How to give commands in tanks. How to write a message in World of Tanks (WoT)? Chat Rules

Communication is one of the main components of any online game. Millions of users are fighting in World of Tanks, and often during the battle you need to tell your allies some information, ask them for help, or just ask a question. For these purposes, a special game chat is provided in the game client, but in addition to it, any owner of a game account in the World of Tanks can write messages in the topics of the official game forum, as well as communicate in a private conversation with another player in the hangar. How to write a message in World of Tanks to another player or team?

So, as you understand, any player has three ways of text communication with other users. To write a message in the in-game chat of the game, after the start of the countdown or during the battle, press the Enter button on the keyboard and start typing the text of the message. Press Enter again to send the message.

If you want the enemy team to see your message in addition to the allies, then click the "TAB" button: the inscription "To everyone" will appear to the left of the text input box.

To negotiate within a platoon, double-click TAB until "Platoon" appears.

How to write a message in WoT in a private channel? After authorization in the client, you can communicate with any World of Tanks player. Would you like to start a chat with a friend? Click the first icon below, left-click on a friend's nickname and select "Create a private channel" in the context menu.

In the new window, enter the text and confirm sending the message with the Enter button.

If you want to write a message to a player who is not in the contact list, use the search for contacts in the same menu and create a private channel.

In addition, you can communicate with players on the World of Tanks forum, which is available at . Open the forum address in the browser, click the "Login" button at the top. On the new page, enter the data from your game account: mailbox and password for World of Tanks. After authorization, select a topic and write your question or message to forum users in the quick response window.

Remember that in the game chat and private channel, obscene expressions are not particularly punished, but this is severely punished on the game forum. As a result, observe moral norms and principles, do not insult the players, both on the forum and in battle. No one knows who is on the other side of the screen - an adult, a schoolboy, a student or a child. Good luck and good communication!

→ Teams in world of tanks

All teams in world of tanks are focused on only one thing - the interaction between allies. Each of the fifteen tanks in the team is part of a team, albeit not very close-knit. You must use wot commands in order to help yourself or your allies by calling for help in time or by performing other actions. After you have purchased your second / third / hundredth tank, you must know the commands in the world of tanks game by heart. If you don’t know, it doesn’t matter, in this article we will talk about all the commands and think about using the general chat.

F2 - attack! As the name suggests, in wot team allows you to give a signal to your allies, which calls for an attack. Use carefully and only when you are sure you can push through the required flank. There are some individuals who, even with a big advantage of the opponent, throw this team into the wot battle chat and go forward, hoping that all the other allies on the team will follow them.

F3 - to the base! In the game, the battle can end for several reasons, and one of them is the capture of the base. Therefore, the developers implemented this command in world of tanks. I often witnessed a heartbreaking drama: more than half of our team goes forward, despite the fact that the firefly captures the base. Everyone thinks that there is a player who will turn back, but since everyone thinks about it, no one is going to break the capture. When this command appears in the world of tanks, I advise you to immediately look at the capture indicator, and if enemies are circling at the base, then immediately turn around and go to shoot down the capture.

F4 - follow me! A useless feature that gets boring in every fight. Of the fifteen players, at least one will imagine himself Napoleon and will convulsively urge to go after him. Whether it is necessary? Doubtful...

F5 - that's right! A rather useful command in wot, with which you can understand where the main allied forces will go. Napoleon shouts "follow me!" - and immediately several answers - "so exactly." They're going to pasture...

F6 - no way! The same as F5, but only the other half of the players do not want Napoleon to be emperor and categorically declare this by clicking “no way” several times.

F7 - need help! In wot, almost all commands are pretty useless, but this one looks different. Look closely, and if someone needs help, it is not in vain. It can be artillery swirling with a firefly or a tank that cannot defend an entire flank alone. You need to pay close attention to this team, because you always need to help, this is the key to team play.

Using Chat in Combat

Combat use wot chat necessary not only for whining and mating other players, as you thought. You can also write meaningless emoticons, command or play Vanga and Nostradamus, speaking in a general chat before the start of the battle: “Drain !!!”. But what am I talking about, we are seriously talking here ... But seriously, the combat chat in wot game can and should be used. Ask the artillery for help, tell me where the enemy artillery tracer came from, warn about the planned light, ask the allies to destroy the light... As you can see, the chat can be used for good purposes. Of course, during a hot fight, the chat is filled with meaningless screams, but if you catch the moment, then your message will be seen. And not only will they see, but, perhaps, they will help or listen to wise advice. Using the wot combat chat is recommended for everyone, but if you continue to clog the channel with rubbish, it will only get worse.

The past year for World of Tanks opening did not. As this discipline was on the sidelines, it remained there. Tanks are completely unpopular in computer sports, and it is very difficult to say who is to blame for this - the developers themselves or the players. Tanks are, first of all, a discipline for amateurs. This is not Dota 2, not LoL, and not even CS, where something is always happening.

Watching World of Tanks for the time being was completely impossible. It was at the first stage of the formation of its esports audience that WoT scared many people away. In addition, WoT is not widely covered anywhere, and it is difficult to find at least some information about completed events even now. WG, on the other hand, is doing everything possible to make their game at least somehow interesting for the audience: they changed the format, allowed playing on tanks of the tenth level, which should have added entertainment, but there were no more fans.

WoT fans are interested in playing even now, although some moments in the game are annoying, but when alive War Thunder and Armored Warfare: The Armata WoT project no longer looks like a favorite, but an outsider - a game where nothing changes dramatically. Tanks are like basketball. Yes, you can still play, but not everyone will be able to sit near the TV screens, but only fans of the game. However, WoT continues to be played by millions of random players. WG continue to hold their championships - the Gold Series, where the best World of Tanks teams compete. Let's look at the main leaders of the past year. We singled out only three teams, because it was these teams that showed themselves last season only from the best side.

3. Long

We would give the first three lines in our ranking of the strongest teams in World of Tanks to our teams, if Wombats on Tanks(former didn't fail this season. With all due respect to this team, it is the Chinese team ELong at least looked better. Moreover, at the official World of Tanks Championship, it was ELong who played in the final against HellRaisers. Although they failed the main match, and the final turned out to be one goal, their performance at the main tournament of the year turned out to be successful. Many then assumed that they would play in the final Natus Vincere and HellRaisers, however, direct competitors for the first place met already in the semifinals. ELong got lucky with the grid, but that doesn't detract from their merits.

At WCA 2015, ELong performed a little worse as the hosts of the tournament. They reached the semi-finals, where they lost to Natus Vincere. In the match for third place, they also lost to the Americans. Although in the latter case, everything was decided in the end of the game. The Chinese have jumped above their heads this season, taking second place in the World Cup. Looked worse than them Kazna Kru and PENTA Sports, but considering the fact that ELong beat Kazna Kru on , and PENTA Sports were absent among the participants of the main tournament of the year, then we will put the Chinese in third place, despite their failed games against the same Natus Vincere and HellRaisers.

2. Natus Vincere

Fans of World of Tanks who are interested in esports are already accustomed to the victories of Natus Vincere. Until 2015, it was believed that, perhaps, no one could compete with Na`Vi. But this season everything has changed, and at least some healthy competition has appeared. No, the results of the team did not go down sharply. It's not about that. Natus Vincere are still winning, but only with great difficulty. First of all, because of HellRaisers: these guys give Na`Vi big problems. The performances of these teams are able to heat up the intensity of the struggle in any of their matches. Confrontations HellRaisers with Natus Vincere are stubborn, which is eloquently confirmed by the results of these meetings.

Over the past 12 months, Natus Vincere have won quite a few tournaments, but were just as successful with silver and bronze. At RU Gold Series 2015 Season 3, they took first place, winning $55,000. They managed to repeat their success at RU Gold Series 2015 Season 4 . Then in the dramatic final Na`Vi managed to beat HellRaisers with a score of 9:6. If at these tournaments Natus Vincere did not leave their rivals a chance for a positive result, then at League 2015 Grand Final , Continental Rumble and WCA 2015 something went wrong. In the first case, Na`Vi lost to HellRaisers 2:5, placing only third in the tournament. Lost sensationally at Continental Rumble TORNADO ROX in the semi-final, having managed to rehabilitate only while Na`Vi came second. Given all these results, it would be a wrong decision to put Natus Vincere in the first place, because in head-to-head meetings the advantage remained with their direct rival, and this is an indication that Natus Vincere is no longer the sole leader in their discipline.

1. HellRaisers

HellRaisers became the real discovery of this year. The eternally second RR-Unity finally became the first, ahead of their eternal competitors from Natus Vincere. After moving to HR, they opened up from a new side: having changed half of the roster and coming under the wing of such an organization, the players progressed more and more with each new tournament. At the main tournament of the year in World of Tanks, they simply had no equal. And this is among the best Chinese, Korean, American and European bands! Having beaten Natus Vincere in the semi-final and the Chinese from ELong in the final, HellRaisers managed to win $150,000 and the World of Tanks world champion title. Foreign teams have not yet been able to beat the team from the CIS, although the Chinese were closer than ever to victory.

At RU Gold Series 2015 Season 3 and RU Gold Series 2015 Season 4 HellRaisers were the second and third, and at the end of this year at the unofficial World of Tanks World Championship - WCA 2015 - they again became the first. Having beaten their rival from the Natus Vincere camp for the second time in the final, HellRaisers, in fact, became two-time world champions in one season alone. Only Na`Vi managed to achieve such achievements, but today they are no longer heroes. HellRaisers, like no other, deserve to be called the best team of 2015 in the World of Tanks discipline. Among the rest of the organization, they show the most significant results. The leaders of HellRaisers can be proud of these players who will try to keep their title in the new season.

5 years and 4 months ago Comments: 13

Good day, dear tankers! Today I will describe the main tank controls in game world of tanks. The article will be useful for reading by novice tankers as an instruction manual for the operation of a combat vehicle.

Pretty simple and intuitive, especially for people who have played more than once computer games. I will list the main keys in the game with the default control settings.

Tank movement:

- W, S, A, D used to move the tank hull (forward, backward, turn the hull to the left, turn the hull to the right, respectively);

Double key press R full forward - turns on the automatic movement of the tank in the forward direction, while holding the button is not required W, but with buttons BUT and D can be steered; button press S stops the tank;

Double button press F full back - the action of the button is similar to R, only turns on the automatic movement of the tank back;

- R/F cruise control (when moving forward, backward);

- Space hold stop the tank while moving for a shot, after releasing the button, the tank continues to move;

X the handbrake is used when playing tank destroyers and self-propelled guns to fix the hull; disables body rotation when the sight reaches the horizontal aiming angle. Press again to turn off, or start moving.


- Mouse movement/keyboard arrows movement of the sight, turret, aiming at the target;

- Mouse movement while holding right button mouse review without turning the tower, moving the sight;

- Mouse scroll wheel, keys PgUp, PgDn zoom zoom in / out of the camera / scope, switch to sniper / arcade mode;

- ctrl+ click right click for self-propelled guns, the inclusion of an art sight with aiming at the selected square of the minimap.

- alt hold to turn on the alternative mode for displaying tank icons.


- Click left mouse button shot;

Cry right mouse button on the target, the inclusion of auto-guidance, auto-tracking for the selected target;

Cry right mouse button, E key off the target auto-aim off;

- Shift manual inclusion of the sniper / arcade mode of the sight;

- C reload key;

Keys 1, 2, 3 the keyboard selects the type of projectile used, one press of the button selects for the next shot, the dual loader immediately proceeds to change the type of projectile to the selected one.

Keys 4, 5, 6 use of consumable equipment depending on the installation slot; after clicking, you must select the module to be repaired, or the crew member to be cured

Combat Chat:

- Enter enabling combat chat, opening the message editor line, sending a message after writing;

- Tab switching between message recipients (own team, enemy team, message to own platoon/company); by default, messages are sent to their team;

- Esc when open combat chat or click left mouse button outside the chat window, exit the combat chat message editor;

Combat interface:

- Click left mouse button on the minimap while holding the button ctrl indicating the team a square on the minimap;

Buttons + and - - respectively, increase and decrease the size of the minimap;

- M show/hide the minimap;

- ctrl turning on the pointer;

- Ctrl+Tab change appearance command lists (ears);

- V- show/hide the entire combat interface in battle;

- Z opening a general menu of orders after opening it is necessary to select an order with the mouse pointer and confirm it by clicking left mouse button to send to the team;

Z when hovering over an ally/enemy, opening a menu of orders with a list applicable to that player. It also requires selecting an order with the mouse pointer and confirming its sending by clicking left mouse button.


- Button T when aiming at the enemy, a message to the team Support with fire at **, for Atakuya self-propelled guns, where ** is the nickname of the player of the enemy team;

- F3 message to the team Protect the base!

- F5 message to the team That's right! - used as a confirmation of an order, or a confirmation of the completion of a combat mission, as well as a battle cry after a team's victory in battle ☺;

- F6- message to the team No way! - refusal to perform a combat mission, or disagreement with an order;

- F7- message to the team Help needed!

- F8- message to the command Reloading more (where - the number of seconds remaining until the end of reloading), or Ready to fire!, if the projectile/cassette is already loaded.

- Esc opening the main menu of the game. Attention! Do not leave the battle until it is over if your tank is not destroyed and you are capable of any actions to the detriment of the enemy! Provided

#faq - Go to the forum in the topic "FAQ"

#rules - Go to the forum in the topic "Rules"

#plans - "Tasks and plans of developers"

#ranks - Go to the forum in the topic "Ranks"

#clans - Go to the forum in the section "Clans"

#forum - Go to the main page of the forum

#updates - Go to the forum in the "Updates" section

#theft - Go to the forum in the topic "What to do if your account was stolen / hacked"

#nick - Go Home - Help - I want to change my nickname

#news - Jump to "News"

#teams - Go to the forum in the "Teams" section

re: - the nickname of the player who wrote to you last will be substituted in the typing line.

How to add a user to the blacklist?

/ block name -- block receiving messages from the player (valid everywhere). To do this, there are the following commands that must be entered into the chat:

/unblock name -- resume receiving messages from the player (valid everywhere).

/blocklist -- display a list of blocked players (only works in general chat).

/unblockall -- clear the list of blocked players (only works in general chat).

How to write a message in the battle only to the players of your team?

Ctrl+Enter or T.(eng)

How to report an intruder in a battle?

All you need is just to enter the command in the combat chat:

/vote NICKNAME AND press Enter.

What will happen next? So far, nothing. For anything to happen, 25% of the participants in the battle must complain about the intruder. If this happens, then for the moderators the violator's nickname will turn black, and the battle in which he is located will be highlighted in the list of battles, which will be an excellent signal to attract the attention of the moderator.

P.S. Sometimes when there is nothing to do, I send violators to the forum in order to read the rules of the game again, newcomers all the time ask are you an admin #haha# Do not abuse this #haha#