The use of computer games in the educational process. Basic concepts of gamification of the module-rating system of knowledge assessment. The main manufacturers of developing and educational computer games are Novy Disk, Media House, and Al

  • Question number 17. The history of the development of forms of organization of learning
  • Question number 18. Management of the education system in the Russian Federation. Intraschool management system
  • Question No. 19. Techniques for oral and written surveys in sociology at school.
  • Question No. 20. Visual aids in sociology classes.
  • Question No. 21. Methods for diagnosing students' knowledge of sociology.
  • Question number 22. Essay, report and test work on sociology.
  • Question No. 23. Tests, sociological tournaments and educational crossword puzzles: the methodology for their application.
  • Question number 24. Organization of students' homework.
  • Question number 25
  • Question number 27. The main directions of innovative activity in modern education. The concept of ped experiment. Analysis of real experience.
  • Question No. 28. Forms and methods of working with children left without parental care; society's responsibility for their education.
  • Question No. 29. Testing in the education system: the essence of the method, its evaluation and prospects for use.
  • Question No. 30. Methods for diagnosing a group of students
  • Question number 31. Fundamentals of social pedagogy.
  • Question number 32. Pedagogical diagnostics: concept, functions, structure.
  • Question 33. The course of sociology in high school, the logic of its construction. Intersubject communications.
  • Topic 1. My life, its value and meaning (4 hours).
  • Topic 2. Who surrounds me (4 hours)?
  • Topic 3. The society in which I live (4 hours).
  • Topic 4. What do I know about the phenomena of public life? (6 hours)
  • Topic 5. What and how do I do in society? (image of my life) (4 hours)
  • Topic 6. My duties and rights in society (2 hours).
  • Topic 7. My life as an arena of creativity (6 hours).
  • Topic 8. Game workshop (6 hours).
  • Part I. Sociology on the nature and differentiation of society (Grade 10)
  • Topic 5. The first "immersion" of sociology in reality: society in
  • Topic 27. Life strategy in the system of social orientation
  • Topic 28. Models of people's life in society (3 hours).
  • Topic 29. Social technologies as a means of optimizing people's livelihoods (3 hours).
  • Topic 30. Sociology in my life (sociological game "Society-2") (6 hours).
  • Question 34
  • Question 35. Culture of speech. Features of the teacher's public speech.
  • Question 36. Lecture on sociology. Approximate lecture plan for one of the sociological disciplines.
  • Question number 38 Sociological workshop.
  • Question number 39. Methodology for conducting a lesson in sociology at school (a topic of your choice)
  • Question number 40. Methods for diagnosing a student's personality
  • Question No. 41. Didactic model and structure of the content of the subject "Sociology"
  • Question No. 43. Features and system of sociological education
  • Question number 44. The role of education in the socialization of the individual
  • Question No. 45
  • Question #47
  • 1. State / Federal
  • 2. Departmental
  • 3. Regional
  • 1. Basic secondary (9 grades)
  • Question No. 49
  • Question number 50. Educational (educational) technologies: concept and types
  • Question number 52. Modern information technologies in education
  • Ticket number 53. Typology of schoolchildren: foundations and psychological and pedagogical significance.
  • Ticket number 54. The essence of problem-based learning.
  • Ticket number 55. The role of the media in the socialization of the younger generation.
  • Ticket number 56. Social work with people released from prison.
  • Question number 57. 1. The concept and objectives of practical training in non-social. Specialties.
  • 2. Group and individual work.
  • 3. Program and lesson in sociology.
  • Question No. 58. Subject and object of social pedagogy.
  • 2. The essence of socialization.
  • 3. Mechanisms and agents of socialization.
  • Question No. 59. Forms and methods of control and certification of the level of training of students. Exam and test methods
  • 2. Exam as a form of knowledge control.
  • Question number 60. The role of religion in education
  • 1. The role and functions of religion in education.
  • 2. Religion as a subject of social - pedagogical activity.
  • 3. Principles of social. - ped. Activities in the confession:
  • Question 61. Control in the structure of the educational process.
  • Question 62. Self-education: modern information opportunities.
  • Question No. 63. Features of the professional activity of a teacher-teacher, his professional career. Methods for diagnosing the professional qualities of a teacher (teacher).
  • Question No. 64: Forms and methods of organizing independent and optional work of students.
  • Question number 15. The role of the game in the educational process

    Modern teaching methods

    In recent decades, the search for new or the reconstruction of old teaching methods well known to pedagogical science, which could ensure the interconnection of the educational, developmental and upbringing functions of teaching, has become of great importance.

    New teaching methods that are born often do not have a psychological and pedagogical justification, they are difficult to classify, but their use in the educational process brings students undoubted success. Let's take some of these methods as an example.

    At present, business games are widely used. For the first time the game in our country was used in 1932 for teaching production activities. It was called the "Red Weaver" and imitated the process of mastering new products at the Leningrad Industrial Cloth Plant.

    A business game is the creation of a situation of choice and decision-making, in which conditions are reproduced that are close to real. It assumes such roles of participants that allow them to comprehend, experience and master new functions. The game contains a specific event or phenomenon to be modeled, and it is allowed to refer game time to any period (present, past, future). As a rule, a business game is a model of a segment of the future professional activity of students. This is an imitation of managerial, research, pedagogical real activity of a teacher, head of an educational institution.

    The distinguishing features of a business game include: imitation of a real process in a game with the help of a model; distribution of roles between the participants of the game, their interaction with each other; differences in interests among the participants in the game and the emergence of conflict situations; the presence of a common game goal for the entire team, which is achieved in the process of interaction between players and unites all its participants; accounting of performance results; implementation in the game of a chain of decisions, each of which depends on the previous one, as well as on the decisions made by other participants in the game.

    The undoubted advantage of business games is that they combine theory and practice, contributing to the formation of both professional knowledge and practical skills. Games increase interest in the subject being studied, as they are accompanied by positive emotions. Business games can be grouped as follows:

    1. "Warm-up" games such as "brainstorming", "club of experts", thematic entertaining games. Their task is to liberate the interests and imagination of the participants, to activate the game and collectivistic motivation, to focus on a non-standard approach to the material being studied.

    2. Situational role-playing games. Includes analysis of specific situations and their role playing.

    3. Constructive-role-playing, problem-role-playing, discussion games. The purpose of their use is the formation of skills for the adoption and effective performance of business roles, training in interaction and cohesion, productive cooperation, participation in the development of collective decisions.

    4. Creative games. This is a collective work on the creation of technical, artistic, survey, etc. projects. The inclusion of students in these games contributes to the development of creativity, the education of initiative, courage, perseverance, responsibility.

    There are other classifications of business games: managerial, research, educational, etc.

    An educational game is defined as a model of interaction between its participants in the process of achieving educational goals, i.e. this is a game simulation of a specific control problem (in particular, cognitive activity) in order to develop the best solution.

    The following principles form the basis of the educational and business game:

    The principle of simulation modeling of specific conditions and the content of the corresponding type of activity;

    The principle of the problem content of the educational business game and the process of its deployment in cognitive activity;

    The principle of joint activity of participants;

    The principle of dialogical communication and interaction of partners;

    The principle of two-dimensionality of game educational activity.

    A business game can be played before presenting new educational material; in this case, it will rely only on the personal experience of students and will reveal gaps in their knowledge.

    If a business game is played after learning new material, then it will be based on the knowledge gained, which in the course of the game will acquire a qualitatively new form of existence. And, finally, the entire educational process can be built on the basis of a cross-cutting business game.

    Further development and applied use business games received in the so-called methods of intensive training. In our country, these methods were first tested and

    implemented in the intensive study of a foreign language. When using these methods, educational activities are carried out in the form of group or collective interactions and games, during which such techniques are widely used as:

    Presentation of large amounts of educational information;

    Diverse emotional coloring of educational information;

    The use of conscious and unconscious forms of pedagogical activity;

    Constant communication of students in game situations, etc. The game used in the educational process performs the following functions:

    Educational (development of memory, attention, general educational skills, perception educational information different modality);

    Entertaining (creating a favorable atmosphere in the classroom);

    Communicative (uniting students, establishing emotional contacts between them);

    Relaxation (removal of emotional stress caused by stress on the nervous system during intensive training);

    Psychotechnical (formation of skills for preparing one's physiological state for more effective activity, restructuring the psyche for the assimilation of large amounts of information).

    In the last decade, many restrictions on free, creative search in pedagogical science have been lifted. Against this background, the author's concepts of effective pedagogical activity appeared, which, of course, also affected teaching methods.

    a game (pedagogical or didactic) is a form of organization of education, upbringing and personal development, which is carried out by a teacher on the basis of purposefully organized activities of students according to a specially designed game scenario based on the maximum self-organization of students when modeling the experience of human activity.

    In educational practice, game forms of learning are implemented, as a rule, through a business game, which has the goal of strengthening the practical orientation of learning, the creative application of the acquired scientific knowledge and their consolidation.

    Modern research shows that the significance of the pedagogical and didactic possibilities of the game is quite large, since:

    The learning process is activated and intensified by stimulating the motives of learning activities;

    Recreated interpersonal relationships that simulate the real conditions of social life;

    The problematic nature of the educational material varies due to the leveling of the difficulties of its development;

    The process of creative self-determination of students is expanding and deepening.

    The main features of a business game as a form of learning are:

    1. The presence of a problem that needs to be solved.

    2. Simulation of a game situation similar to a social, professional or scientific problem.

    3. The presence of game participants performing game roles.

    4. Active interaction of the players with each other and with the teacher.

    5. Use of additional game paraphernalia.

    6. High emotional stress of the participants.

    7. The improvisational nature of the players' actions.

    Educational games

    As you know, any game is a role-playing interaction of conditionally opposing groups in the form of entertainment or competition to achieve a certain goal. The educational game borrows competition, confrontation between groups, role-playing behavior of its participants, an entertaining element from a regular game, and transfers group interaction from the sphere of entertainment to the plane of “real” behavior of students in industrial, social conditions. The models of these conditions are constructed by the means of the educational process in such a way that they contain a high concentration of complex situations intended for solving by the participants in the game, and that the processes simulated in this case reflect life, and the solutions reflect the modern level of science.

    The features of an educational game are: imitation by educational means of production or social conditions directly related to one of the topics of the training course; problematic construction of game stages and situations; collective solution of problems by its participants; competitive movement towards the "~ goal; role-playing interaction of students; compliance with the rules adopted in the game; social significance of the result achieved in the game. The interest of students in the problem is also important when choosing this type of workshop. Educational games cannot be very long, as they are limited by the volume of training sessions .

    At various interuniversity courses, games are sometimes practiced, designed for 2-3 days or 14-46 hours. Such games are not i suitable for the educational process. The educational game should be designed for the duration of the seminar (2-4 hours), although it can then be continued during extracurricular time if students are interested.

    Two types of educational (didactic) games can be distinguished: cognitive and business (industrial). Cognitive games, in turn, are divided into various types of games, including games of a historical type, which involve the reproduction of certain historical events directly related to the topic of the lesson, in their oral presentation by students, which are distributed according to the social roles of the simulated segment of history. At the same time, the participants in the game are given the right not only to describe the general course of events in the chronological sequence in which they actually took place, to speak on behalf of historical figures, setting out their decisions and actions, but also to introduce hypothetical situations into the game, to allow the possibility of other decisions and other the nature of the actions of their characters. When unforeseen situations arise in the game, its participants are given the opportunity to build events not as they actually happened, but in accordance with modern trends.

    However, there are a minimum of such moves in the game. The main thing in the game is not to reshape history in accordance with the laws of social development or in accordance with the subjective positions of the players, but, based on practice, analyzing historical events, independently come to an understanding of the educational theory that has analogies in given historical events.

    The task of the game participants during the preparation period is to study the course of simulated events, the actions of role partners, to get used to the image of their heroes and be ready to analyze their activities, receiving a word for this depending on the chronology of events and actions, as well as the degree of their completeness in this game.

    This type of game is also called role-playing or role-playing. But, probably, it would be more correct to call her as we called her, since both the performance of roles and imitation are also possible in business

    (production) games.

    Educational games also include games that deepen students' knowledge of documents and primary sources. It is difficult, for example, to induce a student to more

    thorough study of the Constitution and other documents and more convincingly show their practical significance than in the process of educational games "Democratic Institutions", "Position", "Election Campaign", etc.

    In a business (industrial) game, the production environment is often imitated and inevitably arising problem situations introduced into the game by its leaders are solved.

    As an example of educational business games, we can name the games "Choosing a leader", "Personnel", "Marketing", "Socio-economic priorities of the workforce" and "Conflict". In the classroom, situations like "If I were the head of the shop (foreman, mayor of the city, president of the country)" can be played. You can get acquainted with the algorithm of the educational game, the methodology for its preparation and conduct, the main stages by reading the brochure "New approaches to the program and teaching of political economy" (M.: Znanie, 1991), as well as chapter IV "Game methods in the study of sociology" in the "Practical on sociology "(innovative methods) - M.: Izd-vo IMT, 1997. Stages and methods of the game.

    First stage. The introductory word of the teacher, which defines the topic and purpose of the forthcoming work, formulates the problem, reveals its relevance and prerequisites for the solution, substantiates the need for a collective search for ways and means of solving the problem, creates motivation for effective search and cognitive activity.

    Second phase. The characteristic of the problem is given. The essence of the problem is usually revealed in the process of collective discussion. It should be borne in mind that the comparability of the results is possible only under the condition of a strictly unambiguous interpretation of the content of the problem. For these purposes, it is structured, i.e., elementary components (components) are singled out in its content

    or characteristics.

    The characterization of complex debatable problems involves the use of an expert method, followed by a discussion of alternative points of view.

    Third stage. The identification of concepts (methods) for solving the problem is provided on the basis of a free, but flexibly controlled by the teacher, exchange of opinions by the method of "brainstorming" (at the same time, any, even professionally obviously untenable solutions, are accepted and recorded).

    In some cases, in particular, when the audience is experiencing certain difficulties, it is advisable to conduct a special "quick survey" of students using a programmed control card, which is fixed on the board or in student notebooks, followed by a collective or individual choice of acceptable solutions from the proposed list.

    Fourth stage. Formation of working groups and expert groups (from among students). It is provided on the basis of an open vote from the most prepared students or from among those who abstained from voting.

    Fifth stage. Work in small working groups to justify various decisions. Work in groups is based on the developed plan: determination of the essence of the chosen solution to the problem and the main arguments for its justification; identification of the necessary prerequisites for the solution; forecast of possible consequences, development of an algorithm (work program) for the implementation of each decision, which involves substantiation of methods, ways and means of implementation, their duration and sequence, motivation systems, benchmark criteria or indicators of progress towards the goal, as well as mechanisms for correcting possible deviations. At the same time, it is necessary to determine the “shared contribution” of the sphere, the branch of the future professional activity of the participants in the educational game in the implementation of the chosen concept and its solution.

    Sixth stage. Discussion and defense of the presented options for solving the problem. It is provided on the basis of their comparative analysis, which is carried out according to the criteria and procedure accepted by all.

    Seventh stage. Summing up the discussion. The opinion of experts is expressed about the most successful solution and the most active and prepared participants in the game. The assessment of individual students is also heard. At the end of the game, the teacher expresses his own opinion on the problem, rejects extremes in assessments and achieves consensus.

    In the already mentioned workshop on sociology (innovative methods), the fourth chapter is completely devoted to the characterization of game methods used in the study of sociology: the possibilities of game learning and the classification of games, the characteristics of some game methods used in sociology (the brainstorming method, method 635, the method of utopian games, metaplan, synectics), a description of specific examples of the preparation and conduct of games in the educational course "Sociology" in Russian universities (business games "Shipwreck", "Social

    conflicts at a state industrial enterprise and ways to resolve them”, games in the special course “Social psycho-tology”: “Position”, “Organize a strike”, “Family con-§, conflict”). In the book you can find scripts and all the necessary applications for them, including tests.

    In the appendix to the first section of this workshop, as an example, methodological instructions are given for students of all forms of education of the Magnitogorsk Mining and Metallurgical Institute for practical exercises in the form of games in the course "Sociology".

    A description of some games in sociology can be found in the textbook by Yu.G. Volkova, I.V. Mostovoy "Sociology". (M., 1998), for example, the sociodrama "Unequal Marriage" and the business game "Friday. . Saturday. Resurrection” (pp. 238-241, 376-377). In the methodological manual "Fundamentals of Sociology" (M., 1997) A.I. Kravchenko gives a description of the game "Poll" (pp. 77-78). But all the examples listed above reveal the essence and methodology of preparing and conducting games of the first generation. Scenarios and methods of games of the second generation, which include organizational- mental games (OMI), organizational and activity games (ODI) and electronic games.

    Sociological educational crossword

    In work with students of some educational institutions in Russia and other CIS countries, for the past ten years, one of the interesting game forms independent work, arousing interest in the subject being studied, helping to more firmly assimilate the categorical-conceptual apparatus of the main topics of the studied academic discipline.

    Both compiling and filling (solving) a crossword puzzle requires students to have the skills and abilities to handle reference literature, develop formal logical and creative thinking, all types of memory, and erudition.

    | Basically, three types of educational crosswords are used: crossword-task, crossword-control, crossword as a type of task for extracurricular forms of work.

    Crossword task. The student is invited to make a crossword puzzle on a specific topic of the course at home. Such a crossword puzzle can be of varying degrees.

    complexity depending on the number of

    concepts, from taking into account the symmetry of their location, etc.

    In order for a student to make a crossword puzzle, it is first necessary to select a sufficient number (20-30) of concepts on a given topic. To do this, refer to the materials of lectures, textbook, teaching aids and reference literature. In addition, it is useful to look at already published crossword puzzles, various graphic forms of their compilation. The content and source of the publication do not matter, since the form is important as a possible example of a future educational crossword puzzle. Crossword-control. The teacher invites students to fill out a crossword puzzle compiled by him (or at the department) to check the quality of assimilation of the studied material, the ability to operate with scientific terminology. It is compiled either on one topic or on the basic concepts of the course as a whole.

    Crossword as a type of task (element) of a sociological tournament, olympiad, competition. This type of task is most often used in the erudite competition. Such a crossword puzzle is offered on a competitive basis by the participants of the upcoming event. Then the best of the proposed options is selected for filling. The selection is carried out by the jury of the event: tournament, olympiad, competition. An example of a crossword puzzle is given below.

    Theoretical description of the gaming technique:

    Game "Brain Ring"

    This is an intellectual game that contributes to the development of creative cognitive abilities of students, the logic of thinking, the popularization of knowledge among young people in various fields of science and culture. It is based on the principle of competition in ingenuity and speed of reaction when answering various questions.

    The brain ring can be thematic, which ensures the focus of preparing young people for participation in it, for example, “Nature and Man”, “Youth and Sports”, “Knowledge is Power”, “Eureka”, “In the Animal World”, “Predatory Plants” , “We and things”, etc.

    Structurally, the game consists of three rounds, in each of which the participants of the game are presented with a block of questions. The task of the teams is to be the first to answer the question posed within the specified time.

    Questions by their nature can be asked very different: erudition, ingenuity, joke questions, riddles, black box questions. However, all of them must be accessible to the understanding of the participants, taking into account their age.

    Two to four teams can prepare to participate in the game, which determines the duration of the game. In the room where the game will be held, game tables (by number of teams), a jury table and places for fans are placed in advance.

    The game starts with the sound of a gong. The host calls the first two teams onto the stage. The first round begins. The members of both teams, seated around their tables, listen to the first question of the leader. Each round can be characterized by its own specifics, and, accordingly, the nature of the questions in each of them is modified. So, if the first round is a warm-up, then the teams are asked questions that do not require time to think: “Eyes at home?”. (Window); “Thumbelina among the birds” (Hummingbird), “Bird in harness in the fable of I. Krylov” (Swan); "The King's Daughter" (Princess); "Sailor Boy" (Jung); "Storm at Sea" (Storm); "Wizard who constantly climbs into the bottle" (Gene); "Girl with blue hair" (Malvina); "Entrance to the tank" (Luke); "Floating ice mountain" (Iceberg).

    In the second round, the task becomes somewhat more complicated. The facilitator offers the teams turnaround phrases. Within a minute, they must replace the words with opposite ones in order to get the original meaning of the famous phrases: “Die and forget” (Live and remember); "The poor sometimes laugh" (The rich always cry); “The big birch is warm in summer” (The little Christmas tree is cold in winter), etc.

    The third round may be related directly to the theme of the game itself, which is reflected in the questions proposed to the teams.

    The teams are given time from 30 seconds to 1 minute to think over the questions. The team that first after the expiration of the specified time or ahead of time gives the correct answer receives 1 point. In case of an incorrect answer, the right to give their own answer is given to the second team, which receives a point for the correct answer. If both teams did not cope with the question, the host himself gives the necessary information on the issue. So, for example, when answering a question about carnivorous plants, he can not only name the sundew as one of such plants, but also explain that on earth there are about 500 such plants, which are called insectivorous, and also advise everyone present to read the book B .D. Alexandrova "Plants-predators" (M., 1972).

    The game continues up to seven points, which must be scored by one of the teams. This team - the winner of the first round - meets in the second round with the next (third) team - a participant in the game.

    The second round is held in the same mode as the first. The game continues until all teams take part in it and the leading team is revealed.

    The jury summarizes the results, awards the winning team, marks the most active participants and announces the topic of the next brain-ring. When summing up the results, prizes can be awarded to game participants and fans in the following nominations: "Best Player", "Audience Award", "Most Active Player", etc.

    Kuchina Natalya Vladislavovna

    The effectiveness of the use of games in the educational process

    The essence of the game as one of the activities of students is that it reflects various aspects of life, features of the relationship between adults, knowledge about the surrounding reality. The game is considered as a special relationship of the individual to the world around him. The use of the game in pedagogical work is largely associated with the professionalism and creativity of the teacher himself. In order to successfully organize educational games, the teacher must have a developed creative imagination, a stock of knowledge and practical skills in the field of game methodology.

    Theoretical ideas about the educational value of the game in relation to school-age children have found their application, distribution and confirmation in the practice of many teachers. The issue of the significance of the game in the upbringing and education of a person was given great attention in the pedagogical works of outstanding thinkers: Pestalozzi, Comenius, Ushinsky and others. of particular importance to the management of game actions for educational and educational purposes, introduced children to Big world with the help of the game. Also, a talented teacher used the game both in the classroom and during extracurricular activities, combining both types of activity into a single whole.

    The game should be used as an additional aid that activates cognitive activity students, contributing to the improvement of the educational process. The game, based on the psychological characteristics of the personality of the younger generation, significantly increases the effectiveness of the educational and educational impact on students, provided that thoughtful pedagogical guidance is provided. Game activity opens up a wide range of scientific interests for students and pushes them to the conscious need to engage in self-education in various fields of knowledge, and therefore the game serves as the first impetus for further independent activity. Together with other means of educational and educational nature, games and game techniques related to educational material can not only guide students in the field of various professions, but also instill in them certain aspirations, help students realize their personal capabilities in applying the acquired knowledge and skills in life practice. The introduction of games into the composition of the means that contribute to the improvement of educational work has an impact on the formation of the student team, on the relationship between students. The game helps to strengthen friendly ties between all students based on mutual respect and assistance. It is also very important that the game has an impact on the activation of all mental processes, contributing to the comprehensive development of students. The educational game expands the range of their perceptions, covering life phenomena, contributes to the understanding of the ideological orientation of cognitive activity, and also contributes to the desire for the practical implementation of the knowledge gained.

    During the educational game, schoolchildren show interests, inclinations towards theatrical, visual and musical art, so we can say that the aesthetic value pedagogical game is very significant and the game has a great influence on the formation of the worldview of the younger generation. Games create a certain relaxation of mental work, relieve tension, switch attention and reduce student fatigue. Game activity is attractive because in the process of it favorable conditions are created to satisfy the interests, desires, creative aspirations of the children, in addition, they like the unusual situation in the educational process, which makes the game particularly entertaining. Therefore, it is necessary to use the game in order to develop the best personality traits of the student, to reveal his abilities, to increase interest in the discipline being studied.

    At all stages of gaming lessons, qualified guidance of the teacher is necessary. In practice, we are convinced of the need for targeted management of educational gaming activities, since we use different types of games in the educational process, so a special approach to leadership is needed. various types game actions, but in general, constant attention from teachers is required. The leading role of teachers is also necessary when summing up the results of gaming activities. A plan for discussing the results of the game is thought out in advance, where the analysis notes both the successes and shortcomings of the game as a whole and individual performers. The teacher should not be the dominant person in the role play. Researchers of the role-playing game believe that its success largely depends on the teacher, on his ability to organize and conduct the game. He must himself believe in the effectiveness of this type of work, because a teacher who believes in it usually achieves good results. Much also depends on the group of students with whom the game is played. The best results can be achieved with an extrovert-dominated group, but even an introvert-dominated group tends to be more active in game-based classes than in traditional classes.

    The use of role-playing games, which are an important means of organizing pair and group work, opens up wide opportunities for managing the educational process and its optimization. It seems fair that I. A. Zimnyaya thought that “the methods of organizing role-playing learning and game situations used in the practice of teaching a foreign language are directly aimed at activating motivation mechanisms and thereby increasing the effectiveness of teaching a foreign language.”

    It is known that role-playing games are a conditional reproduction by its participants of the real practical activities of people, an obligatory element of a role-playing game is the performance of roles. In games, students master such elements of communication as the ability to start a conversation, maintain a conversation, agree with an opinion or refute it, ask questions, interrupt a conversation, and so on. Games contribute to the conscious mastering of a foreign language, and not its mechanical memorization, and mastering occurs without much effort, the learned material remains in memory for a long time. In a role-playing game, a motive is created for the players, the essence of which is to successfully fulfill the role they have taken on. Thus, the system of actions imitated in the game acts for the player as the goal of cognition and, like any goal, becomes the direct content of his consciousness. Therefore, the role-playing game helps to increase the intellectual direction of students in the educational process. The motive created by the role also influences how they realize it.

    Municipal educational institution of the Omsk region "Sherbakul special

    (correctional) general education

    boarding schoolVIIIkind."

    Game in the educational process.

    Prepared by a geography teacher

    Iqualification category

    Golman N.I

    r.p. Sherbakul


    Game in the educational process.

    In the light of modern requirements for the school, when teachers are faced with the task of teaching each child to study independently, the question of forming their cognitive interests, an active, active attitude to the educational process is of particular importance. At the same time, an equally important requirement of our time is to reduce the psychological and physical overload of schoolchildren.

    One of the means containing the real possibilities for the implementation of both of these tasks is the game.

    Modern game theory is based on a number of fundamental studies that prove its extremely important role in the development of the child. Experience has verified and proved a sharp increase in children's interest in learning activities if they are included in a game situation. Learning tasks become more accessible for students, the overall productivity of the activity increases markedly. This can be considered a serious reason for the wider use of games in the organization of the learning process. As observations show, many teachers have not quite correct attitudes regarding the didactic game, which is often understood precisely as an entertaining moment of the lesson. In this case, the following are usually distinguished as the main functions of the game:

      Organizing, in accordance with which games-competitions in discipline, content in the order of the workplace are widely used in the lesson. The teacher at the end of the lesson puts a flag on the tables of those students who behaved better, did not receive disciplinary comments. In subsequent lessons, the flags of the "leaders" may move to other desks.

      Entertaining, causing the use of unusual forms of presentation of educational material in order to attract the attention of students.

      The function of relieving mental stress. To this end, sometimes all sorts of meaningless riddles-jokes are introduced into the lesson. "Which word has forty vowels?" (magpie).

    The examples given allow us to formulate a common feature of the attitude of a number of teachers and methodologists regarding the didactic game, the game goes along with the learning process, without entering into it in essence. Such a practice is subject to fair criticism: “It is not smart to build a real didactic game that would awaken the thoughts of students, some teachers dress ordinary training exercises in a game form. More K.D. Ushinsky said: "To make a serious occupation entertaining for a child is the task of education." I would like to emphasize that the question is not just about entertaining, but about how it is organically combined with serious hard work, i.e. so that the game does not distract from learning, but contributes to the intensification of mental work, making it more attractive and interesting. What makes this combination possible?

    One of the theoretical assumptions underlying the design of didactic games is that learning in a game is a latent (hidden) learning. The child's attention is drawn to the attention of play actions and the task of teaching them is not realized. The comprehension of the learning task is a concomitant in the game, i.e. problems are solved easier in play, the child is not always even aware that he has solved something. Unfortunately, experiments show that such a strong skill is not developed in a separate game; often, outside the game situation, the child cannot cope with the task that he has just solved intensely in the course of the game. As a possible solution to the noted difficulty, it is proposed to use not individual games, but systems of the same type of games in which a strong conscious intellectual attitude is formed.

    The activity of students increases even more when using special intellectual games, which by its mechanism is the most limited, associated with the process of cognition, with thinking.

    Classical examples of such games are widely known: these are checkers, chess, etc. The so-called quick wit tasks also belong to this category: rebuses, charades, puzzles, crosswords. It should be specially emphasized that this interest is of a purely intellectual nature, i.e. does not depend on external stimuli, but is determined solely by the need of the human mind for exercise. This circumstance is very important, it can be considered one of the convincing reasons for including intellectual games in the educational process. A fun squares game that, with different content of numbers and mathematical operations, can be used in different classes. First, students are introduced to the principle of constructing such a square, they are offered to perform the appropriate actions. It is necessary that students not only perform actions, but also explain them. After such a rule is learned, students can be invited to try their hand at compiling such squares. At different lessons, depending on the specifics of the subject, content and topic, different Mind games. What they have in common is that they require guesswork, searches, "mind games" and thus are attractive to students.

    In an environment of extracurricular activities, you can use games that are a composition of mobile exercises and intellectual tasks, but only if they are organically combined. So games are known in which the driver threw the ball (or some object) in turn, the participants in the game are required to quickly answer a question, etc. Such a game situation essentially means the requirements for quick orientation, quick wits, and mobility of thinking, which would be difficult to set in any other way. Based on the foregoing, it can be argued that the so-called didactic game in any case is a connection in different versions of the educational task and a game situation that is attractive to children, in which learning can take place more or less consciously. But the technique of using games in the educational process requires caution. Based on the fact that the inclusion of any task in a game situation makes its implementation attractive to students, one can come to the erroneous conclusion that the organization of learning in the game does not leave much difficulty. It is enough to present this or that task to schoolchildren not as a training exercise, but as a game - and organize " didactic games' look like this, but it doesn't cause the class to be invoked. The fact is that the connection between the task and the game should not be mechanical, otherwise the game will not fulfill its stimulating role, but is only an “add-on” to the usual training exercises. Here are typical experiments of this kind: in physical education classes, in addition to the main goal of the lesson, they introduce elements of literacy or counting through the game. Relay race. Words or words with a missing letter are written on the board, you need to run faster and complete the word, return and pass the chalk to another teammate. The team that finishes the words the fastest wins.

    With regard to the above example, we can say that the introduction of game situations into training exercises is not subject to any logic, game rules do not correspond to the nature of the tasks at all, they are artificially contrived. The game atmosphere in these cases does not arise.

    The inclusion of a learning task in a game situation requires a special atmosphere of the lesson, the definition of the teacher's tone, as well as the mood of the students.

    However, the most important thing is the organic connection between the game and the task in terms of character and form.

    In the design of didactic games, the teacher should show maximum creativity, based solely on the requirements of the educational material.

    The basic rule that this process obeys is that the game should help make serious, hard work entertaining and interesting for students.

    Among active teaching methods, a prominent place belongs to the game. There are many concepts of play activities. their multiplicity is due both to different methodological approaches from the point of view of which the game is defined, and to the complexity and diversity of the phenomenon of the game and its functions.

    According to scientists, the game is a special form of life developed or created by society to manage the development of the younger generation; that is, this is a special pedagogical creation, although it was not created by individual people, but by society as a whole. The very process of the emergence of the game was "mass", in it the natural-historical regularity manifested itself in a variety of conscious activities of individuals.

    The game is a consequence of the activity through which people transform reality, change the world. The essence of the human game lies in the ability to transform the surrounding world, recreating it. In the game, the need of the individual to become a subject, the leader of his activity, to influence the world is formed and manifested. The main thing in the game is not the result, but the process itself, the experiences associated with it. Although the situations in which a person plays are imaginary, actions and experiences, feelings are real. Therefore, from the point of view of psychology, the game arises when there are needs that cannot be realized at a certain point in life. In this sense, the game is the realization of subconscious desires, but not individual, but generalized.

    Acting in an imaginary field, in a fictional situation, a person is free, i.e. she determines her actions, looking at her own "I", at the same time subconsciously obeying the rules of the game, which imperceptibly for the player develops the ability to determine the goal, predict the consequences, choose the best solution in specific circumstances, fulfill their own plans, act actively and purposefully. The educational and educational functions, the value of the game lies in the fact that by managing the content and rules of the game, you can indirectly control the process of formation and development of the necessary professional qualities, stimulate the initiative, independence of players in the course of performing game tasks.

    The motives of play activity are contained in it itself and are able to play the role of a "trigger device" for the formation of other (educational, professional) motives. The game turns the student into a subject of the pedagogical process, provides the formation of the principles of a certain activity (simulated), volitional qualities, holistic experience needed in the future profession. This property of the game predetermines its place in the educational process. So, the game is an activity that imitates real actions or conditions, the main purpose of which is the process, not the result. Therefore, the game is an effective method of learning at any age.

    Didactic, developing, role-playing and business games are used in the process of professional training.

    Didactic games should form a system of knowledge and skills of students.

    Educational games aimed at improving mental processes, student properties: perception, attention, memory, imagination, thinking, dexterity, dexterity, etc.

    Didactic and educational games are closely related. In such games, the student's interest moves from a game to a mental task, which increases his cognitive activity. Didactic and educational games combine the features of gaming and learning activities. They are held under the guidance of a teacher and according to his plan, and should be carried out with the didactic principles of accessibility (from simple to complex), independence, positive, emotional atmosphere.

    Typical examples of didactic-developing games in the process of vocational training can be "Technical fights", professional bingo, crossword puzzles; contests of connoisseurs (on the subject), inventors; KVN "What? Where? When?", brainstorming, brain ring; mini-competitions "Best in profession", etc.

    Role-playing game has a plot, and its main rule is the action of the participants in accordance with the nature of the character, the role that is performed (epoch, profession, views). Players can take on the roles of prominent scientists, inventors, historical figures, artists, fictional characters, or imaginary faces.

    Role-playing games are predominantly collective in nature, in particular, they reflect relations in society, at work, in a small group of people. The main components of a role-playing game: theme, content, imaginary situation, plot, roles, game actions.

    Before the start of the role-playing game (at least a week in advance), students receive initial data on the plot and rules of the game, take on the performance of certain roles. It is useful that some of the students take part in the game as a judge, experts who evaluate the quality of the performance of the roles by the participants in the game, their decision, ingenuity, efficiency, depending on the requirements of the profession. The position of the teacher in the process of conducting games is multifaceted: before the game, he is an instructor, explains the content and rules of the game; during the game - a consultant; when summing up - the judge and the leader of the discussion.

    In a role-playing game, the participants seem to transform into those who are portrayed and, believing in the game, create a special game life. Role play is the simultaneity of double communication: real and imaginary. Important moments of communication in a role-playing game are empathy and reflection. Empathy is manifested in the ability to sympathize with the participants in the game, their emotional state and at the same time mentally identify with the character. Reflection in a role-playing game is the ability to understand the inner world of a character and one's own, to see oneself from the outside.

    Due to the presence of such characteristics, role-playing is a means of teaching professional communication. Role-playing games are a particularly effective method for non-contact students, with insufficiently developed speech, anxious (participation in activities on behalf of a character reduces the fear of error, because the character, and not the participant, is allegedly supposed to make mistakes).

    So, with the right organization, role-playing games also have a psychotherapeutic effect (they correct self-esteem, reduce tension, conflict, imperceptibly teach them to comply with the requirements of society).

    Role-playing games have a significant emotional impact on the participants, develop the ability to make decisions in a situation of communication with peers, and contribute to the assimilation of the norms of professional behavior. Role play gives the actors a wide range of behaviors that cannot be predicted in advance, that is, role play also develops creativity. The participants in the game are in a state of intellectual tension, since no one knows the way in which the players perform their task. From here comes an attractive mystery and romance that encourages participation in the game.

    Role-playing games that are useful in the process of professional training include "Congress of inventors (scientists, etc.)", "Press conference of well-known ...", "Auction of ideas, technologies ...", "Resolution of industrial conflict" , "Extreme (non-standard) situation", "Journey through an epoch, a country in time...", etc.

    Business games are widely used in the training of qualified specialists.

    business game is a form of recreating the subject and social content of the future professional activity of a specialist, modeling those systems of relations that are typical for this activity, simulating professional problems, real contradictions, difficulties in typical professional problem situations1.

    The main goal of business games is the formation and improvement of specific skills to act in specific situations. In the process of conducting business games, students in specially simulated conditions are trained to quickly analyze production circumstances (including emergency ones) and make optimal decisions, search for faults, breakdowns based on specified parameters, choose an appropriate technological process, and solve economic problems1.

    Preparation of a business game begins with the development of a scenario. The content of the scenario includes: the educational goal of the game, a description of the problem under study, justification tasks, description procedures of the game and situations that are modeled, characteristics of the actors.

    At the stage of developing a business game, one should be guided by the following psychological and pedagogical principles: the principle of simulation of the content of professional activity, specific conditions and dynamics of production; the principle of reproducing problematic circumstances typical for this profession with the help of a system of game tasks that contain contradictions and are difficult for students; the principle of joint activity of participants in the conditions of interaction of production functions of specialists that are simulated in the game; the principle of dialogical communication of game participants as a necessary condition for solving educational and game tasks, preparing and making agreed decisions.

    The business game solves important tasks for the development of the personality of a future specialist; students acquire knowledge and skills in the context of professional activity, acquire professional and social competence, the ability to successfully interact in a production team, a trade union, manage and organize the work of workers. This "serious" activity is realized in a game form, which allows students to intellectually and emotionally show their individuality, creative initiative.

    The business game procedure consists of the following stages: preparation of participants, experts and materials; studying the script and instructions; holding a game, from the beginning of which no one can interfere and change the scenario and rules; discussion, analysis of achievements and mistakes in the game, assessment of behavior, methods of action and decisions made by players.

    Business games include:

    1. Exercises on simulators.

    2. "Analysis of specific production and professional situations" - students get acquainted with the situation, with a set of interrelated facts and phenomena that characterize a specific event that occurs before a specialist in his professional practice and requires an appropriate decision from him; students offer their solutions in a given situation, which are collectively discussed, advantages and disadvantages are identified, and possible optimal solutions are selected. Thus, a stock of alternatives of professional behavior is created.

    3. A full-scale business game is an imitation of real professional activity with all real positions, functions, documents, with prediction and calculation of the consequences of decisions that are made (often using a computer), only reduced in time.

    For each game, documentation is developed, which should include the following sections:

    - object or process, which the game models. Such an object can be an institution, enterprise, workshop, site, as well as the process of design, organization, management;

    - business game prospectus, which includes the purpose of the game, the conditions for its use, a description of the audience for which the game is designed;

    - list of participants in the game, their functions, characteristics, requirements for them;

    scenario - a detailed description of the game process, "positions", rules, game tasks, instructions to players, experts, calculation group (criteria for evaluating the activities of players);

    - environment model, which includes the ways in which conditional obstacles are created for players that make it difficult to make decisions. These obstacles are in the nature of specific situations that arise in production (exhausted resources, equipment breakdown, natural disasters, accidents, social conflicts, etc.);

    - game rules (by minutes). A business game often takes several classes - a full study day (role-playing game - two classroom hours, didactic and educational games - part of the lesson), but this depends on the complexity and scenario of the game;

    - list, description of materials for the game (documents, tests, equipment, stationery, computers, audience);

    - exit the game - the results that were the goal of the game (solutions, skill, documents, materials, calculations).

    According to E.A. Khrutsky, a business game is a kind of performance of production and management activities, in which the rules of the game can be different, depending on the ultimate goal that must be achieved in the game. The rules can be mandatory for all participants in the game or advisory (flexible), when the activities of the players are limited to certain limits, when they have the opportunity to improvise, freedom to choose solutions. There are also games like without rules, that is, at the beginning of the game, having familiarized themselves with the conditional circumstances and tasks, the participants discuss and accept certain rights, restrictions, and obligations for the players.

    The principles of building and conducting business games include:

    1. Visibility and simplicity of the design (model) of the game (the game should display not all, but the most important points of professional activity).

    2. Autonomy of topics and fragments of the business game (the ability to play the game in several meetings (days), change the details of the game for different composition of participants). The possibility of further improvement and development of the design of the business game (inclusion in big game, creating variants of the game).

    3. A rational combination of game activity and activity about the game (preparation, evaluation). The maximum release of game participants from calculations, preparation of texts, use of computers.

    4. The focus of all elements of the game on solving the problem, which is the subject of the game and the goal of learning.

    5. Full "immersion" of the business game participants in the problems of the organizational system, which is modeled in the game. Gradual entry of players into the experimental situation. Uniform load on the participants of the game in time.

    Let's give examples of role-playing and business games.


    The word "game" refers to the most diverse, sometimes little similar phenomena. The dictionary of the Russian language notes seven basic meanings of this word. We will operate as follows: “A game is an activity, an occupation for children and an occupation determined by a set of certain rules, techniques, serving to fill leisure, for entertainment.”

    There is reason to assume that the need for playful behavior is associated with such a period in a person's development during which he must prepare for adulthood. The significance of the game lies in the fact that in the process of it, various abilities are developed and improved, including the ability to mentally regulate one's activity. The training nature of gaming activity is undeniable. The feeling of pleasure caused by her is her main stimulant. Such stimulation is highly expedient, since without the game the skills of activity and behavior necessary for the very existence of a person could not be formed.

    In essence, the fact that a person cannot but pass through the stage of childhood explains the significance of play in his development. It is no coincidence that the game is, according to L.S. Vygotsky, “in a sense, the leading line of development in preschool age» . According to the unanimous opinion of psychologists, the game is the leading activity of the child and the basis of all his subsequent development, because it is in the game that he initially gains experience for life in society and develops all those physical and spiritual forces and abilities that he needs for this.

    At primary school age, the game no longer occupies the important place that is characteristic of it at preschool age, but it still has considerable importance in mental development younger student. Schoolchildren, unlike preschool children, who are most attracted to the process of the game itself, begin to be interested in the outcome of the game, its result. Therefore, the games of schoolchildren to a much greater extent require purposefulness and volitional organization of behavior.

    However, the game does not lose its significance with the maturation of a person. Even adults play, in which games take other, more complex forms. The game accompanies a person throughout his life, contributing to the development of personality. Therefore, it is so important to correctly use games in the educational process, taking into account the psychological characteristics of each age group of children.

    The purpose of the work is to study the possibilities of using the game in the educational process of the school.

    Give the concept of the game as a psychological and pedagogical phenomenon;

    Determine the role of play in the development of the child;

    To reveal the possibilities of game activity of schoolchildren at biology lessons.

    Chapter 1. Game as a Psychological and Pedagogical Phenomenon

    1 Game: phenomenon and concept

    What is a game? There are a huge number of definitions of the game, in our work we will give a few. According to the dictionary of the Russian language Ozhegov S.I., "A game is an activity that serves for entertainment, recreation, sports competition." The psychological dictionary interprets this concept as follows: “A game is a type of activity that has historically emerged, consisting in the reproduction by children of the actions of adults and the relationship between them and aimed at understanding the surrounding reality.” D.B. Elkonin in his works says that “a game is an activity in which social relations between people are recreated outside the conditions of directly utilitarian activity” . Another definition of the game was given by V. Vsevolodsky-Gerngross: “We call a game a kind of social practice, which consists in the effective reproduction of any life phenomenon in whole or in part outside its real practical installation: the social significance of the game in its training role at the early stages of human development and collectivizing role.

    To understand the essence of the game, it is important to distinguish between subjective and objective meanings. The subjective meaning of the game is determined by its motive, the immediate motivation for the game, which is to get pleasure in the very process of playing activity. If one judges the nature of the game by this value alone, it is easy to conclude that it is nothing but empty fun. However, the objective meaning of play, which the child himself does not even suspect and which is not directly visible when he sees children play, but is revealed by a scientific researcher of play activity, is essentially different from the subjective one. S.A. Shmakov argues that the functions of play in the development of the child are such a meaning.

    The game contributes to the formation of the physical and spiritual abilities of a growing man, his cognitive activity, imagination, will, self-control. The game is a school of communication. “The child learns in the game his “I” (L.S. Vygotsky), but in the game, mastering the role, he learns to understand the other, to enter into his position, which is extremely important for life in society. Therefore, the game is an effective means of moral education. The game is a model of "adult" life, and here the child not only gets acquainted with various professions, but learns to appreciate work and for the first time feels the pride of being a worker, not yet working. And along with all this, the game, thanks to the pleasure it brings, is relaxation, a relaxation of mental tension. What is important to note is that all these functional meanings of the game act together, are given in a complex, penetrating each other and reinforcing one through the other.

    So, a game is an unconstrained activity in an imaginary situation according to certain rules. And if the subjective goal of the game, its motive are in the very process of activity that gives pleasure, then the objective value of the game activity, according to O.S. Gazman, consists in the formation and training of physical and spiritual abilities necessary for the implementation of other activities and the life of an individual in society. There are many different concepts of play activity.

    Various researchers and thinkers put forward one game theory after another - K. Gross, F. Schiller, G. Spencer, K. Buhler, 3. Freud and others. Each of them seems to reflect one of the manifestations of the multifaceted phenomenon of the game, and none, apparently, covers its true essence. What is a game?

    First of all, a game is a meaningful activity, that is, a set of meaningful actions united by the unity of a motive.

    The common notion that play is only functioning stems from the fact that the act of play is not done for the sake of the practical effect it has on the object being played. L.I. Bozovic says that the human game is not just the functioning of mature systems in the body and not a movement that occurs only because an excess of unspent energy has accumulated inside the body. Play is an activity; this means that the game is an expression of a certain relationship of the individual to the surrounding reality.

    The first proposition that defines the essence of the game is that the motives of the game are not in the utilitarian effect and material result that this action usually gives in a practical non-game plan, but also not in the activity itself, regardless of its result, but in diverse experiences that are significant. for the child, for the player in general, for the sides of reality. The game, like any non-game human activity, is motivated by the attitude towards goals that are significant for the individual. But in non-game activities, the significance of a particular goal is very indirect: in practical, business life, a person can be prompted to action, the direct goal of which, in its own internal content, is devoid of significance for the individual, due to the fact that through this action a person can bypass achieve the satisfaction of some of their needs that are not directly related to the internal content of this action.

    According to L.S. Vygotsky, the motives of play activity reflect a more direct attitude of the individual to the environment; the significance of one or another of its aspects is experienced in play activity on the basis of a more direct relationship to their own internal content. In play activity, the discrepancy between the motive and the direct goal of the subject's action, which is possible in the practical activity of people, disappears. In the game, only actions are performed, the goals of which are significant for the individual in terms of their own internal content. This is the main feature of play activity and this is its main charm, and only with the charm of higher forms of creativity is comparable charm.

    With this initial feature of the game in relation to its motivation is connected its main feature in the ways of playing action, or operating.

    A game action (according to D.B. Elkonin) is an action that is performed due to an immediate interest in it, not for the sake of its specifically utilitarian effect.

    In order to carry out in practical terms those actions that the child transfers to the game plan, humanity has worked out in the process of developing science and technology the complex methods of their implementation necessary for practical effectiveness. Mastering this technique, the adequate application of which requires extensive knowledge, is the task of educational activity, including special professional training. This technique, inaccessible to the child, turns out to be, by the very meaning of the game, and not necessary for the performance of the play action, since the play action does not strive for a material result and a utilitarian effect. This determines the second - characteristic - feature of the game; the game action implements the diverse motives of specifically human activity, without being bound in the implementation of the goals arising from them by those means or methods of action by which these actions are carried out in a non-game practical plane. In play activity, actions are rather expressive and semantic acts than operational techniques. They should rather express the meaning of the action contained in the motive, its relation to the goal, rather than realize this goal in the form of a material result. Such is the function, the purpose of the game action. In accordance with this function of action in the game plan, when it is performed, what is essential for this function of it is preserved, and what is not essential for it is discarded. Game actions are consistent only with those objective conditions that are determined by the motive and purpose of actions, and may not be consistent with those on which the material result of an action in a practical situation depends. Transformed in accordance with this purpose, the play action comes at the same time in line with the capabilities of the child. It is precisely because of this peculiarity that the game is, as S.A. Shmakov, an activity that resolves the contradiction between the rapid growth of the needs and demands of the child, which determines the motivation of his activity, and the limitedness of his operational capabilities. The game is a way of realizing the needs and requests of the child within his capabilities.

    From the original feature of the game, which determines the very meaning of it, it also follows that some objects can be replaced by others in play activity (a stick - a horse, a chair - a car, etc.). According to A.V. Zaporozhets and co-authors, in order to function in a game action, objects must satisfy the conditions that are essential for a game action and which, in addition to the main condition - subordination to the meaning of the game action - the accessibility for the child to operate this object is added, and these objects may not satisfy all other conditions that are not essential for the game action. Hence the next, outwardly most conspicuous feature of play, which is actually derived from the above-mentioned internal features of play activity, is the opportunity, which is also a necessity for the child, to replace, within the limits determined by the meaning of the game, objects that function in the corresponding non-play practical action with others capable of serve to perform the game action. In the course of the game action, these objects acquire a meaning determined by the function they perform in the game action. As a result, these features of the game determine the possibility of its transition to an imaginary situation. This possibility is realized when the child is able to mentally transform the real in his imagination. The initial, rudimentary forms of play do not yet include this transition into an imaginary situation. When the child who first managed to open the door himself opens it again and again, he does not create an imaginary situation; he stays within the limits of the real, and yet he plays. But play in a more specific sense of the word begins with the mental transformation of a real situation into an imaginary one. The ability to move into an imaginary plane and build action in it, being a prerequisite for play (in its developed specific forms), is at the same time its result. Necessary for the deployment of the game, it is in the game and is formed.

    The play of an adult and a child, connected with the activity of the imagination, expresses a tendency, a need to transform the surrounding reality. Manifested in the game, this ability to creatively transform reality in the game is formed for the first time. This ability, reflecting, transforming reality, is the main meaning of the game.

    “Does this mean that the game, passing into an imaginary situation, is a departure from reality?” - asks N. Voirin. There is a deviation from reality in the game, but there is also a correspondence to it. Therefore, there is no escape in it, no escape from reality into what seems to be a special, imaginary, fictitious, not real world. Everything that the game lives by and that it embodies in action, it draws from reality. The game goes beyond one situation, diverts from some aspects of reality in order to reveal others even more deeply in an effective way. In the game, only that which is not essential for it is not real; there is no real effect on objects in it, and the player usually has no illusions about this; but everything that is essential in it is truly real in it: the feelings, desires, ideas that are played out in it are real, genuine, and the questions that are resolved are real.

    For example, in competitive sports games questions about who is smarter, stronger - these are real questions about the real properties of the players, who get their decision in the game, causing genuine feelings of rivalry, success, failure, triumph.

    The question of the authenticity of feelings, desires, intentions in the game raises a natural doubt: are they not feelings, desires, intentions of the role played by the player, and not his own, and whether in this case they are imaginary for him, and not real , his true feelings? Feelings, desires, intentions of the role that the player performs are his feelings, desires and intentions, since the role in which he has embodied is himself in new, imaginary conditions. Only the conditions in which he mentally places himself are imaginary, but the feelings that he experiences under these imaginary conditions are the genuine feelings that he really experiences.

    The universal intrigue of any game is victory over oneself: physical, spiritual, intellectual, creative, any. Because games are so loved by children.

    Most games have four main features (according to N.P. Anikeeva):

    free developmental activity, undertaken only at the request of the child, for the sake of pleasure from the process of activity itself, and not just from its result (procedural pleasure);

    the creative, significantly improvisational, very active nature of this activity (“the field of creativity”);

    emotional elation of activity, rivalry, competitiveness, competition, attraction, etc.;

    the presence of direct or indirect rules that reflect the content of the game, the logical and temporal sequence of its development.

    2 Classification of games

    The difficulty of classifying games lies in the fact that they, like any cultural phenomenon, are seriously influenced by the dynamics of the historical process of any new formation, the ideology of different social groups. Enriching the culture of leisure is always a prerequisite for the development of society. But this enrichment can be contradictory, it can be affected by coercion, prohibitions, fashion, and so on. The game element is present literally in all types of human activity. But accented games are present mainly in leisure. They reflect universal, national, ethnographic, geographical, historical and local territorial signs. The complexity of classifying games also lies in the fact that they differ from one another not only in a formal model, a set of rules, quantitative indicators, but, above all, in goals. Games with the same rules and information base can be very different, as they are used for different purposes: in one case - to analyze the functioning of the system, in the other - to teach students, in the third - as training for decision-making in simulated situations, in the fourth - for entertainment, etc. .

    The well-known psychologist A.N. Leontiev, who argued: “... in order to approach the analysis of a child’s specific play activity, one must take the path not of a formal list of the games that he plays, but to penetrate into their real psychology, into the meaning of play for the child. Only then will the development of play emerge for us in its true inner content. The meanings of the game are contradictory and multidimensional, but in each game, human practice provides those “supports” that determine its place in a person’s life, its meaning and purpose.

    To classify games is to create orders of games subordinate to their purpose, compiled on the basis of taking into account the fundamental and common features and regular connections between them. The classification of games should allow one to navigate in their diversity, to give accurate information about them.

    The greatest authority in the field of childhood, the Polish educator J. Korczak, said that “even games, as something serious, did not wait for solid clinical studies.” Exploring the myriad of variations, strategies for games appropriate for certain ages, or ageless games is really very difficult. And yet such attempts were made.

    K. Gross divides play phenomena into four groups: fighting, love, imitative, social. The grouping of games into such types is based on heterogeneous criteria, primarily on the idea of ​​social activity. The English researcher of games A. Gomme divides all games into two groups: dramatic games and games built on "dexterity and luck".

    A. Gomme's dramatic games have five horizontal design techniques: linear, circular, arched, spiral and arbitrary. Gomme divides games vertically into 25 headings: wedding games; games built on courtship and love; games "fortress"; funeral games; agricultural; trading; religious; taboo; natural; guessing games; witchcraft; sacrifice; imitation of sports; imitation of animals; games with witches and child abduction; fishing; churning oil; guessing; wrestling and competition; games with singing and dancing; games of hiding and searching; leapfrog; blind man's buff; forfeits; ball games. This classification is given beyond any logic.

    In the literature of the Soviet period, the classification of games was made in the early 30s. the collector of games V. Vsevolodsky-Gerngross, who divided the whole world of game phenomena into three main formal types, each in contact with a special category of social practice: dramatic, sports and ornamental games. In addition, he puts forward three more intermediate types: sports-dramatic, ornamental-dramatic and sports-ornamental, considering them the most common games. Gerngross in his collection "Games of the Peoples of the USSR" classifies essentially folk games, i.e. games of the peasantry and "the peoples who were oppressed by the tsarist government", in the class undifferentiated composition in which they were understood by "bourgeois ethnography". Gerngross's class approach is scientifically naive. Thus, he divides dramatic games into 1) production games: hunting and fishing, cattle breeding and poultry farming, agricultural; 2) everyday games: public (war, power, trade, school, etc.) and family; 3) ornamental games; 4) sports games: simple competitions, competitions with a thing. And yet, on the whole, the work of V. Gerngross is monographic and contains a lot of factual material.

    J. Korchak in the book "How to Love a Child" presents his vision of the varieties of games and singles out round dances, calm games, games to test strength and knowledge. M.S. Kogan singles out "games as such" (games of hide-and-seek, bast shoes) and "artistic games".

    The best systematic approach to the classification of games was made by E.I. Dobrinskaya and E.V. Sokolov, who classify games "by content" (military, sports, artistic, economic, political); “according to the composition and number of participants” (children, adults, singles, pairs, groups); “by what abilities they discover and train” (physical, intellectual, competitive, creative, etc.).

    There are many attempts to classify games. Most of them are either intuitive, or are made on the basis of specifically collected game material, specifically “for this” material. In the pedagogical encyclopedia we read: “In pedagogical literature, it is customary to distinguish between subject, plot, mobile and didactic games. In its turn, story games are divided into role-playing, "director's" and dramatization games. This approach clearly does not cover all the richness of gaming practice, it has long been outdated.

    It can be taken as an axiom the generally accepted approach to divide all the games of children and adults into three large groups:

    Games with hard and fast rules.

    Games are free, the rules of which are established in the course of game actions.

    Games in which there is both a free game element and rules that are accepted as a condition of the game and that arise during its course.

    This division is partially arbitrary, since in almost any game there is a creative element and there are rules or outlines of rules, writes N.P. Anikeeva.

    Each block or type of games should be distinguished according to the following fundamental external and internal features (indicators, signs, signs, recognitions). The external features of the game include its content, form, venue, composition and number of participants, degree of regulation and management, availability of accessories.

    Content is the defining side of the game as such, it represents the unity of all its constituent elements: its properties, internal processes, the main idea of ​​the game, its meaning as a social phenomenon. Content is what the game contains. It includes the plot, theme, intrigue, and tasks of the game. Content is the main focus of the game. According to the content of games with ready-made rules, they are distinguished as follows: sports, mobile, intellectual (didactic), construction and technical, musical (rhythmic, round dance, dance), medical, correctional (psychological games-exercises), comic (fun, entertainment), ritual - ritual, etc.

    In terms of content, free (free) games differ in the area of ​​life they reflect: military, wedding, theatrical, artistic; household games into the profession; ethnographic games, etc. There are positive socio-ethical games and asocial games (games for money and things, mercenary, criminal games, games of false risk, life-threatening, games of chance, vulgar and empty). The content gives grounds to subdivide games into original (solid) and complex, organically combining games. different kind.

    By form. As you know, the form in the philosophical interpretation is a way of existence and expression of content. It means the internal organization of content and is related to the concept of "structure".

    In the leisure practice of children and adults, the most structurally designed game models have developed and established themselves, such as KVN, the Field of Miracles, What? Where? When?, etc., having a plot space, a pronounced form. Television has a huge influence on the emergence of new game forms, says S.A. Shmakov.

    Time gives rise to specific games, stimulates their appearance. Such games are called seasonal or natural (winter, spring, summer, autumn). They are distinguished by the amount of time (long-term, temporary, short-term, minute games).

    According to the venue, there are board (table), indoor, outdoor, yard games. Games in the air, games on the ground (in the forest, in the field, on the water, etc.), games at the holiday, games on the stage.

    Games differ by age, gender, composition, number of participants. In this regard, games of younger children (infants, preschoolers), games of children of primary, middle and senior school age, as well as games of adults are practiced. For a long time, both in the age and in the ideological aspect, the concepts of “october games”, “pioneer games” were used.

    Objectively, there are games of boys (adolescents, boys, men) and games of girls (girls, women). In these games - a special reflection, special traditions, special signs of sex.

    By the number of participants, single, individual, double, group, team, mass games are distinguished.

    A fairly large number of games do not have a rigid targeting, they are willingly played by people of different sex and age. It should be noted that joint, ageless games of children and adults are gradually leaving the social experience.

    There are games without objects and with objects (subject games - with a ball, rope, tourniquet, bat, etc.); computer games; slot machines; entertainment games, etc.

    Didactic games, widely used in the learning process, highlight the learning function of gaming activity. AND I. Lerner points out that the so-called business games, in which situations and relations of one or another type of activity are modeled, have become widespread.

    3 Development of the child during the game

    game lesson biology school

    The game is closely connected with the development of the personality, and it is during the period of its especially intensive development - in childhood - that it acquires special significance.

    L.I. Bozovic says that in the early, preschool years of a child's life, play is the kind of activity in which his personality is formed. The game is the first activity that plays a particularly significant role in the development of the personality, in the formation of its properties and the enrichment of its internal content.

    In the process of development, personal significance and attractiveness are usually acquired, first of all, by those actions and those manifestations of the personality that, having become accessible, have not yet become everyday. What the child managed to do for the first time, whether it was opening the door, turning the handle, because this is an achievement for him, some kind of luck, acquires significance, attractiveness, due to which the action turns into a game plan: the child begins to open and close the door over and over again , to turn the handle again and again, not because now it is practically necessary to open the door, but because this action unconsciously pleases him, as an expression of his achievements, his successes, his development; actions that are already familiar, everyday lose interest and cease to be the theme of the game. Precisely the new ones, those that have just come into being and have not yet taken root, as something habitual acquisitions of development, come into play par excellence.

    Entering the game and performing in it over and over again, the corresponding actions are fixed; while playing, the child masters them better and better: the game becomes for him a kind of school of life. The child, of course, does not play in order to acquire preparation for life, but, while playing, he acquires preparation for life, because he naturally has a need to act out precisely those actions that are newly acquired for him, which have not yet become habitual. As a result, he develops during the game and receives preparation for further activities. He plays because he develops, and develops because he plays. Game is the practice of development.

    Various forms of serious adult activity serve as models that are reproduced in children's play activity. Games, writes L.S. Vygotky, are organically linked with the entire culture of the people; they draw their content from the work and life of those around them. Countless examples confirm this position. They are mentioned a lot in the literature; life delivers them at every step. The game prepares the younger generation to continue the work of the older generation, shaping and developing in it the abilities and qualities necessary for the activities that they will have to perform in the future. However, we will not say that play is the preparation for later life, as if, while playing, the child did not live, but only prepared for life in the future. In reality, it is only in life that one can prepare for life. Playing, the child lives a life full of spontaneity, efficiency and emotionality, and does not prepare only to live in the future. But precisely because, while playing, he lives, he is in the game and receives the first, quite specific preparation for life. The first human needs and interests of the child are manifested and satisfied in the game; manifesting themselves, they are formed in it at the same time. All aspects of the child's psyche are formed in the game.

    In the game, the child develops an imagination that includes both departure from reality and penetration into it. The ability to transform reality in an image and transform it in action, to change it, are laid down and prepared in a game action; in the game the path is laid from feeling to organized action and from action to feeling; in a word, in the game, as in a focus, they gather, manifest in it and through it all aspects of the mental life of the individual are formed; in the roles that the child, playing, assumes, expands, enriches, deepens the very personality of the child. S.L. Rubinshtein notes that in the game, to one degree or another, the properties necessary for learning at school are formed, which determine readiness for learning.

    The game, undoubtedly, is of the most significant importance for the formation of the basic mental functions and processes of the preschool child. As in the pre-preschool period, the main thing in the development of the child is the mastery of objective actions and speech, so in the preschool age, the main thing is the development of an act regulated by social norms. Its formation is a fundamental acquisition or neoformation of the preschool period in human development, which in no way excludes the importance of the game for the formation of the child's psyche and the enrichment of his spiritual life.

    Play is a particularly spontaneous quality of the child, and at the same time, all of it is based on the relationship of the child with adults. Adults, taking into account the capabilities of the child, create for him, on the basis of their labor, such forms of existence in which play can become the main type of his activity; a child can bake pies from clay or sand, because the mother bakes for him other, real, edible ones.

    From communication with adults, the child draws the motives of his games. At the same time, especially at first, a significant role in the development of games belongs to the imitation of the actions of adults surrounding the child (L.S. Vygotky).

    Adults direct the child's games so that they become for him a preparation for life, the first "school" of his early childhood, a means of his upbringing and education.

    But the child, of course, does not play in order to prepare for life: the game becomes for him a preparation for life because adults organize it in this way. The possibility of organizing it in this way is due to the fact that, as we have already seen, the game naturally and naturally includes, first of all, the new, emerging and not yet familiar - developing.

    At different stages of development, children are characterized by different games - in logical accordance with the general nature of this stage. By participating in the development of the child, the game itself develops.

    Subsequently, the game, according to N.P. Anikeeva, especially in adults, having separated from non-playing activities and becoming more complicated in its plot content, it completely goes to the stage, to the theater, to the stage, to the stage, separating itself from life like a ramp, and takes on new specific forms and features. At the same time, the complexity of the plot content and, most importantly, the perfection that its embodiment in action requires at higher levels of development, give the game a special character. The game becomes art. This art requires a lot of special work on yourself. Art becomes a specialty, a profession. The game here turns into work. There are only a few people who play, act in the game-art; among adults, only they retain for themselves, raising it to new stage, that privilege, which everyone enjoys in childhood, to assume all kinds of roles available to the imagination and embody in their own activity their many-sided life; the rest participate in the game as spectators, experiencing but not acting; not by action, but by a dream, they enter into one role or another, which also requires a more or less high level of development.

    The internal character and results of the development that takes place in the process of play depend on what content play acquires by reflecting the adult life surrounding the child.

    The game does not appear with the birth of the child. True, even a nursing baby shows interest in bright and sounding objects. He seeks to touch and grasp, manipulate them.

    The rudiments of play activity appear when the child, not without the influence of adults, takes on this or that role, when one object acts as a designation for another object or being. Then it becomes possible to “ride” or “fly” on a chair, like on a car or plane, ride on a stick, like on a horse, etc. “In the game, the child creates an imaginary situation,” emphasizes L.S. Vygotsky, noting the extraordinary importance in the play of the imagination, which allows the illusory realization of unrealizable desires.

    Along with the development of the child, the enrichment of his life experience, the game itself develops. It becomes more and more story-driven. Its center moves from action with objects to the depiction of actions and relationships in the life of adults. Summarizing the extensive experimental material, the author of the monograph "Psychology of the Game" D.B. Elkonin comes to the conclusion that “the path of development of the game goes from a specific objective action to a generalized game action and from it to a game role-playing action: eat with a spoon; feed with a spoon; feed the doll with a spoon; to feed a doll with a spoon like a mother - this is a schematic way in a role-playing game ", and" the role is the semantic center of the game, and both the created game situation and game actions serve for its implementation.

    What is the need for a child's play activity? A growing child is by nature an active being, mastering a huge amount of information thanks to his curiosity. But he is not able to satisfy his vital needs for food, clothing, shelter, etc. by his activity. But he doesn't need it now. Therefore, he can afford to engage in unproductive activities, activities for their own sake, for the sake of the pleasure that it delivers. And she gives pleasure not only to the process motor activity sense organs and parts of the body, but also by the fact that it resolves the contradiction between the need to act like an adult and the inability to act realistically, to really carry out those operations that require the content of the action (to drive a car, treat a patient, cook dinner, etc.) . Can this contradiction be resolved at all? - puts the question A.N. Leontiev and answers it as follows: “Yes, it can be resolved, but it can be resolved in a child only in one single type of activity, namely, in play activity, in play. This is explained by the fact that the game is not a productive activity, its motive lies not in the result, but in the content of the action itself. Therefore, a game action is free from that obligatory side of it, which is determined by the real conditions of this action, i.e. free from obligatory modes of action, operations.

    In their play activities, players do not directly depend on what practical necessity or social obligation dictates. The doctor, busy with his work, treats the patient because his professional or official duties require it; the child, playing doctor, "treats" others only because it attracts him. The game expresses a more direct attitude to life, it proceeds from immediate motives - immediate interests and needs.

    These immediate impulses are, of course, mediated in their own way. They do not come from the depths of a developing individual, as if closed in himself; they are born out of his contact with the world and are mediated by all human relationships in which the child is included from the very beginning. In the process of his spiritual development, the world opens up to him more and more. He sees the diverse actions of the people around him, and much before he is able to master the knowledge and skills underlying them, all the complex techniques that ensure the practical effectiveness of actions, he already experiences these actions in his own way, and the activity manifested in them, full of irresistible attraction for him. The child vividly feels the attraction of what is connected with the role that parents play in life, and the doctor, and the pilot, and the warrior who defends his homeland, and the driver who controls the train. From contact with the external world, the child develops diverse inner impulses, which stimulate him to action by their immediate attractiveness.

    When a child plays a particular role, he is not just fictitiously transferred into someone else's personality, writes N.P. Anikeeva; assuming a role and entering it, he expands, enriches, deepens his own personality. The importance of play for the development of not only imagination, thinking, will, but also the personality of the child as a whole is based on this relation of the child's personality to his role.

    In life in general, not only in play, the role that a person assumes, the functions that he therefore performs, the totality of relations in which he is thus included, leave a significant imprint on the person himself, on his entire internal appearance. .

    Chapter 2

    1 The problem of the relationship of gaming, labor and educational activities in the educational process of the school

    The game of the individual is always closely connected with the activity on which the existence of the given species is based. Each age is characterized by its leading activity. For younger schoolchildren, this is education; for older children, labor also begins to play a certain role.

    This connection between play and learning and work is vividly reflected in the content of games: all of them usually reproduce certain types of practical non-play activities.

    The game associated with such activities, however, is in no way limited to the production, technical and educational content of the activity and is not reducible to imitation of production and technical operations. Essential in labor as a source of play is its social essence, the specific nature of labor activity as an activity that, instead of simply adapting to nature, like the life activity of animals, changes it. The same can be said about educational activities. The game is connected with practice, with the impact on the world. In the game, for the first time, the child’s need to influence the world is formed and manifested in this basic, according to L.S. Vygotsky, the central and most general meaning of the game.

    Being associated with work and study, the game, however, is different from them. In order to understand play from its relation to labor, it is necessary to take it both in unity with labor and in contrast to it. Both the commonality of the game with difficulty, and their difference appear, first of all, in their motivation.

    The main difference between gaming activity and labor is not in any particular manifestations, but in a general attitude to one's activity. While working, a person does not only what he has an immediate need or immediate interest in; all the time he does what needs to be or must be done, to which he is compelled by practical necessity or impelled by his duties, regardless of the presence of an immediate interest or an immediate need.

    O.S. Gazman says that the educational game has the same structure as any educational activity, i.e. it includes the goal, the means, the process of the game and the result. In addition to educational, the game pursues two goals at the same time: gaming and educational. On the one hand, it is a means of modeling the surrounding reality, and on the other hand, it is a methodical method of teaching. The creative atmosphere, freedom from the template that arise during the game, contribute to the liberation of the creative reserves of the human psyche, neutralize the feeling of anxiety, create a sense of calm, and facilitate communication.

    Play has a huge positive effect on the learning activities of intellectually passive children, who are the majority in our school. Special studies were carried out, as a result of which it turned out that in the process of playing such a child is able to perform a volume of educational work that is completely inaccessible to him in a normal educational situation.

    Thus, the game, being the leading activity in preschool age, nevertheless, does not lose its significance for younger and older students. However, now it is fading into the background, and the task of the teacher or parents is to bring something new to it for the child.

    2.2 Didactic game in biology lessons

    Wherever we are, we are surrounded by animals and plants everywhere. But studying biology does not mean only getting acquainted with the species composition of flora and fauna, knowing individual representatives. This is the study of a large number of concepts and definitions, laws and patterns. To make such work interesting and exciting, at the same time scientific and informative, to increase the activity of students, interest in the subject is now the main task.

    Students cannot be forced to think, reflect on this or that task, question. With the help of the game, we captivate, not force. Activity has a positive effect both on the processes of thinking, memorization, increasing this ability and enhancing the strength of what is remembered. This can be achieved in various ways: by showing experiments, by organizing observations of various types, by an unusual story, etc.

    game situation contributes to a faster and more accessible assimilation of knowledge and skills. This is necessary because modern conditions characterized by humanization of the educational process, appeal to the personality of the child. The implementation of this task objectively requires a new approach to learning, to the organization of the entire cognitive process. In addition, the modern school requires to teach each child to learn independently. The more autonomy we give students in completing learning tasks, the more effective the learning process will be. This is a serious reason for the wider use of the game in the organization of the learning process.

    AND I. Lerner writes that an equally important requirement is to reduce the mental and physical overload of schoolchildren. The game is one of the means that contains real opportunities for the implementation of these areas of the school.

    The game, like any other means, becomes an educational factor only under certain conditions. The main one is the attitude towards children, which is changing for the better, and is expressed with the help of game techniques. Teachers themselves should actively participate in the game, and not be outside observers.

    The didactic game in the lesson helps to change the emotional atmosphere, which becomes more lively, relieves tension, fatigue and allows students to set up to assimilate new information. But the didactic game cannot be considered as entertainment or recreation in the classroom.

    As observations show, many teachers have not quite correct attitudes regarding the didactic game. The teacher still receives a lot of methodological recommendations, which, along with effective didactic games, offer those that only distract students and take up valuable lesson time. The problem of didactic play cannot be considered in isolation from the direction of the pedagogical process.

    What is a didactic game? Didactic games - a kind of games with rules, specially created by pedagogy for the purpose of teaching and perceiving children, because. these two processes are inextricably linked.

    The game as a didactic tool, as a child's activity, as a way for children to learn about the world in which they live, undoubtedly, strongly intrudes into the field of didactics, but is used at school, especially in teenage and senior grades, to a small extent.

    The school faces a specific task - to learn how to pedagogically manage a didactic game, taking into account its educational potentials and the psychological characteristics of a child's development in the game.

    There are several types of didactic games.

    Exercise games. They usually take 10-15 minutes and are aimed at improving the cognitive abilities of students, they are a good tool for developing cognitive interests, understanding and consolidating educational material, and applying it in new situations. Exercise games include: a variety of quizzes, crosswords, rebuses, chainwords, charades, puzzles, botanical and zoological lotto, explanation of proverbs and sayings about plants and animals. The motivation of schoolchildren for these games, based on the desire to show conjecture, ingenuity in mental activity, can and should be used in the development of students' cognitive activity.

    Riddles, puzzles, puzzles can be used in biology lessons in grades 5-8. Working with riddles helps to develop observation, resourcefulness in children, develop logical thinking. In order to solve riddles, students must know well the material of the school textbook, additional literature. Riddles are compiled on the basis of encryption of the most significant features of an object or phenomenon. Solving riddles involves the formation in children of the ability to solve logical tasks enclosed in them. When guessing a riddle, you can help children identify in the required sequence all the signs contained in it, because. often it is the violation of the order of analysis of the available data that leads to errors. Riddles can be used when issuing new material, consolidating it, in general lessons. You can additionally ask various questions to riddles, for example: What family do these plants belong to? To what class? Name the common features of the class, family. What do you know about this plant? What other plants belonging to this family can you name? Thus, the acquired knowledge is consolidated.

    Games - exercises can also take place when students do homework. For example, crossword puzzles.

    A crossword puzzle is a word guessing game to fill in a square shape. When compiling crossword puzzles, age differences in perception, attention, memory, and thinking of schoolchildren are taken into account. It is better to do a small number of tasks in educational crossword puzzles. Depending on the characteristics of a particular class and the individual abilities of children, tasks can be changed and varied.

    The most useful crosswords for the development of terminology. If desired, students can make a crossword puzzle on a given topic at home.

    Biology requires a lot of vocabulary work from students. The need to memorize a large number of terms, their meaning often causes difficulties for students. In this regard, puzzles can be used.

    A rebus is a task in which a word or sentence is encrypted using drawings, letters or signs.

    Games - travel can be carried out both directly in the classroom and in the process of extracurricular activities. They serve mainly the purposes of generalization and consolidation of educational material. They also diversify the work with the map well. Games - travel are built in different ways, including on a fabulous basis. Such a game allows you to work out not only the ability to know the map, but also to read it. The ability to imagine the real world behind a combination of drawings and signs of a map develops. The interrelationships of various natural phenomena and human activity are learned, including those that are not shown on the map, but are due to what is shown on it. The activation of students in travel games is expressed in oral stories, search questions, students' answers, in their personal experiences and judgments. Examples of such games are "Journey in the Footsteps of Fruits and Seeds"; "Traveling around the globe with a red book"; "Traveling with an erythrocyte through the circulatory system", etc.

    Games - travel enhance the impression, observation, draw children's attention to what is nearby, teach not to be indifferent to what is happening in nature. These games use many ways of revealing cognitive content in combination with play activities. They can also be used in the lessons of learning new material, according to the principle of self-learning, i.e. so that they themselves direct the student to master knowledge and skills.

    The role-playing game is one of the forms of education that provides the student with an active position in learning activities. Such games differ from exercise games and travel games in that they are staged and the students play certain roles. In such games, children reflect various aspects of life (social experiences, economic, agricultural, etc.), features of adult relationships, and refine their knowledge of the surrounding reality. A distinctive feature of a role-playing game is the presence of roles, plot, game actions.

    Intellectual games can be distinguished into a special group, organized according to the type of such games. popular games, like what? Where? When? Own game, Brain-ring. With the proper level of methodological elaboration, these games are quite simple to conduct, interesting for students, and have a wide range of applications. By changing the level and complexity of the questions, they can be used both among younger students and among older and even students.

    Methodically, it is also quite simple to conduct such games. All students are divided into teams with an equal number of people (optimally - 6-7 people in each team). Each team is given specially prepared answer sheets, which are a sheet of paper measuring 5 x 5 cm, on which the word “Team” and the word “Question” are printed. In the "Team" column, students write the name of their team (or its number, depending on the organization of the game), and in the "Question" column, the number of the question being asked is noted. Also on the form is free place for student response. When all teams are ready, you can start playing. The facilitator reads out the question, then a minute is announced, during which the teams discuss among themselves the various answers, and then write down the one that they consider correct on the form and hand it over to the facilitator's assistant. He selects the correct answers and assigns 1 point to the corresponding teams. Accounting can be carried out both manually and using a special computer program. At the end of the game, the winning team receives a certificate and a small prize.

    This form of the game helps to broaden the horizons of the student, develops logical thinking and the ability to work in a team.

    Certain methodological knowledge and skills will help to conduct a didactic game correctly. This knowledge helps to apply the best option didactic game at a particular stage of the lesson. Children should be prepared for didactic games in advance, taking into account, first of all, the time of the game, some attributes and rules. This will allow you to pre-set the children for the game and prepare creatively for it.

    The didactic functions of the game should ensure a fairly wide, but feasible, creative and mental activity of students in the field of biology and related disciplines, correspond to age characteristics, the degree of preparation and the development of the horizons of students. The game should start with more simple tasks, gradually moving to more complex ones. Tasks should contain elements of fascination and give the opportunity to accept several answers, including non-standard ones.

    Attributes should be beautiful, bright, mysterious, unusual. Visualization should be simple and capacious, aesthetically correct. Errors must be excluded, because this reduces the interest of the game, the authority of the teacher. The visualization used in the process of a didactic game should be more schematic than pictorial.

    Games are best played at a fast pace so that each student can participate in the game with maximum activity. This requires a preliminary calculation of the duration of each stage of the game and its mandatory implementation during the game.

    A group of observers must not be left unattended; they must be given an important role as arbiter; watching the game, the arbiter draws conclusions, gives an assessment of the course of events, but in no case makes personal assessments of the players - the arbiter acts as an outside observer of the situation and expresses his impressions of what he saw. It is better to conduct a didactic game expressively and emotionally. This ensures the interest of children, the desire to listen, to participate in the game, to be an active participant.

    The teacher, as the host of the game, constantly activates the work of passive students. Sometimes it is useful to introduce reward and penalty points into the rules of the game. Means and methods that increase the emotional attitude of children to the game should be considered not as an end in itself, but as a path leading to the fulfillment of didactic tasks.

    The teacher should not allow children to lose interest in the game, subjectivity in dishonesty. It is necessary to skillfully regulate the course of the game. In addition, the teacher, supplementing the game with his own elements, must include various options for games, warm-ups, enabling the losing team to catch up. If these recommendations are not taken into account, then the losing team loses interest in the game by a wide margin, and most often refuses to play.

    During the game, discipline and order are necessary. During the game, it is necessary to ensure a normal psychological and pedagogical climate. Between the teacher and the children there should be an atmosphere of respect, mutual understanding, trust, empathy. It is better to keep the tone friendly, loyal.

    Using didactic games, it is better not to oversaturate the educational process with gaming activities, because. too frequent use of didactic games in the classroom leads to a situation where students will perceive the biology course as a game as a whole.

    It is desirable to have a system of developed didactic games that have been tested more than once in biology lessons, taking into account previously made mistakes, if any.

    The effectiveness of the use of didactic games depends on all of the above tips. Proper conduct of didactic games is ensured by a clear organization, knowledge of the methodology.

    N.P. Anikeeva notes that the use of didactic games in the learning process has certain limitations.

    In classes with a pronounced activity of students in the classroom and high level their performance is of greater interest to games that have the opportunity to demonstrate erudition, ingenuity, ingenuity and be the first in knowledge of the material being studied. In such classes, games should not be held, the purpose of which is to memorize certain concepts, laws, phenomena, because. students have well-developed attention, memory, and similar educational activities do not cause difficulties for them.

    Didactic games are more often used when deepening previously received material in grades 5-6, tk. Students like these lessons, they are happy to join the game.

    In high school, didactic games are used less frequently, because. the study of biology occurs in students more consciously. Role-playing games are more often used, because. they contain prof. orientation information. To conduct such games, more thorough preparation is required, both on the part of the teacher and on the part of the students. Given these features, it is optimal to use them 1-2 times a year.

    When explaining new educational material, one should not get carried away with a large number of didactic games, because. the educational significance of the topic, its scientific nature, should not be disguised by playful, entertaining functions and attributes. Very often, it is they, as a brighter factor, that will remain in the mind and memory of the student, and the scientific nature of the topic will be lost. When explaining new material, games are used using a historical-logical approach so that students can imagine and feel the level of development of science at that time, and follow the logic of this or another discovery.

    Long-term didactic games are not held, they tire the students, because require a lot of dedication. A better and more effective result in the process of teaching biology helps to achieve games that are short in time (5-10 minutes). These can be anagrams, monograms, riddles, signal card games, etc. .

    2.3 Role-playing games in biology education

    Role-playing games in biology lessons - effective method engage students in communicative activities, they contribute to the development of collective competence.

    Thanks to role-playing games, the lesson can be made interesting, lively, and exciting. In a role-playing game, a different method of communicating with students is used, which is fundamentally different from the usual explanations, stories, demonstrations, repetitions, from the most traditional forms. A role-playing game is not like a regular lesson, it is interesting and brings joy to children, activates cognitive activity, broadens horizons, realizes creative powers and opportunities. And not a single type of activity has such a solid organic base as the game-activity prescribed by the very nature of human development.

    If you ask kids, teenagers, high school students if they like to play, we will hear a unanimous answer: “Yes!” And, although everyone knows that role-playing often requires the highest effort, nevertheless, it seems to everyone that “playing”, unlike “working”, is not at all difficult. Knowing this, the child enters the game openly, without fear or fear.

    At the heart of a role-playing game are small scenarios that must be played out in distributed roles. In such biology lessons, students assume certain roles, determined by the nature and content of the topic of the lesson, the peculiarity of the problem being solved. The game may contain characters that imitate biological, medical, social, business relations, complicated by the invented participants in the situation. Children in role-playing games show a very high degree of creativity: they write scripts with pleasure, poems and songs for the script, sew costumes, make drawings, dummies. You can conduct a lesson on the topic "Violation of neuro-humoral regulation" in the form of a role-playing game in grade 8. At the lesson, skits are played with the participation of an endocrinologist, patients, students, physicians.

    Imagine an endocrinologist's office. The girl playing this role is dressed in a white coat, she sits at the table and leads the reception. A woman comes to the reception, her role is played by another student. The woman complains of weakness, itching of the skin, large amounts of urine, dry mouth, weight loss. The doctor performs a blood sugar test. Blood sugar is elevated. An endocrinologist diagnoses diabetes mellitus. The patient is interested in what kind of disease this is, how to treat it, why did she have it? The doctor explains that diabetes is a fairly common disease. It can be at any age. Psychological trauma can cause illness. Often, its development is facilitated by overeating, especially carbohydrate-rich foods (flour products, sugar, sweets). The main thing in the treatment of diabetes is a physiological diet and a sufficient amount of insulin. With improper treatment, complications develop.

    Thanks to role-playing games, it is easy, just interesting to reveal disorders associated with hypo- and hyperfunction of the endocrine glands, get acquainted with measures for the prevention of endocrine diseases, and show the successes of medicine in the treatment of endocrine diseases. A lesson on the topic “Food Hygiene” in the 8th grade can cause great interest in children. The lesson can take the form of a talk show "to eat or not to eat," to drink or not to drink. A host, a nutritionist, a spectator from the audience, a vegetarian, a follower of a raw food diet, an infectious disease doctor, a chemist, a pediatrician enter into a dispute. And in a dispute, truth is born. The children in the lesson looked at themselves from the outside, they became interested in healthy eating and lifestyle.

    The role-playing game "Court on bad habits" can help children form the correct orientation and choice of life position in the context of progressive drug addiction, alcoholism and smoking in the 10th grade.