technique is called One-HandShuffle and is average level difficulties in owning a deck. After mastering the above methods of mixing, you should also learn this one so that the level of skill is constantly growing.
To effectively shuffle the cards, you will need a special. cards with special coated. You can order these

Beautiful and effective mixing of cards allows you to surprise the audience even before the start of the illusion show or game. Any trick will become even more exciting if you perform unusual actions with cards. Would you like to become a successful illusionist? Be sure to figure out how to shuffle cards beautifully.

Faro - spectacular and interesting

New cards are required to complete the shuffle. When performed correctly, a certain insert of pictures and their beautiful drop from one hand to another .

Faro looks like a waterfall. This effect is not hard to achieve.

Like a waterfall, the cards should shimmer, creating an exciting picture. How to do something so complicated? As easy as pie!

You will need:

  1. Take the deck in your left hand.
  2. Hold exactly half a deck with your right hand.
  3. The two parts of the pack should be properly trimmed and placed vertically, placing one on top of the other, exerting light pressure.
  4. Slightly loosen the grip, after which the cards will begin to diverge.

After painstaking training, you can achieve perfection. Careful preparation will help you quickly and originally mix the deck, creating unusual waterfall. The main thing to remember is that the quality of the performance of the feint depends on the number of repetitions and your efforts.


Flipping is a fairly simple method of mixing. At the time of the flourish all fingers involved . The stack must be well fixed. Stirring by flipping looks unusual. So it is possible to mix the stack not only before the start of the trick, but also before ordinary ones.

All fingers must be used to scroll

Would you like to learn a new way? Repeat each step:

  • Break the pack in half with your right thumb.
  • Effectively flip through both parts so that the cards fit one on top of the other. Pictures from both packs should flash alternately.
  • Bend the pack into a "C" shape and loosen your fingers. This simple movement will enable the cards to easily enter the new pile.

For a successful flourish Better get a new pack. Cards in good condition lend themselves easily to various tricks. Old cards are not malleable enough to shuffle nicely and easily.

beautiful volt

Volts is a special shuffling method based on the high-speed movement of individual stacks of the deck in the hands. Volt from the side looks like juggling. It looks very, but it is quite easy to learn it.

Volt is similar to juggling, but much easier to implement

What do we have to do:

  • The stack here will need to be divided into three roughly equal parts .
  • Hold the pack in your left hand with three fingers for the parts that are shorter - the thumb on the outer edge, the middle and index fingers on the inner.
  • Then with your index finger you lift a third of the cards, take them to the side.
  • The index finger of the left is fixed on the outer edge of this half, on the inner edge you put the same finger of the right and lead it in the opposite direction from the handle.
  • The stack spins on two fingers, rotates 180 degrees and falls into the right handle.
  • Further from what's left, you bend the index part, holding it with a large .
  • Rest your right thumb on the outside and twist the half on the two big ones.
  • And then put the index right next to the thumb of the left hand and twist the last part on two fingers in the same way.

The most important thing in Volta - speed of movement. Of course, you won't be able to do it right away. You will have to spend, most likely, more than one day to make the feint look beautiful, although it all depends on your efforts.

It is worth noting that if the two previous methods mix the cards really well, then the volt is more likely to impress others. It is unlikely that you will succeed in mixing the deck in such a way.

All three belong to the simplest shuffling methods. There are really a lot of spectacular ways to interfere with cards. Train your fingers, develop dexterity, and then any method will become subject to you.

Video tutorials will help to teach how to shuffle cards beautifully:

The desire of individuals to stand out from the crowd gives rise to an entire infrastructure sector dedicated to the development of unique design. Unusual cars, interiors, clothes, accessories, and finally, bank cards. It would seem that, bank card- a thing of a purely personal nature, which should not be
constantly in sight.

How to issue a card with your own image in Sberbank

What's the point

However, banks seized the demand for personalized cards and began to actively develop this area. Today, many banks keep pace with the times and offer their customers cards with the ability to apply various logos, drawings, and photographs as an image. One of the leaders in such developments is, of course, Sberbank, which issues the largest number of cards in our country.

The very essence of the unique card design lies in the unique image that will be applied instead of the standard one - it can be all kinds of images (see restrictions below), from pictures of a beautiful sunset to photos of funny cats.

What can be depicted on a Sberbank card?

When ordering a card, you will be provided with a list of what cannot be depicted , you need to familiarize yourself with it in detail at the time of issuing the card. Main prohibitions: trademarks, company abbreviations, numbers, letters, images with banknotes/coins, cartoon frames, faces of famous people and fictional characters, pictures with the association of drugs, sex, violence, weapons, religion, etc.

Despite such serious restrictions, the bank allows not only to select a picture from its own gallery, but also allows you to upload your own, no less than 800x600px in size, no more than 10 MB in JPEG or PNG format. The recommended image size is 1035x662px.

Basic conditions and requirements for a card with an individual image from Sberbank:

  • Card currency - rubles, dollars, euros;
  • Payment system - visa classic;
  • Validity – 3 years;
  • Maintenance cost - 750 rubles per year;
  • Issue price - 500 rubles at the time of receipt;
  • The possibility of obtaining an overdraft - no;
  • Release as a payroll project - no;
  • Full functionality and features like the classic debit card jar;
  • The age of the card recipient is from 18 years old (from 10 years old as an additional one).

How to issue a Sberbank card with an individual design

The application process on the site is not difficult.

We type in the address bar, click on the “Menu” icon, then “select a card”, and “cards with an individual design”.

We get to the image selection pages. Sberbank offers 3 ways to upload images - from a computer, from its own gallery, and also from social networks.

From a computer

By selecting this item, we get to the image selection page. We read what cannot be applied as an image, agree to the terms. Click "Upload" and select the file on the computer.

The uploaded image goes to the editing page.

Here you can choose the color of the bank logo, filters, and, if necessary, take another image - from the banking gallery, or from a social network account. Here we select the currency of the card.

We drive in the phone number and click "Continue" and a rather long questionnaire appears below. The design of the card enters the bank's database, and after filling it out, it will be sent for verification. Upon completion of the verification, you will be notified by phone number. At the last stages of filling out the questionnaire, you will be asked to choose a convenient branch of the bank, where you will need to pick up the ordered card.

After filling in all the fields, click the "Submit" button. That's it, the procedure for issuing a card with an individual design is over. It remains to wait for a notification on the phone from the bank when the card is ready. You will come to the selected branch of the bank, sign several documents on issuing a debit card and you can start using it.

From gallery

Here you can select a picture from the gallery offered by the bank. There are plenty of topics here, and all these pictures have already been approved by the bank. That is, they will be 100% approved.