Map robin world of tanks tactics. A complete passage in World of Tanks will be considered the opening of all branches of equipment in the hangar. Self Propelled Artillery

Square F8 (lower rep)

This is a risky point, you should only stand here if you want to effectively support the mountain and are not afraid of enemy light. You should stand in the woods, so that the bushes and trees cover you from the light and from the center too. The point is located almost in the center of the map, so it is very easy to work on targets from here. However, keep in mind that you are on the path of the hunters to the location of the artillery. And also, think ahead, from the hill straight to you there is a long steep climb. From there, even a slowpoke will reach you very quickly, and you will have to retreat across an open field. If you see that the mountains have been taken by enemies, retreat immediately. It is not worth relying on the members of the team who have settled under the mountain in the forest - they are brought down very quickly.

Stand so that the bushes cover you from the center.

The mountain is only 570 meters away - even a light tank can be shot down with proper skill.

PROS: short fire distance, hill and bushes.

MINUSES: you depend on the team, the position is shot from the center, the escape routes are uncovered.

Squares K7 and C2

I choose these points when I am not sure about my team. There is increased safety from light and good opportunities for retreat. However, you have to pay for this by the fact that you have to fire at a maximum distance of 1 kilometer. It doesn't matter which team you play for, stand in these squares near the houses so that they protect you from the direction in which you are not firing. And one more thing - if you see that there is a weak defense on the field, get ready to meet with the hunters.

On the lower spawn, the house is not destroyed by shells, which pleases.

But on the top it is smaller and you can break it, although this point is closer to the mountain - 880 meters against 960 from the other side.

PROS: reliable point, covered escape routes.

MINUSES: you depend on the team, the maximum fire distance.

General advice

When you play this map in standard battle mode, the artillery spawns away from everyone else. This puts her in a vulnerable position. I recommend heading west immediately. In this case, you will find yourself behind the wide backs of snipers sitting on the field and away from the hunters looking for you. The joke of this position is that even if the field is empty, no fool would dare to go check it out, the risk of catching a projectile is too great. This will give us extra time in case of anything.

Hello dear tankers! Today we are a game portal website, presents an overview world maps of tanks Robin. Legendary card our favorite game. However, it is not always positive about it. Perhaps, Malinovka wot is a card that symbolizes a hatred of artillery. It is understandable, any battle on this map, in which there are three or more self-propelled guns, turns into a long standing one. On the other hand, Malinovka is the love of all LT waters. Here is such a controversial and ambiguous card today we are considering.

General information.

Picture 1. Standard battle minimap.

wot Malinovka is a large and spacious summer map available for battles of 4 - 11 levels of battles, it was added to the game during the alpha test. The map has practically no shelters, but instead there are a huge number of bushes, which naturally negatively affects the active gameplay. In general, standing in the bushes thrives here, and fights often end in draws.

Picture 2. Encounter battle minimap.

Two modes of random battles are available on Malinovka: standard and oncoming. Despite the fact that the map remains the same for both modes (of the differences, it has only different team respawns: in the oncoming battle mode, they are closer to the hill), it is played differently. We will talk about this below.

Key elements of the Malinovka map wot.

Picture 3. Symbols.

There are a lot of objects on the map that are necessary for the knowledge of each player, which means that you should now carefully read the items listed below.

  1. Building, where one strong heavy tank can take cover and highlight the enemies on the hill for their allies who have taken refuge in the forest behind. It is extremely problematic to smoke out a really strong tank from here, since artillery and typical tank destroyers do not pass here. All enemies trying to attack this position are in line of sight anyway and naturally take a lot of damage.
  2. Slide. Typical slide of our game. An extremely important position that each team must try to capture. The hill allows you to control the vast territory of the map, and is also a good springboard for the development of an attack. However, you should be aware that there is no obvious cover from artillery here.
  3. Lower Team Stone. It is a symmetrical position for the bottom base team, as is position #2 for the top base. Provides the same benefits.
  4. Lower forest. As dense as the upper forest. Great for camouflaging tanks. Serves the same purpose as the top wood, but this one is for the bottom team.
  5. Central field or field of death. Each tank that has entered this field is instantly shot by enemies from invisibility. Even light tanks are not recommended to go here. Of the entire central field, only its edges are playable: the right edge is suitable for quickly pushing medium tanks to the positions of the enemy team; left edge - suitable for fireflies due to the abundance of bushes (light tanks from these positions can easily carry out LBZ LT-15).
  6. Top base positions for shooting enemies. There are also bushes and stones that can cover you from enemy fire if you highlight. AT recent times have lost their relevance (after the remake of the robin), now it is better to leave these positions and move closer to the mountain. From there, you'll be able to add more value to the team and break the hold if need be.
  7. cowsheds- positions of the lower base for shooting enemies. Similar to point number 7.
  8. Several buildings near the upper base. They do not carry much benefit, but in a critical situation it will be possible to hide here.
  9. Several buildings near the lower base. They are exactly the same as the houses at number 9.
  10. Balcony for the top team. Excellent position for firing. Due to its location (closer to the center of the map), this position allows you to cover the maximum part of the map. The most ideal position for snipers.
  11. Coastal travel. This path allows fast tanks to squeeze under enemy balconies and shine them and more. These are counter positions that allow you to take out the opponents on the balconies from the battle.
  12. Balcony for the lower team. Similar to the opposite balcony.
  13. Village. A practically unplayable part of the Malinovka map, since all the houses here are destructible, and they will shoot from all sides. Under no circumstances should you go here. But in a difficult situation, you can take refuge here for a while.

How to play Malinovka in a standard battle.

The Malinovka map is extremely difficult for players to perceive, at first glance it is just a huge, flat, green space. However, each experienced player perfectly understands the tactics on Malinovka and I will now try to tell you this.

So, on this map there is only one clear direction - this is a hill (red arrows). Where active tank operations take place. The rest of the map space is just positions for standing, shooting from the bushes and nothing more:

  • Positions located on the borders of the central field.
  • Items marked in purple.

There are also excellent bushes for fireflies, they are shown by yellow dots: passive bushes near the central field and more active positions, shown by yellow arrows.

In addition, there is a more risky and not obvious direction, marked with blue arrows. This direction is extremely dangerous, but allows you to gradually push through the enemy base.

How to play Malinovka in an oncoming battle.

The oncoming battle on this map is practically no different from the standard one, except for the location of the spawns of the parties right under the hill. Because of this, the central field and the positions around it lose their relevance. There you can only arrange a quick rush with medium tanks to pinch opponents. But such tactics do not always bear fruit. The main collisions occur on the hill and around it. Thus, it can be argued that in this mode, victory will depend on the collision on and around the slide. The capture of the base on this map is possible, but only in extreme situations, since the base is perfectly translucent and can be shot from the balconies through the bushes. You should get up to capture the base only in extreme situations, when there are few enemies left, they are weakly mobile and blind.


Standard fight

Meeting engagement



The starting positions of the teams are separated by a flat, well-shootable field. The map is convenient for defending and destroying the enemy with artillery forces. Deep detours using shelters - copses, terrain folds and village houses can decide the outcome of the battle. Well-coordinated attack across the field on high speed, with artillery support can also bring success, but is quite risky. Name in the battle record file: malinovka.

Tactics in standard combat

The map is divided into two parts by a lake. One part is an open field, on both sides of which there are well-fortified positions of the teams. For the northern base, this is a ditch, boulders and padded equipment, and for the southern one, cowsheds (also referred to as "barracks" or "sheds"). Departure to the field, in most cases, is extremely risky, so players are looking for alternative ways to attack. There is a swamp between the field and the lake. It is not suitable for a swift attack, but the abundant vegetation provides excellent camouflage. The key position in the eastern part of the map is the mountain, where the mill and two huts are located. Occupying the mountain provides control over the eastern part of the location, but you should remember that the ascent to the mountain is open and very steep. In this regard, tanks storming the mountain are an excellent target. For this reason, heavy tanks prefer not to go immediately to the mountain, but to stay down. Their traditional location is the forest and the church in the area of ​​the northern base. There are several convenient places for organizing an ambush on the map. As a rule, these are shrubs and copses (see "def" in the legend).

Light tanks

Malinovka - open card, and therefore the importance of light tanks on it increases. You can detect the enemy already in the first seconds of the battle. To do this, light tanks make the so-called "lap of honor" or organize a "shooting gallery". This means that from the very start of the battle, they leave at full speed on the field and either move to the enemy base, or, having made a small circle, return to their own. A light tank can also pass through a swamp, in the center of which is the so-called "magic bush", hiding behind which, you can detect almost all enemies leaving the base. In addition, light tanks can pass through the village or drive up the mountain.

medium tanks

In most cases, the task of medium tanks on the Malinovka map is to capture the mountain. Best suited for this purpose fast tanks close combat, such as the T-54 and Bat.-Châtillon 25 t . Medium tanks with accurate guns, such as the Panther, are more effective as snipers than exchanging them on the mountain. As a rule, after capturing a mountain, medium tanks coordinate with heavy tanks located in the forest and deliver a joint attack on enemy positions. At the same time, medium tanks tend not to get involved in battle with TTs, but to go at full speed as far as possible to detect artillery.

Heavy tanks

Heavy tanks are strike force and team protection. The ability to maintain strength and remain combat-ready for as long as possible is extremely important. Therefore, players on heavy tanks prefer not to take risks, but to take up defense at the base and in the forest. Tanks from the northern base are distributed behind the shelters in the base, most of them, as a rule, go behind the church and up the mountain. Tanks with a solid turret can go down into the moat. From there, they can fire, exposing the enemy only an impenetrable tower. But it should be remembered that in this place the tanks are very vulnerable to mounted fire. The TTs of the southern base take cover behind the cowsheds and follow into the forest. If medium tanks occupy a mountain, then TTs can continue their advance through the village.


Malinovka is favorable for organizing ambushes, therefore, lovers of tank destroyers will be able to fully realize the advantages of this type of vehicle. Their main task is to keep enemies out of the base. To do this, they take up positions at the base or disguise themselves behind bushes and copses (marked as "def"). The main threat to tank destroyers is artillery fire. A big nuisance will also be a sudden rush of medium tanks from a mountain or a glare when changing positions.

Self-propelled artillery mounts

The map is perfect for SPG actions. Throughout the location there are only a few places that provide guaranteed protection from hanging fire: cowsheds, a church, a mill. However, if several self-propelled guns get into battle at once, then they can be distributed across the map in such a way that there are practically no dead zones left for their fire. For this reason, players in high-level battles do not tend to move forward and draws happen more often on Malinovka than on other game locations.

Tactics in standard combat

The map has many terrain drops, but there is a key position. The so-called "slide", the largest hill in this location. The best shots open from it and a passage opens to the rear of the enemy base. That is why taking the slide is a priority task for the players of both teams. In addition to the slide, there are other important positions that you need to know to play effectively. If we conditionally divide the card into two parts diagonally, then each side has:

  1. shelters at the base, from which you can give an initial shot in the presence of light, squander the enemy team by HP and hide behind them when detected;
  2. A field through which fast tanks can drive and give information about the presence / absence of opponents;
  3. A swamp with bushes, from which LTs perfectly shine through the opposite respawn;
  4. Forest near bases with various terrain differences, which is good for deterring an attack;
  5. Hills from which most of the map is shot through;
  6. A small village under the mountain, which is the safest way to squeeze under the hills and highlight them, as well as the forest. Note: Be careful, if their LT was not glowing, and your allies are dying on these very hills and in the forest, then most likely the enemy light tank is standing in the swamp in the bushes. In this case, your pressure will only benefit the enemy team, since you will be shot back at the entrance;
  7. Defensive positions in the form of a church for the upper base, and a stone for the lower one. Races to a key position on this map - a hill, the mountain itself.

Light tanks

As mentioned above, the map gives a lot of room for maneuver. This means that light tanks feel great here and a strong LT-water alone can turn the outcome of the battle. There are two ways to use LT on this map: passive and active. With passive tactics, LTs go to the swamp and move from bush to bush, highlighting most of the opponents at the base, as well as opponents who do not move 15 m away from the bushes when fired. This tactic makes sense, but you need to remember that there is little room for maneuver in the swamp and, if discovered, you have little chance of getting out of there alive. An active, and therefore complex, tactic is to adapt to the game of allies and opponents, constantly looking at the minimap. Using your mobility and camouflage, you can be the first to take the hill and scare opponents on the slide, who, having caught the lamp, will still think whether to go on it or not; you can support allied fast tanks that are trying to take the hill; you can squeeze under enemy positions in the swamp and highlight the forest, as well as the entrances to the hill; drive across the field and highlight the base. In general, give light where it is needed or bypass opponents from the flank. Look at the minimap and improvise!

medium tanks

On medium tanks, your main task will be to occupy and hold the hill, since it opens up excellent shooting at the entrances to the base, the forest and the hills near the bases. The slide is a springboard for further advancement of the attack. The most important position on the hill is the position near the mill, which provides good cover from direct artillery hits (but not from the camp, unfortunately), as well as the possibility of tanking with a reverse diamond from this very mill. Note: I advise you to break the ladder so that it does not interfere with shooting . Always occupy the mill first, and after shooting the opponents and successfully capturing the slide, you can move down to the lower level into the bushes to highlight and shoot the opponents. When taking the slide, pay attention to the number of enemy medium tanks, as well as the number of tanks that are riding with you. In the event of a significant numerical superiority of the enemy, one must be prepared for a quick retreat or taking up positions in the forest and other hills to shoot down opponents who come down the hill. Also, do not forget about the possibility of pushing through the swamp or bypassing opponents through the field.

Heavy tanks

Of course, the narrow streets of Himmelsdorf are best suited for heavy tanks, rather than the large open spaces of Malinovka, but they can also show their worth here. Conventionally, heavy tanks can be divided into two subspecies: heavy mobile tanks and super-heavy slow tanks. The first subspecies is quite capable of helping to take the hill, and in case of failure, retreat. We must remember that you are a heavy tank and should not hide in a corner, thereby reducing the chances of your team to win, someone should shine and exchange HP. For the upper base heavies, I advise you to retreat to the church and try to survive there, giving light to the tank destroyers, ART destroyers and medium tanks that stand behind and shoot the hill. In the case of the lower base, you can retreat under a stone, behind which you can also hide from artillery and give light to allies. The second subspecies, super-heavy tanks, can stay at the base because of their slowness, holding back the onslaught of opponents and guarding the base. But we must remember that good places not enough for this. For the upper base, these are just two large stones. The lower base has a choice: either three cowsheds in front, or two rear ones. In general, I advise you to occupy only two of them: either the central one without windows (in order to be completely safe from enemy shells and live as long as possible), or the rear ones, you can also live in them for a long time and in the event of an enemy attack, your allies will be able to support you with fire. If your allies are great, they have taken the mountain and are moving towards the enemy base, you can drive across the field, diverting the fire of the opponents towards you and highlighting them. However, without fanaticism, depending on the situation.

Due to the abundance of bushes and large spaces on this map, tank destroyers feel very comfortable here. You can easily shoot a lot of damage from one point without giving away your positions, that is, without light. Such points are the forest and hills near the bases. But still, if you are a tank destroyer, this does not mean that you need to put on a mask net and stand in the bushes the whole battle. For fast tank destroyers, a variant of aggressive occupation of the slide is possible. Your alpha will not be superfluous when the allies occupy this key position. In case of failure, you can always retreat to previously designated positions. Slow tank destroyers can occupy the same spots as heavy tanks. Keep an eye on the minimap and anticipate the spots where your allies will light up the opponents, move forward and let's alpha.

Self-propelled artillery mounts

For the most difficult class in this game, there is a corresponding game tactic on this map - aim and shoot. The first volley can be fired at the enemy bases, where the initial light occurs. Do not chase after the LT, your task is to shoot, stop and extinguish slow tanks that did not have time to drive away from the base for your allies. Further, your priority is to help your allies on the mountain. If your allies occupy the mountain, then you are much more likely to win. Only I beg you, make sure not to become allies, they were already unlucky with the presence of artillery in this battle. If you want to shoot more damage and unpleasantly surprise the enemy, then move after each shot towards the hill (in case of successful capture of this point). From the hill itself, you will be able to throw all the "safe" positions of the opponents. In case your allies gave up the hill, you have no room to maneuver. Look for enemy tanks that shine on your allies, stand up and sing, making them easy targets.

Tactics in an oncoming battle

The difference between a standard fight and an oncoming fight is that everyone spawns under the mountain, each on their own side. For all classes of vehicles, tactics remain the same. The key position is a slide that must be taken at any cost. There are differences, except for light tanks and super-heavy slow tanks. Also, fast tanks of all classes have more chances to drive along the edge of the field, going to the rear of the enemy. The field is hardly used due to the remoteness from the main collision area - the slide. Next, I will briefly describe small changes in combat tactics for super-heavy tanks and light vehicles.

Light tanks

Due to the fact that the spawn points are now under the mountain, it makes no sense for you to occupy the bushes in the swamp, since there is now a base there, and driving into the capture circle will only give the enemy information about your location. Try to get under the hills by using the village under the mountain, or by riding through the village. However, remember that this is very risky due to having the whole team at the spawn point, as well as a small distance, which cancels your disguise and makes it easier to shoot at you. Also, do not forget that the field is free and you can go behind enemy lines. It is worth occupying the hill only for the initial shooting of the drum or a couple of shots, before the main enemy forces arrive.

Super heavy tanks

Are you slow, armored and have always dreamed of showing the enemy how to take the hill? Now you have such an opportunity, because the mountain has become much closer to you. I advise you to do this only if there is no artillery or it is alone, and also if your fast allies went to occupy the hill. Otherwise, you will arrive there, find many opponents that only artillery and you can shoot at, and your allies from below will be of little help to you. You can also take defensive positions near the church or under a rock. For the most fearless and self-confident mouse-drivers or other similar tanks, a rush through the village is also possible, but this is only in the full top 3-5-7 and without the presence of artillery. You will be able to shoot and highlight most of the opponents, this will give you a lot of fun for which we play this game.

Screenshot gallery

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History of changes



To win or hold the map, 6-7 “even” tanks are enough.

Yellow dots - ST, LT
Red dots - artillery

We occupy a key position - point "F" (D9, thickets of bushes closest to the village). An ideal position from which we have an overview of all important points: the field, the cowsheds, the church, the swamp, and both sides of the mountain. At the same time, this point is viewed very poorly.

Point "E" - you need to take it to protect the descent from the mountain, while from here you can quickly move to protect the base at point "C".

Point "D" is necessary for translucence of the field and the swamp, but it is very vulnerable to enemy artillery, you need to be as careful as possible on it.

Point "B" is needed only as an additional protective factor, cowsheds are shot through from it, however, with points F,D,C it is much more convenient to do this. At this point, you can put the most inexperienced tanks.

Point "G" is needed as an additional illumination, from it all the roads and approaches are gorgeously visible.

Tactics defense is simple, we shoot oncoming enemies. After obtaining a relatively good numerical advantage, we proceed to the attack. This is best done from the mountain, and even better between the mountain and the village, since this zone is practically not visible.


Green dots - heavy tanks or ATs
Yellow dots - ST, LT
Red dots - artillery
Red areas are enemy concentration areas
Green arrows - shootable directions
Yellow arrows - directions of attack

We play on the attacking side. All points are located so that they can be quite successfully defended, but not more than a few minutes.

Point "C" (behind the church) is covered from artillery and long-range, it can be effectively attacked. You need to approach the point through the forest, as the road to it is well translucent.

Point "F" - the base, swamp and field are perfectly translucent from it, while the point itself is not badly hidden.

Points A, B allow you to shoot enemies attacking the base from cover.

There are several ways to attack:

A direct attack on the floor, but here you need data on the location of the enemy, if they are sitting in a village or mountain, then such an attack can be successful.

If most of the enemies are sitting in barns, then it is better to attack through the village. Further, either through the woods or through the area below the pit.

To complete the picture of finding opponents, it is recommended to jump to the top of the mountain, but I do not recommend attacking through the mountain, the area glows strongly.

Malinovka is an open map of the plain type, which is an imitation of a traditional Ukrainian village in World of Tanks. The respawns of the opposing teams are separated by a completely open, perfectly shot field. The map is approximately equally divided in half by a large lake, on one side of which there is a ford, and on the other, a bog with a lot of artisanal vegetation. To the right of the lake there is a village and a mountain with a mill on a hill. The map is perfect for self-propelled guns and tank destroyers - flat terrain and a large number of convenient, well-camouflaged firing positions allow these classes of vehicles to roam to the fullest. There are 3 main and 3 auxiliary directions on the map.

The main areas include:

- field;
- village.

Auxiliary directions:
- travel to the left of the field;
- driving through the quagmire;
- ford to the right of the lake.

Now let's take a closer look at the tactics of combat in all directions on the Malinovka map in World of Tanks.

Main directions


The mountain on the robin plays the same role as all the "mountains" in World of Tanks. It is occupied by fast tanks, and later they organize a strike on the enemy flank. The hills and the village are perfectly shot from the mountain. In the "oncoming battle" mode, the mountain plays a key role - the respawns are located at the very slopes, and it is the team that managed to take the mountain in most cases wins. However, this does not mean that in a meeting battle, everyone should definitely move up the mountain!


This part of the map is ideal for LT: in the very first minute of the battle, you can light up more than half of the enemy team and thereby give the allies the opportunity to shoot back at light. However, you should not neglect caution: if you move too straight, or drive too close to the enemy’s spawn, you will be quickly destroyed.


In the "standard battle" does not play any key role. Only sometimes the village is used as a springboard for organizing a blow to the rear of the enemy occupying the mountain.

In the "oncoming battle" mode, the village is much more important - it can be used by light or medium tanks to illuminate enemy forces on the way up the mountain, or to strike at the rear of the enemy.

Auxiliary directions

Passage to the left of the field

This passage is most often used by medium and light tanks for active illumination of enemy forces at the beginning of the battle. Hiding in a hollow, the "scout" is protected from the constant fire of opponents and can safely illuminate them remaining in the defense. For the successful implementation of the intelligence potential of this position, speed is important. You must get to the hollow as quickly as possible, because. if you are exposed too early, you will simply be destroyed before you even take the necessary position. This direction is relevant only for standard mode fight.

Driving through the swamp

This direction can be used by any tank for passive reconnaissance. The bog abounds with bushes, in which it will not be difficult to hide the tank and from which part of the enemy respawn and moving to the second half of the map are clearly visible. This direction is also more relevant for the standard combat mode.

Ford to the right of the lake

This direction, unlike the two previous ones, is relevant for both standard and oncoming combat. Having crossed the ford into the enemy half of the map, the LT or fast CT can either highlight opponents climbing a mountain or occupying a forest. If you wish, you can try to break through to the artillery, but you should not do this until the middle of the battle, when the concentration of opponents on the trajectory of your movement becomes minimal.

Summing up

The robin is quite simple, but very interesting and creative card in World of Tanks. On any class of vehicle, you can come up with something new in every battle, plan and organize more and more unexpected and quick attacks on the flank or rear of the enemy, etc. After the global SPG nerf, this map really blossomed. Use it and get the most out of it!

This completes the guide on the Malinovka map in World of Tanks.