M Soviet Encyclopedia 1969 1978. Encyclopedia. Great Soviet Encyclopedia EBS "University Library Online" read e-books

Over the years of its existence, the Publishing House changed its name several times: 1925 - founded as a joint-stock company "Soviet Encyclopedia" for the release of the 1st edition of the TSB; 1930-1935 - State Dictionary and Encyclopedic Publishing House; 1935-1949 - State Institute "Soviet Encyclopedia"; 1939 - accession of the publishing house "Granat"; 1949-1959 - State Scientific Publishing House "Great Soviet Encyclopedia"; 1959-1963 - State Scientific Publishing House "Soviet Encyclopedia"; 1963 - merger with the State Publishing House of Foreign and National Dictionaries, the editors of the scientific and technical dictionaries of Fizmatgiz; 1963-1991 - publishing house "Soviet Encyclopedia"; 1974 - dictionary editions are transferred to the publishing house "Russian language"; since 1991 - publishing house "Great Russian Encyclopedia".
Great Soviet Encyclopedia:"Soviet Encyclopedia", the largest publishing house of scientific reference literature in the USSR; is included in the system of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for publishing, printing and book trade. Located in Moscow. Founded in 1925. Established as a joint-stock company "S. e." at the Komacademy of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR for the release of the 1st ed. TSB, in 1930 it was transformed into the State Dictionary and Encyclopedic Publishing House, in 1935-49 - the State Institute "S. e.", in 1949-1959 - the State Scientific Publishing House "Great Soviet Encyclopedia", since 1959 - the State Scientific Publishing House "S. e.", since 1963 after the merger with the State Publishing House of Foreign and National Dictionaries, the editors of the scientific and technical dictionaries of Fizmatgiz - the publishing house "S. e." (in 1974, dictionary editions became part of the Russkiy Yazyk publishing house).
"FROM. e." publishes multi-volume universal and sectoral encyclopedias and encyclopedic dictionaries, one-volume encyclopedias, reference books on various branches of science, technology, and culture. Universal encyclopedic publications - the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (3 editions), the Small Soviet Encyclopedia (3 editions), the Encyclopedic Dictionary (2 editions), the TSB Yearbook (since 1957). Industry encyclopedias in the social sciences - Soviet Historical Encyclopedia, Philosophical Encyclopedia, Pedagogical Encyclopedia, Economic Encyclopedia, Political Economy, Economic Life of the USSR.
Chronicle of events and facts. 1917-1965, Labor Law, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. 1917-1967, Africa, Leningrad, the Great October Socialist Revolution, a series of reference books on foreign countries (United States of America, Pacific countries, Latin American countries, Scandinavian countries, etc.); natural science and technical encyclopedias - Big Medical Encyclopedia (3rd Edition), Small Medical Encyclopedia, Agricultural Encyclopedia, Veterinary Encyclopedia, Technical Encyclopedia, Physical Encyclopedic Dictionary, Brief Chemical Encyclopedia, Brief Geographical Encyclopedia, Industrial Automation and Industrial Electronics, Structural Materials, Construction, Encyclopedia polymers, Atomic energy, Quantum electronics, Cosmonautics, Polytechnic dictionary, etc.; encyclopedias on literature and art - Brief literary encyclopedia, Theatrical encyclopedia, Art of countries and peoples of the world, Musical encyclopedia, Film dictionary, Circus, Encyclopedic musical dictionary. Reference publications - Concise Household Encyclopedia, Olympic Games. For 1926-74 "S. e." 448 volumes of universal and sectoral encyclopedias have been published with a total circulation of about 52 million copies. In 1975, the volume of publishing output amounted to 12 titles with a circulation of 3,245,300 copies and 225.6 million printed sheets.
Publications "S. e." enjoy great prestige both in the USSR and abroad. In a number of countries (GDR, Great Britain, etc.) the one-volume "USSR" was translated and published, in Greece the 3rd edition of the Small Soviet Encyclopedia was published, in the USA (since 1973) the 3rd edition of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia has been completely translated and published.
The publishing house was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1975).

Ch. ed. O.Yu. Schmidt. .
T. 1-65 + t. USSR. M., "Owls. encyclopedia", 1926-47. 60000 copies

T. 1. A - Akolla. 1926. 832 columns, illustrations; 29 l. illus., maps.
T. 2. Aconite - Henri. 1926. 600 columns, illustrations; 35 l. illus., maps.
T. 3. Anrio - Atoxil. 1926. 800 columns, illustrations; 42 l. illus., maps.
T. 4. Atolls - Corvee. 1926. 800 columns, illustrations; 46 l. illus., maps.
T. 5. Barykovo - Bessalko. 1927. 808 columns, illustrations; 21 l. illustrations, portraits, maps.
T. 6. Bessarabia - Bolm. 1927. 832 columns, illustrations; 22 l. illus., maps.
T. 7. Hospital - Bukovina. 1927. 832 columns, illustrations; 36 l. illustrations, portraits, maps.
T. 8. Beech - Varle. 1927. 816 columns, illustrations; 22 l. illustrations, portraits, maps.
T. 9. Varlin - Wenglein. 1928. 852 columns, illustrations; 30 l. illus., maps.
T. 10. Hungary - Vilna. 1928. 816 columns, illustrations; 31 l. illustrations, portraits, maps.
T. 11. William - Vaudemont. 1930. 832 columns, illustrations; 22 l. illustrations, portraits, maps.
T. 12. Voden - Volkhovstroy. 1928. 832 columns, illustrations; 26 l. illus., maps.
T. 13. Lupus - Higher. 1929. 806 columns, illustrations; 15 l. illustrations, portraits, maps.
T. 14. Higher - Gaylinks. 1929. 864 columns, illustrations; 12 l. illustrations, portraits, maps.
T. 15. Heilbron - Germany. 1929. 828 columns, illustrations; 19 l. illustrations, portraits, maps.
T. 16. Germany - HYMN. 1929. 864 columns, illustrations; 8 l. illustrations, portraits, maps.
T. 17. Gymnasium - Horowitz. 1930. 812 columns, illustrations; 16 l. illustrations, portraits, maps.
T. 18. City - Graz. 1930. 864 columns, illustrations; 35 l. illustrations, portraits, maps.
T. 19. Graziadei - Guriev. 1930. 844 columns, illustrations; 32 l. illustrations, portraits, maps.
T. 20. Guryevka - Deiki. 1930. 878 columns, illustrations; 14 l. illustrations, portraits, maps.
T. 21. Daily - Jute. 1931. 848 columns, illustrations; 17 l. illustrations, portraits, maps.
T. 22. Jutsa - Trade agreement. 1935. 840 columns, illustrations; 10 l. illustrations, portraits, maps.
T. 23. Dode - Eurasia. 1931. 830 columns, illustrations; 14 l. illustrations, portraits, maps.
T. 24. Jews - Zheleznyakov. 1932. 800 columns, illustrations; 22 l. illus., maps.
T. 25. Iron - Gap. 1932. 800 columns, illustrations; 7 l. ill.
T. 26. Serrated - Cereals. 1933. 816 columns, illustrations; 7 l. illus., maps.
T. 27. Cereals - Imperialism. 1933. 864 columns, illustrations; 16 l. illustrations, portraits, maps.
T. 28. Imperialist War - Interpolation. 1937. 804 columns, illustrations; 26 l. illus., maps.
T. 29. Interpolation - Historical linguistics. 1935. 768 columns, illustrations; 22 l. illus., maps.
T. 30. History - Cambiform. 1937. 800 columns, illustrations; 41 l. illustrations, portraits, maps.
T. 31. Cambodia - Kaufman peak. 1937. 808 columns, illustrations; 22 sheets. ill., portrait, map.
T. 32. Rubber - Klasson. 1936. 864 columns, illustrations; 31 l. illustrations, portraits, maps.
T. 33. Classes - Competition. 1938. 960 columns, illustrations; 25 l. illustrations, portraits, maps.
T. 34. Competition - Peasant War. 1937. 768 columns, illustrations; 15 l. illustrations, portraits, maps.
T. 35. "Peasant newspaper" - Larson. 1937. 768 columns, illustrations; 22 l. illustrations, portraits, maps.
T. 36. Larte - Lillo. 1938. 832 columns, illustrations; 26 l. illustrations, portraits, maps.
T. 37. Lille - Mammalogy. 1938. 840 columns, illustrations; 16 l. illustrations, portraits, maps.
T. 38. Mammillaria - A measure of value. 1938. 832 columns, illustrations; 19 l. illustrations, portraits, maps.
T. 39. Meravi - Momoty. 1938. 752 columns, illustrations; 20 l. illustrations, portraits, maps.
T. 40. Monad - Naga. 1938. 784 columns, illustrations; 27 l. illustrations, portraits, maps.
T. 41. Nagant - Dutch art. 1939. 864 columns, illustrations; 12 l. illustrations, portraits, maps.
T. 42. Netherlands - Oklahoma. 1939. 832 columns, illustrations; 20 l. illustrations, portraits, maps.
T. 43. Salary insurance - Paliashvili. 1939. 832 columns, illustrations; 20 l. illustrations, portraits, maps.
T. 44. Paliza - Jumper, 1939. 832 columns, illustrations; 24 l. illustrations, portraits, maps.
T. 45. Przemysl - Paul. 1940. 880 columns, illustrations; 19 l. illustrations, portraits, maps.
T. 46. Sex - Optical prisms. 1940. 816 columns, illustrations; 16 l. illus., maps.
T. 47. Signs of divisibility - Ravenston. 1940. 896 columns, illustrations; 15 l. ill., port.
T. 48. Ravi - Robbia. 1941. 880 columns, illustrations; 18 l. illustrations, portraits, maps.
T. 49. Robert - Hand grenade. 1941. 912 columns, illustrations; 19 l. illus., maps.
T. 50. Manual firearms- Sericite. 1944. 880 columns, illustrations; 6 l. illustrations, portraits, maps.
T. 51. Chamois - Contemplation. 1945. 848 columns, illustrations; 9 l. illustrations, portraits, maps.
T. 52. Consciousness - Strategy. 1947. 944 columns, illustrations; 21 l. illustrations, portraits, maps.
T. 53. Stratigraphy - Taurus. 1946. 784 columns, illustrations; 10 l. illus., maps.
T. 54. Lake Teletskoye - Trichophytosis. 1946. 832 columns, illustrations; 13 l. ill., port.
T. 55. Trichocysts - Ukrainian art. 1947. 986 columns, 2 pages, illustrations; 20 l. illustrations, portraits, maps.
T. 56. Ukrainians - Faience. 1936. 720 columns, illustrations; 15 l. illustrations, portraits, maps.
T. 57. Feaki - Flor. 1936. 726 columns, illustrations; 12 l. illustrations, portraits, maps.
T. 58. Flora - France. 1936. 800 columns, illustrations; 22 l. illustrations, portraits, maps.
T. 59. Francoz - Hokusai. 1935. 864 columns, illustrations; 31 l. illustrations, portraits, maps.
T. 60. Cholangitis - Qian. 1934. 800 columns, illustrations; 18 l. illustrations, portraits, maps.
T. 61. H - Shakht. 1934. 896 columns, illustrations; 18 l. illustrations, portraits, maps.
T. 62. Mine - b. 1933. 832 columns, illustrations; 14 l. illustrations, portraits, maps.
T. 63. E- Electrophone. 1933. 768 columns, illustrations; 7 l. illustrations, portraits, maps.
T. 64. Electrophone - Ephedrine. 1933. 800 columns, illustrations; 11 l. illustrations, portraits, maps.
T. 65. Ephemeris - Yaya. 1931. 910 columns, illustrations; 25 l. illus., maps.
Separate volume. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. 1947. 2026 columns, illustrations; 48 l. illustrations, portraits, maps.

Ch. ed. 1-7 vols. - S.I. Vavilov, 8-51 vols. - B.A. Vvedensky. 2nd ed.
T. 1-51. M., "Big owl. encyclopedia", 1949-58. 300,000 copies (Alphabetical index in 2 books).

T. 1. A - Actualism. 1949. 640 pages, illustrations; 53 l. ill. and maps.
T. 2. Acts - Arietta. 1950. 656 pages, illustrations; 47 l. ill. and maps.
T. 3. Arizona - Ajaccio. 1950. 632 pages, illustrations; 49 l. ill. and maps.
T. 4. B - Berezko. 1950. 644 pages, illustrations; 54 l. ill. and maps.
T. 5. Berezna - Botokudy. 1950. 652 pages, illustrations: 69 sheets. ill. and maps.
T. 6. Botosani - Variolite. 1951. 648 pages, illustrations; 50 l. ill. and maps.
T. 7. Varioloid - Vibrator. 1951. 648 pages, illustrations; 70 l. ill. and maps.
T. 8. Vibraphone - Volovo. 1951. 648 pages, illustrations; 50 l. ill. and maps.
T. 9. Vologda-Gazelles. 1951. 624 pages, illustrations; 51 l. ill. and maps.
T. 10. Gazelle - Germanium. 1952. 620 pages, illustrations; 43 l. ill. and maps.
T. 11. Germanicus - Dove. 1952. 648 pages, illustrations; 49 l. ill. and maps.
T. 12. Golubyanki - Grodovka. 1952. 636 pages, illustrations; 60 l. ill. and maps.
T. 13. Storm - Demos. 1952. 672 pages, illustrations; 53 l. ill. and maps.
T. 14. Demosthenes - Precambrian. 1952. 656 pages, illustrations; 38 l. ill. and maps.
T. 15. Dockers - Zheleznyakov. 1952. 652 pages, illustrations; 60 l. ill. and maps.
T. 16. Iron - Earth. 1952. 672 pages, illustrations; 51 l. ill. and maps.
T. 17. Earth - Indians. 1952. 632 pages, illustrations. and cards; 39 l. ill. and maps.
T. 18. Index - Istoy. 1953. 620 pages, illustrations; 54 l. ill. and maps.
T. 19. Historicism - Kandy. 1953. 608 pages, illustrations; 60 l. ill. and maps.
T. 20. Candidate - Kinescope. 1953. 644 pages, illustrations; 55 l. ill. and maps.
T. 21. Kinesthesia - Collision. 1953. 628 pages, illustrations; 52 l. ill. and maps.
T. 22. Collimator - Korzhina. 1953. 628 pages, illustrations; 47 l. ill. and maps.
T. 23. Basket - Kukunor. 1953. 636 pages, illustrations; 55 l. ill. and maps.
T. 24. Corn - Forestry. 1953. 620 pages, illustrations; 62 l. ill. and maps.
T. 25. Forester - Magnet. 1954. 632 pages, illustrations; 38 l. ill. and maps.
T. 26. Magnitogorsk - Medusa. 1954. 652 pages, illustrations; 44 l. ill. and maps.
T. 27. Jellyfish - Centipede. 1954. 664 pages, illustrations. and cards; 51 l. ill. and maps.
T. 28. Centipedes - Bluegrass. 1954. 664 pages, illustrations. and cards; 65 l. ill. and maps.
T. 29. N- Nikolaev. 1954. 632 pages, illustrations. and cards; 46 l. ill, and maps.
T. 30. Nikolaev - Olonki. 1954. 656 pages, illustrations. and cards; 52 l. ill. and maps.
T. 31. Olonkho - Papineau. 1955. 648 pages, illustrations. and cards; 57 l. ill. and maps.
T. 32. Panipat - Pechura. 1955. 648 pages, illustrations. and cards; 53 l. ill. and maps.
T. 33. Furnace - Poltsin. 1955. 672 pages, illustrations. and cards; 34 l. ill. and maps.
T. 34. Poland - Procambius. 1955. 656 pages, illustrations; 48 l. ill. and maps.
T. 35. Rental - Shells. 1955. 672 pages. illustrations. and cards; 35 l. ill. and maps.
T. 36. Rakovnik - "Roman", 1955: 672 pages, illustration. and cards; 47 l. ill. and maps.
T. 37. Rona - Samoilovich. 1955. 668 pages, illustrations. and cards; 59 l. ill. and maps.
T. 38. Samoilovka - Sigillaria. 1955. 668 pages, illustrations. and cards; 55 l. ill. and maps.
T. 39. Sighisoara - Juices. 1956. 664 pages, illustrations. and cards; 42 l. ill. and maps.
T. 40. Sokirks - Stylospores. 1957. 648 pages, illustrations. and cards; 45 l. ill. and maps.
T. 41. Stilton - Tatartup. 1956. 660 pages, illustrations: 58 sheets. ill. and maps.
T. 42. Tatars - Toprik. 1956. 668 pages, illustrations: 49 sheets. ill. and maps.
T. 43. Topsel - Uzhenye. 1956. 672 pages, illustrations. and cards; 51 l. ill. and maps.
T. 44. Snake - Fidel. 1956. 664 pages, illustrations. and cards; 66 l. ill. and maps.
T. 45. Feeder - Fourierism. 1956. 672 pages, illustrations. and cards; 50 l. ill. and maps.
T. 46. Fuse - Tsuruga. 1957. 672 pages, illustrations. and cards; 48 l. ill. and maps.
T. 47. Tsuruoka - Sherbot. 1957. 672 pages, illustrations. and cards; 73 l. ill. and maps.
T. 48. Sherbrooke - Elodea. 1957. 672 pages, illustrations. and cards; 36 l. ill. and maps.
T. 49. Eloquence - Yaya. 1957. 680 pages, illustrations: 69 sheets. ill. and maps.
T. 50. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. 1957. 764 pages, illustrations. and cards; 74 l. ill. and maps.
T. 51 (additional). A - Z. 1958. 460 pages, illustrations; 21 l. ill. and maps.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia.
Alphabetical index to 2nd ed.
Rep. ed. L.S. Shaumyan.
Book. 1-2, M., “Big Sov. encyclopedia", 1960. 75000 copies.

Book. 1. A-Narikins, pp. 1-800.
Book. 2. Nariman - Yayanga, pp. 801-1575.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia.

Ch. ed. A.M. Prokhorov, 3rd ed.
T. 1-30. M., "Owls. encyclopedia", 1969-78. 630000 copies

T. 1. A - Engobe. 1969. 608 pages, illustrations; 47 l. ill. and cards, 1 part. l. tab. 630000 copies
T. 2. Angola - Barzas. 1970. 632 pages, illustrations: 47 sheets. ill. and maps. 630000 copies
T. 3. Bari - Bracelet. 1970. 640 pages, illustrations; 33 l. ill. and cards, 1 l. maps (insert) 630,000 copies.
T. 4. Brasos - Vesh. 1971. 600 pages, illustrations; 47 l. ill. and maps. 630000 copies
T. 5. Veshin - Gazli. 1971. 640 pages, illustrations; 38 l. ill. and maps. 1 card-incl. 630000 copies
T. 6. Gaslift - Gogolevo. 1971. 624 pages, illustrations; 27 l. ill. and maps. 630000 copies
T. 7. Gogol - Debit. 1972. 608 pages, illustrations: 44 sheets. ill. and maps. 1 card-incl. 630000 copies
T. 8. Debtor - Eucalyptus. 1972. 592 pages, illustrations: 22 sheets. ill. and maps. 1 card-incl. 628000 copies
T. 9. Euclid - Ibsen. 1972. 624 pages, illustrations; 43 l. ill. and maps. 1 card-incl. 628000 copies
T. 10. Willow - Italics. 1972. 592 pages, illustrations; 44 l. ill. and maps. 1 card-incl. 628000 copies
T. 11. Italy - Kvarkush. 1973. 608 pages, illustrations; 39 l. ill. and maps. 1 card-incl. 629000 copies
T. 12. Kvarner - Koigur. 1973. 624 pages, illustrations, 35 sheets. ill. and maps. 629000 copies
T. 13. Konda - Kun. 1973. 608 pages, illustrations; 25 l. ill. and maps. 629000 copies
T. 14. Kuna - Lomami. 1973. 624 pages, illustrations; 38 l. ill. and maps. 1 record. 629000 copies
T. 15. Lombard - Mesitol. 1974. 632 pages, illustrations; 29 l. ill. and maps. 1 card-incl. 629000 copies
T. 16. Moesia - Morshansk. 1974. 616 pages, illustrations; 32 l. ill. and maps. 629000 copies
T. 17. Morshin - Nikish. 1974. 616 pages, illustrations; 34 l. ill. and maps. 629500 copies
T. 18. Nikko - Otoliths. 1974. 632 pages, illustrations; 30 l. ill. and maps. 1 card-incl. 629500 copies
T. 19. Otomi - Plaster. 1975. 648 pages, illustrations; 29 l. ill. and maps. 630000 copies
T. 20. Payment - Prob. 1975. 608 pages, illustrations; 21 l. ill. and maps. 630000 copies
T. 21. Sample - Remensy. 1975. 640 pages, illustrations; 23 l. ill. and maps. 630000 copies
T. 22. Belt - Safi. 1975. 628 pages, illustrations; 37 l. ill. and maps. 630000 copies
T. 23. Safflower - Soan. 1976. 640 pages, illustrations; 31 l. ill. and maps. 1 card-incl. 631000 copies
T. 24. Book I. Dogs - String. 1976. 608 pages, illustrations; 35 l. ill. and maps. 631000 copies
T. 24. Book II. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. 1977. 576 pages, illustrations: 44 sheets. ill. and maps. 660500 copies
T. 25. Strunino - Tikhoretsk. 1976. 600 pages, illustrations; 30 l. ill. and maps. 631000 copies
T. 26. Tikhoretsk - Ulyanovo. 1977. 624 pages, illustrations; 46 l. ill. and maps. 631000 copies
T. 27. Ulyanovsk - Frankfort. 1977. 624 pages, illustrations; 32 l. ill. and maps. 632000 copies
T. 28. Frankfurt - Chaga. 1978. 616 pages, illustrations; 32 l. ill. and maps. 632000 copies
T. 29. Chagan - Aix-les-Bains. 1978. 640 pages, illustrations; 28 l. ill. and maps. 632000 copies
T. 30. Bookplate - Yaya. 1978. 632 pages, illustrations; 30 l. ill.; 9 l. kart. 632000 copies

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. Alphabetical name index to the 3rd ed. AND I.
M., "Owls. Encyclopedia", 1981. 719 pages. 50,000 copies.
Yearbook of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. 1957. Issue. one.
Ch. ed. B.A. Vvedensky. M., “Big owl. encyclopedia”, 1957. 648 pages, illustrations. and cards; 11 l. ill. 100,000 copies
Yearbook of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. 1958. Issue. 2.
Rep. ed. L.S. Shaumyan. M., "Big owl. encyclopedia”, 1958. 656 pages, illustrations. and cards; 8 l. ill. 100,000 copies
Yearbook of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. 1959. Issue. 3.
Rep. ed. L.S. Shaumyan. M., "Owls. encyclopedia”, 1959. 664 pages, illustrations. and cards: 10 l. ill. and maps. 55000 copies
Yearbook of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. 1960. Issue. four.
Rep. ed. L.S. Shaumyan. M., "Owls. encyclopedia”, 1960. 616 pages, illustrations. and cards; 8 l. ill. 57000 copies
Yearbook of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. 1961. Issue. 5.
Ch. ed. L.S. Shaumyan. M., "Owls. encyclopedia”, 1961. 580 pages, illustrations; 6 l. ill. 50000 copies
Yearbook of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. 1962. Issue. 6. Chap. ed. L.S. Shaumyan. M., "Owls. encyclopedia”, 1962. 624 pages, illustrations; 6 l. ill. 45000 copies
Yearbook of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. 1963. Issue. 7.
Ch. ed. L.S. Shaumyan. M., "Owls. encyclopedia”, 1963. 562 pages, illustrations. and cards; 5 l. ill. and maps. 50000 copies
Yearbook of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. 1964. Issue. eight.
Ch. ed. L.S. Shaumyan. M., "Owls. encyclopedia”, 1964. 616 pages, illustrations; 2 l. ill. 40000 copies
Yearbook of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. 1965. Issue. 9.
Ch. ed. L.S. Shaumyan. M., "Owls. encyclopedia”, 1965. 608 pages, illustrations. and cards; 3 l. ill. 45000 copies
Yearbook of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. 1966. Issue. ten.
Ch. ed. L.S. Shaumyan. M., "Owls. encyclopedia”, 1966. 627 pages, illustrations; 4 l. ill. 47000 copies
Yearbook of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. 1967. Issue. eleven.
Ch. ed. L.S. Shaumyan. M., "Owls. encyclopedia”, 1967. 624 pages, illustrations. and cards; 4 l. ill. 60000 copies
Yearbook of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. 1968. Issue. 12.
Ch. ed. L.S. Shaumyan. M., "Owls. encyclopedia”, 1968. 624 pages, illustrations; 6 l. ill. 53000 copies
Yearbook of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969. Issue. 13.
Ch. ed. L.S. Shaumyan. M., "Owls. encyclopedia”, 1969. 608 pages, illustrations; 6 l. ill. 48000 copies
Yearbook of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. 1970. Issue. fourteen.
Ch. ed. L.S. Shaumyan. M., "Owls. encyclopedia”, 1970. 608 pages, illustrations; 6 l. ill. 47,500 copies
Yearbook of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. 1971. Issue. fifteen.
Ch. ed. L.S. Shaumyan. M., "Owls. encyclopedia”, 1971. 644 pages, illustrations: 6 sheets. ill. 72000 copies
Yearbook of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. 1972. Issue. 16.
Ch. ed. CM. Kovalev. M., "Owls. encyclopedia”, 1972. 624 pages, illustrations: 6 sheets. ill. 83000 copies
Yearbook of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. 1973. Issue. 17.
Ch. ed. CM. Kovalev. M., "Owls. encyclopedia”, 1973. 640 pages, illustrations: 4 sheets. ill. 110000 copies
Yearbook of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. 1974. Issue. eighteen.
Ch. ed. CM. Kovalev. M., "Owls. encyclopedia”, 1974. 620 pages, illustrations: 4 sheets. ill. 110000 copies
Yearbook of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. 1975. Issue. 19.
Ch. ed. CM. Kovalev. M., "Owls. encyclopedia”, 1975. 656 pages, illustrations; 4 l. ill. 110000 copies
Yearbook of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. 1976. Issue. twenty.
Ch. ed. CM. Kovalev. M., "Owls. encyclopedia”, 1976. 624 pages, illustrations; 4 l. ill. 110000 copies
Yearbook of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. 1977. Issue. 21.
Ch. ed. CM. Kovalev. M., "Owls. encyclopedia”, 1977. 640 pages, illustrations: 4 sheets. ill. 110000 copies
Yearbook of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. 1978. Issue. 22.
Ch. ed. CM. Kovalev. M., "Owls. encyclopedia”, 1978. 592 pages, illustrations; 1/2 l. ill. 110000 copies
Yearbook of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. 1979. Issue. 23.
Ch. ed. CM. Kovalev. M., "Owls. encyclopedia”, 1979. 576 pages, illustrations; 1/2 l. ill. 110000 copies
Yearbook of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. 1980. Issue. 24.
Ch. ed. V.G. Panov. M., "Owls. encyclopedia”, 1980. 584 pages, illustration: 1/2 sheet. ill. 110000 copies
Yearbook of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. 1981. Issue. 25.
Ch. ed. V.G. Panov. M., "Owls. encyclopedia”, 1981. 624 pages, illustrations; 1/2 l. ill. 110000 copies
Yearbook of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. 1982. Issue. 26.
Ch. ed. V.G. Panov. M., "Owls. encyclopedia”, 1982. 600 pages, illustrations; 4 l. incl. 110000 copies
Yearbook of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. 1983. Issue. 27.
Ch. ed. V.G. Panov. M., "Owls. encyclopedia”, 1983. 584 pages, illustrations; 3 l. ill. 106000 copies
Yearbook of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. 1984. Issue. 28.
Ch. ed. V.G. Panov. M., "Owls. encyclopedia”, 1984. 584 pages, illustrations; 4 l. them. 100,000 copies
Yearbook of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. 1985. Issue. 29.
Ch. ed. V.G. Panov. M., "Owls. encyclopedia”, 1985. 576 pages, illustrations. 91000 copies
Yearbook of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. 1986. Issue. thirty.
Ch. ed. V.G. Panov. M., "Owls. encyclopedia”, 1986. 575 pages, illustrations. 85000 copies
Yearbook of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. 1987. Issue. 31.
Ch. ed. V.G. Panov. M., "Owls. encyclopedia”, 1987. 607 pages, illustrations. 78,500 copies
Yearbook of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. 1988. Issue. 32.
Ch. ed. V.G. Panov. M., "Owls. encyclopedia”, 1988. 592 pages, illustrations. 84000 copies
Yearbook of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. 1989. Issue. 33.
Ch. ed. V.G. Panov. M., "Owls. encyclopedia”, 1989. 591 pages, illustrations. 75,500 copies
Yearbook of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. 1990. Issue. 34.
Ch. ed. V.G. Panov. M., "Owls. encyclopedia”, 1990. 556 pages, illustrations. 66,500 copies

Great Soviet Encyclopedia: in 30 volumes / Ch. ed. A. M. Prokhorov. - 3rd ed. - M.: Sov. Encycl., 1969 - 1978.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (GSE) is one of the largest and most authoritative universal encyclopedias in the world. This is the most ambitious publishing project of the Soviet era. Three editions have been published over the course of fifty years. All the fundamental decisions related to the work on the TSB - from the definition of policy in terms of its content to the organization of printing execution, have always been made at the highest state and party levels.
In 1925, in accordance with the resolutions of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Central Executive Committee of the USSR, the joint-stock company “State Scientific Publishing House “Great Soviet Encyclopedia” (then “Soviet Encyclopedia”, now “Great Russian Encyclopedia”) was established, and work began on preparation of the first edition. A total of 65 volumes were released. They were published from 1926 to 1947. From the very beginning, the leading scientists of the country were involved in writing articles, scientific guidance and editing, and this became a common practice for all subsequent years. The first edition of the TSB was prepared with the direct guidance and participation of N. I. Bukharin and other prominent party leaders, many of whom were later “debunked” and repressed. As the current director of the Big Russian Encyclopedia publishing house A. Gorkin noted: “The first edition of the TSB was written by opportunists.”
This partly explains the fact that work on the second edition began immediately after the completion of the first (without any pause) - the Stalinist leadership had to quickly eliminate traces of the activities of the Bolsheviks of the “Leninist call”. Volumes of the second edition began to appear in 1950. By 1958, 50 main volumes and one additional volume were published, which contained mainly (irony of fate!), Biographies of prominent Soviet figures who had been repressed earlier under Stalin.
Presented here is the third edition of the TSB, published in 1969-1978. A total of 30 volumes were published (the 24th volume in two books, the second is entirely devoted to the USSR). The circulation of the last volumes reached 600,000 copies. The third edition, in comparison with the previous ones, is most free from ideological accretions, it is all the more interesting to read the article “From the Editorial Board”, which precedes Volume I, from which it is clear under what pressure all work on the encyclopedia was going on even in the post-Stalin era.
Nevertheless, the authors and editors of the encyclopedia managed to concentrate in it truly all the wealth of knowledge accumulated by mankind over the millennia. It was often the only source of adequate information about the most various subjects, events and people for the Soviet people, and - thereby - turned into one of the bright and multifaceted, in its own way "cult" phenomena of the Soviet era.
The information collected in the TSB, in the overwhelming majority, remains relevant today. What is "obsolete" is of enduring historical interest. The fact that in 1973-1983 the well-known Anglo-American publishing house Macmillan undertook the translation and publication of the encyclopedia into English language long before the completion of the original edition in Russian. Both projects were carried out in parallel, "English" volumes were regularly published after the "Russian".
The last three years have marked new stage in the history of the BSE. Cooperation between the Big Russian Encyclopedia publishing house and the Autopan company has begun to convert the encyclopedia into electronic format. A set of three CD-ROMs in the Golden Fund series is scheduled for the summer of 2001. Our website presents an electronic version of the full text of the TSB prepared by Autopan for these discs.

Big Soviet Encyclopedia(TSB) is one of the largest and most authoritative universal encyclopedias in the world.

The 1970-1978 edition is the third edition.

A total of 30 volumes were published (the 24th volume in two books, the second is entirely devoted to the USSR). The third edition, in comparison with the previous ones, is the most free from ideological accretions. The authors and editors of the encyclopedia managed to concentrate in it truly all the wealth of knowledge accumulated by mankind over the millennia. This edition of the TSB pays great attention to the philosophical problems of natural science, the growing influence of physical and chemical sciences on all branches of natural science and technology, as well as the widespread use of mathematical methods in economics, sociology, linguistics and other branches of knowledge.

The encyclopedia is beautifully illustrated, with gravure print inserts, color letterpress inserts, color offset print inserts, inset maps, color map inserts, maps, illustrations and diagrams in text.

The information collected in the TSB, in the overwhelming majority, remains relevant today. What is "obsolete" is of enduring historical interest. The fact that in 1973-1983 the well-known Anglo-American publishing house "Macmillan" undertook the translation and publication of the encyclopedia in English long before the completion of the original edition in Russian can serve as a recognition of the informational value of the TSB.

In 1957-1990, the second and then the third edition was supplemented annually by the one-volume Yearbook of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. They published updated information about the USSR and other countries, information about important events that took place in the world, and fresh biographical information. A total of 34 issues of the yearbook were published.

In accordance with the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU (February 2, 1967), since 1967, the preparation of the 3rd edition of the TSB was carried out. The publication contains 30 volumes (volume No. 24 in two books). Additional volume(second book of 24 volumes) of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, dedicated to the Soviet Union. The third edition was published between 1969 and 1978 with a circulation of about 630,000 copies. In 1981, the Alphabetical Name Index was issued for the third edition of the TSB (circulation 50,000 copies).

Despite the fact that the 3rd edition is smaller than the 2nd edition (3.5 thousand copyright sheets), it contains 95,279 articles, 29,120 illustrations, 3,701 portraits and 524 color maps. The editor-in-chief is Academician A. M. Prokhorov (since 1969).

Compared to the second edition of the TSB, the publication pays great attention to the philosophical problems of natural science, physical and chemical sciences, as well as mathematical methods in economics, sociology, linguistics and other branches of knowledge.

The third edition of the encyclopedia was translated into English and published by the American publishing house Macmillan (Macmillan Publishers Ltd.) in 1973-1982. Also, the third edition of the TSB was translated into Greek. The methodological experience of the TSB was used in the preparation of the Small Soviet Encyclopedia (3 editions in 1928-60), other universal reference books, including the one-volume Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary (4 editions in 1979-91), the two-volume Big Encyclopedic Dictionary (1991), and contributed to the development encyclopedia in the country.
In 2001, the 3rd edition of the TSB was reissued on CDs (3 CDs) by the Autopan company.

Articles of the first 10 volumes (from "A" to "Italics"), published before 1973, are in the public domain in the United States, but are protected by copyright law in Russia. The rights to the publication belong to the legal successor of the publishing house "Soviet Encyclopedia" - the state publishing house "Great Russian Encyclopedia" (BRE).

The rights to the electronic edition were transferred under agreements to several companies - in particular, the exclusive rights to the online edition belong to Russ Portal, the owners of the Rubricon website, and the rights to the multimedia (CD-ROM) edition belong to the company " New disk" and etc.

T. 1: A - Engobe. - 1970. - 608 p., incl. l. : illustrations, maps, photos.
T. 2: Angola - Barzas. - 1970. - 632 p. : illustrations, maps, photos.
T. 3: Bari - Bracelet. - 1970. - 640 p. : illustrations, maps, photos.
T. 4: Brasos - Vesh. - 1971. - 600 p., incl. l. : illustrations, maps, photos.
T. 5: Veshin - Gazli. - 1971. - 640 p., incl. l. : illustrations, maps, photos.
T. 6: Gaslift - Gogolevo. - 1971. - 624 p., incl. l. : illustrations, maps, photos.
T. 7: Gogol - Debit. - 1972. - 608 p., incl. l. : illustrations, maps, photos.
T. 8: Debtor - Eucalyptus. - 1972. - 592 p., incl. l. : illustrations, maps, photos.
T. 9: Euclid - Ibsen. - 1972. - 624 p., incl. l. : illustrations, maps, photos.
T. 10: Willow - Italics. - 1972. - 597 p., incl. l. : illustrations, maps, photos.
T. 11: Italy - Kvarkush. - 1973. - 608 p., incl. l. : illustrations, maps, photos.
T. 12: Kvarner - Kongur. - 1973. - 624 p., incl. l. : illustrations, maps, photos.
T. 13: Konda - Kun. - 1973. - 608 p., incl. l. : illustrations, maps, photos.
T. 14: Kuna - Lomami. - 1973. - 624 p., incl. l. : illustrations, maps, photos.
T. 15: Lombard - Mesitol. - 1974. - 632 p., incl. l. : illustrations, maps, photos.
T. 16: Moesia - Morshansk. - 1974. - 616 p., incl. l. : illustrations, maps, photos.
T. 17: Morshin - Nikish. - 1974. - 616 p., incl. l. : illustrations, maps, photos.
T. 18: Nikko - Otoliths. - 1974. - 632 p., incl. l. : illustrations, maps, photos.
T. 19: Otomi - Plaster. - 1975. - 648 p., incl. l. : illustrations, maps, photos.
T. 20: Payment - Prob. - 1975. - 608 p., incl. l. : illustrations, maps, photos.
T. 21: Sample - Remensy. - 1975. - 608 p., incl. l. : illustrations, maps, photos.
T. 22: Belt - Safi. - 1975. - 628 p., incl. l. : illustrations, maps, photos.
T. 23: Safflower - Soan. - 1976. - 640 p., incl. l. : illustrations, maps, photos.
T. 24, book. 1: Dogs - String. - 1976. - 608 p. : illustrations, maps, photos.
T. 24, book. 2: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. - 1977. - 576 p., incl. l. : illustrations, maps, photos.
T. 25: Strunino - Tikhoretsk. - 1976. - 600 p. : illustrations, maps, photos.
T. 26: Tardigrades - Ulyanovo. - 1977. - 622 p. : illustrations, maps, photos.
T. 27: Ulyanovsk - Frankfort. - 1977. - 624 p. : illustrations, maps, photos.
T. 28: Frankfurt - Chaga. - 1978. - 616 p., incl. l. : illustrations, maps, photos.
T. 29: Chagan - Aix-les-Bains. - 1978. - 640 p., incl. l. : illustrations, maps, photos.
T. 30: Bookplate - YaYa. - 1978. - 631 p., 33 sheets. ill., maps, portraits
Great Soviet Encyclopedia: Alphabetical name index to the third edition. A - I. - M .: Sov. Encycl., 1981. - 719 p.
Yearbook of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia / Ed. ed. L. S. Shaumyan [until 1973]; S. M. Kovalev [from 1974 to 1979]; V. G. Panov [since 1980]. - M.: Sov. encycl., 1970 - 1990.
Issue. 14: 1970. - 1970. - 608 p.: ill.
Issue. 15: 1971. - 1971. - 644 p.: ill.
Issue. 16: 1972. - 1972. - 624 p.: ill.
Issue. 17: 1973. - 1973. - 640 p.: ill.
Issue. 18: 1974. - 1974. - 620 p.: ill.
Issue. 19: 1975. - 1975. - 656 p.: ill.
Issue. 20: 1976. - 1976. - 624 p.: ill.
Issue. 21: 1977. - 1977. - 640 p.: ill.
Issue. 22: 1978. - 1978. - 592 p.: ill.
Issue. 23: 1979. - 1979. - 576 p.: ill.
Issue. 24: 1980. - 1980. - 582 p.: ill.
Issue. 25: 1981. - 1981. - 624 p.: ill.
Issue. 26: 1982. - 1982. - 600 p.: ill.
Issue. 27: 1983. - 1983. - 584 p.: ill.
Issue. 28: 1984. - 1984. - 584 p.: ill.
Issue. 29: 1985. - 1985. - 576 p.: ill.
Issue. 30: 1986. - 1986. - 575 p.: ill.
Issue. 31: 1987. - 1987. - 607 p.: ill.
Issue. 32: 1988. - 1988. - 592 p.: ill.
Issue. 33: 1989. - 1989. - 592 p.: ill. - ISBN 5-85270-004-5.
Issue. 34: 1990. - 1990. - 556 p.: ill. - ISBN 5-85270-041-X.

M.: 2008. - 672 p.

Electronic version of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (without illustrations). TSB consists of 30 volumes. The encyclopedia contains over 100,000 terms. This is the 3rd edition of the TSB. The last volume of this edition was published in 1978. The encyclopedia was made over 10 years from 1969 to 1978. The encyclopedia contains more than 20 thousand pages.

Note: In the archive 73 MB, after unzipping 193 MB. Installation does not require, just opens. Full screen mode or small window.


The size: 7 2.8 MB

Download: yandex.disk

The 1969-1978 edition is the third.

A total of 30 volumes were published (the 24th volume in two books, the second is entirely devoted to the USSR). The third edition, in comparison with the previous ones, is the most free from ideological accretions. The authors and editors of the encyclopedia managed to concentrate in it truly all the wealth of knowledge accumulated by mankind over the millennia. This edition of the TSB pays great attention to the philosophical problems of natural science, the growing influence of physical and chemical sciences on all branches of natural science and technology, as well as the widespread use of mathematical methods in economics, sociology, linguistics and other branches of knowledge.
The information collected in the TSB, in the overwhelming majority, remains relevant today. What is "obsolete" is of enduring historical interest. The fact that in 1973-1983 the well-known Anglo-American publishing house "Macmillan" undertook the translation and publication of the encyclopedia in English long before the completion of the original edition in Russian can serve as a recognition of the informational value of the TSB.